On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Order of An Element of A Group (2011)

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On Intuitionistic Fuzzy order of an Element of a Group

Article · January 2011

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Poonam Kumar Sharma

DAV College Jalandhar


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Research Cell: An International Journal of Engineering Sciences ISSN: 2229-6913 Issue Sept 2011, Vol. 4 355

On Intuitionistic Fuzzy order of an Element of a


P.K. Sharma
P.G. Department of Mathematics , D.A.V. College,
Jalandhar city , Punjab , India
[email protected]

Abstract: In this paper an attempt has been made to define the notion of intuitionistic
fuzzy order of an element in intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup . Here we prove that every
element of a group and its inverse have the same intuitionistic fuzzy order . We also
define the order of intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup and prove the Lagrange’s Theorem
in the intuitionistic fuzzy case .Some properties of the intuitionistic fuzzy order of an
element has been discussed.

Keywords: Intutionistic fuzzy subgroup (IFSG) , Intuitionistic fuzzy normal

subgroup (IFNSG) , Intuitionistic fuzzy order,
Mathematics Subject Classification : 03F55 , 08A72

1. Introduction : After the introduction of the concept of fuzzy set by Zadeh

[ 9 ] several researches were conducted on the generalization of the notion
of fuzzy set. The idea of Intuitionistic fuzzy set was given by Atanassov [ 1 ].
The concept of fuzzy order of an element in fuzzy subgroup has been defined
by Suryansu Ray [ 8 ].The latest detail of this topic can be found in [ 3 ]. In
this paper we introduce the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy order of an element
of intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup which is quite different from the fuzzy order
of an element in fuzzy subgroup. We also study some of its properties.

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2. Preliminaries :
Definition (2.1)[1] Let X be a fixed non-empty set. An Intuitionistic fuzzy
set (IFS) A of X is an object of the following form A = {< x , A(x) , A(x) > : x
X}, where A : X  [0, 1] and A : X  [0, 1] define the degree of membership
and degree of non-membership of the element x X respectively and for
any x X , we have 0  A(x) + A(x)  1 .

Remark (2.2): When A(x) + A(x) = 1 , i.e. when A(x) = 1 - A(x) = Ac(x) .
Then A is called fuzzy set.

Definition (2.3)[1] Let A = { < x, A(x), A(x) > : x X} and B = { < x , B(x) ,
B(x) > : x X} be any two IFS’s of X , then
(i) A  B if and only if A(x)  B(x) and A(x)  B(x) for all xX

(ii) A = B if and only if A(x) = B(x) and A(x) = B(x) for all xX

(iii) A  B = { < x, (A B )(x) , (A B )(x) > : x X} , where

(A B )(x) = Min{ A(x) , B(x)}and (A B )(x) = Max{ A(x) , B(x) } (iv)
A  B = { < x, (A B )(x) , (A B )(x) > : x X} , where
(AB )(x) = Max{ A(x) , B(x) and (A B )(x) = Min{ A(x) , B(x) }
Definition (2.4)[ 4 ,5 ] An IFS A = { < x, A(x), A(x) >: x G} of a group G is
said to be intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup of G ( In short IFSG) of G if
(i) A(xy)  Min {A(x), A(y)}

(ii) A(x-1) = A(x)

(iii) A(xy)  Max {A(x), A(y)}

(iv) A(x-1) = A(x) , for all x , y G

Or Equivalently A is IFSG of G if and only if

A(xy-1)  Min {A(x), A(y)} and A(xy)  Max {A(x), A(y)}

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Research Cell: An International Journal of Engineering Sciences ISSN: 2229-6913 Issue Sept 2011, Vol. 4 357

Definition (2.5)[ 5 ] An IFSG A = { < x, A(x), A(x) > : x G} of a group G

said to be intuitionistic fuzzy normal subgroup of G ( In short IFNSG) of
G if
(i) A(xy) = A(yx)

(ii) A(xy) = A(yx) , for all x , y G

Or Equivalently A is an IFNSG A of a group G is normal iff

A(y-1 x y) = A(x) and A(y-1 x y) = A(x) , for all x , y G

3. Intuitionistic fuzzy order of an element :

Definition(3.1) Let A be IFSG of finite a group G. Let x be any element of G,
then the intuitionistic fuzzy order of the element x w.r.t A is denoted by
IFOA(x) and is defined as :
IFOA(x) = O(H(x)) , where H(x) = { y  G : A(y)  A(x) and A(y)  A(x)}
Thus H(e) = { y  G : A(y) = A(e) and A(y) = A(e)}. So IFOA(e) = O(H(e)).
Theorem(3.2) For any IFSG A of a group G and for any element x of G, H(x)
is a subgroup of G .
Proof. Clearly, H(x)   for x, e  H(x). Let a , b  H(x) be any element, then
A(a)  A(x) , A(a)  A(x) and A(b)  A(x), A(b)  A(x)
A(ab-1)  Min{A(a), A(b)}  A(x) and A(ab-1)  Max{A(a) , A(b) } A(x)
Thus ab-1  H(x) . Hence H(x) is subgroup of G.
Theorem(3.3) For any IFSF A of G and for any element x  e of G , we have
H(e)  H(x) and so IFOA(e)  IFOA(x)
Proof. Let z  H(e) be any element, then we have A(z) = A(e) and
A(z) = A(e)
i.e. A(z)  Max{ A(x) : for all x  G } and A(z)  Min{ A(x) : for all x  G }
 A(z)  A(x) and A(z)  A(x) for all x  G
 z  H(x) . Thus H(e)  H(x) and so IFOA(e)  IFOA(x)
Definition(3.4) Let A be IFSG of a finite group G , then the intuitionistic
fuzzy order of IFSG A is denote by IFO(A) and is defined by :
IFO(A) = Min{ IFOA(x) : for all xG }= IFOA(e)

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Theorem(3.5): Let A be IFSG of finite group G and x  G be any element,

(i) O(x)  IFOA(x)
(ii) IFOA(x)  O(G)
Proof. (i) Let O(x) = m. Then K = { x , x2 , ...., xm-1 , xm = e } is a subgroup of G.
Also A(x2)  A(x) and A(x2)  A(x)  x2  H(x)
Similarly, x3 , x4 , ……., xm-1 , xm  H(x)
 K = { x , x2 , ….., xm-1 , xm = e } H(x) . Thus K is a subgroup of H(x)
Therefore by Lagrange’s Theorem O(K)  O(H(x)) i.e. O(x)  IFOA(x)
(ii) Since H(x) is a subgroup of G . Therefore by Lagrange’s Theorem
O(H(x))  O(G) i.e. IFOA(x)  O(G)
Theorem (3.6)( Lagrange’s theorem for IFSG ): Let G be a finite group
and A be IFSG of G , then IFO(A) divides O(G).
Proof. By theorem (1.5)(ii) part , we have IFOA(x)  O(G) for all x  G
Therefore Min{ IFOA(x) : for all x  G } O(G)  IFO(A)  O(G) .
Proposition(3.7): For any IFSF A of G and for any element x of G , we have
IFOA(x -1) = IFOA(x)
Proof. By definition , we have IFOA(x -1) = O( H( x -1)) , where
H( x -1) = { y  G : A(y)  A(x -1) and A(y)  A(x -1)}
But A(x -1) = A(x ) and A(x -1) = A(x ) for all x  G
So, H( x -1) = { y  G : mA(y)  mA(x ) and nA(y)  nA(x )} = H(x)
Therefore O( H( x -1)) = O( H( x )) = IFOA(x)
Hence IFOA(x -1) = IFOA(x)
Proposition(3.8) :Let G be a ûnite group and let A be an Intuitionistic fuzzy
subgroup of G. If O(y) | O(x) and x, y <z >for some z  G , then
µ A(x) µ A(y) and A(x)  A(y).
Proof. Let O(y) = k. Then O(x) = kq for some qN.
Now x , y < z > for some z  G, therefore let y = zi and x = zj
for some i, j Z. Hence zik = e = zjkq . Thus y = xq .
Hence µA(y) = µA(xq)  µA(x) and A(y) = A(xq)  A(x)

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Research Cell: An International Journal of Engineering Sciences ISSN: 2229-6913 Issue Sept 2011, Vol. 4 359

Equality of O(x) and O(y) does not imply the equality of IFO A(x) and
IFO A(y) , as is shown in the following example:

Example (3.9).Let G ={e, a, b, ab} be the Klein four-group. Deûne the

Intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup A of G by :
A = {< e , t0 , s0 > , < ab , t0 , s1 > , < a , t1 , s1 > , < b , t1 , s1 > }, where t0 > t1
and s0 < s1 and ti , si [ 0,1] and ti + si  1 , for i = 1, 2.
Clearly, O(a)= O(ab)=2, but IFO A(a)=2and IFO A(ab)=1. Also observe that
in this example, O(a)|O(ab), but µA(ab) > µ(a) and A(ab) < A(a)

Remark : Here Proposition 3.8. does n’t hold, since the elements a and ab do
not lie in the same cyclic subgroup of G.

Theorem (3.10):.Let A be IFSG of a finite cyclic group G = < a > . Let x , y be

any two element of G such that O(x) = O(y) , then IFOA(x) = IFOA(y) .
Proof. By proposition (3.8) , we get µ A(x)= µ A(y) and A(x) = A(y)
Therefore H(x) = H(y) and so O(H(x)) = O(H(y)) and hence IFOA(x) = IFOA(y).
Theorem (3.11).Let A be a IFNSG of a group G. Then
IFO A(x) = IFO A(y-1 xy) for all x, y  G.
Proof. Let x, y “ G. Then we have µA(x) = µA(y-1 xy) and (x) = (y-1 xy)
H(x) = { z  G : A(z)  A(x) and A(z)  A(x)}
= { z  G : A(z)  A(y-1 xy) and A(z)  A(y-1 xy)}
= H(y-1 xy)
Thus IFOA(x) = IFO A(y-1 xy).

The next example shows that above Theorem is not valid if A is not IFNSG
of G.
Example (3.12) .Let D3 =<a , b | a3 =b2 =e , ba =a2 b > be the dihedral
group with six elements. Deûne a IFSG A = (µA , A ) of D3 by

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 t ; if x  < b >  s ; if x  < b >

µA ( x )   0 and  A ( x)   0
 t1 ; if otherw ise  s1 ; if otherw ise
where t0 > t1 and s0 < s1 and ti , si [ 0,1] and ti + si  1 , for i = 1, 2.
Clearly a-1ba  < b >
Also , IFOA(a-1ba ) = 6 and IFOA(b) = 2 . Thus IFOA(a-1ba )  IFOA(b)

We know that if x , y  G , then O( ab) = O(ba) . The following example

explains that this fact is not true in Intuitionistic fuzzy order of element in a

Example(3.13) Let G = S4 be the symmetric group of 4 elements . Let i be

the identity element of S4 , a = (13)(24) , b = (14)(23) , c = (12)(34) , d =
(234) , g = ( 134) are the elements of A4 and let A be the IFS of G defined by

 1 ; if x = i, a  0 ; if x = i, a
 0.75 ; if x = b, c  0.2 ; if x = b, c
 
µA ( x)   and  A ( x)  
0.5 ; if x  A4  {i, a, b, c} 0.4 ; if x  A4  {i, a, b, c}
0.3 ; if x  S4  A4  0.6 ; if x  S4  A4

It is easy to verify that :A is IFSG of S4 .and IFOA(dg) = IFOA(a) = 2 and

IFOA(gd) = IFOA( b) = 4. Thus IFOA(dg)  IFOA(gd) .
Theorem (3.14).Let A be a IFNSG of a group G . Then
IFO A(ab) = IFO A(ba) for all a, b “ G.

Proof. Since A be IFNSG of group G .Therefore by theorem (3.11) , we have

IFO A(x) = IFO A(y-1 xy) for all x, y  G.
Therefore IFO A(ab) = IFO A((b-1 b)(ab)) = IFO A(b-1 (ba)b) = IFO A(ba).

Remark : Note that in Example (3.13) A is not IFNSG of G.

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Research Cell: An International Journal of Engineering Sciences ISSN: 2229-6913 Issue Sept 2011, Vol. 4 361

Theorem(3.15): Let A be IFNSG of a group G , then the set G /A = { xA :

xG} is a group with the operation (xA)(yA) = (xyA).
Proof . Let xA , yA be any two element of G/A , where x , y  G
Therefore xA , y-1A  G /A  ( xA)(y-1A) = (xy-1)A  G /A
Hence G/A is a group.
Definition (3.16): Let A be IFSG of a group G , then the number of elements in
the set G /A is called the index of the IFSG of A in G. and is denoted by [G : A].
Theorem(3.17) : Let A be IFNSG of a group G , then there exist a natural
homomorphism f : G  G /A defined by f (x) = xA , for all x G with kernel
{ x  G : A(x) = A(e) and A(x) = A(e) }
Proof. By Theorem (3.4) of [6] . It is enough to show that
Ker f = {x  G : A(x) = A(e) and A(x) = A(e)}

Now Ker f = {x  G : f(x) = A }= {x  G : xA = A }

Thus xA = A  (xA)(y) = A(y), for all y G

 (xA(y) , xA(y)) = (A(y) , A(y)), for all y G
 (A(x-1 y) , A(x-1 y)) = (A(y) , A(y)), for all y G
 A(x-1 y) = A(y) and A(x-1 y) = A(y), for all y G
Also A(e) = A(x x) = A(x). Similarly A(e) = A(x-1x) = A(x)

Thus Ker f = {x  G : A(x) = A(e) and A(x) = A(e)}

Remark (3.18): Note that O(Ker f ) = IFO(A)

Theorem(3.19): Let A be IFNSG of a finite group G , then

[G : A] = O(G) / IFO(A).
Proof. By fundamental Theorem of Homomorphism , we have
G / Ker f  G /A
Therefore O( G /A ) = O(G / Ker f ) = O(G) / O(Ker f ) = O(G) / IFO(A)
Remark (3.20): The above theorem don’t hold in fuzzy group ( see [ 3 ].)

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