Why We Have Never Used The Black-Scholes-Merton Option Pricing Formula
Why We Have Never Used The Black-Scholes-Merton Option Pricing Formula
Why We Have Never Used The Black-Scholes-Merton Option Pricing Formula
variable (or, equivalently, all the future probabilities). This is consciousness, Mark Rubinstein was awarded in 1995 the
what makes it clash with practice –the rectification by the Financial Engineer of the Year award by the International
market fattening the tails is a negation of the Black-Scholes Association of Financial Engineers. There was no mention of
thought experiment. portfolio insurance and the failure of dynamic hedging.
In our discussion of these myth we will focus on the In the late 1800 and the early 1900 there were active
bottom-up literature on option theory that has been option markets in London and New York as well as in
hidden in the dark recesses of libraries. And that Paris and several other European exchanges. Markets it
addresses only recorded matters –not the actual seems, were active and extremely sophisticated option
practice of option trading that has been lost. markets in 1870. Kairys and Valerio (1997) discuss the
market for equity options in USA in the 1870s, indirectly
MYTH 1: PEOPLE DID NOT PROPERLY “PRICE” OPTIONS showing that traders were sophisticated enough to
price for tail events7.
There was even active option arbitrage trading taking
It is assumed that the Black-Scholes-Merton theory is place between some of these markets. There is a long
what made it possible for option traders to calculate list of missing treatises on option trading: we traced at
their delta hedge (against the underlying) and to price least ten German treatises on options written between
options. This argument is highly debatable, both the late 1800s and the hyperinflation episode8.
historically and analytically.
Options were actively trading at least already in the
see www.Nobel.se
1600 as described by Joseph De La Vega –implying The historical description of the market is informative
some form of technë, a heuristic method to price them until Kairys and Valerio try to gauge whether options in the
and deal with their exposure. De La Vega describes 1870s were underpriced or overpriced (using Black-Scholes-
option trading in the Netherlands, indicating that Merton style methods). There was one tail-event in this period,
operators had some expertise in option pricing and the great panic of September 1873. Kairys and Valerio find that
holding puts was profitable, but deem that the market panic
hedging. He diffusely points to the put-call parity, and was just a one-time event :
his book was not even meant to teach people about the “However, the put contracts benefit from the “financial
technicalities in option trading. Our insistence on the panic” that hit the market in September, 1873. Viewing
use of Put-Call parity is critical for the following reason: this as a “one-time” event, we repeat the analysis for puts
The Black-Scholes-Merton’s claim to fame is removing excluding any unexpired contracts written before the stock
market panic.”
the necessity of a risk-based drift from the underlying Using references to the economic literature that also conclude
security –to make the trade “risk-neutral”. But one does that options in general were overpriced in the 1950s 1960s and
not need dynamic hedging for that: simple put call 1970s they conclude: "Our analysis shows that option
contracts were generally overpriced and were unattractive for
retail investors to purchase”. They add: ”Empirically we find
5 For a standard reaction to a rare event, see the following:
that both put and call options were regularly overpriced
"Wednesday is the type of day people will remember in quant- relative to a theoretical valuation model."
land for a very long time," said Mr. Rothman, a University of These results are contradicted by the practitioner Nelson
Chicago Ph.D. who ran a quantitative fund before joining (1904): “…the majority of the great option dealers who have
Lehman Brothers. "Events that models only predicted would found by experience that it is the givers, and not the takers, of
happen once in 10,000 years happened every day for three option money who have gained the advantage in the long run”.
days." One 'Quant' Sees Shakeout For the Ages -- '10,000
Years' By Kaja Whitehouse, August 11, 2007; Page B3. Here is a partial list:
This special inclination to buy ‘calls’ and to leave the Herbert Filer was another option trader that was
‘puts’ severely alone does not, however, tend to involved in option trading from 1919 to the 1960s.
make ‘calls’ dear and ‘puts’ cheap, for it can be Filler(1959) describes what must be consider a
shown that the adroit dealer in options can convert reasonable active option market in New York and
a ‘put’ into a ‘call,’ a ‘call’ into a ‘put’, a ‘call o’ more’ Europe in the early 1920s and 1930s. Filer mention
into a ‘put- and-call,’ in fact any option into another,
however that due to World War II there was no trading
by dealing against it in the stock. We may therefore
assume, with tolerable accuracy, that the ‘call’ of a
on the European Exchanges, for they were closed.
stock at any moment costs the same as the ‘put’ of Further, he mentions that London option trading did not
that stock, and half as much as the Put-and-Call.” resume before 1958. In the early 1900, option traders
in London were considered to be the most
sophisticated, according to Nelson. It could well be that
Bielschowsky, R (1892): Ueber die rechtliche Natur der World War II and the subsequent shutdown of option
Prämiengeschäfte, Bresl. Genoss.-Buchdr trading for many years was the reason known robust
Granichstaedten-Czerva, R (1917): Die Prämiengeschäfte arbitrage principles about options were forgotten and
an der Wiener Börse, Frankfurt am Main almost lost, to be partly re-discovered by finance
Holz, L. (1905) Die Prämiengeschäfte, Thesis (doctoral)--
Universität Rostock professors such as Stoll (1969).
Kitzing, C. (1925): Prämiengeschäfte : Vorprämien-, Earlier, in 1908, Vinzenz Bronzin published a book
Rückprämien-, Stellagen- u. Nochgeschäfte ; Die solidesten
Spekulationsgeschäfte mit Versicherg auf Kursverlust, Berlin deriving several option pricing formulas, and a formula
Leser, E, (1875): Zur Geschichte der Prämiengeschäfte very similar to what today is known as the Black-
Szkolny, I. (1883): Theorie und praxis der Scholes-Merton formula. Bronzin based his risk-neutral
prämiengeschäfte nach einer originalen methode dargestellt., option valuation on robust arbitrage principles such as
Frankfurt am Main the put-call parity and the link between the forward
Author Unknown (1925): Das Wesen der
Prämiengeschäfte, Berlin : Eugen Bab & Co., Bankgeschäft price and call and put options –in a way that was
(1997) but remained unnoticed. Samuelson (1969) and Thorp (1969) published
10 Ruffino and Treussard (2006) accept that one could
somewhat similar option pricing formulas to Boness and
have solved the risk-premium by happenstance, not realizing Sprenkle. Thorp (2007) claims that he actually had an
that put-call parity was so extensively used in history. But they
find it insufficient. Indeed the argument may not be sufficient identical formula to the Black-Scholes-Merton formula
for someone who subsequently complicated the representation programmed into his computer years before Black,
of the world with some implements of modern finance such as Scholes and Merton published their theory.
“stochastic discount rates” –while simplifying it at the same
time to make it limited to the Gaussian and allowing dynamic Now, delta hedging. As already mentioned static
hedging. They write that “the use of a non-stochastic discount market-neutral delta hedging was clearly described by
rate common to both the call and the put options is Higgins and Nelson 1902 and 1904. Thorp and Kassouf
inconsistent with modern equilibrium capital asset pricing (1967) presented market neutral static delta hedging in
theory.” Given that we have never seen a practitioner use
“stochastic discount rate”, we, like our option trading more details, not only for at-the-money options, but for
predecessors, feel that put-call parity is sufficient & does the options with any delta. In his 1969 paper Thorp is
job. shortly describing market neutral static delta hedging,
The situation is akin to that of scientists lecturing birds on also briefly pointed in the direction of some dynamic
how to fly, and taking credit for their subsequent performance delta hedging, not as a central pricing device, but a
–except that here it would be lecturing them the wrong way.
Blau, G. (1944-1945): “Some Aspects of The Theory of Gârleanu, N., L. H. Pedersen, and Poteshman (2006):
Futures Trading,” The Review of Economic Studies, “Demand-Based Option Pricing”. Working Paper: New
12(1). York University - Leonard N. Stern School of Business.
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Option Value,” Journal of Political Economy, 72, 163– Gelderblom, O. and Jonker, J. (2003) ” Amsterdam as
175. the cradle of modern futures and options trading, 1550-
Bouchaud J.-P. and M. Potters (2003): Theory of 1650” , Working Paper
Financial Risks and Derivatives Pricing, From Statistical Haug E. G. (1996): The Complete Guide to Option
Physics to Risk Management, 2nd Ed., Cambridge Pricing Formulas, New York: McGraw-Hill
University Press.
Haug, E. G. (2007): Derivatives Models on Models, New
Bouchaud J.-P. and M. Potters (2001): “Welcome to a York, John Wiley & Sons
non-Black-Scholes world”, Quantitative Finance, Volume
1, Number 5, May 01, 2001 , pp. 482-483(2) Higgins, L. R. (1902): The Put-and-Call. London: E.
Breeden, D., and R. Litzenberger (1978): Prices of
state-contingent claims implicit in option prices, Journal Kairys and Valerio (1997) “The Market for Equity
of Business 51, 621–651. Options in the 1870s” Journal of Finance, Vol LII, NO.
4., Pp 1707 – 1723
Bronzin, V. (1908): Theorie der Prämiengeschäfte.
Leipzig und Wien: Verlag Franz Deticke. Keynes, J. M. (1924): A Tract on Monetary Reform. Re-
printed 2000, Amherst New York: Prometheus Books.
Cootner, P. H. (1964): The Random Character of Stock
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