Autism Spectrum Disorder & Homeopathy

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18/05/2018 Autism Spectrum Disorder & Homeopathy

Autism Spectrum Disorder &


July 2013 - Author Trudi Gourdie PhD

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a term used to describe the psychiatric diagnosis of
a particular range of developmental disorders which include Asperger Syndrome. A
diagnosis of ASD is centred upon problems regarding communication and social
interaction, inflexibility with regard to thinking and behaviour, language issues, often
accompanied by learning difficulties and sensory issues.(1,2) The range and severity of
these symptoms vary from person to person. These combined problems, which usually
emerge during the developmental phases in early childhood, lead to a restricted social
competence requiring much help and understanding from caregivers who must try to act
as a go between with the outside world. ASD is perceived to be a long term, or life-
long, developmental disorder.(1)

It is estimated that over 40,000 people in New Zealand are affected by ASD (1)
including approximately 6000 children under the age of 16 years with approximately 360
new cases diagnosed each year.(3)

From the medical perspective, the onset of ASD is thought to be predominantly from
birth to around three years of age. Early diagnosis is considered by the medical
profession to be of extreme importance in order for the individual to receive the
appropriate care and understanding of the requirement of special needs that ASD
brings. If diagnosis is not made until the mid to late teenage years, conventional
thought is that much less can be done to help the individual.(4)

Common manifestations of ASD include; prefers to play alone, withdrawn, does not smile
when smiled at, unaware of facial expressions and body language of others, does not
make eye contact, never plays make believe, will not seek help from others, language
skills often lower than age group, must adhere to fixed routines, has to have things in a
specific order, attachment to unusual items, unusual ways of playing with toys, over
reactive to loud noises, extremely sensitive to certain smells/tastes or textures.

What homeopathy has to offer in the case of individuals presenting with ASD
symptoms and/or diagnosis

Homeopathy looks at each person as an individual. Many of these characteristics may

be common to ASD but each person labelled with this disorder has a unique set of needs
and abilities as these characteristics vary in the degree of expression from person to
person. It is these individual differences that are most important in homeopathy rather
than the label of diagnosis. Regardless of disease label, homeopathy is interested in
understanding the person as a unique individual. Homeopathy concentrates on what is
unique in the pathology, what is currently restricting the person the most. The
homeopathic approach, whether presented with a person labelled as having Asperger
Syndrome or with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or with autism, is to look
beyond the disease label, to what is presented by the person as a whole, to find a
deeper understanding of that person as an individual.(5) This is represented as the total
symptom picture of the individual person and is unique to that person at that point in
time. The total symptom picture encompasses not only mental, emotional and physical
characteristics of the person but also takes into account such aspects as patterns of
experience in utero from the point of conception, birth experience, personal and family
medical history, food and environmental likes/dislikes as well as fears, dreams and sleep
patterns. The homeopath matches up this total symptom picture as closely as possible
with the symptom picture of one of several thousand homeopathic remedies.

Certain homeopathic remedies have been found to have an affinity with the ASD type
disturbance. That is, aspects of their symptom picture incorporate some or many of the
symptoms, or characteristics, which are associated with ASD. The subtlety of
differentiation of such remedies by an experienced homeopath is based upon the unique
symptom picture of each individual person. A remedy is selected on the basis that its
total symptom picture best fits the unique symptom picture presented by the individual
at the time.

Homeopathic Remedies and Autism 1/4
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Homeopathic remedies from the mineral kingdom are associated with the themes of
structure, relationships, identity, roles, security, attack/defence, issues of performance
and being organised, being literal, logical, numbers orientated, systematic, and
inflexible; all common themes associated with ASD. Remedies in this kingdom, such
as Calcarea carbonica, Baryta carbonica, Sulphur, and Natrum muriaticum, have been
found to help individuals, particularly children, presenting with a total symptom picture
which encompasses many of these themes.(5)

Cuprum metallicum has been used to help where there is obsessiveness, tension and
inflexibility. The picture may also include tics and head banging. Saccharum
officinale has helped restore emotional contact, facilitating the expression of feelings
and understanding of what others feel.(6)

Helium has the strong theme of not reacting with others, preferring to stay within
themselves, not making eye contact and disliking physical contact. There is no
relationship with the environment and does not like new environments. Head banging
and a great memory for details are also features of this remedy.(7, 8)

The Lithium salts are associated with the picture which includes anger tantrums,
spontaneous and impulsive behaviours, extreme reactions, an insular ability to
concentrate on a particular technical subject, where the individual is childishly
egocentric, behaving like a three year old while being a prisoner in their own world.(7,9)

The group of mineral remedies known as the Lanthanides (row 7 of the Periodic
table), particularly the salts of Lanthanum and Cerium, have also been used in
association with the ASD disturbance. The general themes of this group of remedies
revolve around a self centredness at a more self reflective level than the Lithium salts,
living in one’s own world, feeling they don’t fit in the world, needing to decide
everything for oneself, autonomy, the desire to control oneself, difficulty in following
rules, preferring to make own rules, wanting to go their own way and a desire for
freedom. There is a difficulty being a child as a child is always being told what to do so
it is easier to retreat into one’s own world. Individuals needing this group of remedies
are often intellectual, bright and unconventional, over-sensitive, tend towards
withdrawal and being loners, prefer one-to-one interaction than with a group. Obsessive
behaviour may be apparent as well as reading and writing difficulties such as dyslexia.
(9, 10, 11)

Of the plant kingdom of homeopathic remedies, Anacardium orientale, has been used
to address aggressiveness and the state of self absorption in association with ASD.(6)

A group of homeopathic remedies in the animal realm which is proving to be of great

value in helping with ASD is the Matridonal remedies of the humanum family which have
issues around touch, connection, feelings of exclusion, of not having joined humanity,
withdrawal due to the overwhelming feeling of too much stimulus. These issues are
often connected to the time in utero and the birth experience. Remedies
include; Umbilical cord(12), Oxytocin(12,13), Lac
maternum (6), Placenta(14,15,16) and Vernix.(16)

While Vernix has been used to help establish better boundaries against external stimuli,
(6) Placenta humana has helped to re-establish contact with the world where there is
avoidance of eye contact, lack of speech, rejection of touch and a tendency to walk on
tip toe. This state appears to often be associated with traumatic birth experiences and,
or disturbance in utero.(14, 15)

Other remedies from the animal realm which have associations with the ASD disturbance
include Oyster (17) and Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias). In the latter (bird)
remedy, the themes of impartial detachment, independence, observation without
involvement, together with hypersensitivity (hyper acuity) of the senses, lends the
remedy to use in ASD.(18)

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the remedies used in association with ASD.
Many other homeopathic remedies have the potential to help with ASD on an individual

Why consider Homeopathy? 2/4
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Homeopathy is a safe and gentle approach to working with these types of
communication and social interaction issues in both children and adults. The situation is
often very complex when there is a diagnosis of ASD. The highly individualised approach
of homeopathy means that what is important is how an individual differs from another
individual with the same diagnosis. This requires an experienced homeopath with
expertise in case taking, skilled in the differentiation of remedies, only one of which is
given at a time. Without side effects, this approach can be used alongside existing
pharmaceutical medications, supplements, and specialised diets.*

Homeopathic remedies are inexpensive and easy to administer. The effects of a well
chosen remedy may last for several weeks or months. The homeopathic approach takes
time and perseverance, often alleviating the need for restrictive diets.(19) Homeopathy
has the potential to create improvement in all areas such as behaviour, physical and
emotional symptoms as well as addressing genetic susceptibilities and environmental
insults. In the ASD type disturbance, improvements in concentration, attention,
memory, academic performance, social interaction with peers, self confidence, moods,
reduction in aggressive, defiant behaviour, improved relationship with parents and
siblings, may be expected.(19, 20) A reduction in overall sensitivity may be seen as well
as improvements in both chronic health complaints as well as increased resistance to
acute illnesses due to the strengthening of the immune system.

This is an excellent opportunity for the gentle approach of homeopathy to be


*Many individuals diagnosed with ASD adhere to a gluten and casein free (GFCF) diet
which is believed to reduce the severity of many of the symptoms of ASD, often
improving speech and behaviour. This is very difficult to adhere to, especially in families,
as all foods containing gluten (found in rye, barley, and wheat) and casein (found in
dairy products and milk) must be removed from the diet, requiring supplements to
replace minerals, vitamins and fibre.(19, 21)


1. Autism NZ Inc., , (accessed March 2013)

2. Maia Szalavitz and Bruce D Perry, MD, PhD, 'Born for Love: Why Empathy is Issential
– and Endangered,' (New York: Harper Collins, 2010) Chapter 4, pp.72-95

3. ASD (autism spectrum disorder)

disorder, (accessed March 2013)

4. 'Autism Update,' talk given by Dr Leila Masson, paediatrician, to the Australasian

Integrative Medicine Association Inc (AIMA), Auckland, New Zealand, 26 February

5. Christopher K Jones, PhD and Harry van der Zee, MD Hom, editors, 'Homeopathy and
Mental Health Care, Integrative Practice, Principles and Research,' (Netherlands:
Homeolinks Publishers, 2010), pp. 98 -101.

6. Jay Yasur book review of 'Autism: Beyond Despair - CEASE Therapy, Homeopathy Has
the Answers,' by Tinus Smits, MD ,(Emyrss Publishers

7. Alicia Lee, 'Homeopathic Mind Maps, remedies of the Mineral Kingdom, (Auckland, New
Zealand, Moozoonsii Publishing, 2010), pp. 19-22.

8. Jan Scholten, 'Homeopathy and the Elements,' (Netherlands, Stichting Alonnissos,

1996), pp. 94-96.

9. a. Ulrich Welte and Markus Kuntosch, 'Shy Odd, Really Brainy,' Spectrum of
Homeopathy, No. 1, Childhood and Psyche, Fear – Autism – Aggression – ADHD, (2010),
Narayana Publishers, Germany, pp. 14-21. b. Jan Scholten, 'Overcoming the False Self,'
Spectrum of Homeopathy, No. 1, Childhood and Psyche, Fear – Autism – Aggression –
ADHD, (2010), Narayana Publishers, Germany, pp. 22-26.

10. Jan Scholten, 'Secret Lanthanides,' (Netherlands, Stichting Alonnissos, 2005), pp. 3/4
18/05/2018 Autism Spectrum Disorder & Homeopathy

11. Alicia Lee, 'Homeopathic Mind Maps, remedies of the Mineral Kingdom, (Auckland,
New Zealand, Moozoonsii Publishing, 2010), p. 78.

12. Alize Timmeran, seminar 'Gifts of the Mother, Introducing the homeopathic remedies
from the Human Realm,' Auckland, New Zealand, February 18-21, 2011.

13. Alize Timmerman, 'The Love and Care Hormone,' Spectrum of Homeopathy, No.1,
New Life, Peri-natal Homeopathy, (2013), Narayana Publishers, Germany, pp. 86-97.

14. Juergen Weiland, 'Pathway into Life,' Spectrum of Homeopathy, No. 1, Childhood and
Psyche, Fear-Autism-Aggression-ADHD, (2010), Narayana Publishers, Germany, pp. 8-

15. Juergen Weiland, seminar 'Childhood and Homeopathy, Healthy Mental and Physical
Development,' Auckland, New Zealand, October 27-28, 2012.

16. Melissa Assilem, 'Matridonal Remedies of the Humanum Family; Gifts of the Mother,'
(Idolatry. Ink, 2009), pp. 42-68.

17. Katja and David Behrens, 'My Heart is Broken: A Case of

Oyster,', edited by Deborah Collins and
Patricia Mache, March 2013.

18. Jonathan Shore, MD, Judy Shriebman, Anneke Hogeland, 'Birds: Homeopathic
remedies from the Avian Realm,' (U.S.A., Published by Homeopathy West, 2004), p. 86
(conditions to be considered).

19. Erica McPhee, Nov 2011, (accessed March


20. Amy L Lansky, PhD, 'Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy,' (R.L. Ranch
Press, 2003),, (accessed March 2013)

21. Web MD, Autism Spectrum Disorders Health

autism (accessed March 2013)

Further references of interest:

Maia Szalavitz and Bruce D Perry, MD, PhD, “Born for Love: Why Empathy is Essential –
and Endangered,” (New York: Harper Collins, 2010) Chapter 4, pp. 72- 95.

Role of Homeopathy in Autism by Dr Santosh Joshi,

Differentiating ASD From DLD (delay in language development) in


Center for Autism & Develpmental Disabilites Epidemiology
and-developmental-disabilities/_archive/Facts/autism.html 4/4

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