Unstoppable You
Unstoppable You
Unstoppable You
By Sam-Abel Gbinsay
What is a goal?
Goals are things that you set out to do and
are meant to draw the best out of you.
Goals are not necessarily meant to get but to
grow you because the only that getting gives
you is excitement.
We often talk about goals, but the reality is
that very few people understand what a goal
is and that’s why the average person often
quits when crisis and difficulties come.
3. Unstoppable Dreams
Job 33:15 [One may hear God's voice] in a
dream, in a vision of the night, when deep
sleep falls on men while slumbering upon
the bed,
Job 33:16 Then He opens the ears of men
and seals their instruction [terrifying them
with warnings].
Creativity Vs Money
Pillar defined.
a structure of stone, wood, or metal,
used as a support for a building.
a person or thing regarded as
reliably providing essential support
for something. 12(Google’s English
provided by Oxford Languages).
Structure defined.
the arrangement of and relations
between the parts or elements of
something complex.
(As a verb)- construct or arrange
according to a plan; give a pattern or
organization to. 13(Ibib)
Structure shows you the way and
guides you how to win (in my own
Principle defined:
a comprehensive and fundamental
law or doctrine.
a rule or code of conduct.
Habitual devotion to right principles.
The laws or facts of nature.
a primary source. 14(Merriam Webster online
Education Structure
The Instant
Everything is Okay
Jephthah Leadership
Jephthah leadership is problem solving
leadership by finding solutions to problems.
Doesn’t expel problems or escape from
problems. He expects it and turns it into
opportunities for greatness. Jephthah took
vain or worthless men and turned them into
a mighty fighting force. You start from
where you are and with what you have. He
organized them, gave them vision, purpose,
and values to fight for that were worth dying
for and living for. He inspired them to raise
their own bar because his leadership
greatness depended on then. Accordingly,
one is too insignificant a number to succeed
by itself. Liberia needs a generation of
leaders who can inspire us to greatness
trapped inside of us and through loans and
aids from international donors. They can
only come this far, but what we will become
is trapped inside of every one of us.
Generation of Creativity
Thinking Generationally
1. God’s Greatest
Investment in you
The breath of life. “Breathed into his
nostril the breath of life…” and not
“speak into his nostril the breath of
Chapter Two
Day 2- Heights and Blessings
Gen. 1:6-8
Genesis 1:6 Then God said,
“Let there be a space between
the waters, to separate the
waters of the heavens from the
waters of the earth.”
Genesis 1:7 And that is what
happened. God made this
space to separate the waters of
the earth from the waters of
the heavens.
Genesis 1:8 God called the
space “sky.” And evening
passed and morning came,
marking the second day.
He “called the firmament
Heaven.” Heaven in the
scriptures also signifies height.
“Is not God in the height of
heaven? And behold the height
of the stars, how high they
are,’’ Job 22:12.
It will take vision for you to
become a pace setter and
record breaker and rise above
the average in society. God
desires men and women to rise
above the waters(struggles) of
life no matter the odds. He has
the power to “bless you with
the blessings of heaven above,”
Gen. 49:25. But you’ve got to
have that information that
makes you think the way God
thinks toward you.
Jesus entered the temple and
began whipping and
overthrowing the tables of
those making merchandise in
the house of God. He did not
need to wait for someone to tell
him what to do when he saw
the wrong about his father’s
house. He did not need the
blessing or approval of the
high priest before he could act.
Through vision and insight,
Jesus knew that he was the
height of all authority and
power. Vision told him that that
was his father’s house and his
authority was from above.
Jesus was doing nothing illegal
and wrong but it was only
strange to those lacking insight
as to who he was. John 2:17
says, “And his disciples
remembered that it was written,
(information was written).
There are places God wants
you tread and take charge but
the idea to do that often seem
impossible for you because you
lack the information that had
been predetermined by God for
that purpose.
Practically, one has to be
above in order to fully discover
and identify that which is
beneath. From above there is
only one place to look and that
is below or down. “When he
ascended up on high,” Eph.
4:8 and “even as Christ is the
head (upward) of the Church:
and the savior of the body
(below),” Eph. 5:23.
No being can survive without
the head. The head of the
church is above on high,
“highly exalted” with a name
“which is above every name”.
All these signify height and
blessings. Your height and
blessing is not limited to
earthly authorities and
opinions; but up on high where
Christ is Jesus is seated at the
right hand of God the father.
As a child of God, does the
place you find yourself (as the
body of which Christ is the
head) matchup with where your
head (Christ) is positioned?
Genuine and eternal blessing is
from the height above and it
takes the information that will
matchup to lift up your level of
reasoning to have a contact
with your blessing from the
medium waves of heaven
“Look down from thy holy
habitation, from heaven, and
bless thy people,” Deut. 26:15.
The height you want to achieve
in life that would match up with
God’s purpose for you comes
from above and not from the
earth beneath. “Know
therefore this day, and consider
it in thine heart, that the LORD
he is God in heaven above, and
upon the earth beneath: there
is none else,” Deut. 4:39. What
that has got to do with me? You
may ask. “...keep therefore his
statutes, and his
commandments...that it may go
well with thee...with thy
children...thou mayest prolong
thy days upon the earth...” v.
40. Do you hear that?
Earthly heights and positions
can be toppled. Earthly
blessing and wealth can be
corrupted and destroyed but
that which comes from above is
eternal. “Lay not up for
yourselves treasures upon
earth, where moth and rust
doth corrupt, and where thieves
break through and steal: But
lay up for yourselves treasures
in heaven, where neither moth
nor rust doth corrupt, and
where thieves do not break
through nor steal,” Mat.6:19-
“If that thou hearken unto the
commandments of the LORD
thy God (information and
instruction), then “the LORD
shall open unto thee his good
treasure, the heaven to give the
rain unto thy land in his
season, and to bless all the
work of thine hand,” Deut. 28,
verse 13 and then verse 12.
There are heights in life that
God wants to take you and
there are treasures he wants to
open unto you but you need the
right information at the time it
is needed in order to access
God’s treasure unto you.
Chapter Three
Day Three- Habitations and
Gen. 1:9-13
“Let the waters under the
heaven be gathered together
unto one place, and let the dry
land appear...And God called
the dry land Earth; and the
gathering of the waters called
the seas... Let the earth bring
forth grass, the herb yielding
seed, and the fruit tree
yielding fruit after his
kind...And the evening and the
morning were the Third day.”
You need to know God’s plan
for this blessed life He had
intended from the beginning of
time. People migrate from one
place to another without first
knowing what God’s purpose
in such place is for them. Like I
earlier said, usually it is not the
land but the man who occupies
the land that is the problem. It
would make no different if and
when you go from one place to
another with the same mind
and mentality. It is the insight
and information you carry that
makes all the difference and
will determine your habitation
and your dwelling.
Imagine famine in the land of
Canaan and Isaac is tempted
into going to Egypt, the most
logical thing to do then but the
LORD had another plan. The
LORD tells Isaac that the
problem is not the land but the
man. He is instructed to sow in
that very land of famine while
others migrate to places of
greener pastures. “And Isaac
sow in the land and that same
year (of famine) he reaped a
hundredfold harvest” so much
so that he “became great, grew
rich and became very rich” till
the Philistines envied. You
wouldn’t blame them if you
were in their condition. They
could not see how that was
possible with a total stranger
what was not possible for
citizens. So they saw him as a
threat. See Gen. 26:1-12.
Some years ago, it was
reported on the BBC that it
cost a space tourist $20m for
just a ten-day trip. That is just
for the survival of one
individual up there for ten
days. No development fund, no
housing, no car, no shopping,
no education fund and the likes
included. It is only for the
individual survival. You can’t
imagine some even spending
that amount here on earth for
their entire life yet many have
been successful with so little.
Life in the wrong environment
can be very costly. Money is
not necessarily a requirement
for a successful life here on
earth. In fact, money is a
consequence of the vision and
purpose that place you in
height and position.
A space tourist can pay that
much for a ten-day trip to
space because that was not the
perfect habitation and dwelling
for man as far as God’s
sovereignty designed.
If you have a wealth of about
$90bn and decided to live in
space at the cost of 20m for
every ten days, it will only last
you 12 years. The fact remains
that no one in his or her sober
mind can spend $90bn in that
manner here on earth. The
earth has what it takes for you
to survival.
Earth is where man belongs.
There God had provided the
grass, the herb yielding seed,
and the fruit tree yielding fruit
after his kind, whose seed is in
itself, upon the earth,” Gen.
1:11. Did you hear that? Upon
the earth is the only place man
can live a successful life as he
waits eternity.
Day three of your life is when
you locate your habitation and
dwelling. This is very important
in relation to how you gather
or expend wealth. Someone
else’s habitation and dwelling
may only be your 10 days’ trip
to space and the cost and
losses may never be
If you have been involved with
ministry, service or a career
for more than seven years and
yet you don’t find satisfaction
in what you’re spending your
time and energy on; then you
need to rethink, make
adjustment, and take some
decisive steps that will align
you with your life’s purpose
which often don’t match the
A habitation and dwelling is a
place that offers a purpose in
fulfilling your vision and the
information you carry within.
The information that Joseph
carried could only survive and
take root in a place like Egypt
and not in his father’s house.
Vision is information that
places you on a height that
carries a message of distinct
habitation and dwelling
identification. Abraham sent
his servant Eleazer to get a
wife for his son Isaac. This was
the information, “go unto my
country, and to my kindred,
and take a wife unto my son
Isaac...And the servant...said,
O LORD God of my master
Abraham. I pray thee, send me
good speed this day, and shew
kindness unto my master
Abraham...I stand here by the
well of water; and the
daughters ...come out to draw
water... the damsel to whom I
shall say, Let down thy pitcher,
I pray thee, that I may drink,;
and she shall say, Drink, and I
will give thy camels drink also:
let the same be she that thou
hast appointed for thy servant
Isaac...And she said, Drink my
lord: and she hasted ,and let
down her pitcher upon her
hand, and, and gave him
drink...she said, I will draw
water for thy camels also...And
the man wondering ...And
said...The LORD led me to the
house of my master’s
brethren,” Gen. 24:4-27.The
information given him by his
master birthed through him a
message that located a
habitation and dwelling for him
and thus his master.
Are you in a situation where
things don’t seem to be
working out for you and
proving to be very costly?
Please check out on your
location. The land of famine
was not Isaac problem as; long
as that was where God
identified as his dwelling. So
the problem was not the land
but the man who must identify
with his place.
God had made a promise to
bless Jacob even before his
birth. “The LORD said unto
her, two nations are in thy
womb, and two manner of
people shall be separated from
thy bowels; and the one people
shall be stronger than the other
people; and the elder shall
serve the younger,” Gen.
25:23. A promise based on
God’s choice and favor and not
on Jacob’s works.
The place of blessing was never
thought of and considered
important by Jacob until he
stole Esau’s birthright, upon
his mother’s advice. Esau is
angry with Jacob and Jacob is
again advised by Rebekah to
seek safety at her brother
Laban’s, the Syrian in Haran.
See Gen. 27:6-44.
On his way to Laban, Jacob
encountered the LORD and
called the place Bethel (the
house of God). At the house of
God, Jacob made a vow to the
LORD. “and Jacob went from
Beersheba, and went toward
Haran... he lighted upon a
certain place ...and lay down in
that place to sleep... and
behold a ladder set up on the
earth, and the top of it reached
to heaven... the LORD stood
above it, and said, I am the
LORD God of Abraham thy
father, and the God of Isaac:
the land whereon thou liest, to
thee will I give it...and Jacob
vowed a vow,” Gen. 28:10-
God had told Rebekah that the
younger of the two brothers
will be blessed than the elder;
a sovereign choice of God and
not dependent on one’s work.
The question to have been
considered was where? The
blessing was dependent on a
place. “The land where on thou
liest, to thee will I give it, and
to thy seed...in thee and in thy
seed shall all the families of the
earth be blessed,” v.v. 13, 14.
Jacob acquired so much wealth
at Laban’s house and this
brought him into conflict with
his father – in – law and his
brothers – in – law.
“The man increased
exceedingly, and had much
cattle, and maidservants, and
menservants, and camels, and
asses...he heard...Laban’s sons
saying, Jacob hath taken away
all that was our fathers and of
that which was our father’s
hath he gotten all his glory.
And Jacob beheld the
countenance of Laban, and
behold, it was not toward him
as before,” Gen. 30: 43 – 31:1
– 2.
That’s what God does. If he
promises to bless you He’ll
never let any man take His
glory or glory in your blessing.
That’s why at times people you
think are supposed to play a
role in your upliftment are
often not in favor with you with
regards to your purpose. Every
time you dwell together, there
will be a conflict. God is telling
you that it is a warning signal
for departure.
Jacob accumulated wealth in
the wrong place. So the
response from Laban and his
children was not unusual as far
as locating habitation and
dwelling was concerned. That’s
exactly what you get when you
try putting the cart before the
horse by accruing wealth
before habitation and dwelling.
Being warned by God, Jacob
had to return to where he had
met God as he fled from Esau.
There God again appeared to
him, blessed him and gave him
a change of name. There and
then Jacob realized that
material possessions were very
much inadequate and far
removed from true spiritual
blessings as God’s vision,
height, habitation and dwelling
for him was concerned. He
called the name of that place
El-Bethel (the House of God).
Divine and eternal blessing for
Jacob was in Canaan and not
in Haran.
“And the LORD said to Jacob,
return unto the land of thy
fathers, and to thy kindred; and
I will be with thee,” Gen. 31:3.
This was a man now rich in
material possessions with a
large family and servants, yet
the LORD promised him
blessing if and only if he would
return to Canaan. Your only
guarantee that God will ever be
with you is to locate and
remain where he has destined
for you increase and blessing.
Egypt was not a comfortable
place in the memory of any
Israelite but for Joseph, that
was the place the Christ child
would be protected until the
one who seek to kill him was
dead. “Take the young child
and his mother Mary, go down
to Egypt, and remain there
until I bring thee word that
Herod is dead.”
As Jacob is on his way back to
Canaan based on God’s
instruction after 20 years of
hard labor and toil, see what
happened. “And Jacob was left
alone; and there wrestled a
man with him until the
breaking of the day...And he
said I will not let thee go,
except thou bless me...He (the
angel of the LORD) said unto
him, what is thy name? And he
said, Jacob...Thy name shall be
called no more Jacob, but
Israel: for as a prince hast thou
power with God and with men,
and has prevailed...And He
(God) blessed him there. And
Jacob called the name of the
place Peniel: for I have seen
the God face to face, and my
life is preserved,” Gen. 32:24,
Is not this so amazing? On his
way to relocate to his rightful
habitation and dwelling, the
following took place: 1) He
experienced the God of Bethel
and therefore called the place
El-Bethel. Leaving his dwelling
he once called it Bethel (the
house of God) on his return; he
encounters the God of the
house. Leaving his dwelling,
God was leaving him.
Returning to his dwelling, God
was there to be with him.
2) He saw the prevailing
presence of God face to face.
There was a name changed, the
power to prevail, and blessing
was conferred.
Now is time to do away with
the Jacob’s mentality of escape
to safety and security because
of wrong choices. There is that
one place where the puzzles
will begin to fall into place and
it will take vision and height to
get you there.
It’s a wonder that some never
learn from the errors of
history. You need to learn from
the mistakes of those who have
gone before you. Abraham had
been in Haran and left at the
age of 75 only after the death
of his father when God had
previously told him to leave Ur
and go to Canaan (Gen.
11:31). In Haran Abraham was
only a squatter though with a
family. He did not attain to
God’s status of blessing for
him, Gen. 12: 1-3, 5, no matter
his possessions. God had to
redirect him to Canaan in
order to bless him. Sometimes
we make the promises of God
of no effect when the wrong
choices lead us into the wrong
Rebekah’s choice will lead her
son to a location where he will
labor for 20 years and still not
come to fulfillment until God
brings him back to Canaan. I
have come to learn by
experience that no amount of
hard work brings you blessings
and fulfillment but finding and
fulfilling your purpose does.
Little did she know that Haran
no longer had a purpose for
Abraham and his descendants.
When you find yourself in a
place or ministry where God
begins to use situations and
obstacles to conflict and
confront your purpose, you
need to watch out if that’s the
warning signal for departure.
Paul said in Romans that “all
things work together for good
of them that love god and who
are the called according to his
purpose.” Every time I think on
that scripture and relates that
to my personal experience, I
know that God allows
situations, no matter how
painful, to lead you to locating
your rightful place, ministry,
gifting and to reach your
potential in life.
Through dreams, God had
revealed to Joseph that he was
going to be a great leader and
his family would serve him. Yet
the place of greatness is so
significant to the fulfillment of
that purpose. One’s place of
blessing could be another’s
place of pain and shame if and
when not in God’s will. God
brings Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob to Canaan to bless them
but takes Joseph to Egypt and
there make him a god to
In Genesis 26, famine is in the
land of Canaan and Isaac
wants to go to Egypt for food
but God tells him not to but
rather stay in Canaan (v. 2).
Egypt represents a place of
failure, lies and deceits for
Abraham and Isaac. It was
only in Canaan that they had
sufficient grace to endure with
hostile nations in that land.
Abraham was told to “get thee
out of thy country, and from thy
kindred, and from thy father’s
house, unto a land that I will
shew thee.” Gen. 12:1. It was
an invitation to a journey
without destination. Literally,
what God is saying to Abram is
that it is to your advantage that
you go for yourself in order to
discover yourself. That is to
say, leave for yourself and go
unto yourself. Leave and go
discover your true self because
what you are is not what you
were meant but only you can
discover and write your own
There is an environmental
impact, people’s impact, and a
family’s impact on every vision.
Some visions can only be
fulfilled void of or in isolation
of certain places, and people
and family members. Some
loneliness and breakups can be
painful but they can be
necessary. Abraham’s
obedience to leave cost him the
loss of a homeland, friends,
establishment, opportunities,
and family but to fulfill his
purpose in life, he had to leave.
The way of life in Ur couldn’t
allow him get to know God and
learn to depend on him more. It
was not just taking him to a
place of blessing but more of
taking him away from a society
that worshipped the god Nana
(moon god) to getting him to
know the living God more.
“Abraham believed God and
was counted to him for
Someone’s place of bondage
could be your place of safety
and security. Where you are is
a choice and that choice is a
generational choice. When you
make choices, think
generationally because God
thinks, works and blesses
generationally. God had said:
“woe to them that go to Egypt
for help...the Egyptians are
men, and not God,” Isa. 31:1,
3 but it was a place of refuge
for the Christ child, Mat. 2:13.
Jacob was afraid to go down to
Egypt when he heard that
Joseph was still alive and had
sent for him until he heard God
say; “I am God, the God of thy
father: fear not to go down into
Egypt; for I will there make
thee a great nation. I will go
down with thee into Egypt; and
I will surely bring thee up
again,” Gen. 46:3, 4. When
you move with a God-purpose
driven information, God goes
with you. When he is with you,
you are well on your way to
height, habitation and
Do not try to acquire wealth
when you’ve got no habitation
and dwelling for it. You may
eventually have to end up
starting all over again like
Jacob after 20 years of hard
labor. Don’t get me mistaken.
Your place of habitation
doesn’t mean things are going
to ride up to you on the wheels
of inevitability. What is
important is, that is where you
are going to be fulfilled against
all the odds. There you have
the grace to wait for harvest
with joy in your heart. There
you may be hated for that very
vision, despised, rejected,
ostracized and never noticed
but you have the patience to
wait with all gladness of heart.
The evening and the morning
were the third day.
This is the stage of your life
where you have to and must
locate where you belong,
spiritually, emotionally,
physically, socially,
economically, mentally, and in
all aspects of life. It is where
your purpose has the maximum
impact. There you are
eventually on your way to
becoming an asset and not end
up a liability. Your access to
heaven is your asset in this
Chapter Four
Day 4- Distinction and
“Let there be lights in the
firmament of the heaven to
divide the day from the night;
and let them be for signs, and
for seasons, and for days, and
years...let them be lights
in ...the heaven to give light
upon the earth...And God
made two great lights; the
greater light to rule the day,
and the lesser to rule the
night: he made the stars also”.
The fourth day is the stage at
which you become an unspoken
sign that declares an unspoken
message. The message is seen
in what you worth manifested
in your works.
Note the following:
1. Divide the day from the
night. When your purpose
and vision become clear,
it’s the place of distinction.
Chapter Seven
Day 7- From Labor to Rest
Gen. 2:1-3
“Thus the heavens and the earth
were finished, and all the host of
them. And on the seventh day God
ended his work which he had made;
and he rested on the seventh day
from all his work which he made.”
Even the Al mighty God believes in
rest so much so that he included rest
on his creation’s agenda. It is
therefore an essential part of man’s
existence and should never be
ignored. It is coming and only a
matter of time you will have to accept
Some enter into this stage of life as
liability and see it as boredom which
shouldn’t be so if you go according to
the stages. “God blessed the seventh
day, and sanctified it: because that in
it he had rested from all his work.”
The system in the corporate and
social world includes rest and leisure
even amidst the many demands time
has on the system. The church,
however, wants to do it differently
and so it’s not getting the result for
the amount of time puts in.
There is both short-term and long-
term rest
Short-Term Rest
When people rusticate, take leaves,
vacations, holidays and some leisure
off their jobs and activities; they are
simply fulfilling a part of what God
had indented from the very beginning
of creation.
In short-term rest, you retrospect,
assess your undertaking, and review
your successes, failures, strength and
limitations, if there is any. It allows
for recovery, refreshing and
The God who sees ahead of time gives
so much priority to rest. What about
you who don’t know when, where and
how you are going to end? This is not
the rest where you vegetate and
procrastinate as time goes by. In fact,
rest is not for idle people but for those
who are involved with work.
Christ Jesus knew the importance of
work and did give it priority. After
having taught the people whole day
and fed them afterwards, when even
was come, “he departed again into a
mountain himself alone.” John 6:15,
16. This was a routine of the Lord
Jesus Christ.
You may be going fine with so much
pace in life and ministry and haven’t
got any time for yourself, your
personal spiritual life and even your
family life. You need some time off for
yourself, with your spouse and for
your children. Don’t allow your
children and family to have
resentment for your profession
because you’re not creating time for
One of the greatest attacks I have
seen in the ministry today is that of
the minister and his family. Many
gifted ministers have had their
marriages destroyed and with their
children becoming wayward. You
could think about Moses who was so
involved with the ministry and never
had the time to circumcise his
children, the power of Israel’s
covenant relationship with God.
One cannot have a proper and quality
long-term rest without knowing and
prioritizing short-term rest.
In Exodus 18, Moses had so much
zeal coming out of Egypt with the
Israelites. He takes on so many
responsibilities with little or no time
for himself and family. Today many
leaders often make the same mistakes.
Being busy with ministry work is not
your service to God but rather your
service to God’s people. This is where
some think that by so many church’s
activities and programs they are
pleasing God.
Today I see many ministers who’ve
got so much so call words for the
members then they got for themselves
and their family life. They know about
others so much till they don’t know
that the devil was set to destroy their
marriage until the day it finally
happened. I pray that we’re humbled
enough to hear what God is saying to
us and about us even as he speaks to
us about others.
They spend time with God for the
people and not for themselves. I’d
rather spend time with God for
myself. From what he says to me, then
I can use the message he gives me
and the experiences from my
situations to minister to others.
I must spend time with God accessing
my relationship with him and how my
family fits into the direction the vision
is headed.
Thank God for the Jethros who
always know the importance of rest.
“The thing that thou doest is not
good. Thou wilt surely wear away,
both thou and this people that is with
thee: for this thing is too heavy for
thee: thou art not able to perform it
thyself alone…I will give thee
counsel, and God shall be with thee…
provide out of all the people able
men, such as fear God, men of truth…
and place such over them,” Ex.
18:17-19, 21. From verse 24, Moses
did listen to that counsel but only for
a while as the situation leading to his
long-term rest will prove that true.
What Jethro feared, not being “thou
for the people to God-ward, that thou
mayest bring the cause unto God…
that thou shall teach them ordinances
and laws, and shalt shew them the
way wherein they must walk, and the
work that they must do,” Ex.18: 19b-
That’s exactly what is eventually
going to happen to Moses. “Thou will
surely wear away.” Jethro knew that
the time would come that Moses
would have to come to his end not by
choice but as a matter of what is
required. If you can’t include short-
term rest, you’ll never know when
long-term rest is approaching. This is
where many failures lie in their
service to God. When they come to
their end, the profile man reads about
them is different from what God has.
Remember that god has got the
unedited version of your profile.
Long-Term Rest
This the period of retirement when
you realize that you have reached the
mark and someone has to pick up
from where you left off. It is when you
are aware of leaving the stage when
the ovation is the loudest.
Governments set up social security’s
and welfares systems as well as
retirement benefits. But church folks
act as if they are so immune from
what is eventually coming. They are
aware that every living and working
person will have to come to that place
where the story will end. Benefits and
how one leaves this stage will depend
on how the previous six stages were
lived out. The benefits of long-term
rest are greatly dependent on the
fruits and blessings of your service
during your time of provision and
Moses was a meek and honorable
prophet of God but underestimated
the importance of short-term and
long-term rest.
Here are some facts to be considered.
When God told Moses to lead Israel
out of Egypt, nowhere in scriptures
was Moses given the guarantee that
he would bring Israel to Canaan. The
reference and guarantor to bring
Israel to Canaan is to God himself.
Before his call, God had rest in sight
but sorry that Moses didn’t about
“…I have surely seen the affliction of
my people which are in Egypt, and
have heard their cry…And am come
down to deliver them out of the hand
of the Egyptians, and to bring them
out of that land unto a good land…
flowing with milk and honey,” Ex.
God doesn’t get mad at you for where
you come to rest but how you come to
rest. Paul ended his last days of
ministry in a prison in Rome. From
the profile man would read of him,
that was nothing comfortable.
However, from God’s profile on Paul
and from God’s perspective; Paul
would say, “I have fought a good
fight, I have finished my course, I
have kept the faith,” 2 Tim. 4:7. In
other words, it’s time to leave the
scene and allow the likes of Timothy
and Titus, in whom I have built
myself, to continue the work of
ministry. I am not mad at God for
ending up in prison and about to be
killed. It may not seem a good way to
finish but as long as I served my
purpose in the will of God, I’ve
finished well.
Before the rebellion of striking the
rock, that almost all preachers
consider the reason for Moses denied
entry to the promise land, God had
told Moses that Joshua and Caleb
only among the generation that had
come out of Egypt were going to enter
the promise land.
Moses struck the rock in Numbers 20
when he was told to speak to the rock.
Many ministers today, in the name of
preaching the gospel, are striking the
rock (Jesus) instead of speaking to the
rock. Yes, you strike the rock when
you preach what Paul calls another
gospel. That’s for another topic and
another book.
Moses sends the 40 spies in Numbers
13 to see out the land. Only Joshua
and Caleb bring back good report
from that number. Then in chapter 14
God vividly describes and states to
Moses those who would enter the
promise land way ahead of striking
the rock in chapter 20.
“Ye shall not come into the land,
concerning which I sware to make
you dwell therein, save Caleb the son
of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of
Nun.” 14:30. Not a word is
mentioned about Moses. With his
name not mentioned, he probably
thinks he’s immune from that
Further on, God is mad at Moses for
striking the rock instead of speaking.
“Because ye believe me not, to
sanctify me in the eyes of the children
of Israel… Num. 20:12.
“You did not sanctify me in the eyes
of the people”. His father-in-law had
told him earlier that by allowing the
people to take on some of the
responsibilities, he would not “surely
wear away”. He would thus give
himself to sometime of rest and also
“be thou for the people to God-ward,
that thou mayest bring the causes
unto God.” Too much work and
boredom wouldn’t have allowed
Moses to adequately represent the
people before God and God before
the people.
Moses does not even consider that
after 40 years in the wilderness, his
tenure is edging out. His rebellion
therefore becomes a circumstantial
sin to allow him out of the way so that
a doing and fighting generational
leadership will take over.
The people are God’s people and
Jethro had told him to represent the
people before God and vice versa.
Later hear his regrets: “The LORD
was angry with me for your sakes (for
good reasons Moses because they are
his people),” Deut. 1:7. “The LORD
was wroth with me for your
sakes,”3:26. “The LORD was angry
with me for your sakes,” 4:21. It
“went ill with Moses for their sakes,”
Psalm 106:32. In leading God’s
people, it’s best to spend more time
with God for the people than to spend
more time with the people for God.
Spending time with God allows you
hear what he’s saying concerning his
The people had demanded Moses to
provide them water when they
became thirsty. Moses and Aaron go
to the tabernacle to seek the face of
God falling on their faces. Read
Num. 20:6. “The glory of the LORD
appeared unto them.” There and then
God speaks to him and instructs him
to speak to the rock.
Your theological upbringing may find
it hard to accept what I’m about to
say here. You may’ve never heard it
the way I’m about to say it. Don’t
worry because the scripture will
speak for itself.
Burdened and too busy “for your
sakes,” he did not follow the
instruction from the glory of God’s
presence “unto the door of the
tabernacle.” Moses did not enter the
promise land so much because of the
rebellion of striking the rock. Moses
limitation as relates to retirement and
rest did.
Sin brings rejection of one before
God. When Saul sinned God rejected
him and chose David in his stead.
God rejected Israel many times in
scriptures and allowed them to be
destroyed by enemy nations whenever
they sinned. Once again I state that
this rebellion was circumstantial so
as to led Moses to rest. Let’s consider
Numbers 27 after the rebellion of
striking the rock. “Get thee up into
the mount Abarim, and see the land
which I have given unto the children
of Israel. And when thou hast seen it,
thou shalt be gathered unto thy
people,” v.v. 12, 13. When you read
the next verse that follows, you may
quickly conclude that Moses denied
entry into the promise land was the
result of his sin of rebellion but that is
not to crust of the matter.
As Moses is told to go up the
mountain and be “gathered unto thy
people,” he sees nobody fit to lead
Israel after his departure. “Let the
LORD, the God of the spirits of all
flesh, set a man over the
congregation, which may go out
before them, and which may lead
them out, and which bring them in;
that the congregation of the LORD
be not as sheep which have no
shepherd”, v.v. 16,17.
Moses no longer has the strength to
go out and come in as he did 40 years
earlier. He could not stand from
morning till evening to judge the
people. There was now a serious
need for retirement.
“I am now an hundred and twenty
years old this day; I can no more go
out and come in: as the LORD hath
said unto to me, thou shalt not go
over this Jordan.” He did not
understand hid need for rest and
retirement until after this event. What
a sad story. It is only then that Moses
realized that what God earlier said,
“I am come down…to bring them…
unto a land flowing with milk and
honey,” Ex. 3:8, was now being
fulfilled. He can now say, “the LORD
thy God, he will go over before thee,
and he will destroy these nations from
before thee,” Deut. 31:3.
After what we consider the sin that
stopped Moses from entering the
promise land, the LORD says to him,
“Take thee Joshua the son of Nun, a
man in whom is the Spirit, and lay
thine hand upon him; And set him
before Eleazar the priest, and before
all the congregation; and give him a
charge in their sight. And thou shalt
put some of thine honor upon him,
that all the congregation of the
children of Israel may be obedient,”
Watch this. In Joshua “is the Spirit”
but Moses must “set him before …the
priest, and before the entire
congregation; and give him a charge
in their sight…and put some of thine
honor upon him,” “for the children of
Israel to be obedient.” The Israelites
obedience to Joshua depended on
Moses putting some of his honor on
him. This doesn’t sound like someone
whom sin had brought him rejection
before God. You can’t like we often
understand sin to be in the case of
king Saul and still carry such honor
before God. Remember his profile on
you is far removed from what the
world has on you. That’s why you
must never desire praises and
commendation from the world in your
service to God.
Moses couldn’t accept the reality that
he had come to his end in ministry
and therefore did not see any one
capable of leading this great nation
into possessing the land. He did not
even consider Joshua when he said
leaving Israel, for him, will be like
leaving sheep without shepherd. It
had to take God to recommend
Joshua to Moses.
When Saul sinned, he was rejected
with Samuel asked to anoint David in
his place. Here is something different.
Moses sinned but he is asked to put
some of his honor on his successor so
that all the people would obey him.
Only one truth we can learn from this.
After 40 years of wandering with
Israel in circle, this was only the most
convenient way to get him to see that
his time was out.
I often hear people say that age is just
number but not knowing that those
numbers can have significance
somewhere down life’s road.
Chapter Eight
Day Eight: Time Kills
Never say am killing time
When you are in a journey,
And it’s a journey against time
when time kills
Cause time is what you can
never have
Yet some say I am killing time.
But I am not sure
Cause time does not have your
Whenever you persist
She suddenly leads you to the
As you sit around to waste
She has no time to wait.