Technology and Livelihood Education Automotive Final Demo

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At end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Identify the different cutting techniques for vegetables.
b. Perform the different cutting techniques for vegetables.
c. Appreciate the importance of the different cutting techniques for vegetables.


a. Topic: Different Cutting Techniques for Vegetables
b. Concept/Content: Definition of Terms
Brunoise is a cutting technique in which a fruit or vegetable is cut into a fine dice. The
food item is usually first julienned, then sliced across the 'sticks' to produce small cubes.
Chiffonade cutting technique is used on herbs or leafy vegetables.
Julienne is a cutting technique where food is cut into long thin 'matchstick' like strips.
This style of cut is commonly used as a garnish or on vegetables for stir fries.
Slicing is the cutting of food into thin, relatively broad slices. It really is the first cutting
technique that we all learn when we first use a knife.
It is a way of cutting vegetable done by pressing or squeezing it to break into small
c. Process Skills: Listening, speaking, observing, collaborating, performing
d. References: Javier, Ruth Estrada (2015). Culinary Arts. -cutting-
e. Instructional Materials: Laptop, Projector, Activity Cards, Visual aid
f. Value Focus: Cooperation, Active Participation, Collaboration



A. Preliminary Activities


Let us all stand. Mindy please lead the (everybody will stand up and pray)


Good Afternoon class! Good afternoon ma’am!

Who is absent today? None ma’am.
Row 1?
Row 2?
Row 3?

(seat plan)
Let us recall our previous topic.
Class, last meeting we have
discussed about spark plug and its
different parts, right? Yes ma’am (in chorus)

Now, what is spark plug? A spark plug is a device in the engine of a motor
Yes John. vehicle, which produces electric sparks to make
the petrol burn.

Very good! Now who can give one

part of a spark plug and its function? Ma’am central electrode, it is the hottest part of
Yes Mindy. the plug.

Exactly! Another answer? Yes Carlo. Ma’am Terminal. The top of the spark plug
contains a terminal to connect to the ignition

Very good! Is there any question None ma’am.

about our previous topic?


At this point in time let’s have a game.

The game called “POP ME and

I will group you into two groups. Let 1 and 2 students count off
us have a traditional count.

1. Pop the balloon then get the
scrambled letter with picture.
2. Arrange the given letters to form a
correct word.
3. Each group will be given 3 minutes
to do the task.
4. The first group that can pop and
arrange will be given one point. Yes ma’am.
Is that clear class?
Yes ma’am.
Thank you, class did you all enjoy
the game?

3. Presentation of the Lesson

Are you familiar with those words Yes ma’am.

Those words are related to our topic
for today.
And our topic for this afternoon is
All about Spark Plug Testing

Before we proceed with our lesson, let OBJECTIVES:

us know first our lesson objectives. At end of the lesson the students are expected to:
Everybody kindly read. a. Identify the steps in spark plug
b. Test the spark plug using ohmmeter;
c. Appreciate the importance of spark
plug testing by using ohmmeter.

Now let us unlock first the difficult

terms in order for you to be guided.

Who can read the definition of spark

plug? Yes Randy.

SPARK PLUG – is a device for

delivering electric current from an
ignition system to the combustion
chamber of a spark-ignition engine to
ignite the compressed fuel/air mixture
by an electric spark, while containing
combustion pressure within the

Thank you, how about tester?

Yes, Alejandro.

TESTER– A tester can determine

the quality of that spark against
what it should ideally produce.
In other words, it will check if your
spark plug is working properly.

What do you think the testing device

can we use to check the spark plug? Ma’am Ohmmeter.
Yes, jake you are raising your hands.

Very good jake.

How about the Ohmmeter?

Yes, Albert.

OHMMETER - is an electrical
instrument that measures electrical

Who among you here have already

seen an ohmmeter? Yes Skepper.
Can you describe the ohmmeter that
you have seen? Ma’am it has two leads and numbers. It looks like
a weighing scale ma’am.
Very good idea skepper.

(show power point presentation)



 Identifying the steps in testing

the spark plug.
 Steps:
1. the students will be grouped
into four (4).
2. the students will arrange the
steps in spark plug testing.
3. the given time for this activity
is 5 minutes.
4. each member of the group
should participate.


To further understand our topic and to

see if you really understand our
discussion let’s have an activity called

I will group you into four (4). Please

count off. 1,2,3,4…

Group 1 go to my right side, Group 2

go to my left side, Group 3 at the back
of the Group 1 and Group 4 at the
back of the Group 2. Is that clear?
Yes ma’am.
Proceed now with your groups and
Kindly, get your activity sheet.

(See attached Activity at the back)

Work on your task. And then after you

finished your activity, we will check
your work. Is that understood class? Yes Ma’am

And here is the rubric in judging your

work and this will serve as your guide

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Participatio All One or two Three or
n members members more
did did not members
participat participate did not
e participate
Discipline All One or two Three or
members members more
are are making members
working unnecessar are making
silently y noise unnecessar
y noise
Correctnes No errors One or two Three or
s are made mistakes more
are made mistakes
are made
Promptnes First Group that Last
s group finished the group/s
who task after who
finished the time finished the
the work allocated work
Total 20 points

Your time starts now.

(student’s will do their task and cooperate to their
(Teacher monitors the activity)

Time is up. (after 5 mins.)


(checking of activity)
Okay let us check your work.
(Teacher checks the work of every
groups if it is correct and totally done)
Okay very good, group 1.
Thank you, let’s give them 5 dub

Excellent! Thank you group 2, let’s

give them 5 dub claps.

very good! Thank you group 3, let’s

give them 5 dub claps.

Very good! Thank you group 4, let’s

give them 5 dub claps.

What have you learned in our previous

Yes, Carlo you are raising your hands. Ma’am I learned that there are different steps on
how to test the spark plugs.
Good idea Carlo!
Another answer? Yes, Myco. Ma’am I have learned that in testing the spark
plug, the steps should be in order.

Excellent! Thank you myco.

Let us discuss it further.

(distributing of handouts)

Spark plugs play a major role in

starting your vehicle. Without them
your vehicle wouldn't start, so
maintaining them is very important.

Why is it spark plug plays a major role

in starting your vehicle? Yes Joshua Ma’am because as you said earlier, without the
spark plug the vehicle wouldn’t start.
Although they’re one of the tiniest
parts in your car, spark plugs are
absolutely crucial. If you didn’t have
spark plugs, you’d have no way to
speed up on the highway or even start
up your vehicle. In fact, without the
tiny spark plugs, your car would be
utterly useless.

Now, how will you test a spark plug?

Anyone knows how?

Okay. This afternoon, I will show you

on how to test the spark plug.

Now, are you ready to witness on how

to test the spark plug? Yes Ma’am.

First, you will be needing an


(Teacher show the actual ohmmeter)

This is the positive lead (red) and the

negative lead (black).

Here are the procedures on how to

test the resistance of a spark plug.

1. Set your multi tester to “OHMS”

2. Touch the test leads together. The
meter should read zero ohms.
3. Touch one-meter lead to the
terminal of the spark plug and the
other lead to engine ground.
4. Press the points of the meter leads
firmly to the metal to ensure a good
5. If the meter reading is anything
other than what you saw in step 4
range to 5000 Ohms.

(teacher demonstrate the steps on

how to test the spark plug)

Why do we need to observed the

correct step by step procedures in
testing the spark plug? Ma’am we need to observed the correct step by
Yes, Christian. step procedures in testing the spark in order for us
to test the spark plug accurately.
Very good. Another answer?
Yes Luisa Mae.
Ma’am we need to observed the correct step by
step procedures in testing the spark because it will
serve us our guide in checking the spark plug
4. ABSTRACTION correctly.

Again, what is the first step in testing

the spark plug? Yes Jett.
Set your multi tester to “OHMS” position.
Very good, how about the second
step? Yes, Loria Touch the test leads together. The meter should
read zero ohms.
Very good, how about the third step?
Yes, Claire Touch one-meter lead to the terminal of the spark
plug and the other lead to engine ground.
Very good, how about the fourth step?
Yes, Jake Press the points of the meter leads firmly to the
metal to ensure a good connection.
Very good, how about the last step?
Yes, Jhonmark. If the meter reading is anything other than what
you saw in step 4 range to 5000 ohms.
What measuring instrument is used to
test the spark plug?
Ma’am Ohmmeter
Very good. What is an Ohmmeter?

Ma’am is an electrical instrument that measures

Very good class! electrical resistance


Let us have our last activity.

Now it’s your turn to test the spark
plug. Here are the materials needed.

I have also here an envelope; inside of

this is the procedure.
With the same group. Please get your
materials here and the envelopes.

(Teacher monitors the activity)

Time is up. (after 5 mins.) (student’s will do their task and cooperate to their
Now, you already know how to test a
spark plug?
Yes ma’am.
Very good.

And why is it important to know the

proper procedures in testing a spark
plug? Ma’am it is really important to know the proper
procedures in testing a spark plug because it will
be the guide to test the spark plug correctly and
And what will happen if you test the accurately.
spark plug without knowing the proper
procedures? Ma’am it can affect the accurate result in testing a
spark plug.
Good idea.

If you’re friend touch the tips of the

leads or the vehicle ground while he is
testing his spark plug, what will Ma’am his reading can be falsely indicate a bad
happen to his reading? plug.

Because touching the tips of the lead can also
read body resistance so it can indicate a falsely
And what will happen if you will not reading in spark plug testing.
follow the proper procedures in testing
a spark plug? Ma’am it will lead into accident and the tester will
be damage.
Very good idea.

What will you do in order for you to

have an accurate test result in testing
a spark plug? Ma’am by observing the proper procedures and
apply it in testing the spark plug.
Very good. Is there any questions or
Ma’am if the car won’t start is there a possibility
Yes, so all you have to do is to check that the spark plug is bad?
the spark plug first, because spark
plug is also a heart of a car it starts
with the spark plug in order for a car to
start properly.

Now, let’s proceed to our quiz. Okay ma’am Thank you.


Direction: In a ¼ sheet of pad paper choose the letter which corresponds to your answer.

1. Angelie want to test the spark plug of her car. What will be the first thing she will do?
A. Touch the test leads together.
B. Set your multi tester to “OHMS” position.
C. Touch one-meter lead to the terminal of the spark plug
D. Press the points of the meter lead firmly to the metal to ensure a good

2. Why is it important to know the step by step procedures in testing a spark plug?
A. To work easier and faster in your workplace
B. To put yourself into dangerous health or safety
C. To make your work not efficient and messy workplace
D. It will be the guide to test the spark plug correctly and accurately.

3. Is an electrical instrument that measures electrical resistance

A. Ohmmeter C. Anemometers
B. thermometer D. Force Gauge

4. After touching the test leads together what will be the next thing to do?
A. Ensure a good connection.
B. Touch the test leads together.
C. Set your multi tester to “OHMS” position.
D. Press the points of the meter lead firmly to the metal to ensure a good
5. Is a device for delivering electric current from ignition system to the combustion chamber
of a spark-ignition engine to ignite the compressed fuel/air mixture by an electric spark.
A. Ohmmeter C. Battery
B. Spark Plug D. Force Gauge
6. Jolen’s friend touch the tips of the leads or the vehicle ground while he is testing his
spark plug, what will happen to his reading?
A. Ensure a good connection.
B. Can have an accurate result in testing his spark plug
C. His reading can be falsely indicating a bad plug.
D. His tester will be damage.
7. What will you do in order for you to have an accurate test result in testing a spark plug?
A. By observing the proper procedures and apply it in testing the spark plug.
B. By observing the proper procedures but do not apply in testing the spark plug.
C. By not observing the proper procedures in testing the spark plug
D. Ensure a good connection.
8. What is the last step in testing the spark plug?
A. Ensure a good connection.
B. Touch the test leads together.
C. Set your multi tester to “OHMS” position.
D. If the meter reading is anything other than what you saw in step 4 range to 5000
9. What is the third step in testing the spark plug?
A. Ensure a good connection.
B. Touch the test leads together.
C. Touch one-meter lead to the terminal of the spark plug and the other lead to
engine ground.
D. If the meter reading is anything other than what you saw in step 4 range to 5000

10. What is the accurate reading range in testing a good spark plug?

A. 7000 ohms C. 10000 ohms

B. 5000 ohms D. 500 ohms

1. B 6. C
2. D 7. A
3. A 8. D
4. A 9. C
5. B 10. B

In a ½ sheet of paper answer enumerate the five steps in testing the spark plug
Student Intern Critic Teacher

Group 1
OBJECTIVE: To arrange the correct procedures in testing a spark plug.
 Write your names in a ¼ sheet of pad paper
 Choose a leader, secretary and 2 reporters.
 You will be given 5 minutes to do your activity.
 Arrange the given procedures correctly
1. Set your multi tester to “OHMS” position.
2. Touch the test leads together. The meter should read zero ohms.
3. Touch one-meter lead to the terminal of the spark plug and the other lead to engine ground.
4. Press the points of the meter leads firmly to the metal to ensure a good connection.
5. If the meter reading is anything other than what you saw in step 4 range to 5000 Ohms

Group 2
OBJECTIVE: To arrange the correct procedures in testing a spark plug.
 Write your names in a ¼ sheet of pad paper
 Choose a leader, secretary and 2 reporters.
 You will be given 5 minutes to do your activity.
 Arrange the given procedures correctly
1. Set your multi tester to “OHMS” position.
2. Touch the test leads together. The meter should read zero ohms.
3. Touch one-meter lead to the terminal of the spark plug and the other lead to engine ground.
4. Press the points of the meter leads firmly to the metal to ensure a good connection.
5. If the meter reading is anything other than what you saw in step 4 range to 5000 Ohms

Group 3
OBJECTIVE: To arrange the correct procedures in testing a spark plug.
 Write your names in a ¼ sheet of pad paper
 Choose a leader, secretary and 2 reporters.
 You will be given 5 minutes to do your activity.
 Arrange the given procedures correctly

1. Set your multi tester to “OHMS” position.
2. Touch the test leads together. The meter should read zero ohms.
3. Touch one-meter lead to the terminal of the spark plug and the other lead to engine ground.
4. Press the points of the meter leads firmly to the metal to ensure a good connection.
5. If the meter reading is anything other than what you saw in step 4 range to 5000 Ohms

Group 4
 Write your names in a ¼ sheet of pad paper
 Choose a leader, secretary and 2 reporters.
 You will be given 5 minutes to do your activity.
 Arrange the given procedures correctly

1. Set your multi tester to “OHMS” position.
2. Touch the test leads together. The meter should read zero ohms.
3. Touch one-meter lead to the terminal of the spark plug and the other lead to engine ground.
4. Press the points of the meter leads firmly to the metal to ensure a good connection.
5. If the meter reading is anything other than what you saw in step 4 range to 5000 Ohms

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