DCAT Sample

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1. Solve the linear equation 1.

10 20 3

a) 1 b) 17
c) 3 d) 1

2. Decide whether the equation is an identity, a conditional equation, or a 2._____

2 3 4 6 5

a) identity b) conditional equation

c) contradiction d) none of these

3. The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is given by 2 2 , 3._____

where is the length and is the width. Assume the perimeter of a
rectangular plot of land is 480 ft. The length is twice the width. Find
the length of the rectangular plot of land.

a) 80 ft b) 120 ft
c) 160 ft d) 240 ft

4. A car dealership uses the linear model 1100 25000 to 4._____

predict the depreciation of car values as time progresses. If is how
old the vehicle is in years and is the current value of the vehicle,
what will the value of the vehicle be 5 years after purchase?

a) $18,400 b) $19,500
c) $22,700 d) $23,900
5. Find the following sum. 5._____
7 3 2 5 2 3

a) 20 14 32 b) 19 2 2
c) 28 14 28 d) 19 14 29

6. Find the following product. 6._____

1 3 2 5

a) 3 5 17 5 b) 4
c) 3 7 13 5 d) 7 17 5

7. Factor out the greatest common factor from the following polynomial. 7._____
3 21

a) 3 21 b) 3 7
c) 3 21 d) 3 7

8. Factor the following polynomial by grouping. 8._____

15 6 10 4

a) 3 2 5 2 b) 3 2 5 2
c) 3 2 5 2 d) 3 2 5 2

9. Factor the following trinomial. 9._____

6 11 10

a) 3 2 2 5 b) 3 2 2 5
c) 3 2 2 5 d) 6 11 10
10. Factor the following polynomial. 10._____
25 40 16

a) 5 4 5 4 b) 5 4 5 4
c) 5 4 5 4 d) 40 25 16

11. Write the following complex number in standard form . 11._____

24 √ 126

a) 8 14 b) 8 √14
c) 8 √126 d) 8 √14

12. Find the sum or difference. Write the answer in standard form . 12._____
3 5 5 11 9 6

a) 7 12 b) 7 10
c) 17 12 d) 17 10

13. Find the numerator of the quotient. Write the answer in standard form 13._____
5 3
2 7

a) 11 41 b) 31 21
c) 16 30 d) 11 41

14. Solve the following quadratic equation by the zero-factor property. 14._____
3 14

a) 2 b) 2,

c) 2, d) 2,2
15. Solve the following quadratic equation by the square root property. 15._____
2 1 9

a) 1 b) 2
c) 1,2 d) No solutions

16. Solve the following quadratic equation by completing the square 16._____
9 12 3 0

a) 3, b) 1, 1

c) 6√7 d)

17. The Pythagorean Theorem for a right triangle is , where 17._____

and are the legs of the triangle and is its hypotenuse. The shorter
leg is 10 inches less than the other leg, and the hypotenuse is 10 inches
longer than that other leg. What is the length of the hypotenuse?

a) 30 inches b) 40 inches
c) 50 inches d) 60 inches

18. Bob wants to plant a 7 foot by 10 foot garden with a uniform border of 18._____
petunias around the outside and still have 28 square feet to plant
tomatoes and roses in the middle. How wide should the border of
petunias be?
a) 1.5 ft b) 2 ft
c) 3 ft d) 3.25 ft
19. The height of a cannon ball, in feet, shot from a pirate ship is given by 19._____
the equation 0.03 2.84 20, where is given in seconds.
After how many seconds does the cannon ball splash into the water?

a) 6.58 sec b) 101.25 sec

c) 47.33 sec d) 87.21 sec

20. Find and simplify the product of the following rational expression. 20._____
2 3 3

3 4

a) b)

c) d)

21. Perform the following addition or subtraction. 21._____

2 4
3 5 2

a) b)

c) d)

22. Perform the indicated operations. Write each answer using only 22._____
positive exponents. Assume all variables represent positive real
9 / /

a) 9 b) 9

c) 9 d)
23. Solve the following rational equation. 23._____
2 1 8
3 2 1 2 7 3

a) 3 b) 3

c) d) No solutions

24. Solve the following radical equation. 24._____

√3 13 1

a) 3 b) 4
c) 3,4 d) No solutions.

25. Solve the following inequality. Write the solution set in interval 25._____
2 1 3 2

a) ∞, 3 b) 3, ∞
c) ∞, 3 d) 3, ∞

26. Solve the following inequality. Write the solution set in interval 26._____
5 3
2 3

a) 1, b) 1,

c) 1, d) 1,

27. Solve the following quadratic inequality. Write the solution set in 27._____
interval notation.
2 35 0

a) 5,7 b) ∞, 5 ∪ 7, ∞
c) 5,7 d) ∞, 5 ∪ 7, ∞
28. Solve the following rational inequality. Write the solution set in 28._____
interval notation.

a) 9,6 b) 9,6
c) ∞, 9 ∪ 6, ∞ d) ∞, 9 ∪ 6, ∞

29. Solve the following absolute value equation. 29._____

|2 11| 7

a) 2 b) 9
c) 2, 9 d) No solutions.

30. Solve the following absolute value inequality. 30._____

|5 3| 1

a) No solutions. b) ,

c) ∞, ∪ ,∞ d) ∞, ∞

31. Given the following center-radius form of the equation for a circle, 31._____
find the center of the circle.
3 2 16

a) 3,2 b) 3,2
c) 3, 2 d) 3, 2
32. Consider the following graph of the point A. 32._____

Which quadrant does A lie in?

a) Quadrant I
b) Quadrant II
c) Quadrant III
d) Quadrant IV

33. Decide whether the following relation defines a function. 33._____

0,1 , 1,2 , 1,0 , 2, 3 , 3, 2

a) Yes, this is a function.

b) No, this is not a function.

34. Give the domain and range of the following relation. 34._____
√ 1

a) Domain is ∞, ∞ and Range is ∞, ∞

b) Domain is 1, ∞ and Range is 0, ∞
c) Domain is 1, ∞ and Range is 0, ∞
d) Domain is 1, ∞ and Range is 0, ∞
35. For the function 3 7, find 3 . 35._____

a) 34 b) 20
c) 16 d) 2

36. Determine the intervals of the domain for which the following function 36._____
is decreasing.

a) 4, 2 ∪ 1,0.5 b) 2, 1
c) 0.5,4 d) 2,2.5

37. Which of the following pairs of points has slope 2/9 ? 37._____

a) 1,3 and 2, 7 b) 1,2 and 3, 7

c) 2,3 and 7,1 d) 3,1 and 7,2
38. Given the following graph of a linear function, what is the slope? 38._____

a) 3/5 b) 5/3
c) 3/5 d) 5/3

39. Write the equation of the line passing through the point 3,7 with 39._____
slope zero.

a) 3 b) 3
c) 7 d) 7

40. Write the equation in slope-intercept form for a line passing through 40._____
the point 3,2 that is parallel to 4 7.

a) 4 14 b) 4 10

c) d)
41. The following table lists data collected during a recent experiment. In 41._____
this case, represents age (in years) and represents the given
diameter (in inches).

1 3 5 7 9 11 13
5.73 6.44 7.01 7.67 8.23 9.11 9.85

Use the linear regression feature on your graphing calculator to find a

line of best fit for this data. Use the equation you found to predict the
diameter given an age of 6 years.

a) 7.38 inches b) 1.91 inches

c) 1.06 inches d) 7.04 inches

42. For the following piecewise-defined function, find 1 . 42._____

1 5 if 2
2 if 2 1
1 2 if 1

a) 3 b) 1
c) 3 d) 6
43. The following is a graph of . 43._____

Which is the graph of 2 2?

a) b)

c) d)
44. Suppose that the point 1,4 is on the graph of . Find a point 44._____
on the graph when is translated left 3 units and reflected across the

a) 1, 4 b) 4, 4
c) 2,4 d) 2, 4

45. Decide which of the following functions is even. 45._____

a) | | b) 1
c) √ d)

46. Let 3 1 and 2 7. Find 3 . 46._____

a) 27 b) 39
c) 41 d) 14

47. Use the following table to evaluate / 2 . 47._____

1 2 7
0 0 1
2 3 4
8 5 2

a) 3/4 b) 1/8
c) 7/5 d) 5/7

48. For the function 3 4, find and simplify 48._____

a) 3 4 b) 3 3 4
c) 3 d) 3
49. Use the following table to evaluate ∘ 1 . 49._____

3 5 1
1 3 5
5 8 3
8 1 8

a) 3 b) 1
c) 5 d) 8

50. Let 2 1 and 4 3. Find ∘ . 50._____

a) 8 6 4 3 b) 2 4 2
c) 8 5 d) 32 48 17

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