Chapter - 8 Geología de Chile
Chapter - 8 Geología de Chile
Chapter - 8 Geología de Chile
Chile possesses one of the most pronounced climate gradients in the world,
extending from the world’s driest desert in the north of the country, where precipitation
is measured in mm per decade, down to the Channel and Fiords region in southern
Patagonia where rainfall can average up to 7 m/ yr or more. In contrast, thermal
buffering by the Pacific Ocean contributes to ameliorating temperature extremes,
generating a latitudinal temperature gradient that is considerably less pronounced than
in other parts of the world (Axelrod et al. 1991; Miller 1976). When coupled with
millions of years of geographic isolation due to the barrier imposed by the Andes
Cordillera, Chile today possesses a highly endemic fauna and flora tightly linked to
these gradients (Arroyo et al. 1996; Hinojosa & Villagrán 1997). Considering its
position and tectonic setting, it is perhaps not surprising that the geomorphology of
Chile over the last two million years or so (i.e. the “Quaternary”, see Gradstein et al.
2004) of climate change has been strongly influenced by the latitudinal gradient. The
ancient landscapes preserved for millions of years in the hyperarid Atacama are in stark
contrast with the many glaciations that covered the country from Andes to the coast
south of Chiloé over the last few hundreds of thousands of years. Elucidating the
precise chronology of Quaternary events affecting Chile is of great relevance to a
number of other science disciplines including ecology, evolutionary biology,
population genetics, phylogeography, biogeography and conservation.
Given this importance, records of past climate and landscape change in Chile
have been developed and described by researchers from different countries since the
beginning of the 20th C. The vast majority of such scientific endeavours have used either
palaeoecological or geological/sedimentological evidence to elaborate mostly
descriptive studies regarding palaeoclimate, geomorphology, neotectonics,
biogeography and evolution. Over the past 20 years or so, however, the pace of research
has quickened, following a worldwide demand for ever increasing and more detailed
paleoclimate data. Following this trend, recent developments in high-resolution ice core
and marine records from the mid- and high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere have
led to new studies of climate linkages and controlling mechanisms at the
interhemispheric level during and since the last ice age (Denton et al. 1999; Kim et al.
2002; Lowell et al. 1995; Mayewski et al. 2004). Quaternary research in Chile has thus
produced a truly vast amount of data: here we provide an overview of the current
situation written by active researchers from a range of different disciplines including
geology, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, biogeography and archaeology. Starting
with a consideration of offshore influences (see also Chapter 7), we move onland
though Chile from north to south, including special sections on the rich flora of the
Chiloé Archipelago and the prominent terraces around Valdivia. Finally there is an
account of the earliest colonisation of Chile by humans.
For the sake of consistency, all radiocarbon ages younger than 26,000 14C yr BP
in this chapter have been converted into calendar years before 1950 using the software
CALIB version 5.1 (available at CALPAL (, using
2004 SFCP) was used for radiocarbon ages between 26,000-50,000 yr 14C yr B.P. Ages
older than 50,000 were left uncalibrated. All ages are expressed either in calendar years
B.P. (cal yr BP) or thousands of calendar years B.P. (cal kyr BP).