Relations IslamophobicThemes 2013
Relations IslamophobicThemes 2013
Relations IslamophobicThemes 2013
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Islamophobic Themes
Certain themes run through the Islamophobia
network’s messaging. Here we briefly explore some
of the more common ones.
Islam Is Not a Religion
In a surreal moment in 2011, a Tennessee judge ruled that Islam is a religion
after anti-mosque activists filed courts briefs arguing that it is not. The
federal government filed a legal brief in the case supporting Islam’s centu-
ries long standing as an actual faith. Many in the Islamophobia network,
including former Congressman Allen West, prefer to characterize Islam as a
totalitarian, theocratic, political ideology. Former General Jerry Boykin also
makes such arguments in an effort to deprive Muslims of First Amendment
Center for Security Policy and legislators in at least 31 states, have convinced
themselves that Muslims have both the desire and ability to stealthily destroy
America from within.
A Murky Endgame
What is never clear is where the Islamophobic vision for America takes
us. Should all the Muslims be deported? Disenfranchised? Put in camps?
Worse? Rhetoric advanced by Pamela Geller, Walid Shoebat and blogs like
Bare Naked Islam gives cause for concern. Legislators passing laws designed
to vilify Islam while serious candidates for our nation’s highest office speak
of loyalty oaths demands a national pause and realignment with founding