Unstoppable You

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Activating your Creative Potential

By Sam-Abel Gbinsay


Why you must or must not read this book?

Early 2023, I’ve been watching a lot of
videos on how to stay focus, creative
thinking, success, and productivity. Most of
the videos that inspired me on those topics
were either by Bob Proctor or Brian Tracy.
It was from listening to those great speakers
that I began to understand while only about
2-5% of people are succeed in life and the
remaining 95-98% of people live the
average life and never succeed.

I’ve been practicing some of these principles

but not enough to activate my creative
potential for becoming even more
unstoppable like I knew I would. I always
knew that what I was doing is not what I
could be doing but the “how to do it” was
the missing link.

Listening to these two great and success

entrepreneurs inspired and transformed the
quality of my activities, whether it’s my
time management, creativity, focus,
repetition, and everything that I am.
Ideas have been reformed and transformed
into reality; potentials have been realized in
ways that I never thought possible. Even
though I have preached and taught on these
things for many years but structuring the
information in a way that would produce
maximum productivity resulting from
deliberate discipline was aways lacking. The
principles I learnt through watching and
listening inspired the writing of this book
especially for audience in my line of work
who are not successful as they ought to be.

Every time I investigate my vocational

sphere, I can only imagine how many
pastors, leaders, institutions, businesses,
families, individuals, doctors, and
professionals I have known for many years,
some very talented with high IQ, yet very
few are barely successful at what they do.
It was there and then that this question came
to mind: Why not write a book on creativity
and potential from your leadership
experience? I ultimately said: Yes, I can
write a book on that. For my gifting and
calling as a teacher; it is always my desire to
share new ideas with others and that gives
me greater joy than anything else. I like to
share information learnt with other people
and enable them make decisions that lead to
excellence in life and ministry. I
immediately took my iPad and began
writing the outline and eventually came the
title: “Becoming Unstoppable: Activating
your Creative Potential.”

I write this book as a tool for focus-based

leadership and if you want to grow the
quality of your life, your family, your
ministry, your business, your earnings, and
become successful in what you do; then this
is a must read for you; and if not, please
don’t waste your time for the sake of mare
curiosity. Furthermore, it’s not for those
who are comfortable staying in their comfort
zone but those who want to go from average
to the extraordinary in every area of life
they’re called to operate.
Life is not merely breathing in and breathing
out air. Life the ability to affect and impact
one’s surroundings as life is the most unique
gift God gave the universe.
Before reading this book, ask yourself, is it
going to move me towards any of my most
important goals or is it going to be a
distraction? Is it worth it to read this book
on should I go on social medial, glance
through every post, watch every video post,
comment on every news story while creating
empires for others? My advice to you is that
this book is not one of those for everybody
but for only those who want to make the
most valuable use of their time with value
creation and revenue generation activities.
The quality of your life is determined by the
quality of your time, and I hope this book
can inspire that for everyone who reads it.

Speaking of successful people; it doesn’t

mean someone who is successful was born
with some special advantages over the
average person. A successful person is that
person who is not afraid to try many things
even if he fails. In fact, successful people
have got the most failures on there resume’
than unsuccessful people. The very fact of
not being afraid to fail is what makes you
refer to someone as successful. Successful
people are often willing to take risk and
venture into things that got high potential

It’s my prayer and desire that after reading

this book you will be motivated to spend
you time on activities that have high
potential consequences.
1. The Unstoppable You

Genesis 2:7, “Then the Lord God formed

man from the dust of the ground and
breathed into his nostrils the breath or
spirit of life, and man became a living being
(soul),” AMPC. That verse sounds to me
like you are God’s greatest investment in the
universe especially with “breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life.” Note it didn’t say
God spoke into his nostrils but that he
“breathed” instead. It takes air to speak and
to breathe. No one ever gets tired from
talking because it’s causing them to release
air. However, the same air you release in
speaking is the same air you release when
you release air into a balloon. But you will
realize that blowing or releasing air into a
balloon gets you tired in a short space of
time than speaking will ever get you. The
reason is that breathing takes a deeper or
inner lever of air because it being pour into
something worthless and lifeless and
causing it to come to life and become useful.
No wonder why God would rest on the
seventh day of creation after investing and
pouring his being into man and man became
a living being.
There is nothing personally bigger that God
could ever give you more than that. It’s for
that very investment that made him to send
his only begotten son to die for man’s
redemption. With that in mind, you can now
see while are unstoppable and the only
person to stop you is you. The unstoppable
you is God’s greatest investment and require
developing the qualities of being

For those of us in Africa especially with

strong cultural ties and backgrounds, we
have always been told that when you are
poor, suffering and having difficulties in
life; it is because of the backgrounds. While
that may be true, that also is not always the
reason while individuals and nations in
Africa are poor despite all the many
recourses God blessed our continent with.
There are nations of the world that do not
believe in a god like the Christian God and
yet they are very rich and prosperous.

As the result of how the family background

beliefs had been misunderstood and
misapplied; religions, religious institutions,
and witchdoctors often pander to the
ignorance of the masses and their desire to
be freed from family background curses for
personal gains. I don’t deny nor ignore the
problems of family and traditional
strongholds by the way, but what I am
saying is that you are unstoppable despite all
the obstacles that tend to ruin your
existence. You can still live a successful life.

I come from two powerful traditional

families (paternal and maternal). My
paternal grandfather came from a line of
traditional warriors with powers to disappear
and transform into different things
especially in the heat of battles. My paternal
great grandfather was popularly known to
have flown with the aid of his sword or
spear when battle got tough. My paternal
grandmother, whom I knew very well was
the territorial queen of the marine world in
her tribal clan. She told me personal stories
of some of the things she did that made her
so feared and respected. Some of those are
for another book. In fact, during the civil
war, when we went to her village for rescue;
she would boldly tell my parents not to fear
anything regarding my safety as she was in
charge and fully aware of happenings in that
The village had some of the straightest
traditional rules regarding what a person can
or cannot do especially strangers. I was
allowed to swim anywhere in the river when
others were forbidden to do so and go any
place in the forest without fear that I would
be harmed. She made a decree and even
letting my parents know that she had made
such decree for my protection. For anything
bad to happen to anyone at the time; they
would need her approval. Every time my
parents were concerned about my safety, I
would often hear my grandmother say, “you
all leave that boy alone, nothing will happen
to him.”
As far back as 1983 when I was seven years
old, I remember one significant experience
with my grandfather during the vacation of
1983. My parents and I had gone to visit
them just about the end of the poro
(traditional school for boys where they
would stay for four years) season. We got to
the village a week before they could put
them out or graduate them. A day to putting
them out, my grandfather did something that
was never heard of before. In fact, after
narrating my experience, some who familiar
with the practices will tell you that what I’m
saying is not possible. But my grandfather
did do something impossible anyway.

He took me to the camp where the young

men were gathered and going through their
final rituals for graduation. My parents had
no idea where he had taken me that
morning. He bathed me and rubbed some of
the chalk on me that they rubbed on the
others. I stayed the whole day till evening
and together with the others, we came to
town under the cover of darkness. I slept
with them under the shed they had made
ready for them and waiting to be presented
the next morning. While all that was
happening, little did I know that my parents
were having heated argument in town with
my grandma about what grandpa had done
as my parents didn’t know my whereabout.
At some point he would leave me there and
came to town, but I wasn’t aware of
anything abnormal as seven years old.

According to my mom, all my granddad

would say was nothing will happen to that
boy because I am in charge here and I am
the law and final authority over these
matters. True to his word, I slept with them,
ate with them, and spent the whole while
with them until he brought me back to my
Thinking about that right now as a grown-up
man, it sends chill through my spine as I’m
aware of the consequences that had befallen
others who never had the covering and
protection I had. However, I can only say
that I survived it not that he was the most
powerful than others, but only that my life
has a purpose in God’s vast eternal plan.
The point I am making here is that if you are
one of those who think that nothing is
working for you only because of your
background; I want to let you know that I
come from two high profile traditional
backgrounds with some very horrible
history. I could write another book about my
maternal background and some of the things
that God revealed to me about that family as
far back as things from November 2, 1912.
My maternal grandfather and great
grandfather were paramount chiefs with the
former been the most influential paramount
chief in Liberia’s history according to
documentaries I have read. I got to know
that not from Liberian history but from
documentaries online and some at the
University of Eugene, Oregon, on Dolokelen
Paye studies. In fact, at that university, I am
told that they offer studies in Dolokelen
The source of his traditional power was said
to be in hippopotamus, accordingly to what
my mother and some uncles have told me. I
am the kind of person who is curious about
knowing and understanding my family
history especially when I see some abnormal
patterns consistently running through the
family. That has helped me to be more
strategic with my prayer, principles, and
I don’t want to bore you with my family
history and tradition because that is not the
purpose of this boo. However, like the
apostle Paul said, if anyone thinks he or she
comes from a traditional background and
that’s what stopping them from succeeding;
I want to let you know that I more. I thought
it is important to make that point so as to
drop the scales from the eyes of many who
continue to use the family background
victim mentality as the excuses for not being
able to succeed in life.
The only person stopping this unstoppable
you is you and not your background. You
are so unstoppable that God himself would
say in the Bible, “now nothing they have
imagined they can do will be impossible for
them,” Gen. 11:6.
The first step to becoming unstoppable is to
identify your purpose on this earth. What
does God stand to gain by creating you and
why are you here? You are not the result of
some unintentional act of creation. That is
key to becoming unstoppable. If you were
unintentionally created, then your being on
earth is for mere existence which will soon
become boring and unbearable. However, if
you were intentionally created by an
intentional God, there must be a purpose
from which God stands to benefit and that’s
what makes you unstoppable.

Israel had been in slavery for more than 400

years and through Moses God would bring
them from bondage to freedom. From the
day Moses showed up to Aaron, the elders
of Israel, the Israelites, to Pharoah and his
princes; the goal was, “And afterward
Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh,
thus said the Lord God of Israel, ‘Let my
people go.” That was the clear goal the
entire nation should had understood as it
was key to becoming unstoppable even
when the going got tough. Any other
difficulty faced was of no potential
consequences. From then on, the only thing
that was to claim everyone’s attention was
“Let my people go,” and “we are going from
bondage to freedom.”

The lack of clarity of that one major goal

was tantamount to quitting. It was not the
giants in the land or the hostile tribal nations
that were the real enemies. However, the
people became the real enemies to
themselves because they lacked clarity of

God brings Israel out of Egypt after been in

slavery for more that 400 years and to bring
them to a place of success. All they did was
complain about how they ate leaves, garlic,
onions, and flesh in Egypt without charge.
Did I hear you say, “without charge?” The
last time I checked, you were slaves in
Pharaoh’s kitchen and serving tables but for
your quitting nature and wanting everything
to come to you on the wheels of
inevitability; you are glamorizing your
miserable past. That’s the nature of quitters
as they are known for glamourizing the past.
The past is always glorious than the present
because they’re unable to endure pain for
their own good.

These God’s chosen people allowed

themselves to believe that life in Egypt was
far better than what Moses has got them into
because they are finding reasons to
rationalize that quitting is better than going
forward and enduring the pain. That’s
exactly the attitude of the average person
stuck in his miseries. He brings himself to
the place of believing that being in the
position he’s in now is better than
attempting anything that is of high potential
consequences because he lacks a clear goal
that requires and demands ruining his
existence but letting him live out his

The average person often fails because he

wants it so easy that the only language he
know is “I am not able,” “I can’t do this
anymore,” but off course you can. If and
only if you have a clear goal then you can
give it your best of everything that you are.
The apostle Paul would not have put it any
better when he says, “Forgetting what is
behind and pressing forward toward the

What is a goal?
Goals are things that you set out to do and
are meant to draw the best out of you.
Goals are not necessarily meant to get but to
grow you because the only that getting gives
you is excitement.
We often talk about goals, but the reality is
that very few people understand what a goal
is and that’s why the average person often
quits when crisis and difficulties come.

Teaching on the Law of Attraction, Bob

Proctor Gallagher says there are three types
of goals, and these are A Type Goals, B
Type Goals and C Type Goals.

A type-goal is going after what you already

know how to do and that’s what the average
person has.
Example: how to buy a new iPad, a new car,
or a property. You may have already bought
any of those before and know how it feels
like to buy something new. That’s not a
goal. It’s something you may want to do or
certainly may have or should have done. “I
want to buy a plot of land” is not a goal
because it only gives you excitement and
does not bring out your best.

B Type goal is going from what you know

how to do to what you think you can do. It
carries no excitement at all. This type of
goal has no inspiration or growth to it. It’s
kind of like some type of a game of
manipulation. If he can do this for me, she
does that and if I can get this, then I can
reach this goal. If I can support him or her to
become president or vice president, then I
can get that job. But the question you never
ask yourself is, why if he or she is not
elected? The only answer is that what you
consider a goal will never be achieved. That
tells you that it was never a goal.
Anyone with this type of goal can easily
manipulate and be manipulated.
Type C goal-this is the creative goal. It’s
going after what you really want to do even
though you don’t know how to get it done
but all you know is that it can be done, and
you are going to get it done.1

IQ vs creativity. You may not have a high

IQ but what you have is a creative reservoir.
IQ is the ability to grasp concepts and
instructions faster than others. Having high
IQ doesn’t guarantee mental toughness and
Creativity is finding new and improve ways
of doing something from complicated to
easier. The creative goal doesn’t have room
for excuses and neither does it require
explanation. It has no technical no-how of
what it wants to do but all it cares about is “I
can do this, and I am not quitting until I get
it done.”

Brian Tracy said that the number one reason

for success is that successful people focus
on things that got high potential
consequences and unsuccessful people focus
on things that have little or no potential

You are unstoppable only if you can decide

now that you’re going to be that. It has
nothing to do with social status, education,
connection, affluence, or influence but all to
do with you. Only you can stop yourself
from getting to the future you dream about
and the kind of life you want to live, the car
you want to drive, the places you want to
travel, the business you want to do, and the
person you want to become.

Through mentoring young people, one thing

they all have in common is to often paint a
grim picture of how difficult life has been
with them. I usually don’t buy into that
narrative. Regardless of who you are, where
you come from and what you been through;
when I see you, the first thing I see is your
future potential and not your current status. I
only see what you could become and not
what you are going through now.
David was amour bearer to Saul, a musician,
and a shepherd boy and that’s what society
limited him to being, but he didn’t accept
that. He was always a giant killer and a
mighty man of valor because that’s what he
believed about himself. However, David
alone knew that what he was doing is not
what he could be doing. He was something
bigger and greater than what society labeled
him to be.

Society and people never saw me as a

candidate for pastoral ministry and neither
did I qualified for anything I ever attempted
by society’s standard. So many times, I was
told that I will be a failure, I would be a
disgrace to my family, I would never
amount to anything good, till I didn’t care
what people said anymore. Looking back
today, that attitude stirred me up with such
positive anger to be good at anything I
Contrary to society’s view, I saw the
positive about myself and never took No for
an answer. Whether it was “you don’t have
what it takes (whatever that was, I’m yet to
know) to marry my daughter;” I accepted
the challenge and married her and it’s being
22 years now and counting. Words like “you
will be a failure and disgrace to your
family,” only became music to my ears. I
embraced the challenge and today I am a
generational liberator and all to God’s glory.

The number one enemy to being

unstoppable is distraction because the
average person spends about 90% of his
time on distraction activities and only about
10% of that on goals achieving activities. I
learned that from Brian Tracy and when I
observe people I work and interact with
daily; it’s even worse in my society.

Evaluate the things you are doing right now

especially that one thing that will add value
to you and see how much of your time is
being given to it.
2. Developing the Quality of
being Unstoppable

From reading and studying the lives of some

of the world’s most successful and rich
people, there is always a pattern of having
something unique in common and
developing the quality of being
unstoppable is one of those things all
successful and rich people have in common.
In fact, Brian Tracy calls developing the
quality of being unstoppable his life’s habit.2

Developing the quality of being unstoppable

will only build your self-esteem and
confidence. It is that attitude of not quitting
no matter what life throws at you or how
tough things get. It is that attitude that
makes you look into the mirror and tell
yourself, even though everyone has given
me up; I don’t stand a chance because all the
odds are against me but I am not quitting. I
don’t know how I am going to endure but all
I know is that I can and will endure, and I
will overcome. I said that to myself many
days over and over and again. I would look
at my image in the mirror and just
encouraged myself with words like, “I’m not
going to quit; I am ready for this war, and I
will fight until my last breath.”

A pastor friend on mine visited me on

September 4, 2023, and I took him to see the
ongoing construction project on the House
of Hope (for orphans) in partnership with
Hope for Liberia. Standing on top of the first
floor where the engineers were getting ready
to cast, my brother said something that blew
me away especially when I saw the vivid
reality of what he was saying. This is what
he said, “Pastor Abel, one thing I have
known about you for a very known time is
that you’re mentally tough. Speaking from
experience and observation within our
society; I don’t see anyone I could compare
you with and don’t understand how you do
it.” Pastor Vannie Shasha and I go back a
long way and together we shared and
endured some of the toughest times in
ministry as friends.
To develop the quality of being unstoppable,
focus on forward moves and guard against
focusing on what takes you backward. Paul
said, “Not as though I had already attained,
either were already perfect: but I follow,
after, if that I may apprehend that for which
also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
Brethren, I count not myself to have
apprehended: but this one thing I do,
forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which
are before. I press toward the mark for the
prize of the high calling of God in Christ
Jesus,” Phil. 3:12-14, KJV.

“I do not consider, brethren, that I have

captured and made it my own [yet]; but one
thing I do [it is my one aspiration]:
forgetting what lies behind and straining
forward to what lies ahead. I press on
toward the goal to win the [supreme and
heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus
is calling us upward,” Phil. 3:13-14.
Brian Tracy, speaking on the “Power of
Focus3” says that the number one rule karate
teachers often tell their students is always
move forward and not backward. That is a
biblical principle as well. When you move
forward your attention is focused forward
and when you move backward, you attention
is backward focused and that’s how life is.
Focus on that one thing that makes you go
forward even if it’s just a little bit. Even
though there may be backwards movement
in life but focus on the forward gains, so it
doesn’t look like you are further backward
then you were going forward.

Th Bible teaches us that momentum and

success go hand in hand, but you can’t have
momentum until you are struggling with
difficulties in one area of life or the other
because it’s through adversities that you
develop momentum. “Count it all joy when
you go through various trials…” I read
somewhere long ago that “when the storms
of life are salvage it’s the tree that bends
with the wind that survives.” I have
therefore learned that it’s ok to bend over
backward if only I don’t allow myself to be

Mental rehearsal is another tool that keeps

your momentum alive and optimize your
performance under the most grueling
circumstances. This skill is used by athletes
and most successful people to increase
confidence, focus, resilience, and readiness
for the inevitable.4 You rehearse in your
mind and plan for whatever difficulty that
may come along your way in any given
situation so that nothing takes you by
surprise. For sports athletes, they call that
rising to the big occasions because nothing
takes them unaware. They anticipated it and
prepared for that very moment. “As a man
thinks, therefore is he.” “What will be done
for the man who will kill this uncircumcised
Philistine…? “Let no man heart fail him, I
will go and fight him.”
According to a Human Performance
Resources by CHAMP article published on
September 23, 2022;5 they gave the
following tips on how to mentally rehearsal.
1. Optimize your environment for
success. You must create a quiet
environment where you can relax
and focus.
2. Use all your senses. During mental
rehearsal, go into as much depth and
find out how you are feeling
mentally and physically especially as
you perform certain task. Go in
depth to discover what the
environment you find yourself in
sounds like and what it smells like.
Jesus himself knew this principle and
made use of it. “Then He glanced
around at them all and said to the
man, Stretch out your hand! And he
did so, and his hand was fully
restored like the other one. But they
were filled with lack of
understanding and senseless rage and
discussed (consulted) with one
another what they might do to Jesus.
Now in those days it occurred that
He went up into a mountain to pray
and spent the whole night in prayer
to God. And when it was day, He
summoned His disciples and selected
from them twelve, whom He named
apostles (special messengers),” Luke
3. Rely on past experiences. When you
visualize yourself going through
some moment of difficulties, look
back to past information on previous
experiences. David said, “I killed a
lion and a bear, I can also kill this
4. Rehearse multiple scenarios. It is
important to mentally rehearse
completing a challenge or task
successful even before the real task.
In addition to that, it is also very
important to prepare yourself for
when things go wrong by including
multiple scenarios of potential
roadblocks in your rehearsal and
imagine yourself taking action to
overcome it. “Not that I have already
obtained (because I am aware of the
difficulties and roadblocks ahead)
but this one thing I do, forgetting
those things which are behind and
pressing forward for the goal…”
5. Practice. We often say practice
makes perfect, but the reality is not
many of us mean that. It is said the
more you practice mental rehearsal,
the more you can tailor your mental-
rehearsal practice to your benefit.

With David mental-rehearsed of killing a

bear and a lion; he saw the killing of Goliath
as only replaying the tape of a scenario he’s
been through before. On the contrary, while
Goliath may have mentally prepared for
Saul and his army; he wasn’t mentally
prepared for a young lad challenging him
with a sling and rocks. He didn’t see that
coming and therefore had no momentum to
go through and survive the moment. The
only thing Goliath’s mental-rehearsal could
tell him was that David had reduced him to a
mere dog with “I’m I a dog that you come
against me with a sling?”

The quality of being unstoppable is a choice

and a decision that only you can make for
yourself that no matter what life throws at
you; you are never going to quit but will
endure and find a solution to overcome.
Don’t sit around shift blames and complain
but count yourself in knowing that what
needs to be done cannot be done without
you. That’s an unstoppable attitude.

I often see life as the waves of the sea that

come and go, and it’s been that way since
the beginning of time. Some days there are
high and rough tides and at other times, the
tides are low, calm, and friendly. No one
tides comes to stay permanently and that’s
how I see the problems of life. If that’s how
it has been even before I got here and it’s
going to remain that way after I shall have
left; therefore, I decide to be unstoppable
and let no difficulties or hardships of life get
me to quit. I rehearse that to myself every
day, speak it to myself while looking in the
mirror each morning and it’s with that
attitude that I confront and approach my
Some years ago, when my family was young
and our first child was about 7 years old; I
had an encounter through which I made a
decision and a declaration that inspired and
changed my approached to life, the quality
of my life, ministry, my family, and
everything about me. I had just resigned as
the principal of a well-known high school
because I finally decided to go after my
calling instead of pursuing job. I wanted to
try new ideas that would eventually lead me
to becoming an employer. I didn’t know
what and how but all I knew was I wanted to
do something different to impact my
surrounding and one that will be more
exciting than a job would do.

At this time wife was also teaching and

working in administration at a community
school where our little boy, Philderald had
started attending. She encouraged me to
apply and join her teaching staff while I was
still contemplating on what to do. I
reluctantly agreed and got a teaching
position at that school the following year as
the Language Arts instructor.
There was a mutual understanding that every
staff having children or dependents in the
school will have school fees deducted from
your monthly salary. During the second
semester when the last tuition payment was
due, the registrar put our son out of class for
$2500 LRD ($16 USD) as his balance
payment due. I went at her office and told
her to allow my boy stay in glass and the
amount would be deducted from my salary
or my wife’s at the end of the month but she
insisted on the child going home. Whatever
her reason was, I can’t still say to this day.
But looking back today; I’m grateful that
she did. It was humiliating for me to see my
son being put out of class at a school where
his mom and dad are working and yet both
were so helpless to do anything for their
little boy in that moment to keep him in

With tears rolling down by cheeks, I

escorted my little boy home as our home
was just a block away from the school. I
didn’t have the courage to look in his eyes
as we both walked. I was rehearsing in my
mind what to say to him when I finally got
the courage to tell myself that while this was
my bending moment; I wasn’t letting this
become my breaking point. I got the courage
to look into his eyes and remembered saying
something along these lines, “don’t let this
moment discourage you because I am going
to send you to a better school where school
fees will not be your problem. Someday I am
going to help pay school fees for children
who can’t afford like you can’t today. By the
time you are in senior high, cars will drive
you to school and the entire school will get
to know you.

At the end of the school year, my wife and I

never look back. We started our own school
called Kids 2000 Foundational Institute
(nursery-elementary) in July of 2013. Today
that school is now the I-Unik International
Mission School with my wife as executive
director wife. Situated on 5 acres of
purchased property and catering to more
than 300 students, most of whom are from
underprivileged homes and attend on
scholarship. We provide for these students
transportation and feeding.

When we started the school in 2013,

Philderald was enrolled with us from 4th-6th
grade until he got promoted to 7th grade. We
sent him to Haywood Mission Institute (one
of three top schools in Liberia with
emphasis on moral discipline and academic
excellence), where he remained till his
graduation in 2022. However, by the time he
was in 10th grade; I drove him to school
every morning until his graduation. During
his senior year I remember this day when
two of his classmates walked up to me and
asked me if I was some government minister
or official. They had been asking Philderald
as to the nature of my work. Every time he
told them that I was in pastoral ministry and
an educator; they wouldn’t believe him
because they thought the cars that had
driven Philderald to campus (including
Volvo XC90, Ford Expedition, Nissan
Murano, Range Rover, etc.) were very
expensive for my line of work in a country
like Liberia.
When I told them that he was right about my
vocation, guess what they all said? “Pastor,
you provoked us for wanting to become
pastors someday.” I told them that the life
they now see of my family in public is only
the last 15 minutes of a one-hour movie.
They haven’t seen the previous 45 minutes
of some of life’s worst backstage. Whatever
happened backstage, I had refused to be
stoppable by developing the quality of being
unstoppable in every area of life. I decided
to get out of the matrix or limitation that
society had programmed every pastor to
remain in especially in our part of the world.
“Pastors are very poor people” as they often
say. The ignorant ones take pleasure in that
as the sign of spirituality while at the same
time they can barely feed and cater for their

Little did I know that the positive confession

I made to my son while walking him home
that day would have the greatest impact on
my 7 years old on until nearly 10 years later.
It happened that as I was writing this chapter
of the book on the afternoon of March 2,
2023; he walked to me and handed me four
papers stapled together and said, “Dad,
please read my autobiography.” It was on
the third page of the papers he handed me
that he mentioned the impact that moment of
my positive confession had on him and how
it inspired him to become better at
everything he attempted. In his own words
he said, “my parents had some issues with
the school and some personal issues as well
and decided to start their own school as the
result.” He went on to talk about inspite of
all the numerous challenges his parents had,
it was the conversation his dad had with him
that day that inspired him to become the best
version of himself. During his senior year in
high school, he would go on to top his 12-
grade class during the first period and thus
qualifying him as the school’s student
council president.
It wasn’t easy and quick as it seems from the
brief narrative, but I had had mental
rehearsals in which I trained myself to
succeed and was therefore ready for any
roadblock that came my way. I was going to
be unstoppable and there was absolutely
nothing to stop me from making it to the top
of my vocation. Since then, there is nothing
I have set out to do that didn’t get done. I
have become so associated with success that
even my church members take it for granted
that I have my own share of difficulties as
well but never allowed that to stop me.

3. Unstoppable Dreams
Job 33:15 [One may hear God's voice] in a
dream, in a vision of the night, when deep
sleep falls on men while slumbering upon
the bed,
Job 33:16 Then He opens the ears of men
and seals their instruction [terrifying them
with warnings].

Job 32:8 But there is [a vital force] a spirit

[of intelligence] in man, and the breath of
the Almighty gives men understanding.
[Prov. 2:6.]

While you live in a visible world, your

dreams are in an invisible world, and
nobody sees your dreams but only you alone
can. It’s God who speaks through dreams
and visions and in Scripture, we see that he
did not only speak to his chosen people, but
he also spoke to heathen kings as well when
he gave dreams to Pharaoh and
There is a spirit or in this case intelligence in
man and the inspiration or breath of the
Almighty gives men understanding. Why
then are some people stoppable and others
are not? You can either become stoppable or
unstoppable as the result of the right
philosophy (idea and understanding) or with
the wrong philosophy.

Unstoppable Dreams Vs Stoppable


Genesis 37:18-20, 25-28 KJV

“And when they saw him afar off, even
before he came near unto them, they
conspired against him to slay him. And they
said one to another, Behold, this dreamer
cometh. Come now therefore, and let us slay
him, and cast him into some pit, and we will
say, some evil beast hath devoured him: and
we shall see what will become of his
And they sat down to eat bread: and they
lifted up their eyes and looked, and behold, a
company of Ishmeelites came from Gilead
with their camels bearing spicery and balm
and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt.
26. And Judah said unto his brethren, what
profit is it if we slay our brother, and
conceal his blood? 27. Come, and let us sell
him to the Ishmeelites, and let not our hand
be upon him; for he is our brother and our
flesh. And his brethren were content. 28.
Then there passed by Midianites
merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up
Joseph out of the pit and sold Joseph to the
Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver: and
they brought Joseph into Egypt.

v These are God’s chosen people

through whom redemption will come
for the rest of humanity.
v They supposed to be morally good
and holy, but the general view is that
they hated their brother for his
dreams and the coat of many colors
his father Jacob made for him.
v Think about that. What kind of
reasonable person will hate his
brother for his dreams and a coat that
his father made for him so much so
that you can plan to destroy him?
v He’s not given any wealth or
inheritance for which they could
envy him, but we’re told that he’s
hated for his dreams and coat of
many colors. Like the story of the
prodigal son, I can understand while
the elder brother is angry upon the
return of his wasteful sibling when
there’s a celebratory feast held in his
honor. But the hatred for coat and
dreams doesn’t make sense
according to the narrative as written.
v Is there something more to the story
that we are missing?
v Are these brothers just blinded by
ignorance and hatred to the point that
they don’t care to reason so much so
that they can envy their younger
brother for some dreams and
v Can we go deeper into this story
beyond the conventional
understanding and see the point
we’re missing?
v Did Jacob show favoritism and so he
gets bad result? That is what we are
often told but there must be
something more.
v If these are the chosen people of God
through whom the rest of humanity
should receive redemption; then
there must be something more to the
story that we need to go backstage to

Hatred Beyond Dreams and Garment

This whole family rivalry beginning with

Cain and Abel, Esau, and Jacob, and now
Joseph and his brothers is all about
philosophy regarding the vast eternal plan of
redeeming the world and making it a perfect
place. Let’s save Cain and Abel, Esau, and
Jacob for another day.
The brothers’ hatred of Joseph was that they
believed that his philosophy was dangerous
and went totally against the vast eternal plan
of God for the Jewish people. They were so
much convinced that the result of Joseph’s
philosophy would be fatal to the Jewish
people and therefore threatened their very
existence. They get uncomfortable with
Joseph each passing day and begin to think
that with him around, the eternal plan of
God for the Jewish people will never be able
to pick up.
However, when it came to the future of the
Jewish people; Joseph's idea was the right
idea, and his brothers were mistaken.6

Stay Away from the World

The brothers were shepherds and being

shepherds; they believed that removing
themselves from the rest of society was the
best idea. That’s why they took their sheep
way into the jungle and Joseph had to go see
how they were doing. As God’s holy people,
they thought that separating themselves
from the rest of society, from the corruptions
of business and being out there by
themselves to commune with God was the
only way to remain a holy people.

Joseph, however, said to them, separating

yourself from the rest of society doesn’t
make you holy. In fact, isolating from
society is something that anybody can do.
Joseph’s idea on holiness was this. To be a
holy people, you must make your world
holy. Holiness is not meant to be kept but to
be spread. You were given a
talent/responsibility for holiness to make the
world holy and why are you hiding in the
jungles and separating yourself from
everyone and think that’s going to make you
any holier?
By doing that, you’re letting the rest of the
world go about blindly without any

Stay in the World and Elevate the World

Joseph insisted that it is possible to go out
into the world, stay in contact with the world
and have a positive effect.

Jn. 17:15-17 - KJV

“I pray not that thou shouldest take them
out of the world, but that thou shouldest
keep them from the evil. They are not of the
world, even as I am not of the world.
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is

The brothers said to Joseph, if you try to

mingle with the world all your holiness will
be gone, and you’ll become corrupted like
the rest of society. Instead of elevating them
to your level of holiness; they’ll bring you
down to their level.
So, the first thought of the brothers is to get
rid of Joseph because his idea of holiness is
going to be a bad influence and if he should
stay with them; he’ll take them in the wrong

Now they conspired against him. Since he is

so confident of his idea about affecting the
world in a positive way; let’s not kill him.
Let’s sell him into that world he envisages
and “see what becomes of his dreams.”
They’re referring to his philosophy and idea
of holiness and they mockingly called it
dreams because they thought it was very
much unrealistic and far fetch.8

Matthew 10:16 - KJV

“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the
midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as
serpents, and harmless as doves.”

By selling Joseph to Egypt, his brothers are

confident that they’ll never see him again.
He’s going to assimilate into Egyptian
culture and become an idol worshipper and
will lose all his moral standards and his
holiness. Instead of elevating Egypt to his
level, Egypt is going to bring him down9
(Now the story about Potiphar’s wife can
make more sense to you because that’s the
kind of life the brothers couldn’t have
resisted). Egypt will be the end of his
philosophy. Come on guys and let’s sell
him. Imagine a Jew living in the ghettos of
Egypt? He’s going to be corrupted and
that’ll be his end.

There is a spirit in man and the inspiration

of the Almighty gives men understanding.
The only person stopping you is you. It’s not
society, it’s not the lack of money or
opportunity, neither that you are way down
the social ladder of the food chain, etc. But
society had programmed you to think that
it’s either one of these or the other holding
you down.

Genesis 37:11-12 - KJV

“And his brethren envied him; but his father
observed the saying. And his brethren went
to feed their father's flock in Shechem.”

Jacob always knew that Joseph was right,

and that the future of the Jewish people is to
be involved with the world and affecting the
world. God’s plan for choosing the Jewish
nation was not for them to become hermits
(a person living in solitude as a religious
Instead, Jesus said: “Ye are the light of the
world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be
hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it
under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it
giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16.
Let your light so shine before men, that they
may see your good works, and glorify your
Father which is in heaven,” Matthew 5:14-
16 – KJV.

“This gospel of the kingdom shall be

preached to all the world….” Mat. 24:14.
Jn. 3:16, “God so loved the world that he
gave his only begotten son…”

Sold into the World Your Dreams

Genesis 39:1-6, “AND JOSEPH was

brought down to Egypt; and Potiphar, an
officer of Pharaoh, the captain and chief
executioner of the [royal] guard, an
Egyptian, bought him from the Ishmaelites
who had brought him down there. But the
Lord was with Joseph, and he [though a
slave] was a successful and prosperous man;
and he was in the house of his master the
Egyptian. And his master saw that the Lord
was with him and that the Lord made all that
he did to flourish and succeed in his hand.
So, Joseph pleased [Potiphar] and found
favor in his sight, and he served him. And
[his master] made him supervisor over his
house and he put all that he had in his
charge. From the time that he made him
supervisor in his house and over all that he
had, the Lord blessed the Egyptian's house
for Joseph's sake; and the Lord's blessing
was on all that he had in the house and in the
field. And [Potiphar] left all that he had in
Joseph's charge and paid no attention to
anything he had except the food he ate. Now
Joseph was an attractive person and fine-

 Brought down to Egypt.

 The Lord was with him.
 Successful and prosperous in the
house of his Egyptian master.
 His master saw the hand of the Lord
upon Joseph’s success.
 His master made him supervisor over
all his house and his investments.
 The Lord blessed the Egyptian’s
household and all that he had
because of Joseph.

The brothers’ philosophy was, stay away

from the world by living in the jungles and
taking care of sheep, and that’s the only way
you can remain holy. Joseph, on the other
hand, said no way, in fact, it is possible to
stay in the world and impact the world. “No
man lights a candle and put it under a
cover…Let your light so shine before man,
that they may see your good works and
glorify your father which is in heaven.” “I
am sending you as sheep among wolves, be
wise as serpent and harmless as doves.” “I
do not pray that you take them away from
the world but that you keep or preserve them
from its evil.”
In fact, separating yourself from the rest of
society doesn’t make you holy because
isolating from society is something that
anybody can do. Joseph’s idea on holiness
was that to be a holy people, you must make
your world holy. Holiness is not meant to be
kept but to be spread. That’s exactly what
religions have done for centuries by building
monasteries with monks who have got no
idea what the rest of society is going
through. When they die, their deaths go by
without notice because nobody ever knew
that they ever lived, though they may have
existed and occupied space. Living is not
inhaling and exhaling air but impacting and
affecting your surroundings through your
God-given purpose.

Joseph insisted that it is possible to go out

into the world, stay in contact with the world
and have a positive effect. Now we can see
from Joseph’s idea of holiness, Potiphar and
his household encountered and experience
the living God, a higher standard of
morality, and God’s blessings in every area
of life. I call it the Church in Potiphar’s
house. Even though he will later be
imprisoned for his idea and philosophy with
the odds stacked against him; he knew with
the inspiration of the Almighty; it was
possible to affect Egypt in a positive way.

Creativity Vs Money

The law of attraction says that you only

attract what you think. That is, you can only
go as far as your thoughts can take you.
Therefore, keep dreaming.

Genesis 45:1-8, “THEN JOSEPH could not

restrain himself [any longer] before all those
who stood by him, and he called out, cause
every man to go out from me! So, no one
stood there with Joseph while he made
himself known to his brothers. And he wept
and sobbed aloud, and the Egyptians [who
had just left him] heard it, and the household
of Pharaoh heard about it. And Joseph said
to his brothers, I am Joseph! Is my father
still alive? And his brothers could not reply,
for they were distressingly disturbed and
dismayed at [the startling realization that
they were in] his presence. And Joseph said
to his brothers, come near to me, I pray you.
And they did so. And he said, I am Joseph
your brother, whom you sold into Egypt!
But now, do not be distressed and
disheartened or vexed and angry with
yourselves because you sold me here, for
God sent me ahead of you to preserve life.
For these two years the famine has been in
the land, and there are still five years more
in which there will be neither plowing nor
harvest. God sent me before you to preserve
for you a posterity and to continue a
remnant on the earth, to save your lives by
a great escape and save for you many
survivors. So now it was not you who sent
me here, but God; and He has made me a
father to Pharoah and lord of his house
and ruler over all the land of Egypt.

God often builds his eternal plan around our

choices and his plan is often concealed in
our finite understanding and human
Joseph’s idea of affecting the world did not
only impact the house of Potiphar but his
holiness affected the house of Pharoah and
the whole nation of Egypt. Glory to God.

You are unstoppable no matter how much

society throws at you. When you have the
right dreams and ideas of the time and
season you live in; there is no stopping you
and no limitation to what you can achieve.
Keep dreaming and never stop dreaming
because only you conceived it and therefore
only you must be excited about it.

John 4:5,6, “And in doing so, He arrived at a

Samaritan town called Sychar, near the
tract of land that Jacob gave to his son
Joseph. And Jacob's well was there. So,
Jesus, tired as He was from His journey, sat
down [to rest] by the well. It was then about
the sixth hour (about noon).

Joseph’s dreams and creative thoughts saved

Egypt from famine and made them a
prosperous nation while the rest of the
world, including his family, was starving.
He did not only interpret Pharaoh’s dream
but also strategized how food should be
stored during the seven prosperous years in
anticipation and preparation for the seven
years of famine. That is the power of dream.
It enables you to set goals and priorities.
Joseph’s dreams and creativity brought him
from the dungeon to a position of influence
and power.

His father Jacob, brothers, and rest of the

family were able to move to Egypt with
royal escort at Joseph’s invitation. All this
happened after his brothers had gone to
Egypt to buy food perhaps with the very 20
pieces of silver with which Joseph was
bought. Money without creativity and dream
is worthless. They had no creativity because
they could not dream but they had always
lived for the now with no creative goals.

Creative goals are things that you know can

be done, you can do and even though you
may not know how to get them done. You
don’t need to know how it can be done but
all you need is to know that it can be done,
and you can do it.

As wealthy as Joseph was; his father Jacob

still left him a parcel of land, a symbol
generational inheritance, family name and
history. With the Joseph’s philosophy in
mind, the old man Jacob saw that race and
faith would become so important for the
survival of society within the context of
God’s vast eternal plan and will be arguing
over that very generational inheritance. It’s
at the very place that Jesus shows up and
dismantles the idea of cultural and religious
boundaries when he mingled with the world
instead of being separated from it.

John 4:20-24, “Our forefathers worshiped on

this mountain, but you [Jews] say that
Jerusalem is the place where it is necessary
and proper to worship. Jesus said to her,
Woman, believe Me, a time is coming when
you will worship the Father neither [merely]
in this mountain nor [merely] in Jerusalem.
You [Samaritans] do not know what you are
worshiping [you worship what you do not
comprehend]. We do know what we are
worshiping [we worship what we have
knowledge of and understand], for [after all]
salvation comes from [among] the Jews. A
time will come, however, indeed it is
already here, when the true (genuine)
worshipers will worship the Father in spirit
and in truth (reality); for the Father is
seeking just such people as these as His
worshipers. God is a Spirit (a spiritual
Being) and those who worship Him must
worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality).
4. Dealing with Identity Crisis

The inspiration for this chapter is drawn

from Jewish Learning Institute, JLI (an
online Torah teaching from the Jewish

Appreciate your Core Identity

God tells Abraham “Take now thy son, thy

only son Isaac whom thy love...” Gen. 22:2
Gen. 24:67, “Isaac loved Rebecca...”

The major reason why people find it

difficult in dealing with relationships issues
is that they don’t appreciation and respect
their core identity.
When you don’t respect and appreciate your
core identity; you can never have love for
others because you are incapable of
suspending yourself and creating space for
others. Instead, you’re always trying to fill a
bottomless pit, an endless void in order to
feel your own value.

According to Philippians 2:5-10, having

appreciation for his own identity, Christ
Jesus being very nature and essence God,
did not feel insecure when he suspended his
deity and took upon himself the form of a
servant for the sake of humanity’s
redemption. On the contrary, he became
obedient even unto death. He was aware of
the Father’s love for him so much so that no
amount of service would make him feel
insure of his position being under threat.
“This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well
pleased.” Jesus could love the world
unconditionally because the Father loved

Why are people always searching for

validation and recognition?
Why do you need to fill that void? Why do
you need someone to tell you that you’re
lovable, you are ok, and you are
worthwhile? Because you feel like you don’t
have it on your own. What you lack is
appreciation for your core identity and that’s
why you are looking up to others to fill that
void (I am slim or too fat? I don’t measure
up and always coming up short or last, I’m
too shy, too dark, or too white).
It’s hard for that kind of person with such a
void to be there for you when they are
broken and miserable on the inside and
looking for validation. Every time they’re
around you, they’re looking up to you
because they don’t have it.
They don’t have what you think you need
from them and that’s why all that fight is

How do you handle Identity Crisis?

You must bring yourself into a wholesome

space that allows you to be there for yourself
and in returns you are able to be there for
That wholesome space is love
(unconditional)- you can’t find it outside of
Isaac could love because he’s been loved.
Rebecca could love Jacob because she’s
been exposed to that wholesome space.
Jacob could love Rachel because he’s been
love. They all had it in them because they’ve
experienced it. When God called Abraham,
it was to bring him to that wholesome space
in other to experience his love.

Until you can experience God’s eternal love,

you’ll keep looking for validation outside of
yourself. The reality is you can never find it
outside of yourself. That’s the reason why
most people who put too much energy into
existing instead of living become bored,
empty, miserable, and depressed inspite of
everything they may have achieved. In most
cases, their only option is suicide. They
never had appreciation for their core identity
and everything they ever sought security and
validation from was only a sense of false
5. Building Out of Nothing

It is 04/27/23 when I hear a voice @ 4:56

while praying and it said, “I’ll teach you
how to build out of nothing.” I saw this
image of 3-4 green like sheets on a low
scaffold like structure held up by stick poles.
The poles or sticks holding the sheets were
not strong and were kind of shaky like and I
saw myself was rubbing the sheets with my
hands. I got up and wrote down what I heard
and saw and continued to pray for a deeper
meaning of what it all meant. Below are the
three points that were revealed from the
saying and the image.
 Buildings are held up by pillars and
pillars represent structures and
 There’s a potential in each one to be
great and successful but the
structures and principles holding you
up will determine how far you go
and how long you last in this life.
 The seven days creation narrative are
principles of creativity through
which God is teaching humanity the
principles of building out of nothing.

A. Buildings are held up by pillars and

pillars represent structures and

Pillar defined.
 a structure of stone, wood, or metal,
used as a support for a building.
 a person or thing regarded as
reliably providing essential support
for something. 12(Google’s English
provided by Oxford Languages).

Structure defined.
 the arrangement of and relations
between the parts or elements of
something complex.
 (As a verb)- construct or arrange
according to a plan; give a pattern or
organization to. 13(Ibib)
 Structure shows you the way and
guides you how to win (in my own

Principle defined:
 a comprehensive and fundamental
law or doctrine.
 a rule or code of conduct.
 Habitual devotion to right principles.
 The laws or facts of nature.
 a primary source. 14(Merriam Webster online

“I’ll teach you how to build out of nothing.”

Personal Structure and Principles

Given the disadvantaged background and

the poverty I came from but with a very
strong moral and godly upbringing, I learned
from a very early stage how to live by
principles. Thank God for such wonderful
parents who didn’t have money to give me
but what they gave me has got no prize tag.
Few of the principles that guided my life
from an early stage include:
1. Never take anything without asking
for it no matter how desperately you
may need it.
2. Always admit your wrongs and take
full responsibilities and I’m sorry is a
sign of strength and not weakness
3. Love is much powerful than hate and
by forgiving those who hurt you, you
discover the strength and peace to
endure all things.
4. Never talk behind someone’s back
what you cannot say in their

I therefore grew up not knowing what is

gossip because I didn’t see it in my home.
The bar was set so high for us in our home
and most times I couldn’t understand but
looking back, I do now. I still remember it
like it was yesterday when I would ask my
dad, “Pa why you treat me like an older
person when I’m still a child.” His response
would be like, “You won’t always be a
child. You will spend longer time being a
man than you will be as a child.” He died
when I was only 16 years old, but he had
already turned me into a man.
5. Never fight anyone but your fight
must be with your thinking. You
must learn to think ahead of others in
any given situation.
6. Be content with what you have when
it’s all that you can afford and never
envy others for what they have.
7. You don’t have to have more before
you can share. Always share what
you have with others. I learned from
an early age the principle of life
which is not about living to serve
yourself but rather about living to
serve others.
8. When you are convicted about
something you want to do, go ahead
and do it regardless of others’
opinions. This principle was critical
to my choice of leaving my pursuit
of a career in criminal law and
deciding to fulfil my calling in
pastoral ministry. Today, the rest is
history, but it didn’t come without
the “are you sure this is the right
thing for you” and more. I don’t
want to go back there as I want to
look forward with no regrets.
These principles among other things have
governed my life as I grow older and mature
in life and leadership.

Principles of Habitual and Deliberate


You want to be great and successful, then

follow the life’s principles of great and
successful people. With regards to the
principles of building out of nothing, those
who have had the most effect on me include
Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop TD Jakes,
Myles Munroe, and Bishop Dag-Heward.

However, Bob Proctor Gallagher and Brian

Tracy are two great entrepreneurs and
motivational speakers from whom I continue
to learn the principles of creativity and
productivity in life and leadership. The
reality is that real leadership is by product,
and these are principles that produce “value
creation and revenue generation.”15

The issue of deliberate discipline cannot be

overemphasized if you want to build out of
nothing. In 1Corinthians 9:27, Paul speaks
of beating his body and bringing it into
subjection, but we often emphasize the
aspect of sin instead of looking at it
wholistically. Been born and brought up
within church environment I have come to
learn a lot from the laboratories of church

While church folks place emphasis on

spiritual discipline there is very little or no
emphasis on the principles of structural
discipline in every area of life. Church folks
are taught to fast and pray for wealth instead
of being taught to produce value creation
and revenue generation activities. Value
creation and revenue generation activities
require deliberate discipline in order to bring
dreams into reality. That brings us to the
issue of time management.
Time Management

Every living being have the same amount of

time; whether rich or poor, educated or not; we
all have got the same amount of time. The
homeless beggar, the criminal, or prostitute in
the street, the bank executive or university
lecture; we all have the same amount of time.
The problem is not with the time you have but
with what you do with your time.
Have you taken any time management course or
been to any time management seminar? I know
there are a lot of people who spent so much
money going through these time management
programs which is a complete waste of time and
resources as well.16

Time is man’s greatest enemy. In fact, time

doesn’t even care that you exist. That’s why
when you set the alarm a particular hour; time
doesn’t wait for you when the hour arrives, but it
keeps moving. Time determines the value placed
on a thing; time determines when a thing last
and when it expires. For instance, if you have a
2022 calendar with you in 2023 and want to plan
your activities from that; you will end up being
disorganized and frustrated. Time determines
what calendar is useful and valuable in 2023.
That brings us to the reality that time cannot be
managed by any human being. So then, how do
you master time management? Nobody can ever
master time management because time cannot be
managed. If time cannot be managed, then what
do you do with time? You can do nothing with
time and about time. What is worth noting is that
you can only manage your activities but not
manage time.

Your actual day doesn’t begin in the morning

when you wake up, especially if you want to
manage your activities. Your day should begin
the evening before going to bed by writing down
the list of the most important things you want to
achieve the next morning. Bob Proctor says it
should be about 5 goal-achieving activities.
If you didn’t achieve all the 5activities on the
stipulated day; begin the next day with what was
left out. It should be at the top of the next day
listing of 5 most important goal-achieving

With deliberate discipline, giving yourself to

what you set out to do makes all the difference.
Don’t settle for the average like everyone else. If
your end goal is to settle for something that
doesn’t make the difference or stand out; then it
wasn’t worth giving your time, energy, and
commitment to it.

Since you cannot manage time then you must

discipline yourself to spend time with activities
that are driving you towards achieving your
purpose. “In the spring (a particular time) when
kings go forth to battle… David sent… and
David arose from his couch and was walking on
the roof…And David sent messenger and took
her,”) 2 Sam. 11:1-5. David’s activities didn’t
drive him towards fulfilling his purpose (1 Chr.
28:3) because he didn’t manage his activities
well within the context of the time.

Managing your activities and not your time

brings you into the place of fulfilment.
“After this David defeated…,” 1 Chr. 1:20.

In managing your activities, you must consider

your most creative days and days that you
consider as less creative. On your most creative
days you must discipline yourself into setting up
your schedules in such a way that you are very
difficult to reach. Everything you spend your
time on during your creative days must be value
creation or revenue generation activities. That is
why you must set up what Brian Tracy calls
“tight bubble” schedules because you want to
avoid distractions especially the distractions of
the silver screen (the cell phone technology).
Statistics say that more 80% of the average
person’s time is spent on distraction activities
and only about 10% is spent on high value
potential goals achieving activities. You don’t
build out of nothing or become unstoppable by
spending only 10% of your time on value
creation and revenue generation activities.19

I used to wake up with the aid of my alarm at 4

am every morning until I started listening to
Brain Tracy and Bob Proctor. They thought be
how to wake up at the hour I choose to wake up
without the aid of an alarm clock and how to
manage my activities instead of my time. By
simply deciding to wake up at 4am every
morning and letting that sink into my
subconscious, I’m able to simply do that without
needing an alarm clock to wake me up anymore.
I just wake up when it’s 4am every morning
because I decided to wake up and not what any
alarm clock says.

My day begins with my personal meditation,

Bible reading and prayer. I don’t read any text
message or email, make no phone calls nor do I
accept any phone calls. After my personal prayer
and meditation, I dedicate the first hour and a
half to creative activities (a writing a
manuscript, online studies, watching some video
clips on any subject that adds value to me) from
leadership to backstage Jewish teaching, how to
create wealth and become successful. Then I
take a fifteen-minute break and afterwards come
back for another hour and thirty minutes. The
first full three hours of my day is given to value
creation and revenue generation activities before
it’s even 8am. I don’t accept calls during those
three hours of the morning and neither do I
respond to messages.
It has proven to be very success in every area of
my work and activities. Apart from my list of
five potential goals achieving activities; I write
down the one most important of all which I set
out to achieve for the day and that helps to make
my day not complicated as life is already
complicated. Until that one thing is done, I am
not going to do anything else. If there is
anything I’m meant to do but I can’t now; I
dedicate that responsibility to someone else or
differ it for later depending on the urgency or
importance. That means some meetings and
parties I won’t be able to attend even if I want
to. That’s one principle that all successful people
have in common, and it takes deliberate
discipline. A principle for success that I learned
from Brian Tracy.

One day I had a meeting with four of my senior

administrative staff members and told each one
to submit to my office a list of their three most
goals achieving activities for each working day.
It will surprise you to know that not one of them
attempted even for the first day. You can
imagine that but everybody wants to be
successful. The kind of success that builds out
of nothing and makes you unstoppable comes
with deliberate discipline with regards to
managing your activities and prioritizing
potential goals achieving activities.

Bob Gallagher has taught me that it is a real

waste of time to take any time management
courses when time itself cannot be managed.
Since I cannot manage time then what
should I do? I must learn to manage my
activities. In managing my activities, I must
always plan my tomorrow a day before.
What I plan to do tomorrow must be well
thought of and sought out before going to
bed. I must list at least 5 but not more than 7
most priorities areas that I plan to begin the
next day with. My day should begin with
those very activities and nothing else. When
I don’t get to complete all 5 or 7 tasks, I
should begin the following day with the rest
and then go to something else that may be
added to the list.20

I’ve learned by experience that managing

your activities is more effective and
productive than attempting to do some many
things at the same time. When I wake up in
the morning, I write down in my daily
journal the first 3 tasks I’ll begin my day
with amongst the 5 or 7. Remember, I’ve
already listed the 5 or 7 tasks the evening
before. To be specific, I usually write 5
activities as my maximum daily tasks. Any
other thing that comes up can either be
deferred or dedicated to someone else to do
it in my behalf.

From Brian Tracy I’ve learned that if you

want to be effective and productive, then
never go to your phone or computer in the
morning when you wake up. The phone’s
messages and emails can become the
attraction of distraction. Early morning is
the most creative part of your time with the
brain well rested and refreshed and you must
use it wisely.21

After my prayer and medication, my first

one hour and thirty minutes is given to value
creation or revenue generation activities. I
am either writing a manuscript, reading a
book, watching a motivational video, or
doing some research work. After one hour
thirty minutes, I take a fifteen-minute break
to use the bathroom and do my coffee, and
then come back for another one hour and
thirty minutes. When others are just waking
up, I’ve already gone three hours ahead with
my day with productive activities. When I
enter my office at 8:00 in the morning, I am
very focused, strategic, and specific.

During those first three hours of my day, I

am not responding to phone calls, messages
or notifications until my activities are
concluded. That is a daily routine. Tuesdays
and Thursdays are my most creative days
when I set tight bubble schedules and make
it very hard for others to reach me. Anything
else to be do, I dedicate that to my Pastoral
Administrative Assistant (PAA) or defer that
for another schedule. Those are times when I
just want to think and birth new ideas, write
them down, and rehearsed them being

It's so pathetic to realize that the average

person spends less than 11% of his time on
productive activities and the rest on
distraction activities and yet he expects
some dramatic improvements in every area
of life. That’s absurd and laughable.
6. Structures

We defined structure as the arrangements of

and relations between the parts or elements
of something complex; or construct or
arrange according to a plan; give a pattern or
organization to.

The next important component to building

out of nothing is that you must have
structure in your life. It is structure that
directs and shows you the way to win. You
want to become a winner and unstoppable in
every area of life then your life must be
structure guided.

Your life must be arranged according to an

organized plan. You live in a visible world
and your dreams are in an invisible world
where nobody else can see it but you. That is
already a complex reality and to take your
dreams from the invisible world to the
visible; you will need some structures in
place. Like a pillar is to a building so is
finding your purpose to the arrangement and
relations between the parts of the complex
reality of life. You need structure to make
your life simple and basic or else society
will make it complicated for you with its
own alternatives for the purpose of control.
Structure makes you aspirational and society
hates aspirational people because it wants

Human society in general has set up

structures through which people are
programmed to believe that these structures
are the only things holding them up. When
people want to control you, they do that by
controlling the things you believe in. That’s
exactly the reason why society sets up
structures, for control; and these include:
educational structure, economic structure,
religious structure, government and political
structure, social structure, media structure,

All these structures have been set up by

society to program your mind into believing
that you are nothing without certain
standards, processes, and achievements.

The education structure programs you into

believing whether you are likely to succeed
or not depends on your IQ and not your
creativity. The economic structure decides
how limited resources should be distributed
between our unlimited needs and ones and
who gets what. The religious structure keeps
followers in ignorance and pander to human
depravity and need for redemption by
manipulating and coercing them.

Government and politics keep power in the

structure of the ruling elitism of any
country; while social structure on the other
hand determines how far you go up the
ladder of success is based on your
associations and connection and not
necessarily based on merit system.

The media structure has become the most

powerful especially with the arrival of the
internet. The media gives you the narrative
and information they want you to hear and
make you believe that if the source is not
media oriented then it is not verified and

Education Structure

The education structure is key to how all the

other structures are run and operated.
It is said that from birth to age seven is the
most creative time of the human
development and at that time the human
mind can accept any information it receives.
During this time the education structure
programmed the human mind in way that
kills your creativity and thus setting you on
the way to failure and limitation.

Bob Proctor calls this the mind and the law

of vibration. Nobody has ever seen the
human mind. The mind and the law of
vibration are two things that if you begin to
understand them; everything begins to
improve. Understanding them helps you take
control of your life. You been given the
ability at birth to do that. All it takes is to
learn how.22 “Let them have dominion
over…all the earth.”

IQ- the ability to grasp concepts and

instructions faster than others.
Creativity- finding new and improve ways
of doing something easier. However, the
education structure of society does not focus
on developing your creativity but places
emphasis on IQ and therefore killing your
creativity. You can’t talk creativity without
talking about the conscious mind, the
subconscious mind, and the instant.

The Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is only 10% of the brain

activities which includes: analyses, thanks
and plans, and short-term memory.23

The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is 90% of your brain
activities and these include: long term
memory, emotions and feelings, habit
patterns, relationships patterns, addictions,
involuntary body functions, creativity,
developmental stages, spiritual connection,
and intuition.24

The Instant

The instant is under the mind where the

body is. The body moves into action and
produces results. The body will only move
into action according to the vibration it’s in.
Please don’t get lost here. I want you stay
with me as I take you out of the box. I
guarantee you that understanding this will
take you to a completely new level. Not only
are you getting the results you get but you
also have a picture in your mind, and this is
called DREAM.25

Let’s say whatever your dream is; it’s a star

up there that you want to shoot at. But that
dream is on a completely different level and
in a different world. Only one person can
see that dream in you and the only person
who can see it is YOU. Your dream is
invisible to all the world except you who
holds it. That has been the key to every great
advancement in human history. I want you
to just think about that a little more.26

Joseph was always trying to get his brothers

and father to see and understanding his
dreams, but they couldn’t. Only he could
because he had the dream.

The Lord spoke to me in 2022 that I should

raise up Bentol and that’s the only
requirement for Liberia rising. I can’t get
anyone to understand that dream because I
am the only one who saw that dream. I don’t
understand it either, but I am excited about
Liberia rising because I had a dream about
Liberia rising. That dream is in a completely
different world and on a different level of

The world we live in down here is a visible

world and we relate to everything in this
visible world with our senses. We live in
this world by what we SEE, SMELL,
You get your child’s report card, you let that
report card tell you the level your child is at.
The child graduates from school and is
given a certificate or degree and that
becomes the bank account or what
determines their living standard.27

You must understand that anything you see

on the outside started from the inside.
However, there is a gap between the visible
world you live in and where you want to be;
that is, where your dream is.

How to close the Gap?

Hebrews 2:5-9, “For it was not to angels that

God subjected the habitable world of the
future, of which we are speaking.
It has been solemnly and earnestly said in a
certain place, what is man that You are
mindful of him, or the son of man that You
graciously and helpfully care for and visit
and look after him? For some little time, you
have ranked him lower than and inferior to
the angels; You have crowned him with
glory and honour and set him over the works
of Your hands. For You have put everything
in subjection under his feet. Now in putting
everything in subjection to man, He left
nothing outside [of man's] control. But at
present we do not yet see all things
subjected to him [man]. But we are able to
see Jesus, who was ranked lower than the
angels for a little while, crowned with glory
and honour because of His having suffered
death, in order that by the grace (unmerited
favor) of God [to us sinners] He might
experience death for every individual

There is a gap between the physical world

where you live and relate to and the invisible
world where your dream is, where you want
to be. How do you go from where you are to
where you want to be is where the attraction
starts. The attraction starts in the
nonphysical world. Understanding the mind
game is key to becoming successful because
it’s going to attract according to the
vibration you are in. You control the
vibration. Your brain operates like trying to
switch in station. As you activate brain cells
you alter the vibration you are in. When you
alter the vibration then you alter what you
attract into your life. In closing the gap, you
got to understand how to control the

There’s a potential in each one to be great

and successful but the structural principles
holding you up will determine how long you

The Mind Paradigm- the Power of


Nobody has ever seen the mind and

therefore, the mind is an activity and not a
thing. A paradigm is a mind program in your
subconscious mind that controls your
behavior. Everyone knows how to do better
than they are doing but they are not doing it.
One mind but two different parts. There is a
part of your mind that knows things and
there is a part that controls your behavior.
You have been brought up to believe that to
be successful in life; you got to be smart or
highly educated and that’s what you know.
Many are made to believe that if you don’t
have a formal education, you can never get a
good job or make a lot of money.29

The Conscious Mind is the thinking mind or

the educated mind. It is the home of the
intellect or your higher faculty. What is
intellect? It is the mental power of a
particular person, ability to think, reason,
and understand. However, we are never
taught how to use our intellect, but we are
taught to live by what we see, feel, taste,
hear and smell. From childhood we are all
trained to let the outside world control us.
We are programmed genetically from
conception. You mother and father’s DNA
coming together to form your DNA. When
we are given birth, then we become
programed by society.

The Subconscious Mind is our emotional

mind and operates very different from the
conscious mind. You eventually become
what you think about-Job 3:25, “For that
which I greatly feared (thought or imagined)
has come upon me.” With your ability to
think you therefore have the ability to
choose. You have the ability to accept or
reject everything you hear (whether it’s a
doctor’s report, the news, the education
system, your pastor, or whatever someone
says to you).

When you reject the information, you hear

then you also have the ability within you to
originate new information. All that is true
with the conscious mind except to reject, not
with the subconscious mind. The
subconscious mind must accept everything
that it receives. It is the universal mind that
controls the vibration that you are in.
Whatever information you receive, you must
accept because there is no ability to reject.
Your subconscious mind does not know the
difference between what is real and what
you imagination. Therefore, whatever you
impress, whether through reading, listening,
watching, once you get emotionally
involved in it; it’s real. Whatever you
impress upon your subconscious mind is
what control the vibration you are in.30

Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brethren,

whatsoever things are true, whatsoever
things are honest, whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever
things are lovely, whatsoever things are of
good report; if there be any virtue, and if
there be any praise, think on these things”.

The vibration you’re in is the frequency

you’re operating on. If you are operating on
a negative frequency, then you’re going to
feel bad. Feeling is the word invented by
man to describe our conscious awareness of
the vibration we are in. Since we all vibrate,
then you must be tuned in to your own
feelings and not other people’s opinions
about you. Be aware of what is happening.
If you are not feeling good about anything,
you have the ability to alter the vibration
you are in. How do you do that? By
changing the ideas in your mind that are
making you to feel bad.31
Albert Einstein said, “Everything is energy
and that’s all that is to it. Match the
frequency of the reality you want, and you
cannot help but get that reality. It can be no
other way.” This is Science and not
philosophy. Remember we said earlier that
Science and Theology teach that nothing is
created or destroy that means everything is
already here.32
Where we are today as a ministry and
family; I saw it in my mind and begin to put
the designs together even without money.
I imagined a multipurpose building that
would be used for worship and a community
and training center. That is why we build it
the way we built it. Right now, I imagine
expanding the multipurpose center on one
side with a two floor guest quarters on the
top and a studio (radio, tv, recording and
music studio) attached.

I’m talking about a kind of studio where

everything you record can be screamed into
a computer in another room and that
computer is control by an IT person in a
different part of the world. Then you have
another person in a different location who,
as the creative person, monitors and make
suggestions. Then you have the marketing
person in a different part of the world
watching as well. As soon you as you are
done with a recording or broadcast; it is
distributed all over the world. I have an
imagination of a studio that you can
broadcast from all over the world, and to be
soundproof, we are going to build it as a
floating sound studio-a building within a

We are nearing the completion of the ground

floor of a three-story building called the
House of Hope for orphans. The design is
what it is because that’s what I imagined
long before it became a unified model of
physical reality.

You are a mass of energy and function on

frequencies. A frequency is a level of
vibration. The things you imagine, and
desire are on frequencies. Match the reality
of the frequency you want by creative
thinking. Every day, you send out requests
to the universe—as well as to your
subconscious mind—in the form of
thoughts. Everything you think about, read
about, talk about, and give your attention to
is telling the universe what you want to
attract more of into your life.33 Mat. 7:7
says, “Keep on asking and it will be given
Therefore, it’s so important for you to
become more intentional about the thoughts
you offer to the universe. The clearer and
more focused you are about what you really
want, the easier it will be for you to attract
those things into your life.

For example, let’s say you want to change

careers, move to another country, win a
major professional award, have your own
TV show, or recover from a major illness.
How would you feel once you’ve “arrived”
at your goal? What would you be doing
throughout your day? Who would you be
spending time with? The more you focus on
what you do want (instead of what you don’t
want), the faster you will manifest your
dreams and goals. It’s not enough just to
focus on what you want – you must believe
that it’s possible!” If you can believe, all
things are possible.” If you think about what
you want but, in your heart, you have
doubts, you will never achieve it. In the end,
you will end up sending mixed signals to the
universe, which will respond to you with
mixed results.34
The problem is that most people have
limiting beliefs that keep them from
allowing abundance and happiness into their
lives. If this sounds like you, I encourage
you to start doing mindset work that will
help you release your limiting beliefs and
replace them with the understanding that
you are deserving, worthy, lovable,
desirable, and capable to achieve any goal
you can imagine.
A limiting belief is a thought that you think
is the absolute truth which stops you from
achieving certain things. These beliefs are
not always about yourself. They could be
beliefs about ideas, about your relationship
with people, and how the world works.
Now, to receive what you desire, you must
become a “vibrational match” for what you
want to attract into your life. The easiest
way to do that is to create positive emotions
of faith, love, joy, appreciation, and
gratitude throughout your day. You can also
practice feeling the emotions you would be
experiencing if you already had what you
wanted. This will activate your subconscious
mind to make those imagined feelings a
reality. Match the vibration you want by
tuning in to frequencies of positive thoughts
and actions.35
Mk. 11:24 “Whoever will have faith…)
7. Finding Your Purpose

The first requirement to building out of

nothing with regards to life is identifying or
finding your purpose. That is, finding out
what you love doing and dedicating the rest
of your life to it. It is your purpose that gives
you your unique support system and it is not
what you do to make a living out of or to
survive. It is said of David in Acts 13:36 that
after he “served the purpose of God in his
own generation then he died.”

The generation today is in so much error and

burdened with cares and anxiety that even
the highly educated and sophisticated are
living unfulfilled and empty. The reason is
that most of what people venture into as a
career is for the goal of making money.
When the money is not coming as expected
then some get angry and bitter at their
employers. Some don’t last at jobs because
it’s all about which job pays the most salary.
Finding and living out your purpose doesn’t
make you the most money. What you get
from purpose is the satisfaction of waking
up every morning and knowing that you
love doing what you do.36 That’s the source
of your motivation and support system and
the most reliable and essential support
mechanism you can ever have.

If you ever went into a career for the sake of

making money, then you must re-evaluate
that decision because sooner than later you
may end up being disappointed and
eventually quit. It is purpose that drives you
to endure the humiliations, bracing the
difficulties, despising every pain and shame,
and knowing that it’s going to be alright
even though you have no explanation for
how it will be. You just know that it will be
alright because you’re in purpose.

You are a poor and miserable person with a

distorted personality when you know that
you do not love what you do every day, but
you must do it to survive and keep up with
society’s standards. On the other hand, a
rich and fulfil person is that person who
wakes up every morning and excited for
work not for the salary it has to offer but that
it is what they love doing.37 Money and the
rest will come as the consequences of
serving your purpose. Proverbs 18:16, “A
man's gift makes room for him and brings
him before great men.”

If you want to build out of nothing, then you

need to stop trying to carve a career path for
yourself that looks attractive in the eyes of
society. Instead, find out what you love
doing and dedicate the rest of your life to it
with deliberate discipline. Some calls it a
calling and not a career or job.

Designed for a Purpose

Judaism didn’t introduce God to the world,
but that God is a Someone and not an object.
What makes God a Someone? As a
Someone God has preferences, He makes
choices, He has feelings and opinions.
You can’t ask the question What is God
without also asking what is it to believe in
God? The question what is to believe in God
makes it look like there is no God and
therefore, we must have to believe it, as if
it’s our belief in God that gives his existence
validity.38 (Making God Familiar-What is God? Rabbi Manis

What is the definition of God? The simplest

definition of God is “that which was at the
beginning.” The universe and creation had a
beginning, and it is that beginning that we
call God, “in the beginning God created…”
Gen. 1:1. It is from that original being or
that beginning that everything else evolved.
According, to evolution, the earth became as
a subatomic particle (huge mass of liquid
gas that gradually cold and hardened).
Whether big bang or small bang, it started
with something and that something is what
Judaism calls God.39 This is the part that I
love. As the result of this simple definition
there is no one who doesn’t believe in God.

The only people who don’t believe in God

are people who don’t want to think.
For instance, the theory of evolution is a
belief in God but the only problem with that
belief is that the God they are talking about
is a subatomic particle. What they are saying
is that at the beginning there was a
subatomic particle present, which was
eternal and when it exploded, everything
else became history. Therefore, everyone
has a god or believe in a god. What was at
the beginning? God was at the beginning
and it’s this God that Judaism introduced to
the world as a Someone.40

“For as I passed along and carefully

observed your objects of worship, I came
also upon an altar with this inscription, To
the unknown god. Now what you are already
worshiping as unknown, this I set forth to
you. The God Who produced and formed the
world and all things in it, being Lord of
heaven and earth, does not dwell in
handmade shrines. Neither is He served by
human hands, as though He lacked anything,
for it is He Himself Who gives life and
breath and all things to all [people]. And He
made from one [common origin, one source,
one blood] all nations of men to settle on the
face of the earth, having definitely
determined [their] allotted periods of time
and the fixed boundaries of their habitation
(their settlements, lands, and abodes), So
that they should seek God, in the hope that
they might feel after Him and find Him,
although He is not far from each one of us.
For in Him we live and move and have our
being… we ought not to suppose that Deity
(the Godhead) is like gold or silver or stone,
[of the nature of] a representation by human
art and imagination, or anything constructed
or invented,” Acts 17:23-30.

God is a scientific fact because the whole

idea of evolution is trying to figure out how
it all started from the beginning. You may
refer to God as an “it” or a thing, that’s ok
even though he is not.41

Understanding the Jewish Concept of God

What the Jews know about God through

revelations and conversations with
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses that we
don’t know? Understanding the Jewish
concept of God is key to becoming

For instance, let’s consider the laws of

idolatry. What constitutes other gods that the
Jews were not allowed to worship or believe
in? Let’s say you believe, like some
scientists do, that there was this particle,
subatomic or not, but a particle that
contained all the information, all wisdom
and knowledge that designed and control the
universe and from that particle everything
else came into existence. Will that be
considered as idolatry? Let’s put it this way.
Should we always attribute all great
intelligence to God and no one else? Or
when you attribute great intelligence to
something or someone other than God are
you worshipping idols? Evolution means the
intelligence evolving of the universe and
nobody is denying that there is intelligence
design. While attributing that intelligence to
a particle may be wrong but that’s not
idolatry. Some even attribute all great
intelligence to aliens and often say that the
world was created by aliens and some of the
great wonders ever created had been created
by aliens. That’s not idolatry because
intelligence is not unique to God.42

What would constitute idolatry then? It is

volition that constitutes idolatry and that is,
to believe that there was a particle that could
decide whether it wanted to create the world
or not. The reality is that everything in
creation is a fixed designed and doesn’t have
the freedom of choice. Only God, who is the
original substance that is freed to do
whatever he wants. That independent will
must be and is attributed to God alone and if
you attribute that to anything else in creation
other than God then that’s idolatry.
This is the Jewish God: the original being
who is freed to choose and decide what he
wants to do. It is that God who decided to
create the world. The reason God is referred
to as “He” and not “it” or “she” is that if
God chose to create the world, then there is
a personality there and that cannot be an “it”
any longer but a Someone. That’s the Jewish
revelation and contribution brought to the
believe in God by Jewish thought.43

When you ask someone what you mean

about God? God is known to most people as
the creator because that’s how the Bible
begins, “In the beginning God created…”
What we do know about God is that He
created. However, when Jews read that
verse, they ask why God create the world?44

What Did God Gain for Creating the


That is an important question because it is

the question of the future. So, the question is
not whether there is a God because there is a
God. The real question is What Does God
want? The Purpose of Life. By creating the
world means that God created out of choice
and if he chose to create the world, that also
means he wants something or he’s after
something that we may refer to as God’s
vast eternal plan. What is God’s vast eternal
plan? Whether you choose to call it
scientific or not, this is not a mysterious or
religious question. The cause of the universe
was a decision made by a cause but what’s
that decision?45

The argument is never about the existence of

God. To say I believe God exist is talking
nonsense out of ignorance. The fact is, God
exists whether you believe it or not. On the
other hand, if God doesn’t exist then he
doesn’t exist whether you believe it or not.
Just as it will be stupid to ask someone if
there is a Sun, so it is to ask if there is God.
The question we need to ask as Jews do is,
what does God want? That brings us to the
purpose of life.46

Everyone throughout human history has

always asked that question without realizing
it. It is both universal and historical. Why
am I here? Why should this question be of
any importance or significance to us when
we’ve been here for about 6000 years?
Come on, we don’t know any other place
apart from this place. Relax, settle down
and get used to it. No, there must have been
a purpose if the world was created and
what’s that purpose? The reason why that
question is important to be asked is that we
are the result of that purpose. If you don’t
know the purpose of your existence, then
don’t and you can never know yourself.47

How amazing it is to see that every creature,

being and substance in the universe has its
place and each go about doing what it must
do constantly and devotedly without any
question. It is only human being, the
intelligent creature, who can’t figure out
what he’s doing here. Isn’t that pathetic
especially when some claim that we came
out of frog and Ape.48 Human being doesn’t
even know where he fits and as the result of
that missing link, some who don’t have
appreciation for their core identity
(struggling with identity crisis) are telling 5
years old that “you are a woman trapped in a
man’s body” or vice versa.

In fact, it’s gotten to the place where most

people now believe that the universe and all
of nature will be perfect if human beings
would just disappear. Their reason is that
we’ve messed everything up. What a sad
state of humanity.49

The question of why I am here is the

question of who caused me to be here? Who
cause this? You didn’t and neither did I.
A story is told of a young man who took his
parents to court for giving him birth without
asking his permission. What you think his
problem was so much that he hates being
born? Now everyone could be asking the
same question. Why was I born when I
wasn’t asked to be born? What am I doing
here and who did this to me? Can someone
please tell me! That someone you’re asking
is having the same problem too. Before then
that was a religious question, but it is not
anymore but a question of reality.50
Something I learned many years ago in one
of my theological classes while in bible
college is called The Law of Specified
Complexity. It is an evidence-based
scientific theory for Intelligent design or the
existence of God behind the universe.
It goes on to say that evolution cannot
explain how complex, successful organisms
arose. There’s a scientific law that says that
every design has a purpose and has an
intelligent behind it. The intelligent behind
every design is a being. Therefore, theology
says, if that’s the case, then creation cannot
be an excuse to this scientific law. Every
human being was designed in a unique way
for a purpose and by an intelligent and this
intelligent is what theologians call God.
Philosophers call it the unknown. Why
philosophers look for where to start,
theologians begin with God.

That brings me to say that you’re uniquely

designed by God for a purpose. You’re not
just created to exist and survive. You’re
created for a purpose and there must be a
vast eternal plan for creation. So, let’s say
according to science, the universe came
about as the result of subatomic particles,
that subatomic particle is the creator which
the Torah or Bible calls God. “In the
beginning God created…” That subatomic
particles is a being or a personality who
deliberately chose to create the universe out
of his own volition and that’s why we refer
to that subatomic particles as a He.51

That means, what you’re doing is not what

you could be doing (David-a shepherd boy,
a musician and armor bearer, that’s what he
was always known to be societal-limitations.
When he kills Goliath, even his employers
couldn’t believe it). Your purpose is far
greater than what you are doing right now.
It’s okay to do what you are doing until your
purpose finds you.

The Difference is Purpose

1 Samuel 30:1-8, “NOW WHEN David and
his men came home to Ziklag on the third
day, they found that the Amalekites had
made a raid on the South (the Negeb) and on
Ziklag, and had struck Ziklag and burned it
with fire, and had taken the women and all
who were there, both great and small,
captive. They killed no one but carried them
off and went on their way. So, David and his
men came to the town, and behold, it was
burned, and their wives and sons and
daughters were taken captive. Then David
and the men with him lifted up their voices
and wept until they had no more strength to
weep. David's two wives also had been
taken captive, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess and
Abigail, the widow of Nabal the Carmelite.
David was greatly distressed, for the men
spoke of stoning him because the souls of
them all were bitterly grieved, each man for
his sons and daughters. But David
encouraged and strengthened himself in the
Lord his God. David said to Abiathar the
priest, Ahimelech's son, I pray you, bring
me the ephod. And Abiathar brought him the
ephod. And David inquired of the Lord,
saying, Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I
overtake them? The Lord answered him,
Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them
and without fail recover all.”

1 Kings 3:22-25, “But the other woman said,

No! But the living one is my son, and the
dead one is your son! And this one said, No!
But the dead son is your son, and the living
is my son. Thus, they spoke before the king.
The king said, one says, this is my son that
is alive and yours is the dead one. The other
woman says, No! But your son is the dead
one and mine is the living one. And the king
said, Bring me a sword. And they brought a
sword to the king. And the king said, Divide
the living child in two and give half to the
one and half to the other.”

When A man of war (David) asks for a

priestly garment while under attack and
a man of wisdom (Solomon) asks for a
sword during time of peace and stability;
the difference is purpose. Purpose gives you
identity- Who Am I? Your identity is not
what society says you are but what God says
you are- “be in good spirits and take
heart…the God to whom I belong and whom
I serve…keep your courage, for I have faith-
complete confidence- in God,” Acts 27:22-
25. I am a believer, created in the image of
God with a behavioral (the way a person
acts in response to a particular situation)
approach to life. Facts, Fear, Faith (Acts

Why Am I Here? It’s the question of

meaning and purpose. 2 Sam. 11:1, “In the
spring, when kings go forth to battle, David
sent…” Purpose is greatly defined by
timing and seasons. “Who knows but that
you have come to the kingdom for such a
time as this and for this very occasion,” Est.
4:14. Purpose determines your strategy (a
plan of action designed to achieve success
in every situation). Strategy identifies your
opportunities or weapon. Weapon gives you
the victory.

Here’s my purpose and That’s what

gives me value worth dying for and
worth living for: “My purpose is to
meet people (dispirited and
discouraged) wherever they are;
inspire them to THINK and see beyond
their present status and limitations in
such a way that enables them to
achieve whatever was considered
impossible for them and for others.”

That’s why I can get amongst a

dispirited and discouraged people and
by association; I’m able to inspire
them into thinking and achieving the
unthinkable. My purpose above is the
work I do and what I get from doing
that is satisfaction and not money.

It is what motivates me to wake up

every morning and go to work. I don’t
go to work to make money. I go to
work to get satisfaction. If you’re
working because you want to make
money and survive then you need to
resign now. The end is frustration
when the money does not come in as
you expected.
I get satisfaction from spending my
day inspiring people to think bigger
than their current status and not to get
money out of it. Why some purposes
may be served in a very profitable area
of service mine is not. However, I am
unstoppable because I’m wired for that
specific purpose.

Why were You Born?

The question “why am I here and why was I

born?” are not philosophical or religious
questions but questions of reality.

God Needs You More than You Need Him

The story about the young man in India who

sued his parents was requesting the court to
make them pay all his bills for the rest of his
life because they gave birth to him without
his permission to be born.
1. You don’t need to be born
2. You don’t have to be born
3. You didn’t ask to be born
Why are you here? What am I doing here?
How do I become obligated to work, pay
bills and take care of my own living
expenses? The struggle to answer this
question is often the cause of people
committing suicide because they don’t have
the answer. It doesn’t make sense to me that
I didn’t ask to be born but here I am being
burdened with needs.52

The real logical question should be, if you

are not here out of need then why are you
here? The most logical answer is you are not
here because of your need. So, if you are not
here because you need, then someone needs
you to be born. If you think you need and
you’re trying to satisfy your need, you’re
really going to become depressed because
it’s artificial. You don’t really need
anything. Here is the thing, as soon as you
start thinking NEED, you are already
depressed. the real ALTERNATIVE is that
you are needed.53
Here are the two main ingredients of all the
emotional pains and psychological problems
in the world.
1. It is depressing to be needy.
2. It is depressing to not be needed.
If you can solve those two problems, then
there is nothing you can call problem
because you will have no problems.54

The failure of psychological therapists is

that they all keep focusing on your needs.
Instead of solving the problem they are
making you depressed. For example, you tell
the psychologist or therapist, “I have so
many needs and I can’t stand it anymore.”
He tells you something like this, “you have
no idea how many needs you have. You
have needs that you have never ever thought
of. Your father rejected the pregnancy when
your mom got pregnant; your mother
therefore never wanted to have you; you
come from a family with history of abuse
and molestation, drugs, alcohol, and
violence, etc.”
Here is the simple conclusion. You have the
option to think of your needs or to think of
who needs you most. If nobody needs you,
you’re depressed. If you have needs, you’re
depressed. What is the solution then?
Your needs are not yours. God’s need of you
is eternal. You have no burden or reason to
be depressed when you have no needs. The
reality is that God needs you. “In the
beginning God created the heaven and the
earth.” To meet who needs? If God created
heaven and the earth, do you think he needs
nothing?55 “Thou hast created all things, and
for thy pleasure they are and were created,
Rev. 4:11. KJV.

I didn’t create anything and therefore I need

nothing. He created the heaven and earth,
and do you think he needs nothing? How did
humanity get this all wrong and upside
down? This Jewish boy arrives in France for
Yeshiva (a Jewish rabbinical seminary) and
walks into the office of the Rasha Shiva
(Headmaster). He said, “Yiddish, I need to
call my mother, where is the phone? And the
Rasha Shiva said to him, “you need to call
your mother.” What does “I” mean and
What does “need” mean? What should he
have said? “My mother needs me to call
her.” I need to call her? Why is everything
me? That was what the Rasha Shiva was
saying. Your mother deserves that you
should call her. You need? God needs me
more than I need him. He is the Creator and
therefore the one who needs me.
The one thing that the human being
needs is to know who needs him.56
8. Beliberty-Purpose in My

Beliberty is the term I coined from two

words (Abel and Liberty) after God’s
miraculous healed me from spine deformed.
My wife and I started Joyous Fountain
Christian Center 14 years ago and literally
out of nothing. For the first three years we
were thrown out of people’s homes that we
used for both resident and worship services.
To some we were thought of as an
embarrassment and disgrace and while to
others, we didn’t fit the profile of what a
“pastor” supposed to look like.
There were days when I was tempted to quit
with so many voices in my ears and making
me feel like I had made the wrong choice.
At other times I would question my purpose
whether it has value worth dying for that
was also worth living for especially when
things weren’t working as they ought to
according to society’s standard. Looking
back today, the only thing that kept us going
was the awareness that I was designed for
purpose. Therefore, all the difficult times
and humiliations were not some random
occurrences. We were never motivated by
money, family nor friends. We always knew
that pastoral ministry was our calling and
doing that gives us satisfaction even when
things didn’t look good on the outside.

The week of April 3-9 (Easter week), 2023,

we celebrated our 14th year of fruitful
ministries, and it was climaxed with a
birthday dinner (April 1 and 6 being my
wife and me birthdays). Every time I sat
looking into the faces of the many people in
attendance, seeing the smiles of the faces of
the many lives we have imparted directly or
indirectly over the years; just thinking about
the ministry and institutions God has used us
to build; I couldn’t help it but shed tears of
joy. The only fuel that kept us going through
the previous 10 years of difficulties was
Finding Your Purpose.

I remembered been diagnosed with spine

deformed in June of 2011 when my wife
was four months pregnant with our second
child. Within less than three months my
condition had gone so bad that I was dead
from the waist down to my feet. I needed to
do some minimum incision procedure that
cost at least $80,000 USD. Thank God for
my brothers Pastors Timothy B. Gibson and
James Lakie Kollie* who took me from one
radio station to another making appeal for
financial assistance. All we ever got in
return were promises and most often being
mocked at for faking my condition due to
laziness while I was going through
emotional and physical pains. That’s when it
really dawned on me that living to serve
yourself can be detrimental to the survival of
any society.

The two persons who ever contributed

money to my cause were Rev. Emmanuel
Bowier* ($280USD) and Prof Derbe Sandee
($50USD). To them I am forever grateful. I
wrote letters to people in high places who
could’ve been of significant help but to no

I heard words like “if he was a real pastor,

he couldn’t be that sick or why can’t God
heal him if he’s actually a man of God.”
Religious people can be dangerous if they
are not addicted God’s lover. There were
even some who told me to quit the work of
ministry because I was done, and it was over
for me. Going to hospitals wasn’t any better
as no words can describe the inhumane
treatment I got from nurses, and till today, I
tell myself that they had only been working
to survive without any purpose.

Pastor Pray for Me

I still remember it like today. I’m sitting

there before the doctor (Dr. Blama) as he
looked at me and back to my medical
records and then I heard him say, “pastor
come and pray for me.” I’m talking about
not being able to walk and I had been taken
to this doctor with the hope of receiving
treatment for my illness and he says to me,
“pastor come and pray for me,” despite my
physical and emotional pains. I begin to cry
along with my aunty and stepfather who had
gone with me. My aunty thought that I was
about to die, and the doctor knew it and
that’s the reason why he wanted to make
light of my condition. When she asked him
why he wanted me to pray for him; it was
his response that became the catalyst to my
healing and full recovery. He said something
like, looking at your medical records and
history; it doesn’t make sense to me that you
are even alive. In fact, you shouldn’t have
had children, but I’m told that your wife is
expecting your second child. Medically,
your being alive makes no sense to me but
the only explanation is that you are a pastor
and therefore you’re alive through the
miraculous act of God. Therefore, please
come and pray for me and the medication
I’m giving you, only take it by faith. Those
were the words of the doctor to me, though
not verbatim.

I did pray for him but don’t remember one

word of the prayer I offered but all I
remember is that I prayed for him. When I
was led out of that place, I resolved that it
was worthless taking those prescription
drugs because of what the doctor had just
said. My physical ailment and limitation
didn’t stop the doctor from seeing the
greatness there was in me and neither did
that physical limitation stop me from
praying for him. You are indeed unstoppable
when you discover what your purpose is in

Gone from Bad to Worse

About a month or so after the “pray for me”

experience, my spiritual father, Rev. Emery
David had arranged for me to see another
specialist at the JFK Medical Center. The
day was August 8, 2011, when I sat in that
doctor’s office. He orders some tests and x-
ray on me while I sat in his office waiting
for the results. About two hours later the
results came back and the doctor examined
the results for a while and then gave me that
sympathetic look. I didn’t know what it
meant or how to react, but I knew something
was not right from the looks in his eyes. I
remember him asking me, how old are you?
My response was, “Doc, you got my
medical records before you and you asking
me how old you are?” I can’t say whether it
was a statement or question then, but he
didn’t say anything after that. But with the
look of sympathy in his eyes, I began to
brace myself for the worst. The doctor called
the nurse through whom Rev Emery had
made the arrangements and instructed her to
call him and tell him what my condition was
based on the results of the various tests.

The doctor felt that this was something I

wouldn’t be capable of handling and thought
it wise to rather give the information to Rev.
Emery. I don’t know how that phone
conversation with Rev Emery went and what
was said as it did not take place in my
presence. I was only told to go home, and
Rev Emery would talk to me later. I barely
got out of the hospital compound when I got
a phone call and I could hear a voice on the
other side of the line, and it was that of Rev.
Emery. He said to me “Son, doctor says,
“your condition has gone from bad to
worse.” Being the emotional and
affectionate person, he couldn’t say anything
more than that as I could tell from his voice
that he had hoped for better news than that.
He may have said something to encourage
me, but I don’t remember. You can imagine
that these are not normal circumstances. The
line went dead for a while then I remember
me saying; “Dad, I know.” I don’t know
how I knew but it was like I sensed it

Everything is Okay

Up to now I can’t process how I got home

from the hospital. However, when I was
taken home my wife was so anxious to know
the doctor’s report. The first question she
asked when she saw me was, “how did it
go?” I just abruptly said, “everything is
ok.” It was not what I had planned to tell her
but when I saw how hopeful she was; I
thought it would be best for her and for me
to keep her spirit lifted as she was the only
one working to support the home and taking
care of me. However, from the pain in my
body and the deadness from the waist down
to my feet; I didn’t feel ok, but I only spoke
the words in faith even though I did not feel
like it.

I went inside the room and placed my

medical records on the table. I began to cry
out to God with these words. “God, I see
the doctor’s report and I can feel the pain
and I feel like it has gone from bad to
worse. However, I refuse to accept that
report as my condition and it’s your report
of healing and divine health that I believe.
But if you choose not to heal me according
to your sovereign purpose and will; you
have done nothing wrong. If this is the way
you want me to end or if you choose that I
serve you in wheelchair; I’ll do it. Whatever
your will is, let it be done.”

That night I would not sleep as I was so

restless with so many thoughts crossing my
mind including thoughts of suicide. The
enemy kept whispering in my ears that it
was over, and my life was finish. The best
alternative for me was to take away my own
life. My wife woke up to use the bathroom
and met me still sitting up and got
concerned. I told her to go back to bed and
everything was ok. I was pondering over the
thoughts of suicide at that moment and
looking for knife or anything harmful that I
could lay my hands on; but fortunately for
me I could barely move. I sat there and just
stirring at the ceiling and then I heard this
voice say to me; “do you think it’s over
when you take away your life?” It was a
question that I couldn’t answer and when I
heard it echoed in my ears for the second
time, then I began to cry bitterly because I
wasn’t certain that it was over when I ended
my life. I didn’t know how I felt asleep and
slept like a baby till late morning the next

Stop Praying for your Healing

God builds his plans for our lives around our

purpose and those plans are often foiled and
hidden in our pains and tears. However, our
finite mind is incapable of seeing the details
from the beginning, but God always sees the
big picture because he holds the frames of
our purposes. The morning after the suicidal
thought, I was so full of inner peace and
could feel the nearness of God’s presence. I
began to earnestly and fervently praying for
my healing and never knew that God’s plan
for me was all wrapped up in my pain. He
said to me, “Stop praying for your healing. I
will use the devil to take you where I want
you go.” The word came with so much
authority, assurance, and clarity. I still
remember the wordings of a chorus being
sing by angelic voices: “Satan take me
anywhere Jesus wants me go.”

Sunday came and I was so excited about

going to service that morning and I told my
wife that I wanted to go for service. She got
me ready for service but didn’t understand
where the excitement was coming from. I
was taken to the church that morning and
everyone was excited to see me even though
I wasn’t any better physically. I sat on the
altar as I couldn’t stand up by myself and
told the congregation that they should praise
God and tell him thank you for my healing.
Some were shocked and didn’t know what
to make of my request to praise and tell God
thank you for my healing. As songs of
worship were being sang, I could see that
almost everyone was crying, and I did not
know what the crying was about until at the
end of the worship.

Many thought that I was about to die, and

that service was my way of saying to them
goodbye; that’s why they were crying. Three
months after that worship service, God
miraculously restore my health so much so
that I can play contact sport like
soccer/football. Glory to God that I found
purpose in the pain and that was what kept
me going thus making me unstoppable. It
was purpose that held me up and kept me
from crumbling under the pressure from the
days of trials and it will be that very purpose
that will sustain me to outlast the quitters
who are without purpose.
9. Generational Leverage

Another tool for becoming unstoppable is

the Power of Generational Leverage.

“But many of the priests and Levites and

heads of fathers' houses, old men who had
seen the first house [Solomon's temple],
when the foundation of this house was laid
before their eyes, wept with a loud voice,
though many shouted aloud for joy.
So, the people could not distinguish the
shout of joy from the sound of the weeping
of the people, for the people shouted with a
loud shout, and the sound was heard far off.”

There is a very important lesson in that

passage regarding generational leverage for
anyone who wants to be unstoppable
especially for those serving in leadership.
The Jewish temple built by King Solomon in
Jerusalem became the symbol of their
national unity, power, courage, and glory of
the Jewish nation. When Nebuchadnezzar
destroyed it in about 586 B. C.; it was a real
crushing defeat for the Jewish people. It
meant all hope for existing as a nation was
loss. The same was done by the Roman
general Titus when he destroyed the second
temple in 70 A.D.

Upon the return of the Jewish exile to

Jerusalem under the leadership of Nehemiah
as governor and Ezra as priest; the first and
most important task was the rebuilding of
the temple. While the younger generation,
who had no idea how the first temple ever
looked like, was shouting for joy; the older
generation who had seen the old temple
could only mourn. From the perspective of
the older generation, this new temple being
built could not come anywhere near the
glory and magnificent of the old temple that
was destroyed. For the younger generation,
this was all they have seen and could only
rejoice. What amazes me in this important
historical event is that “the people could not
distinguish the shout of joy from the sound
of the weeping of the people.” The two
different voices blended into one voice so
much so that those who heard them from far
off couldn’t distinguish the voice of joy
from that of the voice of weeping. That’s a
powerful lesson on generational leverage.

Building out of nothing and becoming

unstoppable requires understanding the
importance and power of generational
leverage. What then is generational
leverage? This is how I can explain it so that
even my four years old boy will understand.
Let’s say I am twenty-two years old and
fresh out of college with so many fresh
ideas. Ideas that I believe can change the
world. I am strong and energetic but all I
have is head knowledge, strength and with
zero experience about being unstoppable in
the real world and not the ideal world. If I
can have a sixty-year-old mentor who’s been
in leadership since he was my current age;
that’s 38 years of leadership experience
added to my current age. That means I will
be 38 years ahead of myself in experience
than I am in age. I will be 38 years ahead of
all my colleagues as the result of
generational leverage regardless of academic
IQ. That means with the experiences gained
from my connection to generational
leverage; I’m better positioned not to make
the mistakes that 60 years old had made and
the failures he’d had thus putting me in a
better position to be successful. I become a
60-year-old by default because of the power
of generational leverage.

King David became wiser and successful as

Israel’s greatest king ever because he knew
the importance of generational leverage.
Psalm 119:96-100, “I have seen that
everything [human] has its limits and end
[no matter how extensive, noble, and
excellent]; but Your commandment is
exceedingly broad and extends without
limits [into eternity]. Oh, how love I Your
law! It is my meditation all day. You,
through Your commandments, make me
wiser than my enemies, for [Your words] are
ever before me. I have better understanding
and deeper insight than all my teachers,
because Your testimonies are my
meditation. I understand more than the aged,
because I keep Your precepts [hearing,
receiving, loving, and obeying them].

Orrin Woodward said: “Average leaders

raise the bar on themselves; the good leaders
raise the bar for others; great leaders inspire
others to raise their own bar.”

Who are you in leadership for? Is it for your

name and fame; for your purse or wallet; is
it your means of getting back at others; or to
prove to others that you are better than they
are? If any of the above is you reason for
being in leadership or seeking leadership;
then you’re not a leader. You’re a bad
mistake that happens to be in leadership by
accident. A great leader is the one who
inspires those around him/her to raise their
own bar.

Inspiring Others to Raise their Own


Judges 11:1-11, “Now Jephthah of Gilead

was a great warrior. He was the son of
Gilead, but his mother was a prostitute.
Gilead’s wife also had several sons, and
when these half-brothers grew up, they
chased Jephthah off the land. You will not
get any of our father’s inheritance, they said,
“for you are the son of a prostitute. So,
Jephthah fled from his brothers and lived in
the land of Tob. Soon he had a band of
worthless rebels following him. At about
this time, the Ammonites began their war
against Israel. When the Ammonites
attacked, the elders of Gilead sent for
Jephthah in the land of Tob. The elders said,
Come and be our commander! Help us fight
the Ammonites! But Jephthah said to them,
aren’t you the ones who hated me and drove
me from my father’s house? Why do you
come to me now when you’re in trouble?
Because we need you, the elders replied. If
you lead us in battle against the Ammonites,
we will make you ruler over all the people
of Gilead. Jephthah said to the elders, “Let
me get this straight. If I come with you and
if the lord gives me victory over the
Ammonites, will you really make me ruler
over all the people? The lord is our witness,”
the elders replied. “We promise to do
whatever you say. So, Jephthah went with
the elders of Gilead, and the people made
him their ruler and commander of the army.
At Mizpah, in the presence of the lord,
Jephthah repeated what he had said to the
The Elders of Gilead kind of leadership hide
behind the title and very little or nothing.
Instead of inspiring those around them to
raise their own bar that could be of help for
them tomorrow; they see them as their
problem. Instead of offering a platform for
those around them to bring out the best out
of the worst of them; they often remind the
people around them of their disadvantaged
past. Being old or young doesn’t make you a
good or bad leader. Real leadership is
Leadership is not somewhere ahead of you
in the future and expected to be stumbled
upon. Leadership is trapped inside of you. It
takes attitude to release it.

The elder of Gilead leadership easily forget.

They only go after what has already been
made. Never care to know that price it cost
to make what they are going after. That’s
why they never appreciate anything.
They’ve paid no price for the good they
expect and the comfort they want to enjoy.
Now you see why such leaders can’t elevate
from where they’re at. They want to enjoy
the position and the benefits but not
prepared to handle the responsibilities that
come with the position.

Great leaders admit their generational

limitations and use their generational
leverages for the next generation to succeed
where they fail. Three months after leaving
Egypt and arriving at Sinai, the Lord gave
Moses an instruction that wasn’t followed
through. Forty years later, he is humbled
enough to admit failure so that the younger
generation would learn from it and do better.
Deuteronomy 1:6-26, “The Lord our God
said to us in Horeb, you have dwelt long
enough on this mountain. Turn and take up
your journey and go to the hill country of
the Amorites, and to all their neighbours in
the Arabah, in the hill country, in the
lowland, in the South (the Negeb), and on
the coast, the land of the Canaanites, and
Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river
Euphrates. Behold, I have set the land before
you; go in and take possession of the land
which the Lord swore to your fathers, to
Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give to
them and to their descendants after them…
Then you all came near to me and said, let
us send men before us, that they may search
out the land for us and bring us word again
by what way we should go up and the cities
into which we shall come. The thing pleased
me well, and I took twelve men of you, one
for each tribe. And they turned and went up
into the hill country and came to the Valley
of Eshcol and spied it out. And they took of
the fruit of the land in their hands and
brought it down to us and brought us word
again, and said, it is a good land which the
Lord our God gives us. Yet you would not
go up but rebelled against the commandment
of the Lord your God.”

Life is the only school where you sit the test

before you learn the lesson. In most cases
we fail the test, but the lesson is learned not
for you but for the next generation.

Jephthah Leadership
Jephthah leadership is problem solving
leadership by finding solutions to problems.
Doesn’t expel problems or escape from
problems. He expects it and turns it into
opportunities for greatness. Jephthah took
vain or worthless men and turned them into
a mighty fighting force. You start from
where you are and with what you have. He
organized them, gave them vision, purpose,
and values to fight for that were worth dying
for and living for. He inspired them to raise
their own bar because his leadership
greatness depended on then. Accordingly,
one is too insignificant a number to succeed
by itself. Liberia needs a generation of
leaders who can inspire us to greatness
trapped inside of us and through loans and
aids from international donors. They can
only come this far, but what we will become
is trapped inside of every one of us.

My two favourite sports are football

(soccer) and basketball with my favourite
football club being Liverpool and my
basketball team being LA Lakers mostly
because of Lebron James. So, it’s no
coincidence that I had this dream about
Lebron James the night (Dec 23, 2021) they
were beaten my San Antonio Spurs 138-110
even though he dropped 36points in that
loss. I knew they were playing Spurs that
night, but I couldn’t stay up to watch the
game. Liberia being 5 hours ahead from the
US east coast at that time of year, tells you
that to watch the games in Africa; you will
have to often stay up late. I go to bed
thinking about the game and how the Lakers
will do given AD’s injury and the
inconsistency of the team after 31 games.

I went to bed early while expecting to wake

up to the news of a Lebron James the next
morning. I had a dream not yet aware of the
results or with the game not yet being
played. In my dream, LBJ is sitting out like
in the last few minutes of the 4th quarter.
It’s like he’s had a spectacular performance
that night and was watching role players see
the game off. Suddenly, he began to say
something like; back them with limited
experience but more energy; I would have
believed and say that we could win a
championship this year despite the
inconsistencies in performances. But given
what I have learned for nearly nineteen
years of playing in this league; we can’t win
a championship with these levels of
performances. Ass a leader of this team; I
know (by knowledge and experience) what it
takes (mentally, physically, and socially) to
win at the highest level.

The reference to leadership experience and

knowledge by LBJ in my dream just blew
my mind in ways I couldn’t imagine even
though it was a dream. That dream became
the spark that inspired the wring of this
chapter on leadership.
10. Generational Creativity
What will this generation be remembered for
that made it unstoppable? Is it cowardice,
nepotism, corruption, incompetence,
tribalism, social injustice, and the likes?
What is that one unstoppable quality of this
generation? I don’t see one and only
suggests that all that this generation is
producing is IQ leadership while losing its
creative imagination.

Generation of Creativity

For a generation to be considered creative, it

must be seen in the blueprints of wholistic

Every development is generational, and

every generation is the blueprint that reflects
the next development projects.
When we killed Tolbert, the foundation was
laid for corrupting the generational blueprint
for development. The blueprint got
gradually corrupted until it reached its
climax during the war years. The military
government gradually took away everything
that represented integrity institutions and
good governance. Instead of adding to what
we had; taking away resources and moving
abroad became a common trend as opposed
to investing in nationwide agricultural
projects that made us self-sufficient. There
were still glimpses of generational blueprint
during the Doe era which was deceptive as
the war would only expose it. All that we
see today in governance and society are only
a product of the damaged generational
blueprint of 14 years. Those who set the
tone from the declining Doe generational
blueprint; taught the war generation only
how to take, consume, destroy and never
how to reproduce
For 14 years, the only developmental
blueprints we created are manifested in our
governance structures and developmental
processes. Violence, looting, killing, no
respect for human dignity and the rule of
laws, politics without policies and projects,
corruption at an all-time high, lack of
visionary leadership, irresponsible
governance, poorly organized personality,
ignorance, incompetence, social injustice,
and the list goes on. Those are few of the
blueprints the war produced. Why do we
expect something different and better when
the leaders are only building from the
blueprint? They themselves are victims of a
lost generational blueprint.
That’s why we could elect warlords to
positions of trust with ease because that’s
the blueprint.
We can put criminals and people with
questionable characters in power to gain
wealth at the expense of the asses they rode
to power while we celebrate them, because
it’s coming from the blueprint.
We can launch national agriculture
programs at national stadium instead of one
of the food producing counties because it’s
from the blueprint.

We used to hear of masonic crafts but

instead of showing us the blueprint for
National development; they display free
masonry plates on vehicles, that’s from the
blueprint because they don’t have anything
else to show to our people in public

I don’t have problem with whatever society

you chose to belong to but if you can only
keep it to yourself and show me what can
grow the economy, create jobs, put food on
the table, provide access to quality education
and healthcare; I’ll be grateful. But again, it
depends on the blueprint.
It hasn’t even gotten worse if you think this
generation is worse; you wait and see.
Because the blueprint has invaded every
institution, the church (people use to ask
churches to recommend people but not
anymore), schools and universities are all
corrupted and producing thieves and crooks,
drugs addicts, cheating their way through
schools and not getting performance based
oriented jobs. You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Until we can have a national consciousness
that seeks to redeem and restore generational
blueprint; we’ll keep producing after our
As long as we keep producing after our
current kind; this nation is doomed. Doe
blamed Tolbert, Taylor blamed Doe, Interim
government blamed Taylor, Madam Sirleaf
blamed Interim government and Taylor,
Weah is now blaming Ellen and don’t
forget; they’ll blamed you too Mr President,
That’s the blueprint. Instead of looking
backing into why we thinking they failed;
we label almost everything they did as trash
and don’t see any lessons to be learnt.
We can’t restore Bentol and Tubman and
Tolbert’s farms in Bong County, and other
historic places in order to enhance our
tourism sector because we’re reading and
learning from the blueprint.
Until we can go back to that blueprint and
learn what went wrong, we can never go any
further as a nation and people. There
continues to be a serious disconnect between
the present and that has become the trend. I
can only imagine that if you were to put
President Tolbert or Present Taylor on the
current witness stand of Liberian politics,
governance, and leadership; armed with the
experiences from the pass; they would tell
you that some decisions they would not have
taken if they only knew Liberia will be what
it is today as the result of those decisions.
President would tell you the same and I
guess the current administration will do the
same. We would have to live in regrets, and
we can’t continue to live in regrets as a
nation and people if we can embrace the
importance of generational leverage.
We can sell national culture centres to
foreign investors to build hotel without any
regards for maintaining cultural heritage,
because it’s about the blueprint.
We can use about 4m to demolish a 15m
construction investment instead of adding
value to it because it’s in the blueprint.
Mandela house (about 20 by 30 ft) in
Soweto township has become a
multimillion-dollar investment for the
family and the SA government because they
know how to build from blueprints. 3-4000
tourists visit daily with $3 or 30 rand per
person for one hour.

Tolbert’s Rice Riot Speech- 04/14/1979

Intro: I’d like to speak to the conscience of
every Liberian; it’s like we don’t have one
anymore more. I’m being inspired by the
late President William R. Tolbert’s speech
after the rice riot, April 4, 1979.
This is the Liberia we envisaged but Tolbert
didn’t want.
He sacrificed for it but after his death; we
still couldn’t and weren’t prepared to cope
with the overwhelming realities. As if
Tolbert’s death, his son’s (AB Tolbert)
death and those of the 17 men executed on
the beach by firing squad weren’t enough;
we massacred more than 250 thousand
precious Liberians lives, with many others
maimed; yet we still couldn’t fix the
problems. Taylor has gone to jail (as the
problem) and nearly twenty years later; we
still can’t figure out what the real problem
“I call upon all of my people, the people
of Liberia, to fully realize that they are in
fact a united people; and their interests
and welfares can best be attended in an
atmosphere of condensed solidarity as
they make peaceful adjustments to
changing realities in the march towards
higher heights. To attain this noble and
desirable end; there must be law and
order in the land. I repeat, to attain this
noble and desirable end; there must be
law and order in the land.

(This new wave of violence in the name of

democracy was setting up a time bomb; the
day it exploded; we won’t be able to repair
the damages. This president, at the time, saw
a glimpse into the reality of the future and
what was coming. When such a powerful
and passionate speech was ignored by men
used as pawns to still carry out a coupe d’
etat, “blow of state”- removal of government
and its power; I can see why president
William R. Tolbert didn’t hesitate or try to
escape; but willingly opened the sealed door
to his 8th floor Executive Mansion family
quarters which allowed disgruntled soldiers
in to have shot and killed him. Nelson Toe,
followed by Harrison Penue fired the first
shots that killed our president.)
“It has been this legitimate concern (for
law and order in the land) which has guided
our actions” (what’s that legitimate concern
that’s guiding the actions of today’s
leadership? Tolbert is disappointed. Taylor
is as well. We’ve not given Tolbert any
reason to smile on us from above. We’ve not
given Taylor any conscience to see that his
resignation and departure, now in jail for 50
years, I repeat, now in jail for 50 years, was
for our good. Those of us at the helm of
power can we look in the mirror and say
we’re better than Tolbert and Taylor? They
deserve being dead and in jail and we should
be here having good times without policies
and projects in our politics. What did they
do that we are not guilty of today collective
as a nation and people? Can one Liberian
answer that question for me. We should be
ashamed of ourselves.
I know the analytics will say, Taylor went to
jail because of wall in another country but
Liberia and Liberians didn’t have problem
with him. Okay, we didn’t have problem
with him; then why did we go to war with
him after he became elected president in a
free and transparent elections (even though
there’s no elections without its own problem
as we saw with what we consider the
world’s best democracy, the United States
2020 presential elections.)

“Accordingly, we continue to be guided

there by. For we’ll never abdicate
(renounce) (but he came to a place to
choose the very thing he once feared for
the sake of Liberia.) our sacred trust to
the chaotic propensities of evil-minded
individuals who pursue their selfish
interests under the guise of seeking the
people’s welfare. How else can one
characterize the chaos unleashed by such
I can’t go any further, but today’s reality is
the characterization of Willie Tolbert saw
back then.
How can one characterize the greed,
incompetence, anger and bitterness,
selfishness, corruption, hate, violence,
nepotism, hardship, poverty and suffering
unleashed on the Liberian people in the
name of democracy.
I need someone to characterize it for me.
Structure it for me in a way that it makes
sense. Characterize for me the lives we lost,
the opportunities we squandered with
regards to economic growth and
development, the many years we wasted,
can we say, all the hardship and pains were
worth, given where we’re right now? I’m
ashamed of myself as a Liberian in that

But given what I can control with the

opportunity available to me; I can inspire
hope because I believe in a Liberia Rising
and that’s the legitimate concern that guides
my actions every day to live for others like
the blind, the orphans and the needy and to
inspire others to think and activate actions
beyond their limitations.

God said to the prophet Amos, “Surely the

LORD God will do nothing, but he reveals
his secret unto his servants the prophets,”
3:7. God is the giver of visions and the
Revealer of secrets. God won’t use you like
a robot but based on what he has made
known to you and how much of that you are
prepared to understand and come to terms
with. God will not do anything for you and
or through you beyond the level or the
capacity of the vision you carry.
God makes provision before the need arises.
That which he wants to do through you is
what he makes known and reveals for your
information and understanding. I can think
of no-good examples than Joseph and
Daniel. Failure to understand the God-given
vision for your life can be disastrous. Stop
chasing the wind like everyone else and see
what God has placed inside of you to fulfil.

Thinking Generationally

(Positioning yourself for generational

John 4:5-6 - KJV
5. Then cometh he to a city of Samaria,
which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of
ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. 6.
Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus,
therefore, being wearied with his journey,
sat thus on the well: and it was about the
sixth hour.
Joseph was taken to Egypt as a slave and his
brothers will follow to buy food with the
very money, they sold him with (money
without creativity and dream is worthless).
Jacob will later take his family to Egypt at
the invitation of Joseph. As wealthy as
Joseph was; Jacob still left him a parcel of
land (generational inheritance, family name
and history). He only saw with the eye of
Faith that race and faith will be arguing over
that place generations later.
When Jesus shows up, he destroyed cultural
and religious boundaries.

The Power of Imagination

Genesis 11:1 AND THE whole earth was of

one language and of one accent and mode of
Genesis 11:2 And as they journeyed
eastward, they found a plain (valley) in the
land of Shinar, and they settled and dwelt
Genesis 11:3 And they said one to another,
Come, let us make bricks and burn them
thoroughly. So they had brick for stone, and
slime (bitumen) for mortar.
Genesis 11:4 And they said, Come, let us
build us a city and a tower whose top
reaches into the sky, and let us make a name
for ourselves, lest we be scattered over the
whole earth.
Genesis 11:5 And the Lord came down to
see the city and the tower which the sons of
men had built.
Genesis 11:6 And the Lord said, Behold,
they are one people, and they have all one
language; and this is only the beginning of
what they will do, and now nothing they
have imagined they can do will be
impossible for them.”

You can only go as far as your imagination

can take you. How I learned my own lesson
from friends and family.
Rev Harrison Darwolor, the County
Education Officer for Montserrado County,
a good friend of mine in high school
reminded me of the power of imagination.
On his regular tour of school in Montserrado
County, he had made a stop over at my
offices just to say thank you and
encouraging us about the work and
developmental initiatives we were
undertaking. Then he said something that I
had forgotten about as that was nearly 30
years ago. He said, “these were things you
used to imagine and talk about whenever we
sat together in the cafeteria, the library or at
home eating, studying, or making jokes.” It
was like I was transported in the past and
remembering those days in exile when we
could barely afford to have one full meal.
Thanks to the generosity of the Protestant
Methodist Church and the United Methodist
Global Ministries/Relief because the school
cafeteria became a home. I remembered
when we would ask some of the generous
female students for their monthly meal cards
just to make sure we had enough to eat for
the day as each student was allowed one
meal a day per card. Despite all the
difficulties, “nothing they have imagined
they can do will be impossible for them.”

I had another friend, Willington Brown,

from my mission days at boarding school
(Youth Mission of Life where we grew up
until the war), who made a stopover at our
Community Of Hope for a visit. We’re
sitting upstairs in the sitting room having
conversation when he said to me, “some
twenty (20) years ago when you came back
on the mission as a young preacher to
minister, I remembered you outlining all the
things you set out to do in life and ministry.
You went on to say that those are the things
that you imagine to do and you are going to
do them. Today, as I sit in your place, there
are no longer imagination but the product of
your imagination.” I became so emotional at
that moment but had to hold back my tears.

My stepfather, Pa George Wamah, (a

humbled and loving man) was spending
some time with us. One morning he came
from the shower and was drinking his
morning coffee while I was sitting next to
him and we’re having some deep family
conversation. I’m sharing with him some of
the things we are doing and what we
planned to do in a year or two and beyond.
All of a sudden he smiled at me and said,
“when I see the school with so many
students and staff, the poultry and its staff,
the farming, the church and all these older
people calling you Dad, chief and sir; no I
can recall that these are the very things you
always said to me whenever you came to
visit us on the farm.” Those were days right
after the war when life was very tough as
everyone was starting from scratch. My
counsin Moses Gbanyan and I would team
up during the vacation to harvest palm and
produce oil to sell. We made farms, made
traps in the forest for animals and baskets in
the rivers for fish but “nothing they have
imaging they can do will be impossible for
them.” Shout out to you my brother Mo.

God’s Creative Imagination

With about 7 billion people on the earth, no
two persons have the same finger prints and
not even identical twins have the same
finger prints. Why is it that no two persons
have the same finger prints? Medical
Science cannot convincingly answer that.
The answer is found in ancient Jewish
wisdom teaching that has foundation in
Genesis 1:27-27.

Man is product of God’s creative

As the product of God’s creative
imagination, you uniquely reflect God.
Naturally, man was made to reflect God
(emotionally-will, and feeling, and
physically) but that naturall likeness was
corrupted at the fall of man. As the result of
the fall every man is need motivated
(physical, emotional, and spiritual); barriers
are set up which create tentions and require
adjustment. If you don’t make adjustments
then you violate your lifestyle, character,
and behavior.
Morally, man was made sinless but lost that
moral likeness at the fall.
Your creativity is the product of your mind
You see things the way you do because of
God’s creative imagination in you. That’s
why two persons can hear the same
information but process it differently. Mark
15:34 (Ps 22).
If I drew an image on a board and told you
to draw that same image, everyone here will
have different sizes and not exactly the
same image. The reason is that you hold the
pencil or pen based on how you think. It’s
your thinking the creates the pattern for the
image you see in your mind. Even though
the image is on the board; you’ll have to see
it in your mind/imagination before it can be
created on paper.

The You that Others See is the You that

Your Created
The ”YOU” that will ever exis is the only
“YOU” that you create in your mind. How
you see youself determines how others see
you. How you see yourself determines
where you live, how you dress, and what
you believe.
Your thought process affects your atitude (a
set way of thinking or feeling about
something); and that attitude is reflected in
your behaviour. Your attitude influences
your action (1 Sam. 17:32, “ Don’t worry
about this Philistine… I’ll go and fight him.”

The Mind Game

The greatest battle that believers have to
face each day is the battle of the mind.
Our warfare is not agains flesh and blood
(For the weapons of our warfare are not
carnal, but mighty through God to the
pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down
imaginations, and every high thing that
exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity every thought to
the obedience of Christ;” 2 Cor. 10:4-5. We
arrest every argument, reasoning and
thought in imagination stage before it
becomes a crime.

Why Is God interested in your Imagination

Looking at creation; it can be an equipment
for good
Looking at rebellion of man and (when she
saw the fruit and imagined that it can make
one wise) and the rebellion of the fallen
angel, Isaaih 14:12-14; imagination can be a
weapon to your own destruction when it’s in
opposition to God’s purpose for you.

1. God’s Greatest
Investment in you
The breath of life. “Breathed into his
nostril the breath of life…” and not
“speak into his nostril the breath of

They won’t sit till you arrive

The greatness of what Liberia ever

becomes as a nation is not tied up in
some international aids or bilateral
agreements. It is the understanding
of who we are, why we are where we
are, and what does it take to get us
from there to where we want to be.
That will lead to deliberate
disciplinary practices and decisions.
It’s a shame that after 174 years of
independence, we are still not being
able to create an environment that
produces wealth but poverty instead.
With all the natural resources God
did bless our country and people
with; we’re ranked amongst the five
poorest countries of the world. The
only justification for that is that
there’s no vision and most of those
we put into positions of trust have
got no purpose to live for, die for
and hope for.
Every time I look around I see so
many opportunities for creating
wealth. But when the lack of vision
doesn’t see what you see; you
become an object of hate, ridicule,
suppression, envy and the likes for
inspiring others that it’s possible to
attain to greatness.
God created all man but some are
children of God, some servants of
God, and while other some friends of
God; and yet other some, enemies of
A child is still dulled in
understanding. “For everyone that
useth milk is unskilled in the word of
righteousness: for he is a babe,”
Heb. 5:13. A child is one under
tutorlige until the appointed time,
Gal. 4:1.
A servant is not privilege to dinner
time information of his master that
comes through conversation. “For
the servants knoweth not what his
Lord doth,” Jn.15:15. Why? They
are in kitchens and often at the back
and only appear on call. They serve
God takes us through the process
from enemies to servants, children,
and then friends. Friends don’t need
invitation and they are served by
servants at dinner tables. They are
privileged to information denied
servants. “I call you not servants...
but I have called you friends: for all
things that I have heard of my father
I have made known to you,” Jn.
No matter the father’s love for his
child, there are information that
can’t be shared with that child as
long as he or she is still a child. He
is unskilled and immature in
Visions are therefore not for
children but for the matured minds.
It is your ability to understand and
carry out a vision that considers you
matured and not necessarily based
on age.
If you have past the age of forty
(Acts 7:23), and yet don’t have any
conviction or insight of the direction
you are headed for in life, be it an
individual, institution or a nation;
man, you need a break to rethink.
Jesus said to his disciples, “When
the spirit of truth, is come, he will
guide you into all truth: for he shall
not speak of himself; but whatsoever
he shall hear, that shall he speak:
and he will show you things to
come”. God believes in information
because knowledge is power and the
absence of it destroys. The proper
knowledge of what is ahead puts you
in the right position to make the
meaningful decisions. The proper
attitude enables you to respond and
cope with a situation.
Given all the propaganda and
information about freedom and
prosperity that the arm revolution
was bringing, had Liberians in
general had the slightest insight as
to what war is all about: rape,
maiming, killings, destructions,
separations of families, hate,
violence, hunger, crimes and many
other abuses; I believe the war
would not have gotten the general
support it got from the very start.
The mass destructions of lives and
properties, and the heinous crimes
committed by my innocent and
ignorant generation was the absence
of one thing; the information about
the tragedies of war.
Had our history taught us the
consequences of war, be it in the
name of freedom movement or
whatever it was called; I believe we
(my generation) would never had
embraced it. The lack of vision failed
to see what was coming and directed
at us; and the lack of it destroyed my
country to the core and foundation.
The saddest part is that after all that,
as a nation, we don’t even know
where we’re at right now.

Remember the “evening passed and

morning came,” which brought the
birth of a new beginning. We don’t
even know why more than 250,000
people lost their lives when
corruption, nepotism, social
inequalities, abuse of power and
public office are more rampant.
This scenario is no different from
what is happening to mankind. Man
has completely lost his grip on
God’s vision for him and for his
purpose on the earth. Why all the
wars, hates, violence, crimes, amidst
the many advances in academic,
science and technology? The
knowledge of God for man’s purpose
on this planet and not on any other
is generally lost to man. Since the
fall every self-human effort for
attaining the good became corrupted
and depraved. However, one can
only be individually restored to that
purpose through Jesus Christ.
Wrong priorities can be set when
vision is lost and lacking. Unaware
of the environment, the
opportunities, the trend of events;
how will they all sum up (things to
come), leave you unprepared to cope
and settle in the time and place you
find yourself.
It took Noah 120 years to construct
the ark. He was doing what was in
complete violation of happenings of
his time. By vision he was 120 years
of his days and doing something very
unusual in his days. While everyone
was going after acceptable norms,
he stepped 120 years ahead of those
norms and became distinct. So
Genesis 6:8 says “But Noah found
grace in the eyes of the LORD.”
Why was that possible? He was
acting on information given him by
God about coming world disaster.
As society mocked him and referred
to him a social misfit and giving
themselves to partying, drinking and
all forms of worldliness; “But
Noah” became distinct. Vision set
him apart from the rest of society.
The right survey and discovery of
life made that possible. They
criticized but Noah was never
Every time people criticize you
unreasonably, they are only
intimidated by your vision and
purpose because they’ve got nothing
to offer as opposed to what you
have. They see themselves as
inadequate to offer alternative
Before the ascension of Jesus into

2. When I Showed up the

Ceremony Started

B. The seven days creation narrative

are principles of creativity through
which God is teaching humanity
the principles of building out of

Day One: Vision and Information

Genesis 1:3 Then God said, “Let there be

light,” and there was light.
Genesis 1:4 And God saw that the light was
good. Then he separated the light from the
Genesis 1:5 God called the light “day” and
the darkness “night.” And evening passed
and morning came, marking the first day.

Let’s consider some importance of light:

Light gives clarity, awareness, assurance,
information, identity, and understanding.
“God is light and in him is no darkness at
all.” Therefore, he did not need any clarity,
information or understanding about what he
was about to create given his infinite
knowledge and wisdom. Romans 11:33
“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the
wisdom and knowledge of God! How
unsearchable are his judgments and his ways
past finding out!” NKJV.
On day one of creation, God did call light
into being for man’s purpose who was yet to
be created on day six.
The appearance of light gives you an insight
of anything that might have been hidden
from you in darkness. A dark room that may
contain so many goodies for you is out of
reach until light is present. You may not be
able to identify anything you need during
darkness. The presence of light will inform
you on how to locate whatever you need in
that room.
When light comes on the scene, it carries a
purpose along with it. “Neither do men light
a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a
candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that
are in the house,” Mat. 5:15. The purpose
for creation beginning with light on day one
has been lost to many, especially those in
this church age who ought not to be ignorant
of this mystery. This chapter will unveil this
mystery for your use.

William Shimmel, then the husband of my

wonderful host family in the USA, worked
with LG back in 2016. According to Bill,
when their products arrived from the
factory; they use a light to pass through each
product. In case of any defect, it would be
exposed by the light.
God only knew the defect of temptation and
subsequent sin was on its way. Man needed
the light existing before him to create
awareness and give him the information
needed to expose sin’s defect.
Every information or knowledge gained is
expected to be implemented on purpose or it
could be used against you to destroy you.
See Genesis 3:1-8.
Aspirations, purposes, and lives are
destroyed because people seldom know
where to begin. It is good to be optimistic
about life but more importantly, know where
to begin. There are many failed and
unsuccessful people in life because they lack
the missing link regarding the purpose for
which they were born into this world and
where they find themselves.
What then is required as the foundation that
guarantees a complete and successful life?
Jesus first public preaching begins with,
“The Spirit of the lord is upon me, for he
has anointed me to bring Good News
(information) to the poor…, Luke 4:18.
That information given to the poor is
good news that will result in the
following: freedom for the captives
(spiritual and mental freedom) and the
blind will see (including being “filled
with the deep and clear knowledge of
His will in all spiritual wisdom-
comprehensive insight into the ways
and purpose of God,” Col. 1:9, AMP

Jesus was on a mission to give information,

awareness, clarity, and consciousness to the
poor including all those who have been
programmed by society to live the average
life a thus setting them free from the grips of
ignorance the matrix in which they live. The
poor doesn’t need money or riches but what
the poor needs is information to access all of
God’s blessings available to him since the
beginning of creation. Bob Proctor said,
“nothing is created or destroyed. Everything
is already here either in one form or the
other. We are all born rich, but some may
have little more money than the others.”
When you get information then you make
decision. In every area of life, one needs the
right information to be at success in a given
field. You are a pastor and wants to be
successful and create wealth; then you need
the right information regarding wealth
creation. You can only do that by stepping
out of the box you’ve been placed in by
society. “Pastors don’t need to be wealthy.”
In fact, I believe and know that anybody can
become wealthy especially when I see the
progression and success stories of my own
life. I am not there yet but thank God I am
not where I use to be.

John 1:5 say, “The light shines in darkness

and the darkness did not understand it,” 21st
Century New Testament, RKJV. It seems
even Adam, the image of God did not
understand the light and its purpose relating
to him as he came on the scene. He did not
come to grips with why light was made
before him as the crown of God’s creation
until he stepped into the world of sin and his
entire world felt apart.
God wanted the first man created to have
insight, awareness, clarity, information, and
assurance about God’s creation and how to
conduct his activities as chief administrator
with a clear understanding of his defined
role. I call this finding your purpose. With
this light, man was set to be on the top of all
of creation and become an attraction. “You
are the light of the world.” You are a city set
on a hill that cannot be hidden, emphasis
mind, Mat.5:14.

Light in Genesis 1:3 represents vision.

The word vision is defined as act or sense of
seeing; anything seen; creation of
imagination (New Compact Webster

The Roget’s Pocket thesaurus also fives the

following ideas on vision as a survey,
inspection, and watchtower, make out,
recognize, discover, look on, and see at a

Life, as far as the sovereignty of God

designed it, begins with vision. It is being
able to survey your surroundings, recognize
what it has to offer you and against you;
seeing things at a glance, inspect with care
and distinguish what you need to take (what
is allowed and available to you and for you)
and what you need to let go. Vision enables
you to have the rightful attitude to confront
what is ahead and is directed towards you.
Adam did not understand that something
horrible called temptation 3:1-8 was headed
and directed towards him. He needed to
survey and recognize by the insight of light
and develop the right attitude in confronting
temptation 3-One-Eight. Lacking vision
about what was ahead; he became corrupted
and depraved of his legitimate authority.
“Where there is no vision, the people
perish,” Proverbs 29:18.

The very first thing that God spoke to man

about after God created him is in connection
to vision. Genesis 2:16-17, “And the LORD
God commandeth the man, saying, of every
tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day
that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely
die.” God saw it coming but only vision
would have recognized that it will finally
come, though it may tarry. Vision would
have prepared for it. Vision would have
discovered it. Immediately in the next
chapter of Genesis, man encounters
temptation 3-1-8. When it came, man was
caught with his pants down. Lack of
awareness left him unprepared.
Becoming a pace setter and a record breaker
who leaves some distinctive prints on the
sands of time cannot be possible in the
absence of vision. Note, “God divided the
light from the darkness,” Gen. 1:4 and not
the other way round. Light brings distinction
and uniqueness. What will set you apart
from the crowds of life is vision.
“You are the light of the world. A city that is
set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they
light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on
a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are
in the house. Let your light so shine before
man...” Mat. 5:14-16, NKJV.

Vision cannot be contained and suppressed

because it will always burst forth. Imagine
Moses a child of vision and purpose could
not be kept in the house for more than three
months. Life comes with so much problems
and challenges, but vision carries along so
much power to confront those and triumph
Do you have the vision to survey and
discover the mentality required for where
you are? Remember where you are right
now is a matter of choice. Can you
distinguish anything special for your
purpose apart from what everyone goes after
and what your purpose may not require?
History makers did so not based on their
positions, wealth and or connections but on
the visions they had way ahead of their
times. Everything it took to make them great
was inside of them and not necessarily on
the standards set by society. They attempted
what society thought would never be done.
As the result of that, today we are enjoying
some of the most advances in science and
technology in the history of mankind. Just
imagine if the Wright brothers had said “yes,
you can never get plane in the air.” Why if
Elon Musk had said the idea of Space would
never be possible? If Bill Gates had listen to
the big techs back then; what would
technology look like without his enormous

Today my nation is caught up in a serious

leadership deficit and gross incompetence. I
kind of ask myself as to why we even study
history in school. It seems from the fact that
our history never teaches us anything. When
you don’t know where you came from and
where you are headed across the river; you
could land any place and yet consider that it
was a successful crossing; simply because
you got across and not bothered about where
you landed.
National leaders don’t even have visions,
policies and projects regarding the time they
find themselves in and how they can
navigate from there to the place of
prosperity and development. They keep
turning in a cycle with change of leadership
that means nothing anymore. This can all be
put into one word. Vision and the lack of a
clearly defined purpose. The principles of
morality, godly fear, integrity and love,
upon which the nation was founded, had
been neglected for secularism. Secularism
without vision has given birth to abuse of
power and public office, poverty and
corruption, and the lists goes on and on.

heaven, he left his disciples with

information that would change the
course of religion and its history.
“Wait for the promise of the Father,
which saith he ye have heard of me.
For John truly baptized with water,
but ye shall be baptized with the
Holy Spirit not many days hence,”
Acts 1:4-5. Not been told the exact
number of days to wait, they had to
wait patiently based on the
information to wait. They did not
allow themselves to be lured into the
activities of each day because they
were told to wait. The information
gave them a sense of purpose and
then purpose kept them focused.
When others thought them as lazy
men and women with nothing to do;
that did not affect their focus
because they were well informed of
what they were expecting. Those
ignorant of the promise of the father
considered “these men are full of
new wine,” Acts 2:13. These once
intimidated and dispirited 120
disciples had just received the
promise that would change religion
forever, but ignorance called them
drunk with wine.
Only vision tells you when to be on
the move or when to wait; when to
prepare and when to be on the
Vision dictates your course of events
and is focused and determined.
Vision sees, identifies and pursues
the destiny that many yarn for but
yet despise because of the lack of it.
Vision has the ability to locate,
secure and preserve and that was the
purpose of light on day one.
Vision preserved Noah and his
family as the rest of the world was
destroyed by a flood. Vision endures
and saves and it never fails. With
vision, you can distinguish what the
end will be apart from the current
realities. It gives you a positive
attitude in the midst of a negative
situation. Vision gives you the ability
to make a proper life adjustment
without violating your lifestyle,
character, attitude, behavior and
The absence of vision (light) is the
presence of darkness which is the
recipe for confusion and strife.
People fight, hate and envy because
they pretend to be informed with
what concerns others but so
ignorant of what concerns them.
They end up being bore for doing the
same thing over and over with little
or no results.
Joseph brothers hated him so
much so that they had to sell
him. Reuben, as first born of
Jacob and beginning of “my
might, and the beginning of my
strength, the excellency of
dignity, and the excellency of
power,” Gen.49:3, was so
ignorant of his role and thus
became “unstable as water”
and therefore “shalt not excel”
because “thou went up into thy
father’s bed” and “defiled thou
it.” Gen. 49:4. The absence of
vision will render you an
instrument and deposit of hate.
Joseph’s brothers, in selling
Joseph, were ignorantly and
unknowing saying:
“We do not deserve you so you
can’t stay among us. There is
so much hate in our hearts so
much so that you may never
survive here. We are just too
blind to see what you would
become tomorrow. We are so
stupid and blinded by hate and
ignorance that we can’t see
what is inside of you for our
survival. If you can’t leave, we
will do all we can so that you
leave this place. The more you
love us the more we will hate
you. Go with your favor and
your blessing. We don’t
deserve any of those. We are so
bent on cruelty that we refuse
and fail to see your worth. The
day is coming that we will
come looking for you; this time
it won’t be by choice but as a
matter of must. You are too
way ahead of your time. How
dare you see famine coming
and we don’t see. In the time of
famine, you will be our man of
food but we don’t care now
because none of that make
sense to us now. All we care
about is the now. That’s why as
you continue to have dreams
about what you would become
tomorrow; all we care about
now is our stomach, brother-
stealing, killing, and eating our
father’s cattle.”
Are you finding it hard to get a
breakthrough at what you are
involved with right now? Did
you start with the right vision
and attitude? You cannot start
with a two without a one. You
must go from one and then two
and progress onward. The day
one of your life must begin with
vision (light), and that
determines how the others fall
into place.
Jesus did not submit to the
death on the cross simply
because as God he had the
power to lay down his life and
take it back. He submitted to
the death on the cross, as cruel
and inhumane as it was,
because he was aware of his
role as such in God’s plan for
redemption since eternity past;
and long before the foundation
of the world. He often spoke of
his death with his disciples
because he knew what was
coming for him. He wanted
them to prepare for the hour
when it came, yet still out of
ignorance, some wanted to
fight at his arrest.
“For the joy that was set
before him endured the cross
(by information and insight),
despising the shame,” Heb.
Believers often fail to realize
that most of what confront them
have been programmed and set
up by God. It will take vision to
despise the shame and press
forward. Your place in life has
a purpose that is usually
accompanied by a shame that
you can only endure by vision
that sees reward beyond the
shame. The blessing is in
despising the shame when it’s
in obedience to your purpose.
Like I said earlier, vision is for
mature minds and not for kids.
“By faith Moses, when he was
come to years, refused to be
called the son of Pharaoh’s
daughter,” Heb. 12:24. How
does faith come? Faith comes
by hearing. That’s information.
It took information for Moses
to choose “rather to suffer
affliction with the people of
God, than to enjoy the
pleasures of sin for a season,”
v. 25. It was information and
insight that “esteemed the
reproach of Christ greater
riches,” v.26. Through vision
and information Moses
recognized that it was far more
honorable to suffer for Christ
and therefore had to forsake
Egypt. He left everything he
had acquired, inheritance and
position included.
Paul having come to
understand his full purpose in
life could say: “But what things
were gain to me, these I have
counted loss for Christ. But
indeed I also count all things
loss for the excellence of the
knowledge of Christ Jesus my
lord, for whom I have suffered
the loss of all things, and count
them as rubbish, that I may
gain Christ,” Phi. 3:7-9.
The power to make the right
choice and endure by forsaking
the past and saying goodbye
will come from the right vision
and information.
Every vision and information is
time limited. It has to be
processed and acted upon
within a given time. “For the
vision is for an appointed time,
but at the end it shall speak,”
Hab. 2:3. When God created
light, then “the evening passed
and the morning came,
marking the first day,’’ Gen.
1:9 (NLT). The light brought
about the awareness of the
passing of time. Every
information that God gives
must be acted on within its
given time if it must have its
enduring impact.
You will only do what you do
with confidence and endurance
when you have a glimpse (not
the details) of the reward there
after. Jesus said to the
disciples: “Let not your heart
be troubled: ye believe in God
believe also in me. In my
Father’s house there are many
mansions: if it were not so, I
would have told you. I go to
prepare a place for you. And if
I go and prepare a place for
you, I will come again, and
receive you unto myself; that
were I am, there you may be
also,” Jn.14:1-3.
What give the disciples so
much confidence and
assurance to carry out their
mission even in the midst of
hostile society was the insight
of what tomorrow held for
them; as they were often
inspired by promises that came
from the very words and lips of
Christ Jesus. They took difficult
decisions, confronted
authorities, shook nations and
manifested the glory of God in
the face of much opposition.
You need a relationship with
God in order to have a vision
that certifies your God-given
The day Moses encountered
God at the burning bush; he
then realized that he had far
greater purpose in life than
feeding and caring for sheep. It
was from that moment he knew
that it was possible to stand
before Pharaoh again. But this
time, things were from a
different perspective and not as
a son of Pharaoh’s daughter
but as a deliverer of an entire
nation suppressed for more
than 400 years.
The day one of the creation
story is the foundation on
which your life must begin.
God created light to make man
aware of himself, his
environment, his opportunities
and the ways to progress. It
does not matter how much
hopeful you may be about life,
if you lack the vision to inspire
that hopefulness; you’ve
already failed before
The academic knowledge you
acquire has its place but
limited in so many ways. It is
built on assumption, reasoning,
observation and
experimentation. It lacks the
missing link. That’s why
financial experts could not see
the credit crunch and economic
meltdown coming in 2008.
They are “ever learning and
never able to come to the
knowledge of the truth, 2 Tim.
3:7. The knowledge of the
divine truth lacking in the
world since the fall. With all
the major advances in science
and technology; man by
himself has not been able to
solve the problems of wars,
diseases (incurable), famines,
human disasters, earthquakes,
droughts, natural disasters and
so forth. Mankind has lost that
link (vision) from the very
beginning and today stands
hopeless and helpless. See
Gen. 3:7.
And the evening passed and the
morning came, marking the
first day. Your life cannot and
will not accelerate without
vision and the right
information for where you are
at right now.
Going the way of God
Considering the cultural
diversities that made it
impossible for Jews to
fellowship with Gentiles then;
it was information that led
Peter (a Jew) to Cornelius’ (a
Gentile) house. Physical
realities and cultural
differences would not have
made that any easier. But
information and insight did and
brought the gospel to
Cornelius’ house. Vision and
information also made it
possible for Cornelius to send
for Peter and prepared to
accept him in his house. “He
saw in a vision... an angel of
God coming in to him, and
saying unto him Cornelius...
thy prayers and thine alms are
come up for a memorial before
God,” Acts 10:3-4. “Now send
men to Joppa, and call for one
Simon, whose surname is
Peter,” v. 5.
Cornelius, a gentile, worked
under the Roman authority that
posed a threat to the early
church but as a person he was
a God fearing man. It took
vision to have brought Peter (a
Jew) face to face with
Cornelius (a Gentile) and have
them fellowshipped. “He fell
into a trance, and saw heaven
opened... And there came a
voice to him, Rise, Peter,”
Acts 10:10, 11, 12. Vision has
the ability to see, distinguish,
survey and come up with the
right decision in the midst of
the impossible.
Every vision is made clearer
only as you begin to pursue it.
The choice to pursue will bring
the full understanding into
light. The details are in the
obedience to pursue.
“Now while Peter doubted in
himself what this vision...the
Spirit said unto him...
Arise ...and get thee down, and
go with them, doubting
nothing: for I have sent them,”
Acts 10:17, 19-20. Oh how
many times the lack of vision
often makes us miss on
connecting with those God has
set along our path. Only vision
can locate, identify and
comprehend them because they
usually come in unusual ways.
It will take vision for you to go
unimaginable places and do
impossible things. Most
importantly, vision makes you
go the way of God when no one
else will do.
John 1:4, “The Word gave life to
everything that was created,
and his life brought light to
The life of the Word (Jesus Christ)
alone is able to bring light to a
misinformed and misled world despite
all the many advances in Science and

Chapter Two
Day 2- Heights and Blessings
Gen. 1:6-8
Genesis 1:6 Then God said,
“Let there be a space between
the waters, to separate the
waters of the heavens from the
waters of the earth.”
Genesis 1:7 And that is what
happened. God made this
space to separate the waters of
the earth from the waters of
the heavens.
Genesis 1:8 God called the
space “sky.” And evening
passed and morning came,
marking the second day.
He “called the firmament
Heaven.” Heaven in the
scriptures also signifies height.
“Is not God in the height of
heaven? And behold the height
of the stars, how high they
are,’’ Job 22:12.
It will take vision for you to
become a pace setter and
record breaker and rise above
the average in society. God
desires men and women to rise
above the waters(struggles) of
life no matter the odds. He has
the power to “bless you with
the blessings of heaven above,”
Gen. 49:25. But you’ve got to
have that information that
makes you think the way God
thinks toward you.
Jesus entered the temple and
began whipping and
overthrowing the tables of
those making merchandise in
the house of God. He did not
need to wait for someone to tell
him what to do when he saw
the wrong about his father’s
house. He did not need the
blessing or approval of the
high priest before he could act.
Through vision and insight,
Jesus knew that he was the
height of all authority and
power. Vision told him that that
was his father’s house and his
authority was from above.
Jesus was doing nothing illegal
and wrong but it was only
strange to those lacking insight
as to who he was. John 2:17
says, “And his disciples
remembered that it was written,
(information was written).
There are places God wants
you tread and take charge but
the idea to do that often seem
impossible for you because you
lack the information that had
been predetermined by God for
that purpose.
Practically, one has to be
above in order to fully discover
and identify that which is
beneath. From above there is
only one place to look and that
is below or down. “When he
ascended up on high,” Eph.
4:8 and “even as Christ is the
head (upward) of the Church:
and the savior of the body
(below),” Eph. 5:23.
No being can survive without
the head. The head of the
church is above on high,
“highly exalted” with a name
“which is above every name”.
All these signify height and
blessings. Your height and
blessing is not limited to
earthly authorities and
opinions; but up on high where
Christ is Jesus is seated at the
right hand of God the father.
As a child of God, does the
place you find yourself (as the
body of which Christ is the
head) matchup with where your
head (Christ) is positioned?
Genuine and eternal blessing is
from the height above and it
takes the information that will
matchup to lift up your level of
reasoning to have a contact
with your blessing from the
medium waves of heaven
“Look down from thy holy
habitation, from heaven, and
bless thy people,” Deut. 26:15.
The height you want to achieve
in life that would match up with
God’s purpose for you comes
from above and not from the
earth beneath. “Know
therefore this day, and consider
it in thine heart, that the LORD
he is God in heaven above, and
upon the earth beneath: there
is none else,” Deut. 4:39. What
that has got to do with me? You
may ask. “...keep therefore his
statutes, and his
commandments...that it may go
well with thee...with thy
children...thou mayest prolong
thy days upon the earth...” v.
40. Do you hear that?
Earthly heights and positions
can be toppled. Earthly
blessing and wealth can be
corrupted and destroyed but
that which comes from above is
eternal. “Lay not up for
yourselves treasures upon
earth, where moth and rust
doth corrupt, and where thieves
break through and steal: But
lay up for yourselves treasures
in heaven, where neither moth
nor rust doth corrupt, and
where thieves do not break
through nor steal,” Mat.6:19-
“If that thou hearken unto the
commandments of the LORD
thy God (information and
instruction), then “the LORD
shall open unto thee his good
treasure, the heaven to give the
rain unto thy land in his
season, and to bless all the
work of thine hand,” Deut. 28,
verse 13 and then verse 12.
There are heights in life that
God wants to take you and
there are treasures he wants to
open unto you but you need the
right information at the time it
is needed in order to access
God’s treasure unto you.

The heaven above and the deep

beneath are always connected
in scripture (Deut. 33:13). You,
on the earth beneath, require
your connection to heaven, the
height above in order to take
charge and pursue destiny with
hope and expectation.
Day two is the next important
stage of your life in the
creation story. The stage where
you are set apart from the
average with your God-given
information and vision. This is
the stage that raises your
mentality so much so that you
know the level at which you are
able to identify what is genuine
blessing apart from what is a
trap from the enemy. You can
tell what is from God if and
when you see it because you
see from a platform of
information from which others
don’t see. You have and pursue
values worth dying for when
others don’t.
When others no longer muster
the courage to fight on, the
more you still hang on with a
persevering attitude. You see
from a height what no one else
can at the moment. And I am
more keened to the reality that
every height of God carries its
own share of blessing more
than the idea that “every level
carries its own devil” usually
professed by believers.
The facts from the earth
beneath and current realities
saw Paul as a prisoner on a
ship bound for Rome caught up
in a storm with no hope of
survival for him including 276
occupants. Acts 27:9-20.
However, though earthly as a
member of the body of Christ,
but with the eye of Christ, the
head above; Paul saw what all
the others on the ship did not
see possible. “I exhort you to
be of good cheer: for there
shall be no loss of any man’s
life among you, but of the ship.
For there stood by me this
night the angel of God, whose I
am, and whom I serve, saying,
Fear not, Paul...God hath
given thee all them that sail
with thee,” Acts 27:22-24.
Even though Paul is an earthly
prisoner on his way to Rome
but with God he is seated with
Christ Jesus in heavenly places
(Eph. 2:6).
What you bind on earth shall
be bound in heaven
(Mat.16:19), but you cannot
bind or release on earth when
you don’t attain to the height
that is in conformity with
What do you have to raise you
above the pressures of life?
What is the backup that will
allow others to listen to you
despite your physical status?
Only a God-given vision has
the power to raise you to such
The one who is above the rest
definitely always becomes the
focus of attention and has the
ability to take charge.
Regardless of how society sees
you and whatever name tag
they may give you; there has to
be a dividing line between you
and them. That dividing line is
the place of height and
blessing. Like Paul, it is what is
going to silence your critics.
You don’t have to hurt another
for position or promotion; they
will eventually come with the
place of height, the Day 2 of
your life.

Joseph did not have to go

looking for position and
blessing. Even when his
master’s wife lied on him, he
did not fight back. Promotion
and blessing came knocking at
his door at the time he least
expected though he always
knew it was coming, “the moon
and stars bowed to me.” He
always saw everything with the
eye that comes with height. “I
can’t do this against my God.”
It took the eye of height for
Joseph to have broken through
the siege of slavery and rise up
to the top and commanded all
the wealth of Egypt. You are
not an exception to the rules of
the seven days’ creation story.
Every human being is creating
his own little world after the
pattern of his creator and
maker. God’s blueprint is
man’s pattern for a successful
living. This has been lost to
man since the fall but regained
through Christ; yet many are
yet to come to grasp with this
The problem is not the land but
the man. That is, not the
background, family or race you
come from. The bottom-line is
you lack because you slack to
attaining the height where you
belong and not that you are
black or white, slave or free.
I have seen the power of God
manifested greatly during my
years in ministry. However, my
most memorable moment was
when I ministered at my
maternal grandmother’s
funeral. This was on March 18,
2007. She was a daughter of a
tribal warrior and Chief; and
also dowry as wife of one of
Liberia’s greatest paramount
Chiefs (Dolokellen Paye), but
for her tender age then he gave
her over to his son and
successor (Samuel Y. Paye).
For such a person, sure you
expect her death would had
attracted a lot of people;
government officials,
traditional elders, chiefs,
NGOs, students, clergymen,
etc. She had impacted many
lives and became a strong and
committed Christian of which I
am a proof through her elder
daughter (my lovely mother).
Upon her death, I was selected
to preach the funeral discourse.
Ten years prior to this, I had
made a decision to become a
minister of the gospel while
studying Criminal Justice
Administration at A.M.E. Zion
University. There and then
many family members
misunderstood me for been
worthless and labeled “shame
and disgrace” to the family. I
could understand their
disappointment when a smart
young lad (A+ student) with
ambition to become a criminal
lawyer suddenly turned to the
study of theology. At that time
there was so many voices in my
ear that I couldn’t even think
clearly. Amidst the many
pressures from family and
friends, I could clearly identify
the voice of God though it
couldn’t match up with the
circumstances around me then.
I could smell, feel and taste
failure but I kept hearing that
still small voice telling me “If
you commit to my will, I will
bless you beyond your
imagination.” It was my choice
to submit in obedience to the
call of God even when I didn’t
understand the details that set
me apart and take beyond the
ordinary. When I was selected
to deliver the funeral discourse
at my beloved grandmother’s
funeral, though there were
many qualified, established,
and known pastors connected
to the family including the
pastor of her local church. God
often builds his plans around
your choice.
Standing on that pulpit and
looking at those hundreds of
grieving faces sitting there in
the pew; I couldn’t believe that
vision and insight has brought
me to the place of height in the
family though amongst the
least of my maternal’s family.
That was only the beginning of
many heights that were coming.
Height made the family “shame
and disgrace” a public orator
on such a day.
Speaking on the theme “Time
is What You Don’t Have,”
with text from Ecc. 9:11; I
could see the lives that were
being touched by the Spirit of
God given the various
responses and reactions from
the pew.
That vision has brought me to
the height I am today and
enabled me to find my purpose.
“My purpose is to meet people
(dispirited and discouraged)
wherever they are, inspire them
to THINK and SEE beyond
their present status and
limitations in such a way that
enables them to achieve
whatever was considered
impossible for them and
others.” That’s my purpose and
not what I had to do to survive
or to make money. It is what I
could wake up every morning
just knowing that I love doing
what I’m going to be doing and
I was going to dedicate my life
doing it with or without. It was
a value worth dying for that
was also worth living for.
That purpose is evident to as
our ministry has become a
channel and a community
center of hope to the blinds,
orphans, and providing jobs for
mothers and fathers, husbands
and wives in addition to the
preaching of the gospel.
The heaven is for height and
the earth for depth. Paul
commanded believers at
Colossae to “Seek those things
which are above...not on things
on the earth” (Col. 3:1-2).
Earthly knowledge without
spiritual (heavenly) inspiration
is corrupted in all its forms.
The more our world advances
in science and technology the
more dangerous it becomes a
place to stay. Man cannot solve
the problems of insecurities
and incurable diseases. They
have produced so much deadly
weapons (biological, chemical
and nuclear) that could wipe
out humanity in a minute. Man
has reached the height of
potential destruction that it will
have to take a divine
intervention from on high to
stop this hopeless and helpless
scenario. God’s height for man
was never meant to be of
chaos, wars, and destructions.
The problem wrong with this
world is man himself and
nothing else. You can even
relocate man to Mars or
somewhere else, it would still
become an ungovernable place
to live. The height of morality,
loyalty, integrity, honesty, and
wisdom that ought to command
the commended blessing of
God is lost. Yet man is still
hopelessly stuck in observation,
reasoning, and experience
which they call experiment.
The world you live in is more
than meet the eye (Eph. 6:12).
There are powers, rulers and
spiritual forces of wickedness
doing all they can against you
so that you will never occupy
your place of height in this life.
What they do in the spirit realm
greatly influences your
physical world and how you
react and respond to that. But
the word of God warns us to
“Neither give place to the
devil,” Eph. 4:27. That means
the devil does not want your
money, family, popularity,
connection and all that. If he
can take your place, then he
got you. When the devil
appeared in the garden, it was
to take man’s place. Every
territory you have conceded to
the devil I declare them
recovered in Jesus’ name.
The forces of evil against you
are not ignorant forces. When
the devil shows up he knows
exactly what he wants from
you. If you don’t know the
value of the position and
authority that God has placed
you, the devil knows. You may
ask Adam and Eve.
Your gift and talent is your
height and position that is
eventually going to bring you
blessings in abundance. Adam
and Eve underestimated what
the devil knew about their
position and such enviable
height. Ignorance easily traded
such divine position for a
temporal and unreliable one
(observation, reasoning and
experimentation). They could
not live out God’s purpose and
maintain such height where
they would receive the
“commended’’ blessing. They
lost their crown to the devil.
If where you are is a matter of
choice, then the devil can take
nothing from you until you
decide to let him have it.
Balaam could not curse Israel
as Balak wanted; but instead
he made them bring curse upon
themselves by getting them
involved with immorality.
The world needs to know, you
need to know and mankind
needs to know that he can
never reach the height he
desires until that desire has
God as it source. Isn’t it absurd
that the more the United
Nations and leading world
powers preach the message of
peace, the more the crises of
the world’s various regions
increase? The world speaks
peace on one hand then on the
other, it asks for financial aids
to deal with the many
crises caused by wars of all
kinds. The vision to attain that
height of peace and eternal
blessing is lost to mankind.
And the evening and the
morning were the second day.
With vision comes the height
that attracts blessings. We may
not all begin with the same
timing but we may all need to
begin with a day one and
onward. When vision brings
you to the place of height that
commands blessings, it is not
the time to accumulate wealth.
God is so orderly in the
creation narrative. He won’t
give you what you don’t have
the capacity to handle. You
must place your priority on
locating your habitation and
dwelling and then comes your
third day.

Chapter Three
Day Three- Habitations and
Gen. 1:9-13
“Let the waters under the
heaven be gathered together
unto one place, and let the dry
land appear...And God called
the dry land Earth; and the
gathering of the waters called
the seas... Let the earth bring
forth grass, the herb yielding
seed, and the fruit tree
yielding fruit after his
kind...And the evening and the
morning were the Third day.”
You need to know God’s plan
for this blessed life He had
intended from the beginning of
time. People migrate from one
place to another without first
knowing what God’s purpose
in such place is for them. Like I
earlier said, usually it is not the
land but the man who occupies
the land that is the problem. It
would make no different if and
when you go from one place to
another with the same mind
and mentality. It is the insight
and information you carry that
makes all the difference and
will determine your habitation
and your dwelling.
Imagine famine in the land of
Canaan and Isaac is tempted
into going to Egypt, the most
logical thing to do then but the
LORD had another plan. The
LORD tells Isaac that the
problem is not the land but the
man. He is instructed to sow in
that very land of famine while
others migrate to places of
greener pastures. “And Isaac
sow in the land and that same
year (of famine) he reaped a
hundredfold harvest” so much
so that he “became great, grew
rich and became very rich” till
the Philistines envied. You
wouldn’t blame them if you
were in their condition. They
could not see how that was
possible with a total stranger
what was not possible for
citizens. So they saw him as a
threat. See Gen. 26:1-12.
Some years ago, it was
reported on the BBC that it
cost a space tourist $20m for
just a ten-day trip. That is just
for the survival of one
individual up there for ten
days. No development fund, no
housing, no car, no shopping,
no education fund and the likes
included. It is only for the
individual survival. You can’t
imagine some even spending
that amount here on earth for
their entire life yet many have
been successful with so little.
Life in the wrong environment
can be very costly. Money is
not necessarily a requirement
for a successful life here on
earth. In fact, money is a
consequence of the vision and
purpose that place you in
height and position.
A space tourist can pay that
much for a ten-day trip to
space because that was not the
perfect habitation and dwelling
for man as far as God’s
sovereignty designed.
If you have a wealth of about
$90bn and decided to live in
space at the cost of 20m for
every ten days, it will only last
you 12 years. The fact remains
that no one in his or her sober
mind can spend $90bn in that
manner here on earth. The
earth has what it takes for you
to survival.
Earth is where man belongs.
There God had provided the
grass, the herb yielding seed,
and the fruit tree yielding fruit
after his kind, whose seed is in
itself, upon the earth,” Gen.
1:11. Did you hear that? Upon
the earth is the only place man
can live a successful life as he
waits eternity.
Day three of your life is when
you locate your habitation and
dwelling. This is very important
in relation to how you gather
or expend wealth. Someone
else’s habitation and dwelling
may only be your 10 days’ trip
to space and the cost and
losses may never be
If you have been involved with
ministry, service or a career
for more than seven years and
yet you don’t find satisfaction
in what you’re spending your
time and energy on; then you
need to rethink, make
adjustment, and take some
decisive steps that will align
you with your life’s purpose
which often don’t match the
A habitation and dwelling is a
place that offers a purpose in
fulfilling your vision and the
information you carry within.
The information that Joseph
carried could only survive and
take root in a place like Egypt
and not in his father’s house.
Vision is information that
places you on a height that
carries a message of distinct
habitation and dwelling
identification. Abraham sent
his servant Eleazer to get a
wife for his son Isaac. This was
the information, “go unto my
country, and to my kindred,
and take a wife unto my son
Isaac...And the servant...said,
O LORD God of my master
Abraham. I pray thee, send me
good speed this day, and shew
kindness unto my master
Abraham...I stand here by the
well of water; and the
daughters ...come out to draw
water... the damsel to whom I
shall say, Let down thy pitcher,
I pray thee, that I may drink,;
and she shall say, Drink, and I
will give thy camels drink also:
let the same be she that thou
hast appointed for thy servant
Isaac...And she said, Drink my
lord: and she hasted ,and let
down her pitcher upon her
hand, and, and gave him
drink...she said, I will draw
water for thy camels also...And
the man wondering ...And
said...The LORD led me to the
house of my master’s
brethren,” Gen. 24:4-27.The
information given him by his
master birthed through him a
message that located a
habitation and dwelling for him
and thus his master.
Are you in a situation where
things don’t seem to be
working out for you and
proving to be very costly?
Please check out on your
location. The land of famine
was not Isaac problem as; long
as that was where God
identified as his dwelling. So
the problem was not the land
but the man who must identify
with his place.
God had made a promise to
bless Jacob even before his
birth. “The LORD said unto
her, two nations are in thy
womb, and two manner of
people shall be separated from
thy bowels; and the one people
shall be stronger than the other
people; and the elder shall
serve the younger,” Gen.
25:23. A promise based on
God’s choice and favor and not
on Jacob’s works.
The place of blessing was never
thought of and considered
important by Jacob until he
stole Esau’s birthright, upon
his mother’s advice. Esau is
angry with Jacob and Jacob is
again advised by Rebekah to
seek safety at her brother
Laban’s, the Syrian in Haran.
See Gen. 27:6-44.
On his way to Laban, Jacob
encountered the LORD and
called the place Bethel (the
house of God). At the house of
God, Jacob made a vow to the
LORD. “and Jacob went from
Beersheba, and went toward
Haran... he lighted upon a
certain place ...and lay down in
that place to sleep... and
behold a ladder set up on the
earth, and the top of it reached
to heaven... the LORD stood
above it, and said, I am the
LORD God of Abraham thy
father, and the God of Isaac:
the land whereon thou liest, to
thee will I give it...and Jacob
vowed a vow,” Gen. 28:10-
God had told Rebekah that the
younger of the two brothers
will be blessed than the elder;
a sovereign choice of God and
not dependent on one’s work.
The question to have been
considered was where? The
blessing was dependent on a
place. “The land where on thou
liest, to thee will I give it, and
to thy seed...in thee and in thy
seed shall all the families of the
earth be blessed,” v.v. 13, 14.
Jacob acquired so much wealth
at Laban’s house and this
brought him into conflict with
his father – in – law and his
brothers – in – law.
“The man increased
exceedingly, and had much
cattle, and maidservants, and
menservants, and camels, and
asses...he heard...Laban’s sons
saying, Jacob hath taken away
all that was our fathers and of
that which was our father’s
hath he gotten all his glory.
And Jacob beheld the
countenance of Laban, and
behold, it was not toward him
as before,” Gen. 30: 43 – 31:1
– 2.
That’s what God does. If he
promises to bless you He’ll
never let any man take His
glory or glory in your blessing.
That’s why at times people you
think are supposed to play a
role in your upliftment are
often not in favor with you with
regards to your purpose. Every
time you dwell together, there
will be a conflict. God is telling
you that it is a warning signal
for departure.
Jacob accumulated wealth in
the wrong place. So the
response from Laban and his
children was not unusual as far
as locating habitation and
dwelling was concerned. That’s
exactly what you get when you
try putting the cart before the
horse by accruing wealth
before habitation and dwelling.
Being warned by God, Jacob
had to return to where he had
met God as he fled from Esau.
There God again appeared to
him, blessed him and gave him
a change of name. There and
then Jacob realized that
material possessions were very
much inadequate and far
removed from true spiritual
blessings as God’s vision,
height, habitation and dwelling
for him was concerned. He
called the name of that place
El-Bethel (the House of God).
Divine and eternal blessing for
Jacob was in Canaan and not
in Haran.
“And the LORD said to Jacob,
return unto the land of thy
fathers, and to thy kindred; and
I will be with thee,” Gen. 31:3.
This was a man now rich in
material possessions with a
large family and servants, yet
the LORD promised him
blessing if and only if he would
return to Canaan. Your only
guarantee that God will ever be
with you is to locate and
remain where he has destined
for you increase and blessing.
Egypt was not a comfortable
place in the memory of any
Israelite but for Joseph, that
was the place the Christ child
would be protected until the
one who seek to kill him was
dead. “Take the young child
and his mother Mary, go down
to Egypt, and remain there
until I bring thee word that
Herod is dead.”
As Jacob is on his way back to
Canaan based on God’s
instruction after 20 years of
hard labor and toil, see what
happened. “And Jacob was left
alone; and there wrestled a
man with him until the
breaking of the day...And he
said I will not let thee go,
except thou bless me...He (the
angel of the LORD) said unto
him, what is thy name? And he
said, Jacob...Thy name shall be
called no more Jacob, but
Israel: for as a prince hast thou
power with God and with men,
and has prevailed...And He
(God) blessed him there. And
Jacob called the name of the
place Peniel: for I have seen
the God face to face, and my
life is preserved,” Gen. 32:24,
Is not this so amazing? On his
way to relocate to his rightful
habitation and dwelling, the
following took place: 1) He
experienced the God of Bethel
and therefore called the place
El-Bethel. Leaving his dwelling
he once called it Bethel (the
house of God) on his return; he
encounters the God of the
house. Leaving his dwelling,
God was leaving him.
Returning to his dwelling, God
was there to be with him.
2) He saw the prevailing
presence of God face to face.
There was a name changed, the
power to prevail, and blessing
was conferred.
Now is time to do away with
the Jacob’s mentality of escape
to safety and security because
of wrong choices. There is that
one place where the puzzles
will begin to fall into place and
it will take vision and height to
get you there.
It’s a wonder that some never
learn from the errors of
history. You need to learn from
the mistakes of those who have
gone before you. Abraham had
been in Haran and left at the
age of 75 only after the death
of his father when God had
previously told him to leave Ur
and go to Canaan (Gen.
11:31). In Haran Abraham was
only a squatter though with a
family. He did not attain to
God’s status of blessing for
him, Gen. 12: 1-3, 5, no matter
his possessions. God had to
redirect him to Canaan in
order to bless him. Sometimes
we make the promises of God
of no effect when the wrong
choices lead us into the wrong
Rebekah’s choice will lead her
son to a location where he will
labor for 20 years and still not
come to fulfillment until God
brings him back to Canaan. I
have come to learn by
experience that no amount of
hard work brings you blessings
and fulfillment but finding and
fulfilling your purpose does.
Little did she know that Haran
no longer had a purpose for
Abraham and his descendants.
When you find yourself in a
place or ministry where God
begins to use situations and
obstacles to conflict and
confront your purpose, you
need to watch out if that’s the
warning signal for departure.
Paul said in Romans that “all
things work together for good
of them that love god and who
are the called according to his
purpose.” Every time I think on
that scripture and relates that
to my personal experience, I
know that God allows
situations, no matter how
painful, to lead you to locating
your rightful place, ministry,
gifting and to reach your
potential in life.
Through dreams, God had
revealed to Joseph that he was
going to be a great leader and
his family would serve him. Yet
the place of greatness is so
significant to the fulfillment of
that purpose. One’s place of
blessing could be another’s
place of pain and shame if and
when not in God’s will. God
brings Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob to Canaan to bless them
but takes Joseph to Egypt and
there make him a god to
In Genesis 26, famine is in the
land of Canaan and Isaac
wants to go to Egypt for food
but God tells him not to but
rather stay in Canaan (v. 2).
Egypt represents a place of
failure, lies and deceits for
Abraham and Isaac. It was
only in Canaan that they had
sufficient grace to endure with
hostile nations in that land.
Abraham was told to “get thee
out of thy country, and from thy
kindred, and from thy father’s
house, unto a land that I will
shew thee.” Gen. 12:1. It was
an invitation to a journey
without destination. Literally,
what God is saying to Abram is
that it is to your advantage that
you go for yourself in order to
discover yourself. That is to
say, leave for yourself and go
unto yourself. Leave and go
discover your true self because
what you are is not what you
were meant but only you can
discover and write your own
There is an environmental
impact, people’s impact, and a
family’s impact on every vision.
Some visions can only be
fulfilled void of or in isolation
of certain places, and people
and family members. Some
loneliness and breakups can be
painful but they can be
necessary. Abraham’s
obedience to leave cost him the
loss of a homeland, friends,
establishment, opportunities,
and family but to fulfill his
purpose in life, he had to leave.
The way of life in Ur couldn’t
allow him get to know God and
learn to depend on him more. It
was not just taking him to a
place of blessing but more of
taking him away from a society
that worshipped the god Nana
(moon god) to getting him to
know the living God more.
“Abraham believed God and
was counted to him for
Someone’s place of bondage
could be your place of safety
and security. Where you are is
a choice and that choice is a
generational choice. When you
make choices, think
generationally because God
thinks, works and blesses
generationally. God had said:
“woe to them that go to Egypt
for help...the Egyptians are
men, and not God,” Isa. 31:1,
3 but it was a place of refuge
for the Christ child, Mat. 2:13.
Jacob was afraid to go down to
Egypt when he heard that
Joseph was still alive and had
sent for him until he heard God
say; “I am God, the God of thy
father: fear not to go down into
Egypt; for I will there make
thee a great nation. I will go
down with thee into Egypt; and
I will surely bring thee up
again,” Gen. 46:3, 4. When
you move with a God-purpose
driven information, God goes
with you. When he is with you,
you are well on your way to
height, habitation and
Do not try to acquire wealth
when you’ve got no habitation
and dwelling for it. You may
eventually have to end up
starting all over again like
Jacob after 20 years of hard
labor. Don’t get me mistaken.
Your place of habitation
doesn’t mean things are going
to ride up to you on the wheels
of inevitability. What is
important is, that is where you
are going to be fulfilled against
all the odds. There you have
the grace to wait for harvest
with joy in your heart. There
you may be hated for that very
vision, despised, rejected,
ostracized and never noticed
but you have the patience to
wait with all gladness of heart.
The evening and the morning
were the third day.
This is the stage of your life
where you have to and must
locate where you belong,
spiritually, emotionally,
physically, socially,
economically, mentally, and in
all aspects of life. It is where
your purpose has the maximum
impact. There you are
eventually on your way to
becoming an asset and not end
up a liability. Your access to
heaven is your asset in this
Chapter Four
Day 4- Distinction and
“Let there be lights in the
firmament of the heaven to
divide the day from the night;
and let them be for signs, and
for seasons, and for days, and
years...let them be lights
in ...the heaven to give light
upon the earth...And God
made two great lights; the
greater light to rule the day,
and the lesser to rule the
night: he made the stars also”.
The fourth day is the stage at
which you become an unspoken
sign that declares an unspoken
message. The message is seen
in what you worth manifested
in your works.
Note the following:
1. Divide the day from the
night. When your purpose
and vision become clear,
it’s the place of distinction.

2. Lights above to give light

upon the earth. The lesser
light (earthly) requires the
greater light (heavenly) to
shine. Through Jesus we
become the light of the

3. Two great lights. The lesser

one (earthly) cannot do
without the mandate and
mission of the greater
(heavenly). The greater a
type of Christ rules the day.
I must work the works of
him that sent me while it is
day; because God is light
and in him is no darkness at
all. In him was life and the
life was the light of man.
And the light shines in
darkness and the darkness
could not overcome it. Sons
and daughters of God are
light of God in the earth. We
are the face of the torch
light as Jesus is the battery
that supplies the energy and
shining through us. The
lesser rules by night. While?
Man loves darkness because
his deeds are evil. As light,
we must rule in the midst of
this evil, crooked, and
perverse generation. This is
the mandate from heaven.

4. HE made the stars also.

Visions, passion and
pursuits must be according
to individualities. Nobody is
doing more than the other
as we are all doing what
we’re supposed to do. You
don’t have to be the Sun or
moon to be worth shinning.
You may just be a star also.

5. For signs, for seasons, for

days, and years.
Declaration. What is a
sign? A sign is anything that
proclaims a message. You
put up a sign board, a bill
board or a banner; you do
that to proclaim a message.
Sign could also be a symbol
or anything that directs
people or something toward
a particular place or
purpose. Sometimes as you
travel on major highways,
you may see a sign like
detour left one mile ahead.
That is a message which
tells what you are expected
to do a mile ahead. Failure
to read or adhere to that
message could be

“Let them be for signs and for

seasons.” In order to be for signs and
for seasons; it has to firstly “divide
the day from the night.”
John says “and the light shines in
darkness and the darkness
comprehended it not,” 1:5.
Comprehend means to take hold of; to
overpower; to understand.
Why the darkness could not overcome
the light, sign and message? It was
made to withstand the pressure of
No amount of human sin can scare or
out do God. That is why when man
sinned; God became flesh (the lesser
light) without fear to redeem the very
man from the penalty, power and
presence of sin. Death and the grave
could not keep him in the ground
because he was ordained for that
purpose though still the greater light
that gives light to the earth beneath.
Through that light we became the
righteousness of God, 2 Cor. 5:21.
Without him man cannot and will
never be able to solve the problems of
incurable diseases, hunger, wars etc.
The light for signs and seasons were
to declare a message. A message that
would direct mankind to his real
destiny and purpose. There was a
God-given message for Adam that
would have separated his strength
from his weakness if accepted and
declared for the purpose. God saw
the times and the seasons coming, yet
he gave a sign that would make it
recognizable when it came. When the
serpent appeared, man did not
declare the message as it should be
(Gen. 2:16-17) and not Genesis 3:2-3
as man did. Genesis 2:16-17 was all
required to separate man’s status
from the rest of the creatures in the
Every place, situation, and time has a
message to tell. Every message for a
given time has a dimension and a
direction that you must know and take
according to times (days, years) and
seasons (a period of time in which
something happens).
In the 50s and 60s, Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. and the civil rights
movement were preaching equal
rights for all black Americans. That
was the message for that time that
caught the eye of the whole world.
The signs and events of that time
determined the kind of message to be
proclaimed. But with God he sends
the message way ahead before the
event manifests itself. Remember your
future is God’s past.
Between the 50s and 60s, the message
for most African countries was the
message of independence and
liberation movements. Today in this
21st century, the signs have changed
and so have the message, “the war on
terror.” Time is not only man’s
greatest enemy since the fall but it
does not even recognize your absence
or presence. Time validates what you
worth and when you expire. That’s
why when you set your watch at a
certain hour, the time does not stop to
wait for you when that time arrives.
Time doesn’t care whether you exist
or not. Sometimes I hear people say
“I am killing time.” I often say to
myself, do they really understand
what they mean by what they’re
saying? What I know for certain is
that time kills and in reality; it will
kill you one day and not the other way
round. Some say I am wasting time. It
is time that is actually wasting you
because every moment that goes by;
you deteriorate in strength and life
span. That is why you need the right
mentality for every time no matter
what little opportunity. It will take the
mentality to embrace the message no
matter how odd it may seem.
“He made the stars also.” Why so
much strife and the lack of
contentment in society today? They
lack the understanding of the message
that if you can’t be the sun or moon,
you can be the star “also.” You don’t
have to be intimidated by the capacity
and pace of other’s vision and gifts. If
you don’t carry the message, power,
influence of the sun or moon, you
make be carrying that of a star. You
have your place and your stage.
Purpose is much more important than
just capacity and ability. You made
not be that influential person you
desire being, like the Bill Clintons,
Kofi Annas, Tony Blairs, Obama,
Trumps and others. You made be that
underpaid teacher, doctor or nurse
serving in some weird conditions and
remote and unknown place; I want to
remind you that it’s your domain.
Whatever you do, please shine well.
You may be a soldier on the frontline
and cleaning up the mess caused by
your politicians, please fight well.
You may not be that outspoken
politician, that celebrity or that
world’s acclaimed businessman or
conference speaker, but whatever you
are in wherever place, please shine
well when given your time.
The evening and the morning were
the fourth day.
Chapter Five
Day 5- Provision and Increase
“Let the waters bring forth
abundantly the creature that hath
life...God created whales and every
living creature that moveth, which
the waters brought forth
abundantly...God blessed them,
saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and
fill the waters in the seas...and the
evening and the morning were the
fifth day.”
The order is that your message will
bring you to a place that commands
provision and increase.
When Solomon became king after his
father, the message that brought him
provision and increase was the
message of wisdom in serving his
Provision always comes ahead of
need. At Mt. Mariah, Abraham calls
God Jehovah Jireh, literally meaning
the God who sees ahead of time and
makes provision before the need ever
Psalm 24:1 says “The earth is the
LORD’s, and the fullness thereof; the
world, and they that dwell therein.”
50:10 says “for every beast of the
forest is mine, and the cattle upon a
thousand hills.” That sounds like the
law of eminent domain. As owner of
the earth and all that exist; God can
choose to do with it whatever he
wants. He has also set the conditions
for blessings as was demonstrated in
God’s command to Abraham to
sacrifices his only son Isaac.
God is not only interested in your
wholeness and your individual
completeness but also in your
abundance. If yourself actualization
does not lead you to abundance that
over flows to others, then it’s of no
use. He wants you to have enough
and to spare, Luke. 15:17. He is keen
on you having much more, Jn. 15:2, 5
and 8. God wants you to know that he
is able to do immeasurably more than
all we ask or imagine,” Eph. 3:20.
That is the will of the God of
abundance for you.
The day 5 of your life is where you
gather and store increase for future
need and disaster. I am not talking
about merely gathering earthly
wealth. Luke 12:16-21 is a vivid
account of gathering and storing
wealth without God. It can be fatal.
Man’s real existence, sustenance and
significance are not in the abundance
of what he possesses but from the joy
he experiences from his encounter
with the Lord. When God the CEO
and source of life visited the rich fool
to give account of his stewardship, he
was found wanting. This is how his
balance sheet read when God
confronted him with the original
version of his life and not the edited
version: MP+PD+SD=-E. That is
material possessions plus physical
death plus spiritual death yields
negative eternity. He was as twice as
good as dead. His life’s equation
(purpose) was undefined.
Pharaoh had a dream one night
which outcome would impact not only
his kingdom but also the then known
world. He could not grasp the real
message of the dream or the depth of
its consequences if not understood
and carried out. His “spirit was
troubled” because there was “none
that could interpret them unto
Pharaoh,” Gen. 41:8. Thank God
that even a heathen king could
recognize that there was a missing
link between him and the
interpretation of the dream. He saw
the sign and knew that something was
wrong but he couldn’t help the
situation. The light that should divide
his day from his night and bring
about the evening and the morning
sequence was absent.
You may be carrying a dream so big
so much so that it may seem to scare
your very self. The Holy Spirit of God
can decode that which you need to
know and cope with your dream.
“When he the Spirit of truth is come,
he will guide you into all truth... he
shall take of mine and shall show it
unto you”, Jn.16:13, 16.
Before Jesus left his disciples, he had
been speaking to them in codes and
say things like, “I have many things
to too say to you, but you cannot bear
them now. When he the Spirit of truth
is come...He will teach you all things
and bring all things to your
remembrance,” Jn.16:12-13; 14:26.
Neither Pharaoh nor his wise men
could give the meaning of the dream.
They were in darkness because they
had no relationship with God that
greater light and the source of all
knowledge. All the knowledge
acquired through many years of
learning has it place but it is only
good enough when “I count not
myself to have apprehended: but this
one thing I do, forgetting those things
which are behind, and reaching forth
unto those things which are before,”
Phi.3:13. It will only stand the test of
times when “what things were gain to
me, those I count loss for Christ,”
and “I count all things but loss for the
excellency of the knowledge of Christ
Jesus my Lord,’’ Phi. 3:7, 8.
Imagine Nicodemus, a teacher of the
Old Testament scriptures, but he
could not understand what Christ
meant when he said “Except a man
be born again, he cannot see the
kingdom of God,” Jn. 3:3.
You need a relationship after your
kind that will catapult what is within
you to increase. Some are carrying
wealth in them and yet dying in abject
poverty and unfulfilled. Their
connection was not after their kind.
They got connected to places and
people that persuaded and
manipulated them rather than for
revelation that inspires their purpose
to fulfillment.
Marriage was meant to be fruitful,
blessed and honorable by God.
However, many marriages are ending
in ruins now a day because many
mates are not after their kinds. There
is always one type of male for each
female. It is pathetic today to realize
that some enter into marriage without
having a relationship with the God
who instituted marriage. They the
lack the signs which should declare
the message for such honorable
Joseph was forgotten and kept in
prison for many years but it was the
signs and message he carried meant
for “signs and for seasons” that
located him. “Then spake the chief
butler unto Pharaoh...I do remember
my faults this day...in ward in the
captain of the guard’s house, both me
and the chief baker...dreamed...each
man according to the interpretation
of his dream...there was...an Hebrew,
servant to the captain of the guard;
and we told him, and he interpreted to
us our dreams,” Gen. 41:9-12. “Then
Pharaoh sent and called Joseph,” V.
14. Joseph in prison did not strife
with anyone neither did he panicked.
He was firmed and resolved and was
prepared to make difficult decisions
and stand by those regardless what
they might have cost him. He carried
the signs for the seasons the nation
stood in need of.
The devil may seem to be suppressing
and hiding you in the back. The
question is, how long can he do that?
The light shines in darkness and the
darkness could not overcome it. Jesus
Christ was manifested to destroy the
works of the devil.
The light above was to give light to
the earth beneath. Above and beneath
here are represented by Joseph and
Pharaoh. The natural Pharaoh
beneath seemed to be reigning in the
throne above as Joseph the spiritual
was in the prison below. With the
signs he carried for this season,
Joseph saw himself spiritually seated
above regardless of his physical
position and appearance.
Never allow people to interpret your
looks and appearances as long as you
carry the signs and message for their
Joseph standing before Pharaoh,
indicate to him what message was
lacking. “It is not in me: God shall
give Pharaoh an answer of peace.”
Gen.41:16. It is not in you to know
the times and seasons but it comes
from God above.
This is the problem of our world
today. The world has the carriers of
dreams but without interpreters and
interpretations that would render
them applicable to the cause of their
Iraq and Afghanistan among other
places are more dangerous than the
picture the allies of the “war on
terror” printed at the very beginning.
Those leaders had dreams without
interpreters. One can only imagine
how often good initiative and intends
have resulted into dire consequences
because of the missing link.
After Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s
dream, he was referred to by Pharaoh
as “the man of food during famine”
by giving him the name
Zaphnathpaaneah, Gen.41:45.
The dream had only been interpreted
with no visible signs of provision and
increase yet Pharaoh refers to Joseph
as man of food during famine. He saw
famine seven years ahead through the
sign and message that Joseph
portrayed. It was written all over
Joseph’s words and actions and
Pharaoh could see it coming for
Egypt and the world.
With the world’s many problems
becoming more difficult to handle day
by day, it is so saddening to see that
no influential world leaders can see
what doom awaits man without God
at the center of his life.
The sign and message you carry at
this stage of your life must enable you
to secure, store in your increase for
the inevitable. Joseph could see it
coming seven years ahead and
headed for his generation. He was
able to direct the implementation of
his sign and message to that effect.
He therefore secured provision in the
midst of increase for future calamity.
Who is and who can see it for this
God is giving us the signs and
messages through the trend of events
but the god of this age has truly
blinded their eyes so that they can see
the light of this glorious gospel, 2
Cor. 4:4.
At the time Joseph and Egypt are
storing provisions during seven years
of increase for the coming seven
years of famine, Israel is so ignorant
of the coming disaster. The sign and
message had been long rejected,
despised, and sold for temporal gain.
Scripture has warned us to lay up
treasures for ourselves in heaven and
not on earth.
Even though Jacob was material rich
but lacking the sign and message, his
earthly wealth was rendered
worthless when the years of famine
came. Can’t imagine what it will be
like for those who are earthly rich but
poor toward God when they stand
before him at the judgment seat.
In the absence of vision there is no
sign and message to proclaim. So
Joseph’s brothers could not see worth
and value in him for the survival of
his family. They saw no purpose him
that would secure increase and
harvest for coming famine disaster.
You can see why they would sell him
without remorse even when he
appealed for mercy. Without a hint of
the sign and message written all over
Joseph as revealed through his
dreams, the instead made a mockery
and called him the dreamer. In selling
him, they were outspokenly saying
these: You don’t belong in this home
because we are too blinded with envy
to see what your worth. Please go
away from us until your dream
mature because it will not survive in
the midst of such hate. We are so
stupid that we can’t see what is
coming and we can never believe that
you are capable of preserving for us
posterity. You are too blessed and
smart to in the modest of people who
are not able to see beyond their now.
We can’t help it but send you away
and when the years of famine come,
we will come looking for you and this
time not by choice but by must. The
vision, sign and message you carry
goes far beyond this family but
encompasses the world. It is only by
selling you that you will amount to
something. What you carry within you
often scares and intimidates us and
we are not able to see it blossomed
before our eyes. But Joseph we can
guarantee you given your sign and
message, we going to come knocking
at your door one day.
They could not see it but with the
interpretation of the dream, Pharaoh
saw provision and increase in Joseph
so much so that he would name him
the man of food during famine and
put him in the position that would
secure the food for the coming
“And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, for
as much as God hath showed thee all
this, there is none so discreet and
wise as thou art: Thou shalt be over
my house according unto thy word
shall all my people be ruled...see I
have set thee over all the land of
Egypt...Without thee shall no man lift
up his hand or foot in all the land of
Egypt,” Gen. 41:39, 41, 44.
Joseph acted within the time and
season based on the sign and message
in response to Genesis 1:14. The sun,
moon and stars were to be for signs,
and seasons and for days and years.
When he stood before Pharaoh, he
could now remember his dreams
(Gen. 37:9).
So he could say to the king “This is
the thing which I have spoken unto
Pharaoh: What God is about to do he
showed unto Pharaoh...there come
seven years of great plenty
throughout all the land of Egypt: And
there shall arise after them seven
years of famine; and all the plenty
shall be forgotten in the land… the
plenty shall not be known in the land
by reason of that famine following; it
shall be very grievous...Let Pharaoh
do this... appoint officers over the
land, and take up the fifth part of the
land of Egypt in the seven plenteous
years... let them gather all the food of
those good years that come...and let
them keep food in the cities...that food
shall be for store to the land against
the seven years of famine which shall
come upon the land of Egypt; that the
land perish not through the famine,”
Gen.41:28-31, 34-36.
Are you at stage five of your life and
living in increase and abundance?
Are you having opportunities so much
so that you take some for granted?
Do you have the strength for effective
working that would maximize your
time? What is your response and
decision in “your good years”
“against the seven years of famine
which shall come?”
You need to begin storing the fifth of
your increase or earning at least from
this stage of your life. The evening
and the morning will suddenly come
upon you and day six comes with its
own responsibilities.
Hatred, bitterness and envy won’t do
you any good. They only keep you
away from potential opportunities
and platforms to success. There are
people you sometimes find it hard to
live and work with. But there comes
the time in your life when God would
have to connect you to such people in
order to take you to your level of
increase. That is why is knowing why
God brings you into relationship with
certain people at some point in your
life that matters and not what you see
them with your natural mind to be.
You can know people at some stage in
your life and when you really think
you need them; they seem to mean
nothing to you it may appear but
knowing them was never wrong. What
you may consider as the time you
need them is not what God has in the
plan. The Butler did not help Joseph
as he had anticipated but knowing the
butler was what was required at that
moment. There are some
relationships that don’t require
commitments and promises at certain
stage. Some associates God allows
you into is not for where you are but
for where he’s taking you. “And the
evening and the morning were the
fifth day.”
Chapter Six
Day 6- Creativity and Dominion
Gen. 1:24-31
“...God said, Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness: and let
them have dominion over the fish of
the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over the cattle, and over all the
earth. So God created man in his
own image, in the image of God
created he him: male and female
created he them...And God said,
Behold, I have given you...everything
that crept upon the earth...and it was
so...behold it was good...the evening
and the morning were the sixth day.”
These days are not merely in natural
24 hours’ day order like I said in my
introduction. This discussion is based
on the fourth dimension point of view
given that our world is a three
dimensional world (length, height,
and width) but with the mind of God,
we see things from depth.
Especially for the believers, this is the
stage of regeneration and endowment
by the Holy Spirit. Prior to the
creation of man, God had given no
commandment nor communicated
with any of the creatures made.
At the creation of man, God declares
“Let us make man in our image, after
our likeness.” The purpose for
creating man was for a God-kind
creature that would uniquely reflect
the glory and character of God. Man
was created in the moral and natural
likeness of God. Morally, man was
created sinless until the fall (when he
rebelled against God’s command)
thus losing his moral likeness. The
moral likeness was that man was
created sinless but lost at the fall.
However, it is redeemed through
one’s believe and confession of faith
in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
and will be completely restored at His
second coming (1John 3:2).
The natural likeness which is the
emotion, intellect and will were
retained but corrupted at the fall
through sin.
After God made man “in his own
image,” “male and female,” God
“said unto them, be fruitful and
multiply, and replenish the earth,”
verse 1:28. See what follows next,
“subdue it: and have dominion
over...Every living thing,” Verse
1:28. Fruitfulness and creativity are
not possible in the absence of
creativity and dominion. Every other
living creature preceded the creation
of man but as long as they existed on
man’s habitation and dwelling, he
was given the dominion and creativity
to subdue and dominion. As a God-
given right, he was expected to
exercise that dedicated authority no
matter the circumstance.
When you subdue, you conquer and
soften. Man was the only creature of
God ever created with the
responsibility to self-govern and
govern other creatures at the same
time. With the power to subdue and
govern, it did not stop there: “And
God saw...that...behold it was very
good.” It was very good for man to
subdue and have dominion; the other
way round would lead to chaos and
You were not mistakenly placed in life
by God but it is the choices that
people make that often misplace them.
Created in the image and likeness of
God and redeemed from sin, your
power and creativity is genuinely
Creativity without power to control it
is impotent and power without
creativity is immoral. One cannot do
without the other. It is one thing to be
creative and another to have the
ability to take charge of your destiny
and govern well. When some turn to
drugs, alcohol and some external
support for the courage to and
strength to cope with difficulties, they
are simply telling themselves that they
have poorly organized personalities.
That’s an error from the devil and a
deception as well. He succeeded in
doing it to man in the garden is still
doing it today. Adam needed no
external source of power and support
when it was placed in him at creation.
God made you in a way that uniquely
reflects him. You carry so much
inside of you for the devil to tell you
that you are never going to amount to
anything. Job 32:8 says, “there is a
spirit in man and the inspiration of
the almighty gives them
understanding.” The value of what
you are can’t be determined by what
you appear to be on the outside but it
is within you.
Power and creativity was placed in
man at his creation but he had to be
spoken to for it to be activated, then
comes the idea of faith. So faith
“comes” by hearing the spoken word
and goes by releasing the spoken
word. So faith does not stay or live
with. You can’t own it and it can
never be your property. It comes as
long as you are receiving the spoken
word and it will be released as long
as you speaking the word. That’s why
in life’s way Good sets men and
women in your path with higher depth
of revelation of his word to speak into
your life and raise your level of
understanding the power and
capacity of what your worth.
“But we have this treasure in earthen
vessels, that the excellence of the
power may be of God, and not of us,”
2 Cor. 4:7. Everyone man was made
to carry a substance of great
importance to his generation but to
whom he chooses to submit and take
instructions becomes the difference in
what he becomes. Creativity and
dominion can be greatly influenced
by relationship and connection.
Elisha had so much power in him to
transform destinies that he knew not
until he came into relationship with
and submitted himself to Elijah.
This treasure in “earthen vessel”
came from the “dust of the ground”
(Gen. 2:7) but became a “living
soul” (Gen. 2:7). You were not
created an immortal spirit as some
have taught and believed but a soul
that was and is subject to death,
Ezekiel 18:4 and Gen. 2:17. It was
man’s relationship with and
connection to God that was the great
differences him and the rest of the
Thank God for the design that God
had in mind for man at his creation. A
living soul with such uniqueness that
angelic beings do not have. Created
in such a way that man has the
opportunity to repent of sin. This is a
hope that fallen angels and even
Satan don’t have because they were
created as immortal spirits. Man is
“God’s workmanship (masterpiece)
being created in Christ Jesus unto
good works,” Eph. 2:10.
Man without God is empty, formless,
and ignorant (Gen. 1:2) of the ability
and power he carries and therefore
limited in his doings. But with God,
this “dust “and “earthen vessels”
can do all things and have access to
the tree of life lost to man in the
Garden of Eden thus guaranteeing
life everlasting.
Despite your many human limitations
and failures, when God gives you a
mandate to carry out, He knows that
you best qualify for that task among
your kind, so implement well. “And
the LORD God took man and, put him
in the Garden of Eden to dress it and
to keep it.” Gen 2: 15.
See the low self-esteem, “And he said
unto the woman.... For God doth
know that in the day ye eat thereof,
then your eyes shall be opened, and
ye shall be as gods, knowing good
and evil.” Gen. 3:5. Then comes the
choice after hearing, “And when the
woman saw that the tree was good for
food...she took of the fruit thereof,’’
Verse 6.
Ignorant of your life source is
tantamount to exchanging what your
worth for what are temporal. It is
your God-given right to subdue and
have dominion over every
circumstance as long as it’s in your
territorial domain (your earth).
The evening and the morning were
the sixth day.
The number 666 is the number of man
(Rev. 13:8). “Here is wisdom and let
him that hath understanding count the
number of the beast: for it is the
number of a man (A beast taking the
place of man as in the Garden of
Eden); and his number is six hundred
threescore and six”. Because of
ignorance, the devil had, and is, and
will continue to use man’s own
authority against him to torment,
enslave, and destroy him. That is the
closest the devil can ever get to God.
The number of God is 7. For the holy
trinity of the Father, the Son and Holy
Spirit, the number is 777. So in
Revelation, the satanic trinity of the
false prophet, the beast and the
dragon represents the number 666
(the number of man). That’s the
closest the devil can get to God but
not enough to reach perfection.
The world today lacks wisdom and
therefore lives in complete spiritual
darkness with no ability to discern
what is coming in these last days.

Chapter Seven
Day 7- From Labor to Rest
Gen. 2:1-3
“Thus the heavens and the earth
were finished, and all the host of
them. And on the seventh day God
ended his work which he had made;
and he rested on the seventh day
from all his work which he made.”
Even the Al mighty God believes in
rest so much so that he included rest
on his creation’s agenda. It is
therefore an essential part of man’s
existence and should never be
ignored. It is coming and only a
matter of time you will have to accept
Some enter into this stage of life as
liability and see it as boredom which
shouldn’t be so if you go according to
the stages. “God blessed the seventh
day, and sanctified it: because that in
it he had rested from all his work.”
The system in the corporate and
social world includes rest and leisure
even amidst the many demands time
has on the system. The church,
however, wants to do it differently
and so it’s not getting the result for
the amount of time puts in.
There is both short-term and long-
term rest
Short-Term Rest
When people rusticate, take leaves,
vacations, holidays and some leisure
off their jobs and activities; they are
simply fulfilling a part of what God
had indented from the very beginning
of creation.
In short-term rest, you retrospect,
assess your undertaking, and review
your successes, failures, strength and
limitations, if there is any. It allows
for recovery, refreshing and
The God who sees ahead of time gives
so much priority to rest. What about
you who don’t know when, where and
how you are going to end? This is not
the rest where you vegetate and
procrastinate as time goes by. In fact,
rest is not for idle people but for those
who are involved with work.
Christ Jesus knew the importance of
work and did give it priority. After
having taught the people whole day
and fed them afterwards, when even
was come, “he departed again into a
mountain himself alone.” John 6:15,
16. This was a routine of the Lord
Jesus Christ.
You may be going fine with so much
pace in life and ministry and haven’t
got any time for yourself, your
personal spiritual life and even your
family life. You need some time off for
yourself, with your spouse and for
your children. Don’t allow your
children and family to have
resentment for your profession
because you’re not creating time for
One of the greatest attacks I have
seen in the ministry today is that of
the minister and his family. Many
gifted ministers have had their
marriages destroyed and with their
children becoming wayward. You
could think about Moses who was so
involved with the ministry and never
had the time to circumcise his
children, the power of Israel’s
covenant relationship with God.
One cannot have a proper and quality
long-term rest without knowing and
prioritizing short-term rest.
In Exodus 18, Moses had so much
zeal coming out of Egypt with the
Israelites. He takes on so many
responsibilities with little or no time
for himself and family. Today many
leaders often make the same mistakes.
Being busy with ministry work is not
your service to God but rather your
service to God’s people. This is where
some think that by so many church’s
activities and programs they are
pleasing God.
Today I see many ministers who’ve
got so much so call words for the
members then they got for themselves
and their family life. They know about
others so much till they don’t know
that the devil was set to destroy their
marriage until the day it finally
happened. I pray that we’re humbled
enough to hear what God is saying to
us and about us even as he speaks to
us about others.
They spend time with God for the
people and not for themselves. I’d
rather spend time with God for
myself. From what he says to me, then
I can use the message he gives me
and the experiences from my
situations to minister to others.
I must spend time with God accessing
my relationship with him and how my
family fits into the direction the vision
is headed.
Thank God for the Jethros who
always know the importance of rest.
“The thing that thou doest is not
good. Thou wilt surely wear away,
both thou and this people that is with
thee: for this thing is too heavy for
thee: thou art not able to perform it
thyself alone…I will give thee
counsel, and God shall be with thee…
provide out of all the people able
men, such as fear God, men of truth…
and place such over them,” Ex.
18:17-19, 21. From verse 24, Moses
did listen to that counsel but only for
a while as the situation leading to his
long-term rest will prove that true.
What Jethro feared, not being “thou
for the people to God-ward, that thou
mayest bring the cause unto God…
that thou shall teach them ordinances
and laws, and shalt shew them the
way wherein they must walk, and the
work that they must do,” Ex.18: 19b-
That’s exactly what is eventually
going to happen to Moses. “Thou will
surely wear away.” Jethro knew that
the time would come that Moses
would have to come to his end not by
choice but as a matter of what is
required. If you can’t include short-
term rest, you’ll never know when
long-term rest is approaching. This is
where many failures lie in their
service to God. When they come to
their end, the profile man reads about
them is different from what God has.
Remember that god has got the
unedited version of your profile.
Long-Term Rest
This the period of retirement when
you realize that you have reached the
mark and someone has to pick up
from where you left off. It is when you
are aware of leaving the stage when
the ovation is the loudest.
Governments set up social security’s
and welfares systems as well as
retirement benefits. But church folks
act as if they are so immune from
what is eventually coming. They are
aware that every living and working
person will have to come to that place
where the story will end. Benefits and
how one leaves this stage will depend
on how the previous six stages were
lived out. The benefits of long-term
rest are greatly dependent on the
fruits and blessings of your service
during your time of provision and
Moses was a meek and honorable
prophet of God but underestimated
the importance of short-term and
long-term rest.
Here are some facts to be considered.
When God told Moses to lead Israel
out of Egypt, nowhere in scriptures
was Moses given the guarantee that
he would bring Israel to Canaan. The
reference and guarantor to bring
Israel to Canaan is to God himself.
Before his call, God had rest in sight
but sorry that Moses didn’t about
“…I have surely seen the affliction of
my people which are in Egypt, and
have heard their cry…And am come
down to deliver them out of the hand
of the Egyptians, and to bring them
out of that land unto a good land…
flowing with milk and honey,” Ex.
God doesn’t get mad at you for where
you come to rest but how you come to
rest. Paul ended his last days of
ministry in a prison in Rome. From
the profile man would read of him,
that was nothing comfortable.
However, from God’s profile on Paul
and from God’s perspective; Paul
would say, “I have fought a good
fight, I have finished my course, I
have kept the faith,” 2 Tim. 4:7. In
other words, it’s time to leave the
scene and allow the likes of Timothy
and Titus, in whom I have built
myself, to continue the work of
ministry. I am not mad at God for
ending up in prison and about to be
killed. It may not seem a good way to
finish but as long as I served my
purpose in the will of God, I’ve
finished well.
Before the rebellion of striking the
rock, that almost all preachers
consider the reason for Moses denied
entry to the promise land, God had
told Moses that Joshua and Caleb
only among the generation that had
come out of Egypt were going to enter
the promise land.
Moses struck the rock in Numbers 20
when he was told to speak to the rock.
Many ministers today, in the name of
preaching the gospel, are striking the
rock (Jesus) instead of speaking to the
rock. Yes, you strike the rock when
you preach what Paul calls another
gospel. That’s for another topic and
another book.
Moses sends the 40 spies in Numbers
13 to see out the land. Only Joshua
and Caleb bring back good report
from that number. Then in chapter 14
God vividly describes and states to
Moses those who would enter the
promise land way ahead of striking
the rock in chapter 20.
“Ye shall not come into the land,
concerning which I sware to make
you dwell therein, save Caleb the son
of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of
Nun.” 14:30. Not a word is
mentioned about Moses. With his
name not mentioned, he probably
thinks he’s immune from that
Further on, God is mad at Moses for
striking the rock instead of speaking.
“Because ye believe me not, to
sanctify me in the eyes of the children
of Israel… Num. 20:12.
“You did not sanctify me in the eyes
of the people”. His father-in-law had
told him earlier that by allowing the
people to take on some of the
responsibilities, he would not “surely
wear away”. He would thus give
himself to sometime of rest and also
“be thou for the people to God-ward,
that thou mayest bring the causes
unto God.” Too much work and
boredom wouldn’t have allowed
Moses to adequately represent the
people before God and God before
the people.
Moses does not even consider that
after 40 years in the wilderness, his
tenure is edging out. His rebellion
therefore becomes a circumstantial
sin to allow him out of the way so that
a doing and fighting generational
leadership will take over.
The people are God’s people and
Jethro had told him to represent the
people before God and vice versa.
Later hear his regrets: “The LORD
was angry with me for your sakes (for
good reasons Moses because they are
his people),” Deut. 1:7. “The LORD
was wroth with me for your
sakes,”3:26. “The LORD was angry
with me for your sakes,” 4:21. It
“went ill with Moses for their sakes,”
Psalm 106:32. In leading God’s
people, it’s best to spend more time
with God for the people than to spend
more time with the people for God.
Spending time with God allows you
hear what he’s saying concerning his
The people had demanded Moses to
provide them water when they
became thirsty. Moses and Aaron go
to the tabernacle to seek the face of
God falling on their faces. Read
Num. 20:6. “The glory of the LORD
appeared unto them.” There and then
God speaks to him and instructs him
to speak to the rock.
Your theological upbringing may find
it hard to accept what I’m about to
say here. You may’ve never heard it
the way I’m about to say it. Don’t
worry because the scripture will
speak for itself.
Burdened and too busy “for your
sakes,” he did not follow the
instruction from the glory of God’s
presence “unto the door of the
tabernacle.” Moses did not enter the
promise land so much because of the
rebellion of striking the rock. Moses
limitation as relates to retirement and
rest did.
Sin brings rejection of one before
God. When Saul sinned God rejected
him and chose David in his stead.
God rejected Israel many times in
scriptures and allowed them to be
destroyed by enemy nations whenever
they sinned. Once again I state that
this rebellion was circumstantial so
as to led Moses to rest. Let’s consider
Numbers 27 after the rebellion of
striking the rock. “Get thee up into
the mount Abarim, and see the land
which I have given unto the children
of Israel. And when thou hast seen it,
thou shalt be gathered unto thy
people,” v.v. 12, 13. When you read
the next verse that follows, you may
quickly conclude that Moses denied
entry into the promise land was the
result of his sin of rebellion but that is
not to crust of the matter.
As Moses is told to go up the
mountain and be “gathered unto thy
people,” he sees nobody fit to lead
Israel after his departure. “Let the
LORD, the God of the spirits of all
flesh, set a man over the
congregation, which may go out
before them, and which may lead
them out, and which bring them in;
that the congregation of the LORD
be not as sheep which have no
shepherd”, v.v. 16,17.
Moses no longer has the strength to
go out and come in as he did 40 years
earlier. He could not stand from
morning till evening to judge the
people. There was now a serious
need for retirement.
“I am now an hundred and twenty
years old this day; I can no more go
out and come in: as the LORD hath
said unto to me, thou shalt not go
over this Jordan.” He did not
understand hid need for rest and
retirement until after this event. What
a sad story. It is only then that Moses
realized that what God earlier said,
“I am come down…to bring them…
unto a land flowing with milk and
honey,” Ex. 3:8, was now being
fulfilled. He can now say, “the LORD
thy God, he will go over before thee,
and he will destroy these nations from
before thee,” Deut. 31:3.
After what we consider the sin that
stopped Moses from entering the
promise land, the LORD says to him,
“Take thee Joshua the son of Nun, a
man in whom is the Spirit, and lay
thine hand upon him; And set him
before Eleazar the priest, and before
all the congregation; and give him a
charge in their sight. And thou shalt
put some of thine honor upon him,
that all the congregation of the
children of Israel may be obedient,”
Watch this. In Joshua “is the Spirit”
but Moses must “set him before …the
priest, and before the entire
congregation; and give him a charge
in their sight…and put some of thine
honor upon him,” “for the children of
Israel to be obedient.” The Israelites
obedience to Joshua depended on
Moses putting some of his honor on
him. This doesn’t sound like someone
whom sin had brought him rejection
before God. You can’t like we often
understand sin to be in the case of
king Saul and still carry such honor
before God. Remember his profile on
you is far removed from what the
world has on you. That’s why you
must never desire praises and
commendation from the world in your
service to God.
Moses couldn’t accept the reality that
he had come to his end in ministry
and therefore did not see any one
capable of leading this great nation
into possessing the land. He did not
even consider Joshua when he said
leaving Israel, for him, will be like
leaving sheep without shepherd. It
had to take God to recommend
Joshua to Moses.
When Saul sinned, he was rejected
with Samuel asked to anoint David in
his place. Here is something different.
Moses sinned but he is asked to put
some of his honor on his successor so
that all the people would obey him.
Only one truth we can learn from this.
After 40 years of wandering with
Israel in circle, this was only the most
convenient way to get him to see that
his time was out.
I often hear people say that age is just
number but not knowing that those
numbers can have significance
somewhere down life’s road.

At 120 Moses could “no more go out

and come in”. I always wonder when
he realized that. He shall have seen
this 40 years ago at Mt. Sinai just
three months after coming out of
Egypt. If he didn’t see it, God saw it.
Exodus 19:1, “On the first day of the
third month after the Israelites left
Egypt—on that very day—they came
to the Desert of Sinai.”
“The LORD our God said to us at
Horeb, “You have stayed long
enough at this mountain. 7 Break
camp and advance into the hill
country of the Amorites; go to all the
neighboring peoples in the Arabah, in
the mountains, in the western
foothills, in the Negev and along the
coast, to the land of the
Canaanites and to Lebanon, as far as
the great river, the Euphrates. 8 See, I
have given you this land. Go in and
take possession of the land
the LORD swore he would give to
your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob—and to their descendants after
them,” Deut. 19:6-8. “Then we
turned, and took our journey into the
wilderness by the way of the Red sea,
as the LORD spake unto me: and we
compassed mount Seir many days.
And the LORD spake unto me,
Ye have compassed this mountain
long enough: turn you northward.
And command thou the people,
saying, Ye are to pass through the
coast of your brethren the children of
Esau, which dwell in Seir; and they
shall be afraid of you: take ye good
heed unto yourselves therefore:
Meddle not with them; for I will not
give you of their land, no, not so
much as a foot breadth; because I
have given mount Seir unto Esau for
a possession,” Deut. 2:1-5.

Forty years in the palace of pharaoh,

40 years with Jethro’s sheep, then
another 40 years with Israel in the
wilderness are not just numbers but
120 years of pressure, pain, trouble,
crises, threats of assassination, trying
to satisfy people who don’t believe in
your leadership and service. Another
40 years was just long enough to be
wasted on people who refuse to be led
by faith but rather by the information
feeding them through their senses.
The time is coming when the fruit of
your labor must be taken to town for
sale. Do you know your way to get to
town from one to seven?
“The labor of the foolish wearieth
every one of them, because he
knoweth not how to go to the city,”
Ecc. 10:15.
Knowing your way to the city comes
from understanding the seven
dimensions of life. What you will
worth at day seven will depend on
how you got day one started. God is
intending on bringing us to a place of
rest with dignity and honor and will
eventually take us before the presence
of His glory. I’m more excited about
my end to service in ministry then I
am about my now. Like Paul, it is a
time that I eagerly await when I shall
finally be like him at his appearance.
Father I thank you that despite all the
ups and downs in ministry, you are
bringing me to a place of rest with
honor that I will pass on to those
taking over from me.
I just don’t want to do ministry and
have results. Most importantly, I want
to stay in the will of God at the time
of my departure to glory. The profile
that will be read of me by man should
be the same God will be reading

“And I Pleaded (Va’etchanan- Hebrew)

Rabbi Manis Friedman
Deut. 3:23-7:11

Deut. 3:23, “I pleaded with HaShem (God)

at that time, saying,
The Jews have so much reverend for God to
call him God (Yud Heh Vav Hey)/ YKVK,
instead they refer to God as The Name. The
name is the combination of three Hebrew
words Haya, Hoveh, and Yeheyeh- past,
present and future. God simultaneously exist
in the pasta, present and future.

HaShem literally means The Name, for the

Jewish person it demonstrates the essence of
the individual’s relationship with God. The
name you choose to call someone indicates
the relationship you have with the person.
Nobody goes around calling himself by his
own name except an egocentric person.
While we may not have a big relationship
between our identity and our name, other
people do. It’s the same with the Jewish pe

Deu 1:37-40; 4:21-22;

Deut 4:31, “The lord your God is a merciful
Num 14:11-20
Num 20:2-13
Ex. 32:11-14
Ex. 33:15, “If Your Presence does not go
with us (if you don’t personally go with us),
don’t make us leave this place.” NLT

Va’etchnan- the numerical value of the word

is 515; which tells us that Moses pleaded
with God 515 times to allow him to cross to
the Promised Land.
In Moses’ summary of the 40 years
wilderness wandering, his is the most
tangible manifestation of his leadership
loyalty to Israel. It’s humbling and painful
as well especially when the people are
poised to enter Israel, the Promised land but
God tells Moses that he’s not going. It is
Moses’s minister Joshua (take Joshua and
put your spirit upon him, as I was with you I
will be with him) who is going to lead and
settle the people into the land but Moses
cannot enter Israel. He’ll die in the
wilderness. What God does for Moses is
take him up the top of the mountain from
where he could see the land of Israel in all
its beauty. But he can never step foot on that
Moses is recounting to the people a private
conversation he had had with the Lord
before this farewell address. “And I pleaded
with Hashem (God).
Instead of speaking to the rock Moses hit the
rock. The punishment is he cannot enter
Israel. The one thing that Moses ever wanted
most in life is the very thing that God tells
him that he’s not going to get. It’s a
punishment that seems so severe. Here is the
truth that will shock you. Hitting the rock
and being told afterwards that he’s not going
to enter the Promised land didn’t come as a
surprise to Moses as we’ve always thought.
Before hitting the rock, Moses knew that if
he hits the rock instead of speaking to the
rock, he’s not going to enter Israel, yet he
chose to hit the rock. However, to hit the
rock instead of speaking to the rock was part
of his leadership calculation on behalf of
Israel. We’ll give you the reason why. How
did he know that it would be the
punishment? It all fits together justly and
logically. If you choose to remain loyal to
the people, you cannot enter the Promise
Land without them. So they all had to die
out in the desert.
All the people that Moses brought out of
Egypt as adults never entered Israel as they
all died out during those 40 years of
wondering. It’s their children that grew up
under Moses during those 40 years that are
going to enter Israel. Moses’ loyalty was to
the people he brought out of Egypt. He had
promised them that he was bringing them
out of Egypt to take them to the Promise
Land, a land flowing with milk and honey.
Even though they became rebellious and
blew up the opportunity, yet Moses
remained loyal to them. His loyalty is
expressed in his action with the thought that
if they don’t go then I don’t go.
How do we know that this is Moses’
thinking? It is demonstrated at the creation
of the golden calf when Moses told God, if
you don’t forgive the people then don’t
forgive me (what a humble leader). That
means, if the people go, I go if they don’t go
then I don’t go. I don’t have any pleasure in
going without them be I guaranteed them
that I will take them to Israel.
In the last days, at the resurrection, Moses
will be resurrected and because he was
buried in the desert with the people he
brought out of Egypt; they’ll be resurrected
with Moses in his merit. (What a loyalty).
Here is the flip side of it. If Moses hadn’t
been loyal to them and had he not been
buried there with them in the desert; they
would have no hope of making it to the
promise land. That will only be possible
because of Moses’ loyalty and from the fact
that he was buried with them (to those
wilderness believers/people of God, Moses
is the type of Christ).
Why did Moses plead with God 515 times?
He did not plead for himself, but he pleaded
with God on behalf of the people he had
brought out of Egypt. He wasn’t for himself
because he wasn’t going to go without the
people. He was pleading on behalf of
everyone he brought out of Egypt. Moses
was praying for God to cancel a decree on
behalf of over a million people. That has to
be some prayers- 515 times he pleaded.
God’s response to Moses was no which is an
exception to whether God always answers
prayers, off course he does. Here what
Moses goes on to say to the people when
God had said no to him. “God always
answers prayers.” Don’t look at me and
don’t feel sorry for me. The fact that my
prayers weren’t answered, I wasn’t praying
for myself but for you. That’s why he would
often say, “for your sake, for your sake the
Lord was angry with me…” Moses’ prayer
wasn’t only for God to allow the people to
enter the promise land but also for God to
forgive their sins. That is, the people’s
rebellion should be erased, their refusal to
go to the promised land should be forgotten
and now they should be allowed to enter the
promised land now. What a prayer by a
humbled and loyal leader on behalf of his
people. This is deep and Moses was asking a
whole lot for his people. Imagine one man
praying for about a million people. That’s
too much for one man. Now I can
understand when he says Why if we had the
exact opposite of a million people praying
for one man.

What happens at the resurrection?

At one point Moses is praying that he should
not die and God said to him, if you don’t die
how will I resurrect you. What an answer.
You have to die so I can bring you back to
life and if I don’t die then how do I bring
you back to life. At the resurrection the body
is recreated because the body without the
soul decomposes. Resurrection means the
decomposed body will recompose and come
back together and the soul will return to that
recreated body and live forever.
Resurrection is a creation and not a birth,
meaning the body is recreated and not born
again. The body that is born to another body
is mortal and does not live forever but the
body recreated by God lives forever and
that’s why God is telling Moses that he had
to die in order to be recreated. At the
resurrection, instead of being born into a
body, your body his hand made my God and
will never die. That’s why ever mortal body
needs to die and thus makes the resurrection
our greatest hope for ever lasting life. As a
human being, Moses was born to human
parents into a body that cannot live forever.
However, when he is resurrected then he can
last forever. Now you can understand why
God said to Moses that “you must die
because if you don’t die then how am I
going to resurrect you?” Then next question
will be, then why don’t I just stay alive?
Staying alive and not being resurrected is
unavoidably mortal. The process as far
God’s sovereignty has designed it, you must
die to be resurrected and become immortal
(God creating without the process of birth),
the process of living forever. “The soul that
sins, it shall die,” so that it will be allowed
to live forever.
If You don’t Die then You don’t Live: the
choice is, you must die. It’s worth giving up
your temporary body to have it come back

Chapter Eight
Day Eight: Time Kills
Never say am killing time
When you are in a journey,
And it’s a journey against time
when time kills
Cause time is what you can
never have
Yet some say I am killing time.
But I am not sure
Cause time does not have your
Whenever you persist
She suddenly leads you to the
As you sit around to waste
She has no time to wait.

Time determines your start

And she’ll tell when you depart
One day she makes you expect
Then it’s your expiry date next
Time kills you,
And doesn’t care who.

Time tells the miles you cover

And when they’ll be over
She is never your friend
So make every move that meets
your end
And work on your dream,
In the midst of her scream.

When you have a chore

Know she does not adore
When it’s your turn to bow
She’ll only say wow!

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