Profile - D.S

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From gloom to beacon light

Why does a man die ? The conundrum has been haunting every intellectual mind ever since the
advent of human civilization - eventually every living being reconciling itself to its lot of
mortality. But when a strong, well-built young man dies all of a sudden, apparently showing no
sign of his body organisms going phut, the question gives a hard stare at our face, particularly
at the medical scientists who boast of having taken significant strides in medical treatment
over the centuries.

This was the question that perturbed the minds of two brothers, Dr. Uma Shankar Tiwari and
Prof. Shiva Shankar Trivedi, when in January, 1965, their healthy, strong and sturdy younger
brother Daya Shankar Tiwari died in Delhi within eight days of falling ill, without his ailment
being diagnosed or without he being given any proper treatment. A hard, shocking truth was
yet awaiting them in Delhi where they went to apprise themselves of the cause of their dear
brother's demise.
Young Daya Shankar was in the army and naturally he was treated by a team of army doctors.
When the two brothers met the doctor who led the team, the latter made a shocking
revelation. Kind and humanitarian by nature, the doctor consoled them, but added, "We cannot
diagnose diseases, we do not treat diseases, we have no curative medicines for any disease - so
we cannot claim to cure any disease. We simply test, treat and try to pacify the symptoms and
maintain the biochemistry of the living organisms. How can we say as to what disease your dear
brother had suffered from?"
Indeed a startling and shocking revelation! The inefficacy of the medicinal treatment stunned
the two brothers. They soon realized that the very basis of the preparation and composition of
all medicines were drugs and poisons. The more the medical science advanced, the more was
the use of drugs and poisons. Drugs and poisons are by nature disease-creating and are
veritable agents of death. How could they, therefore, be turned into curatives for diseases?
This realization virtually was the turning point in the lives of the two brothers, both teachers
by profession. A desire silently germinated in their hearts, which soon took the shape of a
solemn pledge and ultimately it became the summum bonum of their lives to work in search of
the science of cures and curative medicines. Thus D. S. Research Centre came into existence
and thus began an arduous adventure in which a whole family turned into a research
organization - with all the members ardently devoted to the great cause.
The exciting and arduous adventure eventually led the brother scientists to the doorway of a
new ERA - an era that heralds the glitter of sunshine.
The brothers have succeeded in revolutionising and changing the whole spectrum of hitherto
existing efforts and tradition of treatment. The new era is characterised by the evolution of a
novel principle, emergence of a new direction, a new dimension and invention of cures and
curative medicines, of new sets of harmless medicines for various diseases and unprecedented
results of success. The scientists wished to give wide circulation to the newly achieved
principle, but all their efforts were nothing but a cry in the wilderness.
But what is the novel principle that the scientists have evolved and what is the basis of the
preparation of medicines?
In this connection the scientists of D. S. Research Centre talk of 'Nutrient Energy' and 'Conscious
Chemistry', conscious evolution of life and functioning of conscious metabolism. They
emphasised that natural human edibles were the only sources and reservoirs of preventives and
curatives and believed that the nutrient energy was the only way out for maintaining and
developing the health conditions of human beings as it strengthened the immunity system and
increased the power of resistance against unfavourable conditions that caused diseases and
ailments. But the mindset that was tuned over the past several centuries to the constantly
revolving wheels of the principle of drug therapies was not prepared to accept the findings of
the scientists.
Thereafter,the scientists tried to establish their theory with living examples of unprecedented
successes of cure from many simple as well as complicated chronic diseases. But all went in
vain. At last in 1982 the scientists took up the challenge of conquering cancer,the most
dreadful threat to the very existence of the whole human race. They were convinced by now
that cancer was basically a single disease despite its occurrence in different parts and systems
of human
organism. Their experiences also convinced them that a curative medicine could certainly work
as a preventive as well. Going by their researches, they were sure that the cause of cancer was
extreme deviation in metabolism of human organism and this deviation might be removed only
with the help of nutrient energy.
But to dare the most dreaded demon - cancer that is - was no ordinary matter in itself. The
confident scientists, however, had no dithering, for they had already done a lot of research on
edibles and now they decided to combine nutrient energy extracted from 1621 human edibles
and prepare 'SARVAPISTI' - the wonder medicine for all types of cancer. Now the time came for
trying and proving of this medicine. It was not an easy job, for all the renowned cancer
hospitals nodded in the negative to lend a co-operating hand in this respect. At last, it was
decided to apply 'Sarvapisti' on terminally ill patients who had been sent back home by
hospitals as being beyond the limits of any treatment, but not before destroying the patients'
physical vitality and inner immunity system by the application of dangerous chemo drugs and
poisons. The work was certainly tough for a simple Indian family organisation. The pace was
obviously slow, but never disheartening as the scientists had unprecedented successes behind
them to inspire them in their war against cancer.
As the campaign moved ahead, cancer of all forms and stages-acute leukemia, liver cancer,
cancer of gall bladder Ca. Sarcoma of bones, Astrocytoma of brain and other types of cancer of
brain, cancer of stomach and Oesophagus, cancer of pancreas and dangerously advanced
metastatic cases - were cured. Today, thousands of human being are living a healthy life as
burning examples of Sarvapisti's positive capability and these living results would themselves
speak the language of life - life that is healthy, cancer - free 'plus' life.
D. S. Research Centre has published three books - 'Cancer Harne Laga Hai' in Hindi, 'Cancer is
Curable Now' in English and 'Cancer Parajita Aaj' in Bengali. While the Hindi edition contains
evidential and scientific details of 100 hundred cancer victors, the other two edition contain
111 such eases each. These are not merely tomes to be read only, but they bear a call, an
invitation, a message to all scientists, doctors, intellectuals working for the welfare of
humanity to come forward to further develop this novel principal, give momentum to the
movement started by D. S. Research Centre to wipe out not only cancer, but all other diseases
from the face of the earth and create
an atmosphere of health and stability in Human society.
No disease is incurable, be that a simple one or a malignant one like cancer or one like AIDS. It
cannot be the fate of any living organism to suffer from a disease till its end. It may be
mentioned here that stray incidence of cure from cancer did happen in the past, but even
intense investigation just could not get to the cause these cures and the disease has remained
as mysterious as ever. But yet these flashes of undefined cures were significant enough to
assure the researchers that cancer could be conquered.
Nothing has, however, remained mysterious or enigmatic to the scientists of D. S. Research
CentreD. S. Research Centre. They have been able to cure thousands of cancer patients - even
terminally advanced cases of all types of the disease. As stated above, that has been possible
by evolving a new principle of therapy with a scientific approach. These scientists have been
able to define the very basis of diseases and have invented many curative medicines for various
diseases after long scientific researches. They have, indeed, revolutionised the pattern of
medicinal treatment from the level of theory to the level of practice.
In the course of their result - oriented experiments and provings these scientists have
redefined 'ANNA' (molecules charged with consciousness) as the foundation of the origin and
evolution of life. They have worked on a novel principle of chemistry which they call 'Conscious
Chemistry'. 'Conscious Chemistry', they define, is the chemistry, planned, programmed,
disciplined, governed, motivated, and propagated by consciousness and it is this chemistry that
runs the chemistry of living organisms. They have also redefined metabolism as a conscious
phenomenon, evolving itself to create different species of life and then multiplying itself again
to govern conscious chemistry in numberless units of life.
A passing mention of the principle may make things more obscure, so better defer the
discussion till the publication of the book, 'Conscious Chemistry' by D. S. Research Centre. To
sum up the practical aspect of nutrient energy, the scientists say, "Nutrient Energy is the sole
prescription of Nature for keeping up health, resisting unfavourable condition of and curing
ailments. Our food is the reservoir of nutrient energy".

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