Reading Booklet

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Basic Sight Words

A But Fly
About Buy For
After By Found
Again Call Four
All Came From
Always Can Full
Am Carry Funny
An Clean Gave
And Cold Get
Any Come Give
Are Could Go
Around Cut Goes
As Did Going
Ask Do Good
At Does Got
Ate Done Green
Away Don’t Had
Be Down Has
Because Drawn Have
Been Drink He
Before Eat Help
Best Eight Her
Better Every Here
Big Fall Him
Black Far His
Blue Fast Hold
Both Find Hot
Bring First How
Brown Five Hurt
I Never Round
If New Run
In No Said
Into Not Saw
Is Now Say
It Of See
Its Off Seven
Jump Old Shall
Just On See
Keep Once Show
Kind One Sing
Know Only Sit
Laugh Open Six
Let Or Sleep
Light Our Small
Like Out So
Little Over Some
Live Own Try
Long Pick Two
Look Play Under
Made Please Up
Make Pretty Upon
Many Put Us
May Pull Use
Me Ran Very
Much Read Walk
Must Red Want
My Ride Warm
Myself Right

Fry’s Fourth 100 WORDS

body order listen busy

usually measure table field
hours true town since
five sing birds better
cold fish ship several
music red wind pulled
didn’t remember north travel
black hundred I’ll ever
step war problem best
cried area across hold
color door rock draw
friends early slowly wood
products against unit piece
morning ground complete however
plan mark today himself
stand sure space voice
easy waves money fire
happened pattern figure told
passed fall room low
notice dog during toward
sun become covered seen
heard reached map upon
whole numeral certain
vowel king knew
south horse short
questions top fast

Fry’s Fifth 100 WORDS

Done Decided Plane Filled

English Contain System Heat
Road Course Behind Full
Half Surface Ran Hot
Ten Produce Round Check
Fly Building Boat Object
Gave Ocean Game Bread
Box Class Force Rule
Finally Note Brought Among
Wait Nothing Understand Noun
Correct Rest Warm Power
Oh Carefully Common Cannot
Quickly Scientists Bring Able
Person Inside Explain Six
Became Wheels Dry Size
Shown Stay Though Dark
Minutes Green Language Ball
Strong Known Shape Material
Verb Island Deep Special
Stars Week Thousands Heavy
Front Less Yes Fine
Feel Machine Clear Pair
Fact Base Equation Circle
Inches Ago Yet Include
Street Stood Government built

I love counting the rain, Mother.
As they patter and as I see
Do not all the great men like Rizal
Count rain, too, when still young like me?
See the numerous dropping rains
How hard it is for little brains.
And I recall the children’s riddle
About the old man’s countless canes
How I love the fast falling rain
Like a thousand pounding pestles
And the little rushing water
Down the stream to see it nestles.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The child is talking to his
a. Father b. Mother c. Sister
2. The child loves to (a. count b. drink c. catch ) the rain.
3. The child wants to know if counting the rain has also been a part time activity
of a. great men b. old men c. sickly men
4. The rain nestles in the
a. dream b. stream c. street
5. The old man’s countless canes is a
a. riddle b. fiddle c. peddler
6. The water rushes to the team
a. brook b. stream c. street
7. In the riddle, the countless canes refer to the
a. little brain b. dropping rains c. stream
8. The rain a. withers b. patters c. gathers
9. The child loves the (a. fast b. slow c. tumbling) rain.
10. The fast falling rain is also like
a. rushing water b. big waves c. pounding pestles

Once there were two warring tribes whose kingdoms
were divided only by a wide river. The king on the land north
of the river had a beautiful daughter named Mayumi; while
the king on the land south of the river had a brave
handsome son named Bayani.
Both kings hated each other so much thet they even
wanted their children to hate each other, too.
But fate played a trick on them. Mayumi and Bayani
felt so madly in love with each other that they defied their
parents wish. They often met secretly in the nearby forest.
One early morning, Mayumi went to meet Bayani in
the forest. She had some enchanted power so she changed
herself into a deer. She did not want anybody to see her.
Bayani waited for her. When he saw the deer, he was
attracted to it. He quickly shot an arrow not knowing it was
The deer fell bleeding. Bayani ran to see his prize, but
he saw Mayumi instead. He wept and in his grief, he stabbed
himself to death.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The two kingdoms were divided by
a. mountains b. seas c. a river
2. Mayumi was the daughter of the king of the
a. South b. North c. East
3. Bayani was the son of the king of the
a. South b. North c. East
4. The kings were
a. good friends b. enemies c. very old
5. Mayumi and Bayani
a. hated each other b. love each other c. envied each other

Magnets have the power of attracting objects
made of steel, iron and other metals.
The discoveries of the magnet and the many things
that have been made out of it have brought about many
discoveries and useful things. The magnet makes possible
the compass that was used and still being used by
travellers- pilots, sailors, boy scouts, soldiers, engineers
and others. The magnet which makes use of electricity
has made all types of electric and industrial motors.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Magnets can attract almost all things made of
a. plastic b. metals c. wood
2. The discovery of the magnet led to many
a. inventions b. revolutions c. problems
3. Magnets made possible the inventions of the
a. compass b. computer c. camera
4. Pilots, sailors, boy scouts, soldiers and engineers depend much on a.
compass b. electricity c. motors
5. Magnets also make use of
a. electricity b. gas c. water power
6. Electric and industrial motor became possible after the discovery of
a. electricity b. magnets c. water power
Compass is most useful to
a. farmers b. teachers c. travellers
8. Motors make use of a. magnets b. plastic c. wood
9. These days, magnets
a. are no longer used b. are still being used c. has been replaced
10. Compass, too
a. are no longer being used b. are still being used c. has been

We cook our food for three reasons—to make food look
more appetizing, to soften hard and tough foods and to kill any
microbe that may happen to be in the food.
There are many ways of preparing food. Food can be
fried, boiled, broiled, roasted, baked, steamed, stewed or
sautéed. They can be well cooked or half cooked.
It is easier to digest food that is well cooked. But there are foods
that are easier to digest when half cooked than when well
cooked. Meat and liver for example, are easier to digest when
half cooked. But certainly they taste better when well cooked.
Many vegetables are also easier to digest when well-
cooked but some are eaten raw. Lettuce is an example of a
vegetable which is eaten raw.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. We cook our food a. for no reason at all b. for one main reason c.
for three good reasons
2. Hard food when cooked becomes
a. harder b. soft c. indigestible
3. By cooking, the microbes in food
a. multiply b. are killed c. disappear
4. Cooked food looks a. appetizing b. frozen c. rotten
5. Generally, cooked foods are more
a. digestible b. indigestible c. nutritious
6. Meat and liver are easier to digest when
a. not cooked b. half cooked c. thoroughly cooked
7. Meat and pork certainly taste better when
a. raw b. well-cooked c. overdone
8. Vegetables are usually easier to digest when
a. raw b. half cooked c. well cooked
9. Frying, boiling, broiling, roasting, baking, steaming, sauntering, and stewing
are ways of
a. preparing food b. buying food c. eating
10. Lettuce is a vegetable that is eaten
a. raw b. well-cooked c. ripe
When the poinsettia begins to bloom, we are reminded
that Christmas is near. As such it has become a Christmas symbol.
Poinsettias begin to bloom in November until March.
The poinsettia is an odorless flower with brilliant red color.
Its flowers are actually leaves. How the poinsettia came about is
an interesting legend.
It happened during the time of the Holy Wars or Crusades,
when the Christians knights were fighting the Mohammedans to
regain the Holy Land.
In one of the holy wars, a brave knight climbed the wall
surrounding the Holy City to open the gates so that the other
Christians soldiers could enter. A Moorish soldier saw him and shot
him with an arrow. As he fell over the wall, his blood dropped on
a shrub which later bore red flowers.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Poinsettias bloom during the a. Christmas season
b. dry season c. summer months
2. Poinsettias has become a a. Christmas symbol b. bridal flower c.
national flower
3. The poinsettia is a. odorous b. odorless c. fragrant
4. It begins to bloom in
a. December b. March c. November
5. The brilliant red petals are actually
a. leaves b. seeds c. stems
6. The poinsettia came to have red color during
a. World War I b. the Holy War c. The Japanes-Filipino War
7. Another name for that war was the
a. Civil War b. World War c. Crusades
8. The Christians were fighting against the
a. pagans b. Mohammedans c. Protestants
9. A Moorish soldier shot the knight with a/an
a. dart b. arrow c. gun

Tongue Twisters
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Betty Botter bought some butter

But she said the butter’s bitter
If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter
But a bit of better butter will make my batter better
So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck

could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as
much wood
As a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood

She sells seashells by the seashore

How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream

Susie works in a shoeshine shop. Where she shines she sits, and
where she sits she shines

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy
wasn’t fuzzy, was he?

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

About Hippos
The hippopotamus spends a lot of time in water.
In fact, the name of this amazing African animal means
"river horse." During a hot day, a hippo will spend hours in
rivers and Lakes. Only its eyes, ears, and nostrils can be
seen above the water. This helps to keep the hairless
animal from getting sunburned. Although it eats water
plants, the hippo goes ashore at night to find larger
plants. If it is the dry season and the water is low, a hippo
rolls in mud to cover its huge body. This way its skin doesn't
dry out.
A Look at Leopards
Leopards hunt for their food at night. These
animals are carnivores and eat only meat. Their excellent
eyesight helps them stalk and capture their prey even in
the dark. In many cases, a leopard will carry its prey long
distances away from the place of the kill. Because it is
good climber, a leopard will often drag its dinner into a
tree where other animals cannot reach it. There, the
leopard can devour its meal alone. Unlike lions, leopards
are solitary and antisocial animals.
Spinning Spiders
You know that spiders spin silk, but do you know
what spiders do with their silk? Mother spiders keep the
eggs they lay in silk sacs. Spiders also use their silk to make
webs or homes. Many spiders have hideouts in places such
as window earners or under sills. They line the entrances to
these places with silk. Spiders also use silk threads to drop
straight to the ground when enemies appear. And clever
spiders spin beautiful traps and nets to catch their dinner.
Early Start

Mara woke up with a start. “Oh no!” The sun

was shining brightly on her face. She looked at her
alarm clock. She was not going to make it to school.
She hurriedly put on her uniform, gathered her things
and dumped them into her bag. She rushed so that
she could be in school before the bell rang. As she
was going out the door, her mother stopped her and
asked, “Why are you rushing? Did you forget? It’s
Saturday today!”

1. Mara woke up with a start. When a person wakes up with

a start, it means that one got out of bed
2. Why does Mara have to rush?
3. What did Mara forget?
4. How do you think did Mara feel after her mother talked
to her?
5. What did the author intend when she wrote the

Rice for Lunch

Anika washed the rice grains. Then she put

them into a pot. She also put in two cups of
water. Finally, she covered the pot and left it on
the electric stove. After twenty minutes, she
went to check on the pot. It was not hot. She
saw that the plug was still on the floor. Anika
looked at the clock and shook her head. It was
almost lunchtime.

1. What did Anika want to do?

2. Why was she unable to do what she wanted
to do?
3. Why did Anika look at the clock.? She looked at
the clock to see if _____________________.

4. What did Anika feel when she saw the clock?

5. What should Anika do to finish what she

The Gift

The colorfully-wrapped box was lying on the

table when Mario got home. Thinking that it was his
parents’ birthday gift to him, he took it and quickly
tore it open. It was the coolest looking pair of shoes
he had ever seen. Mario put them on, walked out
into the street and jumped into a puddle. “Mario,
why are you wearing your brother’s shoes?” his
Mother cried. When he looked down, he said, “Oh
no, that’s a lot of cleaning I have to do.”

1. Why did Mario think the box was for him?

2. In the selection, it said that Mario saw the coolest-
looking pair of shoes. What does this mean?

3. As Mario looked down, what did he think he

needed to do?

4. How did Mario’s mother feel when she saw Mario?

5. What do you think was Mario feeling when he saw

his mother?

One Stormy Night

That night, Jessica helped her mother close

the windows. The wind was howling. Droplets of
rain started pelting the roof. “Go find the
candles and I will get the matches,” said her
mother. Lightning flashed. A clap of thunder
followed. Soon after, the lights went off. “A
blackout!” shouted Jessica. “Don’t be alarmed.
It’s a good thing we have what we need,” said

1. Why did they close the windows?

2. Which of the following did Jessica and her mom
3. Which of the following best describes the
characters in our story?
4. What does the word “blackout” mean?
5. What did the mother feel at the end of the story?


All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.

Each little flower that opens,

Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings.

The purple headed mountain,

The river running by,
The sunset and the morning,
That brightens up the sky.

The cold wind in the winter,

The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them everyone.
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well


I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest

Against the Earth’s sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day

A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;

Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.


Three Blind Mice
See how they run
They run after the farmer’s wife
Who cut off their tails with a
carving knife
Did you ever hear such a thing in your life
As three blind mice?

Ang Regalo kay Lea

May biglang sumigaw sa labas ng bahay nina Lea. Narinig

niya ang malakas na ungol ni Dagul, ang alaga niyang tuta.

Dumungaw si Lea sa bintana. Nakita niya ang kanyang

tuta sa daan. Nakahiga at may dugo ito sa mukha. Tumakbo
siya sa labas.

“Patay na si Dagul. Nasagasaan siya ng dyip,” malungkot

na sabi ng kanyang kapatid na si Bong.

“May bibilhin ako sa tindahan. Sumunod siya sa akin,”

paliwanag ni Bong.

Bumalik si Lea sa bahay. Ayaw niyang kumain at maglaro.

Naiisip niya si Dagul.

Kinabukasan ay Pasko na! Nagising si Lea sa ingay. Sa

tabi niya ay may basket na may kard. Nakasulat sa kard ang
“Para kay Lea, mula kina Daddy at Mommy.”

Inalis ni Lea ang takip ng basket. Nakita niya ang isang

magandang tuta. Ito ay katulad na katulad ni Dagul.

Inakap ni Lea ang tuta!

1. Ano ang nangyari kay Dagul?

2. Nasaan si Lea nang maaksidente ang tuta?
3. Ano ang naramdaman ni Lea nang pumasok siya sa bahay?
4. Kailan nangyari ang aksidente?
5. Bakit kaya inisip ni Tatay regaluhan si Lea ng isa pang tuta?

Ang Regalo kay Lea

“Kuya! May napulot ako sa daan.” Tuwang-tuwa si

Luis. “Anong napulot mo?” tanong ni Jun.

“Nakapulot ako ng pitakang may lamang pera.”

“Pera? Magkano ang pera, Luis?” tanong ni Jun.

“Sandaang piso, Kuya. May sandaang piso na ako. Mapalad

ako, hindi ba?” tuwang-tuwang sabi ni Luis.

“Hindi, Luis. Hindi iyo ang perang iyan. Isasauli natin ang pitaka
sa may ari,” sabi naman ni Jun.

“Kuya, napulot ko ito sa daan. Akin na ito, hindi ba?” Nagtataka si


“Pero kawawa naman ang may-ari ng pitaka. Hala, tingnan mo

ang loob ng pitaka. Baka may pangalan sa loob,” utos pa ni Jun.

Tiningnan ng dalawa nang mabuti ang loob ng pitaka. Isang

tarheta ang nakita ni Luis.

“Isabelo Santos. Labing-isa, daang Sta. Elena, Sampalok.” Ito

ang nabasa ni Jun.

“Kilala ko ang may-ari ng pitaka, Kuya. Nakikita ko siya tuwing

umaga. Alam ko rin ang kanyang bahay. Sige, isauli natin ang
pitaka,” yaya ni Luis.
1. Ano ang napulot ni Luis?
2. Magkano ang laman ng pitaka?
3. Ano ang nakita nila sa tarheta?
4. Ano ang pinakitang ugali ng magkapatid sa katapusan ng kuwento?
5. Bakit kaya sinulat ang kuwentong “Napulot Ko!”?

Ang Matanda

Tanghaling tapat na. Marami sa mga mag-aaral ang nagmamadali

nang umuwi. Walang lilim na masisilungan kahit saan.
Sa gitna ng initan ay may isang matandang babaeng may dalang
malaking balutan. Palinga-linga ang matanda. Parang may hinahanap
ito. Maraming batang mabilis na nagdadaan sa tabi niya.
“Mga bata, ” ang sabi ng matanda. Nguni't hindi siya pinapansin ng
mga bata. Paminsan-minsan, may ilang batang napapalingon sa kanya,
ngunit patuloy pa rin ang matulin nilang lakad.
Dumating si Nelia. Nagmamadali rin si Nelia na makauwi.
Nagugutom na kasi siya.
Napansin niya ang matanda. Nakita niya ang nakakaawang ayos
“Bakit po, Lola?” ang tanong ni Nelia.
“Ay Ineng” ang sagot ng matanda. “Naligaw ako. Saan ba ang
papunta sa istasyon ng bus?”
“Doon lang iyon sa kabilang kanto, Lola.”
Kahit na pagod si Nelia, inihatid niya ang matanda.
Bago sumakay sa bus ang matanda ay hinaplos si Nelia sa ulo.
“Pagpapalain ka ng Diyos, Ineng,” ang sabi nito sa kanya.

1. Saan naligaw ang matanda sa kuwento?

2. Ano ang panahon nang maganap ang kuwento?
3. Ano-ano ang hindi pinansin ni Nelia habang kinakausap ang
4. Anong ugali ang ipinakita ni Nelia?
5. Bakit kaya sinulat ang kuwentong “Ang Matanda”?

Sinaunang Sistema ng Pagsulat at Panitikan

Ang sistema ng pagsulat ng sinaunang Pilipino

ay ang baybayin.
Binubuo ito ng 17 na titik – 14 na katinig at
tatlong patinig. Ang pagsulat ay mula itaas pababa
at mula kaliwa pakanan. Ang sinusulatan ay balat ng
puno, buho ng kawayan, malapad na dahon, o
hinabing himaymay ng halaman. Ang panulat ay
matulis na kawayang patpat o kahoy. Ang tinta at
tina ay mula sa dagta ng mga halaman.

Ang panitikan ay binubuo ng mga awiting bayan,

kuwentong bayan, alamat, pabula, salawikain,
bugtong, at epiko. Halimbawa ng ating mga alamat
ay ang “Alamat ni Mariang Makiling,” “Alamat ni
Malakas at Maganda” at “Alamat ni Mariang
Sinukuan.” Ang epiko naman ay isang mahabang tula
tungkol sa pakikipagsapalaran ng isang bayani.
Nabibilang sa mga epiko ng ating mga ninuno ang
“Biag ni Lam-ang” nga mga Ilocano,

“Ibalon” ng mga Bicolano, at “Batugan” ng mga



Ang mga kabundukan ay isa sa magagandang tanawin sa

ating kapaligiran. Taglay nito ang mga punungkahoy na
nagbibigay ng ating mga pangangailangan. Makikita rito ang
sari-saring mga halaman na nakalulunas ng ibang
karamdaman, mga orkidyas, mga ligaw na bulaklak at mga
Ang mga punungkahoy at iba pang halaman ay
tumutulong sa pagpigil ng erosyon o pagguho ng lupa dulot ng
ulan o baha. Nagsisilbi rin itong watershed para sa sapat na
pagdaloy ng tubig.

Subalit marami sa mga kabundukan natin ang

nanganganib. Ang dating lugar na pinamumugaran ng mga
ibon at mga ligaw na bulaklak ay unti-unti nang nasisira. Dahil
sa patuloy na pagputol ng mga punungkahoy, marami na ang
nagaganap na mga kalamidad tulad ng biglaang pagbaha sa
iba’t ibang pook.
Sa pangunguna at pakikipagtulungan ng Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), ang ahensya ng
bansa na tumutugon sa pag-aalaga ng kapaligiran at
kalikasan, ang pagkasira ng kabundukan ay nabigyan ng
solusyon. Ang reforestation o muling pagtatanim ng puno
kapalit ng mga pinutol o namatay na mga puno ay isa sa mga
programa ng DENR.

Maraming tao ang natuwa dito at inaasahan nila na

darating ang panahon na manunumbalik ang kagandahan at
kasaganaan ng mga kabundukan.

Tuwing Pebrero, ipinagdiriwang ang pista ng mga

bulaklak sa Lungsod ng Baguio. Kilala rin ito sa tawag na
Pista ng Panagbenga. Ang Panagbenga ay salitang galing
sa Cordillera na ang kahulugan ay panahon ng
pagbukadkad ng bulaklak. Binibigyang halaga sa pistang
ito ang naggagandahang bulaklak kung saan kilala ang
lungsod na ito.
Nagsimula ang pagdiriwang ng Panagbenga noong
1995. Isinagawa ng pistang ito para maiangat muli ang
Lungsod ng Baguio mula sa malagim na lindol noong

Maraming gawain ang makikita sa pagdiriwang ng


Ang pinakasikat at inaabangang gawain tuwing pista

ng bulaklak ay ang parada. Kasama sa paradang ito ay
sayawan sa kalsada at pagtugtog ng mga banda.
Pinakabida sa paradang ito ang mga higanteng karosa na
puno ng mga magaganda at mababangong bulaklak. Sa
paggawa ng karosang ito, ipinakikita ng mga Pilipino ang
kanilang pagiging malikhain at pagiging matulungin.
Ipinaparada ang mga ito sa malalaking kalsada ng

Maraming mga taong galing pa sa iba’t ibang bahagi

ng Pilipinas ang dumadayo sa Baguio upang mapanood


Ang Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National

Park (PPSRNP) ay makikita sa Palawan. Ito ay
matatagpuan sa hilagang kanlurang bahagi ng Puerto
Ipinakikita sa tanyag na pook na ito ang mga
higanteng limestone na nasa kuwebang pinalolooban ng
ilog. Iba’t ibang kamangha-manghang hugis ang nabuo
mula sa mga limestone sa loob ng kuweba. Ang ilog ay
tinatayang 8.2 kilometro ang haba at ito ay tumutuloy sa
dagat. Ang kagandahan nito ang dahilan kung bakit
nakilala ang Puerto Princesa Underground River bilang
isa sa Pitong New Wonders of Nature.
Makikita sa paligid ng ilog ang kabundukan at
kagubatan. Ang makapal na kagubatan ang nagsisilbing
tahanan ng ilang hayop na pambihira at endangered. Sa
baybayin naman nito makikita ang halamang bakawan at
mga coral reefs.
Mula nang maitalaga ang Puerto Princesa
Underground River bilang isa sa Pitong New Wonders of
Nature, dumami na ang mga taong gustong makita ito,
maging Pilipino man o dayuhan.
Maliban sa pagsakay sa bangka upang makita ang
limestones sa loob ng kuweba, marami pang maaaring
gawin dito na ikasasaya ng mga turista. Kinagigiliwan ng
mga bisita rito ang jungle trekking, wildlife watching,
mangrove forest tour at ang paglangoy sa tabing-dagat na
puti ang buhangin.

Ang Tacloban ay kabisera ng lalawigan ng Leyte. Ang Leyte ay

matatagpuan sa Rehiyon 8 ng Pilipinas na bahagi ng Silangang
Ang Tacloban ay unang nakilala bilang Kankabatok, na ang ibig
sabihin ay “pag-aari ng mga Kabatok." Kabatok ang tawag sa mga
unang naninirahan dito. Mayaman sa yamang tubig ang lugar na ito.
May ginagamit silang isang uri ng basket na panghuli sa mga isda at
alimango. Ang tawag nila dito ay “Taklub." Kapag may mga darayo
sa lugar, ang sinasabi nila ay pupunta sila sa “tarakluban." Pagtagal
ay tinawag din itong Tacloban.
Ang Tacloban ay nakilala dahil sa ginampanang papel nito
noong Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig. Dito naganap ang tanyag
na pagbabalik ni General Macarthur. Naganap ito sa baybayin ng
“White Beach” ng Tacloban.

Dito rin nagtayo ng base militar ang pwersa ng mga Amerikano

at ang bayang ito ay ang unang napalaya mula sa mga puwersa ng
mga Hapon.

Naging pansamantala itong kapital ng Pilipinas habang ang

Maynila ay nasa kapangyarihan pa ng mga Hapon.
Sa syudad na ito nanggaling ang dating Unang Ginang ng
Pilipinas na si Imelda Romualdez Marcos. Ang Pamilya Romualdez
ay isa sa mga kilalang pamilyang politiko sa lugar. Ang pangalan ng
paliparan sa Tacloban ay Romualdez airport.

Kakaunti lang ang nakakaalam kung kailan naging

munisipalidad ang Tacloban dahil ang mga dokumentong
nakapagpapatunay rito ay nasira ng bagyo. Pero marami ang
naniniwala na ang Tacloban ay opisyal na na-iproklamang
munisipalidad noong 1770.

Isinama si Heber ng kanyang Tito Mar sa Rizal upang

makapag-bakasyon. Masayang-masaya siya dahil nakita niya sa
unang pagkakataon ang Pista ng mga Higantes. Ang pistang ito ay
naganap kahapon, ika-23 ng Nobyembre. Ginugunita sa pistang ito
ang patron ng mga mangingisda na si San Clemente.

Pinakatampok sa pista ang matatangkad na tau-tauhang yari

sa papel.

Dinamitan at nilagyan ng makukulay na palamuti upang mas

maging kaakit-akit sa manonood. Ang mga higante ay karaniwang
may taas na apat hanggang limang talampakan o sampu hanggang
labindalawang talampakan. Ang mga deboto naman ay nakasuot
ng damit-mangingisda.

Hiniram ni Heber ang camera ni Tito Mar at kumuha siya ng

maraming litrato. Gusto niyang ipakita ang mga litrato sa kanyang
mga magulang. Ipakikita rin niya ang mga ito sa kanyang mga
kaibigan at kaklase. Hinding hindi niya makalilimutan ang araw na


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