01 in The Beggining

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“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…. Then God
saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the
evening and the morning were the sixth day” Genesis 1:1, 31.
It is wonderful to visit manicured gardens that have been thoughtfully
planned and properly cared for. The colorful flowers, the varieties of
shrubs and trees, and the thick, green grass are a reminder of what the
Garden of Eden must have looked like: beautiful, peaceful, paradise!
God created a world that we could thoroughly enjoy, planting the
Garden of Eden as a gift to Adam and Eve. Love reigned in their hearts
and all of the animals were friendly, living peacefully together. Indeed,
everything God made was very good. There was no pain, sorrow or
death. And God’s plan was that it would always be this way. He didn’t
want us to learn what evil was like.
However, there was something He valued even more: freedom! He
wanted love to be given freely, not manipulated or forced. In fact, it is
impossible to have love without freedom. That is why He chose to place
“The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” in the garden.
“Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to
tend and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, ‘Of
every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat
of it you shall surely die’” Genesis 2:15-17.
Adam and Eve already had the knowledge of good. If they wanted to
learn about evil, they could communicate that choice by eating the fruit
#1 In the Beginning - 17
from this tree. That is the only reason they would need to eat from this
tree, for there was an abundance of food available on all the other trees.
Unfortunately, rebellion in the universe had already occurred and Satan
wanted Adam and Eve to join him in rebellion against God.
“War broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the
dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail,
nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great
dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who
deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were
cast out with him” Revelation 12:7-9.
Heaven! The place where we all want to be someday is where the war
began! Amazing! That raises some questions:

A. If war broke out in heaven in the first place, how can God prevent
it from happening again?
B. Does He turn everyone into robots, preventing them from
rebelling? Does He take everyone’s freedom of choice away?
C. If God is going to take human beings to live with Him, how does
He know which ones are trustworthy and which ones are not?
D. What ultimately happens to Satan and his angels and the humans
who are not taken to heaven?

In the Bible God reveals the truth about Himself and how He will bring
a complete end to sin and the sin problem. He revealed the following
scene to John. It shows us the kind of life God originally intended for
the human race and the promise that it will be restored.

“I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first
earth had passed away…. God is with men, and He will dwell with
them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and
be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there
#1 In the Beginning - 18
shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more
pain, for the former things have passed away…. There shall by no
means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie”
Revelation 21:1,3,4,27.
All that is beautiful and valuable will be completely restored:
A. Perfect joy, harmony, and love in all relationships.
B. A place where there is both security and freedom.
C. A place where we won’t get hurt and where everyone looks out for
the needs of the other.
D. The opportunity to explore the wonders and beauty of God’s
creation throughout the universe without any fear.

In Revelation 12:9, the phrase, “that serpent of old,” is a reference to
Genesis 3, where Satan uses a serpent to speak to Eve. He deceives her,
persuading her to eat the “forbidden fruit.”
1. Why did Satan talk through a serpent? Genesis 3:1,13

By talking though a serpent, Satan aroused Eve’s curiosity. She might

have wondered if eating the fruit from this tree would do something
miraculous for her as it apparently did for the serpent.
Satan is very clever, deceptive, and persistent. Therefore we are
counseled: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil
walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” 1 Peter
5:8. “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation” Matthew 26:41.
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2. Compare what God said in Genesis 2:16,17 with what Satan said
in Genesis 3:1? What were the words that Satan chose to quote?

God said, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day
that you eat of it you shall surely die.” Genesis 2:16
Satan said, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the
garden?’” Genesis 3:1
Satan quoted a portion of what God said and changed the order of the
phrases. His words encouraged her to focus on why God would say they
couldn’t eat from this tree? The incomplete message also enticed Eve
into a conversation with Satan. She tried to clarify what God had
actually said. In his reply, Satan implied that God was a liar and selfish.
Satan tries to lead us away from God by sharing half-truths, mixing truth
with error, or by leading people to emphasize one part of the Bible and
ignore other parts. This will always lead to an unbalanced experience.
Fortunately, we do not have to be led astray. When we maintain a
humble and teachable spirit, the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth as
we prayerfully study the Bible (John 5:40,41; 7:17; 16:13).
3. How did Satan contradict God? What did he imply? Genesis 3:4

Satan implied, “You don’t need to obey God. You will not die! The
consequences that God said would happen, will not happen.”
He uses this same tactic today: “You can do it just this once. It’s not that
big of deal. No one will know. What can possibly happen? It feels so
good, what can possibly be wrong with it? God is a loving God, He’ll
forgive! Go ahead. You’ll be ok.” In various ways, Satan tries to get us
to believe, “You don’t need to obey God.”
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4. What did Satan suggest that Eve should know about? Genesis 3:5

Satan implies that they should not obey God, for they would miss out on
“being like God, knowing good and evil.” Adam and Eve had no
knowledge of evil. Out of mercy and love, God did not want them to
understand or experience it.
However, Satan implies that evil would be something positive and
wonderful. He tries to convince us of the same thing today: “You will
miss out on so much pleasure if you obey God. Following Him is
boring. Times have changed. The Bible is out-dated. Following its laws
may lead to pain. God would not want you to suffer. He wants you to
enjoy life. You need to follow your heart. If you really want to be happy
in life, you should not obey God.”
Eve believed Satan and ate the fruit. She then gave some to Adam, “and
he ate” (Genesis 3:6). Their action communicated their choice to learn
about evil and join in the rebellion against God.
As a result of Adam's choice, everyone has been born with a sinful
nature. As a result, we can’t help but sin (2 Peter 2:19; John 8:34;
15:4,5). Satan takes advantage of our condition and tries to make us
believe, “You cannot obey God!” Without a Savior to save us from our
sin, Satan is correct. Fortunately, we do have a Savior and we don’t have
to remain as slaves to sin and Satan.


5. What did Adam and Eve do after they ate the fruit from the Tree
of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Genesis 3:6-8

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Their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked. (Before this,
they may have been clothed with light, as Moses was after he spent time
with God. “When Moses came down from Mount Sinai …the children
of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were
afraid to come near him” Exodus 34:29-35. Moses needed to put a veil
on his face so he could meet with the people.)
Adam and Eve attempted to cover themselves with fig leaves, but it was
very inadequate. They were ashamed and hid from God when He came
to talk with them. Sin always leads to shame, pain, and broken
relationships. Shame leads people to hide from God and others and use
“pain-relievers” to numb the emotional pain and spiritual emptiness.


6. What did God ask Adam and Eve? If God knows everything, why
did He ask them any questions? Genesis 3:9

God respects our freedom of choice. By asking a question, God gives

Adam and Eve the opportunity to avoid Him or be honest with Him.
When we acknowledge our failure, we are more open to receive the help
and healing God can bring. We can think of God’s question as a serious
game of “hide and seek.” Adam and Eve were hiding because of their
guilt and shame. God was seeking them because He loved them and He
had good news to share with them.
7. How did Adam and Eve respond to the questions God asked
them? Genesis 3:12, 13
A. Adam:

B. Eve:
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They were honest with God, but each of them added a hint of blame, as
if to say, “I wouldn’t have done it if…” How easy it is to point the
blame at others and justify ourselves. God is able to bring healing into
our lives only when we are honest and acknowledge our need for help.
8. What limitation was placed upon the snake as a consequence for
being used by Satan to tempt Eve? Genesis 3:14

9. What evidence is there that God is talking to Satan in Genesis

3:15? Revelation 12:7-9

In Revelation 12:9 Satan is referred to as “that serpent of old,” referring

to when Satan talked through the serpent to deceive Eve.

10. What did God say would happen to Satan? What would Satan
be able to do to Jesus, the Seed of the woman? Genesis 3:15

Genesis 3:15 gives us a first glimpse of what the plan of salvation would
accomplish. In the last half of the verse, God refers to the seed of the
woman as He, referring to Jesus. “He shall bruise your head.” This is a
promise that Jesus would bring an end to Satan (Romans 16:20;
Hebrews 2:14). The verse also says, “You [Satan] shall bruise His heel.”
While Satan would hurt Jesus, he could not destroy Him. He tried to
keep Jesus in the grave, but Jesus was resurrected (Matt. 27:62-28:7).
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11. What did God say He would put between Satan and the woman
and between his seed and her Seed? Genesis 3:15

When Adam and Eve chose to learn about evil, they joined Satan in his
rebellion against God. They became sinners with a sinful nature and
passed that nature onto the whole human race. Paul wrote, we all are “by
nature children of wrath” Ephesians 2:3. With this sinful nature, we are
naturally at “enmity against God” Romans 8:7. In other words, without a
Savior everyone would remain united with Satan in a war against God.
In Genesis 3:15 God promised a Savior would be born to free the human
race from Satan’s dominion (Colossians 1:12-14).
Since God respects our freedom of choice, He will never force anyone to
love Him. Instead, He draws us “with loving kindness” Jeremiah 31:3.
Jesus said, “If I am lifted up from the earth, [I] will draw all peoples to
Myself” John 12:32. When He was lifted up on the cross, Jesus revealed
His unconditional love for the human race. As a powerful magnet draws
metal to itself, so Jesus’ love is drawing everyone to Himself.
Unfortunately, many will resist and reject Jesus’ love, for they love sin
and hate the light (John 3:19-21). These are referred to as Satan’s seed
in Genesis 3:15. Notice how Jesus referred to those who were fighting
against Him. “You are of your father the devil, and the desire of your
father you want to do” John 8:44. (See also John 15:18-20).
The seed of the woman is identified as Christ and His followers. He is
the Head and they are the members of His body (1 Corinthians 12:12,13;
Ephesians 4:15,16; 5:23). The woman’s seed or offspring are identified
as those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of
Jesus. They cling to the blood of the Lamb, share their testimony, and
are willing to die, rather than hurt God or others (Revelation 12:17,11).
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12. What consequences were communicated to Eve? Genesis 3:16

Sorrow - The sorrow refers to the physical pain of giving birth. It also
refers to the emotional pain of giving birth to children with selfish
human natures. When Cain killed Abel, the emotional pain for Eve had
to be much worse than the physical pain of childbirth. As a result of the
sinful nature everyone is born with, much of the time, energy, and
resources in society are spent trying to keep evil under control. While
laws, punishments, and rewards attempt to prevent evil, only God can
change the heart so that unselfish love flows from within.
Desire - This word hints there would be a longing for something that is
desperately needed, but missing. God said it is not good for man to be
alone (Genesis 2:18). We were created as social beings. In Eden, Adam
and Eve were able to freely give and receive love. They experienced the
emotional, spiritual, and physical oneness that brought joy to their hearts.
After they sinned, selfishness entered the human race, leading to
insecurity and broken relationships. That is why God said Eve, along with
other women, would desire and long for oneness with their husbands.
This longing would create a vulnerability that could lead to manipulation.
Rule - Selfishness can lead husbands and wives to try to dominate and
control each other in order to get what they want. Without love and
security in the home, husbands and wives will not be able to experience
oneness with each other. It will also be difficult for children to grow into
maturity. When we've been hurt, it is appropriate to maintain healthy
boundaries in order to protect ourselves. However, we can also be
tempted to use unhealthy ways of coping. We use addictive substances,
pleasure-seeking, busyness, entertainment, etc., to try to numb our
emotional pain and protect ourselves from being hurt again. When this
happens we begin to harden our hearts. We then have a difficult time
giving and receiving healthy love, the very thing we all need and desire.
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While selfishness and pride will lead people to try to manipulate and
control others, Jesus said loving service is the healthy way to "rule."
"Rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great
exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but
whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant.
And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave— just
as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give
His life a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:25-28.
Husbands are invited to take the lead in receiving Jesus' love and
forgiveness and in creating a safe, loving, and forgiving atmosphere in
the home. Paul wrote, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also
loved the church and gave Himself for her" Ephesians 5:25. Jesus said,
"Love one another as I have loved you" John 15:12. When we experience
Jesus' love and forgiveness, we can begin to love and forgive others in
unselfish ways.
Wives are counseled, "submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord”
Ephesians 5:22. When we submit our lives to God, we are opening
ourselves up to receive His love and healing. This enables us to grow
into maturity and begin to love others as He has loved us. John 15:12.
Great healing can come when husbands and wives “submit to one
another” (Ephesians 5:21), that they may give and receive love freely,
without manipulation or resentment. When this happens in the home,
there will be security in the family and a little taste of heaven on earth.
13. What consequences are communicated to Adam? Genesis 3:17-19

When Adam and Eve sinned, they communicated their desire to be

independent from God and to learn about evil. God honored their choice.
Before sin, God enabled the plants and trees to produce food
spontaneously (Genesis 1:29; 2:9). After sin, the ground would naturally
produce “thorns and thistles” Genesis 3:18.
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While God never wanted us to experience this “curse,” work is truly a
blessing. Without it, we would focus on satisfying our appetites and
passions in unhealthy ways. But even hard work would not keep people
alive forever, for everyone would “return to the ground.” Sickness and
death are part of the consequences of choosing to learn about evil.
14. What impact did Adam’s choice have on everyone?
A. Romans 5:12 “Through _______ man sin entered the world.”

B. Romans 5:18 “Through ______ man's ____________ judgment

came to all men, resulting in _________________.”

C. Romans 5:19 “By one man's __________________ many were

_________ _____________.”

D. Romans 7:18-21 “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh)

____________ good dwells…. I find then a _______, that
________ is present with me, the one who wills to do good.”

When God created Adam, He was creating the human race. For the
human race is the multiplication of Adam’s life (Acts 17:26). When
Adam and Eve sinned, they lost something. The Holy Spirit no longer
dwelt within them and they became selfish by nature. This was the only
nature they could pass on to their children. As a result, we are all
condemned and “by nature children of wrath” Ephesians 2:3. Being
sinners by nature and performance, we are helpless without a Savior.
15. How were David and others born? Psalm 51:5; 58:3

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The literal meaning of the word translated “iniquity” is “to crook,” to
bend or make crooked (See Strong’s Concordance). We could describe it
as love bent inwards: self-centered or selfish.
16. How does Isaiah illustrate our true condition? Isaiah 53:6

Because of our sinful condition, we are by nature self-centered. We go

astray and follow our own way the moment we are born. The good news
is we have a Savior who saves from all aspects of the sin problem.
17. How does Jeremiah describe our human condition? Jer. 17:9

18. What did Jesus say about those in Laodicea? What do they think
about themselves? Who is right? Revelation 3:17

Those who think they are pretty good people do not feel their need for a
Savior. Jesus describes the condition of our sinful human nature as
“wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.” It is hard for people to
believe this. As humans, we like to think that we are basically good
people who do some things wrong, but Jesus describes us differently.
19. How much fruit can we produce apart from Jesus? John 15:4,5

Understanding this truth is as important as understanding what Jesus has

done for the human race. Without the conviction that we are helpless on
our own, we will not see our need for a Savior.
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20. What kind of fruit do bad trees produce? What kind of fruit do
good trees produce? What kind of tree are we? Matthew 7:16-20

Jesus states a simple concept: a good tree cannot produce bad fruit and a
bad tree cannot bear good fruit. The question is, “What kind of trees are
we, good or bad?”

In other words, “Are we basically good people who do some bad things,
or are we bad people who can do nothing good?”

Since we have sinful natures and are helpless without Jesus, we can only
be described as bad trees in ourselves. But when we have the Holy Spirit
living within our lives, He will produce the righteous fruit within us.
21. What kind of “fruit” is produced in our lives when the Holy
Spirit is living within us? Galatians 5:22,23.
1. ____________ 4. ____________ 7. ____________
2. ____________ 5. ____________ 8. ____________
3. _____________ 6. _____________ 9. ____________
God waits for us to ask before He will send the Holy Spirit to live within
us (Luke 11:13). When He comes, He will transform us on the inside
and produce these qualities within us. It is called the fruit of the Holy
Spirit. It is not fruit that we produce ourselves.

That is why Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they
may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” Matt. 5:16.

They will glorify God, for He is the source of all the good works.
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22. What else does Jesus say that can help us see God’s perspective?
A. Matthew 19:16,17

B. Luke 11:13

Matthew 19:16,17 – Jesus was asked, “‘Good Teacher, what good thing
shall I do that I may have eternal life?’ So He said to him, ‘Why do you
call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.’” In other words,
no human can be described as “good.” Only God is good.
Luke 11:13 - In the context of an incredible promise, Jesus gave a
general description of what we are like. “If you being evil…” Since we
are sinful and selfish by nature, Jesus must describe us according to the
truth. We are evil. However, since evil people are able to give “good
gifts” to others, it appears that we are basically good.
The truth is we are able to give good gifts out of selfish motives. We can
give in order to get something in return. Or we may give so that others
will think well of us. Paul says if I do these things, “but have not love, it
profits me nothing” 1 Corinthians 13:3.
23. How does Paul describe us in Romans 5:6-10?
__________ ___________ (Verse 6) ______________ (Verse 6)
______________________ (Verse 8) ______________(Verse 10)


24. How does God respond to us when we are this way? Rom. 5:6-10

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Instead of rejecting us, God takes the initiative to love and redeem us.
The good news about the bad news is this: We don’t have to try to be
good in order to make God love us, for He already does. We don’t have
to pretend that we are good out of fear of rejection, for Jesus came to
save us, not to condemn us (John 3:17).
God’s love for us is not based on our performance. He loves us in spite
of our condition. There is nothing we can do to make God love us more.
There is nothing we can do to make God love us less. We can relax and
be honest with God. This good news allows us to experience security
and peace with God. It enables us to grow up into maturity. Bill Gaither
wrote a song that sums it up well:
“I am loved, I am loved, I can risk loving you,
For the One who knows me best, loves me most.
I am loved, I am loved, won’t you please take my hand.
We are free to love each other, we are loved.”
“I said, ‘If you knew, you wouldn’t want me;
My scars are hidden by the face I wear.’
He said, ‘My child, my scars go deeper;
It was love for you that put them there.’”
25. What kind of clothes did God make for Adam and Eve? What is
the significance of this? Genesis 3:21

The fig leaf clothes Adam and Eve had made were very inadequate. God
“made tunics of skin, and clothed them.” As God promised, death did
occur that very day (Genesis 2:17). The garments of skin from animals
were a constant reminder that the wages of sin was death. The animals
that died represented their death and also pointed forward to Jesus dying
on the cross to take away the sin of the world (John 1:29; Rev. 13:8).
They knew they were alive because Jesus promised to be their Savior.
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26. Thought questions:
A. Do you like being around people who have “the fruit of the
Spirit” in their lives? ____ Yes ____ No
B. Explain your answer. Why did you mark the one you did?

C. Would you like to have “the fruit of the Spirit” in your life?
____ Yes ____ No


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