Accuracy of Ultrasonography Performed by Critical Care Physicians For The Diagnosis of DVT

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CHEST Original Research


Accuracy of Ultrasonography Performed

by Critical Care Physicians for the
Diagnosis of DVT
Pierre D. Kory, MD, MPA; Crescens M. Pellecchia, DO; Ariel L. Shiloh, MD;
Paul H. Mayo, MD, FCCP; Christopher DiBello, MD; and Seth Koenig, MD

Background: DVT is common among critically ill patients. A rapid and accurate diagnosis is essen-
tial for patient care. We assessed the accuracy and timeliness of intensivist-performed compres-
sion ultrasonography studies (IP-CUS) for proximal lower extremity DVT (PLEDVT) by comparing
results with the formal vascular study (FVS) performed by ultrasonography technicians and inter-
preted by radiologists.
Methods: We conducted a multicenter, retrospective review of IP-CUS examinations performed
in an ICU by pulmonary and critical care fellows and attending physicians. Patients suspected of
having DVT underwent IP-CUS, using a standard two-dimensional compression ultrasonography
protocol for the diagnosis of PLEDVT. The IP-CUS data were collected prospectively as part of a
quality-improvement initiative. The IP-CUS interpretation was recorded and timed at the end of
the examination on a standardized report form. An FVS was then ordered, and the FVS result was
used as the criterion standard for calculating sensitivity and specificity. Time delays between the
IP-CUS and FVS were recorded.
Results: A total of 128 IP-CUS were compared with an FVS. Eighty-one percent of the IP-CUS were
performed by fellows with , 2 years of clinical ultrasonography experience. Prevalence of DVT
was 20%. IP-CUS studies yielded a sensitivity of 86% and a specificity of 96% with a diagnostic
accuracy of 95%. Median time delay between the ordering of FVS and the FVS result was 13.8 h.
Conclusions: Rapid and accurate diagnosis of proximal lower extremity DVT can be achieved by
intensivists performing compression ultrasonography at the bedside. CHEST 2011; 139(3):538–542

Abbreviations: 2-D 5 two-dimensional; CFV 5 common femoral vein; FVS 5 formal vascular study; IP-CUS 5 intensivist-
performed compression ultrasonography study; PE 5 pulmonary embolism; PLEDVT 5 proximal lower extremity DVT;
PV 5 popliteal vein; SFV 5 superficial femoral vein

Venous thromboembolic disease is common in the

ICU and has been shown to lead to significant
frequent lack of around-the-clock availability of both
technicians and interpreting specialists. Even when
morbidity and mortality when undiagnosed.1-3 A rapid ultrasonographers and radiologists are available, the
and accurate diagnosis of DVT in critically ill patients process of ordering, performing, interpreting, and
who often have marginal cardiopulmonary reserve is reporting the examination leads to significant delays
imperative. Ultrasonography, the primary modality in both the diagnosis and the institution of appropri-
for diagnosis of DVT in the ICU, is limited by the ate therapy.
Clinicians with focused training in ultrasonogra-
Manuscript received June 9, 2010; revision accepted September phy can perform accurate proximal lower extremity
22, 2010.
Affiliations: From the Beth Israel Medical Center (Drs Kory DVT (PLEDVT) studies in symptomatic outpatient
and Pellecchia), New York; the Montefiore Medical Center populations.4-8 In ICU patients, the clinical signs and
(Dr Shiloh), New York; and the North Shore-Long Island Jewish
Medical Center (Drs Mayo, DiBello, and Koenig), New Hyde
Park, NY. © 2011 American College of Chest Physicians. Reproduction
Correspondence to: Pierre D. Kory, MD, MPA, Beth Israel Medical of this article is prohibited without written permission from the
Center, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, American College of Chest Physicians (
7th Floor, Dazian Bldg, 16th St and 1st Ave, New York, NY 10003; site/misc/reprints.xhtml).
e-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1378/chest.10-1479

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© 2011 American College of Chest Physicians
symptoms are frequently unreliable or absent and the band 8L-RS 4-10MHZ transducer). The IP-CUS did not include
ultrasound examination is often limited by obesity, routine use of Doppler. On occasion, the examiner used color
Doppler to localize the vein but used it for no other purpose.
edema, and surgical dressings.9,10 In addition, ultra- Results of the IP-CUS were recorded prospectively on a stan-
sonography for DVT in similar asymptomatic, high-risk dardized report template at the time of the examination. IP-CUS
inpatients has lower sensitivity than in outpatients.11-15 performed by fellows were not routinely reviewed by attending
Given these challenges, the ability of intensivists to physicians.
perform accurate DVT studies in the critically ill is All IP-CUS results were compared with a confirmatory, formal
vascular ultrasound study (FVS), ordered per protocol at the time
unknown. We report on the accuracy of intensivist- of IP-CUS. All FVS were performed by an ultrasonography
performed compression ultrasonography (IP-CUS) technician and included evaluation of the CFV, SFV, and PV using
for the diagnosis of PLEDVT in critically ill patients. triplex scanning (B-mode compression, color augmentation, and
spectral Doppler ultrasound). FVS studies were then interpreted
by an attending radiologist or vascular specialist who was unaware
Materials and Methods of the results of the IP-CUS study at the time of their reading.
This FVS report was used as the criterion for comparison.
Study Population In cases in which the FVS and IP-CUS results were discordant,
the interpreting physician of the FVS was shown the IP-CUS
This was a multicenter study of a convenience sample of images. Changes to the FVS report after this review were recorded
patients receiving IP-CUS from November 2008 to March 2010 at in the database and used in a secondary analysis of accuracy.
three university hospitals in New York City (Beth Israel Medical
Center, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, and Montefiore Data Collection
Medical Center). Data were collected prospectively and placed
in a deidentified database for purposes of quality assessment One investigator at each institution collected all local IP-CUS
of IP-CUS. The institutional review board of each participating report forms. The results were entered into a database. The inves-
institution (Beth Israel #142-09, Montefiore #10-02-042X, Long tigator at each institution then performed a retrospective review
Island Jewish #09-224) approved the study, and a requirement for of the FVS image database and entered the result for comparison.
informed patient consent was waived. Patient information was deidentified in accordance with the
Patients admitted to the medical, surgical, or cardiothoracic Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and included
ICUs under the care of intensivists trained in critical care ultra- the age, sex, location, admitting diagnosis, comorbidities, ICU day
sonography were included in the study cohort. If DVT, pulmo- number, and hospital day number. IP-CUS data included the date
nary embolism (PE), or both were suspected by the critical care and time the study was performed, indication for the study, pres-
physician, an IP-CUS was done. Since not all intensivists in ence of a femoral catheter, scanning time, anatomic site of clot if
the participating ICUs were trained in lower extremity compres- found, and initiation of treatment based on results. FVS data
sion ultrasonography, IP-CUS examinations were not performed included the date and time the study was ordered, date and time
sequentially and represent a convenience sample. The studies of the FVS report, the anatomic site of clot if found, and whether
were performed for the following indications: unilateral or bilat- anticoagulation was initiated prior to interpretation.
eral leg swelling, tenderness, erythema, or the clinical suspicion of
a PE causing dyspnea, tachycardia, hypoxemia, shock, or cardiac Statistical Analysis
Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive val-
ues of IP-CUS were calculated, using the FVS as the criterion
standard. Mean and median time delays from initial order to FVS
At all three hospitals, critical care attending physicians and result were calculated. A second analysis of accuracy was also
fellows routinely use bedside ultrasonography to guide diagnosis performed. In this analysis, the final report generated by the
and management of critically ill patients. All participating fellows attending radiologist after a review of the image sets from the dis-
(n 5 18) received formal training in critical care ultrasonography cordant IP-CUS and FVS was used as the criterion standard.
during the third month of their first year of fellowship at a 3-day
critical care ultrasonography training course. This course included Results
formal training in the performance of two-dimensional (2-D) com-
pression ultrasonography for DVT. This training consisted of a One hundred thirty-two IP-CUS were performed
1-hour didactic lecture followed by 2 hours of hands-on experi-
ence using live models and 1 hour of image interpretation review for the indications shown in Table 1. IP-CUS in four
of normal and abnormal vascular ultrasound findings. All partici- patients were not included because of death occur-
pating attending physicians (n 5 4) received formal training in the ring prior to performance of the confirmatory FVS,
performance of 2-D compression ultrasonography studies for DVT leading to 128 studies included for analysis. None of
during their fellowship training. A protocol for IP-CUS was taught the four patients who died had an IP-CUS that showed
at the fellows course, consisting of three compressions along the
common femoral vein (CFV), two compressions along the popliteal a DVT. The four deaths were attributed to pneumo-
vein (PV), and sequential compression along the superficial femo- nia, lymphoma causing multiorgan failure, post-arrest
ral vein (SFV) in 2-cm increments if the CFV and PV sites were anoxic injury, and COPD, respectively. IP-CUS were
both fully compressible. All compressions were done using 2-D performed by 18 fellows and four attending physi-
imaging with transverse views. DVT was diagnosed by the inabil- cians among the three institutions. Eighty-one per-
ity to fully compress a vein segment. Examinations were per-
formed using portable ultrasound machines (M-Turbo [Sonosite; cent of studies were performed by fellows with
Bothell, Washington] broadband L25 3 6-13 MHZ transducer or , 2 years’ experience after their initial training course.
Logiq Book XP [General Electric; Fairfield, Connecticut] broad- The overall prevalence of PLEDVT was 20%. CHEST / 139 / 3 / MARCH, 2011 539

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© 2011 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 1—Indications for Performance of Lower Discussion
Extremity CUS
Our results show that IP-CUS yields immediate
No. of Studies
and accurate results when compared with an FVS.
Indication for CUS Exam Performed (%)
This suggests that the front-line intensivist may diag-
Lower extremity swelling/erythema/tenderness 40 (31) nose or exclude PLEDVT by performing 2-D com-
Suspicion for PE, unspecified 36 (28)
pression ultrasonography at the bedside. This has
Suspicion for PE causing respiratory failure 19 (14)
Suspicion for PE causing hypoxemia 14 (11) major advantages, as it avoids the time delay intrinsic
Suspicion for PE causing hypotension/tachycardia 9 (7) to FVS, saving a median of 13.8 h among the three
Suspicion for PE causing cardiac arrest 3 (2) hospitals studied. In turn, this allows the intensivist to
Othera 7 (6) initiate immediate therapy for thromboembolic dis-
CUS 5 compression ultrasonography study; PE 5 pulmonary embolism. ease, to avoid unnecessary therapy while waiting for
aOther: heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, incidental finding during
FVS, and to avoid unnecessary diagnostic testing in
catheter insertion, fever of unknown origin.
the event of delayed FVS. The IP-CUS is an example
of the usefulness of ultrasonography in critical care
Overall, IP-CUS examinations were discordant with medicine and supports the idea that an ultrasound
the FVS in nine patients, with six false positives and machine should be part of standard ICU equipment.
three false negatives. This led to an IP-CUS sensitiv- Other investigators have reported that non-
ity of 86%, a specificity of 96%, and a diagnostic radiologists can perform ultrasonography studies for
accuracy of 95%. PLEDVT with a high degree of accuracy.4-8,16 Blaivas
In the nine discordant cases, the radiology attend- and colleagues4 found that emergency medicine phy-
ing physician was shown the IP-CUS images by the sicians with 5 h of training achieved 98% agreement
intensivists to determine appropriate management of with FVS. Magazzini et al7 reported that emergency
the patient. In four cases of DVT found by IP-CUS medicine physicians who underwent 6 h of lectures
but not by FVS, the radiologist or vascular specialist and 1 day of training by a radiologist achieved a posi-
agreed with the IP-CUS image and interpretation, tive predictive value of 95% and a negative predic-
and changed the FVS result to positive for DVT, tive value of 100% when compared with FVS. In hos-
despite the lack of visualization of thrombus in the pitalized patients, none of whom were critically ill,
FVS image set. This occurred once each at two insti- Trottier and colleagues16 showed that self-trained
tutions and twice at a third. clinicians achieved a sensitivity of 94% and a specific-
In the five other discordant cases, the radiologist ity of 99% for PLEDVT when compared with FVS.
confirmed the findings and interpretation of the FVS These studies demonstrate that clinicians with focused
images. In two cases of DVT found by IP-CUS, the training can achieve high accuracy for the diagno-
finding was deemed a false positive (in one, chronic sis of PLEDVT using ultrasonography in the noncriti-
thickening was mistaken for DVT, and in the other, cally ill. Our study confirms these results in critically ill
a lack of compressibility due to the presence of a patients. In the present study, 69% of patients were
femoral catheter was wrongly attributed to thrombus). without any localizing signs or symptoms of PLEDVT,
In three cases of negative IP-CUS, the FVS revealed a population in whom ultrasonography for DVT
the presence of thrombus, thus deeming the IP-CUS has low sensitivity and is more difficult to perform.10-15
a false negative. To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrat-
When calculating accuracy by comparing the ing that bedside clinicians can achieve high accuracy
IP-CUS result to the “final” FVS interpretation in a population of critically ill patients largely with-
recorded by the attending radiologist or vascular out localizing signs or symptoms suggesting DVT.
specialist, the IP-CUS sensitivity was 88%, specific- Standard FVS uses 2-D imaging with compression,
ity 98%, and diagnostic accuracy 96%. Using this spectral Doppler, and color Doppler. We have shown
method, accuracy was calculated for the initial FVS that the sole use of 2-D imaging with compression
using the above final report as the criterion standard. yields results that are of similar accuracy to an exami-
This showed the initial FVS to have a sensitivity nation that includes the use of Doppler. We conclude
of 85%, specificity of 100%, and a diagnostic accuracy that Doppler examination is not necessary and rely-
of 97%. ing solely on lack of compression to diagnose intralu-
Median time delay between IP-CUS and the FVS minal thrombosis is sufficient. This confirms, in a
among the three institutions was 13.8 h. Individual critically ill population, what others have found in
time delays among institutions were 7.3, 8.0, and the noncritically ill.5,11,17,18
29.3 h. Of the 26 DVTs found, 20 involved the region An FVS that includes color and spectral Doppler
of the CFV, four were isolated to the PV and two takes up to 30 min to perform, a prohibitive time
were isolated to the SFV. commitment for the busy intensivist. Blaivas et al,4

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© 2011 American College of Chest Physicians
Jang et al,8 and Magazzini et al7 reported 3-, 10-, empirical use or denial of anticoagulation. A delay in
and 13-min durations for their clinician-performed diagnosis could adversely impact patient outcome.
examinations, respectively. The average time required Compared with FVS, IP-CUS clearly improves the
for our IP-CUS was 12.5 min, thus making it feasible timeliness of diagnosis of PLEDVT as well as reduces
for busy intensivists to perform their own tests. The resource use in the ICU.
simplicity, rapidity, and immediate result of a CUS-only We used the initial FVS report as the gold standard
examination protocol reduces the need for unneces- for diagnosis. The results of the intensivist-performed
sarily complex, multimodality examinations performed examinations were not completely concordant with
by trained ultrasonography technicians. At operator FVS. In four cases, the IP-CUS found PLEDVT,
discretion, color Doppler was used during IP-CUS but the FVS did not. On review of the intensivist-
solely to aid in identifying venous anatomy but not for performed study, the radiologist changed the final
confirming presence of thrombus, a technique that FVS report from negative to positive, resulting in a
has been shown to decrease the frequency of indeter- major impact on patient management. Intensivists
minate studies.4 need to be aware that ultrasonography technician-
The IP-CUS examination was limited to the proxi- performed studies may yield false-negative results.
mal veins secondary to the undefined clinical rele- Alternatively, in two instances, the IP-CUS identi-
vance of isolated calf DVT in the ICU, the much fied PLEDVT, but the FVS did not, and in three
lower sensitivity of ultrasonography in diagnosing calf instances FVS identified PLEDVT but the IP-CUS
DVT, and the increased time this would require.10,11,19,20 did not. This underlines the need for adequate train-
Further, the risks of treatment of calf DVT in the ICU ing of intensivists in the performance of compression
likely outweigh any benefit given that: (1) PE results ultrasonography in order to reduce false-negative
almost solely from proximal veins, (2) only a small and false-positive scans.
minority (10%) of distal DVT will extend proximally,21 This study has methodologic limitations. Although
(3) an ICU study searches for evidence of an imme- data collection was prospective, the decision to per-
diate risk or cause of PE or symptomatic DVT, and form an IP-CUS was not driven by protocol, and so
(4) the American College of Chest Physicians guide- the study consists of a convenience sample. Selection
line gives a weak recommendation for treating isolated bias in reference to patient type, time of day, time of
calf DVT (IIB: weak, benefits only marginally outweigh week, and operator experience are of major concern
risks) compared with the demonstrated increased in terms of study design. Despite this, the DVT prev-
risks of anticoagulation in the critically ill.10,21-23 alence rate of 20% is similar to the overall prevalence
Our study used a three-point scanning protocol, rate of 22% reported from a meta-analysis of ultra-
with imaging of the CFV, PV, and SFV. This protocol sonography accuracy studies for PLEDVT done in
differs from the two-point method wherein the CFV high-risk, asymptomatic patient populations.12
and PV but not the SFV are imaged. The two-point Another limitation is that the IP-CUS and the
examination is accurate and well validated in the FVS were not performed contemporaneously. In
symptomatic outpatient population.11,17,18,24 We used the false-negative IP-CUS studies, it is possible that
the three-point protocol based on studies showing a DVT formed during the time delay between perfor-
higher incidence of clots isolated to the SFV in asymp- mance of the two studies. Conversely, in the false-
tomatic patients.15,25 The overall sensitivity of 88% in positive IP-CUS studies it is possible that the DVT
our sample would have decreased to 82% if the SFV migrated during the time period between the two
had not been not included. We recommend against studies. We also did not perform interoperator vari-
using a two-point examination in critically ill patients ability assessment of the ICU clinicians, and we did
without physical findings consistent with DVT. not perform any clinical follow-up of the patients.
There was a median delay of 13.8 h between the Finally, we also reported on accuracy after the FVS
order and final interpretation of the FVS, with only interpreting physician was shown the discordant
50.0% (64/128) reported the same day. The delay was IP-CUS studies, a possibly biased method (ie, they
due to lack of both immediate and around-the-clock may be more reluctant to call the FVS a false nega-
availability of the ultrasonography technicians and radi- tive or more inclined to call the IP-CUS a false pos-
ologists needed to perform and interpret the study. itive). This occurred prior to this retrospective analysis
Although these delays may not be the norm in other of accuracy and was done in an attempt by the inten-
institutions, they were present at all three large urban sivists to ensure appropriate interpretation and man-
teaching hospitals included in this study. In the ICU, agement of their patients.
the clinical question as to whether thromboembolic It is unknown whether these results are general-
disease contributes to the patient’s condition requires izable. Although the study was performed at three
an immediate answer in order to avoid unnecessary different institutions, the attending physicians all
alternative diagnostic testing, such as CT scan or the had a similar training background in ultrasonography CHEST / 139 / 3 / MARCH, 2011 541

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