Canteen Ordering System For Unilever

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Canteen Ordering System for Unilever

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• Introduction
• Task 1-Identifying stakeholders – Create a list of stakeholders (as taught in
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Knowledge Area)
• Task 2-Identify the problem statement in this system.
• Task 3-Identify objectives of the new Canteen Ordering System.
• Task 4-Create as-is and future process map (using flowcharts). You can use
any of the popular tools in the market like Microsoft Visio, Lucid Chart,
Creately, Pidoco, or Balsamiq
• Task 5-As a Business Analyst working on this project, find out the scope of
the Canteen Ordering System. To find the scope you can use the case diagram
(UML) or context diagram for the same.
• Task 6-Write down the main features that need to be developed.
• Task 7-Write the in-scope and out-of-scope items for this software.
• Task 8-Draw an activity diagram for the system.
• Task 9-Draw an ER diagram of the system.
• Task 10-Write out the business requirements, both the functional and non-
functional requirements.
• Task 11-Draw wireframes or mock screens for any two of the features namely
Menu Creation and any other feature as deemed fit by the student. (Use the
technique prototyping or wire framing that is taught in the Training). You can
use any of the wireframing tools like Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word,
Balsamiq, Sketch, Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, UXPin, InVision
Studio, InVision Freehand, or Moqups.

As an initial step of conducting Business Analysis, the core concept model has
been created for understanding.

1.NEED-The need is to move canteen operations online with the help of canteen
ordering system, so as to resolve the employee concerns on wait times and food
availability, reduce the operating cost and increase employee efficiency.
2.CHANGE-The change is to move from a traditional physical canteen operation
an online, delivery-based system.
3.SOLUTION-The solution is developing an online canteen ordering system in
JAVA, that will allow canteen users to order their meals and get it delivered to
their workspace.
4.CONTEXT-The context here is that the employees current process involves all of
them seeking their meals within 12-1 pm window. This causes a bottleneck for the
canteen operations, and causes the employees to spend up to 30min only waiting.
5.VALUE-The value of the canteen system will be an increase in employee
productivity and quality of work life through considerable time savings and
increased chances to order preferred foods. And to the organization it will reduce
the wastage and advance notice to prepare ordered items as well as cost saving.

Task 1-Indetifying Stakeholders

This is carried out by using the RACI Matrix, as illustrated below. The table intends
to convey the responsibility of each of the identified stakeholders.
Task 2-Problem Definition and Solution

The problem here is with the current canteen ordering and operation process.
The existing workflow requires all the 1,500 employees of Unilever to have their
lunch within the same 1-hour window. In order to do this, they need to spend
about 10 minutes travelling to and from the canteen + 15 minutes
ordering/collecting the food, and another 15-20 minutes waiting for a seat.
Due to this bottleneck, the employees are also not able to get what they desire
and are faced with items running out of stock by the time their turn arrives.
Additionally, the canteen has also been reporting a 25% wastage in food items
due to non-purchase each month.
To help understand the problem better and their various source categories, a
fishbone diagram is illustrated below.

Task 3-Advantages and objectives of the Solution

Advantages of the canteen ordering system

• Reduction in food wastage
• Availability of desired food items for employees
• Reduction in cost
• Reduction in employee time wastage
• It would increase both their quality of work-life and their productivity.
Objectives of the Canteen Ordering System

• Reduce food wastage by 30% from existing 25% to 15%

• Increase average effective work time by 30 minutes per employee per day,
within 3 months
• By making the ordering process automated and by delivering the food to
the user’s workstation, the canteen will be able to operate with lesser
• Reduce canteen operating cost by 15% within 12 months following initial

Task 4-Exisiting and Future System Process Map

Existing System
The existing system, data collected and understanding of wastage are depicted
using the below process flow.
Proposed System:
The Future State System has been depicted using the below flow diagram.

Task 5-Scope using use case diagram (UML)

Illustrated below is a context diagram showing the interaction between
various actions and functionalities expected from the canteen ordering system.
Task 6 - Write down the main features need to be developed

1. Employee registration
2. Login, only possible after registration
3. Menu to be displayed to the employees
4. Menu should be updateable by the Canteen Manager
5. Employees can order items to cart and continue browsing
6. Employees can confirm and place their order
7. Confirmed orders are collated and provided to the Canteen Manager and
8. Ready orders to be alerted for delivery to the delivery team
9. Delivery team can mark order as delivered when done
10. Employees can submit feedback on menu items
11. Daily order reports are sent to payroll department with employee details
12. Monthly payroll deduction report is sent to payroll department with
employee details
13. Employee to be displayed monthly consumed amount post login screen

Task 7 -In and Out of Scope

In Scope:

• Registration, Menu Screen, Order Cart, Order Confirmation, Monthly

employee billing, Daily total meal requirements, Feedback, Delivery
assigning, Delivery status

Out of Scope:

• Raw material, Food out of stock, Chef and Canteen Cost Management
Task 8-Activity Diagram for the System:

The activity flow has been depicted using swimlane diagram below:
Task 9 -ER Diagram for the system

Task 10-Business Requirements:

Functional Requirements
• Employee Registration
• Employee login
• Menu to be updated before each day
• Order creation to be done within permitted time
• Preparation of total food quantity
• Delivery of food to individual employee
• Employee feedback to be collected
• Wastage to be reported and monitored
• Orders and monthly totals to be submitted to payroll for deduction

Non-Functional Requirements
• System Requirements: Should be able to manage the required volume of
1500 employees and multiple menu items
• Usability: Should be fast, reliable and easy to use.
• Performance: System should be light and render fast
Task 11 -Wireframe or Mock Screens

Mock up screens for the Menu Creation screen, employee login screen and menu
viewing/ordering screen

A. Menu Creation Screen

B. Employee Login Screen

C. Menu Viewing

Thank You

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