Respi and CVS MCQs

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1. Gaseous exchange across respiratory 9. The most sensitive index to assess

membrane is completed in severity of obstruction in an obstructive
a. Less than 1sec lung disorder is
b. 1 sec a. decreased FeV1 and FeV1/FVC ratio
c. 2 sec b. decreased static lung volumes
d. 3 sec c. normal FeV1/FVC ratio
d. all of the above
2. Not true, particles falling on walls of
bronchi are prevented going to alveoli 10. Bronchial asthma is regarded as a
by: disorder of expiratory obstruction
a. Bronchoconstriction because
b. Coughing a. Bronchoconstriction develops
c. Ciliary escalator action b. Airway resistance is more during
d. Tissue macrophage system expiration
c. Inspiration is possible as expansion of
3. The maximum particle size that reaches bronchioles can take place
the alveoli is………micrometre in d. All the above
diameter e. None of the above
a. 15
b. 10 11. All are the causes of decrease in vital
c. 5 capacity except
d. 2 a. Old age
b. Pregnancy
4. Substance not filtered in pulmonary c. Divers
circulation d. Lying position
a. Blood clots
b. Cancer cells 12. Surfactant is produced by:
c. Plasma proteins a. Type 1 pneumocytes
d. Gas bubbles b. Type 2 pneumocytes
c. Dust cells
5. Substances synthesized or stored by the d. Pulmonary alveolar macrophages
lungs are all except
a. Prostaglandins, PGE2 and PGF2alpha 13. Most comfortable position of the
b. Histamine diaphragm is……..posture
c. Kallikrein a. Lying
d. Angiotensin I b. Standing
c. Sitting
6. In health, physiological dead space is d. Bending forwards
a. Same as anatomical dead space
b. Less than that of anatomical dead 14. Bucket handle movement of the ribs
space increases
c. More than anatomical dead space a. Antero-posterior diameter of thorax
d. Zero/not present b. Transverse diameterof thorax
c. Vertical diameterof thorax
7. Lungs which easily expand d. Oblique diameterof thorax
a. Have low compliance
b. Have high compliance 15. MMEFR indicates flow obstruction in
c. Have high collagen/elastic fibre ratio a. Large airways
d. Owe their distensibility to low level b. Small airways
of surfactant c. Trachea
d. Trachea and bronchi
8. The volumes which cannot be measured
by simple spirometer are all except CVS
a. FRC 1. Correct statement is:
b. RV a. P wave of ECG precedes a wave of
c. Closing volume JVP
d. Inspiratory reserve volume b. c wave of JVP precedes R wave of
c. v wave of JVP coincides with HS-1
d. c wave of JVP coincides with HS-2
9. Crossectional area of capillaries
2. The resting membrane potential of is………..times as that of aorta
sinus nodal fibre is: a. 10
a. -50 mV b. 100
b. -55 mV c. 1000
c. -65 mV d. 10,000
d. -70 mV
10. Factors increasing viscosity of blood
3. Cardiac output remains unchanged in: are, except:
a. Pregnancy a. Increased PCV
b. Excitement b. Increased vessel diameter
c. Sleep c. Reduced temperature
d. High altitude d. Increased plasma proteins

4. Last rapid filling phase of ventricular 11. A person was on low-sodium diet for
diastole coincides with which phase of one week. He was given an ACE
cardiac cycle: inhibitor. What would happen to his
a. Atrial systole blood pressure and cardiac output?
b. Atrial diastole a. Rise in blood pressure due to increase
c. Isovolumic contraction of ventricular cardiac output
systole b. Rise in blood pressure due to
d. Isovolumic relaxation of ventricular increased peripheral resistance
diastole c. Fall in blood pressure due to
decreased cardiac output
5. Normal mean electrical axis is: d. Fall in blood pressure due to
a. 39° decreased peripheral resistance
b. 49°
c. 59° 12. In human heart preload is:
d. 69° a. Ventricular filling in diastole
b. Ventricular ejection in systole
6. In third degree heart block: c. Peripheral vascular resistance
a. Ventricles beat faster than atria d. Increase in ECF volume
b. Conduction from atria to ventricles is
not completely interrupted 13. The first cells to get affected in
c. Ventricles beat at a rate lower tan progressive shock are:
atrial rate and fainting could result if a. Parietal cells
ventricles fail to contract at all b. Pneumocytes
d. None of the above c. Liver cells
d. Glial cells
7. All of the following are the mechanisms
for intermediate blood pressure control, 14. Warm shock is:
except: a. Hypovolemic shock
a. Stress relaxation, reverse stress b. Distributive shock
relaxation c. Obstructive shock
b. Capillary fluid shift mechanism d. Cardiogenic shock
c. CNS ischemic response
d. ADH mediated mechanism 15. A person consumes 240 L of oxygen per
minute during work out. His arterial
8. True about humoral regulation of blood oxygen content is 19 ml/L and oxygen
flow: content of his mixed venous blood is 14
a. Bradykinin constricts vascular smooth ml/L. The calculated cardiac output is:
muscle a. 4.6 L/min
b. NO causes chronic hypertension b. 4.8 L/min
c. Endothelins are vasoconstrictor in c. 5.0 L/min
action d. 5.2 L/min
d. ANP causes vasoconstriction

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