Influence of COVID-19 Social Distancing Preventive Measure On The Psychological Well-Being of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2021 Candidates in Mombasa County, Kenya

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Influence of COVID-19 Social Distancing Preventive

Measure on the Psychological Well-Being of Kenya
Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2021
Candidates in Mombasa County, Kenya
1 2
Catherine Karimi Gachungi Dr. Simon Ndirangu
Psychology Department,Kenyatta University, Psychology Department, Kenyatta University,
Nairobi, Kenya Nairobi, Kenya

Abstract:- COVID-19 hit the world in 2019-2020 leading Psychological health and growth requires three
governments worldwide to close down learning essential needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness to be
institutions and enforce lockdown and curfew orders to met (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Requirements that people avoid
prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. School is a social gathering and also isolate if infected with COVID-19
socializing agent and adolescents are at a stage where made it hard to satisfy psychological needs necessary for
their social life affects or influences their development. PWB (Brooks, Webster, Smith, Woodland, Wessely,
Being students is a source of anxiety and therefore the Greenberg, & Rubin, 2020). These measures limited
present study was targeted at how social distancing psychological needs for 1) autonomy - since staying at home
affected the adolescent learner’s Psychological Well- was not autonomously chosen; 2) competence - because the
Being (PWB). This study was aimed at establishing the situation was not in the direct control of the individual
influence of COVID-19 social distancing preventive creating feelings of incompetence; and 3) relatedness which
measure on the PWB of KCSE 2021 candidates from is the removal of the social aspect of human living. With the
secondary schools in Mombasa County, Kenya. This school closures, students proceeded home without a clear
study used the ex post facto and the cross-sectional knowledge of when schools would re-open or what would
research designs. 378 high school students were sampled be the fate of their education. By staying at home,
through random sampling; and 11 teachers were key socialization with friends, which helps in dealing with stress,
informants. Collection of primary data was via a was also limited.
questionnaire sent online. The study used descriptive
statistics in analyzing data collected; findings were COVID-19 preventive measures on, physical/social
presented in percentages and frequencies. Statistical distancing, quarantine and, isolation, meant that individuals
inference consisted of multiple linear regression and could not spend time with loved ones despite the fear and
correlation analysis. Findings showed that social anxiety resulting from the COVID-19 disease. One study
distancing had a negative and significant correlation done in China on 1257 medical staff in 34 hospitals,
with PWB among KCSE 2021 candidates The study revealed a strain on their mental well-being because of
concluded that social distancing disconnected the KCSE quarantine and isolation, as well as an increased fear for
2021 candiadates from friends, also limited their their health or fear of spreading the infection to their family
engagement activities, and contributed to lack of social members (Lai, Ma, Wang, Cai, Hu, Wei, & Hu, 2020).
support, this affected their PWB. Though home is expected to be a place of comfort and social
support, the pandemic led to an environment where fear of
Keywords:- COVID-19, Social Distancing, Psychological contracting the coronavirus made even parents avoid close
Well-Being, Adolescent Candidates contact with their children for fear of infection. The lack of a
social aspect arising from the stringent preventive measures
I. INTRODUCTION contributes to creating fear in the population and a lack of
the necessary social support while going through crises like
Following the COVID-19 epidemic worldwide in the loss of loved ones or illness in the family.
2020, governments worldwide enforced preventive measures
which included social distancing and the immediate closure It would be expected that relatedness satisfaction, a
of learning institutions to limit the escalation of the major component of PWB, would be satisfied by staying at
coronavirus COVID-19 (MoH, 2020). Adolescents faced an home with one’s family. However, this is frustrated because
unnatural and unprecedented environment where there were staying at home was not an autonomous choice but a
strict social restrictions meaning that they largely had little preventive measure against COVID-19. Similarly, COVID-
or no socialization. 19 preventive measures on social distancing have been
found to contribute to increased fear and anxiety across the
world. A review of researches done on young people across
the world on the effect of the curfew effected to stop the

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
spread of COVID-19 found that there were long and short- avoid physical social contact worldwide was expected to
term mental health effects (Singh, Roy, Sinha, Parveen, adversely impact the PWB of the public at large, inclusive
Sharma, & Joshi, 2020). Containment measures like of students. These two studies however failed to sample
prolonged school closures predisposed children and the secondary school students awaiting their summative
youth to loneliness, anxiety, and uncertainty thus affecting examination, making use of university students and the
their PWB. Consequently, the COVID-19 preventive general public hence failing to be exhaustive and specific.
measures posed serious harm to the psychological health of The proposed study desired to ascertain the influence of
the youth and led to notable behavioral changes (World COVID-19 social distancing on the PWB of secondary
Vision, 2020). school, 2021 candidates.

Šakan Žuljević and Rokvić (2020) agree that harsh The significances of the COVID-19 preventive
measures of social distancing such as lockdown and school measures that can affect students’ psychological health as a
closure compromised the PWB of the general public as well consequence of physical socialization limitations and
as among students. Various mental health disorders, like isolation, closing down schools and public places include:
anxiety, depression, and anger, manifested following anxiety, depression, and stress. Cao, Fang, Hou, Han, Xu,
government-enforced COVID-19 social distancing Dong and Zhang (2020) study on the effect of COVID-19 on
preventive measures. Shi, Roy, Sinha, Parveen, and Joshi the mental health of 7,143 medical students in China found
(2020) conducted an online study of 571 Chinese varying levels of anxiety: less than 1 percent reported
participants and concluded that the general Chinese extreme anxiety; 2.7 percent had moderate anxiety, and 21.3
population experienced significant psychological distress percent had symptoms of mild anxiety due to delays in the
manifested largely by fear as an impact of social distancing academic calendar. COVID-19 preventive measures have
(Ho, Chee, & Ho 2020). The concern of contracting the been associated with psychological distress manifested by
virus, of the death of loved ones, and for the youth, the stress, depression, and anxiety among student populations.
attendant fear arising from uncertainties over the future
being a probable consequence of social distancing. The frustration resulting from daily accumulated stress
and unpleasant life events can affect an individual physical
COVID-19 preventive measures saw a change and and psychological health, which can lead to physical and
interruption of the normal lifestyles of students. Notably, mental health illnesses like anxiety and depression (Bhurga,
most families experienced economic constraints arising from Till & Sartorius, 2013). Stress is an important factor
the loss of jobs following measures to prevent COVID-19 affecting psychological health and people encounter many
like physical distancing, travel restrictions, and stay-at-home social, cognitive, and physiological stressors in various ways
requirements. This led to increased psychological issues in during their daily lives. Njoku and Omeire (2016), describe
the general public and the youth, ranging from anxiety, stress as the situation in which one is about to experience an
depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder signs (Semo important life changing event but there is no guarantee of
& Frissa, 2020; Ho, Chee, & Ho 2020). Studies revealed the outcome being in the person’s favour. COVID-19
that this interruption had the potential to impact severely on preventive measures presented a constraint to secondary
the PWB of individuals. Gubric, Badovinac and Johri (2020) school candidates’ desire to complete their studies and
study on college students’ mental health conducted in transition to higher levels of learning and later job market.
Canada among college students argued that students were Further, is the uncertainty associated with the threat of
among a population already experiencing increased stress school closures intended to stop the COVID-19 pandemic.
levels. Education and academic performance contribute to
varying levels of stress among male and female students in Studies carried out in Africa showed that COVID-19
both secondary schools and higher education (Pascoe, containment measures had a significant impact the populace
Hetrick & Parker, 2020). COVID-19 and related preventive mental health. In one study carried out among 280 university
measures reduced the ability for students to rely on normal staff in an Eastern Cape University, South Africa, 27.65%
coping strategies like families who were also probably reported psychological distress during the lockdown
experiencing psychological distress. Without these normal (Niekerk & Gent, 2021). In another study of Sub-Saharan
coping methods, the mental and general well-being of Africa, it is argued that the influence of COVID-19
students was compromised opening doors to negative preventive requirements of physical distancing on
behavioural outcomes like substance abuse. psychological health could be immense since the health care
sectors are underdeveloped (Semo & Frissa 2020). In sub-
The closures of universities and the resultant move to Saharan Africa, physical distancing and the attendant job
online learning led to increases in stress and anxiety in losses contributed to the rise in psychological disorders like
university students across the world (Sahu, 2020). Within a anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Part
short duration, students’ lives greatly changed following the of the population affected by this psychological distress
closure of schools by governments, students had to adapt to includes the youth, a key part in the growth and
new living conditions and learning platforms. Students development in any society.
experienced anxiety over the continuation of their studies in
addition to probable late completion of their studies. Wang,
Pan, Wan, Tan, Xu, Ho, & Ho (2020) corroborated Sahu’s
projection that the COVID-19 pandemic and requirements to

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
In Ghana, there was a notable decline in children’s to the extended school closures. Adolescents are a
mental health and psychological distress as a negative effect vulnerable group in the society and in a pandemic like
of COVID-19 epidemic (UNICEF, 2020). From 30.4 percent COVID-19 they have been subjected to physical abuse
of the respondent households, reports showed children which also affects their mental well-being, it is, therefore,
between the ages of 6-and 17 years mostly sad compared to important to look at this group and establish their PWB as
before the pandemic; 26.0 percent experienced anxiety, 18.5 impacted by the preventive measures against COVID-19.
percent reported being afraid, 15.5 percent were irritated and
13.1 percent distressed. Children face psychological distress II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE
in the heart of a pandemic made worse by the social
restrictions targeted at curbing its spread. Matovu, A. Theoretical Framework
Kabwama, Ssekamatte, Ssenkusu and Wanyenze (2021) also The Self-Determination Theory (SDT) by Ryan and
reported increased psychological health challenges arising Deci (2017) describes three basic needs necessary for
from the COVID-19 curfew in a study of 2500 Ugandan Psychological Well-being (PWB). The needs are autonomy,
teenage boys and young males between 10-24 years old; competence and relatedness. The need to be in control of our
with 1.2 percent being suicidal. Adolescent boys aged 15-19 motivations, behaviour and emotions to deal with social
years and young boys were more affected. Adolescence pressures is termed as autonomy. Competence is the need to
appears to place the youth at risk amid COVID-19 interact with the environment and make use of available
preventive measures hence the need to find out the influence opportunities for success. Relatedness is the need to form
on secondary school candidates. strong relationships and develop a sense of belonging to a
group. SDT focuses on isolating the social and cultural
In Kenya, it was also evident that the youth were at a factors that enable or limit the realization of the basic needs
risk of psychological distress in an environment where there for PWB. Satisfaction with life depends on the
were outside forces that were brought about by COVID-19 psychological needs being met and this enables optimal
government imposed protective measures. A report by development in human beings.
ChildLine Kenya, an initiative supported by UNICEF whose
objective is to provide help on mental health issues through SDT also explains the motivations of human
telephone calls, revealed that there was an increase in the behaviour; when an individual is intrinsically motivated it
number of calls made by children seeking help between the means that internal forces are influencing behavior which is
ages of 10-19 years following the initial reports of COVID- the ideal situation (Ryan, Deci, Patrick, & Williams, 2008).
19 pandemic in Kenya (UNICEF, 2021). To corroborate Autonomous motivation for behavior is when people are
this, a study conducted in Kenya by Dyer, Wilson, Badia, involved in an activity that they have consciously chosen to
Agot, Neary, Njuguna, and Kohler (2020), on COVID-19 do without any outside pressure and that is their choice
and related social distancing effects among 1386 adolescents (Deci, Olafsen, & Ryan, 2017). External factors may
living with HIV aged between 10-24 years; 9 percent were motivate behavior but this would reduce the level of
identified with mild depressive symptoms. Social distancing engagement as well as how enduring the behavior is. Self-
limited access to medical facilities and therefore they could determined motivation is helped when the natural
not get the routine checkups and the medicines adding to environment meets the needs for autonomy (being free of
their daily lives stress. external factors influencing behaviour), competence (having
the skills and feeling capable to deal with life issues), and
Public health emergencies have been found to subject relatedness (the sense of belonging to a group and feeling
households to domestic violence. The stay-at-home orders involved with others).
significantly increased the cases of gender-based violence
among young people in Kenya. An estimated 6.5 percent In a school setting, students who have self-determined
and 2.7 percent girls and boys between 10-19 years old were motivation record higher academic performance (Anderman,
reported to have been sexually abused over the lockdown & Gray, 2015). Students are driven to learn and achieve
period (MoE, 2020). TIFA (2020) cited in Barasa. Kazungu, when the three psychological needs are met. Thus their
Orange, Kabia, Ogero and Kasera (2020), corroborates this actions are intrinsically motivated and performance is
in their findings from a national representative survey; there improved. The satisfaction of the three needs also
was a 22 percent rise in cases of gender-based violence contributes to improved mental health. The need for
against children associated with the physical distancing and motivation is important for optimal achievement.
stay at home directives during the dusk to dawn curfew in
the country. COVID-19 containment measures to present the Psychological needs satisfaction has been linked to
young people with physical health and mental health positive behaviour change and better mental health which is
challenges, the extent to which this distress is experienced reflected in lower depression, anxiety, and improved
by older adolescents has not been exhaustively studied. physical health. The strict preventive measures to curb the
escalation of COVID-19 especially social distancing
In another study researching the impact of COVID-19 contributed to a controlled environment that did not meet the
on learning in Kenya, Nyaga (2020) found reported increase psychological needs resulting in feelings of distress a few
in children involvement in vices such as drug and substance weeks into the pandemic (Šakan, Žuljević & Rokvić, 2020).
abuse, crime especially among adolescent boys, teenage A person’s psychological well-being is achieved when the
pregnancies, defilement of minors and child marriages due basic psychological needs are met.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
B. Social Distancing and Psychological Well-Being universities. The results showed that there were considerable
Villani, Pastorino, Molinari, Anelli, Ricciardi, negative effects, such as various levels of stress, depression
Graffigna, and Boccia (2021) studied the COVID-19 symptoms, and discomfort. The mental health of university
influence on psychological health of 501 Italian students is most impacted by COVID-19, quarantine, self-
undergraduate students. Using a questionnaire sent through imposed isolation, and other harsh interventions. The study
the university students’ websites, the researchers did a cross- was conducted among university students and focused on
sectional survey immediately after the initial lockdown in financial instability and the unpredictability of the future as
the country. To estimate level of involvement, anxiety, and well as media coverage of COVID-19.
signs of depression, the study utilized the Self-Rating-
Anxiety-Scale, the Patient-Health-Engagement-Scale, and Social distancing, as a result of the COVID-19
the Self-Rating-Depression-Scale. In the 501 participants in pandemic, was found to have a significant impact on the
the study, 35.33 percent reported anxiety, and 72.93 percent PWB and normal lifestyles of Greek university students
reported depression. An increase in the incidences of anxiety (Karasmanaki & Tsantopoulos, 2021). Quantitative data
was linked to not being able to go to university, losing from 181 Greek undergraduate forestry students was
contact with friends, and the lack of physical contact with collected utilizing online questionnaires. According to the
relatives. The study was however conducted among findings, university closures and the shift to distance
university students as opposed to the candidates in this study learning had a notable impact on students. Moreover, many
who may experience different psychological behavior felt unpleasant emotions during the lockdown, primarily
concerning social distancing hence the need to assess this concern and anger. Male students were more probable than
among KCSE candidates as well. female respondents to suffer severe negative emotions such
as fear, panic, and despair, according to a T-test. The study
Munawara, Shivhare, Kapoor, Singh and Rohilla focused on university students in a 42-day quarantine; in
(2020) looked at the psychological effects of social Kenya, the national restrictions on social distancing
distancing on young people in India. The survey was done extended for over four months and persisted even after the
via an online questionnaire distributed to students in return to school for the candidate class in January 2021. It is
Chandigarh in India and the surrounding areas during the crucial to find out the psychological implication social
lockdown period. 411 people participated in the cross- distancing might have had on this population.
sectional questionnaire-based investigation (17-25 years).
The information was entered into excel sheets and evaluated III. METHODOLOGY
using relevant statistical methods such as the chi-square test,
percentages, and proportions. The findings revealed that the A. Research Design
students' life patterns had drastically changed. Stress from This study employed cross-sectional and ex post facto
controlled movement, loneliness, lack of social interaction, research. Using this strategy, investigations begin after the
academic loss, and unpredictable future possibilities were fact has taken place with no interference from the researcher
among the negative consequences. Although the study was (Salkind, 2010). KCSE 2021 candidates experienced the
conducted among students aged 17-25 years it did not COVID-19 social distancing preventive measures between
specify those who were candidates and the specific effects March 2020 and January 2021 and possible psychological
on them. More so, the methodology may differ from the effects. The researcher therefore collected data on the
method that will be adopted in the current study. experience of COVID-19 social distancing preventive
measure and related it to the psychological status of the
Over the period of active COVID-19 prevalence, a respondents. The study described the study variables
study was done in Italy on the effect of social separation on regarding the relationship and did not seek to understand
Italian’s psychological state and their physical exercise why the relationship may exist. Cross-sectional descriptive
routines; the study revealed major psychological and survey design enabled the researcher to describe the
physical impacts (Corrado, Magnano, Muzii, Coco, prevailing circumstances of phenomena by taking primary
Guarnera, D Lucia, & Maldonato 2020). A sample size of data and tabulating it in a format that can be used to arrive at
670 Italian adults took part in an online survey that collected conclusions. Ex post facto research enabled the description
demographic information, 2-week physical and emotional of the occurrence of measures to contain the spread of
symptoms, any contact with COVID-19, and reports on COVID-19, as well as an understanding of the relationship
regular physical activity. Data collected was analyzed using that exists between these measures and the psychological
mixed methodologies. More than half of the respondents well-being of KCSE 2021 candidates in Mombasa County,
said the experience had a major psychological and physical Kenya.
impact. The study centered on the impact of COVID-19
prevalence on physical/social isolation and physical exercise B. Study Variables
habits but was not specific to influence on PWB of students The study variables comprised measures to stop the
preparing for a summative examination. spread of COVID-19 and psychological well-being. The
independent variable COVID-19 social distancing
COVID-19 and students' pretentious psychological preventive measure has these specific indicators: –
well-being were explored by Li, Hafeez, and Zaheer (2020). disconnection from friends, loss of social leisure activities,
Electronic questionnaires were used to obtain data from 640 disconnection from relatives, and, reduced social support.
university students from both domestic and international The dependent variable is psychological well-being. Its main

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
indicators were: negative self-concept, sense of doom, self- E. Data Collection Intruments
doubt/loss of confidence, loss of interest, loss of hope, A questionnaire was utilized to obtain raw data. Young
loneliness, and sense of social support. (2016) argue that a questionnaire is a set of particular,
normally short questions that can be replied to
C. Location of the Study independently by a respondent. A questionnaire generated
The location for this study was Mombasa County in by the researcher with adaptations from Ryff’s measures of
Kenya. Being one of largest cosmopolitan and metropolitan PWB for teenagers and in consultation with the university
cities in Kenya, residents come from different ethnic, supervisor was used. There were three sections to the
cultural, and racial backgrounds. It was therefore expected questionnaire. The initial section entailed items collecting
that the student candidates’ population varied considerably demographic data about the respondent. Section two
in terms of social, economic, and cultural demographics constituted statements social distancing and section
making the sample representative of KCSE 2021 candidates consisted of questions on psychological well-being. The
in Kenyan secondary schools. Mombasa County also questionnaire was structured into a 5-point Likert scale.
reported the second highest cases of COVID-19 infections in
the country, with 15,452 cases as of September 2021 (Faria, The questionnaire was useful and suitable since it
2021). Mombasa County also has an international airport helped in asking many questions and also gave the
and is a port of entry placing its inhabitants at an increased respondents time to respond. They also permitted
exposure rate to the Coronavirus. It is also a tourism anonymity, so participants received assurances of secrecy.
destination, a major economic activity in the county that was The questionnaire enabled the researcher to reach
greatly impacted by the COVID-19 preventive measures respondents who resided all over the country. The
further affecting livelihoods. questionnaires were also useful in keeping up with the
COVID-19 preventive measures as no close contact was
D. Target Population needed.
The population for this study comprised all the KCSE
2021 candidates in secondary schools in Mombasa County An interview schedule was used on the guidance and
Kenya. This population was perceived to have encountered counseling teachers who were key informants in this study.
the weight of the government’s strategies to curb the spread The interview schedule included questions on the teacher’s
of COVID-19 during their final year in secondary school perception of the KCSE 2021 candidates’ psychological
education as they prepared to sit their national examination. well-being as an influence of the COVID-19 social
Adolescents, especially late adolescents, are reported to distancing and any psychosocial support provided during the
have suffered mental health disorders over the shutdown return to school period and before sitting the national
period following reported cases of COVID-19 and there examination.
were increased cases of suicide among this group (UNICEF,
2021). Moreover, the choice for secondary school F. Data Collection Methods
candidates was based on the fact that all of them are The researcher recruited research assistants in every
adolescents who are easily affected by any change in school who helped in the identification of respondent
lifestyle especially changes to their education, an important students and getting their contact details. The research
pathway in their transition to adulthood. According to 2021 assistants were trained on data collection before being
KCSE Examination Essential Statistics, 10,062 students allowed into the field. The researcher then distributed the
were candidates for the year 2021. This formed the total introduction letters through the research assistants who then
population; to get the target population data, was got from first ensured that the respondents accepted to take part in the
the Mombasa County Education Office 2021 KCSE study. Permission was then obtained, by the researcher, from
statistics. 6085 and 3977 candidates sat the 2021 KCSE in the school heads to collect data from the school. Distribution
public and private centers respectively. From this number a of the online questionnaires was done by the researcher
sample of n=384 was selected via stratified and simple assisted by research assistants. Questionnaires were sent via
random sampling while candidates were purposively email or Google forms to the respondents and emailed back
sampled from both the public and private schools in the within two weeks to the researcher once filled. The
county at a ratio of 6:4, a total of 10 schools formed the researcher also conducted physical interviews with teachers
sample. who were key informants. The teachers were those who
were in the guidance counseling department for each of the
Then, simple random sampling was applied to single schools sampled during the period before and following the
out government and privately-owned schools taking part in closing of schools during active COVID-19 period in the
this research and individual KCSE 2021 candidates from country. The teachers were given an explanation of the
each school who were the respondents. Proportionate objectives of the research and they then gave consent to
stratified random sampling was utilized to determine the participate by signing the consent forms. The researcher
sample sizes in public and private schools. Proportionate then proceeded to interview them.
stratified random sampling ensures that number sampled ‘
from each segment is proportional to the population size in
the strata (Taherdoost, 2016).

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
G. Data Analysis Techniques that they came from a family of 5 – 10 members; while the
Questionnaires, once returned, were put through a least at 2 percent of the respondents indicated that they came
review to check comprehensiveness and uniformity then from a family of more than 10 members. This indicated that
they were analyzed. To begin with, the study conducted the student respondents mostly came from fairly large
diagnostic tests, which were utilized to evaluate the families of 5-10 members.
regression analysis assumptions before data analysis.
Multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and linearity were  Parents’ Income
tested as part of the diagnostic process. Data collected was Respondents were required to give the range of their
evaluated through the SPSS version 23 program. Descriptive parents’ income; descriptive analysis was utilized to analyse
statistics like percentages, frequencies, mean, and standard the data collected and results indicated that the majority 37.2
deviation were utilized. The descriptive statistics helped percent student respondents placed their parents income
summarize the data for easier interpretation. Multiple linear between 11,000 and 20,000; 4.8 percent of the students
regression analysis was utilized for inferential statistics. indicated that their parents earned between 41,000 and
Regression were applied to ascertain the correlation of the 50,000;. This implied that a relatively significant number of
independent variable social distancing and the dependent the KCSE 2021 candidates from Mombasa County came
variable (psychological well-being). A multiple linear from low income families which is consistent with (Jelimo,
regression analysis provided statistics for regression 2020) that COVID-19 preventive measures of lockdown
coefficients and p values. The statistics was used to test the contributed to financial crisis in most Kenyan households.
statistical importance of the variables’ relationship. A p-
value of or less than 0.05 shows a significant connection.  Level of Emotional and Physical Support Received from
The correlation was utilized to ascertain the interconnection Parents
of the variables. The correlations coefficient (r) was used to The survey participants were required to rate the level
demonstrate the strength of the association between the of emotional and physical support they received from their
research variables. A positive coefficient indicated a positive parents within a range of very little, little, unsure, huge and
correlation indicating that a link existed between the very huge. A majority of 45.4 percent of the respondents
variables; while a negative coefficient would be an reported that they received very little emotional and physical
indication for a negative correlation, that is, no relationship support from their parents; while the least at 4.8 percent of
existed between the study variables. Presentation of results the student respondents indicated that they received very
was done through tables and figures. huge emotional and physical support from their parents.
These results were consistent with studies done on social
IV. DATA ANALYSIS, PRESENTATION AND distancing which indicated a decrease in physical contact
DISCUSSION OF THE FINDINGS with relatives over the COVID-19 pandemic and its
attendant social distancing controls (Villani et al, 2021).
A. Questionnaire Response Rate
348 questionnaires were sent via google forms to the C. Influence of Social Distancing on Psychological Well-
KCSE 2021 candidates from Mombasa County. In total, 270 Being
questionnaires were duly filled and submitted. The overall The respondents were requested to indicate levels of
response rate was 70.31% which, in accordance with interaction with friends and relatives, engagement in
Babbie's (2004) claim, a response rate of above 60% is good exercises and social support which reflected their experience
for a study. of social distancing on a Likert scale of five items: 5 –
strongly agree; 4 – agree; 3; neutral; 2; disagree; 1- strongly
B. Demographic Information disagree. To accurately interpret the study's findings,
In this section the respondents’ bio data is presented. strongly agree and agree (5&4) - as agree; disagree and
Demographics presented included: gender of the strongly disagree (2&1) - as disagree; and 3 as neutral. The
respondents; number of members in the family; parent’s findings were exhibited in Table 1.
income; level of emotional and physical support received
from parents. From the findings, majority of the respondents (71.4
percent) felt that social distancing measures disconnected
 Respondents’ Gender them from their friends and relatives. Further, 79.2 percent
The survey participants were requested to specify their reported that social distancing limited engagement in play
gender as either male or female. There were 63% male activities; while 60.6 percent reported a lack of needed
respondents compared to 37% female respondents. More social support due to social distancing.
boys than girls sat the KCSE 2021 from Mombasa County
Kenya hence the representation of the genders indicated a Further probing from the guidance and counselling
reliable and valid sample. teachers on the students reported feelings about
social/physical restrictions, indicated that most students felt
 Number of Family Members lonely and could not engage in any social activity with their
The respondents were requested to state how many friends and relatives.
family members they were in their households ranging from
0 to more than 10 members. 53 percent respondents stated

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 1 Students’ Experience of Social Distancing
Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Mean Std. Dev
When social distancing measures were put in place I was
disconnected from my friends 11.20% 13.00% 5.60% 32.30% 37.90% 3.73 1.38
Social distancing limited my engagement in activities
like play, swimming, exercise 4.50% 12.30% 4.10% 30.10% 49.10% 4.07 1.19
Social distancing disconnected me from my relatives 5.20% 15.20% 6.30% 40.50% 32.70% 3.80 1.20
I lacked needed social support due to social distancing 9.30% 4.10% 26.00% 39.40% 21.20% 3.59 1.14

Table 2 Correlation Analysis between Social Distancing and PWB

Psychological Well-Being Social distancing
Psychological Well-Being Pearson Correlation 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed)
Social distancing Pearson Correlation -.777** 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000

These findings were consistent with studies that F. Psychological Well-Being among KCSE 2021
showed major mental health and physical effect of the Candidates
Coronavirus pandemic social separation and physical
exercise routines among Italians (Corrado et al, 2020).  The Questionnaire Items Required Respondents to
Report their Degree of Psychological Well-Being on Six
D. Correlation Analysis of Social Distancing Levels:
To determine the association between social distancing Liking aspects of their personality, fear of future, lack
and psychological well-being among 2021 KCSE of faith in decision making, lack of interest in life, loss of
candidates, correlation analysis was conducted. Table 2 hope of completing secondary education, difficulties in
exhibits the results which showed that social distancing had organising self, feelings of loneliness, and lack of moral
a negative and significant correlation with psychological support system. Using a 5-Likert scale item of: 5 – strongly
well-being among KCSE 2021 candidates (r=-0.777, agree; 4 – agree; 3; neutral; 2; disagree; 1- strongly disagree.
p=0.000). This suggested that there was a decline in the The findings were grouped and calculated for ease of
psychological well-being of the candidates as social interpretation as: agree and strongly agree; disagree and
distancing restrictions increased. The study findings agreed strongly disagree; and neutral. Table 4 presents the results.
with Munawara et al. (2020) who found social distancing to
have had an effect on psychology of young learners. Findings indicated that 78.4 percent respondents liked
most aspects of their personality; 71.4 percent reported that
E. Regression Analysis of Social Distancing they lost hope of completing their secondary education; 75.5
Regression analysis was conducted to ascertain the link percent felt lonely often; and 76.6 percent did not have
between social distancing on the psychological well-being many people who wanted to listen when they needed to talk.
among 2021 KCSE candidates. Table 3 shows the results. These findings imply a significant association of the
COVID-19 restriction to the overall psychological well-
Regression analysis revealed a negative and significant being of the respondents. There were reported feelings of
effect of social distancing on psychological well-being loneliness, loss of hope and lack of social support. It
among KCSE 2021 candidates (β=0.310, p=0.000). This corresponded with studies done by Hassan and Bao (2020)
implied that a decline in social distancing by one unit would on college students which revealed increased mental stress
improve psychological well-being among KCSE 2021 over the COVID-19 curfew, and Popescu et al (2020)
candidates by 0.310 units. The study findings are consistent findings that college students experienced emotional
with Villani et al (2021) where increased levels of anxiety loneliness and depressive episodes including worry and a
were associated to separation from friends and lack of social sense of powerlessness as an effect of COVID-19 pandemic.
support among Italian undergraduate students.
The guidance and counseling teachers were
interviewed on whether there was any effort by the school to
check on the candidates’ well-being over the school closure
period. Majority indicated little or no support towards
students’ well-being during the COVID-19 active period. In
schools where there had been an attempt to check on the
students, there were reported feelings of fear among students
that the school closure would negatively affect their overall
preparedness for the national examination and their expected

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 3 Regression Analysis for Social Distancing
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -0.001 0.143 -0.008 0.994
Social distancing -0.310 0.052 -0.294 -5.944 0.000

Table 4 Students’ Reports on Psychological Well-being

Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Mean Std.Dev
I liked most aspects of my personality 11.90% 2.20% 7.40% 31.20% 47.20% 4.00 1.31
I feared that my life was getting adversely affected 11.90% 0.00% 14.90% 28.30% 45.00% 3.94 1.29
I lacked faith in my judgements, especially when they did
not agree with the general consensus 9.70% 3.30% 25.30% 26.00% 35.70% 3.75 1.25
I had little interest or enjoyment in doing things 11.20% 14.50% 14.90% 33.10% 26.40% 3.49 1.32
I lost hope of completing my secondary education. 9.30% 4.10% 15.20% 38.70% 32.70% 3.81 1.20
I had a hard time organizing my life in a satisfactory way. 10.80% 0.70% 11.90% 27.90% 48.70% 4.03 1.27
I felt lonely most of the time 4.50% 6.70% 13.40% 22.30% 53.20% 4.13 1.15
I did not have many people who wanted to listen when I
needed to talk. 10.00% 4.80% 7.80% 28.30% 49.10% 4.01 1.29

The guidance and counselling teachers were as on return to school as students prepared to sit their final
interviewed on their impression of the overall well-being of examinations in secondary schools.
the candidates after the return to school in January 2021.
They indicated that most students had been affected Inferential statistics was conducted to assess the
psychologically especially due to isolation and home stress. relationship between COVID-19 preventive measures and
There were a few reports of drop-out rates due to teenage the PWB of KCSE 2021 candidates. Regression results are
pregnancies, early marriages and some boys having gone exhibited in Table 5.
into ‘bodaboda’ (motorcycle) business.
Results showed that the R was 0.866. This implies that
Guidance and counselling teachers also indicated little COVID-19 social distancing preventive measure had a
or no psychosocial support to the KCSE 2021 candidates’ strong correlation with psychological well-being among
psychological well-being during the school closures as well KCSE 2021 candidates.

Table 5 Model of Fitness

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .866a 0.751 0.748 0.49224

Table 6 Analysis of Variance

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 193.469 3 64.49 266.155 .000b
Residual 64.21 265 0.242
Total 257.679 268

Furthermore, the R square was 0.751, this inferred that V. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND
social distancing explains 75.1 percent of the variations in RECOMMENDATIONS
the PWB among KCSE 2021 candidates.
A. Social Distancing and Psychological Well-Being
To determine the COVID-19 social distancing The objective of the study was to determine the
preventive measure as a predictor for PWB among KCSE influence of COVID-19 social distancing preventive
2021 candidates, the ANOVA was computed. The analysis measure on psychological well-being among Kenya
of the variance (ANOVA) results are exhibited in Table 6. Certificate of Secondary Education 2021 candidates in
Mombasa County, Kenya. The results showed that putting
Table 6 indicates that COVID-19 social distancing social distancing measures in place as a preventive measure
preventive measure was a good predictor of PWB among for COVID-19 disconnected students from their friends. In
KCSE 2021 candidates as represented by an F statistic of addition, social distancing limited students’ engagement in
266.155 and the reported p value of 0.000, which was less activities like play, swimming, exercise; and most student
than the conventional probability of 0.05 significance level. respondents lacked needed social support due to social
This implied that the COVID-19 social distancing distancing.
preventive measure was had statistically significant effect on
psychological well-being among KCSE 2021 candidates at a
95 percent confidence level.

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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