1 Timothy 3 2

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Psalm : 112 1-10


SOD : Who is the man who fears the Lord?

Objective: To lead everyone to live with Godly fears, to live right

before God.

Intro :

A. Becoming a good father is not automatic .its takes time and

effort . we are willing to invest in this Job. Madaming qualities na
dapat inconsider like leadership , responsibilities and
accountability as well discipline and loving .Father is a full time
job of a man. Yang mga trabaho natin may limit yan may
contract yan time limit hangang kalian tayo at maabot mo man
yung pinaka peak ng age na kaya mong magtrabaho pero yung
katawan mo naman ang babasihan kung fitted to work hindi ka
parin lusot maaring kaya ng isip mo pero hindi na kaya ng
katawan mo. so it means that our job as an employee is
temporary .

So Fathering is a full time Job bilang isang lalaki we must train

at dapat madevelop at matuto kung ano ung layunin ng Diyos sa
atin sa ating mga Familya .

Bilang isang kristoyano. Na magulang (parents) meron tayong

unique opportunity to learn his words he allows us para yung
mga anak natin ay maturuan natin tama na ayon sa salita ng
Diyos. Most of the un believer parents hindi nila bibibiyan ng
focus to teach their children about the word of God.

Let’s talk about the author of the book .

David was a Man's man.... Remember he was the brave lad who killed Goliath
and cut off his head. He was a warrior.

David was a family man...He had the responsibilities of a wife and children.
In fact this is one area of David's life where he produced his greatest failures.
Like most men, David allowed other things to distract him from the priority and
attention that should have been given to his family.

David was a business man, a man with great responsibilities... He was one of
the most successful kings of all history. He was a builder and an administrator.

David was a spiritual man... He was "a man after God's own heart." David
was a leader in temple worship. He wrote Psalms and hymns of praise. " David
could relate to every man in this room today. He experienced everything we
experience as men... And he usually excelled in everything he did. David can
relate to us and most of us can relate to him.


1. Those who are seek the Lord. V1 b Who delights greatly

in His commandments.

Hebrew word Seek – Baqar - to seek with pleasure or delight.

Seeking- something that you don’t have. You will not possess something that
you have already.

 To seek the Lord means to turn to God , to desire to be in a relationship

with Him. But before we can begin to seek Him . dapat meron muna
gawin ang Panginoon sa ating buhay.

Romans 3 10-12

As it is written:“There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who

understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside;
They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no,
not one.

Noong hindi pa tyo nakakilala sa Panginoon Most of us seeking our own

pleasure in life , fulfillment , success anything that world offer we grave it.
But we never seek things from God. Kung ano kayang ibigay ng Panginoon.

Why we should seek the Lord . Because something is missing in us we are

lacking , we are weak and needy .We seek Him to give us something that we
don’t have.

A. Wisdom and Understanding .

Pslam 82:5
They do not know, nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness;
All the foundations of the earth are unstable.

David the great king of Israel he address this issue dahil may
nangyayaring kaguluhan sa kanyang nasasakupan at the root cause nito
sa mga tao ay confusion , frustration

The greatest enemy of a man is Ignorance – Kamangmangan

Bilang isang Ama hindi lamang alam natin ay gumawa ng bata . yun ang
pinaka mahirap na kalalagayan ng tao yung pagiging Ignorance sa
salita ng Diyos . parang ang buhay natin ay tumtakbo lang circular na
takbo ng mundo. Trabho , bahay , in short illustration ang buhay ay
parang experiment lamang kaya in the end( failure) . meron kang
assignment ditto sa mundo bilang isang ama but you don’t know the
instruction . you have the resources without knowledge.

So ang buhay pag walng Wisdom and Understanding life is just only
experiment the reward is Failure and frustration.

Kaya po madaming tao ditto sa mundo they are confuse and punong puno
ng problema hindi dahil hindi nila kung ano ang kasagutan sa kanilang
prblema kundi hindi natin alam yung purpose ng creator .
The only way to discover his purpose in our life is to read His words . The
Creator Manual which is the Bible or the word of God.

So reading the Bible is the starting place seeking the Lord. Because
through reading his word Gods start to speak to us. Start to leads our
life , he will start to guides us. And He will reveals his hearts to us
through his word.

2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,


The Fear I had was now replace with confidence.

2. Those who are living a righteous life.

TSADAQ- to be in the right ,be justified , be righteous

Righteous – free from guilt or sin

Synonyms – good , honest , honorable , just , moral ,

nice right , right minded , straight , true, upright ,
virtuous sa Arabic sidah mapi kida-kida

Romans 12 1-2

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of

God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable
service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may
prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will
of God.
The man who fears the Lord living in a righteous life.

This is the positive result of your continuing reading the

word of God. May nababago sa buhay mo may na
transformation na nabago na sa iyo.

You have to be a righteous in all area or aspect of our life.

Family , work , In church or Community na ginagalawan
natin .

The righteousness that we have gustong nakawin ng diablo

sa atin may tinatawag tayong little sin

God says in Proverbs 28:13a that if we cover up sin, we

will not prosper. Hiding even a little sin causes trouble in
our lives.

James 2:11 – For He who said, “Do not commit adultery,”

also said, “Do not murder.” Now if you do not commit
adultery, but you do murder, you have become a
transgressor of the law. So speak and so do as those who
will be judged by the law of liberty. For judgment is without
mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs
over judgment.

God will treat any sin equally , when you sin you are going
against God.

Eto yung mga sin na kadalasan pag dumaaan sa atin ay

mahirap natin controlin , lust, anger , worry .
Kami mga tatay Father ang kadalasan target ni Satan , bakit
kmi ang target nya ? sino ditto ang mga building engineer ?
sa isang insfector ng building pag may Nakita silang crack
sa wall , they will repair the wall at may nakita sila damage
sa ceiling ng building they will repair also .. pero kung may
nakita silang crack sa foundation ng building totally they
will destroy na whole building …

Father is the foundation ikaw ang souce , teacher,

protector , leader head, the developer and sustainer . kasi
pag ikaw ay nasira bilang isang Tatay damay pati mga anak
mo at asawa mo.

Single ladies Question.

So if you are man living in righteous life , ginaganap mo ang

bahagi mo bilang isang ama whatever you read his word and
you apply sa buhay mo. you become a treat sa kingdom ni
satan . because yung line age na sinimulan mo sa buhay mo
ay pagpapalain Ng Diyos.

Psalm ;

His descendants will be mighty on earth;

The generation of the upright will be blessed.

Wealth and riches will be in his house,

And his righteousness endures forever.

Nakita na po ba natin yung Load ng isang father o Ama sa
atin nakasalalay buhay ng ating mga anak at asawa. So sabi
ko po kanina the Father is a full time Job.

3. Those who have full of compassion.

Compassion – ( Riham – to show mercy)

Compassion- a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for

the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them:
Synonyms – sympathy, kindness, tenderness , goodness

Psalm : 103:13 esv

As a father shows compassion to his children,

so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.

God is a caring and compassionate Father this kind of

God character that we can see dapat sa atin na
nagmamanifest ,that we do to our children ..

Eto yung napapansin natin mga

Deuteronomy 11 18-19

“You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your

heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign
on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between
your eyes. You shall teach them to your children,
talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and
when you are walking by the way, and when you lie
down, and when you rise.

Conclusion :

My ..Father

A good father is man who seek the Lord.

A good father is man who live righteously .

A good father is man with a full compassion.

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