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Received: 5 October 2021 Accepted: 27 October 2021

DOI: 10.1111/add.15743


Clinical management of cannabis withdrawal

Jason P. Connor1,2 | Daniel Stjepanovic1 | Alan J. Budney3 |

4,5 1,6
Bernard Le Foll | Wayne D. Hall

National Centre for Youth Substance Use Abstract
Research, The University of Queensland, St
Lucia, QLD, Australia Background and Aims: Cannabis withdrawal is a well-characterized phenomenon that
Discipline of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, occurs in approximately half of regular and dependent cannabis users after abrupt cessa-
The University of Queensland, Herston, QLD,
tion or significant reductions in cannabis products that contain Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol
Center for Technology and Behavioral Health,
(THC). This review describes the diagnosis, prevalence, course and management of can-
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, nabis withdrawal and highlights opportunities for future clinical research.
Lebanon, NH, USA
Methods: Narrative review of literature.
Translational Addiction Research Laboratory,
Campbell Family Mental Health Research Results: Symptom onset typically occurs 24–48 hours after cessation and most symp-
Institute, Centre for Addiction and Mental toms generally peak at days 2–6, with some symptoms lasting up to 3 weeks or more in
Health, University of Toronto, ON, Canada
5 heavy cannabis users. The most common features of cannabis withdrawal are anxiety,
Departments of Family and Community
Medicine, Psychiatry, Pharmacology and irritability, anger or aggression, disturbed sleep/dreaming, depressed mood and loss of
Toxicology, University of Toronto, ON,
appetite. Less common physical symptoms include chills, headaches, physical tension,
Queensland Alliance for Environmental sweating and stomach pain. Despite limited empirical evidence, supportive counselling
Health Sciences, The University of and psychoeducation are the first-line approaches in the management of cannabis with-
Queensland, Woolloongabba, QLD, Australia
drawal. There are no medications currently approved specifically for medically assisted
Correspondence withdrawal (MAW). Medications have been used to manage short-term symptoms
Professor Jason P. Connor, Director, National
(e.g. anxiety, sleep, nausea). A number of promising pharmacological agents have been
Centre for Youth Substance Use Research,
The University of Queensland, St Lucia, 4067 examined in controlled trials, but these have been underpowered and positive findings
QLD, Australia.
not reliably replicated. Some (e.g. cannabis agonists) are used ‘off-label’ in clinical prac-
Email: [email protected]
tice. Inpatient admission for MAW may be clinically indicated for patients who have sig-
Funding information nificant comorbid mental health disorders and polysubstance use to avoid severe
Conclusions: The clinical significance of cannabis withdrawal is that its symptoms may
precipitate relapse to cannabis use. Complicated withdrawal may occur in people with
concurrent mental health and polysubstance use.

assessment, cannabis withdrawal syndrome, clinical management, pharmacology, prevalence, time

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2021 The Authors. Addiction published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society for the Study of Addiction.

Addiction. 2022;117:2075–2095. 2075


D E P E N D E N C E , WI T H D R A W A L S T A T E S A N D withdrawal than natural cannabis [7]. Their mechanisms and effects

CLINICAL MANAGEMENT remain poorly understood.

Cannabis dependence
Cannabis withdrawal refers to symptoms that occur after abrupt
cessation or significant reductions in the use of cannabis products Individuals with cannabis use disorder (CUD) generally experience
containing Δ -tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive
greater severity and duration of cannabis withdrawal symptoms than
component in cannabis. These symptoms occur most often in regu- those without CUD. This is most probably related to the greater fre-
lar and heavy cannabis users and the most common symptoms are quency and quantity of their cannabis use and their heavier exposure
anxiety, irritability, anger or aggression, disturbed sleep/dreaming, to THC [8]. CUD is characterized by persistent cannabis use despite
depressed mood and loss of appetite. Less commonly reported negative effects on the social functioning and physical or mental
physical symptoms include chills, headaches, physical tension, health of the user or the health of other individuals. Two diagnostic
sweating and stomach pain [1, 2]. Cessation of short-term systems classify and define the severity of the disorder: the Diagnos-
cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, does not tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-5 [1] and Inter-
appear to result in withdrawal [3]. national Classification of Diseases (ICD)-11 [9]. CUD severity is coded
Symptom onset typically occurs 24–48 hours after cessation and in DSM-5 as mild (presence of two to three symptoms), moderate
most symptoms generally peak at days 2–6. The duration and severity (presence of four to five symptoms) or severe (presence of six or more
of cannabis withdrawal is associated with the amount of cannabis symptoms). ICD-11 classifies cannabis use into hazardous cannabis
consumed before cessation, but can vary considerably. In heavy users use (potential to cause harm), harmful pattern of cannabis use (causing
withdrawal symptoms can occur for up to 2–3 weeks or longer. harm) and cannabis dependence.

Prevalence Neurobiological evidence

A meta-analysis pooling studies of more than 20 000 regular and The cannabis plant contains approximately 120 cannabinoids, the
dependent cannabis users estimated that 47% of individuals reported most studied of which are THC and CBD. The body’s own endoge-
cannabis withdrawal measured by standardized scales [4]. The preva- nous cannabinoids act as partial agonists of the body’s CB1 and CB2
lence in community samples was 17%, increasing to 54% in outpatient receptors [10, 11], as does THC [12], whereas CBD acts as an alloste-
samples and 87% in inpatients [4]. ric modulator of these receptors [13, 14]. The psychoactive effects of
The prevalence of cannabis withdrawal symptoms is higher in THC are underpinned by its strong affinity for CB1 receptors, which
users with a history of daily cannabis use, concurrent cannabis and are predominantly distributed within the brain. CB1 antagonists, such
tobacco use and other substance use disorders [4]. as rimonabant, reduce the subjective effects of cannabis, demonstrat-
ing the role of CB1 binding in the psychoactive effects of cannabis
use [15]. THC has a much lower affinity for the CB2 receptor that is
Objectives of management predominantly found in immune cells. Conversely, CBD has a stronger
affinity for the CB2 receptor, but has a relatively much lower affinity
Cannabis withdrawal does not carry a high risk of severe adverse out- for either receptor than THC.
comes. The presence of medical or psychiatric comorbidities such as There are endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitters in humans
polysubstance use and dependence may result in more severe compli- and other animals. The best-characterized are anandamide (AEA) and
cations and symptoms of cannabis withdrawal, necessitating addi- 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). These endocannabinoids are degraded
tional management. The clinical significance of cannabis withdrawal is by enzymes that include fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) for ana-
that it may undermine abstinence by precipitating a relapse to canna- ndamine and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) for 2-AG. THC is
bis use which immediately relieves these symptoms [5]. Irritability and metabolized by the enzymes CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 [16]. FAAH bind-
mood effects can also negatively impact personal relationships and ing is reduced in chronic and recent cannabis users [17], and inhibition
work productivity. of FAAH using PF-04457845 has been shown to reduce cannabis
Synthetic cannabinoids (SCBs) are classed as new psychoactive withdrawal [18].
substances (NPS) and are made in clandestine laboratories. Unlike There is good neurobiological and clinical evidence for a pharma-
cannabis, SCBs are a heterogeneous group that may contain multiple, cologically specific cannabis withdrawal syndrome. CB1 antagonists
typically synthetic compounds with broad structural diversity and are precipitate specific withdrawal symptoms in animal models of canna-
therefore not reviewed in this paper. SCBs can be 2–100 times more bis dependence [19]. In human studies, administration of CB1 agonists
potent than THC [6], are more likely to result in problematic use and (THC) blocks or relieves withdrawal symptoms [20–22]. Neurobiologi-
faster development of tolerance and potentially result in more severe cal and clinical studies indicate that symptoms of cannabis withdrawal

are consistent with the core symptoms of other substance withdrawal complete concordance. An adaption of the MWC, the 14-item com-
syndromes and reflect neurochemical changes in the limbic system [2]. posite withdrawal scale (WDS [26]), corresponds more closely with
cannabis withdrawal symptoms described in the DSM-5. By compari-
son with other substance withdrawal scales (e.g. alcohol withdrawal
Cannabis withdrawal criteria DSM-5 and ICD-11 scale), there has been limited psychometric validation of the various
cannabis withdrawal scales.
Withdrawal was included as a distinct disorder and as a CUD diagnos-
tic criterion item in DSM-5. Cannabis withdrawal is also included in
ICD-11 (Table 1). Differential diagnosis

Because many cannabis withdrawal symptoms are not specific to can-

Withdrawal severity nabis, a differential diagnosis needs to determine if they are better
explained by withdrawal from another substance (e.g. tobacco or alco-
In most instances, cannabis withdrawal is not severe and does not hol) or are symptoms of a comorbid mental disorder or medical
have a high risk of severe adverse outcomes. Medical or psychiatric condition.
comorbidities increase the risk of severity and the requirement for
additional management. Cannabis withdrawal severity can be evalu-
ated by a clinical examination of the number and intensity of DSM-5 Polysubstance use
or ICD-11 cannabis withdrawal features and by administering stan-
dardized measures of cannabis withdrawal. Unlike symptoms of other People with a CUD are more likely to use other substances. In nation-
substance use disorders (SUDs), DSM-5 and ICD-11 assess only the ally representative US surveys, people with a CUD in the past
presence or absence of cannabis withdrawal symptoms, rather than 12 months were six times more likely to have an alcohol use disorder
their severity. The most clinically relevant criterion is the degree of and nine times more likely to have another drug use disorder [27].
patient distress or impairment in functioning. This can be assessed Three in four cannabis users seeking treatment for a CUD will have
both subjectively (e.g. anxiety, sleep quality) and objectively another SUD [1]. Because of the high prevalence of comorbid sub-
(e.g. weight loss, fever). stance use and dependence, it is important to know if the patient only
The two most widely used cannabis withdrawal scales are the wants to cease cannabis use, or some or all of the substances that
16-item marijuana withdrawal checklist (MWC [23]), a revised version they use. In outpatient settings the patient may prefer to continue to
of the original 22-item scale [24], and the 19-item cannabis with- use other substances. There are insufficient studies to decide whether
drawal scale (CWS [25]; see Supporting information). Both the MWC it is better to withdraw from multiple substances sequentially or con-
and CWS were developed before DSM-5. There is considerable over- currently. In an inpatient setting, all non-prescribed substances are
lap of features between DSM-5 and MWC and CWS, but not usually stopped.

TABLE 1 Cannabis withdrawal criteria: DSM-5 and ICD-11

DSM-5 Cannabis withdrawal disorder (292.0) [1] ICD-11 Cannabis withdrawal (6C41.4) [9]

Signs and symptoms Description

Three (or more) of the following signs and symptoms develop after …that occurs upon cessation or reduction of use of cannabis in individuals
cessation of heavy and prolonged cannabis use (daily or almost daily who have developed cannabis dependence or have used cannabis for
use over a period of at least a few months): a prolonged period or in large amounts
1. Irritability, anger or aggression Presenting features of cannabis withdrawal may include:
2. Nervousness or anxiety irritability, anger or aggressive behaviour, shakiness, insomnia,
3. Sleep difficulty (e.g. insomnia, disturbing dreams) restlessness, anxiety, depressed or dysphoric mood, decreased
4. Decreased appetite or weight loss appetite and weight loss, headache, sweating or chills, abdominal
5. Restlessness cramps and muscle aches
6. Depressed mood
7. At least one of the following: physical symptoms causing significant
discomfort: abdominal pain, shakiness/tremors, sweating, fever, chills
or headache
The signs or symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment Is a clinically significant cluster of symptoms, behaviours and/or
in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning physiological features, varying in degree of severity and duration
The signs or symptoms do not relate to another medical condition or
better explained by another mental disorder, including intoxication or
withdrawal from another substance

Withdrawal from other substances (whether prescribed or rec- G O L D - S T A N DA R D C U R RE N T P RA C T I C E

reational) can produce similar symptoms to cannabis withdrawal.
For example, opiate and alcohol withdrawal can produce irritability, Setting and rationale for inpatient/outpatient
anger or aggressive behaviour, shakiness, insomnia, restlessness,
anxiety, depressed or dysphoric mood, decreased appetite and Inpatient admission is rarely required for uncomplicated medically
weight loss, headache, sweating or chills, abdominal cramps and assisted withdrawal (MAW). Supervised or inpatient treatment for
muscle aches. In the case of alcohol withdrawal delirium withdrawal should be considered if the patient is a polysubstance user
tremens, this is a medical emergency. A key tool in a differential and has a history of complicated withdrawal from these other sub-
diagnosis is the cessation of cannabis use with 24–48 hours of stances. If exacerbation of a mental health condition is likely to pro-
onset and an improvement in symptoms after 4–7 days of absti- duce major functional impairment, or increase the risk of self-harm,
nence, with careful assessment of other substance use and absti- supervised inpatient MAW should also be considered. Medical over-
nence patterns. sight is recommended for patients with medical conditions that may
We know little about interactions between the effects of canna- be adversely affected by substance withdrawal. Individuals who have
bis and other drugs [28], but polysubstance use may increase the been unable to manage their cannabis use in an outpatient setting
severity of withdrawal. Cannabinoid receptors are major targets, should be considered for inpatient support.
directly or indirectly, for many drugs of abuse including prescription
analgesics, but interactions between these drugs are poorly under-
stood. Additive intoxication and withdrawal effects may occur when Time-frame
cannabis is combined with central nervous system (CNS) depressants
such as alcohol and opioids (e.g. drowsiness, ataxia) and some benzo- The onset of cannabis withdrawal symptoms typically occurs 24–
diazepines or new psychoactive substances (NPS) [29]. Patients who 48 hours after cessation of use. The early phase of withdrawal is usu-
co-use tobacco and cannabis report more withdrawal symptoms than ally characterized by insomnia, irritability, decreased appetite, shaki-
those who use cannabis without tobacco [30]. A clinical priority ness and, less often, sweating and chills. These early symptoms are
should be to identify which substances have been used and to man- most likely to peak at days 2–6. They improve as THC levels reduce
age the withdrawal symptoms of the highest-risk substances or sub- over 7 days of abstinence. Anger and aggression and depressed mood
stance combinations. may occur as early as 1 week into cannabis withdrawal but typically
peak after 2 weeks of abstinence [33, 34] (Figure 1). Sleep distur-
bances may continue for several weeks or longer.
Psychiatric comorbidity THC-COOH is generally associated with severity of the cannabis
withdrawal syndrome, as measured by scores on the MWC [8]. Future
There is a well-documented dose–response relationship between research studies may determine if THC-COOH levels can more pre-
the level of cannabis use, CUD and psychiatric comorbidity. A dif- cisely guide the management and duration of cannabis withdrawal [8].
ferential diagnosis therefore requires assessment of concurrent Figure 1 displays typical reductions in mean daily creatinine-
mental health disorders, symptoms of which may be exacerbated normalized THC-COOH levels after abstinence in heavy, chronic can-
by or mimic cannabis withdrawal. In a national stratified Australian nabis users [35].
sample, 70% of adults who met CUD criteria in the past year There is a large amount of variation in the course and severity of
had at least one other psychiatric disorder [31]. In US national sur- cannabis withdrawal. Some patients who report low levels of cannabis
veys, having a CUD in the past 12 months is associated with use and few CUD symptoms (e.g. only two to three DSM-5 criteria)
increased risk of post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD; odds ratio report uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that significantly impair
(OR) = 4.3], personality disorder (OR = 4.8), mood disorders their day-to-day functioning. There are limited empirical data on the
(OR = 3.8) and anxiety disorders (OR = 2.8) [27]. Heavy cannabis degree to which individual differences in physical, psychiatric or meta-
use increases psychosis risk, and cannabis use worsens symptoms bolic factors contribute to cannabis withdrawal severity. Up to 50% of
of schizophrenia [32]. between-individual differences in cannabis withdrawal can be attrib-
uted to genetic variation [36]. Some studies of recreational and regu-
lar cannabis users [37] and those seeking treatment [26, 38] report
Physical comorbidities that females may experience more severe cannabis withdrawal symp-
toms than males, even when matched for cannabis use and other
It is beyond the scope of this review to provide a comprehensive demographic characteristics.
description of physical conditions that should be considered in a dif-
ferential diagnosis for cannabis withdrawal. As cannabis withdrawal Need for pre-detoxification harm reduction
symptoms can mirror other physical disorders, a comprehensive medi-
cal review with an emphasis on gastrointestinal and neurological sys- Cannabis pre-detoxification harm reduction strategies are not well
tems is recommended. studied and there is no standard practice. As with other substances,

F I G U R E 1 Typical course of cannabis withdrawal. Adapted from Goodwin et al. [35] and Queensland Health (2012) [34, 90]. Typical urinary
tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid (THC-COOH; the main secondary metabolite of THC) levels are drawn from Goodwin et al. [35] and reflect
high-range, chronic cannabis use

an incremental and slow reduction in cannabis intake and/or use of managing withdrawal. Most pharmacological studies of withdrawal
lower THC products over an extended period (weeks) may reduce the include some form of concurrent behavioural intervention, but the dif-
probability and severity of withdrawal symptoms. ferential efficacy of these behavioural approaches has not been
assessed (Table 2).
A 12-week single-arm cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Risks/benefits study randomly assigned 13 regular cannabis users to selective
serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI) or placebo. It found no signifi-
There are few risks related directly to cannabis withdrawal. cant differences on the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment
The greatest risk is relapse [5]. Previously highlighted in this review (CIWA) scores (adapted for cannabis) [39] between patients who
is elevated risk of polysubstance use and concurrent withdrawal relapsed and those who did not. Changes in CIWA scores in
from higher-risk substances. If cannabis withdrawal exacerbates response to CBT were not reported nor any differences between
depression ( suicide), anxiety and psychosis, then risks are those given SSRI or placebo [40].
increased and more regular monitoring and delay in detoxification Despite limited evidence, standard clinical practice typically
may be clinically indicated. All medications carry risk of side- includes psychoeducation on the course and symptoms of withdrawal,
effects. Consideration should be given to the potential side-effects coping with craving exercises, nutrition, hydration, physical exercise
of using pharmacotherapies that are largely untested in this popu- and sleep hygiene. It can also include motivational approaches and
lation, compared to the temporary uncomfortable withdrawal coping skills training [41]. Skills training in CBT such as relaxation
period. approaches, pleasant activity scheduling, managing stress/mood/
anger and goal-setting may be of clinical benefit.
Physical exercise has been associated with improved scores in the
Non-pharmacological interventions Marijuana Craving Questionnaire—short form (MCQ-SF) in a pilot
study (n = 10) of non-treatment-seeking, cannabis-dependent adults
To our knowledge, there are no high-quality studies on the most [42]. Standard sleep hygiene protocols [43] and CBT-insomnia (CBT-I
effective behavioural approaches and no studies that compare the [44]) may improve sleep in cannabis withdrawal, but this has not been
effectiveness of behavioural and pharmacological approaches to well studied [45].
TABLE 2 Pharmacotherapy studies for cannabis withdrawal

Approved for use in cannabis Primary or Secondary outcome

Medication withdrawal in study Design and main findings Limitation and future research

Cannabis agonists
Dronabinol No Secondary [46, 54] Randomized, double-blind 12 week outpatient Replication RCTs required with cannabis
study of cannabis-dependent users [46]. withdrawal as a primary outcome. Greater than
Primary outcome was cannabis abstinence. one-third attrition among studies
Patients (n = 79) were titrated to 20 mg twice
daily over the period of 1 week, or placebo
(n = 77). Both groups received weekly coping
skills intervention and MET
Dronabinol increased treatment retention and
reduced cannabis withdrawal symptoms
(measured by the WDS) over time compared
to placebo. Medication was well tolerated and
no difference in side effects reported between
groups [46]
An RCT by the same authors as [46] found no Outcomes relied on self-report. Not possible to
benefit from adding lofexidine (a potent α2- examine dronabinol in absence of lofexidine
adrenergic receptor agonist with moderate
agonist effects) to dronabinol (n = 61) on
cannabis withdrawal (measured by the WDS),
compared to placebo (n = 61) in cannabis-
dependent individuals [54]
Nabiximols, Nabilone No Primary [48] Randomized, double-blind inpatient study of Larger-scale validation RCTs required to assess the
cannabis-dependent users (mean 22.98 g/ effectiveness of nabiximols in cannabis
week) [48]. Patients (n = 27) completed a 6- withdrawal, including dose–response data.
day regimen of nabiximols providing a maximal Treatment withdrawal high (> 1/3). Baseline
daily dose of 86.4 mg THC and 80 mg CBD or CWS score differed between groups
placebo (n = 24). Both groups received CBT-
based self-completed work-books during a 9-
day admission
Nabiximols reduced CWS scores for the duration
of treatment and improved retention relative
to placebo. No serious adverse events or
differences in side effects reported between
groups [48]
Secondary [56] Cannabis-dependent outpatients were randomized Pilot study with small sample size. High variability
(double-blind) to either as-needed (self- in amount of nabiximols self-administered
titrated) nabiximols spray (n = 20) up to
113.4 mg THC/105 mg CBD or placebo
(n = 20) daily for 12 weeks. Primary outcomes
were tolerability and cannabis abstinence.
Secondary outcomes were cannabis use,
TABLE 2 (Continued)

Approved for use in cannabis Primary or Secondary outcome

Medication withdrawal in study Design and main findings Limitation and future research

withdrawal and craving. Both groups received

No difference between nabiximols and placebo in
withdrawal scores (MWC). Over the 12-week
study, reduction in cannabis craving (MCQ-SF)
statistically favoured nabiximols. No serious
adverse events or differences in side effects
reported between groups [56]
Primary [49] Cannabis-dependent participants (n = 16) Small sample size and short duration
completed an 8-week double-blind trial Sativex contains approximately 1:1 ratio of THC:

consisting of four smoke-as-usual conditions CBD, potentially obscuring the respective

and four cannabis abstinence conditions during contribution of CBD and THC
which they administered self-titrated and high
dose Sativex nasal spray, and self-titrated and
frequent dose placebo spray. Primary
outcomes were medication tolerability, serious
adverse events, craving and withdrawal
High fixed doses of Sativex were well tolerated
and significantly reduced withdrawal (CWS
and MWC) during abstinence relative to
placebo. Cravings (MCQ) were not reduced.
Self-titrated Sativex doses were lower than
fixed doses, but self-titrated dosing also
showed limited efficacy compared to placebo
No Secondary [62] Cannabis-dependent outpatients were randomized Pilot study of small sample size and short duration
to either 2 mg/day of nabilone (n = 10),
maximum dose reached after a 3-week
escalation or placebo (n = 8) for 10 weeks [62].
Primary outcomes were safety and tolerability.
Cannabis craving and anxiety were secondary
outcomes. Both groups received behavioural
‘medication management’
No difference between nabilone and placebo on
cannabis craving (MCQ) or anxiety (BAI). No
serious adverse events or differences in side
effects reported between groups [62]
Nabilone and No Secondary [60] Non-treatment-seeking tobacco and cannabis co- Assessment of cannabis withdrawal symptoms did
varenicline users smoking at least two joints a day for at not use standardized scales. Low, unbalanced
least 6 days a week were randomized to sample size between study arms
receive varenicline (n = 28) or a placebo
(n = 18) in a double-blind placebo-controlled
trial that consisted of an outpatient phase

TABLE 2 (Continued)

Approved for use in cannabis Primary or Secondary outcome

Medication withdrawal in study Design and main findings Limitation and future research

followed by an inpatient phase. During the

inpatient phase all participants received
nabilone and a placebo
The purpose of the outpatient phase was for
varenicline titration and to discontinue tobacco
smoking. Participants were not instructed to
discontinue cannabis. In the inpatient phase
participants received 4 mg twice daily nabilone
and a placebo crossed-over across two 8-day
medication phases. In this phase participants
used experimental cannabis (days 1–2),
followed by abstinence (days 3–5), and a
‘relapse’ period during which participants
could purchase active cannabis (days 6–8). This
order—cannabis consumption, abstinence and
relapse—was repeated administering the
countervailing medication (nabilone or
Outcomes during the outpatient phase were
tobacco and other drug use and adverse
events. During the inpatient phase outcomes
included mood and craving measured using a
VAS, sleep assessed using a wrist-worn
monitoring system and VAS, and relapse
defined as the number of inhalations that
participants purchased during the relapse
The inclusion of nabilone significantly attenuated
the withdrawal-related mood and sleep
symptoms, except for VAS ratings of the term
‘anxious’. Cannabis craving did not differ.
Sleep onset was significantly increased and
duration decreased during abstinence in
participants receiving placebo in lieu of
Oral THC No Primary [51] Outpatients (n = 8) who used cannabis at least Small sample size. It is possible that participants
25 days per month in the preceding 6 months continued undetected low levels of cannabis
completed a repeated-measures laboratory use during abstinence
study consisting of three smoking-as-usual
conditions (A), followed by an abstinence
period (B, C and D) in a ABACAD design.
During the abstinence periods participants
were double-blind administered placebo, and a

TABLE 2 (Continued)

Approved for use in cannabis Primary or Secondary outcome

Medication withdrawal in study Design and main findings Limitation and future research

low (30 mg) or high (90 mg) dose of oral THC.

The low THC condition always preceded the
high condition for safety reasons
The main outcome was withdrawal (MWC). A
composite WDS was calculated from items
within the MWC. Secondary outcomes
consisted of cravings (MCQ), other
symptomatology measured using the Brief
Symptom Inventory, mood assessed using the
POMS, heart rate and blood pressure

Compared to smoking-as-usual, administration of

placebo resulted in significantly increased
WDS and endorsement of five items on the
MWC (aggression, craving, depressed mood,
irritability and sleep difficulty). The effects of
THC administration were examined in these
items only. Administration of the low dose of
THC significantly suppressed WDS, and
responding on the irritability, aggression and
sleep difficulty items. The high THC dose
additionally suppressed endorsement of the
depressed mood and craving items
FAAH inhibitors
PF-04457845 No Primary [18] Randomized, double-blind study of cannabis- Requires further studies with males and females
dependent inpatients (5–8 days) then 3 weeks for generalizability
post-discharge [18]. Cannabis withdrawal was A large-scale multi-centre study is under way
the primary outcome during hospital Group differences observed in withdrawal and
admission. Male patients (n = 46) were mood ratings prior to drug administration (day
administered PF-04457845 4 mg once daily 0)
over the duration of the study or placebo
(n = 24). No formal concurrent psychosocial
treatment reported. PF-04457845 significantly
reduced cannabis withdrawal (MWSC) in early
stages (days 0–2) but not later stages (days 2–
4) of inpatient treatment and resulted in less
cannabis use post-discharge, compared to
placebo. On average, the treatment group
reported better overall sleep. There were no
significant effects of interest on mood states
measured using VAS. The drug group showed
lower scores on a number of mood scales prior
to drug administration (day 0). No serious
adverse events were reported and no

TABLE 2 (Continued)

Approved for use in cannabis Primary or Secondary outcome

Medication withdrawal in study Design and main findings Limitation and future research

difference in side effects observed between

groups [18]
Atypical anti-convulsants
Quetiapine No Secondary [47] Randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled Large dropout, 44% of randomized participants
study of cannabis-dependent individuals withdrew prior to completion of the study
seeking treatment. Randomly assigned to
titrate to dose target (300 mg) or maximum
tolerated quetiapine (n = 66) or placebo
(n = 64). Primary outcomes were measures of
daily cannabis use. Secondary outcomes were
weekly urinary THC concentration, craving
(MCQ; MCr), withdrawal (MWC), sleep
problems (MOS-SS) and study retention.
Quetiapine treatment significantly reduced
cannabis withdrawal. With each week in the
study, withdrawal scores decreased on average
by 10.4% in the treatment and 6.5% in the
placebo arm. No difference was observed in
craving scores or sleep problems between the
two groups. Time to dropout did not differ
between groups
Gabapentin No Primary [50] Randomized, double-blind study of treatment- One-third of patients completed the trial.
seeking, cannabis-dependent outpatients [50]. Validation studies with larger sizes and higher
Patients (n = 25) received gabapentin retention are required
(1200 mg/day) for 11 weeks (followed by
tapering) or placebo (n = 25). Manual-guided,
abstinence-orientated individual counselling
was provided to both groups
Gabapentin significantly reduced cannabis
withdrawal (MWC) and cannabis use over the
course of the study, compared with placebo.
Mood (BDI-II) and sleep (PSQI) were also
significantly improved. Medication was well
tolerated and no difference in side effects
reported between groups [50]
Topiramate No Secondary [64] Heavy adolescent and young adult cannabis users Approximately half (59%) of patients completed
(80% met cannabis use or dependence criteria) the trial. Topiramate was poorly tolerated by
were double-blind randomized to topiramate this young patient sample. Further research
(titrated over 4 weeks then stabilized at should first consider safety, dose and
200 mg/day for 2 weeks, n = 40) or placebo tolerability studies across age groups
TABLE 2 (Continued)

Approved for use in cannabis Primary or Secondary outcome

Medication withdrawal in study Design and main findings Limitation and future research

(n = 26) over 6 weeks. Both groups received

MET. Primary outcomes were efficacy and
feasibility in reducing cannabis use. Secondary
outcome was depression scores (BDI), a
symptom of cannabis withdrawal
There were no group differences on depression
scores. Topiramate was poorly tolerated by
this young sample (15–25 years of age) and of
those participants who withdrew from the
topiramate condition, 67% attributed their

withdrawal to adverse medication side effects

(depression, anxiety, difficulty with
coordination or balance, weight loss and
paraesthesia) [64]
Mood stabilizers
Lithium No Primary [53] Randomized, double-blind study of treatment- As noted by authors, two-thirds of study
seeking, cannabis-dependent inpatients participants were administered nitrazepam (a
received either oral lithium (500 mg, n = 19) or benzodiazepine) for sleep problems during
placebo (n = 22) twice daily for 8 days. their inpatient stay. This may have impacted
Cannabis withdrawal (CWS) was a primary CWS scores. Attrition was high (50% in lithium
outcome. No concurrent formal behavioural group)
treatment. ‘Standard withdrawal care’
Lithium did not significantly affect total CWS
scores or treatment retention compared to
placebo. No serious adverse events were
reported and no difference in side effects
observed between groups. Post-withdrawal
measures of mood, anxiety and quality of life
did not differ between groups [53]
Divalproex No Primary [63] Randomized, double-blind study of treatment- Small trial. No standardized cannabis withdraw
seeking, cannabis-dependent outpatients measure. > 90% male sample
received either divalproex sodium (n = 13) or
placebo (n = 12). Active medication was
titrated to a maximum 2000 mg per day,
starting at 500 mg daily for days 1–7, 1000 mg
for days 8–13 and 1500 mg for weeks 2–6.
Maximal dose was only provided to patients
with blood levels < 50 ng/ml. Patients
experiencing side effects or blood levels
> 120 ng/ml had their dose lowered.
Irritability, depression and anxiety (measured

TABLE 2 (Continued)

Approved for use in cannabis Primary or Secondary outcome

Medication withdrawal in study Design and main findings Limitation and future research

by SIS, HSC) were main outcomes and

reflected some features of cannabis
withdrawal. All patient received ‘manualized
relapse prevention therapy’
There were no differences between groups on
these selected withdrawal symptoms.
Marijuana craving measured using a VAS
reduced over the duration of the trial but did
not differ between groups. There was no
substantial increase in physical complaints
among those individuals who initially received
divalproex sodium compared to placebo. Three
patients were withdrawn from divalproex for
jitteriness, depression and/or abdominal
Escitalopram No Secondary [59] Randomized, double-blind study of treatment- Small sample size. Half of patients completed the
seeking, cannabis-dependent outpatients initial 9 weeks of the study
received either escitalopram (10 mg/day,
n = 26) or placebo (n = 26) for 9 weeks
(+ 14 weeks of follow-up). Cannabis
withdrawal (CIWA) was a secondary outcome.
Depression and anxiety (measured by BDI,
STAI, HAQ) were also secondary outcomes
and reflected some features of cannabis
withdrawal. All patient received MET+CBT
Escitalopram was no different to placebo on
withdrawal scores or anxiety and depression
scores during withdrawal and post-withdrawal
periods. Most treatment attrition was from the
escitalopram group (16 of 26). Adverse events
and side-effects not specifically reported [59]
Bupropion No Secondary [52] Randomized, double-blind study of treatment- Approximately 50% of patients withdrew before
seeking, cannabis-dependent outpatients completion of the 10-week medication phase
received either nefazodone (n = 36) or
bupropion-sustained release (n = 40) or
placebo (n = 30) for 13 weeks (10 weeks
medication). Nefazodone maximum dosage of
600 mg per day was reached beginning at
150 mg and increasing by 150 mg every 5 days
if tolerated. Bupropion-sustained release

TABLE 2 (Continued)

Approved for use in cannabis Primary or Secondary outcome

Medication withdrawal in study Design and main findings Limitation and future research

started at 150 mg, after 3 days increasing to

300 mg per day, if tolerated. Cannabis
withdrawal was a secondary outcome. Anxiety
(HAM-A), irritability (SIS) and sleep
disturbances (SMHSQ) reflected some features
of cannabis withdrawal. All patient received a
coping skills therapy programme
There were no significant differences in cannabis
withdrawal symptoms between nefazodone or
bupropion-sustained release, compared to

placebo. Side effects were reported by 45% of

the bupropion-sustained release group (mainly
headaches and nausea) and 42% of the
nefazodone group (mainly diarrhoea),
compared to 27% in placebo [52]
No Primary [55] Randomized, double-blind study of heavy cannabis Small sample size. High attrition (> 50%). No ITT
users meeting cannabis abuse or dependence analysis
criteria who were asked to cease cannabis for
14 days received either bupropion-sustained
release (days 1–3, 150 mg once a day; days 4–
21, 150 mg twice a day, n = 10 randomized,
five completed) or placebo (n = 12 randomized,
four completed). Cannabis withdrawal was a
primary outcome (MWC). All patients received
MET [55]
There was no statistically significant difference
between bupropion-sustained release and
placebo on withdrawal scores. Scores on
depression (BDI) and anxiety (BAI) inventories
did not differ between groups. No significant
difference between groups in sleep measures
Non-benzodiazepine GABA(A) receptor agonist
Zolpidem -extended No Secondary [57] Cross-over placebo design. Heavy cannabis users As noted by authors, short withdrawal period
release (at least 25 days/month) alternated between (3 days). Non-randomized. Double-blind only
ad libitum cannabis use (mean 0.8 g per use) to those administering drugs
and cannabis abstinence (3 days). Extended-
release zolpidem (12.5 mg) or placebo was
administered at bedtime during abstinence
periods. The primary outcome was sleep
quality (polysomnography, respiratory
TABLE 2 (Continued)

Approved for use in cannabis Primary or Secondary outcome

Medication withdrawal in study Design and main findings Limitation and future research

function, PSQI). Cannabis withdrawal was a

secondary outcome (MWC and WDS)
There were no differences between extended-
release zolpidem or placebo in cannabis
withdrawal scores (MWC, WDS). Some
features of cannabis withdrawal induced sleep
problems (i.e. REM sleep) were improved with
medication but some were not (i.e. time spent
in different sleep stages, sleep latency),
compared to placebo [57]
No Primary [61] Counterbalanced placebo design; 11 non- Small sample. No cannabis withdrawal scale. Mood
treatment-seeking heavy cannabis users (at and sleep scales not standardized. Not
least three joints daily, 5 days per week) over randomized
three 8-day inpatient phases. Participants
completed three distinct medication phases
always beginning with placebo on day 1 with
the following drugs taken daily for 7 days:
placebo, 12.5 mg zolpidem alone and 12.5 mg
zolpidem with 6 mg total nabilone. Drug order
was randomized. Additionally, participants
consumed cannabis in the following mannger:
active cannabis (5.6% THC) on day one;
inactive cannabis (0% THC) on days 2-4; active
cannabis on days 5-8 as a masure of relapse.
Cannabis was provided on day 1 by the
experimenter, but during study days 2-8 the
cannabis had to be purchased on a per
inhalation cost. Mood (non-standard VAS),
sleep (non-standard VAS and wrist activity
monitor), food intake and body weight
reflected some features of cannabis
withdrawal [61]
Both medications decreased withdrawal-related
disruptions in sleep, compared to placebo.
Only zolpidem in combination with nabilone
decreased withdrawal-related disruptions in
mood and food intake, relative to placebo [61]
Α2A adrenergic receptor agonists
Guanfacine No Secondary [58] Open-label, single-arm pilot trial of cannabis- Small sample size with a low retention rate (40%
dependent treatment-seeking outpatients of enrolled participants completed the trial)
(n = 22) [58]. Participants were titrated to No control condition
maximum tolerable or target dose over a


Medication of choice

report; MOS-SS = medical outcomes study—sleep scale; MWC and MWSC = marijuana withdrawal (symptom) checklist; POMS = profile of mood states; PSQI = Pittsburgh sleep quality index; RCT = randomized
controlled trial; REM = rapid eye movement; SIS = Snaith irritability scale; SMHSQ = St Mary’s Hospital sleep questionnaire; SSRI = selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors; STAI = state–trait anxiety inventory;
scale; Hamilton anxiety questionnaire; HSC = Hopkins symptom checklist; ITT = intention to treat; MET = motivational enhancement therapy; MCQ = marijuana craving questionnaire; MCr = marijuana craving
BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory; BDI and BDI–II = Beck Depression Inventory; CBD = cannabidiol; CBT = cognitive behavioural therapy; CWS = cannabis withdrawal scale; HAQ = HAM-A = Hamilton anxiety
Cannabis withdrawal pharmacotherapy

There are no medications approved to manage the cannabis with-

drawal syndrome. Research on MAW has increased during the past
Limitation and future research

15 years, but remains less developed than for other drugs of abuse.
Nineteen placebo-controlled studies (17 Clinical; two experimen-
tal) and one open-label, non-placebo controlled trial have been
reported (Table 2). Sixteen were randomized designs. Fewer than half
(n = 9) report cannabis withdrawal (or individual cannabis withdrawal
symptoms) as a primary outcome and only three recruited more than
50 participants in the medication arm, two of which found a signifi-
cant benefit from medication over placebo (dronabinol [46],
quetiapine [47]). Attrition among the 17 clinical studies was typically
number of adverse events. Primary outcomes

Quantity and frequency of cannabis use and

were feasibility (retention and side-effects).

greater than a third of the sample.

period of 2 weeks. This was lengthened to

No significant change in withdrawal symptom

8 weeks due to a greater than expected

withdrawal (MCW-10) were secondary

In the studies that used standardized measures of the

severity over the duration of the study

cannabis withdrawal syndrome, six reported greater improvement

in those given a cannabinoid medication than placebo (dronabinol
outcomes to establish efficacy

[46], quetiapine [47], nabiximols [48, 49], gabapentin [50], oral

THC [51]). Ten studies did not. This included trials of bupropion
Design and main findings

[52], FAAH inhibitor PF-04457845 for the majority of the with-

drawal period [18], lithium [53], dronabinol and lofexidine [54],
bupropion [55], nabiximols [56], extended-release zolpidem [57],
guanfacine [58], escitalopram [59] and nabilone [60]. Some medica-
tions produced greater reductions in individual symptoms of can-
nabis withdrawal (e.g. zolpidem extended-release improved some
THC = delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol; VAS = visual analogue scale; WDS = composite withdrawal scale.

features of sleep [61], nabilone reduced craving and anxiety [62])

Primary or Secondary outcome

than placebo. This was not true in all cases (e.g. divalproex did
not reduce irritability, depression and anxiety [63] and topiramate
did not improve mood [64]).
The research on medications for MAW in treatment-seeking,
cannabis-using populations is limited by the small number and low
quality of studies. Larger replication studies are required to test the
in study

efficacy of agents that have shown promising results in small studies.

MAW largely treats its symptoms with agents known to reduce them,
but many of these drugs have not been well studied in people with
CUD and their off-label use is of uncertain efficacy and safety.
Approved for use in cannabis

Medication use in clinical practice

No medications have been shown to be effective in MAW in random-


ized controlled trials (Table 2). In clinical practice, short-term symp-

tomatic medications have been used for (a) non-specific general
cannabis withdrawal syndrome features and (b) for specific with-

drawal symptoms (e.g. sleep, nausea, anxiety, appetite stimulation) to

improve patient comfort and retention during withdrawal (Table 3). As
with all prescribing, a comprehensive medical, medicine and drug and
alcohol use history should guide the use and doses of these medica-

tions. All medications have side-effects and these need to be balanced

against potential benefits from their unknown efficacy in this

TABLE 3 Examples of medication used in clinical practice • Psychiatric history: currently reports elevated anxiety and a history
General withdrawal and previous diagnosis of unipolar depression. Denies history of
features (off-label) Medications schizophrenia or psychotic disorders. [Clinician query: cannabis
withdrawal-induced psychosis.] Denies thoughts of self-harm.
• Dronabinol (one positive trial [46])a
• Nabiximols (two positive trials [48, 56]a • Medication: escitalopram 20 mg (non-compliant), captopril 25 mg
• Gabapentin (one positive trial [50]) (non-compliant), continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) ther-
• Nabilone [62] apy (non-compliant).
Anxiety and agitation • Diazepam
Severe tremors • Diazepam Substance use history
Nausea/stomach pain • Metoclopramide The patient reports daily use of cannabis (average 2 g per day, or
• Hyoscine approximately eight joints), nicotine 15 ‘tailor-made’ manufactured
• Promethazine
cigarettes per day plus ‘spins’ loose tobacco with high THC content
• Non-opioid analgesia (e.g. paracetamol
assuming normal liver function) cannabis plant ‘buds’. He reports infrequent use of alcohol (average
three standard drinks peer week) and non-prescribed prescription opi-
Psychotic symptoms/ • Antipsychotics (e.g. olanzapine,
hallucinations quetiapine) oids (oxycodone 10 mg when available, typically one tablet per fort-
Sleep disturbances • Zolpidem, extended release [61] night). The patient states his longest drug-free period occurred
• Diazepam 15 years ago for 6 months after meeting his now partner (aged
• Promethazine 33 years). He scores 6 on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification
May test positive to cannabinoids in drug-testing. Test (AUDIT) [67], where ≥ 16 is suggestive of alcohol-related prob-
lems, 13 on the Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) [68], where ≥ 3
of 15 is indicative of cannabis-related problems and 10 (range = 0–10)
C O M P L E X CA S ES on the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND [69]), indi-
cating a high level of dependence. He reports no history of significant
The case presented in this review reflects a common, complex substance withdrawal.
Polysubstance use is common in cannabis users, with alcohol use
disorder (OR = 6.0) and nicotine use disorder (OR = 6.2) the most Withdrawal assessment
widely co-used substances [27]. Psychiatric comorbidity is also com-
mon, with the two most common mental health problems (besides Cannabis is commonly used with tobacco [70], and in treatment-
substance use disorders) mood and anxiety disorders [65, 66]. In can- seeking cannabis users approximately two-thirds also use tobacco
nabis use disorder the OR of having any mood disorder is 3.8 and for [71]. Tobacco withdrawal symptoms overlap with cannabis withdrawal
any anxiety disorder is 2.8 [27]. and may have a similar intensity and time-course [72, 73]. Table 4 out-
lines the withdrawal features observed in this complex case and possi-
ble management. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) may be
Presentation considered during the withdrawal period and post-detoxification if
the patient desires to quit nicotine.
A 48-year-old male presented to a primary care provider with stom- The decision to recommend inpatient admission or outpatient
ach cramps, headache and elevated anxiety symptoms that have withdrawal in this presentation relies upon an accurate assessment of
prevented him from working for 48 hours. He stated that while he has the brief psychotic episodes and their potential impact on the
been off work, he has heard infrequent but multiple unfamiliar voices patient’s functioning. Withdrawal from other substance use that may
telling him that he is going to lose his job. The patient reports that he increase risk of adverse outcomes (e.g. alcohol other CNS depres-
has been having relationship problems with his partner of 15 years, sants, opioids) is not present. The patient denies suicidal thoughts, but
primarily due to his substance use. He ceased all substance use reports dysthymic mood that is typical for him. He states that his can-
60 hours prior to the assessment. nabis use is heavier at night in an attempt to improve his sleep, and
Psychosocial history ceasing use has impaired sleep quality. He reports that his partner of
The patient is currently on sick leave but has a history of stable 15 years is highly supportive of his cessation attempt and committed
employment. He is married with no children. There are financial con- to a substance-free relationship.
cerns due to time off work. The patient reported a preference for home detoxification. He
attended with his partner, who reports that they can monitor him
• Medical history: he reports stomach cramps, headache, irritability/ closely over the next 5 days. The patient consented to attending
anger, loss of appetite, some chills and sweating. Previous history primary care appointments daily over the next week. The main
of hypertension, disturbed sleep, mild–moderate sleep apnoea; management approach to consider is a cannabinoid agonist
body mass index (BMI) is 35. (e.g. nabilone, off-label) that could be slowly titrated upwards. If

TABLE 4 Complex case: observed and self-report symptoms and possible management

Observed and self-report symptoms Cannabis Nicotine Possible management options

Withdrawal scale scores CWS [25] = 140 MNWS [91,92] = 14 Main management approach for cannabis withdrawal
(range = 0–190) (observer range = syndrome: cannabinoid agonist (e.g. nabilone,
0–16) off-label)
Nausea, abdominal cramps, muscle aches ++ + Metoclopramide
Non-opioid analgesia
Consider dronabinol (specific for nausea and general
for cannabis withdrawal)
Headache ++ ++ Non-opioid analgesia
Insomnia ++ ++ Sleep hygiene, CBT-I
Zolpidem, diazepam
Anxiety ++ ++ Supportive counselling
Recommence escitalopram
Psychosis (query cannabis withdrawal-induced) ++ – Quetiapine
Irritability + + Psychoeducation
Aggressive behaviour + + Psychoeducation
Restlessness + + Diazepam
Sweating and chills + + Supportive management
Decreased appetite + – Nutrition support
Consider dronabinol (specific for appetite and general
for cannabis withdrawal)

++ Strong withdrawal feature present; + withdrawal feature present; − withdrawal features not present; CBT-I = CBT-insomnia.

probable cannabis-related withdrawal psychosis persists, inpatient RE L A PSE P R E VEN T ION

withdrawal is indicated. Quetiapine (atypical antipsychotic) was
introduced in this consultation for review over the following No pharmacological approaches have been approved to prevent risk
5 days. of relapse to CUD during or after MAW [77]. Psychosocial-based
The patient and his partner were provided with psychoeducation interventions are the first-line treatment [77]. The two most effective
on: the course and symptoms of withdrawal, exercises to cope with stand-alone behavioural interventions are cognitive–behavioural ther-
craving, nutrition, hydration, physical exercise and sleep hygiene. apy (CBT) and motivational enhancement therapy (MET). Both have
Basic skills in relaxation approaches and managing anger and similar efficacy [78–83]. There is some evidence that combined CBT
aggressive behaviour were reviewed in the consultation. Admission and MET produces better outcomes than either approach alone [77,
to a CBT-based outpatient relapse prevention programme was 81].
recommended and a referral provided. Abstinence-based contingency management (CM) using incen-
tives to motivate and sustain cessation is an effective adjunct to CBT
and MET increases rates of sustained abstinence [77, 81]. In the short
P O S T- D E T O X I F I C A T I O N P R O G N O S I S term (up to 12–14 weeks), combined MET and CBT doubles absti-
nence rates and reduces consumption by an average of 25% in those
In prospective clinical studies in adults [74] and adolescents [5, 75, who continue to use cannabis, compared to non-active treatment
76] with CUD the presence and severity of cannabis withdrawal does [81]. There is less evidence on efficacy in the longer term
not predict cannabis use after completion of MAW. However, Davis (> 9 months) after treatment. Other behavioural interventions for
et al. [5] found that adolescents who met DSM-5 criteria for cannabis CUD that have been investigated include social support counselling
withdrawal relapsed to cannabis use sooner than those who did not (SS), drug education counselling (DE), relapse prevention (RP), mindful-
meet DSM-5 criteria. More studies with larger patient numbers are ness meditation (MM) and 12-step mutual help groups. None of these
required to confirm these findings. Regular cannabis users subjectively interventions have enough data to support use at this time [77, 81].
report that withdrawal symptoms reduce their desire to abstain from Sustained cannabis abstinence is the most effective treatment
cannabis [20, 75]. goal for patients who have a CUD and who have completed MAW

TABLE 5 Low-risk cannabis consumption guidelines evaluated in controlled research settings. Given the heterogeneity of
Using lower THC content products cannabis withdrawal features and substantial individual variations
Adopting methods other than inhalation (if inhaling, avoid ‘deep between patients, new developments in the management of cannabis
inhalation’) use disorder and withdrawal are likely to include more targeted
Refraining from daily or near-daily or binging on cannabis use behavioural approaches (e.g. [77, 88]). The provision of increased on-
Where available, using legal and quality-controlled cannabis products line and digital approaches to assist patients in managing cannabis
and devices withdrawal may improve accessibility and reduce costs, compared to
If cognitive performance is impaired, temporarily suspending or face-to-face health services.
substantially reducing intensity of use (e.g. frequency/potency) The legalization of non-medical cannabis use in a number of high-
Abstaining while pregnant or breastfeeding income countries has reduced cannabis prices and increased sales of
Avoiding cannabis while driving, using machinery or engaged in other high-potency cannabis products in these jurisdictions [89]. The canna-
high-risk activities bis industry is lobbying to reduce cannabis taxes, opposing restrictions
Exercising caution in combining other psychoactive substances with on maximum THC levels and promoting the sale of high-potency can-
cannabis use
nabis such as cannabis edibles, oils, extracts and waxes. Although the
Avoiding (or adjusting) use in the presence of psychosis, other effects of these changes have not yet been formally evaluated,
psychiatric comorbidities and/or a history of substance use
increased use of high-potency cannabis is likely to increase the risks
for CUD and the severity of withdrawal [77]. Public health messaging
should include independent information and advice on the risks of
using higher-potency cannabis.
[77]. However, many patients enter treatment with moderation goals
and clinicians must adapt their approaches to work effectively with DECLARATION OF INTERESTS
these patients. Reduced use is a common outcome in outpatient stud- J.P.C., D.S., A.J.B. and W.D.H. declare no competing interests. B.LeF.
ies, but how long these reductions are maintained and whether has obtained funding from Pfizer (GRAND Awards, including salary
reduced use improves psychosocial functioning remains unclear. To support) for investigator-initiated projects. B.LeF. has some in-kind
retain patients with a moderation goal in a therapeutic relationship donation of cannabis product from Aurora and medication donation
and reduce the risk of future cannabis related-problems, low-risk from Pfizer and Bioprojet and was provided a coil for TMS study from
guidelines have been endorsed by a number of health jurisdictions Brainsway. B.LeF. has obtained industry funding from Canopy
(e.g. [84]) and health experts [85] (see Table 5). (through research grants handled by CAMH or University of Toronto),
Most cannabis users also use other substances [27, 28]. Meta- Bioprojet, ACS and Alkermes. B.LeF. has received in kind donations of
analyses demonstrate that psychosocial treatments for polysubstance nabiximols from GW Pharma for past studies funded by CIHR and
use have weak efficacy compared to single-substance psychosocial NIH. He has been a consultant for Shionogi.
treatments [86]. There are insufficient studies to recommend either
treating multiple substances sequentially or concurrently. However, a AC KNOW LEDG EME NT S
recent meta-analysis found that combined tobacco and/or cannabis The Australian National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research
interventions had a modest effect on reducing cannabis but not (J.P.C., W.D.H., D.S.) is supported by funding from the Australian
tobacco. These combined interventions did not increase tobacco or Government provided under the Commonwealth Drug and Alcohol
cannabis cessation rates [87]. Program grant. B.LeF. is supported by CAMH, a clinician–scientist
award from the department of Family and Community Medicine of
the University of Toronto and a Chair in Addiction Psychiatry from
NEW DEVELOPMENTS the department of Psychiatry of University of Toronto. A.J.B. is
supported in part by US National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
The management of substance withdrawal typically includes pharma- grants P30DA029926, T32DA037202 and R01DA015186. The
cological agents which reduce clinically significant withdrawal symp- funding bodies had no role in the study design, collection, analysis or
toms. Cannabis does not have any approved medications for MAW, interpretation of the data, writing the manuscript, or the decision to
despite a well-recognized and clinically significant withdrawal profile. submit the paper for publication. We would like to thank Professor
A number of novel agents have been examined with some promising John B. Saunders for his expert review and feedback on previous
results (Table 2). This is an important avenue of future research, with versions of this manuscript.
some agents showing early efficacy. For this reason, cannabis agonists
have been cautiously used ‘off-label’ for cannabis withdrawal. AUTHOR CONTRIBU TIONS
The mainstay of cannabis withdrawal management has been psy- Jason Connor: Conceptualization; project administration; supervision.
chosocial education, supportive counselling and behavioural therapies. Daniel Stjepanovic: Conceptualization; data curation. Alan Budney:
Despite the wide use of these approaches in clinical practice, few Conceptualization. Bernard Le Foll: Conceptualization; data curation.
empirical studies have been conducted. These approaches need to be Wayne Hall: Conceptualization; supervision.

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