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2022 - d3 05 Rauscher Presentation

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Fire Safety Design, Means Of Egress And Fire Modelling

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

With Sprinkler Actuation In A High Multifunctional
Sports And Events Hall – Case Study

- Case Study from Hungary

Judit Rauscher – assistant lecturer at University of Public Service, Institute of Disaster
Management, Hungary – [email protected]
Csaba Szikra - teacher at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of
Building Energetics and Building Services, Hungary – [email protected]
Lajos Gábor Takács PhD - associate professor at Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Department of Building Constructions, Hungary – [email protected]

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
The Multifunctional Sports and Event Hall - MVM Dome

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

- Case Study from Hungary
Basic fire safety data of the MVM Dome are the following:
 ground floor + 5 floors + rooftop HVAC level; there is no basement
 the highest floor level is at +23,25 m
 seating area 20.000 people, for events around 24.000 guests
 net floor area 51.750 m2, divided to 17 fire compartments
 automatic fire detection and alarm system and a wet sprinkler
 a public address system
 pressurized staircases and mechanical smoke and heat ventilation
with natural air supply in the event hall
 at circulation areas a smoke control system with reversible
mechanical smoke exhaust and air supply points
@wikipedia.hu @kozti.hu @authors

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Sprinkler actuation problems in the Event Hall

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

- Case Study from Hungary
27,68 m
34,5 m

40 m

Main problems:
• Clearance is significantly more than 12 m – there are no full-scale sprinkler tests for this clearance
• „skipping” hazard of the sprinklers
@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Sprinkler actuation problems in the Event Hall

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

MSZ EN 12845:2015+A1 about sprinklers, authorities shall be consulted for buildings exceeding 12 m.

- Case Study from Hungary

Hungarian guideline “Planning, Design and Installation of Fixed Firefighting Systems” [2], as follows:

4.2.2. If the ceiling height exceeds 12 m, in any hazard class, a K factor of minimum K115 and quick response (RTI <50(m-
s)1/2) sprinklers are recommended.

4.2.3. In case of high hazard (HHP or HHS), when the clearance between the highest intermediate sprinkler levels (f.i. in-
rack sprinklers) and the ceiling sprinklers, or without intermediate sprinkler levels the headroom exceeds 15 m, K factor
of minimum K160 and quick response (RTI <50(m-s)1/2) sprinklers are recommended as ceiling sprinkler system.
4.2.4. At the hydraulic calculations, requirements of the MSZ EN 12845:2015+A1 standard concerning to the given
hazard classification are recommended.
The above mentioned points are based on full-scale fire tests testing and minimizing the so-called skipping effect at high
ceiling areas.

The note refers to full scale fire tests, which are extremely important at validation of the fire modeling results at any jobs.

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Sprinkler actuation problems in the Event Hall

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

Sprinklers used in the Event Hall:
quick-response extra-large-orifice (QRELO)
K factor 160, activation temperature 68 °C, RTI28.

- Case Study from Hungary

Fire sources at pre-determined fire scenarios are usually represented
by rectangular objects

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Fire scenarios in the Event Hall

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

- Case Study from Hungary
Fire scenarios:
• 1,8 MW in the spectator’s area
• 10, 20, 25 and 30 MW on the stage – represented with simple
or complicated obstruction

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Fire scenarios in the Event Hall

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

- Case Study from Hungary
Peak heat Activated Sprinkler Peak heat Activated Sprinkler
Fire scenario Fire scenario
release rate sprinlers activation time release rate sprinlers activation time
19/A (end stage) 10 MW 3 422,7- 438,2 s 23/B (end stage) 20 MW 6 422,5- 485,6 s
21/A (side stage) 10 MW 1 432,0 s 23/B (side stage) 20 MW 10 402,2–706,0 s
23/A (center stage) 10 MW 1 426,8 s 23/B (center stage) 20 MW 6 400–973,3 s
25/A (2/3 stage) 10 MW 1 811,2 s 25/B (2/3 stage) 20 MW 6 449,5– 509,7 s

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Fire scenarios in the Event Hall

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

- Case Study from Hungary
Peak heat release Activated Sprinkler activation
Fire scenario
rate sprinlers time

19/A (end stage) 20 MW - -

19/A (end stage) 25 MW 4 862-1009
19/A (end stage) 30 MW 18 535,3-856,6

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

 multifunctional use: several kind of fire
scenarios are possible so a wide range of
design fire scenarios must be tested (HRR, fire

- Case Study from Hungary

source form)
 sprinkler activation time strongly depends
on the heat release rate curve: at higher peak
HRR, more sprinkler heads are activated; when
the peak HRR is less than 10 MW, in the Event
Hall no sprinkler activation happened due to
the high clearance; fire fighting intervention
possibilities must be always provided - fire
brigades can extinguish small and middle size
fires while large fires are controlled by
sprinklers providing conditions to the fire
brigades to extinguish the fire;
 to avoid extensive sprinkler skipping,
All the above mentioned design goals can be tested only with sprinkler activation times and patterns must be
fire modelling; prescriptive standards, guidelines cannot checked at every fire scenario and if there are
provide methods for the proper design. skipping problems, sprinkler design or even
the smoke and heat ventilation must be
@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
FDS simulation – Hungarian regulation – detailed requirements

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

Fire-, smokespread and evacuation modelling”, Fire Protection Technical Guideline, TvMI 8.5: 13-06-2022

Total emergency response time must be precisely calculated

- Case Study from Hungary

Leaving the fire department: 2,0 mins
Travel time with average speed of 30 km/hrs (0,5 km/mins) ≈ 5,0 mins
fire reconnaissance, setting time: 3,0 mins
building that is above 5000 m ground area extra 1,0 min
more time is needed in case of a different level of the building level:
first floor (lower concourse area): extra 1,0 min
second floor (VIP level): extra 3,0 mins
third floor (upper concourse): extra 4,0 mins
fourth floor (HVAC level): extra 5,0 mins
Total response time calculations:
ground floor fire scenarios: 12,0 mins (720 s)
first floor fire scenarios: 13,0 mins (780 s)
second floor fire scenarios: 14,0 mins (840 s)
third floor fire scenarios: 15,0 mins (900 s)
fourth floor fire scenarios: 16,0 mins (960 s)

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
FDS simulation – Hungarian regulation – detailed requirements

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

Fire-, smokespread and evacuation modelling”, Fire Protection Technical Guideline, TvMI 8.5: 13-06-2022

Within the total firefighting

- Case Study from Hungary

response time:
 Further distance than 25
meters measured from the
fire source the visibility
shall not be lower than 5
meters at that exact
moment when the
firefighter intervention
begins. 25 m radius is
represented with a circle
around the fire source.
 To ensure the conditions of
the intervention visibility
slice should be set in case of
every fire locations at Z = 2
m height.

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Smoke and heat control system – concourse areas

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

Virtual smoke compartments are designed
with reversible mechanical smoke and heat
exhaust and air supply points in every

- Case Study from Hungary

control zones; vent points have 27.000
m3/h, 54.000 m3/h and 60.000 m3/h
exhaust or supply capacity.
Operation of the smoke and heat ventilation:
 mechanical smoke and heat ventilation
starts in the closest virtual smoke
compartments to the fire source;
 mechanical air supply ventilation is
activated in two virtual smoke
compartments next to the smoke
compartments where the smoke exhaust
had been started,
 emergency exits on the ground floor
serving as natural auxiliary air supply
openings are always activated.

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Smoke and heat control system – concourse areas

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

Virtual smoke compartments are designed
with reversible mechanical smoke and heat
exhaust and air supply points in every

- Case Study from Hungary

control zones; vent points have 27.000
m3/h, 54.000 m3/h and 60.000 m3/h
exhaust or supply capacity.
Operation of the smoke and heat ventilation:
 mechanical smoke and heat ventilation
starts in the closest virtual smoke
compartments to the fire source;
 mechanical air supply ventilation is
activated in two virtual smoke
compartments next to the smoke
compartments where the smoke exhaust
had been started,
 emergency exits on the ground floor
serving as natural auxiliary air supply
openings are always activated.

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Smoke and heat control system - concourse areas

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

• there are no smoke
barriers just virtual

- Case Study from Hungary

smoke zones
• fires under 1 MW can be
controlled with the
designed system
• where larger fires
expected (f.i. in buffets)
- despite of the sprinkler
system - were separated
from the concourse area
with active fire curtains

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Smoke and heat control of the concourse areas - results

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

• There are no smoke
barriers just virtual

- Case Study from Hungary

smoke zones
• fires under 1 MW can be
controlled with the
designed system
• where larger fires
expected (f.i. in buffets)
- despite of the sprinkler
system - were separated
from the concourse area
with active fire curtains

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Means of Egress – Hungarian regulation

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

A scenario is defined by the following characteristics: Hungarian legislation [3] says:
• the usage layout „only that the worst case scenario
• initial agent number and their distribution needs to be checked...”

- Case Study from Hungary

• geometry
• characteristics of the agents
• duration before evacuation
• characteristics and effects of the fire we believe that with an
engineering approach this may not
be enough (without testing)

Options for verification of egress process:

1. observing geometric parameters
2. calculations
3. evacuation simulation Evacuation simulation
- determining the ASET time by FDS simulation
→ visibility > 15 m, 2 m above floors
Prescriptive code - determining the RSET time by Pathfinder
- legal requirement for the period of movement simulation
for event hall 90 s - pre-movement time 30 s (approved by authority)
- pre-movement time 0 s - walking speed 0,59-1,19 m/s
- for calculations walking speed 0,67 m/s

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Circulation areas and evacuation routes

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

- Case Study from Hungary
external escape stairs main entrance lobby circulation area

main stairs in the lobby staircases

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Event Hall - grandstand

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

- Case Study from Hungary
mobil stands

full grandstand view from 3 m high steel beams

lower grandstand

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Multi-functional event hall – evacuation scenarios

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

- Case Study from Hungary

planed by the

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Multi-functional event hall – evacuation scenarios

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall


- Case Study from Hungary

handball, basketball, futsal, volleyball, tennis,
badminton, athletics, gymnastics, boxing, wrestling,
dodgeball, fencing, weightlifting, archery, roller-skating,
rsg, dance, swimming, ice hockey, curling ...
end, half, third stage, side stage + standing and/or
seated auditorium
only basic layout, tested exhibition, fair, monster truck show ...
with fireplaces, but so it is
not "multi" must be "multi" checking typical or extreme situations
1 usage layout (handball
full lower 14 usage layouts +
with full grandstand) +
grandstand mobile 39 fire scenarios » 29 merged
6 fire scenarios » 3
simulation results
merged simulation results

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Multi-functional event hall – evacuation scenarios

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall


- Case Study from Hungary

full end stage seats only
3 rows pushed in half stage seating and standing areas

8 rows pushed in third stage seating and standing areas, with

priority standing area
11 rows pushed in side stage
center stage

for events at least 4 × 5 × 3 = 60 usage layouts

14 usage layouts + 19 fire
+ 8-10 more layouts for sport events
scenarios » 16 merged
+ check of special cases
simulation results

at least 60 usage layouts + 15 fire scenarios »

??? merged simulation results

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Evacuation simulation parameters

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

agent type size (cm) note
- minimum visibility 15 m (m/s)
spectator, attendant,

- Case Study from Hungary

- 2 m height above floor player, staff
45,58 1,19 default
independent wheelchair size and form by ISO 7193, speed based
70/120 0,79
users on domestic measurment
The internationally published speed for
wheelchair users exceeds the commonly
PRE-MOVEMENT TIME assisted wheelchair user 70/120 1,19
used default setting and is therefore not
- spectators, visitors 30 s person with reduces
66,00 0,59 Speed based on domestic measurment
- staff 30-60 s The internationally published speed for
wheelchair users exceeds the commonly
- simplification in agreement with the authority visually impaired person 45,58 1,19
used default setting and is therefore not

basic layout (handball) ≈20.460 visitor + 1.540 staff

- worst case in each layout – end stage ≈16.500-17.600 visitor + 1.300 staff
maximum visitors and staff side stage ≈12.500 visitor + 1.350 staff
- wheelchair user – as designed place (12-60)
- visually impaired – 0,83% central stage ≈24.100 visitor + 1.350 staff
ice hokey ≈19.400 visitor + 1.540 staff

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Evacuation videos

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall


- Case Study from Hungary

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Evacuation videos

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

environment perceived
by people

- Case Study from Hungary


@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
visibility ISO SURFACE

@ Judit Rauscher
Evacuation videos

visibility 3D SMOKE

@ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall


- Case Study from Hungary

visibility ISO SURFACE

@ Judit Rauscher
Evacuation videos

visibility 3D SMOKE

@ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall


- Case Study from Hungary

Merged simulation results

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

Possibilities to determine the time available for evacuation using simulations:
Method Accuracy Time Application

- Case Study from Hungary

FDS simulaion by itself – Industrial, storage and
(with test slices) + + agricultural buildings, interiors
with large air spaces

Merged simuation result from FDS and

Public buildings, complex
Pathfinder – real RSET and ASET ++ +++

Why don't we always do

• TIME FACTOR - many and difficult to predict this way???
• NON-LINEAR - difficult to link to other planning phases
• RELATED WORK - very long hours, many re-runs, rehearsals
• EXPENSIVE - many hours of work, practice and expected benefits...

• this is the most REAL - IF it's done right

• there are many ways to examine the conditions that have

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
• The aim of fire safety design is to ensure the highest possible safety for everyone,

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

all the time, but there are no guarantees! It's useful to be able to participate in the
whole design process in a complex way and to be able to follow it through with

- Case Study from Hungary

• In case of multifunctional use, several kind of fire scenarios are possible so a
wide range of design fire scenarios must be tested, both in terms of heat release
rate curve and form of the fire scenario (simple forms, complex forms
representing a stage setting).

• To avoid extensive sprinkler skipping, sprinkler activation times and patterns

must be checked at every fire scenario and if there are skipping problems,
sprinkler design or even the smoke and heat ventilation must be modified.

• Combined (merged) fire- and smokespread, and evacuation simulations give the
most complete picture of the complex (fire) operation of the building during the
design process. They are a good tool, but you cannot, and should not, "solve"
everything with them - you need background knowledge, which we are
constantly developing.

• Buildings are always used in many different ways, and this must(should) be
reflected in their design for safety reason! Our conclusion was that there are
always many more usages than the designer thinks of at the beginning… SAFETY FOR ALL

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall
Thank you for your attention!

- Case Study from Hungary

Judit Rauscher – assistant lecturer at University of Public Service, Institute of Disaster
Management, Hungary – [email protected]
Csaba Szikra - teacher at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of
Building Energetics and Building Services, Hungary – [email protected]
Lajos Takács PhD - associate professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Department of Building Constructions, Hungary – [email protected]

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022
Sources, referencies

Multifunctional Sports and Events Hall

[1] Fixed firefighting systems. Automatic sprinkler systems. Design, installation and maintenance
[2] “Planning, Design and Installation of Fixed Firefighting Systems”, Fire Protection Technical Guideline, TvMI 6.4: 13-06-2022
[3] Ministerial Decree 54/2014 (XII.05.) BM on the National Fire Safety Code

- Case Study from Hungary

[4] Nam, S. (2004), “Actuation of Sprinklers at High Ceiling Clearance Facilities”, Fire Safety Journal, 39, 619-642.
[5] SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 4th Edition, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts.
[6] Hietaniemi, Jukka & Mikkola, Esko. (2010). “Design Fires for Fire Safety Engineering”, VTT Working Papers, 139.
[7] Nam, S., Braga, A., Kung, H.C. and Troup, M.A. (2003), “Fire Protection for Non-Storage Occupancies with High Ceiling Clearances”, Fire Safety
Science - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium, IAFSS, 493-504.
[8] Croce, P. A., Hill, J.P. and Xin, Y. (2005), “An investigation of the Causative Mechanism of Sprinkler Skipping”, Fire Protection Engineering, 15:2.

[9] “Fire-, smokespread and evacuation modelling”, Fire Protection Technical Guideline, TvMI 8.5: 13-06-2022
[10] “Evacuation”, Fire Protection Technical Guideline, TvMI 2.4: 13-06-2022
[11] RiMEA e.V. Richtlinie für Mikroskopischer Entfluchtungsanalysen, version 3.0.0, 10. Marz 2016
[12] Veres György (2018), "Evacuation in the event of fire in institutions for people with mobility impairments" doctoral thesis, Óbudai
University Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences

@ Judit Rauscher @ Csaba Szikra, Lajos Takács PhD 2022

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