MATH1210 Course Outline - Fall2020

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MATH 1210: Classical and Linear Algebra Page 1

University of Manitoba
Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics

1 Course Details 1

2 Instructor Contact Information 2

3 Minimum Technological Requirements 2

4 Course Contents 2

5 Using Copyrighted Materials 2

6 Recording Class Lectures 3

7 Textbook and Reading Materials 3

8 Course Technology 3

9 Class Communications 3

10 Student Accessibility Services 4

11 Class Schedule 4

12 Course Grade 4

13 Academic Integrity 5

14 Notice Regarding Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Information by the

University 6

1 Course Details
Course Title & Number MATH 1210: Classical and Linear Algebra
Number of Credit Hours 3

Pre-requisites: A minimum grade of 60% in Pre-calculus Mathematics 40S or

the former Mathematics 40S (300), or a grade of ”C” or better in the MSKL 100 offered by
Extended Education.
MATH 1210: Classical and Linear Algebra Page 2

2 Instructor Contact Information

Instructor(s) Name Jaydeep Chipalkatti
Preferred Form of Address Jaydeep
Office Hours or Availability There will be online office hours for this course, with details to
be announced once the term has begun.
Office Phone Number 204-474-6924
Email [email protected]
I check my email frequently, and typically you should expect a
reply within 24 hours.

3 Minimum Technological Requirements

The Faculty of Science has indicated that all students enrolled in this course must ensure they
have access to the following:

1. a computing device where one can create and edit documents;

2. an internet connection capable of streaming videos and downloading software; and

3. access to a web-cam and microphone.

4 Course Contents
Linear algebra: This unit covers a variety of topics in linear algebra, such as matrices (ad-
dition, subtraction, multiplication) (Chapter 4), vectors and their application to equations for
lines and planes in three-space (Chapter 5), solving systems of linear equations by Gaussian and
Gauss-Jordan elimination (Chapter 6), determinants, Cramer’s Rule, linearly (in)dependent vec-
tors (Chapter 7), inverses of matrices, using inverse matrices to solve linear systems (Chapter
8), linear transformations, the matrix of a linear transformation, eigenvalues and eigenvectors
(Chapter 9).

Mathematical Induction: In this unit, proof by mathematical induction and use of sigma nota-
tion to represent sums symbolically will be discussed (Chapter 1).

Complex Numbers and Polynomial Equations: This unit covers complex numbers in Carte-
sian, polar and exponential forms, as well as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and
roots of complex numbers (Chapter 2). Chapter 3 discusses properties of polynomial equations,
the rational root theorem, Descartes’ rules of signs and a bounds theorem for roots of polynomial

5 Using Copyrighted Materials

Example: Please respect copyright. We will use copyrighted content in this course. I have
ensured that the content I use is appropriately acknowledged and is copied in accordance with
copyright laws and University guidelines. Copyrighted works, including those created by me, are
MATH 1210: Classical and Linear Algebra Page 3

made available for private study and research and must not be distributed in any format without
permission. Do not upload copyrighted works to a learning management system (such as UM
Learn), or any website, unless an exception to the Copyright Act applies or written permission
has been confirmed. For more information, see the University’s Copyright Office website at or contact um [email protected].
Posting/uploading course materials to note-sharing sites is prohibited:

6 Recording Class Lectures

Students are not allowed to record the class lectures. However, recordings done by the instructor
will be available on the course website in UMLearn.
Course materials, presentations and lectures that form part of this course are copyrighted
material. No audio or video recording of lectures or presentations is allowed in any format,
openly or surreptitiously, in whole or in part without permission. Course materials (both paper
and digital) are for the participant’s private study and research.

7 Textbook and Reading Materials

The textbook for the course will be the ‘Notes for Math 1210: Classical and Linear Algebra (2012
edition)’, by Donald Trim. From time to time, additional reading material will be made available
to students.

8 Course Technology
We will be using Cisco Webex for lecture delivery. This may accessed via UMLearn. You will need
your UMNet ID to access UMLearn. The following links should be useful:
For UM Learn
For WebEx (requires login)

9 Class Communications
The University requires all students to activate an official University email account. For full
details of the Electronic Communication with Students please visit:
Please note that all communication between myself and you as a student must comply with the
electronic communication with student policy—see
governing_documents/community/electronic_communication_with_students_policy.html You
MATH 1210: Classical and Linear Algebra Page 4

are required to obtain and use your U of M email account for all communication between your-
self and the university.

10 Student Accessibility Services

If you are a student with a disability, please contact SAS for academic accommodation supports
and services such as note-taking, interpreting, assistive technology and exam accommodations.
Students who have, or think they may have, a disability (e.g. mental illness, learning, medical,
hearing, injury-related, visual) are invited to contact SAS to arrange a confidential consultation.

Student Accessibility Services

520 University Centre
204 474 7423
student [email protected]

11 Class Schedule
The class-schedule is as follows:
Section Class-hour
A01 9:30-10:20 am on Mon-Wed-Fri
A02 1:30-2:20 am on Mon-Wed-Fri
A03 12:30-1:20 am on Mon-Wed-Fri

There will be an online class (via webex) during the designated time (of course, excluding
statutory holidays). We expect to cover nearly all the material in the course notes; however, we
will not necessarily cover it in the same sequence. For instance, we will begin with Chapter 6
(Linear Equations). The material to be covered will be announced well in advance, and there
will be ample notice given if we decide to omit any material.

In this course, there will be three assignments, one miderm and one final exam. The material
to be covered on the assignments will also be announced well in advance.

Midterm Date and Time: 6:00 to 7:15 pm on Wednesday, 4 November, 2020.

Voluntary withdrawal deadline: 23 November, 2020.

Also please see Section 2.8 of the ROASS Procedure.

12 Course Grade
• Throughout the term, three take-home assignments will be given to you. They are worth 10
marks each. You must complete the assignments entirely on your own, without getting help
from anyone else. An ‘honesty declaration’ must be attached to the submitted assignment.
This declaration is in a standard format which will be made available to you. No late
assignments will be accepted.
MATH 1210: Classical and Linear Algebra Page 5

• There will be a 75-minute midterm examination worth 30 marks.

• There will be a take-home final examination worth 40 marks.

Altogether, this accounts for a total of (10 × 3) + 30 + 40 = 100 marks.

We will follow the following grading scale. However, please note that the grade-cutoffs may
be adjusted downwards. This means, for instance, that a final mark of 70/100 guarantees a grade
of B. However, depending on the overall performance profile of the entire class, a mark lower
than 70 may also qualify for a B.

Letter Grade Percentage out of 100 Grade Point Range Final Grade Point
A+ 90-100 4.25-4.5 4.5
A 82-89 3.75-4.24 4.0
B+ 76-81 3.25-3.74 3.5
B 70-75 2.75-3.24 3.0
C+ 64-69 2.25-2.74 2.5
C 58-63 2.0-2.24 2.0
D 50-57 Less than 2.0 1.0
F Less than 50 0

13 Academic Integrity
The Department of Mathematics, the Faculty of Science and the University of Manitoba all regard
acts of academic dishonesty in quizzes, tests, examinations or assignments as serious offences
and may assess a variety of penalties depending on the nature of the offence.
Acts of academic dishonesty include bringing unauthorized materials into a test or exam,
copying from another student, plagiarism and examination personation. Students are advised
to read the sections entitled Academic Integrity and Final Examinations: 4. Personations in the
General Academic Regulations of the current Undergraduate Calendar. Note, in particular, that
cell phones and pagers are explicitly listed as unauthorized materials, and hence may not
be present during tests or examinations.
Penalties for violation include being assigned a grade of zero on a test or assignment, being
assigned a grade of “F” in a course, compulsory withdrawal from a course or program, suspension
from a course/program/faculty or even expulsion from the University. For specific details about
the nature of penalties that may be assessed upon conviction of an act of academic dishonesty,
students are referred to University Policy 1202 (Student Discipline Bylaw) and to the Department
of Mathematics policy concerning minimum penalties for acts of academic dishonesty.
All students are advised to familiarize themselves with the Student Discipline Bylaw, which
is printed in its entirety in the Student Guide; also available on-line or through the Office of the
University Secretary. Minimum penalties assessed by the Department of Mathematics for acts of
academic dishonesty are available on the Department of Mathematics web-page.
MATH 1210: Classical and Linear Algebra Page 6

14 Notice Regarding Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Per-

sonal Information by the University
Your personal information is being collected under the authority of The University of Manitoba
Act. It will be used for the purposes of grading papers and providing feedback to students.
Personal information will not be used or disclosed for other purposes, unless permitted by The
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). The University of Manitoba has
taken steps to ensure that its agreements with Crowdmark, Inc. and WebAssign for services
provided by the Crowdmark and WebAssign applications are in compliance with FIPPA. Please
be aware that information held by Crowdmark Inc. and Webassign may be transmitted to and
stored on servers outside of the University of Manitoba, or Canada. The University of Manitoba
cannot and does not guarantee protection against the possible disclosure of your data including,
without limitation, against possible secret disclosures of data to a foreign authority in accor-
dance with the laws of another jurisdiction. If you have any questions about the collection of
personal information, contact the Access and Privacy Office (tel. 204-474-9462), The University
of Manitoba, 233 Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2.

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