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FPGA LabVIEW Programming Monitoring and Remote Con

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FPGA LabVIEW Programming, Monitoring and

Remote Control

Doru Ursutiu , Marius Ghercioiu2, Cornel Samoila1, Petru Cotfas1


1 University “Transylvania” of Brasov, Romania

2 National Instruments, USA

Abstract—NI ELVIS is an educational design and • NI-Elvis Breadboard Area

prototyping platform from National Instruments Corp. • General Purpose Breadboard Area
based on NI LabVIEW graphical system design software.
The platform is used for teaching concepts in areas such as
• NI-ELVIS connector interface
instrumentation, circuits, control, communication, and • +15VDC power barrel plug
embedded design in a hands-on, interactive manner. NI The Digital Electronics FPGA Board can be used as a
ELVIS contains an integrated suite of the 12 most plug-in card into the NI-ELVIS teaching platform. The
commonly used instruments – DMM, oscilloscope, function board is powered from the +15V power line generated by
generator, MIO, Counter etc – in a compact, rugged, NI-ELVIS and it is connected to the Host PC via a USB
laboratory-friendly form factor. cable.
A new instrument, the Digital Electronics FPGA Board has
been added to the NI-ELVIS platform in order to help
educators teach concepts of FPGA programming. This
paper presents an example of graphical FPGA program-
ming and monitoring using the Digital Electronics FPGA
Board and LabVIEW FPGA graphical programming.

Index Terms—FPGA programming, LabVIEW FPGA,

Digital Electronics FPGA Board, PDA .

The Digital Electronics Trainer Board is a circuit
development platform based on the Xilinx Spartan 3E
FPGA. The Digital Electronics Trainer Board Key
Components and Features are: Figure 1. NI-ELVIS II platform with the Digital Electronics FPGA
• Xilinx XC3S500E Spartan-3E FPGA
• Up to 232 user I/O The Digital Electronics FPGA Board can also be used
• 320-pin FPGA package as a stand-alone board that sits on the table, it is powered
• Over 10,000 logic cells from and external 15V power adapter (min 500mA) and it
is connected to the Host PC via a USB cable.
• 4 Mbit Platform Flash configuration PROM
• 16 Mbits of SPI serial Flash (STMicro) for FPGA
configuration storage
• On-board USB-based FPGA/CPLD download/debug
• 50 MHz clock oscillator
• 6 Digilent 12-pin expansion connectors (PMOD)
• 4-ch, SPI-based DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter)
• 2-ch, SPI-based ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter)
with programmable-gain
• pre-amplifier
• 2-digit 7-segment LED display
• Rotary-encoder with push-button shaft
• Eight discrete LEDs
• Eight slide switches
• Four push-buttons Figure 2. The Digital Electronics FPGA Board used in stand-alone
• FPGA Breadboard Area mode

34 http://www.i-joe.org

The new NI LabVIEW FPGA Module uses LabVIEW • NI-Elvis Breadboard Area
embedded technology to target field-programmable gate • General Purpose Breadboard Area
arrays (FPGAs). With the LabVIEW FPGA Module, we
were able to program the Spartan-3E FPGA on the Digital LabVIEW FPGA contains graphical objects named
Electronics FPGA board without low-level hardware Elemental I/O that represent physical FPGA I/O
description languages or board-level design. peripherals of the Digital Electronics FPGA Board in the
application diagram (or code). An FPGA I/O object can be
II. GRAPHICAL FPGA PROGRAMMING activated for a certain application by placing it in the
project – right click on FPGA Target device:
The application setup can be:
a) Digital Electronics FPGA Board in stand-alone
mode connected to PC via USB cable, and powered
from +15VDC power adapter.

Figure 3. The Digital Electronics FPGA Board used in stand-alone


b) Digital Electronics FPGA Board in NI-Elvis mode

mounted on the NI-Elvis platform and connected to
PC via USB cable.

Figure 5. FPGA I/O Selection

Figure 4. The Digital Electronics FPGA Board used in NI-Elvis mode

Digital Electronics FPGA Board has the following

FPGA I/O peripherals: Figure 6. FPGA I/O Selection
• 6 Digilent 12-pin expansion connectors (PMOD)
• 4-ch, SPI-based DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter) For example, let us assume that the user wants the
FPGA to monitor the status of buttons BTN0, BTN1,
• 2-ch, SPI-based ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) BTN2, and BTN3, and turn ON/OFF LED0, LED1,
with programmable-gain pre-amplifier LED2, and LED3 to indicate buttons states. The diagram
• 2-digit 7-segment LED display for implementing this task (Fig. 7) contains FPGA I/O
• Eight discrete LEDs objects representing buttons and LEDs that are connected
• Eight slide switches to each other.
• Four push-buttons
• FPGA Breadboard Area

iJOE – Volume 5, Issue 2, May 2009 35


architecture Behavioral of main is

led(0) <= btn(0);
led(1) <= btn(1);
led(2) <= btn(2);
led(3) <= btn(3);
end Behavioral;
Both programming environments use a resources file to
link software defined resources with FPGA lines that
control the resources.


The Digital Electronics FPGA Board has eight LEDs
and eight switches. We created a LabVIEW application
that generates patterns of blinking LEDs based on the
position of switch SW0.

Figure 7. LabVIEW FPGA diagram using FPGA I/O objects

LabVIEW FPGA uses a resources file to associates

FPGA I/O symbols with FPGA lines that are connected to
the physical objects represented by the FPGA I/O
symbols. The resources file, named DETB.ucf in this
example, contains definitions that associate object names
to FPGA lines.
Net "BTN2" LOC="C12" | IOSTANDARD = Figure 8. LEDs and SW0 on the Digital Electronics FPGA Board
Net "BTN3" LOC="C10" | IOSTANDARD = The application panel displays LED blinking patterns
LVCMOS33; and also the position (ON/OFF) of witch SW0.
This application written in LabVIEW FPGA is
equivalent with the following C code based sequence
written WebPack (Xilinx ISE 10.1):
entity main is
Port ( Figure 9. Application Panel
btn : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
led : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)); The application diagram uses FPGA I/O objects to
end main; build cases that associate different LED blinking patterns
with the position of switch SW0.

36 http://www.i-joe.org

The Digital Electronics FPGA Board is connected to

the PC via USB cable. This setup is mobile to the extent
of being able to connect the board to any PC. The USB
cable is needed for downloading code to the FPGA.
Application monitoring can be extended from the host PC
to a mobile computing platform by using a PDA.


The PmodHB5 module is an interface module for
robotics and other applications where logic signals are
used to drive small to medium-sized DC motors. PmodH5
module features include:
• a 2A H-bridge circuit for voltages up to12V
• a JST 6-pin connector for direct connection of
Digilent motor-gearboxes
• a 2-channel quadrature encoder with Hall-effect
sensors to detect motor speed small form factor (0.8”
x 1.30”)

Figure 10. Application Diagram

When you click the Run button LabVIEW compiles the

VI for FPGA, then generates, compiles and downloads
VHDL code into FPGA memory for execution on the

Figure 12. PmodHB5 module with motor attached

Let us connect the PmodHB5 board and a DC motor to

the Digital Electronics FPGA Board using one of the
PMOD connectors located on the far left side of the board.
PMOD lines are connected to the FPGA.
We want to implement an application that does the
• Code download from PC to FPGA to locally control
motor via PMOD connector and PmodHB5 I/O
board attached to the Digital Electronics FPGA
• Control and monitor motor application running on
the Digital Electronics FPGA Board, from the PC
via USB cable.
Remotely control and monitor motor application
running on the Digital Electronics FPGA Board, via
application running on the PC, from a PDA via TCP/IP.

Figure 11. LabVIEW FPGA VI compilation

iJOE – Volume 5, Issue 2, May 2009 37


Next we need to create the local VI which controls the

motor by combining the functionalities of the PWM loop
and velocity loop. The local VI is named PmodHB5.vi.

Figure 13. PmodHB5 module inserted into a PMOD connector on the

Digital Electronics FPGA Board

Let us create an application project named

PmodHB5.prj. Project target is FPGA Target (Board1,
DETB). We will to add to the project the FPGA lines that
are connected to the PMOD connector. As seen in the
example before physical FPGA lines are represented in
the application by Elemental I/O objects that define
PMO_1 lines: J1_IO1, J1_IO2, J1_IO3, and J1_IO4.
These objects need to be added to the project.
The project will contain two types of VIs:
1) A local VI that controls the motor. This VI is
downloaded on the FPGA board, and it will run
continuously on the FPGA board.
2) A host VI that is running on the Host Computer and
allows the user to interface with the VI that is
Figure 15. PmodHB5.vi Panel
running on the FPGA board.
A third VI will be created to talk to the Host VI via Controls
TCP/IP from a PDA. This VI will allow remote/mobile HB5-DIR Pin Ref - The pin reference that corresponds to
motor monitoring and control via TCP/IP to Host PC and the DIR pin (pin 0) on the port that the HB5 board is
further via USB to FPGA board and further via 4-wire plugged into.
communication bus to motor attached to connector on the
HB5-EN Pin Ref - The pin reference that corresponds to
FPGA board.
the EN pin (pin 1) on the port that the HB5 board is
plugged into.
HB5-SA Pin Ref - The pin reference that corresponds to
the SA pin (pin 2) on the port that the HB5 board is
plugged into.
HB5-SB Pin Ref - The pin reference that corresponds to
the SB pin (pin 3) on the port that the HB5 board is
plugged into.
Quad reset - Resets the counter used in the quadrature
encoder reader
Mode - Selects the PWM input of the PWM Loop VI
between SetPWM*2^15 (Mode = False) and
RegPWM*2^15 (Mode = True).
SetPWM*2^15 - Motor speed on a scale of -32768 to
32767. 32767 represents full speed forward -32768
represents full speed backwards.
PWM Period - The period of the PWM signal in ticks.
Motor Constant - Motor constant as defined by the
manufacturer of the motor.
Setspeed*64 - Speed to set the motor in RPM
Velocity Loop Rate - Sampling interval in microseconds
Figure 14. PmodHB5.prj explorer window Initialize - Initializes the PID control VI

38 http://www.i-joe.org

PWMmax - The maximum PWM to be used by the PID Integral Coeff Ki - Derivative gain for the PID VI.
VI. Derivative Coeff Kd - Integral gain for the PID VI.
PWMmin - The minimum PWM to be used by the PID Pulses Per Rotation - Number of pulses per rotation
VI. produced by the Quadrature Encoder on the motor
Kc - Proportional gain for the PID VI. Gear Ratio - Gear Ration of the motor
Ki - Integral gain for the PID VI. Stop - Stops the VI from running
Kd - Derivative gain for the PID VI.
Indicators PWM - Current actual PWM from -1 to 1
Actual Dir - Actual direction that the motor is turning. Actual Speed - Current actual speed of the motor in RPM
Actual Dir = 1 means the motor is turning forward and Speed Chart - Plot of actual speed over time
Actual Dir = 0 means the motor is turning backwards. PWM Chart - Plot of actual PWM over time
Period*4*50M - Actual period of the PWM. Used to
determine speed feedback for the Velocity Loop VI.
PWM*2^15 - Actual PWM signal chosen between
SetPWM (control) and RegPWM (indicator).
Frequency*2^14 - Frequency of the PWM signal
Speed*64 - Speed of the motor in RPM
Reg PWM*2^15 - Regulated motor speed on a scale of -
32768 to 32767. 32767 represents full speed forward and
-32768 represents full speed backwards.

Figure 17. PmodHB5 - Host.vi Panel

Figure 16. PmodHB5.vi Diagram

The Host vi is named PmodHB5 - Host.vi

Figure 18. PmodHB5 - Host.vi Diagram

This VI is used on the host computer to control
PmodHB5.vi using intuitive controls and graphs of the
PWM and speed over time.
We will first run the local application, PmodHB5.vi in
order to compile and download to FPGA memory on the
Controls Digital Electronics FPGA Board.
Set Speed - Speed to set the motor in RPM Then we run PmodHB5 - Host.vi on the host computer,
Set PWM - Speed to set the motor on a scale of -32768 to in order to control the motor via USB. The third step is to
32767. 32767 represents full speed forward -32768 start the remote application on the PDA and modify to the
represents full speed backwards. host application to get commands and send data via
Mode - Selects the PWM input of the PWM Loop VI TCP/IP from/to the remote PDA VI panel.
between SetPWM*2^15 (Mode = False) and
RegPWM*2^15 (Mode = True).
Sampling Interval - Sampling interval in microseconds
Proportional Coeff Kc - Proportional gain for the PID VI.

iJOE – Volume 5, Issue 2, May 2009 39


V. PDA MOBILE MONITORING AND CONTROL (UNDER By this Client-Server structure we can easy do Remote
DEVELOPMENT) Control of this FPGA board using any PDA or
Mobile monitoring and control of applications running
on a host PC can be done by using the LabVIEW PDA
LabVIEW PDA extends the LabVIEW development
environment to applications for PDA handheld devices
that are connected to the host PC via USB, Serial, or
Wireless (ex: Bluetooth, WiFi). We have developed a
remote application that is running on a PDA device and
communicates via TCP/IP with and Access Point that
communicates via Ethernet with the host application
running on the PC which communicated via USB with the
Digital Electronics FPGA Board which communicates via
a PMOD interface with the I/O attachment board which is (a) The LED Monitorig using one MIO PDA- DigiWolker
connected to the motor via a 6-wire power and
communication bus.

Figure 19. Remote DC Motor control Application Setup

The PDA client application connects to the host server

application by using the host computer Server IP address.

(b) Server (c) PDA Client

Figure 21. The Client-Server PDA control of FPGA board

Figure 20. PDA Application Panel

We have incorporated a TCP Data Server VI in

PmodHB5 - Host.vi which runs on the host computer.
Then PDA application is running a TCP Data Client VI
(a) Server (on PC) Diagram
which uses the IP address of the host (server) machine to
communicate with the data server.
In Fig. 21 we present the application corresponding
with the task presented in Fig. 7.
For this application we prezent in the Fig. 22 the Client-
Server LabVIEW development, who was used in all our
This development was done using a LabVIEW Project
who incorporates all the applications and the necessary
• PC TCP-IP Server
• PDA TCP-IP Client
• Pocket PC Emulator
• Pocket PC Device (b) Client (on PDA) diagram
• FPGA Target Figure 22. The Diagrams for Server/Client Application

40 http://www.i-joe.org

VI. CONCLUSIONS [5] Doru Ursutiu, Cornel Samoila, Marius Ghercioiu, Graphical
FPGA Programming and Monitoring, 4-th Int. Conf. on Interactive
This paper introduces the concept of graphical FPGA Mobile and Computer Aided Leraning, IMCL 2009, 22-24 April,
design and control using the Digital Electronics FPGA Amman – Jordan, 2009
Board developed by National Instruments for the NI-
The idea to combine DMM, Oscilloscope, Function We would like to thank National Instruments for the NI
Generator, etc., capabilities with the programming and Digital Electronics FPGA Board (DE FPGA) and Digilent
routing capabilities of a 1M gates FPGA is supported by Inc. for their Pmod boards offered for the DE FPGA
the need in training laboratories for Lifelong Learning board applications.
activities to cover complex applications and also give
students access to new technologies. AUTHORS
FPGA’s allow systems to be configured and Ursuţiu Doru ([email protected]) – Transilvania
reconfigured for many applications making the Digital University, Technical Engineering Faculty, Braşov,
Electronics Trainer Board a versatile tool for monitoring România
and controlling local and remote I/O devices.
Marius Ghercioiu ([email protected]) –
National Instrumensts – USA
Cornel Samoila , ([email protected]) – Transilvania
[1] LabVIEW FPGA, www.ni.com
University, Technical Engineering Faculty, Braşov,
[2] Doru Ursuţiu: “Iniţiere in Lab VIEW”, Lux Libris, 2001
[3] Hans van t Spijker, Petru Cotfas, Doru Ursuţiu “NI ELVIS
Development of a Low-cost Potentiostat for Research Petru Cotfas ([email protected]) – Transilvania
Applications and e-Lerning”, Second Int. Simposium on Remote University, Technical Engineering Faculty, Braşov,
Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation REV2005, Brasov – România
Romania, 30 June -1 July
[4] Jinga Vlad, Oros Ramona Georgiana: License Degree Paper Manuscript received 22 March 2009. Published as submitted by the
“Laborator virtual de Telecomunicaţii”, presented in June 2008 at authors.
the Electrical Engineering and Computing Science Faculty –
Transilvania Univ. Braşov

iJOE – Volume 5, Issue 2, May 2009 41

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