Influence of COVID-19 Social Distancing Preventive Measure On The Psychological Well-Being of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2021 Candidates in Mombasa County, Kenya
Influence of COVID-19 Social Distancing Preventive Measure On The Psychological Well-Being of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2021 Candidates in Mombasa County, Kenya
Influence of COVID-19 Social Distancing Preventive Measure On The Psychological Well-Being of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2021 Candidates in Mombasa County, Kenya
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- COVID-19 hit the world in 2019-2020 leading Psychological health and growth requires three
governments worldwide to close down learning essential needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness to be
institutions and enforce lockdown and curfew orders to met (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Requirements that people avoid
prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. School is a social gathering and also isolate if infected with COVID-19
socializing agent and adolescents are at a stage where made it hard to satisfy psychological needs necessary for
their social life affects or influences their development. PWB (Brooks, Webster, Smith, Woodland, Wessely,
Being students is a source of anxiety and therefore the Greenberg, & Rubin, 2020). These measures limited
present study was targeted at how social distancing psychological needs for 1) autonomy - since staying at home
affected the adolescent learner’s Psychological Well- was not autonomously chosen; 2) competence - because the
Being (PWB). This study was aimed at establishing the situation was not in the direct control of the individual
influence of COVID-19 social distancing preventive creating feelings of incompetence; and 3) relatedness which
measure on the PWB of KCSE 2021 candidates from is the removal of the social aspect of human living. With the
secondary schools in Mombasa County, Kenya. This school closures, students proceeded home without a clear
study used the ex post facto and the cross-sectional knowledge of when schools would re-open or what would
research designs. 378 high school students were sampled be the fate of their education. By staying at home,
through random sampling; and 11 teachers were key socialization with friends, which helps in dealing with stress,
informants. Collection of primary data was via a was also limited.
questionnaire sent online. The study used descriptive
statistics in analyzing data collected; findings were COVID-19 preventive measures on, physical/social
presented in percentages and frequencies. Statistical distancing, quarantine and, isolation, meant that individuals
inference consisted of multiple linear regression and could not spend time with loved ones despite the fear and
correlation analysis. Findings showed that social anxiety resulting from the COVID-19 disease. One study
distancing had a negative and significant correlation done in China on 1257 medical staff in 34 hospitals,
with PWB among KCSE 2021 candidates The study revealed a strain on their mental well-being because of
concluded that social distancing disconnected the KCSE quarantine and isolation, as well as an increased fear for
2021 candiadates from friends, also limited their their health or fear of spreading the infection to their family
engagement activities, and contributed to lack of social members (Lai, Ma, Wang, Cai, Hu, Wei, & Hu, 2020).
support, this affected their PWB. Though home is expected to be a place of comfort and social
support, the pandemic led to an environment where fear of
Keywords:- COVID-19, Social Distancing, Psychological contracting the coronavirus made even parents avoid close
Well-Being, Adolescent Candidates contact with their children for fear of infection. The lack of a
social aspect arising from the stringent preventive measures
I. INTRODUCTION contributes to creating fear in the population and a lack of
the necessary social support while going through crises like
Following the COVID-19 epidemic worldwide in the loss of loved ones or illness in the family.
2020, governments worldwide enforced preventive measures
which included social distancing and the immediate closure It would be expected that relatedness satisfaction, a
of learning institutions to limit the escalation of the major component of PWB, would be satisfied by staying at
coronavirus COVID-19 (MoH, 2020). Adolescents faced an home with one’s family. However, this is frustrated because
unnatural and unprecedented environment where there were staying at home was not an autonomous choice but a
strict social restrictions meaning that they largely had little preventive measure against COVID-19. Similarly, COVID-
or no socialization. 19 preventive measures on social distancing have been
found to contribute to increased fear and anxiety across the
world. A review of researches done on young people across
the world on the effect of the curfew effected to stop the
Šakan Žuljević and Rokvić (2020) agree that harsh The significances of the COVID-19 preventive
measures of social distancing such as lockdown and school measures that can affect students’ psychological health as a
closure compromised the PWB of the general public as well consequence of physical socialization limitations and
as among students. Various mental health disorders, like isolation, closing down schools and public places include:
anxiety, depression, and anger, manifested following anxiety, depression, and stress. Cao, Fang, Hou, Han, Xu,
government-enforced COVID-19 social distancing Dong and Zhang (2020) study on the effect of COVID-19 on
preventive measures. Shi, Roy, Sinha, Parveen, and Joshi the mental health of 7,143 medical students in China found
(2020) conducted an online study of 571 Chinese varying levels of anxiety: less than 1 percent reported
participants and concluded that the general Chinese extreme anxiety; 2.7 percent had moderate anxiety, and 21.3
population experienced significant psychological distress percent had symptoms of mild anxiety due to delays in the
manifested largely by fear as an impact of social distancing academic calendar. COVID-19 preventive measures have
(Ho, Chee, & Ho 2020). The concern of contracting the been associated with psychological distress manifested by
virus, of the death of loved ones, and for the youth, the stress, depression, and anxiety among student populations.
attendant fear arising from uncertainties over the future
being a probable consequence of social distancing. The frustration resulting from daily accumulated stress
and unpleasant life events can affect an individual physical
COVID-19 preventive measures saw a change and and psychological health, which can lead to physical and
interruption of the normal lifestyles of students. Notably, mental health illnesses like anxiety and depression (Bhurga,
most families experienced economic constraints arising from Till & Sartorius, 2013). Stress is an important factor
the loss of jobs following measures to prevent COVID-19 affecting psychological health and people encounter many
like physical distancing, travel restrictions, and stay-at-home social, cognitive, and physiological stressors in various ways
requirements. This led to increased psychological issues in during their daily lives. Njoku and Omeire (2016), describe
the general public and the youth, ranging from anxiety, stress as the situation in which one is about to experience an
depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder signs (Semo important life changing event but there is no guarantee of
& Frissa, 2020; Ho, Chee, & Ho 2020). Studies revealed the outcome being in the person’s favour. COVID-19
that this interruption had the potential to impact severely on preventive measures presented a constraint to secondary
the PWB of individuals. Gubric, Badovinac and Johri (2020) school candidates’ desire to complete their studies and
study on college students’ mental health conducted in transition to higher levels of learning and later job market.
Canada among college students argued that students were Further, is the uncertainty associated with the threat of
among a population already experiencing increased stress school closures intended to stop the COVID-19 pandemic.
levels. Education and academic performance contribute to
varying levels of stress among male and female students in Studies carried out in Africa showed that COVID-19
both secondary schools and higher education (Pascoe, containment measures had a significant impact the populace
Hetrick & Parker, 2020). COVID-19 and related preventive mental health. In one study carried out among 280 university
measures reduced the ability for students to rely on normal staff in an Eastern Cape University, South Africa, 27.65%
coping strategies like families who were also probably reported psychological distress during the lockdown
experiencing psychological distress. Without these normal (Niekerk & Gent, 2021). In another study of Sub-Saharan
coping methods, the mental and general well-being of Africa, it is argued that the influence of COVID-19
students was compromised opening doors to negative preventive requirements of physical distancing on
behavioural outcomes like substance abuse. psychological health could be immense since the health care
sectors are underdeveloped (Semo & Frissa 2020). In sub-
The closures of universities and the resultant move to Saharan Africa, physical distancing and the attendant job
online learning led to increases in stress and anxiety in losses contributed to the rise in psychological disorders like
university students across the world (Sahu, 2020). Within a anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Part
short duration, students’ lives greatly changed following the of the population affected by this psychological distress
closure of schools by governments, students had to adapt to includes the youth, a key part in the growth and
new living conditions and learning platforms. Students development in any society.
experienced anxiety over the continuation of their studies in
addition to probable late completion of their studies. Wang,
Pan, Wan, Tan, Xu, Ho, & Ho (2020) corroborated Sahu’s
projection that the COVID-19 pandemic and requirements to
These findings were consistent with studies that F. Psychological Well-Being among KCSE 2021
showed major mental health and physical effect of the Candidates
Coronavirus pandemic social separation and physical
exercise routines among Italians (Corrado et al, 2020). The Questionnaire Items Required Respondents to
Report their Degree of Psychological Well-Being on Six
D. Correlation Analysis of Social Distancing Levels:
To determine the association between social distancing Liking aspects of their personality, fear of future, lack
and psychological well-being among 2021 KCSE of faith in decision making, lack of interest in life, loss of
candidates, correlation analysis was conducted. Table 2 hope of completing secondary education, difficulties in
exhibits the results which showed that social distancing had organising self, feelings of loneliness, and lack of moral
a negative and significant correlation with psychological support system. Using a 5-Likert scale item of: 5 – strongly
well-being among KCSE 2021 candidates (r=-0.777, agree; 4 – agree; 3; neutral; 2; disagree; 1- strongly disagree.
p=0.000). This suggested that there was a decline in the The findings were grouped and calculated for ease of
psychological well-being of the candidates as social interpretation as: agree and strongly agree; disagree and
distancing restrictions increased. The study findings agreed strongly disagree; and neutral. Table 4 presents the results.
with Munawara et al. (2020) who found social distancing to
have had an effect on psychology of young learners. Findings indicated that 78.4 percent respondents liked
most aspects of their personality; 71.4 percent reported that
E. Regression Analysis of Social Distancing they lost hope of completing their secondary education; 75.5
Regression analysis was conducted to ascertain the link percent felt lonely often; and 76.6 percent did not have
between social distancing on the psychological well-being many people who wanted to listen when they needed to talk.
among 2021 KCSE candidates. Table 3 shows the results. These findings imply a significant association of the
COVID-19 restriction to the overall psychological well-
Regression analysis revealed a negative and significant being of the respondents. There were reported feelings of
effect of social distancing on psychological well-being loneliness, loss of hope and lack of social support. It
among KCSE 2021 candidates (β=0.310, p=0.000). This corresponded with studies done by Hassan and Bao (2020)
implied that a decline in social distancing by one unit would on college students which revealed increased mental stress
improve psychological well-being among KCSE 2021 over the COVID-19 curfew, and Popescu et al (2020)
candidates by 0.310 units. The study findings are consistent findings that college students experienced emotional
with Villani et al (2021) where increased levels of anxiety loneliness and depressive episodes including worry and a
were associated to separation from friends and lack of social sense of powerlessness as an effect of COVID-19 pandemic.
support among Italian undergraduate students.
The guidance and counseling teachers were
interviewed on whether there was any effort by the school to
check on the candidates’ well-being over the school closure
period. Majority indicated little or no support towards
students’ well-being during the COVID-19 active period. In
schools where there had been an attempt to check on the
students, there were reported feelings of fear among students
that the school closure would negatively affect their overall
preparedness for the national examination and their expected
The guidance and counselling teachers were as on return to school as students prepared to sit their final
interviewed on their impression of the overall well-being of examinations in secondary schools.
the candidates after the return to school in January 2021.
They indicated that most students had been affected Inferential statistics was conducted to assess the
psychologically especially due to isolation and home stress. relationship between COVID-19 preventive measures and
There were a few reports of drop-out rates due to teenage the PWB of KCSE 2021 candidates. Regression results are
pregnancies, early marriages and some boys having gone exhibited in Table 5.
into ‘bodaboda’ (motorcycle) business.
Results showed that the R was 0.866. This implies that
Guidance and counselling teachers also indicated little COVID-19 social distancing preventive measure had a
or no psychosocial support to the KCSE 2021 candidates’ strong correlation with psychological well-being among
psychological well-being during the school closures as well KCSE 2021 candidates.
Furthermore, the R square was 0.751, this inferred that V. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND
social distancing explains 75.1 percent of the variations in RECOMMENDATIONS
the PWB among KCSE 2021 candidates.
A. Social Distancing and Psychological Well-Being
To determine the COVID-19 social distancing The objective of the study was to determine the
preventive measure as a predictor for PWB among KCSE influence of COVID-19 social distancing preventive
2021 candidates, the ANOVA was computed. The analysis measure on psychological well-being among Kenya
of the variance (ANOVA) results are exhibited in Table 6. Certificate of Secondary Education 2021 candidates in
Mombasa County, Kenya. The results showed that putting
Table 6 indicates that COVID-19 social distancing social distancing measures in place as a preventive measure
preventive measure was a good predictor of PWB among for COVID-19 disconnected students from their friends. In
KCSE 2021 candidates as represented by an F statistic of addition, social distancing limited students’ engagement in
266.155 and the reported p value of 0.000, which was less activities like play, swimming, exercise; and most student
than the conventional probability of 0.05 significance level. respondents lacked needed social support due to social
This implied that the COVID-19 social distancing distancing.
preventive measure was had statistically significant effect on
psychological well-being among KCSE 2021 candidates at a
95 percent confidence level.