In The Picture American English Teacher

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1 Warm up

Match the words and pictures.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

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We often use the verbs go, play, and do to talk about sports and activities. Read the table.

go you move your body from one swimming, ________________,

place to another while you do ________________

play team games with balls golf, ________________,


do an activity for one person gymnastics, ________________,


Add the other sports and activities from the first exercise to the table.

Which of the sports and activities in the table do you enjoy? Why?

2 Listening 1

Look at each pair of pictures and say how they are different. Then listen to the description and decide
which picture (A or B) the speaker is describing.

1. going skiing

Picture A Picture B

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2. playing tennis

Picture A Picture B

3. doing karate

Picture A Picture B

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3 Listening 2

Read the descriptions and choose the best words to complete the sentences.

Picture 1: going skiing

There (1) are / is two people in this picture. (2) There / They are skiing in the mountains, and
there (3) are / is a lot of snow on the ground. They are (4) skiing / ski together, so maybe they
are a couple. The sun is shining, and they are probably very happy on this beautiful day.

Picture 2: playing tennis

There (1) are / is two players in this picture. They are (2) playing / played outside, and the
woman in blue (3) are / is running to hit the ball. They are probably practicing because (4)
there / it is a basket of balls in the middle. Maybe they are friends, and they play every

Picture 3: doing karate

There (1) are / is a karate class in this picture. The teacher (2) are / is watching two boys.
The boy on the left (3) is having / has an orange belt, so maybe he’s a higher level. They are
probably training for a competition. (4) There / They are also two girls in the class.

Find words with these meanings in the descriptions:

1. a container with a handle that people use to carry things or keep things in:

2. practicing a sport or exercising to prepare for a special event:

3. two people who are in a relationship, like boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife:

Which two words are used in all the descriptions to show what the speaker thinks but does not know
for sure?

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4 Language point

When we describe pictures or photographs, we usually use this language.

Content: To describe the most important things in the photo, we use there is or there are.

There is a karate class in this picture. There is a lot of snow on the ground.

There are also two girls in the class.

When do we use there is and when do we use there are?

Note: we often make a contraction with there is: There’s a karate class. There’s a lot of snow on the
ground. We cannot make a contraction with there are.

Action in photos: We talk about actions in photos using the present continuous.

They are playing outside, and the woman in blue is running to hit the ball.

We often use present continuous to describe the weather: The sun is shining.

How is the present continuous formed?

Note: we often make a contraction with present continuous: They’re playing outside. The sun’s shining.

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States and repeated actions: We use present simple, not present continuous, to talk about these.

Maybe they are friends, and they play every weekend.

The boy on the left has an orange belt, so maybe he’s a higher level.

Which example describes a repeated action?

Which example describes a state, or something that is always true?

Note: when we talk about people’s opinions or the things they own, we use the present simple. For
example: They have their own skis. She likes sports.

When you think (but don’t know) something: use adverbs to show that you are guessing.

Maybe they are friends ...

... they are probably very happy on this beautiful day.

They are probably training for a competition.

These words go in different places in a sentence. Maybe goes at the front of the sentence or clause,
before the subject. Probably goes after a to be verb and before an adjective or -ing form.

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5 Practice

Look at the two pictures and read the descriptions. Find and correct five mistakes in each description.

Playing basketball

There are a basketball team in this picture. The players all use wheelchairs. Their coach speaking
to them. They are playing maybe in a competition. A photographer takes a picture of the team.
They probably are famous.

Doing yoga

The people in this picture are playing yoga. They are lots of people in the class, and there are a mat
on the floor for each person. They are doing the exercises, but maybe it’s difficult. One woman is
laugh, and another woman doesn’t doing the exercise. They are probably beginners.

Find an example of a state verb in one of the descriptions.

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6 Writing and speaking

Work in A/B pairs. Choose one of your pictures and follow the instructions in the box to write a
description. Then present your description to your partner. Listen and decide which picture your
partner is describing.

Picture description

• Write 5 sentences, ~50 words

• Use present continuous
• Use there is / there are
• Include contractions if you can
• Use maybe / probably
• Can you use a state verb?

Student A: going running

Picture 1 Picture 2

Student B: doing gymnastics

Picture 1 Picture 2

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7 Optional extension

Where do people do these sports and activities? Write the places in the box next to the correct sport
or activity. Two of the places are used twice.

1. baseball

2. basketball

3. soccer

4. golf

5. gymnastics

6. karate

7. running

8. skating

9. ski

10. swimming

11. tennis

12. yoga

How often do you go to these places?

Do you know any other places and the sports that happen there?

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2. Listening 1

Picture 1: going skiing: There are two people in this picture. They are skiing in the mountains, and
there is a lot of snow on the ground. They are skiing together, so maybe
they are a couple. The sun is shining, and they are probably very happy on
this beautiful day.

Picture 2: playing tennis: There are two players in this picture. They are playing outside, and the
woman in blue is running to hit the ball. They are probably practicing
because there is a basket of balls in the middle. Maybe they are friends,
and they play every weekend.

Picture 3: doing karate: There is a karate class in this picture. The teacher is watching two boys.
The boy on the left has an orange belt so maybe he’s a higher level. They
are probably training for a competition. There are also two girls in the class.

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1. Warm up

10 mins.
Part 1: Students identify sports/activities by matching words and pictures. Check answers and pronunciation -
stressed syllables are underlined.

1. golf 2. basketball 3. gymnastics 4. karate

5. running 6. skiing 7. swimming 8. tennis
9. yoga
Part 2: Go over the information and the table about go, play, and do - these verbs collocate with different sports
and activities, and there are some guidelines to determine which verb to use. Elicit two more examples for each
verb using the items from the first exercise. Finally pose the follow-up question to elicit some brief personal
responses. Tell students they will be looking at and describing photos of some of these sports during the lesson.
go: running, skiing
play: basketball, tennis
do: karate, yoga

2. Listening 1

10 mins.
Students listen for main idea to distinguish between two similar pictures. Look at the first pair of pictures with the
class and elicit some ways in which they are different - this may be number of people, location, gender, etc. Then
play the recording for students to decide if picture A or B is being described. Students can listen more than once
if they need to. Continue in the same way for pictures 2 and 3.
1. A
2. B
3. B

3. Listening 2

10 mins.
Students listen for detailed information, picking out some key structures for picture description that will be
explained further in the language point. It is assumed that they already have some familiarity with present
continuous and there is/are. Give them a moment to look through each description and predict the best answers
before you play each recording. They can listen more than once. Check answers and pose the follow-up questions
to develop vocabulary and help students notice maybe and probably.
Part 1:
Picture 1: going skiing
1) are, 2) They, 3) is, 4) skiing
Picture 2: playing tennis

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1) are, 2) playing, 3) is, 4) there

Picture 3: doing karate
1) is, 2) is, 3) has, 4) There
Part 2

1. a basket 2. training 3. a couple

Which two words are used in all the descriptions to show what the speaker thinks but does not know for sure?
Maybe and probably.

4. Language point

10 mins.
Students often feel unsure about what to say in a long-turn task like a picture description, and having a list of
target language can help them to feel more confident. These language points may not be new to students, but
being able to put them all together to make a coherent description is still challenging.
Go over the introduction and then present each of the four points one by one, giving students time to answer the
questions. You may need to explain the meaning of contraction, state verb, and clause.
Note: talking about pictures and photos is an important part of Cambridge speaking exams. Students may also
need to talk about photos in work, study, and social contexts.

When do we use there is and when do we use there are?There is introduces a singular noun (or an uncountable
noun), and there are introduces plural nouns.

How is the present continuous formed?am/is/are + verb with -ing

Which example describes a repeated action?They play every weekend.

Which example describes a state, or something that is always true?The boy on the left has an orange belt - he
owns this belt, and the color shows his level, and we could consider that both of these are permanent qualities.

5. Practice

10 mins.
Students apply the information in the Language point to an error correction exercise. Focus attention on the
pictures and demonstrate with the first item. Students can continue alone, and then check answers in pairs before
you check with the whole class. Pose the follow-up question.
1. There is a basketball team in this picture. The players all use wheelchairs. Their coach is speaking to them.
Maybe they are playing in a competition. A photographer is taking a picture of the team. They are probably
2. The people in this picture are doing yoga. There are lots of people in the class, and there is a mat on the floor for
each person. They are doing the exercises, but maybe it’s difficult. One woman is laughing, and another woman
isn’t doing the exercise. They are probably beginners.

Find an example of a state verb in one of the descriptions. The players all use wheelchairs.

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6. Writing and speaking

10 mins.
Students formulate a short description to share with a partner, who responds by indicating the picture being
described. Set up A/B pairs and go over the instructions and the target language. Give students a few minutes
to prepare their description - they can ask for help from the teacher or use a dictionary if they need support with
the vocabulary, but they should aim to use language they already know. Students then deliver the presentation,
and their partner responds. Monitor and support as necessary and round off this stage with some corrections,
including pronunciation. Early finishers can formulate descriptions of the two pictures which weren’t used.

7. Optional extension

10 mins.
This activity is intended as a filler or cooler if you have time in your lesson. Explain the task and let students
complete the exercise - they could work in pairs and do what they know first before checking an English-English
dictionary for the rest - a good opportunity to practice dictionary skills. Check answers and pronunciation and
pose the follow-up questions.

1. field 2. court 3. field 4. course

5. gymnasium 6. dojo 7. track 8. rink
9. slope 10. pool 11. court 12. studio

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