Pharma Theory Reviewer
Pharma Theory Reviewer
Pharma Theory Reviewer
1. Minimum- therapeutic Thalidomide- example of category X
2. Maximum
3. Toxic- sobra - For hyperemesis gravidarum
4. Lethal- nakakamatay - Side effect: Amelia and phocomelia in
5. Loading- ex: 300mg muna other words no limbs
6. Maintenance- yung natirang 200mg
Vit B12 (Cobalamin)- deficient for vegetarian
7. Therapeutic
Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid or Sodium ascorbate
Vit. B9 (folic acid)- for mothers
Category of drugs
Penicillin- discovered by Alexander Flemming
A- Proven safe both for mother and baby
B- Tested for animals but not human
C- Benefits outweighs the risk
D- Benefits outweighs the risk Factors that affect the processing of drugs
1. Age
X- not safe, teratogenic 2. Weight
3. Sex
4. Psychological factor
1. GI- Oral, Rectal, NGT
K+ wasting- example: Furosemide (Lasix)
2. Parenteral- Injection route
- IV, ID (10-15), IM (90), SQ(45) K+ sparing- example: Spironolactone (Aldactone)
- ID example: PPD (Purified Protein
- For TB patient Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB): losartan
- Skin test result after 48-72h
- Delayed hypersensitivity reaction Odynophagia- pain when swallowing
3. Inhalational
4. Topical
5. Drops *Note: Asthmatic patient is not allowed to take beta