Simulation of Leaky Lamb Wave Propagation With A Semi-Analytical Finite Element Technique

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Proceedings of Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics, Vol. 35 (2014) pp. 429-430

3-5 December, 2014

Simulation of Leaky Lamb Wave Propagation with a

Semi-Analytical Finite Element Technique
Daisuke Inoue†, Takahiro Hayashi, and Shiro Biwa (Grad. School Eng., Kyoto Univ.)

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1. Introduction
Ultrasonic wave modes propagating in
plate-like structures in the longitudinal direction,
called guided waves, can travel long distance with
less attenuation than bulk waves. This prominent
feature enhances our expectancy for rapid
long-range non-destructive testing (NDT). However,
in actual inspection, guided waves often attenuate
due to energy leakage from the structure to the
surrounding media. For the purpose of precise
Fig.1 The SAFE model of leaky Lamb wave.
testing, we need to investigate guided wave
propagation in a plate with leaky media.
which [ y and [ z are the y and z
Since guided waves propagate with very
components of the wavenumber of the plane waves,
complex features such as multi-modal nature and
respectively. Here, the z component of the
dispersion, numerical calculations are needed to
wavenumber [ z is a common parameter with the
clarify the propagation of guided waves. Although
wavenumber of Lamb wave. Since we do not
the finite element method (FEM) is often used for
discretize the fluid regions in this technique, the
calculation of ultrasonic wave propagation, this
calculation size remains the same in the presence of
requires that an object be divided into small
leaky media.
elements and is unsuitable for guided waves in
In SAFE, we assume that displacements can
large structures due to enormous computation time
be expressed with temporally and spatially
and memory.
harmonic wave exp i[ z z  iZt in the propagation
We have developed a numerical calculation
direction. Since we do not divide an object into
method for guided waves using a semi-analytical
small elements in the propagation direction, this
finite element (SAFE) technique. In SAFE, the
technique is suitable for guided waves in large
wave fields are expressed by orthogonal functions
structures. The governing equation, resulting in an
in the longitudinal direction instead of being
eigenvalue problem, provides eigenvalues and
represented by a number of elements. Thus we can
eigenvectors that correspond to the wavenumbers
reduce the calculation size significantly.
[ ym , [ zm and the displacement distributions q m
This paper describes leaky Lamb wave
m 1,...,n , respectively, where n is an integer
simulations with SAFE. Calculation results are
relating to the number of nodes.
visualized to help our understanding of leaky Lamb
An arbitrary nodal displacement vector
waves generated by a point source on a plate.
u Z, [ z can be represented by a linear
superposition of eigenvectors q m [1], as
2. Derivation of transient wave by SAFE n

Figure 1 shows the SAFE model used in this u Z,[ z ¦D mq m . (1)

study. We consider a two-dimensional plane-strain m 1

problem with y and z as spatial coordinates in The coefficients D m are algebraically determined
the thickness and the propagation directions, for different excitation conditions such as point
respectively. source, piston source and angle beam incidence.
In the fluids, plane harmonic waves are Once we obtain the solution in the
generated by vibration of the plate and radiate to wavenumber domain, we carry out the integration
infinity, where the wavenumber [ f is given by the using the residue theorem for the kernel D mq m with
ratio of the angular frequency Z and the sound poles. For example, the displacement field in the
speed of the fluid c f , as [ f Z / c f . The plane space domain for point source incidence at z z0
waves are expressed as exp i[ y y  i[ z z  iZt , in is given as,

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u Z, z ¦D c q
m 1
m m exp^i[ zm z  z0 `, (2)
where the coefficients D mc are derived from D m
in the process of integration. Moreover, converting
from the frequency domain to the time domain, we Fig.2 The excitation waveform and visualization
obtain the solution in time and space domains and region.
visualize the wave propagation by making images
of displacement fields at each time step.

3. Simulation result of wave propagation

This section describes one example of the
calculation for leaky Lamb wave generated at a S0
point source on a plate surface. A burst wave with (a) f ct 20.41
the normalized central frequency of f c d / cT 0.5
is applied on a plate surface as shown in Fig.2,
where f c is the central frequency, d is the
thickness of the plate and cT is the transverse
wave speed in the plate. Displacement field in the
region depicted as a red rectangle in Fig.2 is
visualized at three different normalized time f ct (b) f ct 28.26
in Fig.3. Figure 4 shows the normalized group
velocity cg / cT versus the normalized frequency
f c d / cT in addition with normalized frequency
spectrum of the excitation waveform. In Fig.3 the
grid deformation shows displacements at the grid x 1/10
points and the color denotes the displacement in the Scholte
(c) f ct 36.11
propagation direction, in which red and blue stand
for positive and negative values of the displacement, Fig.3 Snapshots of displacement fields at three
respectively. As the wave has very large different time steps.
displacements in Fig.3(c), the displacement field is
shown in 1/10 scale of those in Fig.3(a) and (b).
The fastest mode with uniform displacement
distribution over the cross-section of a plate shown
in Fig.3(a) can be estimated as an S0 mode from its
group velocity and the wave structure. Figure 3(b)
clearly shows that plane waves leak out to upper
and lower fluids from the S0 mode. Figure 3(b) also
visualizes the A0 mode as a slower mode following
the S0 mode, which has apparently different wave
structure with a node at the plate center.
Another mode appears behind the A0 mode as
shown in Fig.3(b) and (c). The wave propagating
along a plate-fluid interface, called Scholte wave[2] Fig.4 Group velocity dispersion curves and
has slightly lower wave speed than that of the fluid. frequency spectrum of excitation waveform.
The vibration of Scholte wave concentrates in the
fluid region close to the plate surface and does not Calculation results were visualized to analyze
attenuate while propagation. The non-dispersive fundamental Lamb modes and Scholte wave
and non-attenuative characteristics could be suitable propagation clearly. As a result, Scholte wave
for a wide-range inspection of plate-like structures. propagates with its displacement mainly in the fluid
region close to the plate surface at the speed almost
4. Conclusion the same as the sound wave in the fluid.

This paper analyzed transient wave motion in References

a plate with leaky media numerically with a 1. Y. Y. Wang, et al.: JSME International Journal
semi-analytical finite element (SAFE) technique. A. 40, 4 (1997) p.398-406.
We first described the formulation of SAFE for 2. L. Cagniard: Reflection and Refraction of
leaky Lamb waves generated by a point source. Progressive Seismic Waves, McGraw-Hill,1962.

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