Level of Reading Comprehension Research 1 1
Level of Reading Comprehension Research 1 1
Level of Reading Comprehension Research 1 1
The level of reading comprehension refers to the type of mental representation that
is made of the written text. The reader builds a mental model in which he can
integrate explicit and implicit data from the text, experiences, and previous
knowledge (Kucer, 2016; Broek et al., 2016). There are three (3) common levels of
reading comprehension and these are beginners, intermediate, and excellent. The
alphabet's letters can be named, and many of their sounds can be identified by a
beginning reader. Once they start to understand a few meanings from the text or from
a list, once they have a basic understanding of what a "word" is. When trying to spell,
it is starting to symbolize the very first and maybe final sound of a word. Readers may
comprehend material presented in straightforward, predictable, loosely related texts at
the Intermediate level. Contextual cues are very important to readers. If the text's
format is familiar to them, as it is in a weather forecast or a social announcement, they
will be able to comprehend it the easiest. The relationships amongst terms and their
meanings are known to be excellent readers. They do this by referring to their
personal encounters with the ideas and objects described in a written work. An
excellent reader will also take note of extraneous details that aid in understanding the
content. They might see, for instance, how a type of literature is being applied.
This study aims to identify the contributing factors that affect reading
comprehension and the level of reading comprehension among Grade 12 in face-to-
face classes. As well as the relationship between reading comprehension and the
possible causes affecting learners. Hence, this study seeks to answer the following
1.1. strand
2.) What are the factors that affect the reading comprehension of the students?
4.) Is there any significant relationship between the demographic profile of the
respondents and the level of their reading comprehension?
5.) Based on the findings of the study, what program may be proposed?
This research study will focus on assessing the level of reading comprehension
among the students of Umingan National High School who are attending face-to-face
classes. The scope of this study is limited to students from Grade 12, covering a
sample size of approximately 50 students. The research will only analyze the reading
comprehension level of the students and will not include any factors that affect their
academic performance. The study will be limited to the use of a standardized reading
comprehension test as the primary tool for evaluating the reading skills of the
students, and no other assessment tools will be utilized. Furthermore, this research
will not take into account the prior knowledge or reading history of the students,
which may have an impact on their reading comprehension abilities.
This, study may be important to students knowing their reading abilities; they have
the opportunity to improve their reading comprehension skills and plan for a better
instructional strategies to improve their reading disabilities. It is also important to
teachers, since through the findings they could give priority concern to the
improvement of reading abilities of their students as well as their strategies.
Curriculum planners may also consider the felt need in the secondary schools of the
establishment of a reading program that is realistic. It is hoped that they will set new
guidelines to improve to meet the reading needs of first year high school students
today. Further, school administrators may gain insight on the problems affecting the
reading skills of the students and for them and the teachers to make logical plans in
the improvement of their student’s reading skills. This study may serve as a related
study for future researchers specially in reading.
This research was based on the study of Gilakjani and Sabouri (2016) entitled "A
Study of Factors Affecting EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Skill and the
Strategies for Improvement", wherein it entails the different contributing factors that
affect the reading comprehension of the learners as well as the different strategies that
were used in improving learners' reading comprehension skill. Gilakjani and Sabouri
(2016) states that reading comprehension is a significant skill that furthers the
development of learners’ various academic tasks. It helps them decoding a text,
analyzing, explaining, and expressing their own ideas about written materials.
Learners should develop a strong ability to understand written materials to struggle
with the academic tasks that their teachers deal with them. A primary objective of
reading comprehension is to aid learners improve skills and comprehension of texts if
they want to be skilled readers. Koda (2007) said that there are various variables that
impact learners’ reading comprehension. Some of these variables involve vocabulary
knowledge, prior knowledge, metacognitive information, and reading strategies.
Trehearne and Doctorow (2005) expressed that there are other factors that affect
learners’ reading comprehension skills. These factors are learners’ reading attitudes,
useful teaching on comprehension methods, versatility, text form.
The theory is relevant to the study as the researchers are focusing on level of
comprehension of the students, it involves the levels of comprehension of the Grade
12 students of Umingan National High School. The next theory is Schema theory by
Frederic Bartlett, a British psychologist who became the first professor who did
experimental psychology at the University of Cambridge, this theory was later
developed by Richard Anderson in the 70's, upon conducting this theory Bartlett has
clearly seen that an information is much more understood when a person has a prior
knowledge with the text is based on the belief that "every act of comprehension
involves one's knowledge of the world as well (Anderson et al. in Carrell and
Eisterhold 1983:73), which means that for people to comprehend something it is
needed to include other forms of knowledge to fully understand a topic or lesson.
Same goes with the reading comprehension, it takes a background knowledge about
what we are reading even if it is a story, novel, or any literary plece that is about to
read requires a prior knowledge for deeper understanding of what the text requires
The purpose of this literature review is to provide the reader with information and
a general overview of the level of reading comprehension and the factors affecting it.
The first part of this discussion is all about the local references that have relevance to
this study. Next are the international references that are vital and fundamental to this
study. And lastly, the insights from this literature review are crucial to the study. This
chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalizations or conclusions,
methodologies, and others. Those that were included in this chapter help in
familiarizing one with information that is relevant and similar to the present study.
Reading comprehension skills are significant and essential skills that everyone
should obtain. Each individual can employ a wide range of reading techniques,
including direct phonic instructions self-questioning reading strategies, whole
language instructions, books, and vocabulary. These strategies are efficacious and
beneficial in improving one’s skill in terms of reading comprehension. Moreover,
there are a plethora of reform principles in education that are accommodating to every
individual, and some of these are accountability, flexibility and local control,
resources for reform, and expanded parental options. These principles are crucial and
fundamental, and they have an interconnection with reading comprehension skills
(Baier, 2005).
According to Alghonaim (2020), reading comprehension is recognized as an
essential aspect of reading since it allows readers to effectively extrapolate meaning
from the written material. Considering the fact that effective reading techniques are
well acknowledged, language instructors must also be cognizant of the significance of
reading engagement. It has been implied that reading satisfaction precedes the
development of concentration in learners, which eventually leads to improved reading
comprehension performance. It is essential to balance attention, self-regulation,
motivation, reading attitude, and engagement with the text when assessing readers'
involvement because the context of engagement focuses upon maintaining the
reader’s attention in an intellectually and behaviorally active state. In that, the
findings indicated that the reading involvement that is associated with the assigned
reading improves the comprehension levels of EFL learners.
It is possible to demonstrate that extensive reading has a great positive effect on
students’ reading comprehension and that an intensive reading strategy is most
frequently used by the learners. So, while teachers play their roles in these issues, they
must incorporate more diverse texts, such as short stories, novels, poems, and others,
into teaching reading comprehension in an EFL classroom context, and they must
encourage and make students aware of the importance of using extensive reading
strategies in classrooms for better reading comprehension improvement. As a result,
to improve the quality of teaching and learning processes in reading in the research
setting, the indicator of improvement was that the teaching and learning processes got
a good response after following an extensive reading activity program (Lolamo,
As shown by Yildiz (2017), effective reading requires sustained attention. It is
seen as giving the utmost attention to a subject and concentrating completely on a
specific objective for an extended period of time. It's crucial to improve learners'
attention in order to help them develop their reading skills and reading speed.
Furthermore, vocabulary knowledge is essential for enhancing one's reading
comprehension. Without these components, satisfactory reading is unattainable
because they are required for the readers to proactively prepare themselves. With that,
learners will be more likely to express themselves and understand what they read if
these contributors are used.
Based on the study by Duke (2021), teaching word reading and bridging skills,
building vocabulary and knowledge, and teaching text structures and features support
reading comprehension development, as it is not automatic even when fluency is
strong. Students’ comprehension can benefit from participating in discussions. A
meta-analysis found that many conversation strategies were beneficial in improving
students’ literal or inferential comprehension. The students’ high-level comprehension
of text was most strongly impacted by the reading for information strategies.
Therefore, reading comprehension relies on the ability to read most or all of the words
in a text. Word reading is a necessary, although not sufficient, condition for reading
Lastly, reading is a process of interaction between the reader and the material, in
which all schematic knowledge interacts with all social and contextual knowledge.
Student attitudes about goals for reading also affect their ability to read. The
student’s ability to determine or identify focus information, which includes sentence
focus information and main ideas contained in each paragraph, and information or
important things in the discourses The ability to apply reading techniques to the
purposes and conditions of reading The reading techniques are read-select, read-skip,
skim-read, and face-to-face. As a result, it requires technique or strategy so that these
activities run effectively and efficiently. Effective and efficient reading
comprehension is a reading activity that does not only consider or pay attention to the
speed at which it is read. Reading effectively and efficiently, in other words, must
include the principles of effectiveness, namely understanding the content of the
reading, and efficiency, namely saving time, energy, and thoughts. (Dana, 2021).
The following studies and literature have similarities and differences with the
study being conducted. They provided enough information about the reading
comprehension that the researchers tend to study. The relevant literature and studies
are crucial as they act as a solid foundation in determining the level of reading
comprehension and the factors affecting it.
Our research design aims to explore the levels of reading comprehension
among students attending face-to-face classes at Umingan National High School.
Reading comprehension is a fundamental skill that every student needs to develop in
order to succeed academically. Despite the efforts of teachers to provide reading
instructions and strategies to enhance students' reading comprehension, there are still
individuals who struggle to reach the desired proficiency level. Therefore, our study
seeks to delve deeper into this issue and identify the factors that may contribute to the
varying levels of reading comprehension among students. By conducting a thorough
analysis of the instructional methods, classroom environment, and individual
characteristics of the students, we hope to gain valuable insights that can be used to
improve reading instruction and support strategies. Ultimately, our research design
aims to bridge the gap in reading comprehension performance and foster a more
effective learning experience for all students at Umingan National High School.
The study employed a robust sampling technique known as Availability
Sampling. Availability Sampling is a non-probability sampling where respondents are
selected not because they meet some statistical criteria, but because they are readily
available. In this particular study, the researchers aimed to collect a systematic sample
of 25 individuals from a population of Senior High students enrolled at Umingan
National High School.
A well-constructed and self-developed survey questionnaire titled Level of
Reading Comprehension in Face-to-face Classes of Umingan National High School in
GrADE 12 HUMSS association with the Student's indicated their Level of Reading
Comprehension was used to get the desired information from the students. The survey
questionnaire was divided into two sections A and B. Section A was for collection of
information on personal data of respondents while Section B consisted of questions
that elicited responses from the respondents with response options.
This chapter comprises the presentation, analysis and the discussion of findings
of the study. These are presented according to the research questions raised to guide
the study. The chapter has been divided into two. The first part of the chapter focused
on the background information of the respondents. The second aspect concentrated on
the presentation and discussion of the main findings of the study.
Indicator frequency Percentage
A. Reading Materials
1. I like reading academic and creative books.
2. I like previewing the appropriateness and content
of a book before starting.
3. I like organizing my reading materials from
easy to hard.
4. I like using an outside source such as a dictionary
When reading to avoid misinterpretation.
5. I like to highlight important information while
reading and make connections to prior knowledge.
D. Environmental Conditions
1. I like reading in a quiet place.
2. I like reading in a bright place.
3. I like reading in a small place.
4. I like setting up my reading area.
5. I like being alone when reading.
E. Cognitive processing
1. I like to comprehend the text that is written in the textbook.
2. I like formulating a mental picture of what I learned.
3. I like combining information.
4. I like to fill in the gaps in the text I read.
5. I like retelling in my own words what I understood in the text.