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Criteria ID Conditional Profile Title Description Details Conformance acceptance criteria

Time-synchronisation on systems connecting to the backend services shall be in place. Participant need to be
provide valid evidences as requested in test plan RA/PID.
The participant shall describe and sign a statement that either within the
It is mandatory to have a time synchronization mechanism (e.g. NTP,
software, or on each OS/computer where the software is or will be
1 NO Infrastructure Time synchronization Chrony, …) installed on hosts which access the backend services of RA or
installed, a time synchronisation system is used.

eHealthId identifier storage and assignment in the application. The

The participant shall describe how the application is dealing with the Secure management of eHealthID shall be ensured. Participant need to provide valid evidences as requested in
2 NO Infrastructure Management of eHealthId application must ensure the appropriate linkage between the user of the
secure user eHealthID management. test plan RA/PID.
system and his health professional identifier.

The storage and access to the private key for the signature and mTLS The participant shall describe how the security of the private key and Secure management and access to private key and keystore shall be ensured. Participant need to be provide valid
3 NO Infrastructure Secure storage and restricted access to private key
(where requested) must be restricted. keystore are managed on the system and within the application. evidences as requested in test plan RA/PID.

The participant need to provide evidences to securely authenticate Successful implementation of the authentication process following the specification "RA-PID MySecu Integration
4 NO Authentication Secure authentication using eSanté platform IdP service Authentication of health professional at the eSanté Platform backend.
health professionals at the eSanté platform backend. Guide" and provision of relevant evidences requested in test plan RA/PID as proof.

Authentication to MySecu platform backend in order to access business The participant need to provide evidences to securely authenticate users Successful implementation of the authentication process following the specification "RA-PID MySecu Integration
5 NO Authentication WS-Security Authentication MySecu
services. using eSanté platform token at the MySecu platform backend. Guide" and provision of relevant evidences requested in test plan RA/PID.


Successful implementation of the transmission of the Memoire d'honoraires, following the specification provided
6 NO Reimbursement accélere Transfer of Memoire d'honoraires to CNS The system shall be able to transfer structured MH document to CNS.
by CNS for RA and provision of relevant evidences requested in test plan RA/PID.

Request list of Memoire d'honoraires stored and The system may implement functionality to retrieve structured Conditionally the participant may provide functionality to request the If implemented, participant shall successfully implement this functionality by following the specification provided
7 YES Reimbursement accélere
assigned for patient information about the MH's transferred to CNS. list of MH for the patient. by CNS for RA and provision of relevant evidences requested in test plan RA/PID.

The participant may provide the requested functionality by

Provide ability for Patients to give consent for The system shall allow Patient to provide consent to establish the Successful implementation/provision of the requested functionality, following the specification provided by CNS
8 NO Reimbursement accélere implementing within different kind of applications (Portal, App, …) or use
reimbursement reimbursement process for a transferred MH. for RA and provision of relevant evidences requested in test plan RA/PID.
MyGuichet functionality.

The system may implement functionality to retrieve MH in PDF format as Conditionally the participant may provide functionality to request the If implemented, participant shall successfully implement this functionality by following the specification provided
9 YES Reimbursement accélere Request MH document in PDF format for visualization
response to WS call to CNS. MH document in PDF format for visualization. by CNS for RA and provision of relevant evidences requested in test plan RA/PID.

The system shall implement functionality to allow the annulation of MH Successful implementation/provision of the requested functionality, following the specification provided by CNS
10 NO Reimbursement accélere Annulation of the MH formerly uploaded
document which was uploaded formerly. for RA and provision of relevant evidences requested in test plan RA/PID.

Conditionally the participant may provide this functionality, where

Annulation of the formerly uploaded MH with submission The system may implement functionality to replace existing MH by new If implemented, participant shall successfully implement this functionality by following the specification provided
11 YES Reimbursement accélere within one call a formerly provided MH will be annulated and a new MH
of new MH MH. This will lead to annulation of the former MH. by CNS for RA and provision of relevant evidences requested in test plan RA/PID.
is provided.

The participant shall provide to the user (health professional) any

Provide periodically to the health professional, in a reliable and traceable
mean/functionality which will allow him to regularly get an overview
way, an overview about how many MH have been exchanged Participant need to provide valid evidences as requested in test plan RA/PID, to proof implementation/provision of
12 NO Reimbursement accélere Provide MH transfer reporting (e.g. Dashboard/reportinng) about the numbers of MH being exchanged
electronically via RA with the CNS over a certain time interval (e.g. the requested functionality.
via RA with the CNS, within a time interval (e.g. monthly). The way/kind
of implementation provided, is participants decision.


The system shall provide functionality in compliance to specification to Successful implementation of the MH transfer for simulation following the specification "PID - Documentation
13 NO PID Transfer of Memoire d'honoraires to CNS for simulation
transfer MH to perform simulation and process the simulation response. technique pour les industriels" and provision of relevant evidences requested in test plan RA/PID.

The system shall provide functionality in compliance to specification to

Send validation for simulation response of transferred Successful implementation of the MH validation process following the specification "PID - Documentation
14 NO PID send a validation request related to the simulation response, in case the
MH technique pour les industriels" and provision of relevant evidences requested in test plan RA/PID.
simulation response is accepted by the health professional.

The system shall provide functionality in compliance to specification to

Send challenge request for simulation response of Successful implementation of the challenge process following the specification "PID - Documentation technique
15 NO PID send a challenge request related to the simulation response, in case the
transferred MH pour les industriels" and provision of relevant evidences requested in test plan RA/PID.
simulation response is not accepted by the health professional.

The participant shall provide to the user (health professional) any

Provide periodically to the health professional, in a reliable and traceable
mean/functionality which will allow him to regularly get an overview
way, an overview about how many MH have been exchanged Participant need to provide valid evidences as requested in test plan RA/PID, to proof implementation/provision of
16 NO PID Provide MH transfer reporting (e.g. Dashboard/reportinng) about the numbers of MH being exchanged
electronically via PID with the CNS over a certain time interval (e.g. the requested functionality.
via PID with the CNS, within a time interval (e.g. monthly). The way/kind
of implementation provided, is participants decision.

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