CHAPTER 1..... Promotional Strategies of Resorts in The First District of Albay

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Tourism promotion means activities, operations and expenditures

designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing

or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming

tourist: developing strategies to expand tourism; operating tourism promotion

agencies and funding the marketing of or the operation of special events and

festivals designed to attract tourist

A promotional strategy is an action to influence people about business,

generate more leads, and boost costumer engagement. It visualizes how to

perform your marketing strategy and communication, who to target as your

audience and where and when to execute the promotional plan (Carlos Trillo,

2022). Promotional strategy is a key for positioning your brand on the market,

making people aware of the products or services you offer, and how they could

benefit by choosing you (Claudia, 2021).

A resort is a space, similar to a hotel that offers relaxation and or

recreation to its guests. Resorts will always offer accommodations, food and

event packages that the guest is looking for to spend their holidays and special

events. Resorts mean different things to different people. For some, a resort

merely must provide relaxation and recreation. Others may want a resort to

improve health and well- being, or require beautiful surroundings and the

highest quality of food, entertainment and service. The resort industry has

evolved to meet this diverse set of needs, balancing basic amenities with new

and changing facilities, service and experience.

The Resort industry is currently out performing every aspect of the

Lodging industry in terms of occupancy, growth, and profitability. Since its Birth in

America in the late 1700's the resort industry has continued to grow and thrive

throughout the world. Resorts can be found all over the world, and they continue

to appeal to families, couples, and also businesses. The resort industry is divided

into three major categories: hotels in resort destinations, full-service hotels in

resort destinations, and self-sufficient destination resorts. Resort a place to which

people frequently or generally go for relaxation or pleasure, especially one

providing rest and recreation facilities for vacationers.

The province of Albay in the Bicol Region is known for being home to the

iconic Mayon Volcano, one of the most beautiful volcanoes in the Philippines and

the most active as well. Albay, the second largest province in the Bicol region, is

located at the southern tip of the Luzon island region, about 500km from Manila.

Albay is located on the eastern coast of the Philippines facing the Philippine Sea

and the Pacific Ocean, This Mountainous province with vast farming lands is one

of the most visited tourist spot in Luzon because of the beautiful Mayon Volcano.

The name Bicol first came to be known as the name of the biggest and longest

river in the region. Albay is full of majestic sceneries and adventures to try but

there are also beach resorts in Albay that can give guest a total relaxation

Albay’s 1st congressional district consists of the northern Albay with the

city of Tabaco and adjacent municipalities of Bacacay, Malilipot, Malinao, Tiwi

and Sto.Domingo. These city and municipalities has its own resorts that makes

the tourists gain exquisite experience and adventure. A dip in all natural springs

water pools will confirm the unique properties, some of the resorts in the first

district of Albay is not treated with any known water treatment chemicals, the

pools are drained every 24 hours and the water itself contains natural salts and

essential compound that are removed during chlorination. These resorts allows

the tourist to bring closer to nature, release the stress and inner peace with the

resorts tranquil place and soothing waters.

Albay is composed of 15 municipalities and 3 cities. Researchers

conducted a study entitled Promotional Strategies of Resorts in the First District

of Albay. The researchers chose 1 resort in every municipality; 24/7 Balikbayan

Resort (Tiwi), Amater Resort (Malinao), Villa Azon (Tabaco), Dos Montes Resort

(Malilipot), Bienvenida Resort (Sto. Domingo) and Jazz Resort (Bacacay). The

above mentioned resort considers customer satisfaction a vital role in this

success. Many factors should be accumulated to ensure success in the business

and these factors should always be given concrete directions in order to meet the

expected level of effectiveness of Promotional Strategies of Resorts in the First

District of Albay.

This study is being pursue to determine the economic profile of the

Resorts in the First District of Albay along forms of business organization,

number of years of operation, services, accommodations and its facilities &


equipment. The researchers would also like to assess the promotional strategies

of resorts in the first District of Albay in terms of advertising, social Media, direct

mail, telemarketing and printed materials along with its level of effectiveness and

the recommendations to improve the Promotional Strategy of Resorts in the First

District of Albay. The researchers became interested in the topic on the

promotional strategies of resorts in the first district of Albay to examine the best

strategies used in promoting their resorts as tourist destination.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to determine the promotional strategy of resort in the

First District of Albay. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following


1. What is the economic profile of the resorts in the First District of Albay along:

A. Forms of Business organization

B. Number of years of operation

C. Services

D. Accommodations

E. Facilities & Equipment

2. What are the Promotional Strategies of Resorts in the First District of Albay in

terms of:

A. Advertising

B. Social Media

C. Printed Materials

3. What is the level of effectiveness of the Promotional Strategies of Resorts in

the First District of Albay?

4. What recommendation can be propose to improve the Promotional Strategy of

Resorts in the First District of Albay?

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual paradigm of the study which is a

synthesis of principle focused on the promotional strategy of Resorts in the 1st

district of Albay. The study quantitatively outlined of the owners of resorts

business in the 1st district of Albay. The relationship of the variables presented

was noted. The researcher assesses the respondent's promotional stragy on the

resorts business.

Especially, this looked into the profile of resorts business in the 1st district of

Albay along forms of business organization, number of years operation, services

and facilities and equipment. The researchers likewise determines the effect of

promotional strategy to its customers and the recommended strategy to improve

the promotion of the resorts.

The result of the Information and data gather will be tabulated and will be

analyze through the use of statistical tool. The result of this study will serve as a

feedback the resorts owners specifically in the1st district of Albay.





Economic profile of
resorts in the First PROCESS
district of Albay
Administration of
Promotional strategy of
Resorts in First
district of Albay
Level of effectiveness
of the promotional
Analysis of the Recommendation to
strategy of results
in the First District data gathered
improve the
of Albay
Recommendation can promotional strategy
be propose to Interpretation of
improve the result of Resorts in the 1st
district of Albay
stregegy of resorts
in the First district
of Albay


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework



The following are the assumptions of the study:

1. The profile of Resorts in the First District of Albay varies along forms of

business, number of years of operations, services, accommodations and its

facilities and equipment.

2. There are different promotional strategies of Resorts in the First District of

Albay regards to Advertising, Social Media and Printed Materials.

3. There is a certain level of effectiveness in the Promotional Strategies of

Resorts in the First District of Albay.

4. There are recommendations that can be proposed to improve the promotional

strategies of Resorts in the First District of Albay.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the promotional strategies of resorts in the First

District of Albay along advertising, social media and printed materials. The study

will focus on the level of effectiveness of promotional strategies likewise the

proposed recommendation on Promotional Strategies of Resorts in the First

District of Albay.

This study marked its limit to the existing registered resorts at the

respective municipality within 1st district of Albay. The study did not include

financial and managerial functions and responsibilities as well as manpower


Significance of the Study

The primary focus of this study is the Promotional Strategies Resorts in

the 1st District of Albay. The research is significant to entities and individual that

has a direct and indirect dealing with the handicraft business. It is deemed

significant to the following:

Resorts Owners. The result of this study can be used by the owners to

improve their promotional strategies in running a resort business.

Tourist and Visitors. This will create awareness to the tourist and visitors

about the registered resorts in every municipality in the First district of Albay.

Local Government Unit. This could motivate and challenge the local

government unit to grant permits to the small-scale resort owners and as the

same time this will create awareness to other business owners to abide to the

rules and regulation of putting up a business.

Local Community. The result of this study will help the local community

in landing additional source of income through the promotional strategy available

as well as this study will create awareness to the local community about the

importance of promoting the resorts in their areas.

Academe. The relevant conduct of the study will provide ways for the

academe to formulate curriculum-based plans and actions for the Tourism field,

especially in conducting a research study. This will help them adapt possible

techniques and strategies to help the students gain knowledge and be able to

master in line with the research and dissertations.

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). This study will help DTI to

grant permits and offer seminars to strengthen the resorts operation.

Department of Tourism. The result of the study will help the department

to boost awareness in engaging resort to create ways on how to brand their

resort in terms of advertising.

Transportation Sector. This could motivate and challenge transportation

sector to increase awareness to their service to the resorts goers. Promos and

strategies can be made for tourist.

Future Entrepreneurs. This study can provide concepts that can

enlighten about the resorts in the First District of Albay. This can help the future

Entrepreneurs to appreciate the resorts in the First District of Albay. This study

will let them know the registered resorts in the First District of Albay.

Future Researchers. This study can be a reference for the future

researchers venturing on similar topic. The findings would serve as a guide in

putting up small scale resorts. This study will serve as a model research and

enriched the future researcher’s literature research


Definition of Terms

For better clarification and understanding of the terms related to this study, the

following terms are conceptually and operationally:

Resorts. Is a self-contained commercial establishment that tries to

provide most of a vacationer's wants, such as food, drink,

swimming, lodging, sports, entertainment, and shopping, on the premises. As

used in the study, it refers to one of the tourist spots in promoting the tourism


Tourist. A person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure or

relaxation. In this study it pertains to the guest of the resorts who seek vacation

and enjoyment.

Advertising. Are the techniques and practices used to bring products,

services, opinions, or causes to public notice to persuade the public to respond in

a certain way toward what is being advertise. Besides promoting goods for sale,

advertising methods are used to encourage people to drive safely, support

various charities, and vote for political candidates. As used in the study, the term

refers to help resorts reach their objectives and increase revenue. Often, they

design advertisements for specific groups of potential customers. It's perhaps the

best strategy to use when promoting your business through social media.

Social Media. Social media are interactive media technologies that

facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, interests, and other forms

of expression through virtual communities and networks. As used in the study,

social media is one way to promote the resorts not just in their municipality but in

every areas of Albay.

Printed Materials. Consists of all written material, excluding non-print

resources, which convey planned course information. Examples of printed

resources include, but are not limited to: textbooks, workbooks, reference books,

magazines, newspaper, and journals. As used in the study, printed materials

used as an essential tools that can be used to convey the potential benefits of

your products and services.

Promotional Strategies. It is defined as an element of a firm’s decision

making concerned with choosing the most appropriate mix of advertising, sales

promotion, personal selling and publicity for communication with its target

market. As used in this study, this refers to the owners, managers or staff to

promote the resorts.

Resort Owner - A term that refers to individuals who establish and

operate an entity that is engaged in commercial, industrial or professional

activities with the purpose of deriving profits from its successful operations. In

this study, business owners are those owners of resorts in the First district of



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