Apple Target Market

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Apple Target Market

Sigal (2010) explains that customers buy outcomes, they don't buy attributes, and they
certainly don't pay a premium for it. Whether you love or hate Apple, recognize that
they are an example of this truth.

In the real world of creating products and attacking market opportunities, market
segmentation is the process of defining and subdividing the aggregate, homogeneous
market into buckets of targeted and directed aspirations and needs. Cubes that in turn
are subject to demographic, psychographic and/or budgetary constraints. The market
segmentation strategy enables a company to drive complete, unified product solutions
that are in harmony with messaging, customer outreach and channel strategies to sell
and support customers. In this sense, Apple's product strategy is a study in market
segmentation. Instead of simply trying to stuff a product, burrito-style, with as many
different features as possible, they target specific user experiences and build the product
around that accordingly.

Presenting Criteria:

The criteria used by APPLE to obtain its target market is that of market segmentation
when marketing its iPhone:

- Socioeconomic criteria: the iPhone is a product that is more focused on an

audience between 18 and 55 years of age but also belongs to a high social class. It
is clear that the iPhone inspires a high standard of living, so it is arguably aimed at
a more exclusive and sophisticated audience of the population.
- Personality criteria: the product is aimed at an extroverted, social and above all
active type of person, who can use the iPhone to facilitate and streamline their
pace of life and take advantage of the technological opportunities it provides, all
combined with an avant-garde and sophisticated lifestyle. In addition, the
expectation that consumers have when buying this product is that it conveys
prestige and exclusivity, as Apple customers undoubtedly feel very proud to be
users of the brand and therefore seek to differentiate themselves from other users.
- Consumer behavior criteria: as mentioned above, the reasons why Apple
customers buy the iPhone are the exclusivity and distinction it conveys and their
loyalty to the brand, putting the iPhone's existing computing and connectivity
benefits in second place.

Apple hits the nail on the head with every release, so it doesn't offer products per se, it
offers experiences, lifestyle and simplification of tasks. Consumers perceive these
types of offers positively. While other cell phone, computer or smart watch companies
invest large amounts in advertising in traditional and digital media, Apple lets its users
talk about its brand thanks to the excellent attention they receive from the company.
Apple's marketing gives us a lot to learn. From the structuring of your strategy,
through the management of your speeches to the possibilities offered by innovations in
your products and software. We don't say they are pioneers, but they are the best at
convincing people that their products are the most advanced.

Sigal, M. (29 de 09 de 2010). La estrategia de segmentación de Apple y la locura de la

sabiduría convencional. Recuperado el 02 de 11 de 2019, de Radar O' Reilly:

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