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Instructional Plan in ICF 9

School Masbate School of Fisheries Grade Level 9

Teacher BLAS B. MANTES JR. Learning Area ICF
Time & Dates Quarter 2

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concept about slide
B. Performance Standards The learner should be able to create a template with the given data
using the Microsoft Excel.
C. Learning Competencies / The learner creates and modify chart using MS PowerPoint
In this lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Create a New Blank Presentation
b. Apply a different slide layout
c. Save a presentation
d. Create presentation from a template

Topic: Creating a Slide Layout and Template
Subject Integration: English
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Microsoft Official Academic Course (Microsoft PowerPoint 2016) pp.
c Laptop, Projector
A. Reviewing previous lesson PRAYER
or presenting the new lesson CHECKING OF ATTENDANCE
The teacher will present the following rumbled words using Four
Pics One Word, and let them guess the word.
B. Establishing a purpose for In this lesson, the students are expected to:
the lesson a. Create a New Blank Presentation
b. Apply a different slide layout
c. Save a presentation
d. Create presentation from a template
C. Presenting examples/ TASK 2
instances of the new lesson The teacher will show a picture of a lesson using the traditional
visual aid and using a PowerPoint Presentation.
1. Which among the two would you prefer?
2. Is there a difference between the use of traditional and
PowerPoint presentation ?
3. What are those differences?
D. Discussing new concepts and Creating a Slide Layout and Template
practicing new skills #1
In creating a PowerPoint presentation the best way to start the
presentation is to start with a Blank presentation. This view will appear
before you start in creating a PPT presentation. Just click esc or click the
blank presentation.

Creating a presentation from a template

PowerPoint template gives you jumpstart in creating complete
presentation. A Template is a reusable sample file that contains a
background, layouts, coordinating fonts, and other design elements that
work together to create an attractive, finished slide show.
Using a Template as a Basis for a Presentation
Each template employs one or more themes. A theme is a collection of
settings including colours, fonts, background graphics, bullet graphics,
and margin and placement setting. You can create your own template or
download new ones from the Office.com.

E. Discussing new concepts and TASK 3 (Individual):

practicing new skills #2
Adding text to the Blank Slides
1. Click the title placeholder the top of the slide. The click to add title
disappears and a blinking insertion point appears on the placeholder.
2. Type your group name.
3. Click the text at the top of the lower placeholder. The words click to
add subtitle disappears and the insertion point appears.
4. Type the names of your group members and enter to move the
insertion point to new line.
5. Once you’re done typing with all your group members. Click home
tab to make it active, if necessary, and then click layout. A drop
down menu (called a gallery) appears. Displaying PowerPoint’s
default layouts.
6. Click the title and content thumbnail in the gallery. The gallery
closes and power point applies the title and content layout to the
current slide.
7. Click save. A save as tab of backstage view will appear. Click my
computer and browse the file ICF 2020 and type activity 2.

F. Developing mastery (Leads TASK 4 (Individual)

to Formative Assessment 3)
A. Make a PowerPoint presentation Using the following Layout:.
1. Title Slide
2. Title and Content
3. Section Header
4. Two Content
5. Comparision
6. Title Only
7. Blank
8. Content with Caption
9. Picture with Caption
10. Panoramic Picture with Caption

G. Finding practical Task 5 (Individual)

applications of concepts and Creating a Presentation from a Template
skills in daily living
1. Click the file tab.
2. Click new to open a new tab and select the blank presentation.
New slide will appear.
3. Click the insert tab to make it active. In the image group click the
photo album drop down list. Click new photo album and photo
album dialog box will appear.
In the album content, click the file/disk. Insert new pictures
dialog box will appear.
(Provide a picture of your group or capture a pic from your laptop) Once
you choose a picture. Click insert or double click the selected pic. In the
album layout, click the picture layout dropdown arrow and select 1
picture with title. Click the frame shape drop down arrow and select
Simple Frame, White and click Create. (Notice that two slides appear.)
1. Click the Design tab to make it active.
2. New groups of command will appear. Select ION from the
groups of themes.
3. In the first slide, click the title placeholder and change the Photo
album Masbate School of Fisheries.
4. Click the subtitle placeholder and change the account name by
ICF – Grade 8.
5. In the second slide, click the title placeholder and type the name
of your group and press enter type “Compilations of Group
6. Click the Home Tab to make it active. In the slides group click
the new slide drop down arrow and select picture with caption
layout. A new slide will appear.
7. Click the title placeholder and type name of your leader.
8. Click the subtitle placeholder and type the following:
Contact no.
9. On the right side click the text container click to add picture and
add/select a solo picture of your leader. (If unavailable please
provide a picture of each member of the group.
10. Repeat the procedure 10-13 only that instead of your leader
change it with the next group member until all the group
members are included.
11. On your last slide. Click the new slide drop down arrow and
select the Title slide. A new slide will appear. Click the title
placeholder and type “Thank you for Watching”
12. Click the subtitle placeholder and type GODBLESS YOU =]
13. Save your work to the folder ICF 2020 and type activity 3 –
Compilation of group member.
H. Making generalizations and What are the advantages of using a PowerPoint Presentation than
abstractions about the lesson using Traditional Visual Aid?
I. Evaluating learning TASK 6(Individual)

Read the questions carefully and answer the following questions.

1. In what tab do you actually find the group of clipboard, slides,
fonts, paragraph, drawing and editing.
2. Themes and variants group of command can be found in what
3. Slide, tables, images, illustration, apps, links etc. can be found in?
4. A collection of settings including colours, fonts, background
graphics, bullet graphics, and placement setting is called?
5. It is a reusable sample file that includes a background, layouts,
coordinating fonts, and other design elements that work together
to create an attractive, finished slide show.

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation Enriching the day’s lesson.
A. Create a 5 Slides PowerPoint presentation the different types
of layout.
B. On the First slide type my Favorite Places to visit.
C. On the 2nd and 5 slide insrt the places that you want ot visit.
D. Send to my messenger a account.

V. REMARKS  To those students who have an access to the internet, I

provided them a softcopy of a video presentation of today’s
 To those students who chose the Modular Print, I provided
them a hardcopy of the subject discussed to them.

A. No.of learners who earned

80% on the formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other



Teacher-I MT-I/LAC Leader



School Principal II

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