Checklist NOM-251-SSA1-2009

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Checklist NOM-251-SSA1-2009, Hygiene practices for the process

of food, beverages or food supplements.

Operating Unit: ________________________ Date: _________________

Operating Unit Manager: _______________________________________
Auditor: ____________________________
Criteria Complies
5. General Provisions Yes No NARemarks
5.1 Facilities and areas

It has facilities that prevent contamination of raw materials, food,

5.1.1 beverages or food supplements.

The floors are:

Easy to clean

No cracks or breaks

The walls are:

Easy to clean
No cracks or breaks
The ceilings are:
Easy to clean
No cracks or breaks
The production or processing areas are:
Easy to clean
No cracks or breaks
The windows of the production areas are protected to prevent the
entry of :
Noxious fauna or pests
The doors of the production areas have protections to prevent the
entry of :

Noxious fauna or pests
5. General Provisions Yes No NARemarks
Piping, ducts, conduits, rails, beams, cables, etc., do not pass over
tanks and production or processing areas where unpackaged
Pipes, ducts, conduits, rails, beams, cables, etc. are in good
maintenance condition and clean.
5.2 Equipment and utensils

5.2.1 The space between the equipment, wall, ceiling and floor allows
for cleaning and disinfection.
The equipment used directly with the unpackaged product are:

No breakage.
The utensils directly with the unpackaged product are:

5.2.3 Materials that come into direct contact with the product can be
properly washed and disinfected.

Refrigeration and freezing equipment has no water accumulation.

Refrigeration and freezing equipment is equipped with a

5.2.5 thermometer or temperature recording device in:

Good operating conditions

Accessible location for monitoring
5.3 Services
Your establishment has:
Drinking water
5.3.1 Appropriate facilities for distributing drinking water

Appropriate facilities for storing drinking water

Cisterns or tanks for water storage are protected against:
Cisterns or tanks for water storage remain clogged

Cisterns or tanks are only opened for maintenance, cleaning or

5. General Provisions Yes No NARemarks
5.3 Services

The internal walls of the cisterns or tanks are smooth.

Cisterns or tanks are vented


The vent has a filter/ mechanism to avoid water contamination

Non-potable water is transported through completely separate and

identified pipelines.

There is a cross-connection or backflow siphon with the pipes

carrying potable and non-potable water.
The drainage has:
Odor traps

5.3.5 Drainpipes or gutters with trash-free grates

In good condition

If you do not have the above devices, you can count on other
measures with the same purpose.

The facility has an effluent or wastewater disposal system.

The effluent or wastewater disposal system is free of:

Noxious fauna

The drain has a grease trap
5. General Provisions Yes No NA Remarks
5.3 Services
The bathrooms are equipped with:
Complete physical separations
No direct communication and/or ventilation to the production
or processing area
Drinking water
Soap or detergent
Toilet paper and disposable towels or automatically operated air

Garbage bins with bag and swinging or pedal-operated lid

Signs or illustrations promoting personal hygiene

5.3.9 Ventilation prevents excessive heat and steam condensation, as

well as the accumulation of smoke and dust.
Piping and ceilings do not drip on areas where product is exposed
5.3.10 as a result of air conditioning

Adequate lighting for hygienic operations
Light bulbs and lamps that can contaminate the product are
equipped with:
Protection in case of breakage or bursting
Material that prevents splintering
5.4 Storage
Storage conditions are appropriate to the type of product being
5.4.1 handled

Controls in place to prevent product contamination control

It has a specific area for storage:
Cleaning agents
Chemical agents
Toxic substances
Containers containing detergents, chemical agents, etc. are closed
and labeled.

5. General Provisions Yes No NARemarks

5.4 Storage

Raw materials, food, beverages or food supplements are on any

5.4.3 clean surface that avoids contamination.

Product stowage:
Allows air circulation

Prevents breakage of packaging and wrappings

Prevents exudation from packaging and wrappings

5.4.6 It has a specific area to store implements or utensils for the

cleaning of the establishment.
5.5 Control of operations
5.5.1 HACCP system

Refrigeration equipment is maintained at a maximum temperature
of 7°C.

5.5.3 Freezing equipment is maintained at a temperature that allows

freezing of the product.

5.5.4 No cross-contamination between raw material, product in process

and finished product

5.5.5 No direct contact between finished and unfinished products during

storage process
5.5.6 The facility periodically disposes of unusable, obsolete or out-
of-specification products and materials.
5.6 Control of raw materials

The establishment inspects or sorts its raw materials and inputs

5.6.1 prior to production or processing of the product.

The establishment does not use raw materials with expired

5.6.2 expiration dates.

5.6.3 Your raw materials are identified

5. General Provisions Yes No NA Remarks

5.6 Control of raw materials
Separate and remove from the site raw materials that are not
5.6.4 suitable for processing.

When necessary, raw materials are in closed containers to avoid

5.6.5 possible contamination.

The establishment does not accept raw material when the

5.6.6 packaging is not intact.

5.6.7 Has specific criteria for accepting/rejecting raw materials

5.6.8 Applies the PEPS system to raw materials and finished products
5.7 Packaging control
Containers and containers that are in direct contact with the
product are stored and protected from:


Noxious fauna and foreign matter.

5.7.2 Containers are clean/disinfected and in good condition prior to use.

5.7.3 Primary packaging materials are innocuous

Primary packaging materials protect the product from any type of

external contamination or damage.

Does not use packaging materials and raw material containers for
5.7.4 purposes other than the original purpose.

If you use it... It enables them for the new use in a correct way.

Do not use empty containers or containers that contained chemicals

5.7.5 or toxic substances.
5. General Provisions s NoNA Remarks
5.8 Control of food contact water
The water that comes into direct contact with the product and according to NOM-
127-SSA1-1994 complies with the permissible limits of:
Free residual chlorine
Total coliform organisms
Fecal coliform organisms

It has a daily record of free residual chlorine content.

5.8.2 If you do not have a record of free residual chlorine, use an

alternate source or take the necessary measures for drinking water
that is in direct contact with the product.

The steam used on surfaces that are in direct contact does not
5.8.3 contain any substance that could represent a health risk or
contaminate the product.

5.9 Maintenance and cleaning

5.9.1 Equipment and utensils are in good working condition.

5.9.2 Inspect after maintenance or repair of the equipment in order to

eliminate residues of the materials used.
Equipment is cleaned and disinfected prior to use in the production

When lubricating the equipment there is contamination of the

5.9.3 products being processed.

Use food grade lubricants in equipment or parts in direct contact

5.9.4 with the product.

5.9.5 The facilities are kept clean.

Joints in floor or wall surfaces coated with non-continuous materials

5.9.6 in production areas facilitate their cleaning

Toilets are clean and disinfected.

Do not use restrooms for storage or for purposes other than those
for which they are intended.
Observation is
5. General Provisions Yes No NA
5.9 Maintenance and cleaning

Cleaning agents for equipment and utensils are used according to

the manufacturer's instructions or internal procedures that
guarantee their effectiveness.

Cleaning agents for equipment and utensils are not in direct contact
with the product.

Disinfecting agents for equipment and utensils are used according

5.9.9 to the manufacturer's instructions or internal procedures that
guarantee their effectiveness.

5.9.10 Cleaning and disinfection meet process and product requirements

Equipment and utensils are cleaned according to the specific needs

5.9.11 of the process and product.
5.10 Pest Control

Pest control is applied in all areas of the facility.

Pest control is applied in the transport of the product.

The facility does not keep domestic animals or pets in the

5.10.2 production or processing areas.

It has preventive measures to reduce the probability of infestation

5.10.3 and thus limit the use of pesticides.

There are no facilities in the yards of the establishment:

Disused equipment
5.10.4 Waste and scrap
Weeds or grasses

Clogging due to insufficient or inadequate drainage.

Drains are properly covered to prevent the entry of pests from

5.10.5 sewage or outside areas.
Observation is
5. General Provisions Yes No NA

5.10 Pest Control

There is no evidence of the presence of pests or noxious fauna in

5.10.6 the processing areas.

5.10.7 The facility has a pest control and pest eradication system or plan.

Contract pest control services

The company has a sanitary license

Self-applies pest control services

The company has a sanitary license

The pesticides used have a registration issued by the competent
5.10.9 authority.

Are located in an isolated area, container or cabinet with restricted

Free of any leakage

In clearly identified containers

They are in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legal


In case of contracting the services of a company, it has a certificate

or proof of the service provided by the company.

It has the sanitary license number issued by the

corresponding authority.
If self-applied pest control measures are registered. .

It has the sanitary license number issued by the

corresponding authority.
Observation is
5. General Provisions Yes No NA
5.11 Waste management

It has measures for the periodic removal and storage of waste.

Consistently prevents the accumulation of waste

Waste generated during production or processing is removed from

5.11.2 the operating areas whenever necessary or at least once a day.
5.11.3 It has identified containers with lids for waste.

5.12 Personnel health and hygiene

Exclude from any operation in which it can contaminate the product,

any person who presents signs such as:

Frequent coughing
Nasal discharge


Bodily injuries that come into direct contact with food.

Personnel present themselves neatly at the work area, with clean

5.12.2 clothes and shoes.

5.12.3 When the workday begins, work clothes are clean and intact.

Observation is
5. General Provisions s No NA
5.12 Personnel Health and Hygiene
When starting work, when returning from each absence and at any
time when hands may be dirty or contaminated, all persons
operating in the production or processing areas wash their hands in
the following manner:

Rinse hands with water, apply soap or detergent.

If the soap or detergent is liquid, it has a dispenser.

Vigorously rub the surface of the hands and between the fingers.

Use a brush to wash the nails.

Wear a uniform with short sleeves

Washing is up to elbow level.

Rinse with clean water

When rinsed, no soap or detergent residue remains.

Use a disinfectant solution

Hands are dried with hot air drying devices.

Drying hands with disposable towels

If gloves are used, they must be clean and undamaged.

5.12.5 Despite the use of gloves, hands should be washed before use.

Store clothing and personal items away from production or

5.12.6 processing areas.
Observation is
5. General Provisions s No NA

Personnel do not smoke in areas where they come into direct

contact with food, beverages or food supplements, raw materials
and primary packaging.
Personnel do not eat or drink in areas where they come into direct
contact with food, beverages or food supplements, raw materials
and primary packaging.
Personnel do not chew in areas where they come into direct contact
with food, beverages or food supplements, raw materials and
primary packaging.

Personnel do not spit in areas where they come into direct contact
with food, beverages or food supplements, raw materials and
primary packaging.

Personnel do not sneeze or cough on the product.

5.13 Transportation

The products are transported under conditions that prevent

5.13.1 contamination.

Products are protected from pests or physical, chemical or biological

5.13.2 contaminants during transport.

Products requiring refrigeration or freezing are transported in such a

5.13.3 way as to maintain the temperatures specified or recommended by
the manufacturer or producer.

5.13.4 The vehicles used for transportation are clean.

Ye Observation is
5. General Provisions s No NA
5.14 Training

All personnel operating in the production or processing areas are

5.14.1 trained in good hygienic practices at least once a year.

5.14.2 Training includes:

Personal hygiene
Correct use of work clothing

Hand washing

The nature of the products, in particular their capacity for the

development of pathogenic or spoilage microorganisms;

The way the product is processed considering the likelihood of


The degree and type of production or further preparation prior to

final consumption.

The conditions under which raw materials, foodstuffs, beverages or

food supplements are to be received and stored

Time to elapse before consumption

Impact of a contaminated product on consumer health

Knowledge of the present NOM-251 -SSA1-2009

- Total number of questions: 188, of which are

• Total number of compliances: _____ ( %)
• Total nonconformities: _________
• Total Not Applicable (NA): ___ Total not applicable (NA): ___

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