Agriculture Prediction Question Form 1 4

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Below are the Counties from examinations questions have been got and the short codes as used in the question
as well as the answers.

FORM ONE................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION TO AGRICULTURE.................................................................................................................1
2.0 FACTORS INFLUENCING AGRICULTURE..........................................................................................................8
3.0 FARM TOOL AND IQUIPMENTS....................................................................................................................18
4.0 CROP PRODUCTION 1 (LAND PREPARATION)...............................................................................................29
5.0 WATER SUPPLY, IRRIAGATION AND DRAINAGE............................................................................................34
6.0 SOIL FERTILITY 1 (ORGANIC MANURES).......................................................................................................41
7.0 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION 1 (COMMON BREEDS).........................................................................................48
8.0 AGRICULTURE ECONOMICS 1 (BASIC CONCEPTS AND FARM RECORDS)......................................................54
FORM TWO..............................................................................................................................................................58
1.0 SOIL FERTILITY (INORGANIC FERTILIZERS)....................................................................................................58
2.0 CROP PRODUCTION II (PLANTING)...............................................................................................................65
3.0 CROP PRODUCTION III (NURSERY PRACTICES)..............................................................................................83
3.0 CROP PRODUCTION IV (FIELD PRACTICES I)..................................................................................................90
4.0 CROP PRODUCTION V (VEGETABLES)...........................................................................................................99
6.0 LIVESTOCK HEALTH (INTRODUCTION TO LIVESTOCK HEALTH)...................................................................105
7.0 LIVESTOCK HEALTH (PRASITES)..................................................................................................................110
8.0 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION II (NUTRICTION).................................................................................................120
FORM THREE..........................................................................................................................................................130
1.0 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION III (SELECTION AND BREEDING).........................................................................130
2.0 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION IV (LIVESTOCK REARING PRACTICES).................................................................139
3.0 FARM STRUCTURES....................................................................................................................................169
4.0 AGRICULTURE ECONOMICS (LAND TENTURE AND LAND REFORM)...........................................................188
5.0 SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION.............................................................................................................194
6.0 WEEDS AND WEEDS CONTROL...................................................................................................................203
7.0 CROP PESTS AND DISEASES........................................................................................................................213
8.0 CROP PRODUCTION IV (FIELD PRACTICES II)...............................................................................................221
9.0 FORAGE CROPS...........................................................................................................................................233
10.0 LIVESTOCK HEALTH III (DISEASES)..............................................................................................................241
FORM FOUR...........................................................................................................................................................256
1.0 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION IV (POULTRY).....................................................................................................256
2.0 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION IV (CATTLE)........................................................................................................268
3.0 FARM POWER AND MACHINERY................................................................................................................281
4.0 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS III (PRODUCTION ECONOMICS)....................................................................304
5.0 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS IV (FARM ACCOUNTS)..................................................................................315
7.0 AGRO – FRORESTY......................................................................................................................................329

1. Give two activities that justify the fact that Agriculture is: *SYA*
a) An art.
1a) - Harvesting crops *SYA*
- Measuring distances
- Operating machine
- Feeling and handling of animals
- Tilling land
- Designing and construction farm structures
b) A science
b) - Agricultural engineering
- Plant and animal breeding
- Entomology
- Crop pathology
- Soil, study
2. List four different industrial goods whose market is Agriculture *SYA*
2 - Farm tools and machinery *SYA*
- Farm. chemicals e.g. pesticides, acaricides and herbicides
- Animal feeds
- Farm power e.g electricity
3. Give two practices in crop production that constitute organic farming *SYA*
3 - Use of medicinal, plants instead of chemical *SYA*
- Use of organic manure instead’ of fertilizer
- Crop rotation.
- Mulching using organic materials
- Biological pest control

4. State four advantages of shifting cultivation. *NYR*

4 i) It has low capital requirement *NYR*
ii) There is no pest and disease built up
iii) Soil structure is maintained
iv) No land disputes as land ownership is not individualized. (4x ½ =2mks)

5. Give FOUR advantages of organic farming in Agricultural production. *BMT*

5 i) It is environmentally friendly *BMT*
ii) It improves improve soil structure
iii) It enhance water infiltration and retention
iv) It provides food for soil microbes

6. Give the importance of the ranching in arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya. *BTR*
6 i) Animals can survive and do well in these areas where crop production is not *BMT*
ii) Pasture improvement in these areas help to increase the land carrying capacity.
iii) Animals can be moved with ease wide an enclosed area in such of food and water
iv) It is an important way of earning a livelihood in dry areas.
v) It improves beef production in the dry areas of Kenya.
Any 4 x ½ =2 marks
7. Define the term Agroforestry as used in agriculture. *BTR*
7 Agro-forestry is the growing of trees, crops and pasture in combination with each other. *BTR*
1 mark

8. Explain the importance of agriculture in the economy. *BTR*

8 - Agriculture provides food – enough food ensures healthy population for economic *BTR*
development of a wealthy nation.
- Agriculture is a source of employment – money earned is used for economic development
of the nation.
- Source of raw material for industries. Agriculture therefore encourages industrial
development for economic growth of the country.
- Provision of market for industrial goods. This leads to industrial development for
economic development of the country.
- A source of money or capital. The extra money is used for economic development.
- Improves infrastructure in producing areas. This may lead to start of industries for
economic development.
Any 5 explained x2=10 marks

9. Give the scientific term for the following:-

a) Study of crop diseases. *BMT*
b) Study of plants and animals breeding.
9 a) Patholog *BMT*
b) Genetics 1mk

10. State four advantages of mixed farming. *EMB*

10 - The farmer gets sustainable income through out the year.

- Safe guard against total loss / diversification
- Crops and livestock have mutual benefits
- Animals provide labour to work in crop fields
- Soil fertility is improved where legumes forms a part of crops
- Resources such as land and labour are used economically
(4 x ½ = 2mks)

11. Give four problems affecting nomadic pastoralism. *KKG*

11 -There’s increased in breeding in livestock
- Easy spread of livestock diseases and parasites
- Low production from cattle
- Cannot access loan or credit, because land is owned communally
12. State two conditions under which shifting cultivation is favourable. *KKG*
12 Communal land ownership

- Large piece of land

- Sparse population.
(2 x ½ mk= 1mk)

13. Outline four advantages of mixed farming. *KKG*

13 Mutual benefits between plants and animals

Provides insurance against failure

Encourage use of labour in the farm

- Continuous flow of cash for commercial farmer from both enterprises.
- Animals can be used to work on the farm
- Land and labour are used well since when land is bare animals can be grazed on it.

(4 x 1 ½ mk=2mks)

14. Give three reasons why agriculture is defined as a science. *KKG*

14 Crop pathology
Soil science
Agricultural Engineering.

(3 x½mk=1½mks)

15. Give four characteristics of large scale farming system. *KKG*

15 Require large tracks of land
Mechanization is common
Skilled labour
Processing of product in the farm
Provide more employment
Require high capital investment.
(4 x½mk =2mks)

16. State two conditions under which shifting cultivation is favourable. *KRC*
16 Communal land ownership

Large piece of land

Sparse population.
(2 x ½ mk= 1mk)

17. Outline four advantages of mixed farming. *KRC*

17 Mutual benefits between plants and animals

Provides insurance against failure

Encourage use of labour in the farm
Continuous flow of cash for commercial farmer from both enterprises.
Animals can be used to work on the farm
Land and labour are used well since when land is bare animals can be grazed on it.

(4 x 1 ½ mk=2mks)

18. Give three reasons why agriculture is defined as a science. *KRC*

18 Crop pathology
Soil science
Agricultural Engineering.
(3 x½mk=1½mks)

19. Give four characteristics of large scale farming system. *KRC*

19 Require large tracks of land

Mechanization is common
Skilled labour
Processing of product in the farm
Provide more employment
Require high capital investment.
(4 x½mk =2mks)

20.a) Give the meaning of the following terms.

(i) Plantation farming *KSS*
20a)i Plantation farming – i.e the growing of only one type of crop on large scale.

(ii) Large scale farming *KSS*

ii) Large scale farming is the growing of crops and rearing of animals in large numbers for
commercial purposes. (1x1=1mk)

(b) Give two reasons why ranching is important in the arid and semi- arid areas of Kenya. *KSS*

b) Arid and semi arid areas do not support crops, rather suitable for natural grasses and legume
plants.Ranching requires large or wide grazing land which is available in marginal areas.
(Any 1 x 1 = 1mk)

21. State FIVE factors that determine the choice of a farming system by farmers *KKG*
21 Type of soil of an area
Size of the farm
Climate of the area
Topography of the area
Shape of the farm
Availability of amenities — water, electricity tractor hire services, banking,
services,transportand communication etc.
Availability of capital
Labour supply
Farmers preferences and taste (whims)
Availability of market for the produce
Security of the enterprise
Government policies
Social — cultural factors and religious belief (first 4 correct).
22.(a) What is organic farming *KKG*
22a) Organic farming is a method of growing crops and rearing livestock without
using agro-chemicals but instead, organic compound (lxl= lmk)
(b) Give THREE reasons why farmers are encouraged to practice organic farming
b) -The cost of production is reduced
-Food produced is relatively free from chemical contamination/contaminants
-Does not pollute the environment
-Organic manures improve soil structure
-Does not require high-level skills in preparation and application
-Manures promote soil micro-bial activities
-Manures improve soil pH (first 3 correct)
23. Benefits of Pastoral-Nomadism as a method of farming. *NYR*
23 It is a good way to utilize marginal areas
Major source of meat in Kenya
Major source of income for pastoral communities.
24. Give four reasons why nomadic pastoralism is being discouraged in Kenya today. * MRC*

24 Does not provide incentive to develop land resources

It is practical where land is plenty

Pastoralists practice poor husbandry practices

It causes land degradation

Food cultivation is rear

No proper stock breeding programmes are followed.

Insufficient pastures.

25 Give three contributions that Agriculture make to boost industrial development in Kenya.
25 -Provide market for industrial products.
Provide raw materials to industries
Source of capital for starting industries.
(3 x ½ = 1 ½ mk)

26. List four branches of livestock production. *KSS*

26 Mammalian livestock rearing, poultry farming, aquaculture, apiculture

27. State four factors to consider when choosing a farming system to use. *SYA*
27 aims and objectives of the farmer
The enterprise itself
Environmental factors
-Farmers knowledge and skills concerning the enterprise
Availability of resources i.e labour and inputs
-Cultural factors such as traditions and values
Government policy
28. Define the following terms as used in arable farming *MRU*
28 (i) Olericulture - growing of vegetables
(ii) Pomology - Growing of fruits
29. Give four benefits of organic farming *MRU*
29 -Improve soil structure
-Enhance soil water infiltration
-Improve soil water retention /water holding ability
-Provide nourishment /food to soil micro-organism.
-Reduces pollution to the environment by chemicals.
30.. Sate four limitations of shifting cultivation *TRZ*

30 -Total yield per unit area is low

-Time wasted in shifting and building new structures
-No incentive to develop land and conserve water and soil
-Not applicable in areas of high population density
31. Name four practices involved in organic farming. *TRZ*
31 -Use of medicinal plants
-Use of organic manures
-Use of organic mulch
-Crop rotation
32. State five factors you would consider when identifying a farming system. *TRZ*

32 -Size of the farm

-Type of soil in the area
-Availability of resources/capital
-Cultural factors
-Government policy
-Aims of the enterprise
-Farmer’s knowledge and skills
33. State reasons why agriculture is defined as: *TRZ*
i) An Art.
ii) As science.
33i) As an Art.
-Construction of livestock and animal structure.
-Feeding management.
-Cultivation of land.
-Marketing of produce.
-Harvesting of crops.
ii) As a science.
-Farm machinery and structural materials.
-Analysis of given tasks of production.
-Crop and livestock breeding and selection.
-Control of pests and diseases

34. Give two disadvantages of intensive farming system. *VHG*

34 Requires high initial capital.
ls labour intensive.
Requires high level of management/skilled labor.

35. Differentiate between Olericulture and Pomoculture as used in crop production. *VHG*
35i) is the growing of vegetables e.g. cabbages, French beans etc
ii) is the growing of fruits such as citrus, mangoes etc.

36. State and explain five roles of agriculture in the economic development of Vihiga County.
36 • A source of food supply: This area supplies food to the population. It ensures healthy and strong
people who participate in economic development activities.

• It is a source of employment: This sector provides direct employment to over 70% of the
country’s population.Some are employed directly as farmers while others indirectly as vertinary
officers, drivers etc
• It is a foreign exchange earner for the country: Agriculture products e.g. pyrethrum, coffee, tea,
livestock products etc. from Kenya are exported to other countries. Money earned from these
products are used to import other products e.g. machinery
• It is a source of raw materials for industries: Most agricultural products need processing before
use. Industries e.g. sugar mills, rice mills, leather tanning factories have been set up to process
this products.

• It provides a market for industrial goods: It provides market for industrial goods such as tools&
equipment, chemicals etc.

• It is a source of income or revenue: This is used to buy fertilizers, machinery and agro-
chemicals. The government earns revenue from farmers.

• Promotes international relationship: This helps to create jobs on foreign market.

37. State three conditions under which shifting cultivation is practicable. *MGR*
37 Land is communally owned
Land is abundant
Population is sparse
Number of livestock per unit area is low.
38. Give two reasons why agriculture is looked at as an artistic practice *KGP*
38 Involves the acquisition of manual skills
Doing of manual practices in an artistic manner e.g. construction, tilling of land,
castration e. t. c.

39 Identify any four methods of farming *KGP*

39 Organic farming
Shfiing cultivation
Mixed farming
Nomadic patrolism

40 Name any two main branches of Agriculture *NYD*

40 -Crop production
-Livestock production
-Agricultural economics
-Soil science /pedology.
-Agricultural engineering.
41 State two limitations of shifting cultivation. *NYD*
41 -Soil is left bare exposing it to agents of erosion when burning is done.
-Time is wasted due to frequent movement.
-Cannot be applied in areas with high population density.
-Total yield per unit area is low.
42 State three benefits of levelling during land preparation. *NYD*

42 -Ensure even germination of small seeds

-Avoids concentration /pooling of water in some areas which may lead to run off/ erosion.
-Ensure uniformity of crop stand in the field.


1. State four characteristics of waterlogged soils that make them generally unsuitable for crop
production *SYA*
1 - Not well-aerated
- Lacks micro-organisms
- It is acidic
- It has low temperature.

2. Discuss-the overall effects of HIV/ADS and ill- health .on agricultural production-among
farmers in Kenya. *SYA*
2 Effects of HIV/AIDS and ill -health on Agricultural production among Kenyan farmers
- Labour force reduces as a result/Loss of farm labour
- Reduces productivity/ low food production
- Sick people are not productive
- Sick people drain resources for treatment and control
- Low investment in agriculture
- Low standard of living/poverty of HIV.AIDS patients and relatives
- Waste of much time seeking Medicare
- Low motivation of infected people towards work

3. State two ways by which Biological agents can enhance the process of soil formation. *NYR*

3 Movements of animals in large numbers

Decomposition of plants and animals remains by soil micro organism
Physical /breaking of rocks by roots of higher plants
Man’s activities e.g. cultivation, mining and road construction
Mixing up of soil burrowing animals’ e.g. earthworms and termites. (2x ½ =1mk)

4. Describe five effects of good transport and communication in agriculture.

4 i) Agricultural goods from the production units reach the intended consumers in
good time
ii) Highly perishable goods, reach the markets quickly before going bad
iii) Farmers pay less to transport their goods due to efficient communication system
iv) Farmers get market and research information in good time. This enables improved
v) It becomes easy to import education and change in technology through improved
production. (5x1=5mks)

5. State TWO aspects of light that affect agriculture. *BMT*

5 Light intensity.
Light wavelength.
Light duration
(2 x ½ mks)

6. The illustration below represents types of soil structures. Study them carefully and answer
questions that follow.

a) Identify the soil structures labelled. *BMT*

A. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
B. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
D. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
b) State ONE method of improving soil structure labelled D. *BMT*
c) State ONE distinguishing characteristic of soil structure labelled. *BMT*
i) A …………………………………………………………………………………….
ii) B…………………………………………………………………………………….

6 a) A- Blocky structure
B- Columnar structure
C-Crumb structure.
D- Single gammed structure.
(3 x ½ mks)=1 ½ mks
b) Add organic matter / composite manure.
(1 x ½ mks)= ½ mks
c) i) A-Aggregate arranged in rectangular blocks
(1 x1 )= 1mks
ii) B- Vertical axis of each aggregate is longer than the horizontal axis
1 x 1= 1 mark

7 Highlight four factors that influence livestock distribution in Kenya. *BMT*

7 - Eating habits
- Environmental factors
- Place of origin
- Skin colour 4x ½ =2mks
8. The illustration below shows a structure of soil. Study it carefully and answer the questions that

a) Identify the soil structure. *BTR*

Platy structure. 1x1=1 mk

b) Explain two ways in which such structure influences crop production. *BTR*
Impedes drainage which leads to run off causing soil erosion.
Impedes root penetration which may lead to poor plant growth.
2x1=2 marks

c) Explain the positive influence of a good soil structure in crop production. *BTR*
A good structure ensures adequate retention of water for plant growth.
A good structure ensures balance between soil water and air leading to good
A good structure facilitate drainage thereby avoiding water-logging
A good soil structure eliminates build up of CO2 in the soil to toxic levels.
Any 2x1= 2 marks

9 List any three ecological factors that affect crop production in Kenya *BMT*
. Rainfall
Soil 3x ½ =1 ½ mks

10. Name three agricultural activities that can be used to increase light intensity in crops.
*BMT* Pruning
Wider spacing 3x ½ =1 ½ mks

11 Name three classes of crops based on light duration.

- Short day plants
- Long day plants
- Day neutral plants
(3 x ½ = 1 ½ mks)

12 State three reasons why maize crop continued showing deficiency of potassium despite
application of recommended amount of Potassic fertilizer.
- Low soil temperature
- Too much soil water / poor soil aeration
- Unsuitable soil pH / Low soil pH
- Type of soil colloids / soil with clay particles
- Leaching
(3 x ½ = 1½ mks)
13 The diagrams below shows an experiment set up using three different types of soils and
the observations made after 24hrs. Study them carefully and then answer the questions that

(i) State the aim of the experiment. *EMB*

To show drainage / water infiltration rate in different soils
To show water holding capacity in soils

(ii) Name the type of the soils labeled K, L and M above.

K – Clay soil (1mk)
L – Loamy soil (1mk)
M – Sandy soil (1mk)

14 State two ways in which direct biological weathering takes place. *KKG*
- Trampling and breaking rocks by large animals
- Mans activities i.e mining, building and construction
15 Identify two basis on which soils are classified. *KKG*
Soil colour
Soil texture
Soil structure
Soil pH/ soil chemical properties

16. Diagram A, B and C show soil structures.

i) Identify soil structure A and B. *KKG*

A- Columnar
B- Prismatic

ii) Explain the effect of soil structure C in crop production.

Places overlap and impair permeability hence impeding drainage and root penetration
iii) Name one area where structure C is found. *KKG*
In clay soil
iv) Name one farming activity that can lead to destruction of a good soil structure. *KKG*
Ploughing using heavy machinery on wet soi

17 State four negative effects of strong winds in agriculture. *KKG*

- Increase rate of evaporation of moisture from the soil.
- Causing lodging in cereals and damage to crops
- Blowing away and bringing rain-bearing clouds
- Acts as agent of soil erosion
- Increase evapotranspiration rate
- Increase spread of pests and diseases
- Destroy farm structures

18. State four biotic factors that have negative influence on crop production. *KKG*
- Pests.

- Pathogens

- Parasites

- Denitrifying bacteria

- Weeds

19. State four properties of a loamy soil.

-Well drained

- Fertile

- Have good water holding capacity

- Easy to dig/ cultivate

- Moderate texture

20. List two physical weathering agents in the soil formation.


– Water

- Wind

- Moving ice

- Temperature

21. State four aspects of rainfall that affect crop production.


– Amount of rainfall

- Distribution of rainfall/ rainfall pattern.

- Rainfall reliability/ predictability/ certainty of R/F.

- Intensity of rainfall/ heaviness of rainfall.

- Form of rainfall.

22. Give three negative impact of high temperature on crop production. ( 1 ½ mks )

.- Increase evaporation leading to wilting of crops.

- Increase incidence of disease infection and pest infestation in crops e.g. leaf rust in coffee and
orphids in vegetations.

- R educes the quality of some crops e.g pyrethrum and tea.

23 State four farming practices which help to improve soil structure. *KKG*
19 Ploughing at the correct moisture content
20 Crop rotation
21 Addition of organic matter
22 Cover cropping
23 Mulching
24 Addition of soil/amendments (4 x ½mk=2mks)

24. The diagram below represents types of soil structures.

Name the soil structures labeled J and K. *KKG*
J - Platty
K - Granular

25 State four farming practices which help to improve soil structure. *KRC*
25 Ploughing at the correct moisture content
26 Crop rotation
27 Addition of organic matter
28 Cover cropping
29 Mulching
30 Addition of soil/amendments (4 x ½mk=2mks)

26. Name two climatic factors which influence the rate of soil formation. *KSS*
Rainfall (Any 2 x ½ = 1mk)

27. Outline two ways through which rough soil texture influences crop production. *KSS*

Soils with rough texture have a low water holding capacity. Crops growing in them may
lack adequate moisture (crops can wilt)
Rough soils get easily leached and they lose nutrients easily
Rough soils can be easily washed away hence lose of soil fertility.
(Any 2 x 1 = 2mks)

28 Explain briefly how the following factors influence agriculture;

(i) Biotic factors

Usefulness Harmful effects

-Some help in the decomposition of organic -Pests destroy crops
-Predators reduce pest population -Parasites sack blood and transmit livestock
-Nitrogen fixing Bacteria improve soil fertility -Pathogens cause diseases
-Pollination carry out pollination -Predators kill livestock
(Any 2x ½ =1mk) (Any 2x ½ =1mk)

How government policy encourage agriculture How the government discourages agriculture
-Gives subsidies or make part payment for the -Heavy taxation
-Boost the control of pests, diseases and -Prohibits production of some good e.g. local
parasites beer
-Conserves environment -Use of quote system e.g. in coffee production.
-Give financial support to farmers
(Any 2x ½ =1mk) (Any 2x ½ =1mk)

29. Give two roles of soil micro-organisms that are beneficial to crops. *MGR*
-Nitrogen fixing to increase soil fertility.

30. State three properties of soil that are influenced by its texture. *MGR*
-Good aeration.

31 State five soil factors that should be considered when selecting a crop to grow in an
area. *MGR*
-Soil drainage/rate of water infiltration and percolation through the soil.
-Soil structure/arrangement of soil particles or aggregates /water holding capacity.
-Soil nutrients content/variety and quantity of mineral nutrient of mineral nutrients in the
soil/soil fertility.
-Soil profile/soil depth.
-soil PH/chemical properties of soil/degree of acidity or alkalinity of the soil solution.
-Water holding capacity.

32. Describe FIVE practices in agriculture that destroy soil structure *KKG*
Over cultivation, which leads to soil pulverization
• Use of heavy machinery to cultivate wet soil
• Cultivating the soil when it is too wet/immediately after a heavy rainfall when too dry
• Over stocking which leads to overgrazing
• Burning land/organic matter/vegetation cover
• Mono cropping with annual crops (first 5 correct)
33. Describe FOUR ways by which biological agents can enhance the process of soil
formation *KKG*
- Movement of animals in large numbers
- Exert pressure on rocks forcing them to breaks
- Decomposition of dead plants and animals by soil micro-organisms
- Man’s activity reduce the rock sizes into smaller particles
- Roots of growing vegetation exert pressure on rock causing them to split
- Burrowing animals make tunnels in the soil turning mixing it up
- Dead roots in cracks of rocks decay leaving gaps where water and air mixes to form
acid that dissolve mineral in rocks cruding them
34. Effects of temperature in crop production. *NYR*
Encourages transpiration.
Encourages evaporation of moisture from soil.
High temperature increases plant’s physiological process e.g. photosynthesis.
It influences incidents of crop disease e.g late blight.
Crop grows and thrive well at optimum range of temperature.
High temperature enhances maturity.
It influences the quality of crop produce.
35. Give three differences between soil formed in situ and depositions. * MRC*

-Soil formed in situ is that which is in the same place / area it was formed where as

Soil deposition is that which is deposited elsewhere from original site / area. The two vary in a
number of ways

Soil formed in situ has the colour of the parent rock while that formed by deposition has the
characteristics of where it came from

Soil formed in situ are shallower than those formed by deposition

Soil formed in situ are less richer in nutrients than deposited soil

Because of being shallow, soil formed in situ are easily eroded as compared to those by

Deposited soils are more silty as opposed to soil formed in situ.

Soil formed in situ have the same chemical composition as that of the underlying parent rock,
while soils formed by deposition may differ in chemical properties from underlying parent rock.

Any 3 x ½ = 1 ½ mks)

36. Give two roles of micro-organisms in soil that are beneficial to crops. * MRC*

Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen

Decomposition of organic matter ( ½ x2=1mk)

37. Explain four benefits of a good transport and communication network in Agriculture.
* MRC*

Facilitates easier and quicker movement of bulky and perishable products to the market

It facilitates efficient distribution of commodities to consumers

It facilitates timely relying of market and research information

It reduces transport costs

38. State two ways through which biological weathering takes place. *MRU*
-Plant roots inwading cracks in rocks
-Large animals hooves impacting on rocks.
Man’s activities e.g. mining and construction works
39. State three physical properties of soil *MRU*
-Soil structure
-Soil texture
-Soil colour
40. Outline Five human factors that influence agricultural production *MRU*
-Level of education and technology
-Health (HIV/AIDS) in general
-Government policy.
-Transport and communication
-Cultural practices and religion beliefs.
-Market forces
41. Describe Five practices in agriculture that destroy soil structure *MRU*
-Overcultivation which leads to soil pulvirigation
-Using heavy machinery in wet soil.
-Cultivating at the wrong time i.e when the soil is too wet or too dry.
-Overstocking which leads to overgrazing
-Burning of organic matter.
42. Give four causes of soil acidity. *TRZ*
- Uptake of bases by plants
- Presence of insoluble acids in the soil
- Application of un-fermented organic manure to the soil
- Leaching of bases.
43. State two ways through which cultural practices affect agricultural production. *TRZ*
- Some practices prohibit the production and consumption of certain crops and livestock
- Some religious beliefs prohibit people from carrying out certain agricultural practices
44. Give four farming practices which help to improve soil structure. *TRZ*
- Proper tillage practices
- Use of organic matter or manure
- Mulching / cover cropping
- Crop rotation
- Leaving the land fallow/growing grass leys
45 Describe seven environmental conditions that may lead to low crop yield. *TRZ*
-Poor soil fertility due to lack of manure and fertilizer application.
-Less rainfall/unreliable rainfall/too much rainfall.
-Poor soil type leading to water logging or excess leaching.
-Poor weed control leading to competition.
-Pest attack.
-Too high or low temperature/inappropriate temperature.
-Excess wind that increased evapotranspiration/lodging of crops/floral abortion.
-Inappropriate humidity either too high or too low.
-Extreme light intensity that may reduce photosynthesis/exhaustion of nutrients.
-Inappropriate topography that may limit crop growth.
-Hailstorm damage.
46. State two effects of HIV/AIDS on Kenya’s agricultural production. *VHG*
Shortage of farm labor due to bad health/death.
Low supply of farm produce due to loss of market.
Low purchasing power to buy agricultural input.
Lack of motivation to invest in agriculture
Less time spent on farming activities as people cater for the sick

47. List four physical weathering agents in the soil formation process. *VHG*
Running water.

48 State four biotic factors that influence crop production negatively. *VHG*

49 Explain how level of education technology and economy influence the efficiency of
agricultural production.
Education and technology
- Low level of education leads to shuggishness of farming activities due to poor methods of
farming and use of poor methods of farming.
- Technology increases efficiency and minimizes costs while proper timing, use of proper
amounts of inputs, applying inputs at the right place and making proper decision is
- Liberalization has led to poor and cheap imported goods leading to drop in price cost
locally produced agricultural goods resulting to low income for farmers. This has
discouraged farmers, lowering agricultural production.
- Some companies and factories which use the agricultural raw materials closes down
leading to lack of job opportunities. (4x1=4mks)

50 Explain how biotic factors influence agriculture production. *NYD*

-Nitrogen fixing bacteria – converts atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates for plant uptake.
-Pollinatiors - Transfer pollen grains from the anthers of a flower to the stigma
of the same flower or different flower.
-Decomposers – The organisms break down organic plant and animal remains to
release nutrients for plants.
-Pests -Attack crops by eating parts , piercing sucking sap and introduce /spread
disease causing micro- organisms.
-Pathogens - Cause crop disease
-Predators – Reduce pest population.
-Weeds- Compete with crops for nutrients /act as alternate hosts for pests and
disease /smoother crops.


1 Give one functional advantage of an adjustable spanner over the open ended spanner *SYA*
- Adjustable spanner has an adjusting nut which is used to close or open the jaws depending on
nut size whereas the open ended spanner opens or loosen specify sizes of bolts and nuts
(lx1 =1k)

2. Below are illustrations of farm tools and equipment study them and answer the questions that

a) Identify the tools labelled A and B *SYA*

A — mason’s square (l mk)
B — Wood chisel (lmk)

b) State one use of the tool labelled C *SYA*

C- used to mark lines which are parallel to the edge of the stalk (1 mk)

c) State one maintenance practice for the tools labelled E and F *SYA*
E- Through cleaning and sterilization after use (lmk)
F — sharpening the cutting edge (lmk)

3 State one use of each of the following tools. *NYR*

(i) Coping saw-for cutting curves on the wood
(ii) Bolus gun-for administering solid drugs through the mouth of an animal (2x ½ =1mk)

4. The diagrams M,N,P and Q .Illustrate some farm tools.

i) Identify the tools *NYR*
ii) Give the use of each of the tools named in (i) above. *NYR*
i) M-Hack saw
N-Coping saw/key hole saw
P-Steel float
Q-mason’s trowel (rej trowel) (4x ½ =2mks)
ii) M-Cutting metals
N-making holes/curves in timber
P-spreading screed on floors
Q-placing mortar between bricks in stones (4x ½ =2mks)

5. Give two factors that contribute to depreciation of farm tools and equipment. *BMT*
- Change in technology
- Poor maintenance
- Poor storage
- Tear and wear/ use of the tool/ age 2x ½ =1m
6 Differentiate between
Marking gauge and mortise gauge *BMT*
Marking gauge is used to mark single parallel lines to stock while mortise gauge marks
two lines at the same time. (1mk)

7 State any four factors that should be considered when choosing tools and equipment to use in the
farm. *BMT*

Suitability- tools/ equipment should be suitable for the task

Availability- Tools/ equipments should be available in the shops
Cost- Should be affordable by the farmer
Cost of maintenance- Should be easily and cheap to maintain
Durability- Should last long, once acquired
Ease of operation- Should be easy to operate by the farmer 4x1=4mks

8 Name a set of tools used for the following farm operations

i)Controlling animal of bloat. *BTR*

ii)Restraining an animal during an agricultural show exhibition. *BTR*

Trocar and canula (1x1=1)

Bull ring and lead stick. (1x1=1)

9 Name three plumbing tools. *BTR*

Pipe wrench
Stock and die
Pipe cutter
Adjustable spanner (3 x½ =1 ½marks )

10 Outline two tools used in riveting *BMT*

Rivets Any 2x1=2mks

11 Outline three reasons for maintenance and repair of wheelbarrow

For increase in durability
For efficiency purposes
To reduce cost of repair and purchase of new wheelbarrows Any 3x1=3mks

12. Below are diagrams of farm tools and an equipment. Study them and answer the questions that

(i) Identify tools A, B and C

A-Adjustable spanner
B-Ring spanner
C-Watering can
(3 x ½ = 1 ½ mks)
(ii) Name the part labeled D on equipment C.
1x ½ =½ mk
(iii) Use of equipment C.
-Watering seedling in the nursery bed / seedbed
(iv) Functional advantage of tool A over tool B.
A can be used for tightening / Loosening different size of nuts while B can only
tighten / Loosen atleast two different sizes of nuts.
(1x1= 1mk)

13 List two equipment used in handling cattle during an agricultural exhibition. *KKG*
• Halters, Nose bull ring and leading stick. Rope.

14 The diagrams labeled A, B and C below represent hand workshop tools. Study them carefully
and answer the questions that follow:

a) Identify the tools represented by the labels A, B and C *KKG*

A- Adjustable spanner
B- Ring spanner
C-Pipe wrench
b) State one functional advantage of tool A over B *KKG*
A- can be used to adjust bolts and nuts of any size unlike B which only works
on fixed sizes
c) Give the function of the tool labelled C. *KKG*
loosening or tightening water pipes

15 Give the functional difference between a rib saw and a tenon saw. *KRC*
A rip saw is used to cut wood along the grains where as a tenor saw is used for fine
sarving /cutting tenor Joints.

16 Precautionary measures when using workshop tools.

- Use the correct tool for the job its designed.
- Leave the tools in a safe place after use.
- Handle the tools correctly to avoid damage to the tool and injury to the users.
- Use safety devices to avoid accidents.
- Maintain safe wring environment.
- Maintain and service tools for efficiency and durability.
- Tools not in use should be kept in their respective racks to reduce tear and wear injuries and
sorting out. (6 x I 6mks)

17 Name two tools used to trim hooves. *KSS*

Tools used for hoof trimming

- Hoof trimmer / foot trimming knife/ trimming knife
- Hoof cutter / sharp knife
18 L, M, N and O are diagrams of farm tools. Study them and answer the questions that follow.
(i) Identify the farm tools L, M, N and O *KSS*
L – wire strainer / monkey
M – Sash clamp
N – Dibber
O – Spokeshave
(4 x ½ = 2mks)
(ii) State the use of each of the tools L, M, N and O. *KSS*

L – Tightening wires during fencing

M – Holding timber firmly while carrying out operations
N – Making holes for transplanting
O – Smoothening curved wooden surfaces.
19. Name two complementary tools used in livestock production. *MGR*

- Elastrator and a rubber ring

- Trocar and canula
- Hypodermic needle and syringe
- Bull-ring and a lead stick

20. Below are illustrations of farm tools.

i) Identify the tools labelled I, J, K and L. *MGR*
I- Mason’s trowel
J- Steel float
K- Garden trowel
L- Spade
M- Plumb bob

ii) What are the functional difference between tool I and K. *MGR*
I- Placing mortar between construction stones and bricks.
K- Lifting seedlings when transplanting.

Maintenance practices on tool L.
- Clean after use
- Repair broken handle
- Paint if for long storage
- Keep it in a safe place
21. Functional advantages of an adjustable spanner over open ended spanner. *KKG*
Adjustable spanner has an adjusting nut which is used to close or open the jews
depending on the size of the nut to be opened whereas the open-ended spanner opens
or loosens specific sizes of bolts and nuts (lxl=2mks)

22. Below are illustrations of farm tools and equipment. Study them to answer the questions that
(a) Identify the tool labeled A and B

A - Mason’s square .
B - Wood chisel

23 . Four categories of farm tools. *NYR*

• Workshop
• Garden/Gardening
• Livestock production
• Plumbing
• Masonry Any 4x ½ =2mks
24 Livestock tools used always in pairs. *NYR*
• Bull ring and leading stick
• Trocar and canula
• Hypodermic needle and syringe
• Elastrator and rubber ring.
Any2xl (2mks)
25 Under what condition would one use a rasp or file to smoothen piece of wood other than a
smoothing plane.
- When wood is suspected to be having nails
- If one would like to make curves on wood
- If wood have curves or holes
26 Name the tool / equipment that is complementary in use with:- *MRU**

Trocar - Canula

Rubber ring - Elastrator

Bull ring – Lead stick

Mallet – Cold chisel (4x ½ = 2mks)

27 Name three larval stages of liver fluke. *MRU**

(i) Redia

(ii) Cercaria

(iii) Miracidium

(iv) Meta-cercaria

Any 3 ½ = (1 ½ mks)

28. Study the tools below and answer the questions that follow. *MRU**

(a) Identify the tools . *MRU**

X – Spirit level 1x ½ = (½ mk)

Z – Mason’s Square 1x ½ =( ½ mk)

(b) What are the functions of tools X and Z. *MRU**

X – Check whether the surface is vertical or horizontal

Z – Check right angles during construction

29 Give one role which distinguishes between a coping saw and a hack saw. *KSS*
Coping saw is used for cutting curves on thin wood whereas hack saw is used for cutting metal

30. Name the correct tool used to perform the following tasks *SYA*
(i) Relieving bloat in cattle
Releaving bloat in cattle – Trocar and canula
(ii) Cutting timber along the grain
Cutting timber along the grain-
(iii) Measuring right angled corners during laying of bricks
Measuring right angled corner during laying of brick- masons square.
(iv) Driving in bits when making holes on a wood.
Driving bits when making holes on a wood -bit brace, hand drill

31. Below are illustrations of some tools used in the farm.

(a) Name the tools M and N *SYA*

M- Outside calipers
N-Inside calipers
(b) Give the functions of P
Marking /Drawing circles on metal sheet to be cut.
(c) Give the category of metal work tools and equipment where the above tools belong
-Layout and marking tools and Equipment
(d) Suggest one maintenance practice that should be carried on the tools *SYA*
-Tighten loosed nuts and bolts
-Oil/grease moving parts
-Apply old engine oil if in for long storage
32. State the use of the following tools *MRU*
Handbroom - used for washing or scrubbling floor
Tocar and canula - used for the removal of gases which causes bloats in ruminant.
Stock and die -Marking tthreads in metal pipes.
Spokeshave - For smoothening curved edges.
33 State the uses of the following tools. *TRZ*
Stirrup pump-Hand spraying of animals to control parasites.
Coping saw-Cutting curves on thin wood.
Claw hammer-Drive and remove nail from wood.
Shovel-lifting soil or manure.

34 Study the diagram of a cow below and answer the subsequent questions.

a) Identify the livestock equipment marked E above. *TRZ*

Q-Halter/Eye loop halter.
b) State two uses of the equipment above. *TRZ*
-Leading the animal.
-Restraining the animal.

35 State the uses of the following tools. *VHG*

Stirrup pump —Hand spraying animals
Coping saw — Cutting curves on thin wood
Claw hammer — driving and removing nails from wood
Shovel — lifting soil or manure. (4 x ½ = 2mks)

36 Assume you have a piece of sawn timber with dimensions as shown below.

Describe how a round handle 85cm long would be prepared from the piece of timber and fixed
to an axe as shown below. For each operation name the correct hand tool (s) that would be
used. *VHG*

-Round up sharp corners using panga / draw knife

- Smooth the round wood using rasp / spoke shave
- Check if finished handle would fit and adjust by further smoothening using rasp
- Fix handle onto axe firmly hitting with mallet
- Finally measure length of handle using measuring tape / rule and cut with saw.
( ½ x 5 for explaining = 2 ½ marks) ( ½ x 5 for naming tools = 2 ½ )Total 5mks
NB- If tools not named do nt award for tools, only
37 List four safety precautions which should be considered when using farm tools. *MGR*
- Use the correct tool for the correct job
- Tools should be maintained and serviced regularly
- Tools should be handled correctly when in use
- All tools should be stored properly in a tool cabinet or in tool racks.
- Tools should always be left in a safe place after use
- Use safety devices such as fire extinguishers and first aid kits in the workshop.
38. The diagram below show a set of equipment used in livestock management. Study them and
answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the equipment labeled E and F. *MGR*

E – Canula
F – Trocar
(b) State the appropriate use of the set of equipment illustrated above. *MGR*
- Receive an animal of bloat / Remove excess gases in the rumen
(c) Describe the appropriate procedure followed when using the equipment. *MGR*
- Insert the trocar (F) into canula (E)
- Pierce the left side of the rumen of the animal
- Withdraw the trocer / F while holding the canula until the bulk of the gas escapes.
- removes the canula thereafter

39 Name the other tool used together with the following tools during their operations. *KGP*
Cannular - trocar
Brace —auger bit
Elastrator — rubber ring
Wood chisel — mallet (wood) hammer.

40 State two precautions that should be observed when using workshop tools. *KGP*
- Tools should be left in a safe place
- Use correct tool for correct job
- Tools should be maintained and serviced to remain in good working condition and last
- Tools should be handled correctly
- Use of safety devices such as fire extinguishers

41 Explain the reasons for proper care and maintenance of farm tools and equipment. *KGP*
To increase durability
To reduce the replacement cost
To increase efficiency of the tool
To avoid injury to the user
To avoid damage to the tool (4x1=4mks)

42 Give four maintenance practices of a Jack plane. *NYD*

-Clean after use.

-Replace broken handle
-Sharpen cutting edge
-Replace lost bolts and nuts
-Tighten loose nuts and bolt.
-Store properly.


1 Give four reasons to justify practicing minimum tillage in crop production *SYA*
- Maintains soil structure
- Plant roots are not disturbed
- Maintains soil moisture
- Avoids soil erosion

2 Give TWO importance of sub soiling during land preparation. *BMT*

i) Braking hard pans
ii) Helps in facilitating adequate gaseous exchange in soil.
iii) Bring minerals in deeper layer of soil to the surface (leach minerals)

(2 x ½ mks)

3. State four reasons why burning of bushes when cleaning land would be discouraged. *BTR*
- It destroys soil structure.
- It leads to loss of soil nutrients through volatilization.
- Some chemicals accumulate in the soil to toxic level.
- Some organisms are killed by burning.
4x ½ =2 marks
4. State two factors that determine the choice of tools and equipment in primary land cultivation.
- The conditions of the land
- The type of tilth required.
- Depth d cultivation
Any first correct 2x ½ =1 mark

5 Outline two methods of improving drainage in waterlogged soils. *BMT*

Use of cambered beds
Use of open ditches
French drains
Use of underground drain pipes/ or perforated underground pipes
Planting appropriate trees 4x ½ =2mks
6 Below is a land preparation operation. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

a) Identify the operation. *BMT*

b) Name the parts Q and R. *BMT*
c) Name one crop that can be planted in part labelled R. *BMT*
d) State two advantages of planting the crop named in (c) above in the part labelled R *BMT*
e) Identify one hand tool that can be used to carry out the operation. *BMT*
a) Ridging 1mk
b) Q- Ridge/heap ½ mk
R- Furrow ½ mk
c) Irish potatoes 1x1=1mk
Sugar cane
d) Easy earthing up; improves drainage ;increase water infiltration. Any 2 x1
e) A jembe/ hoe 1mk

7 Outline four advantages of rolling in seedbed preparation. *KKG*

-Reduce soil erosion
- Increase soil seed contact
- Conserve moisture
- Facilitates planting of small seeds
8 List four importance of secondary cultivation. *KKG*

To refine the seed bed

- To incorporate organic matter into soil

- To level seedbed to ensure uniform planting depth and uniform germination.

- Destroy weeds which might have germinated after primry cultivation

9 Give three causes of hardpans in cultivation. *KKG*
31 Cultivating at the same level throughout
32 Cultivating when wet using heavy machinery.
( 2 x ½ mk=1mk)

10 Give three causes of hardpans in cultivation. *KRC*

33 Cultivating at the same level throughout
34 Cultivating when wet using heavy machinery.
( 2 x ½ mk=1mk)

11a) State one reason why farmers should carefully consider the following factors before
selecting a tool or implement for land preparation.
(i) Type of tilth *KSS*
Some implements or tools cannot produce a fine tilth required by small planting
(ii) Cost of the tool or implement. *KSS*

Cost of the tool is required for budgeting and this depends on the financial status of
the farmer, choose a tool the farmer can afford. (1x1=1mk)
(b) List two tertiary operations carried out during land preparation. *KSS*

- Ridging
- Rolling
- Leveling
(2x ½ = 1mk)
12 List four implements used to carry out secondary cultivation. *MGR*

-Disc harrow/rotavators.
-Spring tine harrow/rigid tine harrow.
-Spike toothed/peg-toothed harrow.
-Chain harrow/Zigzag harrow.
13 List THREE reasons for planting Irish potatoes on ridges *KKG*
Encourage the expansion of tubers
For easy harvesting
To improve drainage/reduce crop damage due to water logging
To control soil erosion/to conserve soil and water
14 (b)Explain six factors considered when designing a successful crop rotation programme.
* MRC*

(i) Crop nutrient requirement – crop that use a lot nutrients should come first in a newly
cultivated land.

(ii) Root depth of crops : deep rooted crops should be alternated with shallow rooted crops

(iii) Variety – crops that belong to the same family should not follow each other in the

(iv) Weeding: crops that are difficult to weed should be alternated with that are easy to

(v) Legumes should be included to help fix nitrogen

(vi) Fallow or grass leys should be included in the rotation.


15 Outline four factors that determine the number of times secondary cultivation is done

-conditions of the land (soil) after primary cultivation.

-Moisture content of the soil/sil type .
- Size of planting materials
- Availability of capital.
- Topography / slope of land
- Time availability.

16 State one farm implement which can be used in both primary and secondary operations.*KSS*
Rotavator / Rotary cultivator / Rotary tillar.

17 State four importance of secondary cultivation in crop production *SYA*

-Kills generated weeds
-Control pest and diseases
-For fine tilth
-For easy subsequent operations
-Incorporates organic matter into the soil
22 Explain Five importance of land preparation *MRU*
-Kill weeds
-Incorporate manure and other organic matter into the soil
To destroy different stages of crop pests
-To aerate the soil
-To encourage penetration of roots in the soil
-To make subsequent operation possible
-To encourage water infiltration into the soil
23 . State three causes of hard pans in a crop field. *TRZ*

-Ploughing at the same depth season after season

-Use of heavy machinery on wet soil
-Accumulation of leached clay minerals from the top soil
24 i) Define the term minimum tillage *TRZ*

Application of farming practices aimed at least disturbance of the soil [O WTTE]

ii). List four farming practices that help to achieve minimum tillage. *TRZ*

-Application of herbicides
-Application of mulch
-Timely cultivation e.g. early/late/ weeding leads to a clean seedbed
-Uprooting/slashing/grazing to control weeds [Reject grazing/uprooting/slashing alone]
25 Name three recommended practices that should be carried out when clearing the bush during
land preparation.
Tree felling
Stumping/Removal of stumps/Destumping.
Slashing / Mowing.

26 State two causes of soil hard pan. *MGR*

Continuous ploughing of land at some (uniform) depth
Ploughing land when wet using heavy tractor drawn implements.

27 State three factors that determine the choice of the correct implement to be used for ploughing
land. *MGR*
Condition of the land
Type of tilth required
Depth of cultivation

28 State four factors that determining the number of cultivation to be done when preparing land.
Soil moisture
Size of planting material
Time available to carry out the operation before planting
Type of machinery available
Cost of operation
Gradient of land
Cropping history of the land
Skill of the operator
Type of soil

29 Explain the reasons why a farmer should prepare land before planting. *KGP*
- To destroy weeds- which might surpress growth of the crop.
- To improve soil aeration- in order to allow soil chemical reaction to take place.
- To improve germination – crop seeds germinate better when land is well prepared.
- Incorporate O.M in the soil- to enhance rotting and improve soil fertility.
- Increase water infiltration - for better root growth.
- Create correct tilth for seeds. (2x1=2mks)


1 Carefully study the micro-catchments below then answer the questions that follow
a) What are micro- catchments?
These are constructed structures for storing as much water as possible in the soil where
crops/ trees can use it for a long time.
b) Name four types of micro-catchments used by farmers. *SYA*.
- Triangular/ V-shaped micro-catchments
- Semi- circular bunds
- Contour bunds
- Trapezoidal bunds
c) Identify the type of micro- catchments labeled B. *SYA*
Semicircular bund
d) State the rainfall ranges suitable for micro- catchments labeled A. *SYA*
Area with 600mm – 800mm.
e) Give four reasons for constructing micro-catchments . *SYA*
i) They encourage growth of natural vegetation in dry areas
ii) They support growth of trees and tree crops on degraded land.
iii) They make it possible to carry out agroforestry in places far off from reliable water
iv) They save farmer’s time and effort which would otherwise be used in watering plants

2. Outline two ways by which afforestation helps in land reclamation. *NYR*

Some plants which have high water requirements can be used to reclaim waterlogged
It improves water catchment in the area.
It helps to reclaim arid areas by enriching them with litter and nitrogen fixing bacteria.
(2x ½ =1mk)

3 Give THREE farming activities which may cause pollution to water sources. *BMT*
Use of inorganic fertilizers.
Use of pesticides /fungicides / herbicides .
Poor cultivate practise e.g. over cultivation/ over grazing and cultivation a long river

4 State FOUR types of water pumps that can be used by farmers on field of crops. *BMT*
Rotary pumping .
Reinjecting pump (piston pump)
Semi – rotary pumps.
Centrifugal pump (rotar dynamic pump)
Hydration pump
(4 x ½ mks)

5 Describe the process of water treatment plant.

Stage 1 – Filtration at water intake point
Water passes through sieves with different sized meshes to remove solid particle.
Stage II – Softening of water
Water in the pipes flow into a mixing chamber. Soda ash is added to soften it and alum-
coagulates solid particles in water
Stage III – Coagulation and sedimentation
Water moves into the coagulation tank and solid particles settle down. Water stays for 36
hours and this kills bilharzias worms
The tank is open to aerate the water
Stage IV - Filtration
Water passes into a filtration tank where all the solid particles are removed as it passes
through layers of different sizes of gravel and a top layer of sand.
Stage v – Chlorination
Chlorine is added to kill disease micro-organisms
Stage VI – Storage
Water is stored in large tanks before distribution
(1mk for method,1mk for explanation)
6x2 = 12mks

6 State four limitations of using plastic pipes to convey water during irrigation. *KKG*
-Can burst under high pressure
-Can become brittle on exposure to the sun
-Can be gnawed by rodents
-Can be damaged easily during land preparation

7 Describe the chemical water treatment. *KKG*

Stage I : Filtration at water intake
- A series of sieves are arranged at the intake pipe.
- Sieves are of different sized meshes ramping from large, medium to small.
- Large particles of impurities are trapped.

Stage II: Softening of water

- Water flows into mixing chamber through pipes.
- Soda ash/ sodium bicarbonate softens.
- Water Alum/ aluminium sulphate helps to coagulate solid particles for particle
- The chemicals are added into the water in equal portions.

Stage III: Coagulation and sedimentation

- Circular large tanks that are open are used to remove bad smell
- Silt and sand settle down
- Water stays in the tank for 36hrs to kill bilharzia worms.

Stage IV: Filtration

- All remaining solid particles are removed
- Layers of different sizes of gravel and a top layer of sand are used to trap particles of
different sizes..

Stage V: Chlorination
- Small doses of chlorine solution depending on the water volume is added in water in a
chlorination tank.
- Chlorine kill micro-organisms in water.
Stage VI: Storage
- Large tanks receive chlorinated water for storage,
- The tank should be properly covered.
8 Name two ways of irrigating crops by overhead irrigation. *KKG*

- - Use of sprinklers.
- - Use of watering cans

9 a) Explain four reasons for treating water in the farm.

– To kill disease causing micro-organisms of bacteria, protozoa/ pathogens

- To remove chemical impurities e.g. fluoride

- To remove smell and bad state

- To remove sediments of solid particle

b) Name four types of water pumps which can be used on a firm. *KKG*

– Centrifugal/ Rota dynamic pumps

- Piston/ reciprocating pumps

- Semi- rotary pump

- Hydram

- rotary

c) List two features of plastic pipes a farmer should consider before buying the pipes. *KKG*


- Size ( diameter)

- costs

d) Describe the processes involved in water treatment using a chemical treatment system before

pumping it to the farm. *KKG*

Filtration at intake

- Water passes through a series of sieves/ removal of large particles of impurities.

Softening of water.

- Water is mixed with soda ash ( sodium bicarbonate) to soften the water as it circulates in the
coagulation and sedimentation.

- Adding of Alum ( aluminum sulphate) to facilitate coagulation and sedimentation

- Water stays in the tank for 36hrs to kill bilharzias.
- Tanks are left open for aeration to remove bad smell.

- Water is made to pass through layers of gravel and sand in a filtration tank to remove solid
Filtered water enters chlorination tank where a small amount of chlorine is added to kill disease


Treated water is stored before entering distribution channel for use.

1mk for the storage=6mks

10 Give the main methods used to convey water on a farm. *MGR*

-Transplanting in containers.
-Using canals.
-Piping /use of pipes.

11 c)Discuss the importance of irrigation in farming. *MGR*

-Enables one to grow crops during the dry seasons.

-It’s a method of land reclamation/allows crop production in arid and semi-arid areas.
-Makes it possible to grow crops in special structures e.g. green houses.
-It supplements rainfall in case it is inadequate for crop produce.
-It enables one to grow crops that require high amount of water e.g. paddy rice.
12 State THREE factors to consider before deciding on the type of irrigation to use in crop
production *KKG*
-Capital/fund available
-Soil type /type of soil
-Topography of land
-Type of crop to be established
-Source /amount /quality of water
-Size of the land to be irrigated
-Source of power to pump water
-Chemical composition of the soil (first 3 correct)
13 Give FOUR reasons why Water should be treated before use on the farm *KKG*
-To kill disease — causing micro-organisms/pathogens
-To remove harmful chemical impurities such as fluorides
-To remove bad smell/odour and taste flavor
-To remove solid soil particles/sediments (first 4 correct)
14 The diagram below represents parts of a water harvesting structure. Study it carefully and
answer the questions that follow.
(a) Identify the methods of water harvesting illustrated above *KKG*
. Roof catchment (lxl=lmk)
(b) Name the parts labeled A and B *KKG*
A- Gutter
B- Filtter/sieve
C Overflow pipe
G Outlet pipe/top (4 xl/2 = 2mks)
(c) State TWO maintenance practices carried out on the part labeled E *KKG*
Repair leaking parts/soldering/welding/welding (first 2 correct) 21.24kg P205 contained in
100Kg of 20:20:10

120kg P205
x 120
) kg 20:20:10
600kg of 20:20:10 3x1 = 3mks
15 Factors which influence the type of irrigation used in the farm. *NYR*

 Type of crop to be irrigated.

 Climatic factors of the area.
 Capital available
 Skills available
 Topography
 Distance of the source of water to be filled.
 Amount of water available.
 Type of soil.
 Technology available.
16. Give four reasons for treating water for use on the farm. * MRC*
(i) Kill disease micro-organism
(ii) To remove harmful chemical impurities
(iii) To remove any bad smell / odour / flavour
(iv) To remove sediments

17 (b)Explain three poor cultivation practices which cause water pollution. * MRC*

(i) Over-cultvation encourages soil erosion which eventually causes siltation in

water sources.

(ii) Overgrazing which leads to erosion of soil into water sources causing siltation thus

(iii) Cultivation along riverbank – this causes soil erosion and subsequent pollution of rivers.

18 state four factors that influence the quantity of water used in the farm. *KSS*
- Types of irrigation system used .
- Size of the farm.
- Type of enterprises carried out in the farm.
-Weather conditions .
- The type of soil.
19 Give four farming activities which may cause water pollution *SYA*
-Application of agro-chemicals
-Improper waste disposal
-Overgrazing and ploughing across contours
-Burning vegetations
-Manure from open fields
-Release of water from farms after canal irrigation
20 Name two chemical used in water Treatment *SYA*
-Soda ash
21 Outline three importance of drainage as a land reclamation method. *MGR*
(i) To increase soil volume
(ii) Increase soil aeration
(iii) Raise soil temperature
(iv) Increases microbial activities
(v) Reduces soil erosion
(vii) Removes toxic substances
22 Name three types of surface irrigation. *MGR*
(i) Flood irrigation
(ii) Furrow irrigation
(iii) Basin irrigation
23 Describe methods of harvesting water in the farm. *MGR*
(i) Dams
(ii) Weirs
(iii) Roof catchment
(iv) Rock catchment
(v) Ponds
(vi) Use of wells
(vii) Micro-catchments.
24 Mention four types of micro –catchments used in soil and water conservations *HBY*
Planting tips
-Semi –circular bunds
-Trape zoidal bunds
-Contour /furrow bunds
-Tree micro- catchments
-Ridging and tie ridging
25 Name two chemicals used in water treatment *KGP*
Alum (aluminiun sulphate)
Soda (sodium bicarbonate)
26 State four advantage of overhead irrigation. *KGP*
Ensures even distributing of water
Less water wastage
May be used in application of highly soluble fertilizers
Sprinklers may be re —located after irrigating a particulars area.
Can be practiced on any topography i.e slopy or that areas
27 List four benefits of draining a water-logged land. *KGP*
To increase soil aeration
To increase soil volume
To raise soil temperature
To increase micro-bial activities
To reduce soil erosion
To remove toxic substance
28 State the agricultural practices that pollute water and for each discuss one method used to
control it. *KGP*
-Use of inorganic fertilizers- enforcing laws to the use of integrated methods of
controlling pests, disease pests, disease and weeds.+
-Poor cultivation methods/ practicals- carrying out soil conservation measures like
Planting grass along the river banks.
-Pollution by human beings and livestock- Fencing water sources or water
pointsminimizes pollution by animals and livestock. (4x1=4mks)

29 Identify three forms of underground water sources. *NYD*

30 Explain five methods used to prevent water pollution. *NYD*
-Avoiding cultivation along water sources as rivers
-Avoiding cultivation during dry and windy periods.
-Prohibiting settlement of people near river valleys or water catchment areas.
-Prohibiting the excessive use of agro chemicals.
-Practicing soil conservation measures such as terracing , mulching , contour farming
-Fencing of water sources.
-using integrated pest management (IPM) systems
-using sufficient pesticide application techniques
-By substituting or use of less toxic or less persistent or less leachable or biodegradable
-By planting vegetation along the river banks to reduce siltation in rivers /capture harmful
Materials from farms.
-maintaining correct /appropriate stocking rate/ avoid overgrazing.
-Proper disposal of waste and containers
-Proper treatment of waste before disposal.
(Award correct method with correct explanation.)


1 Which two routine practices are necessary to ensure high quality manure in compost heap?
- Regular checking of temperature
- Adding water when the temperature is too high

2 The illustration below shows the Indore method of making compost manure, Study it and answer
the questions that follow.

(i) By use of arrow, indicate on the diagram how the decomposing material should be
transferred from one pit to another until the manure is applied in the field. *NYR*

(ii) Which of the five pits is left empty when filling the pits? *NYR*

(iii) After how long are the materials transferred? *NYR*

3 i) Transfer of decomposing material. *NYR*

(4x ½ =2mks)
ii) Pit left empty
E (1x1=1mk)
iii) Period of transfer
3-4 weeks (1x1=1mk)

4 State FOUR reasons why it is advantageous to use compost manure instead of compound
fertilizer. *BMT*
it improves soil structure.
Has long residual effects.
locally available.
Buffers soil pit.
(4 x ½ mks)
5. The illustration below show making of compost manure . Study carefully and answer questions
that follow.

(a) State the method illustrated above for making compost manure. *BMT*
(b) State another method of making compost manure. *BMT*
(c) State two factors which determine quality of compost manure. *BMT*

a) Indoor method (1 x ½ )= ½ mk
b) Four heap method (1 x ½ )= ½ mk
c) i) Mineral content of material used
ii) Age of manure / duration of manure.
iii) Method of storage.
iv) Type of fertilizer / manure used in the process
v) Preparation management .
(2 x 1 ) = 2mks

6 Explain the importance of soil organic matter. *BMT*

i) improves water infiltration.
ii) Improves workability of the soil.
iii) Increase microbial activities.
iv) Reduce soil toxity.
v) Bind soil particles together thus improves soil fertility.
vi) Improves soil water retention capacity or water holding capacity.
vii) Improves soil fertility by providing nutrients.
viii) Buffers soil PH.
ix) It is dark colour affect heat absorption and temperature regulation

7 Give the factors that influence the quality of compost manure. *BTR*

Storage period/Age of manure

Method of preparation.
Method of storage.
Type of material used.
Any 4 x ½ =2 marks
8. List any four advantages of using inorganic manures. *BTR*
Nutrients being applied are known.
Nutrients are released quickly into the soil.
Less bulky thus easier to apply.
Less wastage when applying.
Easy to apply using machinery.
Any first correct 4x ½ =2 marks

9 List two sources of organic matter in soil

*BMT*. Organic mulches
Crop and animal residues
Green manures
Composite manures 2 x ½ =1mk

10 Briefly explain six advantages of farm yard manure (FYM) over straight fertilizers *BMT*
- Improves soil structure by adding humus
- Supplies more than one plant nutrients
- Improves water holding capacity of soil
- Locally available
- Moderates soil temperature by its dark colour
- Buffer soil pH, improves cation exchange capacity.
- Have residual activities in soil
- Provide food for micro-organisms Any 6x1=6 (Points be explains)

11 State four factors that determine the quality of farmyard manure. *EMB*
- Type of animals used / species of the animal
- Type of food eaten
- Type of litter used
- Method of storage
- Age of farmyard manure
- Age of animal.
(4 x ½ = 2mks)
12 The diagrams below illustrates a method of preparing compost manure. Study the diagrams and
answer the questions that follow.


(a) Identify the method illustrated above. *EMB*

(b) How long does the compost Z manure take to be ready? *EMB*
(c) By using the arrows show the direction of movement of the materials in the preparation of
comfort manure. *EMB*
(a) Identify the method
- Heap/ stack method
(b) How long does the compost manure take to be ready?
4 - 6 months
(c) By using the arrows show the direction of movement of the materials in the preparation
of comfort manure.


FIELD (4x ½ =2mks)
13 List four characteristics of plants suitable for green manure preparation. *KKG*

–Rapid/ quick/ faster growth

- High nitrogen content

- Highly vegetative/ leafy

- Be capable of rapid rotting/ decomposition

- Should be hardy/ capable of growing in poor condition

14 State one role of humus in the soil. *KSS*

Increases the water holding capacity of the soil
It improves soil fertility by releasing a wide range of nutrients into the soil.
It improves soil structure / Binds soil particles
Buffers soil PH
Provide food for the soil organisms
(Any 1x1=1mk)
15 State FOUR reasons why green manure is not commonly used by farmers *KKG*
-Rapid growth rate
-Abundant foliage/leafy
-Have high nutrients content and preferably leguminous
-Have ability for fast decay/rot or decompose quickly
-Adaptable to a wide range of ecological conditions/hardy
-Be free from pests and diseases
-Be short for proper incorporation into the soil (first 4 correct)
16 The diagram below illustrates a method of preparing composite PH manure study the
diagrams and answer the questions that follows.
a) Identify the method illustrated . *KSS*

Four heaps system

c) How long should the material stay in x and y . *KSS*

- 4 to 5 weeks
d) State four factors to consider when selecting a site for the preparation of a
composit pit. *KSS*

-Good drainage of the age area.

- Direction of tha prevailing wind.
- Nearness to the area of use in the farm / size of the farm
- accessibility.
17 Explain Seven benefits of organic matter in the soil *SYA*
(i) Improves soil fertility
-release wide range of nutrients on decay
(ii) Water retention capacity and infiltration
-this is due to its colloidal nature
(iii) Microbial activity
-Promotes microbial activity in the soil by providing them with food and shelter
(iv) Binds soil structure
-Improve soil structure by binding soil particles together.
(v) Drainage and aeration improvement
-Improve drainage and aeration by increasing the porosity of soil
(vi) Roots growth
-Improve root growth by providing pure spaces of the right sizes
(vii) Soil PH buffering
It moderates soil PH by preventing rapid chemical changes in the soil
(viii) Heat absorption
-Its dark colour improves absorption of heat from the sun hence soil temperature
(ix) Neutralizes toxicity of poisons accumulating in the soil
(x) Prevents leaching through evaporation

18 The illustration below depicts a method of making compost.

Pit 1 Pit 2 Pit 3 Pit 4 Pit 5

a) Identify the method of making compost, illustrated above. *TRZ*

Pit/Indore method.
b) Describe the process of filling the first p.t. *TRZ*
-place hedge cutting or maize stalls in the pit to a depth of 30cm to acts as foundation.
-A layer of grass, green weeds or leaves, kitchen waste etc should be placed on top 30cm.
-Well rotten manure/poultry droppings should follow.
-Wood ash and prosphatic fertilizers should follow.
-A layer of topsoil to introduce micro-organisms for decomposition should then be added.

c) Give two limitations of compost manure? *TRZ*

-Releases nutrients slowly to the soil.
-Large quantities of compost manure are needed to supply enough plant nutrients.
-Preparation is labour intensive
19 Give the function of the following during compost manure preparation.
(i) Top soil: - Introduces micro – organisms necessary for decomposition of organic
(ii) Wood ash:- To improve the level of phosphorus and Potassium in resulting manure
- neutralize acidity
(iii) Well rotten manure - To provide nutrients to micro – organisms

20 List three sources of organic matter in the soil. *HBY*

-Organic mulch
-Crop residue / animal remains
-Compost manure
21 State four factors that influence the quality of farm yard manure. *KGP*
Type of animal used
Type of food eaten
Type of litter used
Method of storage.
Age of farmyard manure

22 The diagram below is a presentation of a cross section through a compost heap. Study it and
answer the questions which follows.
Name parts labeled i - iv. *KGP*
(i) Top soil
(ii) Ash
(iii) Organic manure
(iv) Grass, leaves, kitchen refuse. ( ½ x4=2mks)
(b) Give the importance of part (i) *KGP*
Top soil - To introduce micro- organisms necessary for decomposition of the
organic matter.

23 State four reasons why it is advantageous to use organic manure in production of maize
instead of using artificial manures. *KGP*
- Adds dark colour to the soil which modifies soil temperature.
- They buffer the soil- maintaining the soil Ph.
- They supply more than one nutrient and micro- nutrient to the plants.
- They have a lower residual effect in the soil.
- They provide food to micro- organisms and therefore improve their activities in
- They are locally available and cheap.
- They improve soil structure – therefore modifying aeration, drainage and
- They improve soil water retention- because they are spongy in nature.

24 Give the functions of each of the following material during preparation of compost manure .
(a) Fresh soil.
-introduces micro-organism necessary for decomposition
(b) Ash
Improves the level of potassium and phosphorous
-Raises soil PH to increase microbial activity .
Reject modifies soil PH.
(c) Manure
-provide nutrients to soil micro-organisms.
25 Give five suitable characteristics of plants used as green manure. *NYD*
-Are highly vegetative / leafy.
-Are able to decomposes quickly.
-Should be leguminous i.e. have a high nitrogen content/ highly nutritious.
-Are able to grow under poor conditions i.e. hardy.
-Should have a fast growth rate.


1 Give two light breeds of poultry *SYA*
- Leghorn
- Ancona
- Minorca
- Sykes (2 x ½ = lmk)

2 Give two distinguishing characteristic of Wessex saddle back breed of pigs.

- White on shoulders/ saddle and the front legs.
- Rest of the body is blank. 2x ½ =1mk

3 Explain the role of the livestock industry in Kenya’s economy *BMT*

a) Source of food
Source of income
Cultural uses
Sources of animals power
Provision of raw materials to industries
Stating and explanation 5x2=10mks
4 Name two dual purpose breeds of cattle. *EMC

-Red poll
(2x ½ = 1mk)

5 Name the breeds of livestock described below:

(a) A rabbit breed white in colour with red eyes. *EMB*
(b) A pig breed white in colour, straight snout and long ears drooping over the face. *EMB*

6 Name of reeds of livestock:

(a) A rabbit breed white in colour with red eyes. (½ mk)
A rabbit breed – Newzealand white / Kenya white

(b) A pig breed white in colour, straight snout and long ears drooping over the face.
(½ mk)
A pig breed – Landrace

7 Name four breeds of dairy goats. *KKG*.

Saanen, Anglo-Nubian, Toggenburg, British Alpines, Jamnapari

8 Below is a diagram of a beef animal. In order to judge the animal, a judge moves around the
animal along the arc DEF. At position D, he examines the rear view, at position E, he
examines the side view and at position F, the judge examines the front view of the animal.
Study the illustration and answer the questions that follow.

a) For each position list two conformation characteristics that the judge should look for.
Position D

 Well fleshed
• Short strong legs
• Rectangular/ square body
Position E
Short strong legs
Deep well fleshed body
Blocky shape
Position F
• Compact body
• Deep body
9 Identify the following breeds of livestock *KSS*
A pig breed with dished face, erect ears and white in colour
Large white
Angora goat
(4x ½ = 2mks).
10 State four characteristics of a dairy cow. *MGR*
- Wedge shaped/ triangular shaped.
- Well set hind quarters
- Well developed udder
- Large stomach capacity
- Udder has prominent milk veins
Any 4x ½ =2mks
11 Light breeds of poultry. *KKG*
• Leghorns
• Ancona
• Minorca
• Sykes

12 Ideal characteristics of beef cattle. *NYR*

Blocky/square/cylindrical bodies
a Have deep, well fleshed bodies.
a Mature early
• Are short legged
• Have short thick necks.
Any 4x ½ =2mks

13 Name the dairy breed of cattle that produces milk with the highest butter fat content. *NYR*
Dairy breed of cattle with highest butterfat content is the Jersey.
1 x 1 = (lMk)
14 Wool breed of sheep. *NYR*
Romney marsh
Any 1xl=(1mk234

15 Name any two dairy goat breeds found in Kenya.

- Saanen
- British Alpine
- Toggenburg
- German Alpine
- American la mandra

16 Explain why exotic beef breeds of cattle are less suited to semi arid areas than indigenous
beef cattle.
- High feed and water requirement.
- Less resistant to common parasites and tropical diseases
- Cannot survive in poor quality pastures.
- Cannot walk long distances.
- Have short legs compared to indigenous hence cannot walk long distance.

17 Give four characteristics of heavy poultry breeds. *MRU**

Heavier and bigger in size

Fast growth rate / faster weight gain

Hens lay only a few eggs

Go broody

No selective feeder

18 Describe the general characteristics of beef cattle breeds. *MRU**

Fast maturity

Breed regularly

Tolerate to high temperature

Resistant to diseases

Have deep well fleshed bodies

Blocky shape of body appearing square of rectangles

Good foragers with reduced selective feeding

Grow fast leading to early maturity

Short, strong legs to support the heavy body

Good converter of feed into flesh and fat

Able to maintain good weight even during adverse conditions such as drought.

any 10x1 = 10mks for a well described characteristics

19 Name a goat breed which can be reared for production of mohair. *KSS*
Angora goat.

20 The diagrams below P, Q, R, S illustrate photographs of selected livestock breeds .Study them
carefully and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Identify the livestock breed s
P-Jersey Bull
Q-Bershire Boar
R-Dorpes ewe
S-Califonia white rabbit
21 List three heavy breeds of poultry. *TRZ*
-Rhodes island Red.
-New Hampshire.
-Red Australop.
-Black Australop.
22 List four heavy breeds of poultry. *VHG*
Rhodes island Red.
Light Sussex.
New Hamshire.
Red australop.
Black Australop. 4 x ½ = 2mks

23 Name three dual purpose breeds of cattle. *MGR*

- Sahiwal
- Red Poll
- Simmental

24 Describe the body conformation features of a beef calf. *MGR*

- Rectangular / blocky / square body shape
- Deep and well fleshed body
- Short thick neck
- Small udders and teats
- Short legs.

25 The diagram below is an illustration of a livestock breed popular in northern Kenya and
coastal regions. Study it and answer questions appended.
(a) Identify the breed illustrated. *KGP*
Galla goat
(b) State two characteristics that make this breed so popular in northern and coastal parts
of Kenya. *KGP*
- Has ability to adapt to hot conditions / It is hardy
- Has very good quality meat
- Is white in colour and can reflect heat in hot areas keeping itself cool
- Is resistant to diseases / pests.

(c) Name the tools used by farmers to operate parts X and Y. *KGP*
Part X
- Burdizzo
- Elastrator and Rubber ring / band
- Scarpel
Part Y
- Hoof trimmer / cutter
- Hoof trimming knife. (2 x ½ = 1mk)
(d) State one maintenance care carried out to the tool used to administer a dewormer to this
breed sub-cutaneously. *KGP*
- Sterilize the tool
- Wash the tool clean and dry it.
- Store the tool safely and away from children.
26 Name four breeds of exotic beef cattle *NYD*

-Here ford
-Aberdeen Angus
-Beef short horn
27 The photographs below show dairy animals labeled X and Y .Study them and then answer the
questions that follow.
(a) Identify the type of breed shown in both photographs. *NYD*


(b) Write letter T on photograph X to show two sites where ticks commonly attach
themselves. *NYD*

-Under the base of the tail

-Udder /teats
-On the neck
-Base of horns
-Around eyes
-Tail switch
-On the flanks

(c) (i) Which one of the two cows would be selected for breeding considering the top line

Animal Y
(ii) Give a reason for your selection in C(i) above *NYD*
Has a more straight top line /a level top line /a flat top line


1 Give FOUR types of records a poultry farm should keep. *BMT*

i) Breeding records
ii) Labour records
iii) Ensure inventory records
iv) Permanent inventory records
v) Production records
vi) Health records (controlling pest and diseases)
(4 x ½ mks)

2 Name the type of records kept by a fish farmer. *BTR*

- Labour
- Marketing
- Feeeding
- Inventory
4x ½ =2 marks

3. State three concepts of economics in agriculture. *BMT*

Opportunity cost
Preference and choice.
Scarcity 3x1=3mk

4 Explain five importance of farm records in agriculture *BMT*

it shows weather the farm enterprise are profitable or raining at loss
Use for solving disputes on sharing wealth
Records kept over time yield history of one enterprise
Important in budgeting/ planing and farm planning
It enables the farmer to compare the productivity of various enterprises
Farm records used to access the rates and level of taxations
Any 5x1=5mks (Point explained)

5 Distinguish between opportunity cost and scarcity *BMT*

Opportunity cost- Amount of money forgone/ given up when choosing/ selecting one
enterprise over another.
Scarcity- It is the utilisation of scarce/ limited/ few resources for maximum output in
agriculture sector i.e scarce resources are capital, land, labour, capital are limiting in
availability. 2x1=2mks (mark as a whole)

6 Give four qualities of a good farm record. *EMC

- Should be accurate
- Should be brief
- Should be easy to follow / legible
- Should be upto date
- Should be neat
- Should be authentic
(4 x ½ = 2mks)

7 Outline six pieces of useful information contained in a field’s operation records. *KKG*

– Season

- Crop grown

- Variety

- Net area

-Field no

- Ploughing date

- Planting date

- Seed rate

- Fertilizer at planting/ type

- Topdressing fertilizer

- Pest and their control

- Diseases and their control

- Weeds and their control

- Harvesting date

- Method used

- Yields per ha.

- Remarks

8 Under what two conditions does opportunity cost not exist? *KKG*
- there is no alternative choice
35 Unlimited supply
36 When goods are supplied free
( 2 x 1 ½ mk=1mk|)

9 Name four items that a maize farmer can enter into his consumable inventory records. *KKG*

37 Fertilizer
38 Pesticide
39 Herbicide
40 Fungicide
41 seeds
(4 x ½mk = 2mks)

10 Under what two conditions does opportunity cost not exist? *KRC*
- there is no alternative choice
42 Unlimited supply
43 When goods are supplied free
( 2 x 1 ½ mk=1mk)

11. Name four items that a maize farmer can enter into his consumable inventory records. *KRC*

44 Fertilizer
45 Pesticide
46 Herbicide
47 Fungicide
48 seeds
(4 x ½mk = 2mks)

12 Explain six reasons why farmers need to keep good farm records. *KSS*

- Can be used to secure loans

- Help in making management decisions
- Help to determine whether the farm is making profits
- Help in farm budgets i.e to draw estimates for future income and expenditure.
- For evaluating assets and liabilities
- Helps farmers to estimate the amount of tax that can be charged so that the farm is
fairly taxed. (6x1=6mks)
13 What do you understand by the following terms as used in agricultural economics?
(a) Scarcity *KKG*
Scarcity is a situation where resources are limited in supply relative to
demand and what is available is less than what is desired (lxl=lmk)
(b) Preference and choice *KKG*

Preference and choice is the act of marking a selection among the availed alternatives
(1 x 1= lmk)
14 State TWO conditions under which opportunity cost does not exists
-Where there are no alternatives/choices
-Where goods are unlimited in supply/plenty
-When the factor of production is freely offered (first 2 correct)

15 State three conditions under which opportunity cost is zero or does not exist. * MRC*

(i) When there is no alternative

(ii) When goods are in unlimited supply

(iii) When a factor of production is free.

(½ x 3 = 1 ½ mks)

16 d)Discuss six problems faced by a farmer who does not keep proper farm records
-Cannot access the loaning facilities
-Unable to calculate profits and losses
-Unable to compare enterprises within the form and other forms
-cannot value his farm directly.
-Cannot value his farm directly
-Cannot support insurance claims in costs of accidents
-Unable to detect losses and theft in the farm
-cannot give proper historical background of the farm
-Unable to guide budgeting and planning property in the farm
-Cannot settle payments disputes
-Cannot be taxed properly or fairly
-Cannot provide accurate labour information.

17 (c)Name 5 types of records kept by a bean producing farmer in the farm. *SYA*
(i) Labour Records
(ii) Inventory Records
(iii) Field operations Records
(iv) Marketing Records
18 State two conditions under which opportunity cost is equal to zero. *MGR*
(i) When there is no alternative to choose from
(ii) When the resource is a gift or free
(iii) When resources are plentiful / not limited.

19 State three importance of keeping breeding records in dairy farming. *HBY*

For selection and culling
-For controlling breeding
-To show fertility and prolificacy
-To show ancestral history of the animal.
20 Name the two types of labour records *KGP*
Muster roll
Labour utilization records
21 Give five qualities of good farm records. *NYD*
-Should be updated regularly.
- Should be easy to follow.
-should be brief.
-Should be accurate
-Should be arranged in a certain order/ method/neat.
22 What is opportunity cost ? *NYD*
-Returns /value from the best alternative foregone

1 Give four ways in which soil pH is important in crop production. *SYA*

- Most nutrients are available at around neutral pH
- Low pH lowers availability of phosphates as they become fixed.
- Molybdenum is available at low pH
- soil pH affects activities of mcro-org4flism$ which in turn affects crop to be grown.
- At both pH extremes, elements accumulate hence leading to loss of fertility

2. State two factors that would determine the amount of fertilizer to be top dressed to a crop in the
field. *NYR*
Type of crop/soil nutrient status
Stage of growth of crop
Expected yield. (2x ½ =1mk)

3 Give two ways in which soil PH influences soil fertility. *NYR*

It determines the availability of plant nutrients to plants

It determines the presence and activity of micro-organisms
It influences soil structure. (2x ½ =1mk)

4 A farmer was advised to apply 150kg C.A.N /ha while top dressing a maize crop.C.A.N
contains 21%N. calculate the amount of nitrogen application per hectare(show your working)

Amount of nitrogen application

100kg CAN =21kg N
21 kgN ×150 kgCAN 1
100 kgCAN
150 kg CAN==31 .5 kgN /ha 1 (2x1=2mks)

5 State TWO forms in which phosphorous is absorbed by plants from soil. *BMT*
i) H2PO-4
ii) HPO2-4 (2 x ½ ) = 1 mk

6 Give the deficiency symptoms of nitrogen in plants. *BTR*

- Chlorosis – leaves turn yellowish green
- Leaves fall off prematurely
- Stunted growth
- Premature ripening of fruit crops
- Drying of tips and margins in cereals
Any first 4x ½ =2 marks

7. State three deficiency symptoms of sulphur in crops. *BMT*

. Plant leaves become uniformly yellow
Crop grow generally small and short/stunted growth
Impaired chlorophyll formation in plants
Reduction in formation of plant proteins 3x ½ =1 ½ mks
8 Give two forms in which nitrogen is absorbed by plants. *EMB*

- Ammonium ions
- Nitrate ions
(2 x ½ = 1mk)

9 Distinguish between Nitrogen fixation and phosphorous fixation in soil fertility. *KKG*
Nitrogen fixation is the process where the atmospheric nitrogen (gaseous form) is converted to
nitrate a form that is available to plants.
Phosphorus fixation is the process where phosphates are converted to a form that is insoluble to
plants/ combine with other elements making it unavailable to plants
10 A field of maize requires 120kg/ ha of phosphorous pentoxide (P2O5). A compound fertilizer
20:20:10 is to be used in the field. Calculate the amount of the compound fertilizer required for
0.4 ha of land (show your working) (3mks)
1 ha – 120kg
0.4 ha - ? 
0 .4 ha x 120kg
=48 kg
1 ha 

11 State two methods of testing soil PH. *KKG*

-Using color indicator dyes

- Use of a PH meter

12 State three advantages of using a compound fertilizer. ( 1 ½ mks)

.- Supplies wide variety of nutrients.

- Can be used to grow different types of crops.

- Can be used both for planting and top dressing.

- Promote activities of soil micro organism

13 State two methods which can be used to detect mineral deficiency in crops. *KKG*
49 Soil analysis
50 Leaf analysis
51 Observation of deficiency symptoms
(2 x ½ mk= 1mk)

14 State two methods which can be used to detect mineral deficiency in crops. *KRC*
52 Soil analysis
53 Leaf analysis
54 Observation of deficiency symptoms
(2 x ½ mk= 1mk)

15 Name two processes through which carbon is returned to the atmosphere in the carbon cycle.
- Respiration
- Combustion
- Decomposition.
(Any 2x1=2mks)

16 A farmer applied two sets of fertilizer during planting and top-dressing. When planting he
applied NPK (25:20:15) and Urea (46:5:0)
(a) Explain briefly the meaning of figures NPK (25:20:15) *KSS*
NPK (25:20:15)
25 – 25kg or % Nitrogen (1x1=1mk)
20 – 20kg or % Phosphorus Pentaoxide (1x1=1mk)
15-15kg or % Potassium oxide / chloride (1x1=1mk)
(b) Giving a reason classify the two types of fertilizer the farmer applied on his farm. (4mks

Fertilizer Class Reason

NPK (25:20:15) Complete compound Contains all the three primary
fertilizer1mk macro-element.1mk
Urea (46:18:0) Incomplete compound Contains only two of the primary
fertilizer 1mk macro-nutrients1mk

17 Explain why the following places should be avoided during soil sampling.
(i) - Cattle bomas may have high levels of soil nutrients which is not a true
picture of that soil fertility.
- Animals might have trampled on the soil to destroy soil structure.
(ii) - Along water ways soil erosion has taken place
- Along water ways soil deposition takes place

18 Describe the soil sampling procedure *KSS*

(i) Clear vegetation from the soil sampling spots and make vertical cut of 15-25cm for
crop level and 5cm for pasture land.
(ii) Take a slice from the vertical cut using a spade or soil auger.
(iii) Put the sampled soil in a clean polythene bag or any suitable container.
(iv) Repeat steps (i), (ii) and (iii) in different pairs of the field 15-20 spots.
(v) Mix thoroughly the soil sample, dry and crush
(vi) Send a sub-sample from the mixture to the laboratory
(6steps x 1 = 6mks)
Note: Steps should be strictly followed if otherwise reject.

19 State three functions of boron in crop development. *MGR*

-Important in calcium utilization.
-Necessary in sugar translocation.
-Needed in water absorption.
-Aids in fruit development.

20 A farmer is to apply a compound fertilizer 20:20:10 on a vegetable plot measuring 4 metres by 3 metres
wide at a rate of 100kg per hectare.
(a) Calculate the amount of fertilizer to be applied on the plot. (Show your working)
* MRC*

100kg = 10,000m2

? 4mx3m2

10 , 000 (1) =0.12kg (1) or 120g

(b) What do the figures 20 and 10 stand for? * MRC*

20 – P2O5 (1)

10 – K2O (1)

(c) Give two factors which influence the type of fertilizer to be applied in a given piece of land.
* MRC*

(i) fertility status

(ii) Ph of soil

(iii) Type of crop

(iv) Cost of fertilizer

21 State four deficiency symptoms of sulphur in crops. *KSS*

-Reduced nodulation in legumes.
-leaf chlorosis.
-Stimulated growth.
- Thin stems.
22 List four methods of fertilizer application in the farms *KSS*

- Folliar application
- Side dressing / ring application
- Drip method
- Fertigation.

23 Name any two methods that can be used to detect mineral nutrients deficiency in crops. *SYA*
-soil analysis to determine nutrient content
-Observing for nutrient deficiency symptoms
24 State four symptoms of cobalt deficiency in livestock *SYA*
-Delayed sexual maturity.
-Irregular ovulation
-Reduced hatchability in birds
-Reduced shell thickness.
-Head retraction in chicks.
25 State Four properties of Nitrogenous fertilizers. *MRU*
-High soluble
-They are hygroscopic
-Highly volatile
-Easily leached.
-Have short residual effects.
26 The diagram below shows methods of soil sampling .Study them and answer the questions that

(a) Identify the methods A and B *MRU*

A- Traverse method
B- Zigzag method.

(b) Explain the procedure followed during soil sampling *MRU*

-Clear the vegetation
-Take slice from the vertical cut using a spade or a soil auger.
-Put the soil in a clean polythene bag or any suitable container.
-Repeat the above steps in different parts of the field
-Mix the soil from all spots thoroughly to obtain a composite sample.
-Take the sub-sample to the lab for testing

27. The diagram below shows a soil sampling method.

a) Identify the method of soil sampling. *TRZ*

Zig zag soil sampling method/Random.

b) State four activities that are carried out during soil sampling in the field. *TRZ*
-Clear vegetation from sampling spot.
-Remove top soil.
-Make vertical cut 15-30 cm for crop land and 5cm for pasture land.
-Scoop the soil to an appropriate depth/take a slice from vertical cut.
-Put soil in suitable container.
-Thoroughly mix the soil samples from different spots.
-Take some sub-sample from mixture.
-Put soil in clean container.
-Hand the container clearly.

c) What information should the sample being taken to the laboratory have? *TRZ*
-Name of farmer/sender.
-Address of farmer/sender.
-Field number.
-Date of sampling.

28 Give two forms in which nitrogen is absorbed from the soil by plants. *VHG*
Nitrate ions /N03.
Ammonium ions /NH4.

29 A farmer in Hamisi District, Vihiga County bought a 50kg bag of fertilizer labeled D.A.P
18:46:0 which was to be used in the farm.
(a) What do the figures 18:46:0 on the fertilizer bag represent. *VHG*
- 18% N /18kg N
- 46% P205 / 46 Kg P205
- 0% K20 / 0 Kg K20.
(b) State the recommended time of application of this fertilizer. *VHG*
At planting time.
(c) What class of inorganic fertilizers does D.A.P belong to, explain. *VHG*
Compound fertilizer.
- Contains both Nitrogen and Phosphorus elements.

30 Calculate the amount of K2O in 300kg of a compound fertilizer 25: 10: 5. *MGR*
N : P2OS : K2O
25 : 10 : 5
K2O = 5% of 300kg
= 100
∴ K2O = 15kg

31 State two symptoms of calcium deficiency in plants. *MGR*

Stunted growth
Drying back of plants tips
Blossom – end – rot in tomatoes

32 Give one method used to raise soil PH. *KGP*


33 Give four deficiency symptoms of phosphorus in crops. *KGP*

Started growth
Reduced branching in stems /roots
Dormant lateral back
Purple colouration of leave
Reduced formation and development of seeds flower, fruits and tubers in crops
Weak stems
Premature leaf fall

34 A farmer was advised to apply 210 kg of calcium of ammonium nitrate (CAN 21-0-0) per
Calculate the amount of nitrogen required *KGP*
210kg CAN applied to 1 ha.
100 kg CAN-21kgN
210 CAN=
210kgCANx21 kg = 44.1 kgN

35 Name four ways of classifying inorganic fertilizers. *NYD*

-Time of application
-Nutrient composition
-Reaction with soil /Effect on soil PH.
-Mode of application.

36 State three properties of nitrogenous fertilizers. *NYD*

-Highly soluble in soil water
-Have a short residual effect
-They have a scorching effects /burning effect
-They are hygroscopiv /absorb moisture from the atmosphere.
-The fertilizers are highly corrosive , therefore should not be handled with bare hands /
stored in easily corroded containers
-They are easily leached
-They are highly volatile.


1a) Describe the various, plant parts. used in vegetative propagation of named crops. *SYA*
Plant parts used in vegetative propagation.
- Bulbs — underground buds that store food and water e.g onions
- Bulbils – small/ tiny plants produced in an inflorescence at the end of life cycle of a plant
e g sisal
- Suckers — lateral branches with terminal buds that grow from the base of underground
stems of some plants which have adventitious roots e.g bananas
- Splits — these are small plants obtained from mother plant e.g pyrethrum.
- Vines - these are vegetative parts that grow from the stem bending downwards then
developing roots e.g sweet potatoes..
- Cuttings - portions of plants cut then planted e g Napier grass and sugar cane
-tubers — These are short thick fleshy underground plant parts swollen with food e.g
Irish. potatoes.
- Crowns - The vegetative apex of an inflorescence which is broken off and prepared for
planting, e.g pineapples.
- Slips - These are auxiliary shoots arising from the base of a fruit e.g pineapples

b) Describe five methods of breaking seed dormancy *SYA*

i) Mechanical Method - scratching of seed coat so as to make it permeable to water. It is
done by rubbing seeds between sand paper or using a knife or a file to break the seed coat.
ii) Hot water treatment — seeds are soaked in hot water at about 80°C for about five
minutes to soften the seed and to stimulate germination.
iii) Chemical treatment - acids eg (concentrated HCL) are used to break the thick and
impermeable seed coats. Seeds are soaked in the acid for about two minutes. The seeds
are then thoroughly washed in water to remove the acid.
iv) Soaking in water - seeds are soaked in water for 24-48 hours before being planted.
v) Stratification (chilling) - seeds are placed in between layers of moist sand which are
then stored in cold room or refrigerator for three months. Seeds of fruit trees e.g apples
and peaches are treated by chilling

2 State four advantages of timely planting in crop production. *NYR*

i) It enables crops to make better utilization of accumulated nutrients/nitrogen flush before
they are leached
ii) Crops make maximum use of available rainfall and suitable soil temperature
iii) Crops are less affected by pests and diseases
iv) Crops establish early enough to withstand competition from weeds
v) It enables early supply of crops to the market when they can fetch high prices
vi) It reduces competition for available labor especially during peak periods.
(4x ½ =2mks)
3 State four advantages of using grafting method in crop propagation. *NYR*
i) Facilitates changing the top of tree to a more desirable variety
ii) Can be used to repair a damaged tree
iii) Helps to propagate plants that cannot be propagated by other means
iv) Makes it possible to produce more than one type of fruit on the same plant
v) Makes it possible to produce good crops through the use of stock that is resistant to
diseases. (4x ½ =2mks)

4 Describe practices carried out to ensure uniform germination of seeds. *NYR*

i) Selecting seeds of the same size, age, variety and free from diseases and pests
ii) Planting the seeds at the same time
iii) Preparing the whole field to required uniform tilt
iv) Planting at the right moisture content of the soil/or irrigation uniformly
v) Planting at correct depth
vi) Treating the seeds before planting to break dormancy. (5x1=5mks)
5 Give FOUR factors that would influence the time of planting potatoes.
Expected harvesting time.
variety of potatoes.
invedance of pest and diseases.
Rainfall reliability / patterns
(4 x ½ mks)
6 Describe factors considered in timely planting of annual crops. *BMT*
Escape from serious weed competition.
For harvesting season to coincide with dry season to reduce loss e.g. in cotton
Fetch high market price when harvesting early
Exploit nitrogen flush in soil accumulated during dry season
Utilization of early rainfall.
Escape from serious attack by pest or diseases i.e. maize escape from stalk borer.
reduce from competition during labour peak periods.
Improves soil fertility by producing nutrients .
Early plating ensures early farmers calendar for the farmer to be able to finish other
farm activities.

7 State and explain factors that influence spacing in crops. *BMT*

i) Spreading habit – Crops that spread Require wider spacing.
ii) Soil moisture / rainfall amount – Any area require wider spacing and wet area
require narrow spacing
iii) Purpose of the crop-Depending on the purpose of the crop require different
i.e. maize grown for silage requires closer spacing than maize grown for grain.
iv) Soil fertility- Crops spaced closer in fertile soil and wider in infertile soils
v) suckering / tillering – crops that produce suckers tend to occupy bigger area ,
hence require wider spacing.
vi) Crop height – shorter crops require narrow spacing than taller crops.
vii) Mechanization- crops whose production operation will be mechanized is speed
wider to allow space for machinery.
vii) Diseases and pest control – proper spacing is required to control certain
diseases and pest e.g. Groundnut rosette virus and Aphids.
ix) Number of seeds per hole – if more seeds are marked per hole than wider
spacing is required
x) Pure stand /intercropping – wider spacing is required if crops is interplant than
in pure land.
(10 x 2)=20mks.
8 Explain factors that may lead to many gaps in the farm. *BMT*
i) Poor rainfall distribution leading to some seeds not germinating
ii) seedlings act immediately by the pest e.g. soil born pest.
iii) Soil erosion occurs carrying away the seeds.
iv) Planting too early before rain leading to some seeds scorching by the sun.
v) The use of seeds with low viability .
vi) Use seeds infested by diseases or pests.
vii) Poor soil tilt – Large soils erode leading to low soil contents hence poor
(6 x 1)= 6mks

9. a) Differentiate between oversowing and undersowing in planting of crops. *BTR*

b) State the disadvantages of using vegetative material in planting crops. *BTR*

a) Oversowing is sowing of one pasture crop in an established or existing pasture whereas

undersowing is the establishment of a pasture under an established arable crop.
(1 mark)

b) - Bulky and difficult to store or transport.

- Perishable.
- Diseases of parent can easily be transmitted.
Any 2x ½ =1 mark

10 Explain the factors that determine the depth of planting. *BTR*

- Soil type – seeds emerge from greater depth in light soils than in heavy soils.
- Soil moisture content – In dry soils,, depth of planting is deeper so as tp p[lace
seed in a zone with moist soil.

- Size of the seed – larger seeds are planted deeper in the soil because they have
enough food reserve to make them shoot and emerge through the soil to the
- Type of germination – seeds with epigeal type of germination are planted shallow
than those with hypogeal type of germination.
Any 4 explained=8 marks
11 State four ways of preparing planting materials before planting. *BMT*
Seed dressing
Legume seeds innoulation
Breaking seed dormancy
Seed selection/ cleaning
Chitting/ sprouting.
Root trimming for suckers/ tree seedlings
12 Name four pieces of information that is found on a bag of soil sample. *BMT*
Name and address of the farmer
Field number
Sampling date
Brief history/ data of the field
4x ½ =2mks
13 The diagram below illustrates materials and a method of vegetative propagation. Study it and
answer the questions that follow.

a) Identify the method of crop propagation illustrated above. *BMT*

b) Give two advantages associated with the method named in (a) above. *BMT*
c) State two characteristic of certified seeds. *BMT*

a) Tissue culture 1mk

b) Mass production of propagules
Production of pathogen-free propagules
Control viral diseases on crop
Faster compared to other cultural methods
Requires less space
c) Free from weed seeds
Free from pests
Free from diseases
Have 100% germination potential/ high viability 2x1=2mks

14 (a) Calculate the plant population in a 4.5 hectares plot on maize crop planted at a spacing of
75cm x 30cm. (Assume 1 plant per hole) *EMB*

Area of land
Plant Population = Spacing of the crop e
Area of land 4.5ha x 10,000m2 e
Spacing = 0.75m x 0.3m = 0.225m2 e
4 .5×10 , 000 m2
∴ Plant population
0 . 225 m2 e
= 200,000 maize plants

15 (a) Outline six advantages of vegetative propagation over seed propagation in crop
production. *EMB*

- promote eary maturity in crops

- propagation of seedless plants is possible
- Can raise more than one variety of crops
- Impartion of disease resistant crops
- Fast growing seedlings resulting into early maturity and production
- Do not experience dormancy like seeds
- Give parts acceptable shapes and sizes hence ease of Carrying out management
practices- Development of high yielding crops
- Ensures maintenance of genetical / clonal characteristicts to ensure uniformity
- Facilitate development of drought resistant crops
- Facilitate fast multiplication of desired crops
- Its used to repair damaged parts of the crop
- Production of high quality crop produce
(6x1= 6mks)
(b) Ways of breaking seed dormancy.
- Soaking in water to soften seed coat for absorption of water
- Heat treatment / hot water treatment – to make seed coat more permeable
- Mechanical / scarification of hard seeds – to break the seed coat.
- Putting some seeds in ice at 40C – 60C then planting them at 200C – 300C.
- Chemical treatment to soften the seed coat for absorption of water

16 State four reasons why Rough lemon is preferred as a root stock in the grafting of citrus fruits.
It is compatible with other citrus plants
Resistant to many diseases
It adapts to various soil conditions
Can withstand adverse weather conditions

17 State four factors to consider when siting a beehive. *KKG*

• Source of water and nectar
• Distance from homesteads, pastures and roads.
• Sheltered quiet place.
• Presence of a shade.

18 Give four characteristics of a good rootstock for grafting. *KKG*

– Healthy/ free from pest and disease attack

- Compatible

- Resistant to soil borne diseases and pest

- Adaptable to different soil conditions

19 a) Describe eight practices that a farmer should carry out to ensure uniform germination of seeds.


–Select seeds of same size, variety and age.

- Plant seeds at the same time.

- Prepare the whole field to the required uniform tilts.

- Plant at the right moisture content of the soil.

- Irrigate uniformly.

- Treat seeds against soil borne pest and diseases.

- Plant at the correct depth.

- Select seeds free from pests and diseases/ healthy seeds.

- Level the seed bed for uniform depth of planting.

- mix fertilizer thoroughly with the soil to prevent scorching of the seeds.


20 State two conditions under which seeds are seeded at a high seed rate. *KKG*
55 When seed germination is low
56 When seed have low seed purity
57 Incase of closer spacing
58 When number of seeds per hole is higher.
(½ x 4mks = 2mks)

21 Give three reasons why bulbils make good planting materials than suckers. *KKG*
59 Small in size hence portable
60 Establish uniformly
61 Can be raised in a nursery and later transplanted
62 More readily available than suckers.
(3 x ½ mk=1 ½ mks)

22 The diagram below illustrate a method of crop propagation.

(a) identify the method of propagation above. *KKG*


(b) Name a common crop propagation through the method in above. *KKG*

(c) Name three advantages of this method . *KKG*

_ Mass production of propagules.

-Requires less space.


23. (a) Describe the factors to consider during spacing of crops in a field. *KKG*
- Height – Short crops require narrower spacing
-Plant tiller-wider spacing is encouraged for crops that produce suckers which occupy a large space.
- Soil fertility-fertile soils will support narrow spaced crops than infertile soils
- Soil moisture-dry soils require wider spacing than wet soils.
-Spreading habits-crops that spread are spaced at wider spacing than crops that do not.
- Purpose of the crop-Crops for silage preparation are spaced at a narrower spacing.
-Mechanization-mechanical operations require wider spaced crops.
-Number of seeds per hole-More seeds per hole requires wider spacing
-Pure stand- Pure stands require narrower spacing than intercropped crops.
-Disease (pest control- proper spacing minimizes the spread of pests and diseases

(b) Describe the practices that a farmer should carry out to ensure uniform germination of seeds.
–Select seeds of the same size, age and variety.

-Select seeds free from pest and diseases.

- Plant seeds at the same time
-Plant at the right moisture.
-Treat seeds against soil born pests and diseases
-Seedbeds should have a uniform soil depth.

24 State two conditions under which seeds are seeded at a high seed rate. *KRC*
63 When seed germination is low
64 When seed have low seed purity
65 Incase of closer spacing
66 When number of seeds per hole is higher.
(½ x 4mks = 2mks)

25 Give three reasons why bulbils make good planting materials than suckers. *KRC*
67 Small in size hence portable
68 Establish uniformly
69 Can be raised in a nursery and later transplanted
70 More readily available than suckers.
(3 x ½ mk=1 ½ mks)

26 Give two livestock operation where rubber ring and elastrator are used. *KRC*

(i) Castration
(ii) Docking

27 Give four reasons why piglets should be weight immediately after farrowing and weaning
-To determine the sow’s mothering ability
-To determine the level of management of sow during the gestation period
-To necessities selection as a breeding stock , for culling or for selling purposes
-To know the weight or food conservation ratio

28 Name two methods of layering. *KSS*

- Marcotting / Aerial layering

- Tip layering
- Trench layering
- Compound / serpentine layering

29 Below is a figure showing a planting material which has been fully prepared for planting.
Study it carefully and use it to answer the questions that follow;

(a) Name the method that was used to prepare the material drawn above. *KSS*
Chitting / sprouting (1x1=1mk)
(b) Name the parts of the diagram labeled
P – Rose end (1x1=1mk)
Q – Heel end (1x1=1mk)
(c) State one advantage the farmers realized after using the above planting material.*KSS*

- Crop originating from vegetative material mature faster

- Crops show uniformity
- Can be used because Irish potatoes do not produce seeds.
(Any 1 x 1 = 1mk)

30 State four benefits of using vegetative propagation in orange production. *MGR*

-Early maturity of the crop.

-Plant assumes desired shape and size.
-Possible to obtain two or more varieties of oranges on one root stock.
-Highly yielding.
-Maintaining parental genetic characteristics.
-Possible to propagate seedless oranges varieties.

31 Give four reasons for seed selection in crop production. *MGR*

-To obtain high yields.

-Reduce pest/disease/weed attack.
-To obtain high quality produce.
-To ensure high germination percentage.
-To obtain seeds suitable to the particular area.
32 The diagrams below represent two ways in which a crop was pruned. Study them carefully and
answer the questions that follow.

i) Which diagram represents the correct way of pruning? *MGR*

i) Give a reason for your answer in (i) above. *MGR*
Slant act a few centimeters above the bud/leaf.

33 The diagram below shows a soil sampling method.

i) Identify the method. *MGR*

-Traverse/diagonal method.
ii) State three activities that are carried out during sampling in the field. *MGR*
-Clearing vegetation.
-Cutting soil with soil auger.

34 State the law of diminishing returns in a production process. *MGR*

The law states that “ If successive units of one input are added to fixed units
of other inputs, appoint is eventually reached where additional output per additional unit
of input will decline.

35 Give a reason why it is not advisable to use manure in carrot production. *KKG*
Encourages /induces forking and hence reduces crop quality

36 Give FOUR reasons for timely planting of annual crops *KKG*

For crops to make maximum use of accumulated nutrients/nitrogen flush before they are
Crops make maximum use of the available rainfall and suitable soil temperature Crops establish
early than weeds and hence smoother them
Early supply of crops to the market when the prices are still high Reduces competition of
available labour

37 Factors determining the spacing of a crop.

• Soil fertility status; adopt close spacing in fertile soils and wider spacing in less
fertile soil.
• Soil moisture content/rainfall in the area; adopt closer spacing with adequate
water and wider spacing in soil with little water.
• The machinery to be used in subsequent operations, space crops in such a way
that enough space is provided for the movement of machinery.
• Intended purpose of the crop, adopt closer space in a crop for forage and wider
spacing in a crop for grains.
• Growth habit of the crop, wider spacing in spreading crops and narrower spacing
in crops with erect growth.
• Prevalence of certain pests and disease, use the correct spacing to discourage the
presence and spread’ pests and diseases.
• Cropping system; adopt close spacing in pure stand crop and wider spacing in
mixed stand crops.
• Number of seeds per hole, adopt close spacing when planting one seed per hole
and wider spacing when plant more than one seed per hole. (7x1=7mks)
(award 1 mark for each explained statement)
38 Ways of maintaining optimum plant population in a field of maize. *NYR*
- Gapping.
- Thinning. ( 2 x ½ - 1mk)

39 Advantages of A over formative method.

-A is faster to obtain plucking table than formative.
-Less skills required in A than formative.
40 Discuss 5 importance of crop rotation. *NYR*
Ensure maximum utilization of nutrients.
Control build up of pests /weeds /diseases
Improves soil fertility when legumes are included.
Control soil erosion.
Improves soil structure
Controls weeds that are specific to particular crops.
41 State four factors promoting rooting of cuttings * MRC*

(i) Warm soil temperatures

(ii) High relative humidity
(iii) High light intensity
(iv) Ample supply / enough oxygen
(v) Ample supply of moisture
(vi) Rooting hormones
(vii) Leaf area for softwood cuttings

(any 4 x ½ = 2mks)

42(a) State two mechanical methods of breaking seed dormancy. * MRC*

(i) Scarification

(ii) Filing or nicking

(b) State two other Methods of breaking dormancy. * MRC*

(i) Heat treatment

(ii) Chemical treatment

(iii) Soaking in water

43 State four qualifies of a good root stock for grafting. * MRC*

(i) Should be compatible with scions of different crops

(ii) Should be disease and pest tolerant

(iii) Should be healthy and vigorous growing

(iv) Should be adaptable to different soils and soil conditions.

44 Give three limitations of tissue culture. * MRC*

(i) Require highly skilled manpower

(ii) It is time consuming

(iii) It is labour intensive / demanding

(iv) It is costly

45. Give four reasons why seeds may fail to germinate after planting . *KSS*
-Inadequate moisture in the soil.
- Pest and diseases attack .
- Very deep placement / shallow placement of seeds
- Dormancy.
-long storage of seeds
46 State two importance of tissue culture in crop production . *KSS*
a) - maass production of propagules
-His fast requires less space .
-To establish parthogen free plants.
b) - To facilitate for faster roots establishment .
- make uprooting easier / prevents seedling damage during uprooting.
- Allow seedling to develop shoots dense strong rooting system .
47 Differentiate between over sowing and under sowing . *KSS*
over sowing is the planting of legumes crops / pasture high quality crops in an
already existing pasture field / grass pasture while under sowing is the
establishment of pasture crop under an existing unused crop e.g maize ,
sunflower barley etc

48 The illustration below are materials used in the propagation of sugar cane .Study them
carefully and answer the following questions.

a) Identify the illustration P and Q *KSS*

P- sugar cane sat/ cutting
Q- Green tops of sugar cane
b) Why is Q less suitable than P as a planting materials in sugar cane *KSS*
Q does not produce roots easily since the rooting hormones are concentrated
down ward of the stem / roots easily before root production.
c) How is P treated before planting to control ratoon stunted disease. *KSS*
Dipping in hot water for 50 minutes
d) State and illustrate two recommended ways of placing materials P in the furrows
during planting. *KSS*
i) end to end
ii) Overlapping manner

49 State four methods of grafting a farmer can use to propagate his crops. *SYA*
-Whip /Tongue grafting
-Side grafting
-cleft grafting
-Notch /wedge grafting
-approach grafting

50 Outline Four desirable characteristics of a good rootstock for grafting *SYA*

-Compatible with different scions
-Disease tolerant
-Health and vigorous growing
-Able to adopt to different soils and conditions.

51 Outline Three advantages of timely planting in sorghum production *SYA*

-Endless crops utilize nitrogen flush
-Crops use available rainfall maximumly
-Crops escape pests /disease attack
-Crops establish easily to overcome aver competition with weeds
-Production is available to meet market demand

52 Explain the meaning of the following terms as used in crop production *MRU*
Seed dressing – Coating the seeds with a layer of fungicide or insecticide or combination of the
two chemicals.
-Seed inoculation – Coating the seeds with the right strain of rhibozium to hence nitrogen fixation

53 State Four factors affecting rooting of cutting *MRU*

-Oxygen supply
-Reliable humidity
-Light intensity
-Moisture supply
-Chemical treatment
Leaf area.

54a) Advantages of timely planting in crop production

Timely planting enable crops make better utilization of accumulated nutrients
before they are leached.
(ii) The crops make maximum use of available rain fall and suitable soil temperature
(iii) Timely planting reduce incidences of pest and disease control.
(iv) It enables crop to establish early enough to withstand competition from weeds.
(v) It enables early supply of crops to the market when they can fetch high prices.
(vi) It reduces competition for available labour, especially during peak production
b) Methods of planting
Broadcasting – This involves random scattering of seeds al over the field.
Row planting- Seeds are plated in straight lines spaces between them
Over – sowing.- Establishment of a pasture legume over existing grass pasture.
Under –sowing – Establishment of pasture under already existing growing crops such asd
Dibling – Planting the seeds randomly on the field using a dibbling stick /panga.

55 List two methods of budding that are used in propagation of plants. *VHG*

T — budding.
Top budding.
Patch budding/ ring budding
56 Give four disadvantages of broadcasting as a method of planting. *VHG*
More seeds are used/seed wastage.
Lack of uniformity in land coverage.
Uneven planting depth/uneven germination/uneven growth.
Difficult to carry out subsequent operations e.g. weeding, spraying & harvesting.
57 State three factors considered when choosing a nursery site. *VHG*
Source of water.
Nearness to the field.
Type of soil.
Distance from the forest/ bush /shelter.
Previous cropping.
Topography / Slope
Direction of the prevailing wind
58 Outline ten benefits a farmer is likely to obtain by using vegetative propagation in production of
citrus fruits especially oranges. *VHG*
• Production or development of early maturing crops.
• Development of high yielding orange crops.
• Makes the plant to have a desired shape and size hence easy to manage.
• Can obtain two or more orange varieties on the same root stock.
• Ensure maintenance of genetic or clonal characteristics to ensure uniformity.
• Facilitates development of drought resistant crops.
• Facilitates the propagation of seedless orange varieties.
• It is used to develop tree plants that are less thorny.
• It is used to develop orange crop that is resistant to diseases.
• It is utilized in repair or treatment of damaged parts of orange trees.
• Facilitates fast multiplication of orange varieties.

59. Give three factors that determine the depth at which seeds should be planted. *MGR*
Soil type
Soil moisture content
Size of the seed
Type of germination

60 The diagrams below represents methods of propagating crops. Study them and answer the
questions that follow.

(a) Identify the methods G and H

G – Aerial layering / Marcotting
H – Whip or Tongue Grafting
(b) Give a condition under which each of the crop propagation methods are practiced.
G – On hard wood plants, where stem cannot be bent easily to reach ground.

H – Scion and root stock are of same diameter

(c) State one reason for tying in method H. *MGR*
- To enhance compatibility
- To allow union of scion and root stock to be successful due to formation of callus

61 (a) Outline six characteristics of a fertile soil. *MGR*

(i) Good depth
(ii) Proper drainage
(iii) Good water holding capacity
(iv) Adequate nutrient supply
(v) Correct soil PH
(vi) Free from excessive infestation of soil borne pests and diseases.
(b) State six methods of achieving minimum tillage. *MGR*
(i) Application of herbicides in controlling weeds
(ii) Use of mulch on soil surface
(iii) timing cultivation
(iv) Restricting cultivation to area where seeds are to be planted
(v) Establishing a cover crop on the field
(vi) Uprooting or slashing weeds in perennial crops.
62 Give four management practices carried out on a nursery bed *HBY*
-Mulching -Pricking
-Watering -Shading
-Weed control -Pests and disease control
-Hardening off
63 Name two categories of plants on the basis of photoperidism. *KGP*
- Long day plants
- Short day plants
- Day neutral plants

64 Differentiate between rainfall total and rainfall intensity. *KGP*

Rainfall total is the amount / quantity of rainfall received at a given time while rainfall intensity is
the impact of rain drops or strength with which the rain drop hit the surface

65 Name the crop which uses the following parts as planting materials. *KGP*
(i) Crowns and slips - pineapple
(ii) Bulbils sisals

66 Name two ways in which carbon is returned into the atmosphere *KGP*
- Respiration
- Combustion
- Decomposition

67 State two characteristics of a good rootstock for grafting *KGP*

Adaptable to different soil conditions
Compatible with different scions
Resistant to soil borne diseases and pests

68 Give two practices of achieving the correct plant population in annual crops. *KGP*

69 Name two insect pests that attack sorghum in the field. *KGP*
-Sorghum shoot fly
-Stem borer

70 (a) Give three reasons for using certified seeds for planting. *KGP*
- Usually produces high yields.
- Free from foreign materials e.g weed seeds.
- Give rise to vigorously growing plants.
- Have high germination percentage.
- True to type and not contaminated with other varieties of the crop.
(b) State two precautions when handling inoculated seeds. *KGP*
- Do not dry the seeds under the sun.
- Seeds should be planted immediately after inoculation. (2x1=2mks)
71 Discuss the various ways used by farmers to prepare planting materials before a crop is
planted. *KGP*
- Selection – farmers should select pure seeds with high germination percentage.
- Breaking seed dormancy through use of suitable method.
- Seed dressing – by coating them with appropriate insecticide, fungicide or both.
- Seed inoculation – done in legumes in order to help seedlings to fix nitrogen.
- Chitting – sprouting of selected sets in order to break their dormancy.
72 State four reasons for dehorning cattle *KGP*
-To prevent cattle from inflicting injury to others
-To make animals docile/easy to handle
-To prevent destruction of farm structure

73 Give four reasons why bees swarm . *KGP*

- shortage of food and water
- damage of brood combs
- outbreak of diseases and parasites
- lack of adequate ventilation
- sick / infertile queen
- dampness
- bad smell

74 Study the diagram below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the practice shown above in crop propagation *NYD*

-Tissue culture

(b) Name the parts labeled A and B *NYD*

A– Plantlet /propagule

B– Culture medium /nutrient agar

(c) Explain two benefits of the above practice in banana production. *NYD*
Plantlet maintain parental characteristics
-Resultant plants are free from disease causing organisms.
-Facilitates mass production of propagules
-Resultant plant products are of high quality
-The plantlets are high yielding
-A small space can be used to raise many propagules.
-it is a fast method.
75 (i) What is budding in crop production? *NYD*
(ii) Explain the importance of budding and grafting in crop propagation. *NYD*
-Plant with desirable root characteristics may be utilized to produce desirable produce
e.g. lemon and orange graft.
-Facilitate the changing of the top of a tree from being undesirable to desirable.
-more than one type of fruits or flower may be gown on same plant.
-Help propagate plants that cannot be grown in any other way /produce seeds not viable
-Helps repair damaged trees.
-Helps shorten maturity age.
76 State two reasons why the rough lemon is used as a root stock to orange buds during
budding *NYD*
-Has vigorous growth
-Able to withstand water logged soil conditions
-Torelant to a number of viral diseases


1 The diagram below illustrates a vegetable nursery. Study it carefully then answer the
questions that follow.

a) Distinguish between a nursery bed and a seedling bed. *SYA*

Nursery bed is piece of land for raising seedlings before transplanting while seedling-bed
is a- piece of land to which excess seedlings in the nursery are transferred to avoid

b i) Give the measurement of the part labeled E . *SYA*

One metre/ 1m
ii) Give reason for your answer in(b) (i)
For convenience in watering, weeding and pest control.
c) What is the importance of
i) The part labeled F? *SYA*
To provide shade to seedlings, conserve moisture and prevent direct rain drops.
ii) Raising the bed? *SYA*
For proper drainage in flood prone areas.

d) State four management practices carried out on seedlings in the nursery before
- Mulching - Pest control
- Watering - disease control
- Shading - hardening off
- Pricking out - Weed control

2 State TWO reasons for carrying out pricking out in cabbage seedlings. *BMT*
i) Reduce competition (making seedlings healthy)
ii) Prepare seedlings for harsh conditions
(2 x ½ mks)

3 Study the nursery structures illustrated below and answer questions that follow.

a) Identify the type of nurseries illustrated by figure L and M.

b) What is the function of the part labelled K. *BMT*
c) State ONE advantage of using the type of nursery illustrated by L. *BMT*
a) L- Containerized nursery (1 x ½ mks)= ½
M- Bare root nursery (1 x ½ mks)= ½

b) i) Protect seedlings from direct heat from the sun.

ii) To reduce light intensity .
iii) Protect seedlings from direct sunlight
(1 x1 )= 1mk

c) i) Cheaper to establish.
ii) Less labourers
iii) Takes less space .
(1 x 1) = 1mk

4 Differentiate between the terms thinning and pricking out as used in crop production. *EMB*

Thinning is the removal of extra seedlings from the nursery / seedbed while pricking out is
the removal of overcrowded seedlings from the nursery and transferring them to a
seedling bed.

5 Describe the steps followed when transplanting Kales seedlings. *EMB*

- Done when seedlings are 4-6 old / 10-15cm high

- Done at the onset of the rain
- Water the seedlings using a watering can
- Uprooting healthy seedlings
- Transplanting is done when the weather is cloudy, cool / in the morning /
- Dry holes 10cm deep at a spacing of 60cm x 60cm
- One teaspoonful of DAP fertilizer is applied in the hole and mixed onto soil to a
vold scotching the roots
- Put a handful of manure per hole and mix with the soil
- Place one seedling per hole and cover with the soil and firm.
- Plant at the same depth as in the Nursery
- Water the seedlings
- Dust the base with appropriate pesticide
- Mulch the seedling to prevent excessive evaporation of water.

(9x1= 9mks

6 State the importance of the following nursery management practices. *KKG*

i) Pricking out.
Pricking out- Avoid competition in nursery bed.

ii) Hardening off

Hardening off- Acclimatise the seedlings to the field conditions

7 Outline four factors considered when selecting a good nursery site. *KSS*
- Near source of water to save time and labour
- Site previously not planted crops of the same family to control pests, diseases and
- Away from natural shades
- Secured from thieves and animals to avoid destruction
- Gently sloping ground for easy drainage
- Accessible place for easy transportation
- Fertile soil for better provision of plant nutrients. (Any 4x1=4mks)
Reject - Availability of water
- Security
- Topography
- Accessibility
- Soil fertility
8 Give a reason for carrying out each of the following management practices on a tree nursery.
a) Pricking out. *MGR*
Pricking out-reduces competition for light, space.
-To enable the seedlings to grow strong.
b) Root trimming. *MGR*
Root trimming-Encourages development of short, dense and strong rooting system for
faster establishment after transplanting.
-To facilitate/ease lifting of seedlings to minimize root damage during transplanting

9 Give two reasons for locating a nursery bed in a well sheltered place. *MGR*
-Reduce damage of seedlings by strong wind.
-Reduce evaporation/transpiration rate due to strong sun and wind.
10 Give a reason in each case for carrying out the following management practices in a vegetable nursery.
* MRC*

(i) Pricking out

To decongest the primary nursery bed

(ii) Rogueing

To prevent spread / control pests and diseases

( ½ x2= 1mk)

11 Study the illustration below and answer the questions that follow. * MRC*

(a) Identify the structure. * MRC*

Vegetative propagation unit/ propagation unit for tea – accept any 1x1=(1mk)

(b) Name one common crop that is raised in the structure. * MRC*
Tea (1x1=1mk)

(c) Name the parts labeled G, H and J * MRC*

G – Polythene sleeves / bags (1x1= 1mk)

H – Wooden hoops / loops (1x1=1mk)

I – Polythene sheet (1x1=1mk)

12 The diagram below represents a crop production practise carried out in the field .Study them
and answer the questions that follow.

(a) identify the practice *SYA*

Seedling transplanting /uprooting.
(b) Name P and G *SYA*
P- Seedling Rj pladnt
G- Garden trowel –Rj –Trowel alone
(c) Give one role of part S during the practice *SYA*
-Ensure least disturbance of seedlingroots
13 Outline Six precautions that should be taken into account when transplanting vegetables
seedling *SYA*
-Water nursery thoroughly before lying seedlings
-Left seedlings with a lump of soil round their roots
-Use appropriate fool for lying
-Make enough holes and of the right size
-Plant seedlings at the same depth as they were in the nursery
-Ensure Seedlings are left easily without root damage
14i) Define the term seedling bed. *TRZ*

- A small piece of land specially prepared to receive over-crowded seedlings from a nursery
ii). List three types of nurseries.
- Vegetable nurseries
- Vegetative propagation nurseries
- Tree nurseries
15 Give one reason for carrying out each of the following practices on a tree nursery
(a) Pricking out. *VHG*
(i) Reduces competition for light/nutrients.
(ii) To encourage strong and healthy seedlings.
(b) Root trimming. *VHG*
(i) Encourages development of short, dense and strong rooting system for faster
establishment after transplanting.
(ii) To ease lifting of seedlings/minimize root damage during transplanting

16 Study the diagram below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

(a). Name the season in which each of the crops above is being grown.

(i) Seedbed P- Wet season

(ii) Seedbed F- Dry season.
(b). Explain why seedbed in diagram;
(i) P is raised? *VHG*
Raised seedbeds improve soil drainage in wet season.
(ii) F is sunken? *VHG*
Sunken seedbeds are best for irrigation purposes/hold water for increased
infiltration in the soil

17 Study the diagrams below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
(a). Identify the operation shown in the diagrams above. *VHG*
Transplanting from containers.
(b). Arrange the activities shown in the order in which they occur. *VHG*

ll, VI, Ill, V, I, IV

(c). State the timing of this operation. *VHG*
At the onset of rains.
(d). What precaution is done when activity V above is done. *VHG*
The seedling is planted at the same depth as it was in the sleeve
18 State two ways of practicing hardening off in vegetables. *MGR*
Gradual reduction in the frequency of watering.
Gradual removal of shade

19. State two advantages of raising coffee seedlings in polythene sleeves. *KGP*
- Roots are not damaged during transplanting
- Seedlings can be transported to various places with minimum damage
- Easy to reject healthy seedling
- Easy to carry out management practices, e.g weeding disease control grafting

20. Give a reason for carrying out each of the following management practices in a vegetable
a. Pricking out- decongest the primary Nursery bed. *KGP*
b. Rogueing —prevents spread of pests and diseases in crop production. *KGP*

21 Discuss managerial practices carried out in a tomato nursery bed. *KGP*

- Mulching – to prevent excess water loss through evaporation. Must be removed as
soon as seedlings start emerging.
- Watering – applied regularly preferably in the morning and evening.
- Weed control- ensure it is weed free. Done through uprooting.
- Shading- erected to prevent scortching of seedlings and loss of water- Dark
- Pricking out- Overcrowded seedlings are removed and transferred to a seedlings
- Pest/ disease control- Done early and continuous through application of an
appropriated pesticide or fungicide.
- Top dressing- nitrogen fertilizer may be applied to encourage growth of healthy
- Hardening off- Prepares seedling as to adopt to harsh ecological conditions
prevailing in the field. (8x1=8mks)

22 Outline the procedure used to prepare a nursery bed. *NYD*

Select the site
-Clear vegetation
-Measure out the dimensions
-Plough or dig deeply
-Remove perennial weeds thoroughly
-harrow soil clods to a fine tilth
-Raise the bed if place is wet
- level the bed.


1 Define “capping” as used in coffee plantation management. *SYA*

This is the process of cutting the main stem at a height of 53cm, when the young coffee is
69cm tall.

2 Study the diagrams of frame formation illustrated carefully then answer the questions that

a) Identify the practices labeled C and D. *SYA*

C Formative pruning method
D - Pegging method
b State an alternative way of carrying out the practice in ’D’ above. *SYA*
- By using rings and pegs
- By using parallel sticks /fitos and pegs.
c) At what height is practice ‘C’ first carried out? *SYA*
3 The illustration below shows two ways of harvesting tea. Study them carefully then answer
questions that follow.

a) Identify the method of harvesting tea labelled

G- fine plucking
H- coarse plucking
b) State one advantage of using each of the methods in harvesting tea *SYA*
Fine plucking - gives high quality tea
Coarse plucking— gives larger plucking internal hence saving on labour

c) Which of the methods produces high quality tea for export market? *BND
4 State four advantages of multiple stem pruning over single stem pruning in coffee. *NYR*
i) Requires less skill to establish
ii) It is easy to prune
iii) Does not allow accumulation of CBD
iv) No shade is required. (4x ½ =2mks)

5 Below is a practice illustrated in the production of banana crop. Study it and answer the
question that follows.

(i) Identify the practice above. *NYR*

(ii) Explain pruning practice of a banana stool. *NYR*

i) Illustrated practice
-Propping (1x1=1mk)
ii) Pruning practice of a banana stool
i) Pruning involves removal of extra suckers in the stool to leave 3-6 stems
per stool
ii) Suckers left in the stool should be at different stages of development i.e. one
sucker bearing, one half growing ,one starting to grow
iii) Remove suckers by cutting deeply at the root
iv) Remove dry and diseased leaves. (4x1=4mks)
6 Study the illustration below and answer the questions that follow
(a) State the operation illustrated by Q above. *NYR*
(b) State two reasons for carrying out the operation in (a) above in crops. *NYR*

i) Identify the operation *NYR*

-Annual pruning (1x1=1mk)
b) Reasons for carrying out the operation
i) To regulate quantity/regulate bearing and quality of the fruits
ii) To remove dead, broken or diseased branches
iii) To open up the plant for light penetration
iv) To ease subsequent field operations/Ease
vi) penetration of chemical sprays.

7 The diagram below illustrate management practise carried out in crop production. Study carefully
and answer questions that follow.

a) Identify the management practise indicated by illustration. *BMT*

b) State TWO advantages of carrying out the practice. *BMT*
c) Give TWO problem that could arise if practice is not carried out. *BMT*

a) Trelishing (1 x 1)= 1mk

b) i) Prevent rotting of fruits
ii) Control of diseases and pests .
iii) Production of clean fruits.
iv) Essen management
(2 x ½ mks)
c) i) Encourage bushy environment hence disease intervention.
ii) Rotting of fruits.
iii) production of small fruits.
iv) Harvesting of dirty fruits.

8 Explain factors which determine stage of harvesting crops *BMT*

i) Attack of pest and diseases – outbreaks of diseases and pests can be avoided early
ii) moisture content –Cereals are harvested when the moisture content is high.
iii) Market demand – Crops harvested when market demand is high.
iv) Prevailing weather condition- Grains harvested before produce id damaged by rain.
v) Labour demand – some crops are harvested early before peak labour demand.
vi) The chemical concentration in produce – Some crops are harvested , it has
maximum nutrients i.e. pyrethrum content in open pyrethrum flower.
vii) Interchangeable use of crop – for example maize for silage is harvested at sillangs
(6 x 1)= 6mks

9 Name the methods of pruning. *BTR*

- Pinching out
- Pollarding
- Annual pruning
Any 2x1=2 marks

10 The diagram below illustrates system in coffee pruning. Study it and answer the questions that

a) Identify the pruning system. *BTR*

b) Describe the disadvantages of the pruning system. *BTR*

a) Single stem pruning

b) - Requires skilled labour to establish.
- Takes along to bring the branches to bearing.
- Top is easily scorched by the sun.
Any2x1= 2 marks

11 Identify two precautions to be taken when harvesting pyrethrum. *BMT*

Flowers put in a wooven basket
Do not use tins or polythene bags
Do not pick wet flowers
Avoid compaction of harvesting/ harvested flowers
2x ½ =1mks
12 Describe the procedure of soil sampling *BMT*
- Decide on soil sampling method (traverse/ zigzag)
- Mark spots on where to sample
- Clear vegetation from sampling spot
- Make vertical cut of 15 – 25cm deep on land, 5cm deep in pasture
- Collect samples using auger/ spade from spot.
- Put soil in clean polythene bag/ containers
- Avoid areas such as furrows, manure spots, boundaries etc
- Repeat the procedure from various spots identified
- Mix soil samples thoroughly ,dry and crush from all the spots.
- Collect sub-sample from mixture; composite sample.
- Provide appropriate data on the sample bag
- Take the composite sample to laboratory for analysis.
10mks- answer be procedural

13 Discuss any two methods of training crops *BMT*

Staking- Practice of supporting plants with weak stems using thin strong stakes
e.g tomatoes
Propping- Provision of support to tall varieties of bananas using forked stakes
Trelishing- Provision of support to crop with vines using wires as sisal strings

14 Identify three precautions to be taken when harvesting pyrethrum. *EMB*

- Put harvested flowers into an open woven basket to facilitate aeration

- Do not use tins or polythene bags
- Pick when the weather is dry
- When harvesting avoid compacting flowers to prevent heating up and fermenting
- Avoid twigs during picking of flowers.
- Dry picked flowers immediately after harvesting.
- Start picking 3 -4 Months after planting to maintain quality.
- Break the flower stalk to maintain quality.
- A suitable picking interval 14 – 21 days should be maintained to avoid overblown
(3 x ½ =1½mks)

15 Study the illustrations of a crop rotation programme below.

a) Identify the crop rotation programme illustrated above. *KKG*

Four year crop rotation programme

b) Explain two reasons why it is appropriate to plant peas in year 1 after maize. *KKG*
To replenish nitrogen nutrient after maize.
To control weeds associated with maize
To control pests & diseases associated with maize

c) Name one weed species that can be controlled using crop rotation program illustrated above.
Witch weed/ striga spp
d) Identify one disease in irish potatoes that can be controlled by above rotation program.
Potato blight

16 Give three reasons for drying grains before storage. *KKG*

– To reduce fungal attack/ rotting

- To reduce insect/ pest attack

- To prevent germination/ sprouting during storage

17 Study the diagram below and answer the question beneath.

a) State two reasons for carrying out the above practice. *KKG*

- To establish a convenient plucking table.

- To encourage development of lateral branches

b) State two disadvantages with the above practice. *KKG*

- It is tedious practice as each branch must be pegged down.

- Required many pegs which might turn out to be expensive.

- It is time consuming

c) Name one crop in which the above practice is carried out. *KKG*


18 Name any four post harvest practices. *KSS*

- Threshing / shelling
- Drying
- Cleaning
- Sorting and grading
- Dusting
(Any 2x1=2mks)
19 Name two crop production practices carried after planting to achieve optimum plant
population. *MGR*

20 State two causes of hard pan in a crop field. *MGR*

-Ploughing continuously at the same depth.

-Working on a wet field using heavy machines

21 b)State two ways in which pruning assists in controlling crop and diseases. *MGR*
-Removes diseased parts.
-Creates unfavorable conditions/environment for disease agents.
-Facilitates penetration of chemical sprays.

22 The diagram below shows a field practice in crop production. Study it carefully and answer the
questions that follow.

(a) Identify the field practice above *KKG*
(b) Give TWO advantages of the practice illustrate above *KKG*

-To facilitate certain operations such as spraying /pruning/harvesting etc

-To improve quality of fruits by producing clean fruits
-To increase crop yields
-To control soil borne pests and diseases (first 2 correct)
(c) Name other crop where training is practiced apart from the one illustrated above
Passion fruits/ pumpkins/garden peas/cucumbers/climbing beans

23 Outline two ways in which inorganic Mulchs help to conserve water in the soil. * MRC*

- Reduces run-off thus increasing the amount of infiltration of water retained by the soil.

- It reduces evaporation thus increasing the amount of water retained by the soil

( ½ x 2 = 1mk)

24 State any four non-chemical methods of controlling crop pest in maize granary. * MRC*

(i) Putting rat guards

(ii) Ensure store is clean

(iii) Proper drying

(iv) Use of rat traps

(v) Use of cats

25 Name any four non chemical methods of controlling storage pests in a maize granary.
Use of traps .
- Proper hygiene.
- Use of predators / biological control.
- Use of rat guards / proof
- Physically killing .
- Proper drying of grains / produce

26 State three properties that a farmer carries out on store before storing grains. *KSS*

-Through cleaning of stores.

- Dusting /Fumigating using a appropriate chemicals for control storage pest.
- Clearing vegetation a round the store .
- Repairing / replacing broken / worn out parts of stores.

27 a) What is earthing up . *KSS*

Earth up is the placement of soil in a form of weap around the base of plant

b) Give two importances of earthing up *KSS*

-Improve formation of tubers
-Prevent lodging in crop e.g maize
-Promotes production of seed in ground nuts
-improves drainage around the plant of tobacco

28 Give Four reasons why timely ploughing is important in crop production *MRU*
-Allows adequate time for dessication of weeds
-Allows for early planting
-Allows working with machinery and tools at optimum moisture conditions
-Allows time for soil aeration
-Allows adequate time for land to weather.
-Minimizes competition for tractor hire services
-Facilitated timely subsequent farm operations.
-Allows time for pests and pattogen to starve and die

29 Give Four practices that lead to minimum tillage *MRU*

-Shallow cultivation
-Use of herbicides
-Cover cropping

30 Below are diagrams K and L .Showing coffee plants established using two different formative
pruning systems .Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the systems of pruning illustrated above *MRU*

. K. Multiple stem system
L. Single stem system
(b) Stat Three disadvantages of systems L of pruning coffee *MRU*
-Takes time to bring the bush to bearing
-Require more skilled labour
-Low yields in the first years.
-Require shade trees to avoid scorching the top branches

31 Outline the desirable features of a good store. *TRZ*

-Leak proof roof
-Raised above the ground / raised 0.5m above the ground
-Well ventilated.
-Easy to clean.
-Easy to load and offload.
-Strong to support weight of stored products.
-Should be secure.
-Have vermin proof.
32 .Give four advantages of practicing crop rotation. *VHG*
(i) Ensures maximum utilization of nutrients
(ii) Controls build-up of pests/ Diseases/ Controls pests/diseases
(iii) Controls weeds that are specific to particular crops/controls weeds
(iv) Improves soil fertility when legumes are included
(v) Controls soil erosion when cover crops are included
(vi) Improves soil structure if grass 1ev is included

33 State four disadvantages of organic mulches. *VHG*

(i) Expensive to transport and apply/bulky
(ii) Could be a fire risk
(iii) Provides a breeding ground/ hiding place for pests
(iv) intercepts light showers of rainfall.
(v) Can spread pests/ weeds/ diseases.
34 Name two systems used in establishing the plucking table in Tea production. *KGP*
- Pegging
- Formative method (2x1=2mks)

35 Explain two factors a farmer should consider when designing a crop rotation programme.
Crop not depth - Deep rooted crops alternated with shallow rooted crops.
Crop nutrient requirement - Heavy& gross feeders come first in a newly opened
Weed control - Crops associated with the same weed should not be
Pests disease control - Crops of the same family should not follow one another.
Soil fertility - Requirement crops should be included
Soil structure - Grass layers should be included at the end of the malion
Programme. (2x1=2mks)

36 (a) Discuss the reasons of prunning in an established crop of coffee. *KGP*

- To regulate bearing- unpruned coffee carry a heavy crop are season and a light
crop in the other seasons/ To control biennial bearing.
- Easy harvesting- a tree with a regulated height is easy to harvest/ allows easy
harvesting of berries.
- To remove old and unproductive branches.
- To allow light penetration into the centre of the plant.
- To allow penetration of sprays and economise on the use of sprays.
- To control pests and diseases- an open up bush allows better air circulation
removing micro- climates that favour development of pests and diseases.
- Improves both quality and quantity of the cherries. (6x1=6mks)

37 Give three reasons for drying cereals before storage *NYD*

-Reduce attack by storage pests
-Prevent germination under storage.
-prevent rotting of grains /occurrence of fungal diseases/prevent aflatoxins.


1 Outline two methods of controlling blossom end rot in tomatoes. *NYR*

i) Watering regularly and adequately
ii) Avoid excessive application of nitrogenous fertilizers
iii) Carry out mulching
iv) Applying calcium compounds/fertilizers e.g. C.A.N. (2x ½ =1mk

2. Give THREE causes of blossom and rot in a field of tomatoes. *BMT*

i) Calcium deficiency
ii) Too much application of Nitrogen in early stages
iii) Irregular or infrequent watering. (3 x ½ ) = 1 ½ mk

3 Below is an illustration of a tomato fruit that is attacked by a certain disease. Study it carefully
and answer the questions that follow.

a) Name the disease. *BMT*

b) State two possible causes of the disease named in (a) above. *BMT*
c) Name one other tomato disease and its control measure. *BMT*
. a) Blossom-End-Rot 1mk
b) Irregular watering
Excess Nitrogen
Lack of calcium Any 2x1=2mks

c) Tomato blight – appropriate fungicide (one disease -1mk)

Bacterial wilt – Rogueing (one control- 1mk)
- Uprooting and destroying damaged plant

4. State four reasons of draining water logged soils before planting. *EMB*

- Increase soil aeration for roots, soil organisms to breath

- Increase soil volume around root zone
- Raise soil temperature for optimum growth roots.
- Increase microbial activities due to full respiration
- Reduces soil erosion due to increased water infiltration.
- Remove excess deposited toxic substances resulting from salination.
(4 x ½ = 2mks)

5 Give two causes of thickened condition in onion bulbs. *EMB*

-Late application of nitrogen

-Early flowering / bolting
(2 x ½ = 1mk)
6 Explain factors determining the choice of a particular irrigation system. *EMB*

- Topography of an area – gently sloping areas are better suited to surface

- Type of soil in relation to water retention – clay can retain water longer than
other soil types.
- Water availability – some systems require a lot of water e.g surface irrigation
- Type of crop to be irrigated - because some crops have a higher demand for
water than others.
- Capital availability – because some systems are expensive to install e.g overhead
- The distance of the water source from the field to be irrigated- should be near
e.g. surface irrigation
- The technology available – Farmer having the technological knowledge of the
operation of the system
- The cost of the system to use – farmer should select the system he can afford.
- Climate of the area – select the one suited to the climatic condition of the area.
- Availability of skilled man power – Farmer should have the skills to carry out the

7 Describe carrot production under the following subheadings:-

i) Land preparation *KKG*
- Clearing the bush using appropriate tool
- Primary cultivation using appropriate tool/ deep cultivation
- Secondary cultivation/ harrowing to a fine tilth
- Removal all perennial weeds

ii) Planting *KKG*

- Make drills 30cm apart and 1cm deep
- Apply phosphatic fertilizers at the rate of 90kg DSP/DAP/ ha
- Sow seeds along the drills
- Cover and firm the seeds with soil
- Plant at the onset of rains/ when soil has enough moisture
8 State four factors considered when selecting a site for a tomato nursery bed. *KKG*

-Nearness to reliable water source

- Gentle slope

- Well drained soil

- Security

- Consider previous crop grown in the area

- Well sheltered

- Accessible

9. State two factors which would lead to the occurance of blossom-end rot disease in tomatoes.
- Too much nitrogen in early stages of growth
- Irregular or frequent watering
Calcium deficiency compounds in the soil (Any 2x1=2mks)
10. Features to consider when grading tomatoes. *NYR*

- Colour.
- Size.
- Shape.
- Damage on the fruit. (4 x ½ =2mks)
11 State three causes of blossom end rot disease in tomatoes. * MRC*

(i) Too much nitrogen in early stages of growth

(ii) Irregular / infrequent watering

(iii) Calcium deficiency in young fruits

(each ½ x 3 = 1 ½ mks)

12 How are the following conditions prevented in carrot production? * MRC*

(i) Cracking

Regular watering

(ii) Forking

Avoid addition of organic manure

(iii) Greening

Earthing up
13 Outline three possible causes of blossom end rot in tomatoes . *KSS*

-Too much nitrogen in early stages of growth.

- Calcium deficiency in young fruits.

14 Give two factors that encourage forking in carrots. *KSS*

-Use of organic manures
-Presence of obstacles in the soil.
15. State three reasons why staking is carried out on tomatoes *SYA*
-Facilitate easier spraying
-Facilitate easier harvesting
-Prevent fruits from rotting

16 With a relevant example each case,describe any five ways of clssifying vegetables
accordding ro part eaten. *RRD
(i) Leaf vegetables-e.g. kales ,spinach, cabbages, cowpeas etc.
(ii) Root vegetables e.g. carrots, radishes, beets tulips etc
(iii) Fruit vegetables e.g. tomatoes melons ,pumpkins, brinjals ,pepper, cucumbers ,
squashes etc.
(iv) Pod vegetables e.g. beans and pegion peas
(v) Stem vegetables e.g. leaks, asparangus, spring onions
(vi) Bulbs vegetables e.g. bulb onions

17. List Three methods that can be used to treat water for domestic use. *MRU*
-Chemical treatment
-Commercial treatment

18. Give Two advantages of using metal pipes over plastic pipe *MRU*
-Car withstand high pumping pressure.
-Can withstand high pressure. (1/2x2=1mk)
19 The diagram below show a tomato fruit attached by a certain pest .Study it and answer the
questions that follow.

. (a) Identify the pest *MRU*

American bollworm . (Heliottis Armigera)
(b) State Two methods of controlling the pest *MRU*
Spraying with appropriate insecticide
-Crop rotation
- Early planting
-Field hygiene.
-Mechanical destruction.

(c) Name Two diseases that can affect the tomato fruit above *MRU*
-Tomato blight
-blossom end root
-Bacterial wilt
20 Describe the production of bulb onions under tar following sub-headings.
I Field management of bulb onions
(i) Weed control through shallow cultivation to avoid damage to the shallow
onion roots
(ii) Remove excess around the root gradually to facilitate bulb expansion
(iii) Water regularly at the early stages to ensure adequate moisture supply
(iv) Top dress with nitrogenous fertilizers at appropriate rates.
(v) Control pests e.g. Trip using appropriate pesticides
(vi) Control diseases e.g. rusts ,mildews using appropriate methods.
II Harvesting of bulb onions.
(i) Is done 4-5 months after planting/when leaves wilt/turn brown
(ii) Cut break and bent its top at the neck
(iii) Harvesting is done by lifting /pulling /digging out the crop.
(iv) Leave the bulb on the ground /under shade to dry for 3days and turn
frequently to ensure uniform drying
21 State two conditions under which blossom end rot disease may occur in tomatoes. *VHG*
(i) irregular watering
(ii) Calcium deficiency in the soil
(iii) Too much nitrogen in early stages of growth

22 Below is a diagram showing a method of irrigation; use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the method of irrigation illustrated above. *KGP*

Furrow irrigation. (1x1=1mk)
(b) State three disadvantages of the method. *KGP*
- Requires regular maintenance and the furrows.
- Weeds may grow in the furrows.
- Silt may accumulate in the furrows.
- A lot of water is lost through evaporation and ground see page.
- Soil erosion may occur if the furrows are not properly planned. (3x1=3mks)

23 State three reasons for gapping when growing cabbages. *NYD*

-Provides efficient ground cover for controlling erosion.
-Ensures that the correct plant population in achieved for optimum yields.
-Provide efficient ground cover to control weed growth.


1 Differentiate between contagious diseases and zoonotic diseases *SYA*

Contagious diseases are those that can be passed from one animal to the other on contract
while zoonnotic diseases are those diseases that affect both livestock and man.
(2mks)(Marks as a whole)
2 State two methods of restraining cattle during handling. *NYR*
-Using a halter
-Using a bull ring and a lead stick
-using the crush. (2x ½ =1mk)

3 List four components of milk. *NYR*

-Protein, sugar/lactose/carbohydrates
-Fats/butter fat
-Minerals. (4x½ =2mks)

4 State four factors influencing rate and of respiration in farm animals. *NYR*
-Body size
-Amount of exercise
-Ambiant /environnemental température (4x ½ =2mks)
-Dégrée of excitement

5 .Diagram Q and R below illustrate livestock deficiency disease. Study the diagram
and answer the questions that follow .

a)i)Identify the conditions in Q and R. *BTR*

ii)Name the deficiency nutrients in Q and R.
iii)What stage or state of the body condition encourage the disease in Q. *BTR*
b)State one method of alleviating the condition in Q. *BTR*

a) (i)Q-Milk fever/pertinent paresis

R-Head retraction in chicks

ii)Q-deficiency of calcium in blood of lactating cow.

-High milk yielding cows calcium replenishment is low
(1x1/2 =1/2mark)

R-Lack of manganese in diet

(1x1/2 =1/2mark)

iii)Lactating mammals (1x1=1marks)

b)-Partial milking
-calcium and phosphorus injection.

6 State four factors that may influence the rate respiration in farm animals. *EMC
-Species of the animal
-Body size of the animal
-Amount of exercise done by the animal
-Degree of excitement
-Ambient or environmental temperature
(4x ½ = 2mks)
7 State five methods of maintaining good health in livestock. *KKG*.
• Proper feeding, prophylaxis, quarantine.
• Proper housing, control of parasite.
• Practice farm hygiene.
• Routine vaccination.
• Use of healthy breeding stock.
• Timely treatment of the sick livestock.
• Control of vectors, dipping, spraying.

8 Name two cattle diseases controlled by vaccines. *KRC*

(i) Black quarter
(ii) Anthrax
(1/2 = 1mks)

9 Differentiate between the term incubation period and mortality rate as used in livestock health.

Incubation period is the period of time between when a disease causing agent attack and the
time when symptoms are seen where as mortality rate is likely hood of an animal dying due to
disease outbreak.

10 List four routes through which pathogens can enter the body of a newly – born calf. *KSS*

Routes of pathogens
- Mouth
- Nose
- Eyes
- Anus
- Ears
- Navel / Umbilical cord
- Genital / reproductive organs
(First 4x ½ =2mks)
11 Name four livestock diseases caused by viruses. *KSS*
- Food and mouth disease
- rinder pest
- Rabies
- Rift valley fever
- New castle
- Gumboro disease of poultry
- Swine influenza
- Marek’s disease/ fowl paralysis
(First 4 x ½ = 2mks)
12 Explain the importance of keeping livestock healthy. *KSS*
- For fast growth rate and maturity
- For longer economic and productive life
- For maximum production or performance
- For good quality products
- To reduce spread of diseases to man and other animals.
- Health animals are economical and easy to keep.
- To reduce the cost of production
13 State four ways in which disease causing organisms can gain entry into a new born calf.
- Through the mouth/ nose/ anus
- Trough the respiratory tract
- Through injury/ wound
- Through bites by disease vectors
- Through the umbilical cord
½ x4=2mks
14 c)Precautions taken when using Agro-chemicals. *NYR*

 Read the manufacturer’s instructions.

 Spray towards the direction of wind.
 Wear the protective attire.
 Avoid inhaling the chemicals.
 Never smoke or eat while spraying.
 Use the right concentration.
 Avoid spraying while it is raining.
 Never clean equipments in water sources.
 Dispose the remains properly.
 Chemicals should be kept away from reach of children

15 State four methods of maintaining good health in livestock. *KSS*
Proper feeding, Proper housing, Practice farm hygiene, Routine vaccination, Use of
healthy breeding stock, Timely treatment of the sick livestock, Control of vectors, dipping,

16 Name any two infectious organisms that cause disease in livestock. *KSS*
Bacteria, viruses protozoa, fungi.

17 State four reasons why farmers handle livestock. *KSS*

- To inspect the animal e.g. during judging.
- To administer any form of treatment to the animal.
- During spraying or hand dressing the animal.
- To obtain milk from the animal.
- To perform some of the management practices like dehorning, construction, hoof trimming and
Others .
18 Differentiate between Antiseptics and Disinfectants as used in disease control methods. *SYA*
-Antiseptics: Preparations of mild bacterial drugs for use on skin or wounds, usually in cream
-Disinfectants -Are concentrated forms used to kill bacteria in buildings, troughs, pigsty , floor
19 State two methods into which vitamins are classified. *SYA*
-Fat soluble vitamins e.g. A,D,E,K
-Water soluble vitamins V1C
20 Outline Six factors that influence the quality of farmyard manure *MRU*
-Quality of litter used.
-Method of storage
-Age of farmyard manure
-Age of the animal producing the waste.
-Species of the animal
-The quality of the feed stuff used by the animal

21 State factors that influence the pulse rate of an animal *MRU*

-Large udder with prominent milk veins and teats.
Well spaced apart legs with straight hock
-Good mothering ability
-Ability to resist disease and parasites attack.
-Fast growth and early maturity.
Deep wide spring ribs and long drooping rump.
-Long lean head and strong muscular back.
22 Factors that influence pulse rate of livestock.
(i) The decree of excitement
(ii) The age of the animal
(iii) The sex of the animal
(iv) Physical status of the animal
23 Differentiate between Health and disease as used in livestock health. *TRZ*
Health-State in which all body organs or parts and systems are normal and functioning normally.

Disease-Is any deviation or alteration in state of body or organ which interrupts proper
performance of its functions. (Mark as a whole)
24 Explain the measures used in controlling diseases in livestock. *TRZ*
-General farm hygiene.
-Isolation of sick animals.
-Deworm animals routinely.
-Treat sick animals.
-Vaccinate animals to give resistance.
-Control vectors to prevent spread.
-Routine administration of drugs.
-Proper feeding.
-Culling/mass killing.
-Proper selection and breeding.
-Proper housing.
-Hoof trimming.
-Imposition of quarantine.
25 List four predisposing factors of livestock diseases. *VHG*
 species
 breed
 Age
 Sex
 Skin color (4 x ½ = 2mks)

26 Define the following terms as used in livestock health: *KGP*
a) notifiable disease - a disease whose outbreak must be reported to government
b) -zoonotic disease - a disease that spreads between livestock and man.

27 State four signs of heat in pigs *KGP*

-Frequent urination
-Clear/shmy mucus discharge from vulva
-Frequent mounting of others
-Swelling and reducing of vulva
-Respond positively to riding test

28. Explain four physiological body processes used as indicators of ill health. *KGP*
Pulse rate
Body temperature
Respiratory rate
Level of production. (4 x 1 = 4mks)

29 Give four reasons for handling livestock *NYD*

-To carry out routine operations e.g. deworming , dehorning etc.

-To carry out service /artificial insemination
-To carry out hand spraying against external parasites
-To remove /obtain livestock products
-For stall feeding
-When leading animals to agricultural shows.
-During transportation to slaughter house or market.


1. List two biotic factors that affect livestock production *SYA*
- Pathogens which cause diseases
- External parasites/ticks/fleas /keds/ tsetse flies
- Internal parasite/tapeworms/roundworms (2x ½ = 1 mk)
2 Give two examples of a one-host tick *SYA*
- Texas fever tick (Boophilus annulatus
- The blue tick (Boophilus decoloratus)
- The cattle tick (Boophilus microplus)
- Tropical horse tick (2 x ½ = 1mk)

3 List four harmful effects of internal parasites *SYA*

- Suck blood causing anaemia
- Transmit diseases causing organisms
- Cause irritation and discomfort to livestock
- Cause wound which are routes of infection (4 x ½ =2mks)

4 Differentiate between strategic and tactical treatment as used in control of endo-parasites. *NYR*
-Giving animals drugs regularly each year with purpose of reducing risk infection with
Contamination of internal parasites e.g. worm
Tactical treatment
Giving animals drugs during the year to avoid outbreak of internal parasites when climatic and
nutritional conditions become abnormal. Mark as whole 1x1 =1mk

5 Diagrams below are illustrations of two adult internal parasites of livestock.

i) Identify the parasites K and L. *NYR*

ii) State two species of livestock commonly infested by parasite K. *NYR*
iii) State one way of treating an animal suffering from parasite L. *NYR*
iv) Give two symptoms of attack in livestock by the above parasite. *NYR*

i) K-Liver fluke/faciola Hepatica/faciola gigatica/faciola sp

L-Tape worm-Taenia spp/Taenia sigatica. (2x ½ =1mk)
ii) Sheep, cattle (2x ½ =1mk)
iii) i) Drenching/Deworming with appropriate anti-helmirithics
iv) -Emaciation
-Rough coat
-Presence of eggs in the feacal matter (2x1=2mks)

6 Describe the life cycle of a three host tick. *NYR*

-larva climbs on the first host
-Larva feeds on the first host
-Engorged larva drops to the ground, moult into Nymph
-Nymph climbs onto the second host
-Nymph drops and moults into adult
-Adult climbs onto the third host
-Adult feed and mate
-Engorged female drop on the ground and lay eggs.
-Eggs hatch into larva. (7x1=7mks)

7 State four factors considered in housing management to control endoparasites. *BMT*

- Provide clean beddings
- Proper stocking rate/ avoid overcrowding
- Frequent cleaning of livestock house
- Raise water/ feed trough above the ground to avoid contamination.
4x ½ =2mks

8 Give a reason for avoiding grazing animals near marshy areas. *BMT*
To avoid animals swallowing metacecana of liver fluke 1x1=1mks

9 State four signs of infestation of internal parasites in livestock. *BTR*

Rough hair coat
(4 x ½ =2 marks

10 Name two internal parasites of livestock *BMT*

Round worm
Tape worm
Hook worms Any 2x1=2mks

11 Outline four characteristics of an effective acaricide. *EMC

-Have the ability to kill ticks

-Be harmless to both human and livestock
-Be stable
-Should remain effective after having been fouled with dung, mud or hair.
(4x ½ = 2mks)

12 Explain five control measures of liverflukes in livestock. *EMB*

26 (b)Control measures of liverflukes in livestock.
-Control of fresh water snail by physically killing them / use of copper sulphate
-solution added to stagnant water.
-Draining swampy area or leveling any depressions that may hold water in the
-Burning of the pastures during the dry seasons
-Not grazing animals near marshy or waterlogged areas
-Routine drenching of animals with antihelmintics such as Sodium Sulphate.
13 Give three effects of external parasites that are harmful to livestock. *KKG* •
Introduce toxins that are harmful to the animal.
• Cause anaemia/ transmit diseases.
• Cause wounds that allow secondary infection.
Cause irritation which leads to scratching/destroy wool.

14 Describe the life cycle of liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) *KKG*

- Adjuct fluke lives in the bile duct of the liver of the host animals produces eggs that pass
into the alimentary canal through the bile duct and then out of the animals through the
- If the egg falls in stagnant water and in moderately warm temperature, it hatches to produce
the first stage a ciliates embryo known as the miraciduim.
- This larvae is free living and can swim around in water by means of cilia which cover its
- On coming into contact with its intermediate host, fresh water snail/ genus limnaea, it
penetrates the snail’s tissues by rapidly rotating its body by means of its cilia. The fluke will
not develop further unless the larvae penetrates into the water snails.
- Once inside the snail’s tissues, the miraciduim produces some embryos that hatch into
different larvae forms called sporoaysts small rather shapeless masses of cells.
- From these a further stage develops called the redia.
- These then multiply to produce move redial, which in turn produce another laval stage known
as ceriaria, followed by intestnal stage the meta-cercaria.
- The meta-cercaria is the encysted inactive stage of the fluke the cercaria which encyst to
become meta cercaria then enters the definite host by ingestion.
- This occurs when animals graze on grass or other plants on which meta cercaria have been
encysted or it may occur when the host drinks infected water from a stream.
- Meta – cercaria can survive in wet gram and in shady places near water or withstand harsh
conditions for a year.
- After being swallowed by a primary host for example, sheep, the cercaria will penetrate the
wall of the intestine and hatch into adults
- The adults migrate to the liver where they grow and become sexually mature then produce egg
to start the life cycles all over again.
10x1=10mks mark until the cycle is broken)

15 Outline four control measures of liver fluke on the farm. *KKG*

i) Physically killing them.
ii) Chemically by use of copper sulphate solution, sodium pentachlorophenate,
calcium cynamide and N-toityl marpholine which are added to stagnant water to kill the
iii) Drawing swampy areas or levelling any depressions that may hold water in the
iv) Burning of the pastures during the dry seasons
v) Not grazing animals near marshy or water logged areas.
vi) Routine drenching of animals with antihelminthes such as sodium sulphate and
hexachloraethane drugs.

16 Give four instances when a farmer should treat animals against worms. *KRC*

-When an animal shows signs of worm infestation

-At beginning and at the end of the wet season
-Before and after giving birth
-All the new animals brought to the farm.
17 Give five effects of internal parasites in livestock. *KSS*

- Cause anaemia
- Deprive the host animal of its food
- Damage tissues and organs
- Disease transmission
- Cause irritation
- Obstruct internal organs
18 Give four signs of infestation by external parasites in livestock. *MGR*
- Anaemia
- Irritation
- Loss of hairs
- Wounds on the skin
- Presence of parasites on an animals’ body
Any 4x ½ =2mks

19 Biotic factors that affect livestock. *KKG*

• Pathogens which cause diseases
• External parasites/ticks/fleas/ked/tsetse fly
• Internal parasites/tapeworms/roundworms

20 Example of one-host tick. *KKG*

• The blue tick (boophilus decoloratus)
The Texas fever tick (Boophilus annulatus)
• The cattle tick(Boophilus microplus

21 Harmful effects of internal parasites in livestock. *KKG*

• Suck blood causing anemia
• Transmit disease-causing organisms
• Cause irritation and discomfort to livestock
• Cause wounds which are routes of disease infection (4x1/2 = 2mks)
22 Physical methods used to control ticks. *NYR*

• Burning of infested pastures to kill all stages of ticks

• Rotational grazing to starve ticks to death
• De-ticking by hand and killing them
• Double fencing of pastures to keep away foreign animals.
• Ploughing heavily infested pastures to expose the eggs and larvae to the sun and
killing them.
Any 4 x 1 = (4mks)
23 Effects of parasites on livestock. *NYR*
• Suck large volumes of blood causing anaemia and death.
• Deprive the host of it’s food causing malnutrition/retarded growth.
• Block internal organs of animals and this may cause disease or death
• Causes injuries on the skin of the animal which exposes them to secondary
• Cause irritations on the animal’s body leading to damage of the hair/wool/skin.
• Cause severe damage of internal organs which may lead to death.
(Stating and explanation marked as a whole)
24 Give four harmful effects of keds on sheep.
- Causes lose of body condition and weight.
- There will be permanent discoloration of the sheep’s wool/ cause wool damage
- Lambs are retarded in growth.
- Lesions may be seen on the sheep’s skin
25 State four factors that may affect the choice of poultry rearing system. *HBY**
- Land availability
- Labour availability
- Skill and management available
- Topography of land
- Security
- Capital availability
26 List four measures that should be taken to control liver flukes. *HBY**
- Draining swampy area
- De-worming/ drenching using antihelmintles.
- Watering marshy areas to prevent livestock from grazing
- Use of copper sulphate in marshy areas to kill snails
- Use of paddocks/ rotational grazing
27 Describe four methods of tick control in livestock production.
- Practice rotational grazing
- Spraying/ dipping animals using appropriate accaricide.
- Burning infested pasture after grazing during dry season.
- Use biological method e.g birds like egrets or hens.
- Re-tracking/ handpicking and burning
- Handle dressing using pye grease
- Peripheral double fencing of pasture

28 Name two forms in which tape worms are found in livestock. *MRU**
(i) Cysts form

(ii) Adult form

29 State four disadvantages of artificial insemination. *MRU**

(i) Harmful traits / diseases can be spread faster

(ii) Requires trained personnel

(iii) There are low chances of conception due to death of sperms

(iv) It requires more labour than natural mating method

4x ½ = (2mks)

30 Give four signs of infestation by external parasites in animals. *MRU**


(ii) Irritation

(iii) Loss of hair

(iv) Sours presence

(v) Physical presence of parasites on animal body

31 (a) State four signs of external parasite infestation. *KSS*

Anemia, Irritation / scratching, Loss of hair, wounds around the skin.
(b) State four non-chemical methods of controlling ticks. *KSS*
Burning infested pasture, Hand picking and killing of ticks, Rotational grazing, Double
fencing of pastures, Zero grazing, Ploughing infested pasture.

32 (a) State four characteristics of livestock roughage feedstuff. *KSS*

Bulky, Low digestibility, Highly fibrous, Plant origin.
(b) Give four functions of proteins in an animal’s body. *KSS*
-Raw material for synthesis or livestock products like milk, egg.
- Growth of cells.
- Production of energy.
- Formation of enzymes, hormones, antibodies.
- Repair of worn out tissues.

33 State the difference between a vector and an intermediate Host in livestock production *SYA*
A vector is a organic which transmits a disease causing organism e.g. protozo
Intermediate Host- an organism through which a disease causing organism undergoes
some change before it becomes infective
34 State Four symptoms of tape worm infection in cattle. *SYA*
-Pot belly
-Presence of eggs in feaces
-Rough hair
-Presence of mucus in nose
35 The illustration below shows a livestock parasite .Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the parasite *SYA*

Tape worm
(b) How is the parasite passed from livestock to human beings *SYA*
-Eating under cooked /Raw meat /cystin animal muscle eaten by humans.
(c) Give two forms in which the parasite is found in livestock *SYA*
-Adult worm in the digestive tract
-Cyst in animal muscles
36 Describe the life cycles of a two Host tick *SYA*
-Eggs hatch and larva emerge;
-Larva climb onto First Host and feed on blood.
-Engorged larva moult on the Host and nymph emerge
-Nymph feed on blood and get engorged
-The engorged nymph fall and moult ;
-adult emerge;
-Adult climb onto second Host feed on blood and mate
-The female then falls on the ground and lays eggs.
37 State three non chemical method of tick control *SYA*
-Biological method – Use of Ants and Birds
-Burning Pastures
-Interfering with tick environment e.g. through ploughing
-Hand picking
-Sterve tick to death /Rotational grazing.
38 State two characteristics of an effective acaricide for tick control *MRU*
-Have the ability to kill ticks
-Be harmless to both human and livestock
-Be stable
-should remain effective after having been fouled with dung ,mud or hair
39 Which livestock disease is transmitted by the following ticks? *TRZ*
i) Blue tick (Boophilus decoloratus) - Anaplasmosis
ii) Brown ear tick (Rhipicephalus appendiculatus) – East coast fever (ECF)

40 State four ways of controlling tsetse fly. *VHG*

 Bush clearing
Spraying with appropriate insecticide
 Use of sterilizing agent
 Using fly traps (4 x ½ = 2mks)

41 Name the intermediate host of the following parasites. *VHG*
i) Tape worm —cattle/pigs
ii) Liverfiuke — Fresh water snail.

42 Give two methods for selecting animals for breeding. *VHG*

 Mass selection
 Progeny testing
 Contemporary comparison.

43 State two factors that determine the type of a fence a farmer is to put up on the farm. *VHG*
 Taste and preference
 Cost of the material
 Availability of the material
 Purpose for fencing.
44a) Describe the life cycle of a two-host tick. *VHG*
— Adult lay eggs in a sheltered place.
— Eggs hatch into larva which climb the 1st host, feed, get engorged and moult into
— Nymph feeds on same host, gets engorged and drops down to moult into adult.
— Adult climbs second host.
— Adult feed on second host, gets engorged and mate.
— After mating, adult drops down to lay eggs and dies. (6x1=6mks)
b) Describe how physical methods are used to control ticks in a herd of cattle. *VHG*
— Burning the infested pastures.
— Interfering with or altering the ticks environment.
— Fencing of pastures land and farm.
— Rotational grazing to starve the ticks.
— Hand picking and killing.
44. Explain how agroforestry tree seeds are prepared after collection in readiness for the process of
planting. *VHG*
(i) Extraction to remove seeds from pods/fruits.
(ii) Drying to reduce seed moisture content.
(iii) Treatment to break dormancy to improve germination.
(iv) Seed dressing to control pests and diseases.
(v) Seed inoculation to improve N-fixation in legumes.
(vi) Washing and cleaning to remove mucilage.

45 Give four symptoms of attack in livestock by Liverfluke *MGR*

- Loss of weight and emaciation
- Pot-belied condition
- Indigestion
- Anaemic condition
- Dullness / appearing depressed
- Swollen and painful abdomen
- Recumbency precedes death

46 State two characteristics of a good acaricide *KGP*

- be stable — should not react
- persistent — last long after application
-harmless to the animal — not cause damage to the skin of the animal ability to kill

47. Name three larval stages of a liverfluke *KGP* -

- rediae
- cercaria

48 State three effects of excess water in livestock *KGP*

- reduces intake of total dry matter
- produces diarrhoea-like faeces
- causes lysis of red blood cells in young calves
- brings about reduction in production
49 (a) Explain ways in which infectious diseases can be spread from one Livestock to another
in a farm. *KGP*
- Through rectors
- Through ingestion of contaminated food and water
- Through contact / surface contact
- Through inhalation of contaminated air
(b) Outline the methods used to control internal parasites in Livestock. *KGP*
- Reqular and renching / deworming / dosing using prophylactic drugs or
antihelminthic drugs.
- Proper sanitation in livestock houses.
- Provision of clean feeds, water and feeding equipments to avoid reinfection.
- Proper dispersal of human faeces by use of latrines
- Practising rotational grazing
- Draining of swampy areas or fencing off swampy areas
- Burning pastures to kill eggs
- Ploughing pastures to burry eggs
- Peripheral fencing / double fencing to keep other animals away
- Spraying swampy areas with appropriate chemicals e.g Copper II Sulphate
- Inspection of weat
- Through cooling of heat (7x1=7mks)

50 Give two examples of ticks in each of the following categories.

(a) one – host tick *NYD*

–Blue tick
- Texas fever tick
(b) Two – host tick *NYD*

-red legged tick

-brown legged tick
(c) Three- host tick *NYD*

-brown ear tick

-Bont tick
51 Describe the life cycle of a two – host tick. *NYD*

-Eggs hatch into larvae

-Larva climbs onto vegetation to wait for a passing host.
-Larva attach itself onto the host -1st host
-Larva sucks blood and gets engorged
-Larva moults into a nymph while on the same host.
-Adult climb onto the 2nd host
-The nymph sucks blood , engorged and falls to the ground.
-Larva moults into an adult on the ground
-Adult suck blood on the second host and engorged and then mate.
-Adult females drop to the round to lay eggs to start another cycle


1 State four factors that would determine the amount of concentrate fed to a dairy cattle *SYA*
- Quality of roughages
- Availability of the concentrates
- Level of production
- Economic factor /cost of concentrate
- Quality of concentrate.
- Physiological factor of the animal. (4x ½ = 2mks)

2 State two ways in which feed additives are important in an animal’s diet. *SYA*
- Promote Growth
- Suppress Excitement
- Prevent Diseases Attack (2x1=2mks)

3 State two ways in which digestion in pigs differs from that in ruminants. *SYA*
- In pigs digestion starts in the mouth while in ruminant starts in the rumen
- There is no microbial digestion in pigs as it is in ruminants
- No chewing of cud in pigs as in ruminants (2x1 =2mks

4 State two characteristics of roughages. *NYR*

-High fiber content
-Low protein content
-High carbohydrates. (2x ½= 1mk)

5 State four factors considered in computing rations. *NYR*

-palpability of mixed feed stuff
-Price of various feedstuffs available
-Nutrient requirement of the animal being fed
-Nutrient content of feed stuff available. (4x½=2mks)

6 List four factors associated with the animals that determine the amount of feed that an animal
consumes. *BMT*
- Weight of the animal/ size
- Age of the animal
- Level of production
- Physiological/ conditions of the animal.
- Amount of feed already present in the digestive system. 4x ½ =2mks

7 Give two reasons for proper nutrition in livestock production. *BMT*

- Makes the animal strong to resist diseases.
- Prevents deficiency diseases 2x ½ =1mk

8 Give four characteristics of succulent roughages. *BMT*

- High moisture content
- High fibre content
- High carbohydrate content
- Low protein content 4x ½ =2mks

9 Study the diagram of livestock below and answer questions that follow.

i) What has led to the above condition. *BMT*

ii) State two effects of the above condition in poultry management. *BMT*

i) Lack of manganese 1mk

ii) Reduced liability
- Reduced shell thickness
- Sterility 2x ½ =1mk

10 State four microbial activities that take place in the rumen of a cow *BMT*
- Fermentation of food
- Synthesis of Amino from Ammonia gas
- Breakdown of protein into peptides, amino acids and ammonia
- Synthesis of vitamin B complex
- Breakdown of carbohydrate and cellulose to carbon (iv) oxide and volatile fatty acid.

11 State four factors that determine amount of water an animal drinks. *BTR*

Level of production /amount of work done by livestock

Age of livestock/weight/size
Type of feed taken by the animal
Species of the animal
Ambient temperature /relative humidity
Physiological status e.g. health and pregnancy.
(4 x ½ =2 marks)

12 Describe the digestion of grass in the rumen of an adult ruminant *BTR*

-Food is stored in the rumen

-Coarse grass is regungitated from the rumen for futher chewing in the mouth.
-Saliva that is mixed with feed when chewing the cud creates alkaline PH suitable for bacterial
action in the rumen.
-Feed undergoes microbial fermentation in the rumen.
-In the rumen carbohydrates are broken down into;volatile falty acids /acetic acids & butyric
acid /propionic acid.
-Gases like methane , carbon(iv)oxide and hydrogen are released
-Proteins are broken down ; into amino acids /essential amino acids are synthesized from
ammonia and non protein nitrogen compounds by micro organisms.
-Micro-organisms also synthesis certain vitamins /vitamin B compex/vitamin K
-Much of volatile falty acids and ammonia are absorbed through rumen wall into the blood
stream .
-Gases are gotten rid of through bleaching
(Any 5x1=5marks)

13 State two roles of carbohydrates in the body of an animal *BMT*

Supply energy for body process
Synthesis of products e.g milk, wool
Excess converted to fats and stored in skin as insulators Any 2x1=2mks

14 What does metabolic water refer to in livestock nutrition *BMT*

water produced when food is oxidesed in body cells during respiration 1x1=1mk
15 State two methods of computing livestock feed *BMT*
- Trial and Error -
Pearson’s square Any 2x1=2mks
16 Name two functions of the crop in the digestive system of chicken. *EMB*
-Softening food material
-Temporary food storage
(2x ½ = 1mk)

17 State four factors that determine the amount of food given to an animal. *EMB*
-Body size / weight of the animal
-Environmental conditions
-Physiological conditions of the animal / Health / Pregnancy
-Level of production
-Purpose for which the animal is kept.
-Age of the animal (4 x ½ = 2mks)

18 Mary wants to prepare feed of her calves containing 20% DCP. She intends to use
sorghum meal containing 8% DCP and Soya bean meal containing 38% DCP. Calculate
the quantities of each feedstuff Mary would require to prepare 100kg of feed. (use
pearsons square method) *EMB*


×100=60 kg
Sorghum = 30 ½
×100=40 kg
Soya = 30 ½
(Total = 4mks)

19 State three factors that would determine the amount of concentrate fed to dairy cattle. *KKG*
• Level of milk production
• Quality of roughages.
• Availability of the concentrates.
• Economic factors/cost of concentrates.
• Physiological status
20 Explain four factors that affect the digestibility of a feed *KRC*
Chemical composition of the feed
Form in which the food is given to the animal
Species of the animal
Feed mixture and other ingredients in the feed
Quantity of food already present in the digestion system.

21 State three sources of water to farm animals

-Drinking / free water
-From food they eat
-Metabolic water
22. (a) Define the term digestible crude protein D.C.P *KRC*
The term used to express amount of the crude protein absorbed by an animal’s body from
a feed. (1x1=1mk)
b) A farmer wanted o prepare 200kg of calf rearing ratio containing 20% DCP. Using the
pearson square method , calculate the amount of maize containing 10% DCP and
sunflower cake containing 35% DCP, the farmer would need to prepare the ratio (show
your work)

Amount of maize 25 
Amount of sunflower25 
23 The illustration below shows a male reproductive system in cattle , study it and answer the
questions that follow:-

(a) Identify the parts labeled I, J ,K ,and G . *KRC*

a) G – Penis
I – Urethra
J – Seminal vesicle
K – Prostrate gland

b) Explain the following

(i) Vaccines
-There’s different vaccines used for control /prevention of different diseases i.e.
Toxoids : are from toxins produced by disease organism treated with formalin to
produce toxoid vaccines.
Liver virulent vaccines: are living organisms that can cause livestock
diseases.Their attack stimulates production of antibodies against them
Killed/dead vaccines: are diseases organisms that are killed by use of
formaldehyde /phenol to control blackleg
-Live attenuated vaccines: are diseases causing organisms but their effect is
reduced .
On attack they stimulate production of antibodies. Long storage makes them
mutate and cause active diseases. (3 x2 = 6mks)
24 State two desirable qualities of a livestock ration. *KSS*
- Should be balanced in terms of nutrients
- Should be palatable to the animal
- Should be highly digestible
- Free from the contaminants
- Free from poisonous substances
(First 2 x ½ =1mk)

25 Differentiate between a roughage and a concentrate feed in animal nutrition. *KSS*

a roughage is a feed stuff with high fibre content and a low energy content while a
concentrate is a feed stuff with high protein and / or energy content and low in crude fibre
content (marked a s a whole) (1mk)

26 Give four functions of vitamins in livestock production. *MGR*

- Promote growth
- prevent diseases in livestock
- Muscular activities
- Acts as an organic catalyst
- Helps in blood clotting
Any 4x ½ =2mks
27. Name four factors which influence water uptake by an animal. *MGR*
- Size of the animal
- Productivity of the animal e.g work, milk production etc
- Type of feed given to an animal
- Ambient temperature
- Species of the animals.
½ x4=2mks
28 Factors that determine the amount of concentration fed to a dairy cattle. *KKG*
• Quality of roughages
• Availability of the concentrates
• Level of production
• Economic factors /cost of concentrates
• Quality of concentrates
• Physiological status of the animal (3x1/2 =11/2)
29 Functions of vitamins in the diet of livestock. *KKG*
Prevents disease in livestock
Helps in muscular activities
Helps in formation of bones
Helps in blood clotting
Act as organic catalysts (4x /2 = 2mks)
30 Importance of feed additives in animals diet. *KKG*
• Promote growth
• Suppress excitement
• Prevent disease attack
31 Complete the amount of soya bean 40% D.C.P required to make a ration containing 16% D.C.P

32 List any four desirable qualities of livestock ration.

- Should be balanced
- Should be highly digestible
- Free from any contamination
- Should be palatable to the animal

33. Name the vitamins whose deficiency leads to the following conditions in animals. *MRU**

(i) Sterility - Vitamin E

(ii) Excessive bleeding from open wounds – Vitamin K

(iii) Sore gums - Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

34 State four factors that influence the amount of feed that an animal consumes. *MRU**

(i) Age of the animal

(ii) Size / live weight of the animal

(iii) Palatability of the feed

(iv) The form the feed is given

(v) Environmental condition

(vii) Production level / propose / Type / activity of the animal

(viii) Physiological body of the animal

(ix) Quantity of feed already in digestive system

any 4x ½ = (2mks)

35 Describe causes of various deficiency symptoms and nutritional disorders in livestock. *KSS*
— retarded growth, poor eye sight, and reduced disease resistance due to vitamin A deficiency
- Retarded growth, slow heartbeat, poor production, reduced disease resistance due to vitamin B
- curled toe paralysis in chicks due to vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency
- defective bones and teeth, continuous bleeding of flesh wounds and sore gums due to vitamin C
- rickets, softness of bones, weak teeth, soft shelled eggs, and enlarged joints due to vitamin D
- sterility and premature births due to vitamin E deficiency
- excessive bleeding from open wounds due to failure of Nood to clot on injured parts due to
vitamin K deficiency
- milk fever due to ca’cium deficiency
- oesteomalacia due to calcium and phosphorus deficiency
- soft shelled eggs or eggs without shells due to calcium deficiency
- pica due to phosphorus deficiency
- grass tetany/hypomagnicemialgrass staggers due to magnesium deficiency
- anaemia due to iron deficiency
- enzootic neonatal ataxial” swayback” due to copper deficiency
- Goiter due to iodine deficiency
- Loss oNvool or feathers due to sulphur deficiency
- paraleratosis due to zinc deficiency
- loss of appetite, reduced growth rates, premature births, scaly skin, and low milk yields due to
cobalt deficiency
- delay of sexual maturity, irregular ovulation, sterility, reduced hatchability, thin shelled eggs
and head retraction in chicks due to manganase deficiency
- Bovine ketosis or acetoanaenia due to impaired metabolism of carbohydrates and volatile fatty

36 Explain factors which determine the daily feed intake by an animal *SYA*
-The physical conditions of the body
-The age of the animal
-Weather condition
-Level of production
-Purpose for which the animal is kept
-Body size or weight.
37 State Four reasons why protein should be included in animal rations *MRU*
-Are important in synthesis and tissue
-supply energy on oxidation
-Helps in formation of enzymes ,hormones and antibodies.
-Provide raw materials for synthesis of animal products.
38 Name the part of a ruminant digestive system where digestion of cellulose occurs *MRU*
39 A 100g Kg pig ration containing 18% crude protein was to be made from wheat bran (3%
crude protein) and cotton seed cake (28% crude protein) .Using pearson’s square method
,calculate the amount of each feedstuff needed to prepare the ratios *MRU*

Total 25
x 100=40
Wheat bran 25 of wheat Bran
x 100=40 kg
Cotton Seed cake25 of Cotton seed cake

40 Outline three sources of water to a livestock body. ( 1 ½ mks)

- From drinking / free water
- From food / bound water
- From metabolism / metabolic waters.

41 Describe digestion of food in the following digestive parts of poultry.

(a) Crop *MGR*
- Stores food temporarily
- Moistens food with water
(b) Gizzard *MGR*
- Crush and grind food into paste.

42 State three deficiency symptoms of manganese in chicken *KGP*

- reduced hatchabilty
- reduced shell thickness
- head retraction

43 The diagrams below illustrates two ectoparasites that attack livestock in the farm. Study them
and answer the questions that follows.

(a) Identify the two parasites M and N. *KGP*

M – Tsetse fly
N – An adult Tick / Adult cattle Tick (2 x ½ = 1mk)
(b) State two common harmful effects of these parasites to livestock. *KGP*
- Transmit protozoan diseases to livestock
- Sucks large volumes of blood causing anaemia.
- Causes irritation reducing the efficiency of feeding in livestock
- Their bites damage skins and hides leading to Secondary infections through
wounds. (2 x ½ = 1mk)
(c) Other than the above two parasites, name two other factors that may lead to poor health
of livestock in the farm. *KGP*
- Attack by endoparasites / Tapeworms/ roundworms/ liver fluke/ Internal parasites.
- Lack of adequate nutrients in the body of an animal / Nutrient deficiency.
(2 x ½ = 1mk)
(d) Explain the following terms as used in livestock nutrition. *KGP*
(i) Starch equivalent
It is the energy value of a feed that is equivalent to the net energy value of a
certain amount of pure starch e.g
If animal feed has a starch equivalent of 90% it means that 100kg of that feed is
capable of providing a net energy equivalent to the energy produced by 90kg of
pure starch.
(ii) Dry matter
Is the actual percentage of protein, minerals and carbohydrates in a feed less
water the higher the dry matter of a feed the higher is its nutritive value depending
on digestibility of the dry matter.

43 Explain two functions of the crop in poultry digestive system. *KGP*

- Softening, moistening of food to allow easy mechanical grinding.
- Temporary storage – to provide enough time for moistening. (2 x 1 = 2mks)

44 State the functions of the following parts in the poultry digestive system. *NYD*

(i) Crop–moistening of food with water

-Temporarily stores food.

(ii) Gizzard/Ventricles.

Crushing and grinding food

45 Describe the functions of protein in the body of an animal . *NYD*

Repair worn out parts

-Growth and development of the animal
-Provision of energy after deamination
-Enhance reproduction
-production of antibodies
-production of hormones
-Production of enzymes.


1 Give the breeding system involved in each of the following cases

a) Friesian sire mated with Ayrshire dam *SYA*
b) Friesian sire (father) mated with Friesian dam (daughter) *SYA*

a) - Cross breeding (l mk)

b) Friesian sire father mated with Friesian dam
- Inbreeding (1 mk)

2 Study the illustration below and use it to answer the questions below.
a) Name the parts labelled A and D *SYA*
b) Give the functions of the part B and C *SYA*

a) A- Seminal vesicles (lmk)

D - Sperm duct (lmk)
b) B - Storage of sperms (l mk)
C- Produces neutral fluid that neutralizes acidity of urine in the urethra (1mk

3 Using relevant examples, explain the various breeding systems *SYA*

Breeding system
i) In-breeding — it is the mating of closely related animals e.g. brothers and sisters.
ii) Line breeding- the mating of distantly related animals that have a common
iii) Out- crossing — the mating of unrelated animals of the same breeds e.g. Friesian
bull from Uganda with Friesian dam from Kenya.
iv) Cross- breeding — mating animals belonging to different breeds e.g. Frieian bull
and zebu dam
v) Upgrading- system where one breed is changed to another by continued breeding
i.e low grade dam is mated with a pure breed sire.
Statement — 5 xl 5mks
Explanation —5 x 1 = 5mks

4 Differentiate between cross breeding and out crossing. *NYR*

-Cross-breeding; is the mating of two animals that are not related and belong to different breeds
-Out-breeding; is the mating of unrelated animals that belong the same breed.
(Mark as whole=1mk)

5 State two methods used in selection of livestock. *NYR*

-Mass selection
-Progeny testing
-Contemporary comparisons. (2x ½ =1mk)

6 Mention three ways that indigenous livestock farmers use to improve their cattle. *BMT*
- Proper selection
- Proper feeding
- Proper diseases/ parasite control
- Cross breeding with high yielding cattle 3x ½ =1 ½ mk

7 Give four factors a farmer should consider when selecting a breeding heifer.
 Number of teats
 Conformation
 Health
 Temperament
 Level of performance of parents
 Adaptability
(4 x ½ =2 marks)

8 The diagram bellow represents the reproduction system in poultry. Study it and
answer the questions that follow.

a)Name the parts labelled A, X and Y. *BTR*

b)Name two substances added at section labelled Y. *BTR*

c)How long does an egg stay at section labelled X. *BTR*

a) A-Magnum.

b) -Water
-Mineral salt
(2 x ½ =1mark)

c) 5hours (18-22hours)
(1x1/2 =1/2mark)

9 Distinguish between hybrid vigor and dominant genes as used in livestock breeding *BMT*
Hybrid vigour is a situation where offspring has improved features such as fast growth rate, high
productivity and improved body conformation whereas dominant genes are genes that expresses
themselves in both homozygous and heterozygous states 2x1=2mks (mark as a whole)

10 The diagram below shows two different livestock families. Use it to answer the following

a) Identify the breeding system between:

i) C and A *BMT*
ii) D and T *BMT*
b) State two advantages of breeding system identified in a (ii) above *BMT*
c) Why is the breeding system identified in (a) (i) not recommended in dairy cattle.*BMT*
d) What name is offspring lebelled M *BMT*
a) i) Close breeding 1mk
ii) Cross breeding 1mk
b) -Offspring exhibit hybrid vigour
- Introduce new genes to the herd. 2mks
c) Close breeding is not recommended in dairy cattle for the following reasons;
-Loss of Hybrid vigour
- Decline in offspring fertility; Offspring mortality increases
d) Hybrid (1mk)

Any 1x1=1mk
11 Give four reasons that may necessitate culling a dairy cow. *EMB*
-Low milk production
-High susceptibility to diseases / poor health
-Old age
-Wild temperament making the cow difficult to handle
-Long calving interval
-Poor quality milk.
(4x ½ = 2mks)
12 Outline the factors to consider when selecting livestock for breeding. *KKG*
Factors considered in selecting livestock for breeding.
 Body confirmation.
 Fertility/breeding ability.
 Adaptability of the breed to the arts/hardiness.
 Mothering ability in case of females.
 Production potential/ yielding capacity.
 Temperament/behaviour e.g cannibalism, egg eating
 Deformities/ abnormalities e.g one eye, lameness
 Offspring performance
 Age of animals
 Growth rate, quality produce
 Disease resistance, prolificacy
Lifespan/ reproductive life

13 Differentiate between out crossing and upgrading as used in livestock production *KRC*
Mating of unrelated animals within the same breed but upgrading is mating of an inferior female
breed to a superior male breed.

14 If a dairy cow is noticed to be showing signs of heat at 6.00 a.m, what time should it be served
At 12:00 (noon) but before 6:00 p.m
15 Name three methods that are used in selecting of breeding stock in livestock production*KSS*
- Mass selection
- Progeny testing
- Contemporary comparison.
(3x ½ = 1 ½ mks)

16 Name two breeding systems that can increase the frequency of high milk production genes in
indigenous cattle. *KSS*
- Close breeding
- Line breeding
(2x ½ = 1mk)

17 (b) Explain the factors considered when culling breeding boar. *KSS*

- Age
- Poor health
- Physical deformities
- Hereditary defects
- Low libido
- To avoid inbreeding

18 What are the roles of the following reproductive parts in poultry.

a) Magnum *MGR*
Magnum- Thick albumen is added

b) Ovary *MGR*

Ovary- Produces ova

19 Factors considered when selecting goats for breeding. *KKG*

• Health - should be healthy, vigorous and well-grown
• Age - Female goats should be less than 12 months old
• Productivity - Should have good mothering ability
• Conformation
• Physical defects
• Adaptability
• Fertility

20 Benefits of artificial insemination as a method of breeding. *NYR*

Semen from one superior bull can be used to serve many cows.
It controls transmission of breeding diseases and parasites.
Incapacitated sires/heavy sires can produce semen to serve cows.
Prevents large bulls from injuring small cows. -
Removes the expenses of keeping a bull.
A small scale farmer who cannot afford to buy a superior bull can have his cows served at
low cost.
It is easy to control breeding.
It is easy to control inbreeding
It eliminates dangerous bulls from the farm
It is a useful research tool.
Any l0x 1 (l0mks)

21 Give a reason why Irish potatoes should not be fed to non-ruminants. *KSS*
It contains a poisonous alkaloid / solanine which can poison the animals causing digestion

22(a) What is hybrid vigor? *KSS*

Is the increased activity and performance of the offspring above the average of the two
Unrelated parents.

(b) Give two instances when hybrid vigor may be lost. *KSS*
When first crosses are interbred.
When the first crosses are back crossed with their inferior parents.

23 Using appropriate illustration, describe the process of egg formation in a layer. *KSS*
- Egg formation takes place along the elongated oviduct.
- The oviduct consists of ovary, funnel, magnum, isthmus, uterus, vagina and cloaca.
- Ova (eggs) are formed in the ovary.
- When the ovum (yolk) is mature, it is released from the ovary.
- The released ovum is received by the funnel.
- Fertilization takes place in the funnel.
- Chalazae is added to hold the yolk in the funnel / infundibulum.
- The ovum stays in the funnel for about 15 minutes.
- Thick albumen is added at the magnum.
- The yolk stays in the magnum for about 3 hours.
Shell membranes are added in the isthmus.
- Water, mineral salts and vitamins are also added in the isthmus.
- Egg stays in the isthmus for 1¼ hours.
- In the uterus (shell gland) calcium is deposited and shell pigments added.
Completion of addition of albumen occurs in the uterus.
- The egg stays here for about 18 — 21 hours.
- The egg is temporarily stored in the vagina before being laid.
- The egg is removed beyond the vent of cloaca during the egg laying.

24 Mention any four areas to avoid when carrying out soil sampling. *SYA*
-Dead furrows
-terrace stands
-old fence lines
-old manure heaps
-swampy areas
-near trees and boundaries
-Between slops
-Bottom land
25 A given cereal crop was found to require 120 kg /.ha of P2O5. If the fertilizer available in the
market is 20:20:10, how much of it would be applied in 0.4 ha ?
20kg P2O5is contained in 100kg 0f (20-20-10)
∴ 120P2O5 will be contained in
120 x 100
=600 of (20−20−10)
If 1ha requires 600 kg of (20-20-10)

∴ 0.4 ha =
600 x 0. 4
1 )
=240 kg of (20-20-10)
26 (a) What is inbreeding *MRU*
Mating of animals which are close related
(b) State Four disadvantages of inbreeding *MRU*
-Bring loss of hybrid vigour (heterosis)
-Lead to decline in fertility leading to species extinction
-bring about reduction in performance.
-Lead to high rate of prenatal mortality.
27 Differentiate between heterosis and epistasis as used in livestock breeding. *VHG*

Heterosis is the improved performance above the parents by crossing the different animals
whereas epistasis is a combination of gases which individually could have been
undesirable or inferior.

28 State the cause of grass staggers in dairy cattle. *VHG*

Deficiency of magnesium.

29 Differentiate between cross breeding and outcrossing. *MGR*

- Cross breeding is mating unrelated animals of different breeds while out crossing is
mating unrelated animals of the same breed.

30 Give three advantages of natural mating. *MGR*

- it is less laborious
- It increases chances of conception / accurate since the male detects when the female is on
heat signs easily.
- Suitable for females that do not show heat signs easily
- Requires less skill to carry out
31 The diagram below shows reproductive system of a hen.
(a) Name the parts labeled K, L, M, N. *MGR*
K – Infundibulum / funnel
L – Magnum
M – Uterus
N – Vagina
(b) Give three functions of the following parts in egg formation.
K – Site of fertilization
- Initiates albumen formation

M - Completes formation of albumen

- Adds water, minerals and vitamins to an egg
- Add egg shell
(c) How long does an egg take to form? *MGR*
22– 26 hours / 1 day / aday.

32 Give two roles of the oviducts in livestock’s reproduction *KGP*

- fertilization takes place here
- conducts the ovum/zygote to the uterus

33 (a) Name two methods employed when selecting a breeding stock. *KGP*
Mass selection /selecting on the basis of performance in relation to performance of other
animals of the same sex and age under same environment.
- Contemporary comparison / comparing daughters from different bulls and
selecting the bulls on the basis of their daughters.
- Progeny Testing – Selecting males based on the performance of their springs.
(2 x ½ = 1mk)

(b) State two advantages of inbreeding animals. *KGP*

- Helps cull animals expressing bad characteristics
- Bad characteristics express / reveal themselves easily in the stock.
- Desirable characteristics are uniformly maintained in the stock e.g early maturity,
disease resistance. High yields, colour e.t.c (2 x ½ = 1mk)

34 Discuss the factors to consider when selecting livestock for breeding. *KGP*
- Body conformation
- Fertility / Breeding ability
Adaptability of the breed to the area
- Mothering ability in case of female livestock
- Productive potential , fellding capacity
- Temperament / Behavior
- Deformities / Abnormality e.g mono eyed
- Age of the animal
- Growth rate
- Quality of produce
- Disease resistance
- Lifespan / Reproductive life
- Prolificacy. (5 x 1 = 5mks)
35 Give four advantages of cross- breeding in animal breeding . *NYD*

To increase productivity
-Hasten growth rate
-Better adaptability
-Builds up disease resistance


1 List four factors that influence the quality of honey *SYA*
- Method of extraction
- Type of flowers from which the nestle was collected
- Season of the year
-Stage of maturity (4x ½ =2mks)

2 What term is used preferably to refer to parturition in sows *SYA*

- Farrowing (1 x 1 =lmk)

3 Below is a breeding cycle of an ewe in relation to the feeding regime accompanying it. Use it to
answer the questions that follow

a) Which aspects of nutrition are (i),(ii), (iii)
b) Give two importance of (i) *SYA*

a) i) Steaming up (lmk)
ii) Lactation/milk production (l mk)
iii) Flushing (1 mk)
b) - Gives the ewe good condition for parturition
- Facilitate rapid foetal development
- Reduces incidences of twin lamp diseases/toxaemia
- Increases and maintains high milk yield after birth (2x1=2mks)

4 a) Give likely cause of death in piglets after farrowing *BND*

- Crushing by mothers
- Chilling due to dampness/cold
- Starvation due to sow mastitis
- Scouring
- Piglet anaemia
- Lack of food.

b) Explain the uses of any six hand tools used in the construction of Kenya top bar hive

i) Hand saw — for cutting wood

ii) Plane — for smoothing surface of wood
iii) Ruler/tape measure- for measuring distances
iv) Claw hammer — for driving nails into the wood/removing nails from wood
v) Pliers — for cutting thin wires
vi) Screw driver- for driving/removing screws in to/out of wood.
vii) File- for sharpening edges of other tools
viii) Hand drills — for drilling small holes in wood
(6 x 1 = 6mks

5 What precaution should one take when handling bees? *SYA*

Precautions taken when handling bees
- Do not frighten bees
- Do not crush bees to avoid exciting them
- Move quietly towards the beehive to avoid alerting them
- Do not run away or throw combs down 11 alerting them
- Do not rub bee sting to avoid spreading the poison
- Wear protective clothing
- Use a smoker properly

6 State four advantages of Tilapia fish in fish farming. *NYR*

-They adapt easily to the artificial conditions in the farm ponds
-They breed very fast
-They feed on waste food from kitchen and crop residues
-They are able to feed on algae and larvae. (4x ½ =2mks)

7 Below is a diagram of a sheep with parts labeled A,B and C. Study the diagram and answer the
questions that follow;
i) State the operation carried out on the part labeled A.
ii) Why is it necessary to carry out the operation in (i) above *NYR*
iii) Which routine operation is usually carried out in part labeled B? *NYR*
iv) State the problem that would occur if the operation (iii) above is not carried out? *NYR*

i) Docking ( ½ mk)
ii) -To avoid Blowfly infestation
-To allow uniform distribution of fat
-To enhance mating. (2x ½ =1mk)
iii) Hoof trimming (½ mk)
iv) -Foot rot disease will occur.
-Leads to lameness/difficulty in walking
-To ease mating. (1x ½ = ½ mk)

8 Outline three reasons why bees swarm. *NYR*

Reasons why bees swarm
-When the brood has been damaged
-When overheating occurs in the Hive
-When the queen is sick or infertile
-When there is no food and water
-Overcrowding or when there are two queens
-Outbreak of pests and diseases
-Polluted environment or bad smell. (3x1=3mks)
9 a) Describe fish farming in a pond under the following sub-headings.
i) Site selection. *NYR*
ii) Feeding. *NYR*
iii) Pond maintenance. *NYR*
b) Outline the routine management practices of piglets from 1st day to 8th week of age.
a) Fish farming in a pond
i) Site selection
-Near a potential market
-Have a gentle slope to ensure easy movement of water to the pond
-Should have clay soils which does not allow seepage
-Should be secure from thieves and predators
-have enough water throughout the year. (3x1=3mks)
ii) Feeding
-Feed the fish using cheap food-kitchen waste, slaughter house waste.
-Give enough to avoid polluting the pond
-Any change in the type of food should be done gradually
-Fertilize the pond to encourage growth of planktons. (2x1=2mks)
iii) Pond maintenance
-Repair the dykes or any structure on it
-Cleaning the pond and remove all foreign material
-Remove undesirable vegetation
-Desilt/remove the silt
-Fence to keep off predators and thieves. (5x1=5mks)
st th
b) Routine management practices of piglets 1 day to 8 week of age.
-Proper disposal of placenta after birth
-Cut umbilical cord with sterilized scalpel
-Removal of needle teeth/teeth clipping
-Keep piglets in warm/creep area
-Weigh piglets regularly 24hrs after birth
-Feed piglets on colostrums
-Iron. supplementation-intra masculine injection
-Vaccination against dise ases
-Creep feeding
-Identification marks-ear notching
-Drenching to control internal worm. (5x1=5mks)

10 Give four heat signs in goats. *BMT*

- Wagging of the tail
- Swollen/ reddish vulva
- Restlessness
- Clear/ slimy discharge from the vulva 4x ½ =2mks

11 Differentiate between;
Gilt and sow *BMT*
gilt- Is a female pig which has not given birth.
Sow- A mature female pig which has given birth. (mark as a whole) 1m

12 State a reason why drenching alone is not an effective method of internal parasite control
measure. *BMT*
- Drenching does not destroy intermediate host.
- Drenching does not destroy other stages of parasites 1x1=1mk

13 State three reasons why overgrown hooves of sheep should be trimmed. *BMT*
- To control foot rot
- To enable sheep to walk properly
- Prevent the ram from injuring the ewe during mating/ tupping. ½ x 3=1 ½ mk

14 Give three reasons why it is important to castrate animals when they are still young. *BMT*
- When young, the animals tissues are delicate and hence less pain is inflicted.
- Young animals grow fast, therefore tissue replacement is fast.
- Young animals heal faster due to a lot of proteins they get from mother’s milk.
3x ½ =1 ½ mk

15 The diagram below shows the relationship between feed requirements and foetal development in
sheep. Use the graph to answer the questions.
i) What are the feeding management practices in sections A, B andC ? Give a reason for each.
ii) Use the graph to estimate the gestation period in sheep. *BMT*

i) A- Flushing ( ½ mk)
Ensure successful tupping/ enhancing twinning percentage/ induce ovulation. ( ½ mk)
B- Maintenance Ration
Reason; To maintain health condition
-Avoid complications at lambing 1x ½ = ½ mk

C- Steaming up
- Ewes build body reserves for lambing
- Encourage foetal development
- Increase milk production/ colostrums production 1x ½ = ½ mk
ii) 90 days + 60 days = 150 days 1mk

16. Describe the preparation that should be carried out for a sow one week before she farrows.

-Clean and disinfect the farrowing pen
- Wash/ clean and disinfect the sow with soapy water.
- Treat the sow against external parasites.
- Separate the sow from the rest and move it to the farrowing pen.
- Put a farrowing crate in the farrowing pen
- Secure sow’s ration a day before farrowing
- Provide heat in the farrowing/ creep area
- Provide clean beddings in the farrowing pen
- Provide bran which acts as a laxative 6x1=6mks

17 why should piglets be weighed after birth and at weaning time. Give three reasons.
For selection purpose /breeding /calving.
To know the weight gained /feeding conversion/growth rate.
Determine generic potential of the parents.
Determine the level of management during gestation period.
Determine sows mothering ability.
(4 x ½ =2 marks)

18 .Give any four management practices carried out in piglets between farrowing and
weaning. *BTR*

Weighing to get the body weight.

Clipping the needle teeth/defusking.
Feeding on colostrum/whole milk/skimmed milk/creep pellets.
Keeping them in warm pens.
Injecting with iron injection /smeaming red soil on teats of sows for piglets to survive.
(4 x ½ =2 marks

19 .State four signs of kidding in nannies. *BTR*

udder becomes firm and teats enlarge

The muscles at either side of the tail slacken.
Serating itself from the rest of the flock.
Clear discharge from the vulva.
(4 x ½ =2 marks)
20 State four maintenance practices of a fish pond. *BTR*
Planting grass on the wall tops to prevent soil erosion
Weeds growing in the pond should be removed
Proper fencing
Cleaning the pond
Maintaining good level of water in the pond.

21 .State the difference between flushing and steaming up. *BTR*

.Flashing- Giving extra quality feeds to an animal around the service time

Steaming up- Giving extra quality feed to an animal during the last weeks of gestation.

22 .Below is an illustration of a sheep with parts marked E , F and G. Study it carefully

and then answer the questions that follow.
a)State the operations that are carried out on the parts labelled E, F, and G. *BTR*

b)State three reasons for carrying out the operation identified in E *BTR*

(a) E-Docking /tailing

G-Hoof trimming
(3x1/2 =11/2mark)

b) Facilitate mating
Prevent blowfly infestation
Facilitates even distribution of fats
(3x1/2 =11/2mark)

23 describe the procedure of harvesting honey. *BTR*

 Dress properly /wear protective clothing
 Have a smoker and hive tool/knife
 Blow smoke around the hive and later through the entrance holes.
 Lower the hive to the ground.
 Remove the hive top cover
 Lift the bar individually and inspect the combs if white it contains honey and if dark it
has brood.
 Cut the white combs leaving 2-3cm still attached to the bars
 Replace the bars /replace bars with brood
 Place the cut combs in clean non –metal containers
 After harvesting ,return the cover on top of the hive
 Return the hives to the posts
24 Describe the management practices of ewes from preparation for mating to lambing.
 Clip the wool around the vulva/clutching to facilitate mating.
 Trim hooves before mating
 Flush ewes by giving them extra concentrates ( do three weeks before partunition)
 Time the mating so that lambing coincides with the season when there is plenty of
 Feed ewes on good pasture/concentrators 3-4 weeks before lambing /steaming up
 Cut wools around the teats after lambing
 Deworm ewes 2-3 weeks before lambing against common disease such as pulp
kidney , enterotoxemia and dysentery.
 Provide clean water
 Provide clean shelter for lambing
 Observe signs of lambing and assist when necessary
 Disinfect the navel cord immediately after lambing to prevent any secondary
 Ewes that give birth to more than one lamb should be given extra feeds
 Ensure lambs suckle colostrum
 Weak lambs should be fed artificially
 Rejected or orphaned lambs should be given foster mothers.
 Keep lambs and ewes on good pasture
(Any 10x1=10marks)

25 State two roles of a piglet creep area in a farrowing pen *BMT*

- Is where creep pellets are supplied to piglets.
- Designed with grills to prevent sow from crushing piglets Any 2x1=2mks

26 State three factors considered in selecting meat goats as breeding stock *BMT*
Age; - Health; -Quality of products;
Physical fitness; - Body confarmation; - Adaptability;
Any 3x ½ =1 ½ mks

27 State two reasons for giving cattle extra high quality feed 2-3 weeks before and after mating
- To increase chance of conception
- To ensure proper development of foetus
- To ensure production of enough milk after parturition

28 Name one protozoan disease in poultry *BMT*

Coccidiosis Any 1x1=1mk

29 Give reason for single housing as one of the most crucial requirement in calf-housing *BMT*
- This avoid them from licking one another hairs/ fur thus swallowed to rumen to form
rumen balls which are dangerous to calf or considered fatal ; To reduce the spread of
Any 1x1=1mk
30 a) Outline the precautions observed when handling bees *BMT*
b) Describe the procedure of extracting honey from honeycombs using heat *BMT*
a) - Bees should not be frighten to avoid stinging
- Beehives should not be approached from the front
- Smoker must be used properly
-Should not crush bees during handling to avoid excreting the colony
-beehives should approached quaintly to avoid alerting the bees
- If stung bee keeper should not run and/ or thaw the colony
- a bee sting should not rubbed, sharp object to use for its removal
- Always wear protective clothing when handling bees
NB: Stop where the procedure is disrupted.

b) - Heat some in the sufuria

- Honey comb placed in enamel basin not made of Iron.
- Put container with honey comb on boiling water;
- Heat until most of honey melt
-Separate melted honey from combs by straining through a muslin cloth
- Keep honey in a container to cool down
- Remove the wax layer that may form on sufuria of honey
- Honey is packed in a suitable container.

31 Name two diseases controlled using the vaccine blanthax in livestock. *EMB*
(2 x ½ = 1mk)

32 Differentiate between the terms cropping and Harvesting in fish production. *EMB*
Cropping – The removal of fish of marketable size from the pond while
Harvesting – The removal of all the fish from the pond.
Mark as a whole (1x1= 1mk)

33. State two breeding practices carried out in sheep to enhance successful tupping. *EMB*
(2 x ½ = 1mk)

34 Give two importance of debeaking in poultry. *EMB*

-Control cannibalism
-Control egg eating
-Control toe pecking
(2x ½ = 1mk)

35 State four reasons for feeding a piglet on colostrum. *EMB*

-Highly digestive
-Contains Antibodies
-Highly nutritious
-Highly palatable
-Serves as a laxative.
(4 x ½ = 2mks)
36 Study the diagram below of sheep and answer the questions that follow.

(i) State the operation carried out on the parts labeled M and N.
(ii) Give two reasons for carrying out the practices on part M. *EMB*

(i) Operation carried out on the parts labeled M and N.

N-Identification by ear notching / tagging
(2x ½ = 1mk)

(ii) Reasons for carrying out the practices on part M.

-To facilitate mating/ tupping
-To ensure enven distribution of fat in the body
-To control infestation by blowflies.

37 (a) Describe factors to consider in siting farm structures. *EMB*
(b) Describe the management of a cow during parturition. *EMB*

(a) Factors to consider in siting farm structures.

-Location of the homestead- It should be easy to view the structures from the
-Accessibility -It should be easly to reach the s\tructures from all parts of the farm
-Security- The area should be safe from the predators, thieves and trespassers
-Direction of prevailing wind- Structures from where foul smells are likely to come
out should be constructed on the leeward side of the homestead / structures should
be free from draught but well ventilated
-Drainage / Topography- The area should be free from damp conditions / water
-Government policy- should be considered
-Soil type – be free draining
-Direction of sun
- Relationship with other structures - Structures with related uses should be
constructed close to each other.
- Farmers tastes and preferences- The interests of the farmer should be taken into
-Proximity to amenities- Distance from the source of water / electricity / telephone
lines should be considered.
-Space for future expansion

(b) Management of a cow during parturition.

-Separate the cow from the others
-Keep a close watch in case of any complication
-Incase of complication seek assistance from a qualified veterinary officer
-Wipe mucus from the nostrils of the calf
-Allow the mother to lick the calf dry / wipe with a clean cloth
-Tie and cut the umbilical cord and disinfect it by applying Iodine
-Move the calf to a warm pen
-Let the calf suckle enough colostrums / Assist the calf to suckle.
-Take birth weighs and record before the calf suckle
-Incase the mother die give the calf artificial colostrums or to a foster mother
-Incase of difficulties in breathing do artificial breathing
-Clean the udder with warm water before allowing the calf to suckle
-Provide the mother with enough and clean water to drink.
-Proper disposal of after birth by burying it in the soil.
-Consult a veterinarian in case the after birth is retained for more than 48 hours.

38 Outline five reasons for swarming in bees. *EMB*

Reasons for swarming in bees.

-Shortage of food and water in their surrounding
-Outbreak of pests, parasites and diseases
-Damage of brood combs
-Lack of adequate ventilation
-Dampness and bad smells / odours
-Sick / infertile queen
-Overcrowding of bees in the hive
-Overheating in the hive.
39 State two factors that could lead to failure to conceive in sows after service. *KKG*
• If the sow is barren.
• Poor nutrition
• Poor timing services
40 State two reasons for dehorning cattle. *KKG*
• To make the animal docile
• Reduce, incidence of animals injuring each other/attendant.
• Reduce incidence of animals damaging farm structures.
• Increase feeding, watering transportation space.
• Add aesthetic value to the animal
41 Using letter R, indicate on the illustration where a bull ring should be fixed on the animal.

What is the purpose of fixing a bull ring on the animal? *KKG*

To retrain the bull

42 State four advantages of using embryo transplant. *KRC*

-Possible to implant embryo from high quality female to less valuable female and hence improve
the performance of the offspring.
-It stimulates milk production in a female that was not ready to produce milk
-A highly quality productive female can be spread over a large area to benefit many farmers.
-It is easier to transport embryos in test tubes than the whole animal.
-Embryos can be stored for long periods awaiting availability of a recipient female.(4x1/2 =2mks)
43 Precautions taken while harvesting honey
-Harvest honey in the morning or late in the evening when the bees are less active.
-Approach the hive quietly and blow smoke around the hive and later through the entrance
holes using a smoker.
-Lower the hive to the ground.
-Cut the combs from each top bar 3cm from the surface and put them in a clean container
rubbing off bees using a twig
-Place back the bars and do not disturb the broad.
-return the hive to its position. (6 x 1= 6mks)
44 List four duties of a worker bee in a colony. *KSS*

Duties of a worker bee

- To feed the queen drones and brood
- To collect nectar, pollen gum and water
- To clean the hive
- To make honey and bees wax
- To guard / defend the hive against intruders.
- To build combs
- To seal cracks and crevices in hives with propolis / wax
- To control the temperature of the hive (First 4 x ½ = 2mks)
45 Outline four signs of heat in sows. *KSS*

Signs of heat in sows.

- Frequent urination
- Clear / colourless / slimy mucus discharge from the vulva.
- Vulva swells and becomes reddish
- Tendency to mount on others and accepting to be mounted upon
- Stands still when pressure is applied on her back.
(First 4 x ½ = 2mks)
46 Give two reasons for raddling in sheep management. *KSS*
- To identify the ram that has served the ewe.
- To show fertile animals
- To identify the ewes that have been served.
(First 2x ½ = 1mk)
47 Outline four factors that influence the stocking rate in a fish pond. *KSS*
- Fertility of the pond
- Addition of artificial feeds
- Type of fish in the pond
- Frequency of harvesting
- Method of harvesting
(First 4 x ½ = 2mks)
48 Give four reasons for dehorning cattle. *KSS*
- To avoid inquiries to the farmer and other animals / hide
- To make animals docile and easy to handle
- For economical use of space when either transporting or feeding
- To avoid destruction of farm structures
- To make animals look better.
(first 4 x ½ =2mks)
49 State two qualities of a creep feed that makes it suitable for piglets. *KSS*
Qualities of a creep feed
- It is palatable
- Highly digestible
- It is attractive to piglets

50 Explain the procedure of harvesting honey. *KSS*

(i) Wear protective clothings like overalls, veil, gumboots and carry beehive tool and
insecticide for emergency and appropriate containers and a smoker.
(ii) Approach the beehive early in the morning or late in the evening from behind
(iii) Work the smoker and apply smoke into the hive through entrance to make bees
less active.
(iv) Remove the top lid and check each comb in turn and scrab the bees and cut the
honey combs.
(v) Place the honey combs in a rust proof container.
(vi) Replace back the bars and the lid to original position
51a) Describe the management of piglets from birth to weaning. *KSS*

- The sow is put in a furrowing pen with creep area set a side for piglets
- When piglets are born ensure they are able to breath.
- Cut and disinfect the naval cord using iodine solution
- Put the piglets in the creep area which has warm litter and possibly a source of heat
to prevent chilling.
- Ensure the piglets suckle the sow
- Administer iron injection to prevent anaemia
- Provide creep feed to piglets adlibitum / to satisfaction
- Provide clean water
- Weigh the piglets to determine birth weight.
- Provide piglet pellets as from the third day after birth.
- Weigh the piglets after 18th day and possibly weekly to determine growth rates.
- Remove the milk teeth / canine teeth to prevent injury to the sow’s udder which
can lead to mastitis disease.
- Ensure cleanliness in the creep area
- Control external parasites by use of appropriate pesticide.
- Gradually introduce the piglets to other feeds and wean them at 8 weeks after birth.
(b) Describe the management of piglets from birth to weaning. *KSS*
- The sow is put in a furrowing pen with creep area set a side for piglets
- When piglets are born ensure they are able to breath.
- Cut and disinfect the naval cord using iodine solution
- Put the piglets in the creep area which has warm litter and possibly a source of heat
to prevent chilling.
- Ensure the piglets suckle the sow
- Administer iron injection to prevent anaemia
- Provide creep feed to piglets adlibitum / to satisfaction
- Provide clean water
- Weigh the piglets to determine birth weight.
- Provide piglet pellets as from the third day after birth.
- Weigh the piglets after 18th day and possibly weekly to determine growth rates.
- Remove the milk teeth / canine teeth to prevent injury to the sow’s udder which
can lead to mastitis disease.
- Ensure cleanliness in the creep area
- Control external parasites by use of appropriate pesticide.
- Gradually introduce the piglets to other feeds and wean them at 8 weeks after birth.

52 Mention two methods used in stocking bee hives. *MGR*

- Using of catcher box

- Swarm nets
- Placing hives on strategic points awaiting swarm of bees’

53 Mention four reasons why bees may swarm. *MGR*

- Shortage of food and water
- Outbreak of diseases in a colony.
- Damage of the brood
- Lack of adequate ventilation
- Dump ness and bad smell within
- Overcrowding
- Sick or infertile queen
- Overheating of the hive.
Any 4x ½ = 2mks

54. Name two bee diseases *MGR*

- American foul broad
- Acarive disease 1x2=2mk

55. Study the table below and fill in the missing words. *MGR*

Description Cattle Pigs Poultry

Young from birth to weaning calf piglet Chicks

Young female before first parturition/ Heifer Gilt


Mature male for breeding Bull Boar Cock

56 Name three fresh water fish reared in ponds. *MGR*
- Tilapia
- Carps
- Cat fish
- Nile perch ½ x3=1 ½

57. What is ringing as used in routine livestock rearing practices. *MGR*

What is “Ringing” as used in routine livestock rearing practices.
- Ringing is the practice of trimming wool around the sheath of the penis of the ram to
facilitate matin

58 Below is a diagram of a bee handling structure. Study it carefully and answer the questions
that follow.

i) Identify the structure. *MGR*

Kenya top bar hive.

ii) Name the parts labelled R, P and S. *MGR*

R- Top bars
P- Wire loop
S- Entrance

iii) Apart from the above structure, name other two types of bee hives. *MGR*

- Log hive
- Box hive
- Langstroth hive
- Hot and cold soaking
59 Reasons for docking in sheep management*KKG*
• facilitates easier mating in ewe during breeding
• facilitates an even distribution of fat in the body
• Prevents soiling of wool with urine and feces by the tail
• Prevents blowfly infestation
• Drying
• Pressure/vacuum treatment
• Hot and cold soaking
60 Factors that influence the quality of honey*KKG*
• Method of extraction
• Type of flowers from which the nectar was collected
• Season of the year
• Stage of maturity of the honey (4x 1/z = 2mks)
61 Outline the management practices that should be carried out on piglets from birth
to weaning.
Management practices carried out on piglets from birth to weaning Ensure the piglets are
breathing/remove mucus from mouth and nostrils to ensure
piglets are breathing
Tie and cut and disinfect the navel cords of the piglets
Remove piglets away from the sow to ensure their safety
Weight each piglet and record birth weight
Keep the piglets in a warm place/provide warmth
Provide colostrum, ensure the piglets suckle within the first 6— 12 hours
Introduce creep feed at ten days old
should be given iron supplement s by injection or as feed additive to guard
Castrate the male piglets a three weeks old by open method
Carry out vaccination against prevalent diseases in the area
Identification by ear notching or tattooing at three weeks old
Regular deworming against parasites (any 10 x 1 l0mks)
62 Signs of heat in a cow. *NYR*

 Restlessness
 Vulva reddens and swells
 Cow mounts on others and when mounted stands still.
 Clear slimy mucus discharge from the vulva.
 Frequent moowing/noise
 Slight rise in body temperature
 Slight drop in milk yield.
Any 4 x ½ = (2mks)
63 Gestation period in pigs. *NYR*
113 — 117 days/4 months.
Or 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days (114 days)
1 x 1 = lmk

64 Reasons for hoof trimming in sheep management. *NYR*

• Eases movement
• Reduces incidences of foot rot
• Prevents injuries on the ewe during tapping.
65 Qualities that make thatch a good roofing material. *NYR*
• It is sound proof
• Has good thermo-regulatory ability
• It is easily available
• It is affordable/cheap.
Any 2x1=(2mks)
66 Below is an illustration of a common equipment used in apiculture. Study it carefully and
answer the questions that follow.
(a). Name the parts labeled A and D *NYR*
A- Top bar
D- Queen excluder
(b). State the functions of the parts labeled B and C. *NYR*

B- Wire loop for hanging the hive.

C-lid for covering the top bars /hive
2x 1 = (2mks)
(c). Name ONE equipment used during the harvesting of honey. *MNG
Equipment used during honey harvesting
• Hive tool
• Smoker
Any 1 x 1 = (lmk)
67 Give two reasons for dehorning in cattle management. *HBY**
- Avoid/ minimise physical injuries to other animals/ attendant
- Facilitate easy handling/ make aggressive animals docile
- To economise space for housing, feeding or transport
68 Give two methods of controlling piglet anaemia. *HBY**
- Administering iron injection/ iron sulphate injection
- Giving clean red sub-soil to the animal
- Giving iron paste/ smearing teats with iron paste
69 State four management practices that would ensure maximum harvest of fish from a fish
pond. *HBY**
- Control stocking rate
- Control water pollution
- Supply adequate feed
- Aerating water/ providing constant flowing water
- Maintaining appropriate water depth
- Control predators
70 The diagram below illustrates a type of beehive commonly used in bee-keeping. Study it and
answer the questions that follow.
a) Identify the type of bee hive shown in the diagram above. *HBY**
Kenya Top Bar Hive *HBY**
b) Give one function of each parts labelled X and Z
X- Bars which bees attach their hives
- allow honey combs to be removed without disturbing brood nest or crushing bees.
Z- Wire loop for suspending/ hanging hive in the stand
c) Beehive entrance; provide bees with access to hives *HBY**
71 Name the structure that is used to ensure that honey comb and brood combs are found in different
chambers in the hive. *MRU**

Queen excluder

72 Distinguish between the following practices as used in livestock production:

(a) Crutching and ringing in sheep management. *MRU**

Crutching is the cutting of wool around the external reproductive organs of a female sheep to
facilitate mating Ringing is the cutting of wool around the sheath of the penis in rams to facilitate

Mark as a whole 1x1 = 1mk

(b) Cropping and harvesting in fish farming. *MRU**

Cropping is the selective removal of fish of marketable size from the pond whereas Harvesting is
the removal of the fish from the pond.

Mark as a whole 1x1 = 1mk

73 State two pest and two diseases that attack bees. *MRU**

(i) Pests - (i) Ants

(ii) Wax moth

(iii) Bee louse

(iv) Honey Badgers

any 2 x ½ = 1mk

(ii) Diseases

(i) Acarive
(ii) American foul brood
2x ½ = 1mk
74 Name four routine livestock practices that used to control parasites and diseases. *MRU**

(i) Vaccination

(ii) Deworming

(iii) Hoof trimming

(iv) Docking

(v) Dipping / spraying

(vi) Dusting

any 4x ½ = (2mks)

75 Study the diagram below and answer the questions which follow. *MRU**

(a) (i) Identify the structure above. *MRU**

(i) Fish pond

(ii) Identify the parts labeled P, Q, R and S. *MRU**

P - Inlet

Q – Dam wall, Embarkment

R - Drainage pipe / Outlet

S – Spillway pipe

(4x ½ = 2mks)

(b) What is the importance of grass on the structure? *MRU**

Grass on the structure (pond) planted on the land around it meant to stabilize the ground.

(1 x ½ = ½ mk)

(c) State two factors a farmer needs to consider before starting the above identified Agricultural
production. *MRU**

(i) Water supply should be available / adequate

(ii) Land should be gentle sloppy

(iii) Soil type – clay is best

(iv) Market for the fish should be available.

(any 2x1=2mks)

76 The diagram below illustrates a method of identification in livestock production. Study the diagram and
answer the questions that follow.

(i) Name the type of identification illustrated above. *MRU**

(i) Ear notching (1x1=1mk)

(ii) Give the identification Number of the animal illustrated in the diagram above.


(i) 387 (1x1=1mk)

(iii) Using diagrams illustrate how you can identify animals Nos 163 and 257.

77 (a) Explain the uses of various equipments used in honey harvesting. *MRU**

(i) Protective gear - Such include gumboot, handgloves veil, smoker and

overall. These equipments limit the rate of bee handler

from being stung.

(ii) A honey container with a tight cover. This can be a pail or a bucket for holding the honey
combs. Tight cover prevents the bees from entering the container and continue eating the

(iii) A hive tool. It is used to scrape away the propolis holding the top bars together, thus
separating them. It is also used to cut off the honey comb into the honey container.

(iv) Bee brush – It is used to brush off the bees from the honey comb before cutting into the

4x1= (4mks) – for a good explanation

(b) Describe the procedure of processing honey using the heat method. *MRU**
(i) Heat some water in a Sufuria

(ii) Put honey combs in an enamel basin or any other container which is not made of iron

(iii) Put the container with honey combs on the boiling water

(iv) Heat until most of the honey melts

(v) Separate the melted honey from the combs by straining through a muslin cloth.

(vi) Keep honey in a container to cool down

(vii) Remove the wax layer that may form on the surface of the honey.

First 6 correct procedure steps = 6x1= 6mks

78 State four practices that ensure maximum harvest of fish. *KSS*

- Control of water pollution.
-Supply of food / nutrients for aquatic use.
- Aerating water / flowing water.
- Maintaining appropriate depth of water in the pond.
- Control of stocking rate. (4x ½ = 2mks)
79 State three reasons why farmers give milk to kids using artificial methods. *KSS*
- Mother dead.
- Mother rejects the kid.
- Mother is a dairy goat.
- Mother does not have enough milk / does not produce milk.

80 Diagrams M, N, P and Q show some structures used in bee rearing. Use them to answer the
questions that follow:
a) Identify the structures labeled M,N ,P and Q . *KSS*
M — Log hive
N — Kenya Top Bar Hive
P — Smoker
Q- Veil
b. State the uses of equipment P and Q. *KSS*
P — Puffing smoke into the hive.
Q — Protects the head / face from bee stings to enable handler see through without fear of
bee stings.
c. State the uses of the parts labeled II and III on structure N. *KSS*
- Produces high quality honey.
- Honey combs can be removed without disturbing the brood.
- Cheap / easy to construct and repair.
- Has bars that can be lifted in order to inspect the comb.
II- (Shelter); protection against rainwater and sunshine III- (Catcher box); stocking

81 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

a. Outline the reason for raddling. *KSS*

- to identify the ewes that have been served.
- to identify the ram that has served the ewe.
- to show fertile animals.
b. Using letter R, indicate on the diagram, the site of ringing. *KSS*
c. Using letter C, show the position of breeding chutes. *KSS*
82 State the gestation period of the following livestock *SYA*
(i) Dromedary carmel
Dromedary Carmel- 1yr 3months
(ii) Sow
Sow- 3months 3 weeks 3 days (115 days)
(iii) Doe
Doe – 30 days
83 State four characteristics of Appis Mellifera adonsoni species of Bees *SYA*
-Well adapted to weather conditions i.e high temperatures
-It has high flying power and hence can fly long distances
-It is more active in search of food and water and protection of hive
-It is fairly resistant to diseases that attack bees e.g. Acarive and American faul broad.
-It is viscous if manhandled.
84 Name three chemical wood treatment methods *SYA*
-Sap displacement method
-Pressure or vacuum treatment
-Hot and cold soaking
85 What is Heterosis *SYA*
Increased performances or vigour arising from crossing two unrelated superior qualities of
86 State four management practices carried out during mating season in sheep *SYA*
87 The diagram below illustrates a farm structure. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the farm structure *SYA*

-Langstroth BeeHive
(b) State the functions of the parts labeled K, L and M
K – Honey chamber
L – Queen excluder

(c) State reasons for feeding bees *SYA*

-Maintain colony /avoid swarming or
-Encourage multiplication
-Supplement what Bees get from flowers
(d) Name two equipments used in handling of bees *SYA*
-Hive tool
88 (a) Describe the importance of age grouping in liestock production *RRD
-For easy control of disease which affect different age groups
-Easy control of parasite that transmit diseases i.e. Ticks and Keds
-Control of breeding –prevent service of young animals
-Prevent inbreeding
-For record keeping – Determination of growth rate within the herd identified.
-Facilitate feeding according to age and performance e.g. –Chick mash
-Growers mash
-Layers mash
-Facilitate selection of animals within a group and with good performance
-Facilitates administration of routine management practices e.g. vaccination, deworming
-To assess the performance of breeding stock by comparing performance of progeny
-Facilitate culling of animals with lower performance .Have undesirable traits within the
89 Discuss livestock rearing practices under the following topics
(a) Parasite and Disease control practice (6mks)
-Hoof trimming
-Dipping and spraying
(b) Breeding Practices
-Cructching and ringing
-Tupping and serving
(c) Methods of identification
-Ear tagging
-Ear notching
-Neck strap or chain
(d) Reasons for culling
-Poor Health
-Poor Production
-Physical deformities
-Hereditary defects
-to avoid inbreeding
-Poor mothering ability
90 Give the meaning of the following terms as used in livestock production. *MRU*
Crultching –Cutting the wool around the female reproductive organ
Ringing – Cutting the wool around the penis sheath.
Flushing – Giving high nutritive feed 2-3 weeks before mating and after mating
Steaming – Give high extra feed of high nutritive value during the last weeks of gestation.
91 Name Three methods of stocking a bee hive *MRU*
-Use of catcher box
-use of swarm net
- Placing the hive on a permanent place foor bees to inhabit.
92 State Four factors that may lead to exhaustion of dip wash or weakened while in the dip tank
-Getting diluted by rain water in case of leakage.
-Leakage at the floor /bottom due to cracks on the floor or wall.
-Dirt /impurities from the animal body.
93 Study the diagram below correctly and answer the questions that follow.

(i) Name the livestock routine practice shown above. *MRU*

Ear notching
(ii) State Three reasons why farmers carry out the luivestck routine practice shown in the
diagram *MRU*
-Facilitate culling
-Ease record feeding
-Facilitate disease control and treatment.
-Facilitate selection and breeding
(iii) Study the diagram below and then give an interpretation of the individual number of the


94 Name four routine rearing practices carried out on male sheep by a sheep farmer. *TRZ*
-Hoof trimming.
95 State two roles of drones in a bee colony. *TRZ*
-Fertilize the queen.
-Control temperature/cool the hive.
96 Name the two types of identification marks applied on the animal above. *TRZ*
-Ear notching.
-Ear tagging.
-Neck strap.
97 Describe the management practices of a gilt from weaning to the time of furrowing.
-Feed gilt at least 3kg of sow and weaner meal.
-Provide clean drinking water.
-Treat immediately incase its sick.
-Control external parasite by washing/dusting with right insecticide.
-Serve the gilt at the right age (12month).
-Gilt should be housed next to the boar.
-Flush gilt 3-4 weeks before service.
-Take guilt to the boar (pen service) for 12 hours.
-Observe return of heat after 3 weeks and repeat service if necessary.
-Steam up when 1 ½ months old to furrowing by giving 3-6 kg of extra feed.
-Wash gilt 7-10 days before furrowing.
-Deworm the gilt.
-Provide reduced sow and weaner meal 3 days to furrowing and feed bran.
-Weight guilt regularly.
-Provide guard rails or furrowing crate in furrowing pen.
-Observe sign of furrowing.
-Supervise furrowing process and provide assistance in case of complication.
-Keep proper records.
98 State and give four uses of materials collected by bees. *TRZ*
Nectar-Food and making honey.
Pollen grains-food for queen and brood
Propolis-Fill cracks/crevices on hive.
Water-Cool hive/make honey/drinking.
Tree resins / gum – Fill cracks / crevices on hive
99 Give the terms used to describe the young one of the following livestock. *VHG*
 Kindling
 Fingerling
 Kid
 Fowl (4 x ½ = 2mks)
100 State four reasons for feeding bees. *VHG*
 Maintain colony
 Encourage multiplication
 Supplement what bees get from foraging
 Provide food to bees during dry season. 4 x ½ = 2mks
101 Describe the procedure which should be followed to castrate a three week
old piglet using surgical method. *VHG*
Clean the scrotal area
Disinfect the area.
Squeeze each testicle within the crotum
Use a sterilized scalpel / razor blade
Make a vertical incision on th scrotum
Squeeze the testicle from the spermatic cord by scraping the spermatic cord with a scalped of a
razor blade.
Repeat the same procedure to remove the other testicle.
Disinfect the wound.
Apply healing oil / tar to the wound.
102 Outline three factors considered in the sitting of a fish pond. *VHG*
— Water supply — water flowing freely is suitable to ensure enough oxygen supply.
— Slope of the land, so that water can flow under the force of gravity.
— Soil — clay soil is the best for fish farming as it does not allow water to seep through.
b) Describe seven management practices carried out on a fish pond to maximize the
harvest. *VHG*
— Repairing the dyke or any structure on it.
— Cleaning the pond and removing all foreign materials.
— Planting grass where necessary.
— Removing undesirable vegetation
— Removing the silt.
— Fencing all round to keep predators away and unauthorized persons.
— Control the pH of the pond.
c) Using the heat method, describe the procedure of processing honey. *VHG*
— Heat some water in a su1uria and boil.
— Put honey combs in plastic basin.
— Put the plastic container with honey combs on the boiling water.
— Heat until most of the honey melts.
— Avoid overheating to darken the honey
— Separate the melted honey from the combs by straining through a muslin cloth.
— Keep honey in a container to cool down.
— Remove the wax layer that may form on the surface of the honey.
— NB- Use plastic / glass container toaintain the quality of honey
103 Give four construction features necessary in a fish pond. *MGR*
- Should have an inlet for fresh water supply
- Should have an outlet to drain away water
- Should have a spillway channel to remove excess water
- Should have a sieve to prevent fish from escaping or unwanted fish coming in
- Should have a fence to prevent predators.
- Should have grass to stabilize it
- Should have a dyke to prevent erosion.
104 Distinguish between cropping and Harvesting in fish farming. *MGR*
Cropping is the removal of only marketable size fish were while harvesting is the removal
of all fish by draining a pond.
105 Sate four methods of dehorning. *MGR*
- Using a dehorning iron
- Rubbing caustic potash onto the horn buds
- Use of dehorning coloidon
- Use of elastrator and rubbering
- Sawing / use of dehorning wire / hacksaw.
106 Describe the management practice that would ensure maximum yield of fish in a fish pond.
- Controlling predators such as snakes
- Providing adequate balanced feed
- Supplying fertilizers and time to encourage growth of Planktons
- Keeping only one species of fish in a pond
- Cropping only marketable size fish
- Controlling weeds and any other vegetation
- Fencing the pond to keep off thieves and intruders.
- Draining the pond for occasional maintenance
- using the correct method of cropping fish / use seine nets.
107 Explain five factors that a farmer should consider when siting a bee hive to prevent swarming
of bees. *MGR*
Nearness to source of flowers -for them to obtain vectors easily without struggling
over a longer distances.
Nearness to source of water - since they need water to synthesize honey
In a well sheltered place -free from direct sun heat that may melt the combs
Away from roads and homesteads -to avoid disturbing noises.
Clean environment -free from filthiness and bad odour that may
cause swarming.
Security -Should be secure against intruders and pests such
As honey badgers, ants, house e.t.c.
108 Explain three routine livestock feeding practices carried out when rearing livestock.
Flushing -Providing a high quality feed to a cow during mating to increase chances
of conception e.t.c.
Steaming up -Providing high quality feeds to cows towards last stages of pregnancy /
gestation for energy build up.
Creep feeding - Providing colostrums and balanced return to young animals from birth to
109 State any two reasons why ewes disown lambs. *KGP*
Sickness / Injury
Lack of enough feeds for the mother.
Discomfort of the mother due to the parasites.
Lack of enough milk
110 List any four qualities of good creep feed. *KGP*
High digestible
High energy content
Highly palatable
Contain high digestible crude protein
Rich in mineral e.g Iron
Supply vitamins e.g A, B & D
111 Outline four ways of restraining cattle during routine management. *KGP*
Use of ropes / hatters / casting
Use of headstick and bull ring
Use of a crushes
Use of a headyoke
Use of holding / Isolation /pen / yard.
112 Give four methods used in vaccine administratio *NYD*

-Orally by mixing with drinking water /feed

-By injections e.g . intramuscular on the neck region
-Inhalation in fume form (intra- nasallly)
-Through the cloaca
-Through the eye (intra-ocularly).
113 The diagram below shows a cross section of a fish pond .Use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the parts labeled P and Q. *NYD*

P– Spill way

Q – Drainage pipe

(b) Why is the pond floor slanted toward one side. *NYD*

-To ensure continuous flow of water from the upper to the lower area
-To provide a shallow end for feeding the fish.
(c) Explain two maintenance practices carried out on the fish pond . *NYD*

-Planting grass on the wall to prevent soil erosion

-Remove weeds growing around the pond to reduce competition for nutrients , light and
-Proper fencing to keep off predators an thieves.
-Cleaning the pond to remove foreign particles and other foreign organisms
-Maintaining a constant level of water to ensure enough water for fish requirements.


1 Give four methods of treating timber for construction. *SYA*
- Drying
- Sap Displacement Method
- Pressure Vacuum Treatment
- Hot and Cold Soaking
- Chemical Treatment (4 x ½ = 2mks)
2 State two maintenance practices of farm store *SYA*
2 Maintenance of farm stores
- Regular cleaning
- Clear vegetation around the stores
- Repair broken part
- Repair cracks on the walls (2 x 1/2 = 2mks)
3 Name two components of a building truss *SYA*
3 Components of building truss
- Rafter battern
- Rafter
- Tie beam
- Strut
- Cross tie
- Ridge piece (2x ½ =1mk

4 Describe any six parts and functions of a zero grazing unit *SYA*
4 Parts and functions of a zero grazing unit *SYA*
1. Milking stall- used for restraining cows during milking
2. ‘Calf pens- for rearing calves up to 16 wks
3. Sleeping cubicles — for providing shelter to animals
4. Loafing area- for resting and dunging
5. Feed and water trough- for feeding and watering livestock
5 State four advantages of concrete walls over wooden walls in farm buildings. *NYR*
5 Advantages of concrete walls over wooden walls in farm buildings.
-Stronger, durable
-Resistant to insect/fungal attack
-Fire proof
-Weather resistant impermeable to water. (4x ½ =2mks)
6 State four qualities of an ideal pig house. *NYR*
6 Qualities of an ideal pig house
-Free from draughts
-easy to clean
-Have enough space
-Dry and warm
-Sited in a well drained area
-Well ventilated. (4x ½=2mks)

7 State four factors you would consider at the time of planning to construct a poultry house.
7 Factors to consider when planning constructing a poultry house.
-Size of the enterprise
-Potential of expansion
-Accesibilitity. (4x ½ =2mks)
8 The following diagram shows parts of a roof .Study it carefully and answers the questions
that follow; *NYR*

Name parts labeled C, D, and E

C-wall plate ( ½ mk)
D-Strut (½ mk)
E-Rafter (½ mk)
9 Describe seven factors to consider when selecting materials for construction. *NYR*

9 Factors to consider when selecting materials for construction

-Strength of the material
-Durability of the material
-Workability of the material
-Availability of the material
-Cost of the material
-Suitability of the material
-Suitability of each type of material to the prevailing weather condition. (7x1=7mks)
10 Name two wood preservatives. *BMT*

10 - Creosote
- Tar
- Copper sulphate
- Pentachlorophenol
- Old engine oil
- Sodium sulphate 2x ½ =1mk
11 Describe the functions of various components of plunge dip.
11 Components of plunge dip
Collection pen- Is where animals to be dipped are assembled/ collected
Entrance race- Directs animals towards the dip tank/ animals enter dip through entrance
- Has a foot bath containing clean water which cleans the feet of animals before they jump
into dip wash.
Dip tank/ swim bath- Contains clip wash in which animal plunges and gets
completely submerged.
Exist ramp- is sloppy with steps for animals to climb up from swim bath.
Draining race- Animals from swim bath stop here for a while to allow the excess dip-wash
and their bodies to drip/ drain off and flow back into the swim bath.
Roof cover dip tank- Prevents evaporate of dip wash
- Prevent dilution of the dip wash by rain water.
- Important for rain water harvesting
1mk for each component named and explained 1x 6=6mks
12 Why is it important to have the following in a farrowing pen?
i) Guard rails

ii)Creep feed area.

12 Guard raies
Prevents sow from lying on the piglets
Prevents sow from reaching the creep area.

ii)Creep area.
Ensure only piglets can access the creep feed .
For provision of warmth

13 Study the illustration below and answer the questions that follow.
a)Name the parts labeled O, P, Q and R. *BTR*
b)What is the ratio of the ingredients used in making concrete for part labelled V?

c)What is the function of the part labelled L? *BTR*

13 (a) O-Struct
R-Rafter bracket
(4 x ½ =2 marks)

(b)Cement :Sand:aggregate
1 : 2 : 4 (1x1 =1mark)
Cement 1 part,
Sand 2 parts
Gravel/aggregate 4 parts
(mark if all are correct)

c)To provide reinforcement to the wall against cracks /split

(1x1 =1mark)
14 Explain factors considered when sitting up farm structures *BTR*
-certain enterprises should be located where they are secured e.g poultry house, rabbit


-livestock homes should be located on the leeward side of the famers house

-The stracture should be easily reached for ease movement of materials to and from the

-farm stractures should be near existing amenities for ease communication e.g. roads ,
electricity, water, e.t.c.


-farm stracture should be located in such a way that it serves the purpose for which it is
meant for.

-Government regulation should be strictly followed in accordance to the laid regulations.


-Supporting stractures should be close to one another for ease management.


-Enough land should be set aside to allow for future expansion.

-Locate the stracture on infertile soil and firm ground.


-firm stractues should be sited in such a way that sun rays can reach the stracture easily
e.g.a calf pen
-The stracture should be located in a place which is pleasing to the farmer.
(any 7 correct factor 7x1/2 =3 ½ .correct explanation=3 ½ )

15 Name two components of a building truss. *BMT*

15 Strut; -Rafter; kingpost
Tie; -Rafter batter; Any 2x1=2mks

16 Discuss the structural requirements of a good calf pen *BMT*

16 Concrete floors
Adequate space
Single housing
Properly lit
Proper drainage
Draught free
Leak proof roof
Any five points discussed 5x2=10mks
17 Give four reasons for choosing corrugated iron sheets for roofing farm stores instead of tiles.
17 Reasons for choosing corrugated iron sheets for roofing farm stores instead of tiles.

-Iron sheets are lighter

-Iron sheets are cheaper to buy and maintain
-Iron sheets are easily available
-Iron sheets are easy to work with / require less skills to use.
-Easily maintained.
(4x ½ = 2mks)
18 List four tools used for laying concrete blocks when constructing a wall. *EMB*
18 List four tools used for laying concrete blocks when constructing a wall.
-Spirit level
-Plumb bob
-Mason’s square
-Masons hammer
-Masons chisel
(4x ½ = 2mks)
19 List four types of calf pens. *EMB*
19 Types of calf pens.
-Raised calf pens with slatted floors
-Permanent calf pens with concrete floor
-Movable calf pens
-Temporary calf pens.
(4x ½ = 2mks)
20 List any four farm structures that are necessary for holding dairy animals. *EMB*
20 Farm structures that are necessary for holding dairy animals.
-Kraal / cattle sheds / holding yards / night bomas
-Milking shed / milking parlour
-Calf pens.
(4x ½ = 2mks)
21 Describe parts of a cattle dip. *EMB*
21 Parts of a cattle dip.
-Animal holding yard - for holding animals before dipping
-Foot bath - Wash the feet of the animals before they get into the dip wash to remove
mud, dung; Has chemicals -copper Sulphate solution / formalin to control
foot rot disease
-The jump – Allows animals to jump singly into then dip tank
-Dip tank – Immersing animals in a dip wash containing an acaricide to control
external parasites.
-Draining race – Allow the dip wash to drip off the animal’s body and drain back to
the dip tank as the animals walk through.
-Drying yard – Animals are held for a while before contamination of the pastures.
-Soil trap outlet –Traps any mud, dung from the dip wash before it flows back into the dip
-Dip tank shelter – Prevents evaporation of the dip wash. Avoid dilution of the dip wash by
rain water
-Water tank – used for storing water either from the roof catchment or other source.
-Waste pit – Used as a damping site for sediments from the dip tank.

(½ mark naming the part)

(½ mk for stating the use)
10x1= 10mks)
22 State three maintenance practices that should be carried out on a feed trough. *KKG*.
22 • Painting metallic parts
• Regular washing.
• Repair broken parts/cracks.
• Replace lost parts.
23 List three types of calf pens.
• Permanent calf pen.
• Movable calf pen.
• Concrete floor calf pen.
• Slatted floor calf pen
24 The diagram below shows a type of a farm structure. Study the diagram and answer the
questions that follow. *KKG*

24 a) Identify the type of structure shown. *KKG*

A greenhouse

b) State the function of the structure. *KKG*

Creation of micro-climate effects which are conducive for production of horticultural
crops (1x1=1mk)

c) Name two materials used to construct the structure. *KKG*

Metal/wooden frames

d) List any two maintenance practices that should be carried out on the structure *KKG*
-repair/replace broken frames
-replace torn polythene materials
-clean dirty polythene sheets

25 Name and describe the features of an ideal calf pen. *KKG*

25 • Concrete/raised stated floor - Easy to maintain cleanliness.
• Dry litter/bedding — Maintain warmth.
• Proper lighting — should have good supply of natural light/sunlight.
• Proper drainage — facilitates free flow of urine and water to avoid dampness.
• Draught free — the structure should stop strong winds from blowing into the calf pen.
Proper ventilation — Structure should allow for fresh air circulation.
• Security — should be strong enough to keep away intruders/wild animals.
26 Give four structural requirement of a good farm store *KRC*
26 -Water proof
-Rodent free
-Easy to clean
-Properly ventilated
-Easy to load and off load
-Secure with minimized theft
27 Give four disadvantages of using steel materials in construction of farm buildings. *KRC*

27 -More expensive
-Require a lot of skills to work with
-It is prone to rusting
-it is not easily available
-It is heavy and difficult to transport
28 Study the illustration below of a hand floor foundation of a farm structure.

28 (a) Name the parts labeled *KRC*

R-Damp proof course(PVC)

T-Hard core
W-Concreate screed

(b) State three advantages of concrete floor

-Fire proof
-Easy to clean
30 List three precautions taken when seasoning timber by air for construction. *KSS*
30 Precautions in seasoning timber
- provide roofed shade to keep off direct sunshine or rain
- Stack timber in heaps supported off the ground to allow free air circulation.
- Separate the timber using wooden rods (sticks) to allow passage of air.
- Keep the support and rods close to avoid sliding and bending
(3 x ½ = 1 ½ mks)
31 State four livestock management practices carried out in a crush. *KSS*

31 Management practices in a crush

- Hand dressing
- drenching / deworming / dosing against internal parasites
- Vaccination
- Identification e.g branding
- Pregnancy diagnosis
- Artificial insemination (AI)
- Milking
- Dehorning
- Collection of semen
- Taking body temperature
- Hoof trimming
(First 4x ½ = 2mks)
32 Study the illustration below and answer the questions that follow.

32 (a) Identify the parts D, E, F and G

D – Rafter
E – crosstie
F – Purlin
G – gutter
(4x ½ = 2mks)
(b) State two uses of the part F. *KSS*
- To support roofing materials
- To ensure that roofing materials are firmly held after nailing unto the iron sheets.
(2 x ½ = 1mk)
(c) Outline two reasons why it is important to have the structure labeled G at the edge of the
roofing material. *KSS*

To collect water to be stored in water tanks

To prevent rain water from splashing directly on the walls
(2x ½ = 1mk)
33 Describe the functions of the various types of pens in a piggery unit. *KSS*
33 Farrowing pen – For farrowing and rearing piglets
Boar’s pen – Houses the boar and used for mating
Weaner’s / Fattener’s pen – houses piglets from weaning to marketing stage.
Gilt’s pen - Houses young females / gilts upto service age / 12 months
In-pig pen - Houses pregnant pigs before they are moved to the furrowing pen.
(4x2 = 8mks)
34 Describe the procedure of constructing a barbed wire fence. *KSS*
34 - Locate the area to be fenced off.
- Measure the area and determine the amount of material needed.
- Mark out the fencing posts and locate the gates.
- Dig the holes using soil auger to a depth of 0.6m deep or appropriate depth.
- Put the poles / posts in the holes and align them using a string making sure the
fence is straight.
- Reinforce the poles / posts with concrete or affirm the soil all around them till they
are firm.
- Lay out the barbed wire leaving a space of 24-36cm between each wire line
although this can vary.
- Drive in the staples or fencing nails
- Brace the corner and gate posts securely to ensure proper wire tension
- Use wire strainer to tighten the wire
- Install the gates
35 Give two structural requirements of a pig sty. *MGR*
35 - Concrete floors
- Free from draught
- Adequate space for the pigs
- A well drained floor
½ x4=2mks
36 Study the illustration of a farm structure below and answer the questions that follow.

36 i) Name the parts labelled M, D, R and T *MGR*

Parts M- king post
D- wall plate
R- Cross tie
T- Apex or ridge
ii) State the functions of the parts labelled C, D, E and F. *MGR*

C- prevents rain from falling on the wall

D- Supports the roof/ structure
E- Provides support for roofing materials
F- To support the raft/ hold the weight of the roof.
iii) Name four chemical preservatives used to treat the wooden parts of the structure against
insects and fungi damage. *MGR*
- Paint
- Sodium dichromate
- Arsenic pentoxide
- Old engine oil
- Tribatyl trioxide
37 State the importance of the following nursery practices
37 (a) Root trimming *KKG*
Encourages development of short dense and strong rooting system for faster establishment
after transporting
To facilitate /ease lifting of seedlings/minimize root damage during transplanting
b) Hardening off *KKG*
Hardening off—To prepare the seedlings for the harsh conditions expected in the field/to
reduce death of seedlings during transplanting (lxi = lmk)
(c) Pricking out *KKG*
Pricking out — Reduces competition for light/space/nutrients To encourage strong and
healthy seedlings
38 Farm structures necessary for handling dairy animals*KKG*
38 • Crush
• Calf pen
• Fences
• Cattle shed
• Milking shed
39 Study the illustration below and answer the questions that follow.

39 (a) Identify the parts labeled D and E *KKG*

Parts labeled
D - Rafter
E - Cross tie
(b) State TWO uses of part labeled F *KKG*
Uses of part F
40 Study carefully the illustration below and answer the questions that follow.

40 (a). Identify the parts labeled J and K.

J- Rafter
K- Tie beam/cross tie
b) State the use of the part labeled L
Receive hold the roofing materials
-Hold the trusses in position
c) State TWO reasons why it is important to have the structure labeled M at the edge of
roofing materials.
—To collect rain water from the roof
- To prevent rain water from splashing soil onto the walls by preventing direct impact
2 x 1 = 2mks

41 Explain five uses of a farm fence. *NYR*

41 Uses of a farm fence
• To mark boundaries.
• Perimeter fence demarcates the farm land from the neighbours to prevent land disputes
• For privacy and security
-fences keep off wild animals and other intruders
• Separate crop land from pastures
-This prevents animals from destroying crops
• To divide pasture land into paddocks
-this facilitates rotational grazing.
• Restrict animal movement.
-this helps control the spread of parasites and diseases by keeping off stray animals.
• Isolation of sick animals.
-this prevents animals mixing with the sick to avoid disease spread.
• Facilitate controlled breeding-animals are separated according to age and sex to allow
the farmer to decide on when to breed.
(Mark as a whole) first five 5 x 2 = 10 marks (stating and explaining)
42 three reasons for seasoning timber before use.
42 - Prevent pest, fungal and moisture attack
- Prevent timber from cracking
- Prevent decaying in timber
- Prevent warping
- Increase strength and durability (mark first three)
43 State four factors that would determine the type of fence to be created in a farm. *HBY**
43 - Availability of fencing materials
- Type of enterprise
- Cost of material
- Security of the area
- Aesthetic value desired/ farmers taste and preference
44 State four properties of concrete that makes it more suitable in constructing permanent farm
structure. *HBY**
44 - Good thermal insulator/ poor heat conduct
- Not flammable/ Good fire resistant/ absorb a lot of heat without burning
- Can be moulded into different shapes/ easily worked into different shapes when wet
- Not susaptible to abrasion effect
- Easy to clean
- Resistant to pest and weather elements.
45. Give the importance of a good ventilation in an animal house.
45 - Allows efficient air circulation
- Regulate temperature in the house
46 Outline four measure that can be taken to minimise the problem of high lamb mortality in
sheep production.
46 - Proper feeding ewes in last two months of pregnancy/ flushing
- Proper feeding of lambs to avoid starvation
- Keeping lambs warm in a warm house/ pen
- Provide proper sanitation to avoid worm infestation.
- Vaccination of ewes against anti-toxoemia
47 Describe material requirement for the construction of a piggery unit. (6mks)

47 - The floor; their may be made of timber, stones, bricks or concrete

- The wall; can be made of timber, stones, bricks or concrete
- Dunging area; should be outside the pen but under the roof floor made of concrete.
- The roof; should be leak proof, protect pigs against sun rain and extreme temperature
variation. Made of iron sheet and insulated with grass/ gunny bags.
- Guard rails; installed in farrowing quarters/ pens
- Feeding troughs; made of concrete.
48 Outline six limitation of live fence on the farm.
48 - May take long to establish.
- Not suitable in sub-dividing land into paddocks.
- May habour pests and predators.
- Creates hiding places for thieves.
- Labour demanding in trimming
- May have shading effect on crops
- May leave some gaps if growth is irregular
- May compete for nutrients with desired crops
- Some may injure both animals and farmer e.g kei apple
49 State four structural requirement of a calf. *MRU**

49 (i) Should be spacious

(ii) Properly lit

(iii) Drought free

(iv) Leak proof

(v) Well ventilated

50. The diagram below represents a calf pen. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.

(a) (i) Identify the type of floor. *MRU**

(i) Slatted floor 1x ½ = ½ mk

(ii) How high should the floor be raised above the ground level. *MRU**

(ii) 40-60cm high 1x ½ = ½ mk

(b) State three factors that should be considered when siting the calf pen. *MRU**

(i) Prevailing direction of the wind

(ii) Safety / security

(iii) Proximity to dairy shed / accessibility of dairy shed

(iv) Drainage (well drained)

51 Describe ten factors a farmer should consider when selecting materials for construction of a
dairy cattle shed. *MRU**

51 (i) Cost of material to be used

(ii) Availability of required skill/ labour

(iii) Availability of capital for the kind of material

(iv) Availability of material required

(v) Environmental conditions such as presence of pests, soil type, climate.

(vi) Durability / quality / strength of material

(vii) Type of the dairy shed – whether temporary or permanent

(viii) Workability / applicability of the material

(ix) Farmers choice and preference

(x) Toxicity of the materials to the animal e.g use of non-toxic painting material like the white
(xi) Suitability of the material to do the work in question

any 10x1=10mks

52 (a) State four advantages of using corrugated iron sheets for roofing instead of asbestos.
52a) - Non-poisonous and useful in water harvesting.
- Light to avoid roof overloading.
- Easily available.
- Need less skilled labor.
(b) Give two reasons for spreading a polythene paper in the slab of farm buildings. *KSS*
52b) - Prevent moisture from rising up.
- Prevent coldness from ascending.
- Control the rising of termites.
53 State four characteristics of a good pig sty *SYA*
53 -Well ventilated
-Free from drought
-Easy to clean
-Well drained
-Leak proof
54 The diagram below illustrates a farm structure .Study it and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Identify the structure *MRU*
(b) State Six management practices carried out in the above structure *MRU*
-Administration of prophylactic drugs
-Artificial injection
-Checking body temperatures
-Close injection
-Hoof trimming
(c) Give one maintenance practice carried on the above structure *MRU*
-Replace any broken timber frames
-Fill any potholes on the floor
-Clear the vegetation around the crush
55 Outline Five factors considered when selecting constructions materials *MRU*
55 -Availability of the material
-Durability of the materials
-Cost of the materials
-Strength of the material
-Sustainability of each type material
-Working of the materials.
56 State four factors that lower the quality of concrete. *TRZ*
56 -Foreign material/impurities.
-Quick drying.
-Inappropriate mixing ratio.
-Large size of individual aggregates.
-Wet ground/muddy soil.
57 Name the breeding system involved in each of the following cases.
a) A freshian sire from Kenya mated with freshian dam from Holland. *TRZ*
Out breeding/out crossing.
b) A Zebu sire(Father) mated with a Zebu daughter. *TRZ*
58 Name four plants used in establishment of live fence. *TRZ*
58 -Cypress.
-Mauritius thorn.

59 State four reasons of feeding bees. *TRZ*

59 -Maintain the colony.
-Encourage multiplication.
-Supplementation from foraging.
-Provide food during drought.
60 Study the illustration of the farm structure below and answer the questions that follow.

(i) Name the parts A, B, C and D.

C- Wall plates
D- Strut.
(ii) State the functions of the parts A to D *VHG*
 A-Support the roofing materials
 B- Prevents rain from falling on the wall
 C- To support the roof
 D- Support rafters / hold weight of the roofs.
61 a) Describe the uses of the various tools used in the fixing of barbed wire fence on the
posts. *VHG*
61a) — Monkey strainer is used for stretching of the wire.
— Claw hammer is used in the driving of tapples.
— Tape measure is used in the measuring of distances between strands.
— Plier is used in the cutting of barbed wire.
b) Outline eight uses of fences in the farm. *VHG*
b) — Demarcating boundaries.
— Keep off wild animals
— Separate field crops from pastures
— Used to divide pastures into paddocks.
— Controls trespassers
— Control spread of parasites
— Isolate sick animals
— Control breeding
— Provide security.
62 Give three dimerits of using stones as a construction material in the farm. *MGR*

62 - Are bulky hence expensive to transport

- Requires a lot of labour to shape them
- Requires high level skills when using to construct.
63 Give four factors considered when construction a dairy shed. *MGR*
64 - Should be specious to allow room for exercise
- Should have adequate feeding and watering space
- Should have a feed, drug and equipment stores
- Calf pens should be near the dairy shed / should be calf pens.
- Should have concrete floors
- There should be provision for waste disposal
- There should be a resting area for cows
- Milking area should be separate from the feeding, watering and exercise area.
65 The diagram below shows a type of a farm gate. Study the diagram and answer the questions
that follow.

(a) Identify the type of gate shown. *MGR*

Barbed wire gate
(b) Name the parts labeled C and D. *MGR*

C – standard post
D – Kingpost
(c) State one function of the parts labeled E and F.
E – prevents sagging of wires
F – Supports the kingpost
66 Give two reasons for having a footbath in a cattle deep. *KGP*
66 Clean feet of animals
Control foot rot
67 Differentiate between the following tool *KGP*
a) Bastard file Rasp file
For smoothening Metal For smoothing wood
b) Copying Saw Hacksaw
cutting curves in wood For cutting metals /plastics

68 Give two reasons for seasoning timber before it is used for construction *KGP*
68 -To prevent warping/bending
-To prevent rotting due to fungal attack
-To prevent insect damage

69 State four functions of ventilation in animal houses. *KGP*

69 - prevent humid conditions
- allow enough light
- control temperature in the house
- allow efficient air circulation
70 The illustration below shows an animal handling structure. Study it and answer the following

(a) Identify the structure illustrated. *KGP*

70a) Holding crush / crush ( ½ x 1 = ½ mk)
(b) State four operations given to the animals when confined in the above structure.
b) - Spraying to control ticks
- Vaccination to control diseases / internal parasites.
- Carrying out artificial insemination
- Drenching the animals
- Dehorning
- Castration
- Hoof trimming
No mark for milking (4x ½ = 2mks)
(c) Name two other farm structures which can be used for controlling external parasites
other than the one shown above. *KGP*
c) - The splash dip
- The spray race
- The fences. (2x ½ = 1mk)
(d) State one maintenance practice carried out in the structure shown above. *KGP*
d) - Keep posts and raids firms
- apply old engine oil to avoid attack by fungi / weather to the pests and raids
- Cut down all the grass nearby. (1x ½ = ½ mks)
(e) Give at least two equipments required for the building of the above structure.*KGP*
e) - Hammer
- Auger
- Fencing pliers
- A cross cut saw
- A panga / Matchete (2 x ½ = 1mk)
71 What factors should a farmer consider when selecting materials for construction of a
dairy cattle shed.
71 Cost of the material used
- Availability of the capital to carry the material
- Availability of the required material
- Environmental conditions e.g pests, soil type, climate
- Durability / strength of the material
- Type of dairy shed whether temporary / permanent
- Suitability of the material to the animal e.g use of non-toxic painting.
- Toxicity of the material to the animal e.g use of non-toxic painting material like the
white wash.
- Workability / applicability of the material
- Farmers taste and preference.
72 Describe the procedure followed when establishing a barbed wire fence *KGP*
72 - Clear a 2m wide fence line
- Layout the fence / mark using pegs
- Determine the position of gates and passes
- Dig holes to the required depth and spacing.
- Place treated posts in holes
- Ensure the posts are upright
- Mix concrete at a ratio of 1:3:5 cement, sand and ballast.
- Place the concrete in the holes / put soil in the holes and ram.
- Nail barbed wire onto the posts using fencing staple while stretching using a wire
- Fix the lower strand of wire first using it as a guide to fix the next until required
number is attained. (10 x1 =10mks)
73 Name four parts of a roof a building *NYD*

73 -King post
-Cross tie/ beam
-Rafter battern
-Ridge piece
1 For each of the following, identify the land tenure described: *SYA*
a) The land has not been consolidated, adjudicated or registered but is gazette
1a) State ownership
b) A person has legal fights to the ownership and exclusive use of the land and has title deed
under his name.
b) Individual owner operator

2 State four advantages of individual owner operator tenure system. *NYR*

2 Advantages of individual owner operator.
i) Soil conservation measures are practiced.
ii) Methods of farming are more modern than communal land tenure.
iii) Returns from inputs are high.
iv) Farmers acquire credit easily by use of title deed as security.
v) Pests and diseases are controlled. (4x ½ =2mks)
3 Give four disadvantages of minimum tillage. *NYR*
3 i) Disadvantages of minimum tillage
ii) It leads to the buildup of rhizomatous weeds.
iii) It causes poor soil aeration.
iv) It leads to poor water drainage. (4x ½ =2mks)
4 Explain five causes of land fragmentation in Kenya. *NYR*
4 Causes of land fragmentation in Kenya
i) Inheritance-farmers sub divide the land to the rest of family leading to owning of
small plots
ii) Selling and buying of small portions of land-is necessitated by financial
iii) Shifting cultivation-leads to individual farmers having many pieces of land in
different locations.
iv) Compensation by the government-If a portion of land is taken for public utility, a
farmer may be given alternative land elsewhere.
v) Government setting the landless-the government may subdivide large piece of land
to settle the landless. (5x1=5mks)
5 Give FOUR objectives of undertaking land settlement in Kenya. *BMT*
5 i) To settle the landless
ii) to increase agricultural production.
iii) To ease population pressure.
iv) To improves peoples standards of living .
(4 x ½ mks)

6 Explain Eight advantages of land consolidation. *BMT*

6 i) Title deed obtained can be used to secure funds for improvement.

ii) Economical to operate land under large single units .
iii)Long term enterprises can be undertaken
iv) Extension officer can provide advise easily.
v) possible to make sound farm plans
vi)It saves on transport cost./
vii)There is proper supervision under a single unit
viii)Fencing and permanent structures can be made
(6 x1 ) = 6mks.
7 List the disadvantages of individual owner-operator land tenure system. *BTR*
7 - Limited capital for farm development.
- Unequal land distribution is common.
- Innovation may be inadequate due to low levels of education.
- Loss of land parcel is common with farmers who borrow to much and experience problem
of repayment. (4x1/2=2marks)
8 Name two forms of collective land tenure system in Kenya. *EMB*
8 Forms of collective land tenure system in Kenya.
- Communal land tenure system
- Co-operative land tenure system
(2 x ½ = 1mk)
9 Distinguish between land settlement and land resettlement. *KKG*

9 Land settlement is the occupation of land which was previously uninhabited.

- Land resettlement is the movement of people from highly populated areas to sparsely populated areas

10 State four advantages of individual owner operator land tenure system. *KKG*

10 -The owner uses title deed to secure loan.

- Owner can make permanent production plan.

- Sole ownership motivates farmer to work hard in terms of land improvement

- owner can sell part of or whole land.

11 State two objectives of land redistribution in Kenya. *KSS*

11 To ease population pressure from over populated areas.

- To increase agricultural production through making better use of uninhabited or idle
- To create employment – when people are given land to do farming they get self
- To control tse tse flies – when land is cultivated it became a barrier to the movement of
tsetse flies. (Any 2x1=2mks)
12 Mention four causes of land fragmentation in Kenya. *MGR*
12 -Credit facilities
-Subsidizing farm inputs.
13 Paying debts
13 Balance sheet-shows financial position and what the business is worth.
Inventory-records all the assets and valuing of farm property.
Cash book-Record all the cash transactions in the farm.
14 State TWO ways in which inorganic mulch helps to conserve water in the soil *KKG*
14 Prevents evaporation of water Reduces surface runoff thus increasing water filtration into the soil
(2x1/2 = 1mk)
15 Define rogueing *KKG*
15 Rogueing is the removal and destruction of plants that are diseased/have undesirable
characteristics from a field of growing crops (lxl-1mk)
16 Differentiate apiculture and aquaculture as used in agricultural production *KKG*

16 Apiculture refers to rearing of bees while aquaculture is the practice of fish keeping
17 State FIVE objectives of land tenure reforms in Kenya *KKG*
17 • To increase land productivity and labour productivity
• To promote commercial farming
• To encourage high investment in agriculture
• To enhance efficient utilization of land
• To settle the landless
• To encourage conser,,aticn measures of land and general improvement
• To encourage farmers to invest more through offering scarcity of tenure
• To achieve fertility in farming patterns to meet the changing national market
demands. (5x1=5mks)
18 Give FOUR benefits of a title deed to a farmer *KKG*
18 - Acts as security to obtain agricultural credit and loans
- The farmer can sale part or whole of his land
- reduces land disputes
- gives security of tenure
-The owner has incentive in farming soil conservations and improvement of land
19 Methods of land reforms. *NYR*
19 - Land tenure reform.
- Land consolidation.
- Land adjudication and registration.
- Settlement and resettlement
- Tenancy reforms. 3x½=1½.
20 Outline five requirements for the success of settlement schemes. * MRC*

20 (i) There should be high population pressure

(ii) There should be adequate economic incentive to persevere

(iii) The social costs of moving from home community and the discipline imposed for
sound agriculture and extra effort.

(iv) Settlers should come from far distances from the schemes in order to be able to break
from traditional society and stay on the scheme

(v) Settlers should have enough capital

21 Explain influence of Biological measures in soil and water conservation. * MRC*

21 (i) Mulching

(ii) Grass strip / filter strip

(iii) Cover cropping

(iv) Contour farming

(v) Cropping system

(vi) Strip cropping

(vii) Grassed / vegetated water ways

(viii) Afforestation / reafforestation

(viii) Agroforestry

22 State four factors conditions that can lead to land fragmentation and subdivision of
Agricultural land in Kenya *KSS*
22 Inheritance of land .
23 State two benefits of a farmer having a Title deed will get *SYA*
23 -Security of land ownership
-Farmers can carry out a long term investments
-Minimize land dispute
-Can be used as security to obtain loan
24 State Three causes of land fragmentation *MRU*
24 -Shifting cultivations
-Traditional systems.
-Population pressure on a limited land.
-Accumulation of land holding.
-Payment of debts.
25 State Three objectives of land redistribution or settlement *MRU*
25 To ease population pressure from overpopulated area by transferring people to sparsely
populated or inhibited areas.
-To increase agricultural production
-To create employment
-To form tsetse fly consolidated barriers.
- To settle the land less people.
26 a) Describe how land adjudication and land registration is carried out in Kenya. *TRZ*
26a) -Committees/land control board decides on land each person should get.
-Surveyors give the list of people and the size of land each should get.
-Beacons are laid down by surveyors.
-Land is subdivided and boundaries market on the ground.
-Final map of the plot set to land register.
-Land registrar receives land survey maps from surveyors.
-Title deeds/land certificates issued.
b) State and explain any five factors that affect the effectiveness of herbicides. *TRZ*
26b) i) Stage of plant growth.
-Young plants are more susceptible.
ii) Plant morphology.
-Determine the point of contact and retention of herbicides.
iii) Physiological factors.
-Some plants are able to break down herbicides while others absorb them very
iv) Selectivity of herbicides.
-Some are selective and only injure some plants.
v) Mode of action.
-Contact herbicides are less effective in controlling weeds since they don’t reach
the roots.
vi) Environmental factors-rain, light, high temperature.
vii) Concentration-Should have proper concentration.
27 Name two methods of land reforms practiced in Vihiga County. *VHG*
27 (i) Land tenure reforms/land ownership.
(ii) Land consolidation.
(iii) Land sub-division/demarcation.
(iv) Land adjudication and registration.
(v) Resettlement.
28 Give three advantages of individual owner operator land tenure system. *MGR*
28 (i) Provides greatest incentive in farming / conservation and land improvement
(ii) Acts as security to obtain agricultural credits on loans
(iii) Owner has long term investment in land.
(iv) Owner can sell or give away whole or part of the land.
29 Give two reasons why communal land ownership affect the productivity of livestock. *KGP*
29 - It would lead to uncontrolled breeding resulting to poor performance.
- Pastures would be developed leading to inadequacy hence poor productivity.
- Farmers don’t bother controlling parasites leading to emaciation of animals hence
poor performance.
- Farmers do not bother controlling diseases leading to loss of livestock hence low
30(a) Name four pieces of information contained in a land title deed. *NYD*
30a) -The size of the land in Ha.
-The land parcel number
-The type of ownership
-Seal of the land registrar
-Date of registration
-Name and identify card of the owner.
(b) Name two forms of collective land tenure system. *NYD*
30b) -Communal land tenure
-Co-oprative land tenure
31 Explain two ways in which cover crops help to reduce soil erosion. *NYD*
31 -Reduce impact of rain drops or splash erosion
-Reduce the velocity or speed of run – off water.
32 Name four types of terraces constructed in the farm. *NYD*
32 -Fanya juu
-Broad based
-Narrow based
-Bench terraces
-Graded terraces.


1 State four effects of sail erosion on the economy of Kenya. *SYA*
1 - Loss of soil fertility
- Sedimentation of dams and lakes
- Destruction of transport network e.g roads and railways
- Property damage and loss of life.
- Pollution of water bodies
2 Describe the various practices that help conserve soil in the farm.
2 Practices-that help conserve soil in the farm.
i) Mulching - reduces speed-of run -off as welt as the impact of raindrops.
ii) Contour farming- reduces speed of run - off hence encouraging water infiltration
iii) Terracing - reduces effective length of the slope, slowing down speed of run-off hence
improving rate of water infiltration.
iv) Planting trees - assist in holding soil particles hence not easily dislodged by wind or
rain water and leaves reduce impact of rain drops.
v) Establishing vegetated waterways - reduces the impact of flood water and speed of run-
vi) Proper stocking rate - it ensure presence of enough vegetation cover over the surface
hence avoiding exposure to erosion
vii) Establishing trash/stone lines - reduces the speed of run -off and effect of strong wind
on cultivated soils.
viii) Cover cropping —a cover crop keeps the soil surface covered, reduces impact of rain
drops and slows down surface run – off. It also traps soil washed from other places.
ix) Use of diversion ditches/ cut -off drains - helps prevent flood water from flowing
through the farm or diverting the direction of flow down slope

3 State four factors affecting rate of soil erosion. *NYR*

3 Factors affecting rate of soil erosion
i) Vegetable cover
ii) Type of soil
iii) Rain intensity
iv) Wind velocity
v) Slope of the land. (4x ½ =2mks)
4a) Describe four types of water erosion. *NYR*
b Describe six cultural methods of pest control. *NYR*
4a) Types of water erosion
i) Splash /rain drop: results from impact of raindrops on the soil
ii) Sheet erosion: uniform removal of soil in thin layers from a flat or gently sloping
iii) Rill erosion: removal of soil from small but well defined channels
iv) Gully erosion: an advanced stage of rill erosion characterized by deep long
ditches Made by running water.
b) Cultural methods of pest control
i) Timely planting-To help crops escape pest attack e.g. stalk borer
ii) Using proper tillage to expose pests
iii) Using clean planting material-helps to prevent introduction and spreading of crop
iv) Timely harvesting-To enable the crop escape an attack e.g. from maize weevil
v) Close season-Is the period when susceptible crops is not grown in order to control
a certain pests e.g. pink bollworm in cotton
vi) Trap cropping-is planted before the main crop if not preferred by the pest
vii) Crop rotation-crops which are more preferred by a particular pest are rotated
with those that are not or less preferred.
viii) Planting resistant crop varieties
ix) Field hygiene-keep the field free from any plant materials harboring pests
x) Alteration of environmental conditions-includes the creation of certain micro-
Climates that is not conducive to some pests
xi) Crop nutrition-Application of fertilizer and manure makes the crops to grow
strong and able to resist and escape pest attack
xii) Destruction of alternative Hosts –some weeds act as alternative host to crop pests.
The removal of such weeds reduces pest infestation.
xiii) Proper spacing-crops which are properly spaced are not attacked by pests
easily. Close spacing in groundnuts discourage aphids
xiv) Use of organic manure-organic manure such as farm yards manure has been
found to discourage various pests e.g. eelworms.
xv) Irrigation-overhead irrigation controls aphids in cabbages. (6x1=6mks)
5 The illustration below shows a newly constructed cut-off drain. Study it and answer the questions
that follow.

a) State any one factor that would determine the width and depth of the cut-off drain.
b) Describe the procedure of constructing a cut-off drain. *BTR*

5 a) - Slope of the land.

- Amount of run-off.
Any 1x1=1 mark
b) - Measure the layout and mark.
- Dig soil from the channel and put on the lower side.
Correct procedure 2 marks

6 Describe the effects of solifluction and landslides in agriculture. *BTR*

6 - Block river courses leading to floods.
- Damage property and may lead to loss of lives.
- Damage crops.
- Damage infrastructures by earthing of roads and rail lines.
- Displacement of fertile soils to other areas.
5x1=5 marks
7 Mention two factors that influence the rate soil erosion. *BMT*
7 Topography of an area
Soil type
Amount and intensity of rainfall
Soil depth
Vegetation cover
Planting annual crops on steepy land
Indiscriminate vegetation burning
Clean weeding
Ploughing down the slope or upslope. 4x ½ =2mks

8 (i) Define the term mass wasting *BMT*

(ii) Discuss the six effects of mass wasting on Agriculture in Kenya. *BMT*

8 i) Gravitational flow of surface materials saturated with water/ process through

which earth flows down the steep slopes as a result of heavy rainfall. (2mks)
ii) -Loss of topmost fertile soil.
-Creation of lakes.
-Soil erosion.
-Damaging property and causing loss of life.
-Permanent scars on the land scape formed.
-Tourist attraction.
Any 6 x 2 =(12mks) well explained.

9 Outline four roles of trees in soil and water conservation. *EMB*

9 Roles of trees in soil and water conservation.
- Reduce the force of raindrops
- Provide shade hence prevent loss of moisture through evaporation
- Act as windbreaks
- Roots bind soil particles together
- Reduce speed of surface run off thus reducing its erosion power
- Leaves decay to humus hence improves the infiltration of water.
(4 x ½ = 2mks)
10 State two advantages of bench terraces. *KKG*

10 Enable better retention of fertile soil/ reduce soil erosion

- Enable conservation of soil moisture.

- Helps to reduce the slope of the land.

11 The diagram below represents a type of gully erosion. Study it carefully and answer the questions

a) Identify the type of gully illustrated above. *KKG*

11a) V Shaped gully

b) Briefly explain how the gully is formed. 1b) -Flowing water causes channels

- Wearing of the sides of the channel.

- Scouring of the floor of the channel by moving water

(c) Name one control measure that has been used over many years to control gully erosion.


c) Building of gabions across the gully/ porous dams

12 Give any four effects of mass wasting. *KKG*

12 Loss of soil fertility

71 Creation of lakes
72 Damaging property/loss of land
73 Soil erosion
74 Permanent scars on land scape
75 Tourist attractions

13 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the type of erosion above.

13a) Gully erosion.
b) Describe the formation of the type of erosion named in (a) above.
b) Widening rills on sides and floor due to high volume of water and erodibility of the soil.
_ V-shaped valleys develop where soils are deep and have depressions.
_U- shaped valleys develop where materials on the channel floor are resistant to scouring
(c) State the effects of this type of erosion in the farm. *KKG*

c) Mechanical cultivation on land where this erosion has occurred becomes impossible. (1mk)

14. Give any four effects of mass wasting. *KRC*

14 Loss of soil fertility
Creation of lakes
76 Damaging property/loss of land
77 Soil erosion
78 Permanent scars on land scape
79 Tourist attractions

15 The diagrams below shows two different types of terraces used to control soil erosion.
Study them carefully and answer the questions that follow;
(a) Identify terrace;

15a) (i) Broad based terrace (1x1=1mk)

(ii) Bund terrace (1x1=1mk)
(b) Give the width of
b) (i) Top channel = 1.5m (1x ½ = ½ mk)
(ii) Bottom channel = 90cm (1 x ½ = ½mk)
16 Study the diagram of soil conservation practice shown below, and then answer the questions
that follow.

i) Identify any two soil conservation practices on the diagram, other than the grass wall.
16i) -Cut –off drain.
ii) -Minimizing the speed of run-off water.
-Trapping of soil that is contained in the runoff water.

17 Describe various factors that are likely to influence soil erosion. *MGR*
17 -Topography.
-continuous cropping
-Maximum tillage.
-Type of the soil.
-Ploughing across the contours.
-Deforestation/cutting and burning of vegetation.
-Rainfall intensity.
-planting annual crops on steep slopes.
-Clean weeding.
18. Name TWO types of landslides *KKG*
18 - Debris slides
-Debris fall
-Rock fall
-Rock slides
19 The diagram below shows a method used in controlling soil erosion down a slope. Study it and
answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the method .

19a) Gabions (lxl=lmk)
(b) State THREE ways in which the method helps in soil and water conservation *KKG*
b) Gully erosion (lxl=lmk)
(c) State TWO ways in which the structure helps to control soil erosion *KKG*

c) Reduces the speed of the run off

Traps the soil carried by the water run off
20 State four factors that should be considered when planning a layout of a mixed farm. *HBY**
20 - Size of land
- Direction of prevailing wind
- Type of enterprise required
- Government policy/ regulation
- Existing permanent structure in the farm
- Infrastructure/ accessibility/ communication
- Soil type
- Topography/ drainage
21 State four factors that influence erodability of soil. * MRC*

21 (i) Land use and vegetation corer

(ii) Topography / gradient and length of slope

(iii) Soil type and condition

(iv) Rainfall intensity and amount

24.a) Describe six undesirable effects of soil erosion. *KSS*

24a) Carrying away of the top fertile soils hence reducing agricultural production
-Carrying away and killing important soil micro-organisms
-Siltation of dams, weirs hence reducing the water volumes
-damaging structures and crops by exposing underground structure pipes and exposing
roots of crops hence lodging
-Causing land degradation-causing gullies, rills hence reducing the land value.
-Threat to fish farming in water volumes are reduced to siltation
-pollution of water masses with soil particles
b) outline four roles of trees in soil and water conservation . *KSS*
b) -Roots bind soil particles together
-Acts as wind breakers reducing erosion by wind
-Provide shade and reduces loss of soil moisture through evaporation and reduce impact
of rain drops prevents soil erosion
-decay of leaves improves soil structure and water holding capacity.
25 Study the illustration below showing a structure used in soil and water conservation to answer
the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the structure *SYA*

25a) Trash line
(b) Name the soil erosion type controlled by the structure *SYA*
b) Sheet/till erosion
(c) State two ways in which the structure control soil erosion *SYA*
c) Reduce speed of run – off
-Traps eroded soil particles
26(a) What is soil erosion *MRU*
26a) Process by which the soil detached removed and carried away from one place to another
where it may not be useful.
(b) Briefly explain Five biological or cultural methods of soil erosion control *MRU*
(b) Use of grass strips /filter strips.
-Cover cropping
-Contour farming
-Cropping system e.g. crop rotation ,uuse of manure ,correct spacing ,intercropping etc.
-Grass /vegetated water ways.
27 Outline five effects of soil erosion in agriculture. *TRZ*

27 -Pollution of the environment

-Loss of soil micro-organisms
-Siltation of dams and rivers
-Destruction of farm structures/crops/roads
-Loss of plant nutrients
-Reduction of soil depth
28 Explain eight factors that can encourage soil erosion. *VHG*
28 • Lack of ground cover exposes soil to agents of soil erosion.
• Steep slopes increases the speed of surface run-offs hence erosive power of water.
• Light/sandy soil are easily carried away by agents of soil erosion.
• Shallow soils are easily saturated with and carried away.
• High rainfall intensity on bare ground leads to soil erosion.
• Frequent cultivation pulverizes the soil making it easy to detach and carried away.
• Overstocking leads to overgrazing which destroys ground cover exposing it to agents of
• Burning / deforestation destroys vegetation cover exposing it to agents of erosion.
• Ploughing up and down the slopes creates channels which speed up and increases the
erosive power of water.
• Cultivation of river banks destroys riverine vegetation and destroys soil structure.
• Cultivating soil which is too dry destroys the soil structure making it easy to be eroded.
• Long slope increases volume and speed of run-off hence increasing erosion.
• High rainfall amount leads to saturation of water increasing surface run off.
29 The illustration below indicates a type of soil erosion that take place on a cultivated farm land.
Study it and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Identify the type of erosion above. *MGR*
29a) Splash / Raindrop Erosion

(b) Give two factors that may accelerate the rate of the type of erosion shown above.
b) (i) High amount and intensity of Rainfall
(ii) Slope of land (topography / steep gradient)
(iii) Type of soil
(iv) Shallow soil depths
(v) Lack of (bear) vegetation cover
(vi) Clean weeding
(c) Give two effects of the type of soil erosion shown above on the farm. *MGR*
c) (i) Exposes shallowly planted seeds
(ii) Hollow cut soil exposing underlying layers.

30a) Give two conditions of the land which may make it necessary to carry out reclamation
practices. *KGP*
30a) - Very steep land
- Water logging/ marshy area
- Forested/ bushy area
- Rocky
- Aridity
- Tsetse fly infected area (2x1=2mks)
(b) Give two ways in which check dams control soil erosion. *KGP*
b) - Slow down the speed of run off to reduce the erosive power of water.
- Reduce the volume of the run- off.
- Trap soil sediments. (2x1=2mks)


1 Outline four farm conditions that necessitate the use of herbicides over other methods in
controlling weeds *SYA*
1 Four conditions that necessitate the use of herbicides over other methods in controlling weeds.
- if the farm is very large hence cost effective
- If the crop is very closely paced
- Crops being thorny or stingy
- If the farm is waterlogged
-If weeds have underground structures assisting in faster vegetative, propagation
- In Case the farm is infested by dangerous plants or animals e.g stinging nettles, safari
ants and snakes like in sugarcane plantations.
- In case the farm is on very steep slope.
b) Differentiate between –selective and contact herbicides *SYA*
b) - Selective herbicides are able to discriminate against plants by killing some and leaving
others when applied in the field.
- Contact herbicides are those chemicals that kill plants by burning those parts of plants
that come into contact with them

2 State four ways in which chemicals control weeds. *NYR*

2 Ways in which chemicals control weeds
i) Inhibition of nitrogen metabolism
ii) Killing the cell by scorching
iii) Causing abnormal tissue development
iv) Inhibiting photosynthesis. (4x ½ =2mks)
3 State Four activities carried out by young farmers club. *NYR*
3 Activities carried out by young farmers club.
i) Organizing and participating in annual Y.F.C rallies.
ii) Participating and competing in ASK shows.
iii) Planting trees and other agricultural activities in school.
iv) Organizing agricultural field day.
v) Participating in agricultural exchange programme locally and internationally.
(4x ½ =2mks
4 Explain six (6) pre cautionary measures undertaken when handling agro
chemicals. *NYR*
4 Pre cautionary measures undertaken when handling Agro-chemicals.
i) Carefully read the manufactures instructions
ii) Wear protective clothing’s
iii) Never blow or suck blocked nozzles with mouth
iv) Never smoke or eat anything while spraying
v) Never spray against the wind direction
vi) Wash your body thoroughly and change clothes after spraying
vii) Do not wash spraying container in water source
viii) Properly dispose off any leftover or empty container
ix) Store chemicals in safe place
x) Allow correct residual period of the chemical to elapse before using the crop.
xi) Keep records of all chemicals. (6x1=6mks)
5 State FOUR disadvantages of mechanical weed control. *BMT*
5 i) Crop roots can be damaged
ii) May lead to soil erosion
iii) May lead to loss of soil moisture
iv) May not be effective in controlling weeds
v) Laborious and expensive in large scale
vi) If done repeatedly destroys soil structure. (4 x ½ ) = 2 mks

6 Define the term noxions weed. *BMT*

6 it is a dangerous weed and their cultivation prohibited by law (1mark)
(Mark as a whole) (1mk)

7 List six economic importance of weeds in mixed farming. *BTR*

7 - Some are livestock feed.
- Some are medicinal.
- Some may be used as vegetables.
- Lower quality of farm products.
- Lower the yield.
- Increase cost of production.
6 x ½ =3 marks
8 Diagram G shows a weed.

a) Identify the weed. *BTR*

b) Classify the weed according to growth cycle. *BTR*
c) State two herbicides that can be used to control the weed labeled G in a field of growing
maize. *BTR*
8 a) Black Jack/Bidens Pilosa.
b) Annual weed
c) - MCPA
- 2, 4-D
2x1=2 marks

9 The diagram below illustrates some common weeds. Study it carefully and answer the questions
that follow

a) Identify the weeds labelled; *BMT*

Y ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
b) State one economic importance of weed Y and Z named in (a) above. *BMT*
c) Mention one factor that make weed X effectively competitive *BMT*

9 a) Y- Sedge/ Nutgrass/ cyperus rotundus 1mk

Z- couch grass (Digitaria scalarum) 1mk
b) Y- Lowers quality of pasture
Z- Increases lost of production/ cumbersome to control 1mk
c) Produces large number of viable seeds. 1mk
(4 x ½ = 2mks)
10 Give three ways by which weeds are adapted for successful propagation. *EMB*

10 Ways by which weeds are adapted for successful propagation.

- Some produce large quantities of seeds increasing chances of their survival
- Some are able to propagate vegetatively.
- Weed seeds remain viable in the soil for a long time waiting conducive germination
- Most weed seeds are easily and successfully dispersed.
(3 x ½ = 1 ½ mks)
11 Explain eight cultural methods of weed control. *EMB*
11 Cultural methods of weed control.
Mulching – Smoothens the weed, preventing the growth
Cover cropping – Smoothers the weeds
Crop rotation - By including a cover crop, weeds are smothered, control parasitic weeds
by alternating different crops from different families.
Timely planting - allows crops to establish early before weeds thus smothering them.
Use of clean seeds / Planting materials prevents introduction of weeds to the farm land.
Clean seedbed – Starts off the crops on a clean seedbed so that they can effectively
compete with weeds.
Proper spacing of Crops - Creates little spaces for weeds to grow.
Flooding- discourages growth of non-aquatic weeds

(8x1= 8mks)
( ½ for method ½ mk for explanation)
12 Name two classes of weeds based on morphology. *KKG*

12 – Narrow - leaved weeds

- Broad - leaved weeds

13. Give one reason in each case why its difficult to control the following weeds.

a) i) Oxalis (1mk)

13a)i) Has underground bulb which regenerates.

ii) Nut Grass (1mk)

ii) Has nuts/tubers/ bulbs underground from which it propagates itself.

iii) Couch grass *KKG*

iii) has underground rhizomes/ stems which are difficult to control. Because they easily regenerates

b) State two main factors which contribute to competitive ability of weed. *KKG*

b) -Weeds have extremely successful means of propagation.

- Weeds are excellently adapted to the environment

14 Describe the cultural methods of weed control in crop production.

14 Culturalmethods of weed control
(i) Correct spacing to deny weeds space for active growth but allowing faster crop establishment.
(ii) Mulching it smothers weeds
(iii) Flooding used to control non-aquatic weeds
(iv) Early planting gives crops ample time to establish early and smother weeds
(v) Application of manure and fertilizers encourage faster plant growth.
(vi) Crop rotation: helps to break the life cycle of certain weeds associated with certain crops.
(vii) Clean seedbed: proper land preparation during the dry period.
(viii) Cover cropping: Smothers weeds.
(2 x5)=10mks)
1 mark for stating and 1 mk for explanation.
15. List four environmental factors that affect the effectiveness of herbicides. *KSS*
15 Environmental factors that affect the effectiveness of herbicides. (2mks)
- wind
- rainfall
- soil
- temperature
- light
(4x ½ =2mks)
16 Explain five reasons for controlling weeds. *KSS*
16 Reasons for controlling weeds.
- Avoid weeds which compete with crop nutrients, space, light and soil moisture.
- Remove parasite weeds like the witch weed.
- Improve the quality of produce which can be reduced by presence of weed seeds,
and bad weed smells
- Avoid farm poisoning by poisonous weeds like thorn apple.
- To control some pests which can be hosted by some weeds.
- To allow better crop germination by removing weeds that are allelopathic.
- Open irrigation channels
- improves the quality of pastures
- Ease work by killing irritating weeds.
(Any 5 correctly explained x 2 = 10mks)
17. State four limitations of chemical weed control. *MGR*

17 -It requires skills in mixing and applying.

-It may cause air pollution.
-It is expensive.
-some herbicides have long residue effects which interfere with future crops.
18 Name two classes of weeds on the basis of each of the following.
a) Growth cycle. *MGR*
Growth cycle
-Annual weeds.
-Biannual weeds.
-Perennial weeds.
-Broad leaved weeds.
-Narrow leaved weeds.
17. State FOUR cultural methods of controlling weeds in a vegetable field *KKG*
17 -Mulching
-Timely planting
-Cover cropping
-Crop rotation
-Proper spacing
-Use clean seeds free of weed seeds
-Proper seed bed preparation
18 Advantages of using herbicides. *NYR*
18 - No disturbance of roots.
- Require less labour.
- Less drudgery (firing)
- There is timely in application.
- Efficient in the wet or dry conditions.
- Applicable in crops where other methods are not applicable.
19 Reasons why clean weeding may be un-desirable. *NYR*
19 - Pulverizes soil
- Destroy soil structure.
- lead to soil erosion.
- creates favourable conditions for weeds.
20 i) Identify the weeds below. *NYR*
20i) a) Macdnald’s eye
b) Thorn apple
c) Double thorn
d) Lantana/thick berry
ii) Economic importance of weed (d) *NYR*
ii) - Used as animal feeds.
- Provide shade to livestock.
- Source of fire wood.
- Add organic matter to the soil (2x ½ =1mk)
iii) Why is it difficult to control weed (c) *NYR*
iii) - Produce many seeds.
- Have short life –cycle.
- Have well developed root system.
- Have effective mechanism for seed dispersal.
21 Study the illustrations D, E and F below of weeds and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the specimens labeled D and E. * MRC*

21a) D – Oxalis (Oxalis califolia) (1x1=1mk)

E – Black rightshade (Solanum nigrum) (1x1=1mk)

(b) Name one field crop that weed F is parasitic to; * MRC*

b) Maize / sorghum / millet

accept any cereal (1x1=1mk)

(c) State two measures for controlling specimen F. * MRC*

c) (i) Crop rotation

(ii) Use of contact herbicide

(iii) Close season

(iv) Physical destruction before flowering.


22 Give two reasons why timely weed control is advisable in crop production. * MRC*

22 (i) To reduce competition for nutrients light and water

(ii) To reduce multiplication or spreading of disease

(iii) To prevent weeds from establishing in crops

(iv) To minimize cost of controlling weeds

(any 2x2 = 2mks)

23 State four advantages of weeds in agricultural production. *KSS*

23 -Food for browser animals /

- Cover the soil against forces of erosion .
- legumes weeds fixes nitrogen into soil hence increasing soil fertility
24 The diagram below shows a common weed.

(a) Identify the weed *SYA*

24a) -Nut grass (cyperus roduntus)
(b) Why is it difficult to eradicate the above weed *SYA*
b) -Has underground nuts and other food storage structures which remains dormant
(c) Give any two economic importance of the above weed. *SYA*
c) -Reduces pasture quality
-Competes for nutrients with crops hence low yields.
-Increases cost of production
-Used as livestock feed
25 State Four factors that contributes to competitive ability of weeds *MRU*
25 -Ability to produce large quantities of seeds.
-Weed seeds remain viable in the soil for a long time.
-Weed seeds are easily and successfully disposal
-Some weeds have the ability to propagate vegetatively.
-Have extensive root system.
-Ability to survive where there is limited nutrient supply.
-Short life cycle
25 State eight safety precautions observed when using herbicides to control weeds.. *MRU*
25 -Wear protective clothing e.g. mask, gloves ,overall , boots etc.
-Avoid in hauling the herbicides by not smoking while spraying /Avoid spraying along the
direction of wind,
-Read the manufacturers instructions and follow them.
-Do not suck or blow blocked nozzle.
-Wash thoroughly after handling chemical to remove their traces.
-Store herbicides in a place away from food and out of reach by children.
-Equipments used in herbicides application should not be washed in water sources .
-Empty containers and left over chemicals be properly disposed to avoid posing danger to
people ,animals or environment.
-Avoid herbicide drift to unintended crops/water sources/spray when weather is calm.
-Avoid chemical spillage to unintended places/where it may cause danger to human
-Equipment should be washed thoroughly to avoid damage to the crops.
-Avoid eating or handling food when spraying.
26 Identify weeds C and D.

C - Nut grass/Cyperus rotundus. *TRZ*
D – Saw thistle/Sonchus oleraceous *TRZ*
b) State why it is difficult to control weed C. *TRZ*
b) It has underground storage organs (bulbs). *TRZ*
c) State one disadvantage of weed D to livestock. *TRZ*
c) It breaks livestock teeth during grazing
27 Diagrams A and B below show some weeds.

(a) Identify the weeds. *MGR*

27a) A – Oxalis / Oxalis spp / Oxalis latifolia / Oxalis sorrel
B – Mexican marigold (Tagetes minuta)
(b) State one economic importance of weed B. *MGR*
b) (i) It taints milk if consumed by a lactating cow.
(ii) It competes with crops for water and nutrients thus reducing their yields.
(iii) It increases the cost of production

(c) Why is it difficult to control weed A? *MGR*

c) (i) Has underground structures / bulbs for storage of food.
(d) What is a selective herbicide? *MGR*
d) Herbicides that injure one plant and allow the other plant to escape injury.

28 Explain six factors affecting efficiency and selectivity of herbicides. *MGR*
28 (i) State of plant growth
(ii) Plant morphology and anatomy
(iii) Herbicide characteristics
(iv) Concentration
(v) Formulation
(vi) Method of application
(vii) Mode of action
(viii) Environmental factors.
29 Discuss four common cultural practices a farmer may employ to control weeds, crop pests and
diseases in a field of Kales. *KGP*
29 - Proper spacing- creates unfavourable micro- climates for development of weeds,
pests and disease causing organisms/ pathogens.
- Use of healthy, clean planting materials- planting materials free from pests, weed
seeds and pathogens result to healthy crop.
- Planting torelant varieties- crops torelant to pests, diseases and parasitic weeds
grow healthy despite their presence in the field.
- Early planting- crops will establish earlier than pests, diseases and weeds and
therefore escaping attack.
- Crop rotation- this helps to control most crop pests, diseases and parasitic weeds
- Tillage- this exposes crop pests, pathogens and roots of weeds to the suns heat
which destroys them. Pests are also collected by their predation birds once
- Growing of a trap crop- helps in controlling pests, diseases and parasitic weeds by
confusing them.
- Flooding- helps in controlling terrestrial pests, weeds and disease pathogens
especially in the field of paddy rice. (4x1=4mks)
30 Give five advantages of using herbicides in weed control. *NYD*
30 -Require less labour in application than mechanical cultivation
-Better adapted to the control of certain bothersome weeds e.g. couch grass ‘sedges etc.
-Herbicides do not disturb crop roots and other underground structures.
-Make control of weeds in certain crops such as wheat ,barley and carrots easier
-The method is efficient in both wet and dry soil condition which would not be the case
with mechanical cultivation
-Soil is not disturbed in herbicide application hence structure is maintained/ facilitates
minimum tillage/ Avoid disturbance of crops roots.
-The herbicide are suitable where weeds being controlled or crops being weeded cause
irritation e.g. stinging nettle ,sisal etc.
-Cheaper in the long run than manual or mechanical cultivation.


1 What is “Economic injury Level” as used in pest control? *SYA*

1 - This is a point at which pest population causes damage to the crops beyond tolerance and hence
control measures should be taken to assist overcome the attack

2 State two factors considered before deciding on the use of chemical method of pest control in
vegetable production. *NYR*
2 Factors considered before deciding on the use of chemical method of pest control in vegetable
i) Time within which the vegetable is to be used/harvested
ii) Cost of pesticides
iii) Inadequacy of other methods. (2x ½ =1mk)

3 Explain three (3) classes of crop diseases giving examples in each. *NYR*
3 Various classes of crop diseases giving examples of each.
i) Fungal diseases
Are responsible for causing most plant disease and the lead to physiochological disorders
E.g. smuts, blights, rust blasts, leaf spot, damping off. (2mks)
ii) Viral disease
Are disease caused by virus whose general symptoms include chlorosis, stunted
Growth, mosaic, nechrosis, leaf curl e.g. maize streak, mosaic, greening, tristeza rosette,
ratoon stunting. (2mks)
iii) Bacterial disease
Are disease caused by bacteria are microscopic pathogens that are large than virus and
cause damage the plant cells e.g. haloblight, bacterial wilt. (2mks)
4 The illustration below show the pest that attack sorghum seedlings labelled.

(a) Identify pest labelled S *BMT*

b) Give two ways of controlling the pest *BMT*
c) Give three methods of controlling birds in a field of sorghum. *BMT*
4 a) Sorghum shoot fly
b) i) Early uniform plants
ii) Apply insecticides of plants e.g.
c) i) Bait with poison.
ii) Destroy roasting and nesting sites
iii) Use bird scoring device.
(3 x ½ mks)= 1mk

5 State the damage caused by insect with biting and chewing mouth parts. *BTR*

5 - They damage leaves thus reducing the photosynthetic area.

- Some damage the stem e.g Cut worms.
- Some damage roots and tubers.
- They eat flowers.
Any 4x ½ =2 marks
6 Below is a diagram of a bird which is a crop pest.

a) Identify the bird. *BTR*

b) State two ways by which the bird causes loss in crops. *BTR*
c) Explain two methods which are used to control the pest. *BTR*
6 a) Weaver bird
b) - Stripes the leaves.
- Makes grains to fall.
- Expose maize cobs to water
Any 2x1=2 marks
c) - Cut tall trees to destroy breeding grounds.
- Use of scare crows/shooting to scare them away.
- Use of poisoned baits to kill them.
Any 2x1=2 marks
7 Define the following terms
a) “Economic injury level” of a crop pest *BMT*
b) Mulching *BMT*
7 a) This is when the population of a pests causes damage beyond tolerance levels/ range.
b) Mulching
It is the placement of dry crop materials or polythene sheets on the ground next to the growing
plants/ crops (1mk)
8 Give four effects of diseases to crop attack. *EMB*
8 Effects of diseases to crop attack.
- Causes food poisoning
- Lower yields
- Increase the cost of production in their control
- Lowers the quality of crop produced.
9 The diagram below illustrates common pests in maize and tomato crops respectively. Study them
carefully and answer the questions that follow.
(i) Identify the pest labeled C and D above
(ii) Give two methods of controlling pest D. *EMB*


C – Maize stalk borer (1x1=1mk)
D – American boll worm
9 (ii) Methods of controlling pest D.
- Physical destruction of the infected fruits
- Spraying the tomatoes with appropriate pesticides.
(2x1= 2mks)

10 Mention five general symptoms of viral diseases in crop production *KKG*

10 - Leaf curling
- Leaf mosaic
- Malformations
- Rosetting
- Stunted growth
11 Describe the cotton harvesting. *KKG*
11 - Picking is manual
- Sort into two grades AR (safi) and BR (fifi)
- AR is grade one/ free from insect damage and foreign matter/ clean white
- BR (not having all the required qualities)
- 2 containers used. One for grade AR and BR.
12 State three groups of pesticides based on their mode of action. *KKG*
12 - Stomach poisons
- Systemic poisons
- Contact poisons
- Suffocants
- Anti-feedants
- Repellents
13 State four effects of pests with piercing and sucking mouth parts on crops. *KKG*
13 -Sucks plants sap causing wilting /stunted growth

-Some inject toxic saliva /secretion which may cause distorted growth /death of plants.
-Lower quality of crop products.
-Transmit/introduce disease agents.
-Inflicts wounds/openings which provide entry for secondary infection.
-Lowers crop yield.
(4 x ½mk=2mks)

14 Deseribe the harmful effects of pests on crops

14 (i) They damage the leaf tissue reducing the rate of photosynthesis. This results in retarded growth
(ii) Some transmit pathogens from one crop to another.
(iii) Pests cause would in crops resulting in secondary infections.
(iv) Some pests such as nematodes and moths damage plants roots, causing wilting of plants.
(v) Some pests such as squirrels unearth some seeds resulting in low plant population.
(vi) Pest destroys buds and shoots which are the growing points of crops leading to stunted growth.
(vii) Sucking pests deprive the plant of its cell sap resulting in stunted growth
(viii) Pests attack fruits berries, flowers and leaves thus lowering the quality and quantity of the produce.
(ix) Pests destroy seed embryo lowering their viability
(xi) Some pests infect toxic substance which cause death to the plant tissue
(x) Pests reduce the demand for a crop produce by lowering quality.
15 State four effects of pests with piercing and sucking mouth parts on crops. *KRC*
15 -Sucks plants sap causing wilting /stunted growth

-Some inject toxic saliva /secretion which may cause distorted growth /death of plants.
-Lower quality of crop products.
-Transmit/introduce disease agents.
-Inflicts wounds/openings which provide entry for secondary infection.
-Lowers crop yield.
(4 x ½mk=2mks)

16 Name two pests which attack stems of crops. *KSS*

16 - Gathering information
- Compare standards of one’s enterprise with the set standards
- Detects weaknesses and constraints and find ways and means of overcoming them.
- Keep farm records up-to-date and use them in the day – to – day running of the
- Implements farm decisions and taking responsibility.
(Any 4 x ½ = 2mks)

17 Give four cultural crop disease control measures. *KSS*

17 - Use healthy plantating materials
- Practice field hygiene e.g burning diseased crop residues.
- Proper seed preparation before planting
- Proper spacing in the nursery and seedbed
- Proper drying of cereals and pulses to recommended moisture before storage.
- Use disease resistant crop varieties
- Crop rotation
(Any 2 x ½ = 1mk)
18 Use the figure below to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the pest illustrated in the figure above. *KSS*

18a) Sorghum shoot fly / shoot fly (1x1=1mk)
(b) State one symptom of damage shown on the crop that helped you to identify the pest.
b) Dead shoot of the sorghum crop (1x1=1mk)
(c) State the most effective method that can be used to control the pest. *KSS*

c) - Early planting
- Closed season
- Application of insecticides (1x1=1mk)
19 Explain how various practices carried out in the field help to control crop diseases.
19 -Proper plant nutrition/increase disease resistance/control deficiency diseases.
-Crop rotation breaks life cycle of pathogens.
-Rogueing, prevents further spread of the disease.
-Use of disease free planting materials; prevents introduction of pathogens in
The field.
-Close season breaks the life cycle of pathogens.
-Timely/early planting; help crop to establish early before attack.
-Proper spacing; creates unfavorable conditions for some pathogens.
-Weed control; eliminate weeds that could be alternate hosts for particular pathogens.
-Resistant varieties; ensure crop is not attacked by the pathogen.
-Use of clean equipment/tools, prevent spreading of the disease from one plant to other.
-Quarantine; prevent spread of the pathogen from one farm to another.
-Heat; kills the pathogens.
-Pruning; creates unfavourable microclimate for some pathogens /prevent spread of
-Destroy crop residue; kills the pathogen.
-Control the vectors, prevent further spread of pathogens
20 Cultural methods of crop disease control
20 • Proper crop nutrition, increases disease resistance/controls nutrients deficiency
• Crop rotation, breaks life cycle of pathogens
• Rogueing, prevents further spread of diseases
• Use of disease free planting materials to prevent introduction of a disease
• Practice closed season, breaks the life cycle of pathogens
• Timely early planting, crop establish early before the build up of diseases
• Use of resistant varieies t withstand any disease attack (7x1=7mks)
21 Factors that favour insect pest. *NYR*
21 - They have short life-cycle.
- Many survive unfavourable conditions.
- Small in size.
- Some can fly away.
(4 x ½ = 2mks)
22 Practices carried out to control crop diseases. *NYR*
22 Crop rotation
Plant disease free plant/certified seeds.
Proper spacing
Close season.
Use of resistant varieties.
Heat treatment.
Proper nutrition.


Use of clean equipments.

Early planting.

Timely weed control.

23 Name two types of losses caused by bird pests to crops *SYA*
23 -Feed on grains and fruits
-Damage seedlings e.g. beans during early stage
-Transmit disease from one plant to the other
24 Below is a diagram of a bird labeled A, which is a crop pest?

a) Identify the bird. *TRZ*

24a) -Weaver bird.
b) State two ways by which bird causes loss in crops. *TRZ*
24b) -Eats grains.
-Causes grains to fall off.
-Exposes maize cobs to rain leading to rotting.
-Strips the leaves.
c. State four methods which are used to control the pest. *TRZ*
24c) -Trapping.
-Growing different crops on same farm.
-Destroying the nests.
25 Explain ten practices carried out in the field help to control crop diseases.
25 -Proper plant nutrition-increases disease resistance.
-Rouging-prevent further spread of diseases.
-Use of disease free planting materials.
-Close season breaks the life cycle of pathos.
-Timely/early planting help crops to establish early before attack.
-Proper spacing-creates unfavorable conditions for some pathogens.
-Resistant varieties-ensure crop is not attacked by the pathogen.
-Use of clean equipment/tools-prevent spreading of the disease from one plant to
the other.
-Quarantine-Prevent spread of the pathogen from one farm to the other.
-Heat treatment-kills the pathogen.
-Pruning-creates unfavorable microclimates for some pathogens’.
-Destruction of crop residue-kills the pathogen.
-Control of vectors-prevent further spread of pathogen.
26 Give a weed for each case, which has the following effects on cattle ;
(a) Poisoning; *VHG*
26a) Lantana/ Lantana camara/ Tick berry Sodorn apple/Thorn apple /Datura stramonium

(b) Tainting milk when eaten before milking. *VHG*

26b) Mexican marigoId/Tagete minuta

27 Apart from chemical method, name three other methods of controlling crop pests. *VHG*
27 (i) Cultural pest control
(ii) Biological
(iii) Physical /mechanical
iv) Legislation /Quarantine

28 Outline five harmful effects of crop diseases. *VHG*

28 • They interfere with the crop’s physiological processes thus leading to loss
of plant vigour or death
• They lower the quality of produce/lower yields.
• Lower crop quality/reduced market value.
• Contaminate crop produce e.g. aflatoxin.
• Control of diseases increases the cost of production.
29 Outline three symptoms of viral diseases in plants. *MGR*
29 (i) Leaf chlorosis
(ii) Leaf curling
(iii) Mosaics
(iv) Malformations (Distortion) of plant parts
(v) Rosetting
30 The diagram below shows a certain bird which is a field crop pest.

(a) Identify the bird *MGR*

30a) Mouse bird

(b) State two ways in which the bird causes damage to crops. *MGR*
b) (i) It destroys fruit crops such as tomatoes
(ii) It defoliates vegetables and beans
(c) State four control measures for the pest. *MGR*
c) (i) By trapping
(ii) By scaring
(iii) Poisoning
(iv) Destroying breeding nests
(v) By Bombing
31 State four ways through which pests affect Agriculture *HBY*
31 -Feed on whole or parts of plant
-Transmit crop disease
-Expose crop to secondary infection
-Increase cost of producing crops
32 Give two categories of insect pests on the basis of the mode of feeding. *NYD*
32 -Piercing and sucking
-Biting and chewing
33 The photograph below shows an insect pest .Study it carefully and use it to answer the
questions that follow.

(a) Identify the pest shown above *NYD*

33a) -Army worm.
(b) Explain two ways through which the pest causes losses to crops. *NYD*
b) -Feeds on leaves reducing photosynthetic area of plants.
-Feeds on the stems interfering with the transport system within the plant
-Feeds on flowers and fruits reducing the crop yield and quality
(c) Give one reason why its difficult to control the pest shown on the photograph above.
c) -They travel in great numbers
-They reproduce very fast.
(d) What is the feeding habit of the pest shown on the photograph? *NYD*
d) -Biting and chewing


1 Describe the field production of maize under the following sub headings *SYA*
i) Seed preparation
-Land is prepared early during the dry season to enable vegetation time to dry and rot
- Clear the land incase of a virgin land
- Plough using disc plough or mouldboard plough but for -small pieces of land, hand
digging or ox - plough can be used.
- Plough deep-enough to remove all perennial weeds and any stumps.
- Harrow the land to a medium filth.
ii) Planting and fertilizer application.
- Plant before onset of rains
- Use recommended certified seeds for the ecological zone
- Plant manually or using planters depending on scale of operation.
- Plant one to two seeds per hole as per the use of the crop.
- The seed rate should be 17— 35kg per ha.
-. The spacing should be 75-90cm x23-30cm
- Planting depth should be 2.5cm to 10cm depending on soil moisture content.
- Apply phosphatic fertilizer at the rate of 120kg/ha in the planting holes or well rotten
organic manure during planting.
- Top dress when maize is knee -high or 45- 60cm tall
- Top dress using CAN, Urea or ASN at the rate of 200kg/ha.
iii). Weed control
- Should be done early when weeds are still young
- Weeding is done mechanically by cultivation and uprooting.
- Use translocated selective herbicides e.g 2,4 - D to kilt broad -leaved weeds or MCPA.
- Weeding should be done 2-3 times depending on amount of rainfall.
iv) Harvesting
- Maize, is ready for harvesting 3— 9 months after planting depending on the cultivar and
environmental conditions.
- Harvesting is done during dry season
- For dry maize harvesting is dime when the whole plant starts drying at a moisture
content of 14 -28%
- Maize stalks are cut and stoocked in the farm for cobs to dry.
- After drying the husks are removed either by hand or using combine harvesters.
- The maize cobs are shelled or Stored unshelled.
2a) Describe field production of irrigated rice under the following sub-headings;
i) Land preparation. *NYR*
(ii) Water control. *NYR*
2a) Field production of irrigated rice under the following subheadings
i) Land preparation
-Clear the land
-Divide the land into plots
-Construct/repair bunds/dykes
-Construct/repair inlet and outlet channels (4x1= 4mks)
(ii) Water control
-Flood the field 4 days 7.5-10cm
-Carryout primary tillage
-Paddle the soil to a fine mud
-Uprooted weeds should be heaped on the bunds
-Level the plots by dragging a wooden board/jembe. (3x1=3mks)
3 Give TWO products which are obtained after processing cotton. *BMT*
3 i) Cotton lint
ii) Cotton seed
(2 x ½ mks)

4 Describe field production of paddy rice under the following sub-headings.

i) Land preparation. *BTR*
ii) Water control. *BTR*
4 i) - Clear the land.
- Divide the land into plots of 0.4ha.
- construct/repair the banks/bunds/leevis/dykes.
- Flood the field 4 days before rotavation/digging.
- Flooding should be done until water level is about 7.5-10cm above the soil
- Carry out primary cultivation.
- Puddle the soil to required tilth/fine/smooth.
- Heap the weeds/trash along the bunds.
- Level the field by dragging a board to obtain a level seedbed.
Any 8x1=8 marks.
ii) - Introduce water into the field to a depth of 7.5-10cm before primary
- Leave the field submerged for 4 days.
- At the time of transplanting, leave a thin film of water for 1 week.
- Introduce water gradually into the field as the crop establishes.
- Maintain the water level at 1/3 the height of the crop upto 3 weeks before
- Water should be changed every 2-3 weeks or when cold.
- Remove water 3 weeks to harvesting.
- Water should flow slowly through the field.
Any 7x1=7 marks

5 List two insect pests that attack maize in the field *BMT*
5 Aphids (Rhopalosiphum maidis)
Grass hoppers
Weevils on delayed harvest
Maize stalk borer (Buseola fusca)
Cutworms at seedling stage
Army worm (Spadoptera exempta)
4x ½ =2mks

6 Use the diagrams below to answer the following questions.

a) Identify the varieties of sorghum illustrated above. *KKG*
6a) P- goose necked varied
Q- Compact panicle

b) Which variety is resistant to bird pest attack in the field? *KKG*

b) P- goose necked
c) Give a reason for your answer above. *KKG*
c) It is difficult for the bird to land
d) State four ways of controlling birds in a field of sorghum. *KKG*
d) - Use of scaring device; i.e scarecrows, catapult
- Plant resistant varieties
- Destroy roosting and nesting sites.
- Bait with poison.
7 Describe maize production under the following sub heading:-
7 i) Factors considered when selecting maize varieties to grow. *KKG*
– Rainfall amount- match with variety of crop chosen
- Altitude- The 6 series is suitable for 6000ft above the sea level
- Expected total yield- If a farmer expects high yields then a high yielding variety must be
- Maturity period- Early maturing variety ensures that production costs are reduced and
that they are harvested early to enjoy high market prices.
- Farmers preference and tastes- The crop variety to be grown depends on what the
individual farmer prefers and the use to which the crop will be put.

7 ii) Post harvesting practices in maize production. *KKG*

- Winnowing/cleaning
- Shelling
- Sorting
- Packing
- Drying
- Storage
- Dusting
8 State two precautions which are taken when harvesting cotton. *KKG*

8 – Ensure that no foreign matter e.g leaves mixed with seed cotton.

- - Picking should be avoided when cotton is wet.

- - Sisal bags should not be used to handle cotton

9 Study the illustration P and Q below and answer the following questions.
a) Which one of the two varieties P and Q is prone to birds attack? *KKG*

9a) Variety P

b) Give a reason for your answer in 21(a) above.

b) – It is easier for birds to perch and feed on grain head.

10 a) Describe the production of paddy rice under the following

i) Land preparation *KKG*

10a) - Land is cleared

- Primary cultivation

- land is leveled

- Bunds are constructed around for water control

- Refining of the soil by use rotavators to impede drainage

ii) Water control *KKG*

Flood the land up to a depth of 5cm at planting

- Increase water gradually up to a height of 15cm by the time the seedlings are fully grown
- maintain the flood water at 1/3 the height of the crop throughout the growth period.
- Water should be allowed to flow slowly through the fields
- drain old water and replace with fresh water every 2 to 3 weeks (1x3=3mks)

iii) Weed control *KKG*

- Weed control
- Flooding
- Uprooting
Use of appropriate herbicides

b) State and explain five advantages of crop rotation *KKG*

b) Improve soil fertility

- When legumes are included in the rotation, nitrogen is fixed/ added in the soil.
ii) Control of pests/ diseases

- Disrupts life cycles of certain pests and diseases.

iii) Control weeds

- Controls weeds which are specific to certain crops e.g. striga/ cover crops smother certain weeds.

iv) Better use of soil nutrients

- Different crops draw nutrients from varying soil horizons/ Different crops have different soil demands
therefore when alternated leads to better utilization of nutrients.

V) Control soil erosion

- crops planted in row should be alternated with cover crops to ensure that soil erosion is reduced.

vi) Improves soil structure

-structure grass leys improve soil structure through the roots by binding soil particles together

(1x5=5mks for stating )

(1x5=5mks for explanation)

11 Describe the procedure of harvesting pyrethrum. *KKG*

11 - Flowers are ready 3-4 months after planting

-Flowers are picked selectively, those with horizontal petals/ray florets/with 2-3 rows of disc
florets open.
- Picking internal is 14-21 days depending on the weather, clone and soil conditions.
- Flowers are put in woven basket for ventilation and to avoid fermentation.
-Avoid compacting flowers in the containers to discourage heating.
-Picking when the weather is dry.
12 Describe the production of millet under the following sub-headings.
12 (i) - Dig deeply to remove all weeds
- Carry out secondary and tertiary cultivation to produce a fine tilth.
- Level the ground to ensure even germination
(ii) - Plant at the onset of rains
- Plant by broadcasting, if planted in rows, the furrows should be 30-33 cm
- Plant shallowly not more than 2.5cm deep.
- Plant using phosphate fertilizers.

(iii) - Hand knives are used for cutting heads

- Harvest when heads have dried
- Harvest into bags, dry, thresh and winnow

13 Why is the use of the following items essential during harvesting of tea?
i) Plucking stick. *MGR*

13i) Plucking stick.

-Helps to maintain a uniform /level plucking table
ii) Woven basket. *MGR*
ii) Wooven basket
-Facilitates air circulation /aeration t prevent fermentation of tea.
14 Give FOUR objectives of crop breeding at agricultural research stations *KKG*
14 -To develop high yielding crop varieties
-To develop early maturing varieties
-To develop reduced spacing /increased plant population crops varieties
-To develop varieties resistant to disease and pests
-To develop drought resistant varieties well adaptable varieties to varying
ecological conditions (first 4 correct)
15 Explain FIVE precautions that should be observed during the harvesting of tea. *KKG*
15 Harvest top two leaves and a bud to ensure high quality
- plucked teas in put into woven baskets to prevent fermentation
- The leaves should not be compressed in the basket to prevent over heating and therefore
low quality
- Plucked tea should be kept cool under a shade while waiting for delivery to the
factory to prevent loose of quality
- The leaves should taken to the factory the same day they are harvested
16 a) Identify the disease. *NYR*
16a) - Maize smuts/maize head smut. (1mk)
b) Casual organism. *NYR*
b) - Ustilango SSP (fungus) (1mk)
c) Control of the disease. *NYR*
c) - Hot water treatment seeds of wheat/barley.
- Use of certified seeds.
- Crop rotation.
- Practice field hygiene (2x1=2mks)
d) Other crops attacked. *NYR*
d) - Wheat
- Barley.
- Sugar cane.
17 Describe production of maize under the following sub-headings

(i) Ecological requirements. * MRC*

17i) - Attitude – sea level – 2200m ASL

- Fertile well drained soil

- Average temperatures of 240C

- Annual rainfall of 600-900mm within the growing period

- Neutral or alkaline soils

(Any 4x1= 4mks)

(ii) Seed bed preparation. * MRC*

ii) - Prepare seedbed early

- Carry out primary tillage which is done deeply to eradicate perennial weeds

- Harrow the seedbed to medium tilth


(iii) Harvesting * MRC*

iii) - Ready for harvesting 4-12 months depending on attitude and cultivar


- Harvest directly by breaking the comb from maize stalk

- Harvest indirectly by stooking

- Harvest manually or by use of combine harvesters

- 3000 – 4500kg/ha – yields


18 Give three precautionary measures that a farmer should put into consideration when
harvesting cotton. *KSS*
18 - pick from fully opened bolls.
- Don’t mix cotton with foreign materials
- Use separate container for separate cotton grades when harvesting.
-Avoid using sisal bags for collecting balls.
- Avoid rainy weather when picking.
19(a) Give three symptoms of maize streak disease *SYA*
19a) -Leaves farm light green
-Yellow –white parallel streak on leaves
-Small eared cobs
-Poor taste in grains
(b) Outline two control measures of maize streak disease *SYA*
b) -Rogueing
-Controlling leaf hoppers
-Planting resistant maize varieties
20 Give two ways in which herbicides can be classified *SYA*
20 -Selectivity of herbicides
-Mode of action
-time of application
-Formulating of herbicides.
21 State two factors a farmer should consider when sorting out cotton into grade A *SYA*
21 -Cleanliness of the fibre /lint
-Free from insect pest damage
-Absence of foreign material
22 The diagram below shows a crop that has been affected by some crop diseases

(a) I dentify the disease *SYA*

22a) -Maize smut Rj Smut alone
(b) State three methods of controlling the above crop disease *SYA*
b) -use of certified seeds
-Crop rotation
-Field hygiene
23 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Identify cultivar F G H *MRU*
23a) F- Compact panicle
G- Open panicle
H- Goose necked
(b) What advantages does cultivar H here over Cultivar F *MRU*
b) Resident to bird attack
(c) Name the major species of birds that are responsible for most of losses experienced by
farmers of the crop represented by cultivars
c) Sudan dioch (Quelea aettiopica)
24a) Name the specific feed classes for the following feedstuffs. *TRZ*
24a) i) Fish meal-protein concentrates reject concentrate alone.
ii) Banana stem-succulent. Roughage reject roughage alone.
b. Give three examples of feed additives. *TRZ*
b) -Hormones/stibestrol.
25 State four functions of water in an animal. *VHG*
25 Component of body cells
Transport nutrients
Make cell turgid
For biochemical reaction
For excretion
Part of products e.g milk etc
26 Name three examples of leguminous fodder crops. *VHG*
26 (i) Lucerne/ Alfafa
(ii) Sesbania
(iii) Leucaenia
(iv) Desmodium
(iv) Calliandra
(v) White clover
27 Explain the four precautions that should be observed when harvesting cotton. *VHG*
27 • Sisal bags/gunny bags should not be used to prevent mixing lint and sisal fibres.
• Hands should be cleaned to avoid staining of the lint.
• Picking should be done when the lint is dry to prevent fibres from sticking together.
• Use clean containers for picking to avoid contamination.
• Use different containers for AR(safi) and BR (fifi) grades of cotton to ensure quality.
• Picking should be done immediately the boils open to prevent staining by dirt.
• Avoid picking leaves and twigs to avoid contamination.
28 Describe the production of dry beans under the following Sub-headings;
(i)Bean varieties *VHG*

28i) • Rose coco/GLP 2;

• Mwezi moja /GLP1004;
• Canadian wonder /GLP 24;
• K74;
• Wairimu /Red haricot;
• Mexican 142;
• Mwitemania
(ii)Selection of planting materials *VHG*

ii) • Select varieties suited to the local ecological conditions.

• Select dry and mature seeds.
• Select sound seeds that are free from physical damage and wrinkles.
• Dress seeds with appropriate chemicals to control soil borne pests and diseases.
• Obtain seeds from a reputable source/ certified seeds.
• Seeds should be inoculated with the right rhizobium.
(iii)Planting and weeding *VHG*

iii) • Make shallow furrows /holes at a depth of 3 — 5cm using appropriate tool.
• Apply phosphatic fertzer at a rate of 200kg per hectare during planting/
MAP, SSP/DSP/ manure /DAP.
• Place 2 — 4seeds per hole and cover it up with the soil/seed rate 50— 60kg.
• Spacing is 30—50cm by 10— 15cm depending on the variety.
• Shallow weeding is done to avoid root damage.
• Weeding should be avoided during flowering to prevent knocking off the flowers.
• Weeding should be done when the fields is dry to avoid spread of diseases when
conditions are wet.
• Keep the field weed free during the early stages of growth.
29 State three factors that determine the stage at which a crop is harvested. *MGR*
29 (i) Purpose of crop or use for which crop was intended.
(ii) Market demand
(iii) Concentration of required chemicals
(iv) Weather conditions
(v) Prevailing market price and profit margins
30 Distinguish between under sowing and over sowing as applied in pastures. *MGR*

30 Under sowing: - Establishment of pasture under a cover crop e.g maize.

Over sowing:- Introduction of pastures legume e.g desmodium in an existing grass pasture.

31 Name the part harvested from each of the following.

(a) Onions *MGR*
31a) Bulbs
(b) Pyrethrum *MGR*
b) Flowers
(c) Carrots *MGR*
c) Roots
(d) Tea *MGR*
d) 2 terminal leaves and a bud
32 Describe the field production of Maize (Zea mays) under the following sub-headings
(i) Land preparation
32i) - Clear land and remove any stumps using a Panga
- Plough during dry season using a disc plough or mould board plough
- Remove all perennial weeds
- Harrow land to moderate tilth

(ii) Planting
ii) - Select a suitable maize variety for the area
- Plant seeds at depth of 2.5 – 10cm depending on moisture content.
- Spacing 75-90cm by 23 – 30cm to obtain right plant population
- Place 1 or 2 seeds / hole depending on spacing
- Plant healthy or certified seeds
- Apply D.S.P or well rotten manure during planting

(iii) Pest control

iii) 1. Maize stalk borer - Early planting rogueing
- Pesticides e.g endo sulfan, diazinon.
2. Army worm - Dusting using malathion, diazinon.
3. Aphid - Spraying with suitable insecticides
4. Storage pests e.g Weevil - Hygiene in store
Rats - Rat proof stores
33 Give a reason for each of the following practices in the field.
(a) Top dressing established crops *HBY*
33a) -Nitrogen fertilizers are highly soluble hence would be absorbed easily with well
established roots.

(b) Topping in pasture management. *HBY*

b) To encourage fresh pasture growth and avoid empty patches

(c) Stooking in maize production *HBY*

c) To allow grain /cobs to dry to optimum moisture content 11 – 13 %

34 State two reasons for cutting back in pyrethrum production *HBY*

34 -To increase yield in the following season
-To reduce bud diseases

35 Differentiate the following terms Hybrid and composite in maize. *KGP*

35 Hybrid are bred from pure breeds under controlled pollination while composite are bred from
various pure breeds under uncontrolled pollination
36 Describe the harvesting of both cotton and sugarcane. *KGP*
(i) Cotton harvesting.
36i) - Picked when are fully opened and dry
- Picked during a dry weather/ cotton is picked during a dry weather/ use dry clean
hands when picking.
- Two baskets are used when picking where one grade A and the other grade B are
- Sisal gunny bags are not used for putting picked cotton boll because their fibres
mix with cotton fibres lowering quality.
- Any form of contamination such as twigs, leaves and soil should be avoided.
(ii) Sugarcane harvesting
ii) - Cane is cut when mature- indicated by uniformly from bast to top.
- In western Kenya canes take 18-20 months. In coast canes take about 14 months to
- Samples are sent to the factory to test for sugar distribution.
- Canes are cut near the ground as much as possible.
- Striping leaves from the stem is done or burning the field before cutting can be
done to remove leaves and chase snakes.
- Canes are delivered to the factory within 48 hours. (4x1=4mks)
37 Discuss factors that influence the quality of hay. *KGP*
37 - Soil fertility where crop was grown
- Stage of harvesting/ defoliation
- Weather conditions during drying
- Length of drying period
- Leaf- stem ratio
- Conditions of storage structures
- Length of storage
- Amount of foreign materials present.
38 Explain the difference between the digestive system of a ruminant and a non-ruminant.

Ruminant Non Ruminant

(a) Chew cud (a) Do not chew cud
(b) Have four stomach chambers – Polygastrics (b) Have one stomach chamber – monogastric
(c) Regurgitate food (c) Do not regurgitate food once swallowed
(d) Can digest cellulose – Have micro-organisms in (d) Have no micro- micro – organisms in the
the rumen that digest cellulose stomach – hence cannot digest cellulose except
(e) Have no ptylin in saliva hence no enzymatic those animals with micro organisms in the caecum.
digestion in the mouth. (e) Have ptylin in the saliva
(f) Most digestion and absorption take place in the (f) Most digestion and absorption takes place in the
rumen small intestines
(g) Have alkaline saliva due to presence of (g) The saliva is neutral in PH (1x 5 = 5mks

39 Give the spacing for each of the crops below.

(a) Maize (Kitale hybrid) *NYD*)
39a) 75-90 x 23-30cm
(b) Cabbages *NYD*)
b) 90 -60cm x 60cm
40 State four precautions observed when harvesting pyrethrum. *NYD*
40 -Avoid compacting the flowers.
-Do not pick wet flowers
-Only pick flowers whose 2-3 disc florets are opened.
-Avoid twigs during picking of flowers
-Dry picked flowers immediately after harvesting.
41 Give three ways of preparation of seedlings for agroforestry trees before planting them.
41 -Innoculation
-Breaking seed dormancy
-Cleaning the seeds
-Drying the seeds.
42 Describe the harvesting of sugarcane. *NYD*
42 -Harvest at the correct age /13 – 22 months of plant crop /12 – 18 months for ratoon crop
-Take sugarcane samples for testing to determine maturity
-Cut mature canes at the base /near the ground
-Cut off the green tops
-Strip off leaves from the stem / burn the cane field.before cutting mature canes.
-Deliver the cane the factory within 48 hours immediately after cutting.
-use a cane harvesting machete.


1 Give two factors that influence palatability of pasture. *SYA*
1 - Stage of growth of pasture
- Alternative food eaten by the animal
- The level of hunger

2 Outline the procedure for making silage *SYA*
2 Procedure for making silage
- Prepare the silo
- Cut the crop at the right stage and wilt appropriately
- Chop the material, spread into silo and compact appropriately after every 1-12cm layer.
- Fill rapidly
- When filling is complete, cover the ensued material with a polythene sheet, layer of dry
grass and straw, to keep: away water.
- The silo is then covered with a thick layer of soil maintaining the ‘ridged appearance’ to
facilitate drainage of rain water.
- A trench w then dug all round the silo to drain off ram water
- Temperature in the silo must be checked regularly so that if its is higher than 32.2°C
water is added to cool the ensoiled- materials or decrease compactness of ensoiled
material but if the temperature is below the- limit, dry materials and molasses should be
added or compaction should be increased

3. State two benefits of conserving forage crops. *NYR*

3. Benefits of conserving forage.
i) Provide feed during period of scarcity/distribute available forage for livestock throughout
the year.
ii) Ensures better and proper utilization of land
iii) Can be sold for money/income. (2x ½ =1mk)
4 State TWO reasons for adding molasses during silage making. *BMT*
4 i) To increase sweetness / palatability of silage
ii) To increase nutrient level of silage.
iii) To increase carbohydrate level for proper fermentation.
iv) To restrict growth of undesirable micro organisms.
(2 x ½ mks)
5 State the benefits of pasture conservation. *BTR*
5 - To distribute available forage for stock throughout the year.
- Provide feed for the dry season.
- To ensure better and full utilization of available land.
- Source of income through selling.
4x ½ =2 marks

6 Give the reasons for controlling weeds in pasture land. *BTR*

6 - Weeds reduce the quality of wool through contamination.
- Some weeds tait milk when eaten by dairy animals.
- They reduce yield of grass through competition.
Any 2 x ½ =1 mark
7 Describe production of pasture grass under the following sub-headings.
i) Land preparation. *BTR*
ii) Field management practices. *BTR*
7i) - Clear the land.
- Plough deeply
- Harrow the land to fine tilth.
- This should be done during the dry season.
- Remove all perennial weed/prepare weed free seedbed.
- Firm the seedbed using a roller.
Any 4x1=4 marks
ii) - Control weeds by uprooting/applying suitable herbicides.
- Apply nitrogenous fertilizers about six weeks after germination in split
- Cut back/practice light grazing in initial phase of establishment.
- Avoid grazing when pasture is too young(less than 4 months after planting)
- Topping to be done to stimulate fresh growth.
- Fencing should be done to avoid pasture disturbance.
- Irrigation be done where necessary.
- Pests e.g moles be controlled using appropriate method.
- Re-seeding be done to maintain good ground cover.
8 Give two factors that determine the quality of hay. *BMT*
8 Leaf: stem ratio/ stage of harvesting forage
Forage species used
Length of drying period
Weather conditions on drying
Conditions of storage structure 2x ½ =1mks
9. Distinguish between topping and re-seeding as used in pasture crops *BMT*
9. Topping- Removal of stemmy fibrous materials left over after grazing on pasture
2x1=2mks (mark as a whole)
Re-seedling- Refilling gaps in pastures or legumes after serious denudation by grazer or/ on
10 State four advantages of rotationa grazing. *EMB*
10 Advantages of rotational grazing.
- Livestock make maximum use of the pasture
- Reduces build up of parasites and diseases
- Animal wastes is evenly distributed in all the fields / paddocks
- Pasture is given time to regrow before it is grazed on again
- Excess pasture can be harvested for conservation
- It is possible to apply fertilizers / reseeding / weeding (4 x ½ = 2mks)
11 State four factors that determine the quality of hay. *KKG*
11 - Forage species used
- Stage of harvesting/ leaf to stem ratio
- Length of drying period
- Weather conditions during drying period
- Condition of storage structure
- Amount of foreign material included.

12 Identify four leguminous fodder crops. *KKG*

12 - Leucaena leucocephala
- Calliandra
- Atriplex
- Sesbania spp
- Lucerne (Midicago satia)
- Desmoduim (green leaf desmoduim/ silver leaf desmoduim)
13 State one reason why too much air in the silo is undesirable in the process of silage making. *KKG*

13 .- It can cause overheating

- It may cause decomposition

14 State two characteristic of high altitude pastures. *KKG*

14. –Vigorous growth throughout the year.

- Are ever green

15 Give two roles of additives in silage making. *KKG*
15 - To increase carbohydrates supply for proper fermentation

- To increase nutrients value of silage

- To increase the palatability of the silage.
( 2 x 1 ½ mk=1mk)

16 Give four effects of top dressing on a pasture. *KKG*

16 Replacement of soil nutrients

Improved herbage yield

Nutritive value of the crop is improved
Amends soil structure improving water holding capacity
Improves the population and efficiency of soil micro organism.
( 4 x ½mk=2mks)

17 What are the reasons for innoculating legume seeds before planting . *KKG*
17 -To introduce nitrogen fixing bacteria to fix nitrogen for the plant

- To promote nitrogen fixation prior to planting.

(2 x½mk=1mk)

18 Give two roles of additives in silage making. *KRC*

18 - To increase carbohydrates supply for proper fermentation

- To increase nutrients value of silage

- To increase the palatability of the silage.
( 2 x 1 ½ mk=1mk)
19 Give four effects of top dressing on a pasture. *KRC*
19 Replacement of soil nutrients

Improved herbage yield

Nutritive value of the crop is improved
Amends soil structure improving water holding capacity
Improves the population and efficiency of soil micro organism.
( 4 x ½mk=2mks)

20 What are the reasons for innoculating legume seeds before planting . *KRC*
20 -To introduce nitrogen fixing bacteria to fix nitrogen for the plant

- To promote nitrogen fixation prior to planting.

(2 x½mk=1mk)

21 State one difference between Topping and Top-dressing. *KSS*

21 Topping is the cutting of the stemy, fibrous remains of pasture after direct grazing by the use of a
sharp Panga. While top dressing is the application of Nitrogenous fertilizers in the field of
established crops. (1x1=1)

22 Outline the four steps followed in hay making. *KSS*

22 (i) Cut the crop when 50% of the plant has flowered.
(ii) Spread out the cut material on the ground evenly to dry for 2-3 days.
(iii) The hay is windrowed and then baled.
(iv) The hay bales are then stored in a shed out of reach by rain water and sunshine.
(Step (i) – (ii) correctly followed = 4 mks

23 State four factors that determine the nutrient content of hay. *MGR*
23 -Stage of growth at harvesting time.
-Species of the forage crop used.
-Duration of storage.
-Soil fertility where the crop was grown.
-Weather conditions during drying.
-Length of drying period.
-Pest/disease attack.
-Method of storage.
24 Describe field production of Napier grass under the following sub-headings.
i) Seedbed preparation *MGR*
24i) -Practice early seedbed preparation/during day spell.
-Clear all the vegetation/stumps.
-Carryout primary tillage.
-Dig deeply to remove all weeds.
-Carry out secondary tillage.
-Seedbed should have a medium tilt.
-Prepare furrow/holes for planting.
-Spacing between furrows 90-100cm cuttings/90-100cmx 50cm for splits.
ii) -Plant at the onset of rains/early planting.
-Select desirable Napier grass variety for the ecology and the area.
-use healthy planting materials.
-Use cutting/canes or splits for planting.
-Cutting/canes should have 3-5 nodes.
-Select cutting from mature canes /stems.
-Place planting materials in the furrows/holes.
-Cover the material with soil to the appropriate depth.
25 Describe the establishment of a grass pasture from the time land is ploughed to
the time the pasture is ready for grazing *KKG*
25 Establish of a grass pasture
• Select a desirable variety of seed grass for the ecological zone
• Clear the land using a mower
• Cultivate /plough the land early /during the dry season
• Prepare land to fine tilth/harrow the land
• Removealltheperennialweeds
• Plant seeds early at the onset of rain/just before the rains
• Plat seeds by drilling /or broadcasting them evenly
• Plant at the depth of 3-5 times the diameter of the seeds
• Use the recommended seed rate for the variety
• Apply phosphatic fertilizers at the rate of 200-300kg/ha at planting time

26 Factors which influence quality of hay. *NYR*

26 - Type of forage used.
- Length of drying period.
- Stage of harvesting.
- Condition of the storage structure.
- Weather condition during preparation. ( 4 x ½ = 2mks)
27 i) Identify the structure. *NYR*
27i) - Trench silo (1x ½ = ½ mk)
ii) Form of storage. *NYR*
ii) - Silage 1mks
iii) Role of the following . *NYR*
iii) a) Polythene paper -prevent rain water from entering forage
-Prevent entry of oxygen which can cause the decomposition
b) Drainage: -Prevent run off/ water from the area which could result into
seepage (1x1=1mk)
iv) Other methods used to preserve forage. *NYR*

iv) - Hay
- Standing forage (2x1 =2mks)
28 Describe the establishment of a grass pasture from time land is ploughed using a
mould board plough to the time pastures is ready for grazing. *NYR*

28 Prepare land during a dry season.

 Plough deep to remove perennial weeds.
 Harrow land to a fine tilth.
 Clean seedbed is required.
 Firm the soil using wooled board.
 Select suitable variety of grass seeds based on ecology.
 Plant the certified seeds.
 Plant seeds at the onset of rain.
 Apply phosphatic fertilizers at 200-300kg/ha.
 Use the recommended seed rate or 10-15kg/ha.
 Drill the seeds evenly at 3-5times of the diameter of seeds.
 Drug twig/gunny bag to cover the seeds properly
 Control weed by uprooting/apply suitable herbicides.
 Apply nitrogenous fertilizers at about 6wks after germination in splits.
 Cut back in the initial stage to encourage lateral growth.
 Avoid overgrazing when pasture is too young .
29 Explain advantages of mixed grass-Legume pasture over pure grass pasture.

29 (i) More palatable than pure pastures.

(ii) A farmer has security against total loss in case of pests and diseases attack or bad
(iii) Yields are higher per unit area of land than in pure grass pastures.
(iv) It is more nutritious / has higher nutrive value than pure pasture
(v) It makes maximum use of soil nutrients because of different nutrient
(vi) It has better weed control effect
(vii) It reduce soil erosion because of good soil cover.
(viii) It increases soil fertility because nitrogen fixation
(ix) There is economy in use of fertilizer in mixed pasture
(x) There is better growth in mixture of early and late maturing species

any 8x1 = 8mks

30.a) State four factors that affect the quality of hay . *KSS*

30a) -length of drying period

-The species of forage crop used for hay making
-The leaf stem ratio of the forage materials
-The amount of foreign materials included
b) Outline the procedure of Hay making in the farm
b) (i) Cut the forage crop when 50% of plants have flowered
(ii) Dry the cut crop to about 15-20% moisture content for 3 – 4 continuous sunny
(iii) Turn over its cut grass during the period of drying each day
(iv) Gather the hay materials and soil / store in shed
c) Name any four leguminous crops used for making hay. *KSS*
c) -Incresive
31a) Describe the establishment of grass pasture under the following subheading.

31a) (I) Land preparation

-Clear land before ploughing / digging
-Prepare the land during the dry season
-Plough the land deeply to remove all weeds
-Harrow the land to fine tilth
-Level the seedbed
-Roll he seedbed to make it firm.

(II) Planting
-Plant at onset of rains
-Use certified seeds / health seeds
-Select desirable variety of seed grass for the ecological zone of the area.
-drill / broadcast the seeds evenly at recommended rate of or plant in furors
-Apply phosphatic fertilizers organic manure at recommended rate.

(III) Field management practices

-Irrigate during dry spells
-Weeding be done through uprooting slashing or use of suitable herbicide
-Topdress with a nitrogenous fertilize 6 wks after germination in splits
-Re-seeding / gapping to be done
-carry out topping / removal of stemy fibrous material left after grazing.
-Pest control –control moles through trapping and use of appropriate rodenticides
-Fence off the pastures land to avoid disturbance of pasture / control grazing
through padlocking tethering and stoll grazing.
b) Describe seven advantages of mixed - grass – legume pasture over pure grass
pasture . *KSS*
31b) (i) Farmers has security against total loss due to attack by pests disease and bad
(ii) Mixed grass yields higher per unit area of land than pass grass
(iii) Mixed pasture is most palatable than pure grass
(iv) Mixed grass pasture reduces soil erosion because of good coverage.
(v) Mixed grass is more nutritious / has higher nutritive value than pure grass
(vi) Mixed pasture makes maximum use of soil nutrient because they have different
nutrient requirement
(vii) Mixed grass pasture has got better weed control
(viii) Mixed grass pasture increases soil fertility because of nitrogen fixation
(ix) There is better distribution of growth i.e mixture of early and late maturity species
can be included in the mixture
32. State two ways farmers can use to utilize forage crops *SYA*
32 -Chopping and feeding to livestock as hay
-Wilting and feeding to livestock as silage
-Cut and preserved /conserved for later use.
33 Give Two benefits of proper stocking rate in pasture management *MRU*
33 -prevent depletion of pasture.
-Prevent destruction of pasture which may lead to soil erosion.
-Reduces incidences of disease and pest attack.
34 Describe field production of Napier elephant grass under the following sub-
Headings. *TRZ*
i) Seedbed preparation.
34i) -Practice early seedbed preparation.
-Clear all the vegetation/stumps.
-Carryout primary tillage.
-Dig deeply to remove all weeds.
-Carry out secondary tillage/prepare the land to a fair/medium/moderate tilth.
-Prepare furrows/holes for planting.
-Spacing between furrows.90-100cm for cutting.100x 50cm for splits.
ii) Planting.
ii) -Plant at the onset of the rains/early planting.
-Select desirable Napier grass for the area.
-Use healthy planting materials.
-Use cuttings/canes should have 3-5 nodes.
-Select cutting from manure canes/stems.
-Place planting materials in the furrows/holes.
-Cover the materials with soil.

iii) Fertilizer application.

iii) -Apply phosphate fertilizer at planting.
-Apply farm yard manure/composite manure before planting.
-Rate of organic manure should be 7-10 tons/ha
-Apply organic manure after harvesting.
-Top dress with Nitrogen and potassium 6-8 weeks after planting.
iv) Control weeds by:
iv) -Cultivation/ uprooting/ slashing
-Use of appropriate selective herbicides
- intercropping with legumes that smoothes the weeds.
-Practice timely weed control.
v) Utilization.
v) -Cut and feed it to ruminants.
-Cut the stems at 2.5-5cm above the ground surface.
-Use a sharp panga for cutting.(reject use of a sickle)
-Conserve excess napier as silage.
- Napier grass can be dried and used as mulch.
36 Explain why it is necessary to allow freshly cut sorghum to wilt before
feeding it to livestock. *VHG*
36 To avoid prussic acid/ hydrocyanic acid poisoning

37 Give three factors that determine the quality of hay. *MGR*

37 (i) Forage species used
(ii) State of harvesting hence leaf : stem ratio.
(iii) Length of the drying period
(iv) Weather condition during the drying process
(v) Condition of storage structure.

38. Outline three methods of utilizing Napier grass as a forage crop *HBY*
38 -Conserved as silage for future use.
-Cut and feed livestock as fodder
-Cut –dries and used as mulch.

39 Differentiate between topping and top-dressing as used in pasture management.

39 Topping is cutting of the stem fibrous material after a period of grazing while top-
dressing is application of fertilizer when the pasture is growing in the field (mark as a
40 The diagram below shows a Silo . Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the type of Silo shown on the diagram . *NYD*

40a) -Trench silo

(b) State the use of the parts labeled M and N . *NYD*

b) M - Prevents entry of water .
N - To enhance drainage
(c) Give two ways of ensuring that anaerobic conditions are achieved during silage making
process. *NYD*
c) -Fine chopping of the forage
-Rapid filling of the silo
-Ensuring that the silo is air tight /properly covered.


1 Name two diseases of poultry that are controlled by vaccination *SYA*

1 Disease’ of poultry controlled by vaccination

- New castle
- Fowl pox
- Fowl typhoid
- Gumboro/ infection bursa disease
- Marek’s diseases (fowl pardysis (4 x ½ = 2mks)

2 Give the name of the part in the animal affected when the animal is attacked by brucellosis
2 Testis! testicles epididymis (1 mk)
3 Describe milk fever disease under the following sub- headings
i) Animal affected *SYA*
ii) Symptoms
iii) Control and treatment
3 Milk fever disease
i) Animals affected
- Cows that have recently calved down
- Goats and pigs that have recently parturated.
(2 x 1 = 2mks)
ii) Symptoms
- Dullness
- Muscular twitching
- Staggering
- Falls down and becomes unconscious
- Animals lie down on the side and whole body stiffness.
- Stomach contents
4 State two chemical methods of treating bloat in ruminants. *NYR*
4 Chemical methods of treating bloat in ruminants
-Drenching the animal using suitable oils e.g. turpentine oil mixed with vegetable oil
-Administering Epsom salt to clear remaining rumen contents
-Administering methyl silicone as an injection directly into the rumen to treat the frothy type of
bloat. (2x ½ =1mk)

5 The following diagram illustrates a symptom of a disease in poultry. Study it carefully and answer
the questions that follow.
a) Identify;
i) The disease *NYR*
ii) The causal organism *NYR*
b) Apart from lesions, state one other symptoms of the disease. *NYR*
c) State two control measure for the disease. *NYR*
5 a) i) The disease
-Fowl pox/cutanous pox/Avian pox. (1x ½ = ½ mk)
ii) Causal organism
-Virus (1x ½ = ½ mk)
b) Other symptoms
-Watery discharge through eyes and nose.
-Difficulty breathing and swallowing
-Loss of appetite. (1x ½ = ½ mk)

c) Control measure
-Removal and killing of all affected birds
-Observe proper hygiene
-Isolation of affected birds. (2x ½ =1mk)
6 Discuss mastitis disease under the following sub-headings.
i) Animal affected. *NYR*
ii) Causal organism. *NYR*
iii) Symptoms of attack. *NYR*
iv) Control and treatment. *NYR*
6 Mastitis disease
i) Animal affected-cattle (1x1=1mk)
ii) Causal organism-streptococcus. Urens
-Streptococcus agalactiae. (1x1=1mk)
iii) Symptoms of attack
-Milk contains pus, blood, thick clots and turns watery
-Death of the infected quarter may result
-Milk has salty taste with fine clots or flakes
-When udder and teats are swollen animal reject suckling or milking
iv) -Infected quarter is treated with antibiotics
-Use srip-cup to check for mastitis
-Use right milking technique
-Treat open wound on
-cleanliness and use disinfectant
-Dry cow therapy
-Use separate udder cloth. (2x1=2mks)
7. Name four diseases of sheep that are controlled by vaccination. *BMT*
7. - Anthrax
- Brucellosis
- Lamb dysentery
- Foot and smooth
- Blue tongue 4x ½ =2mks
8 Describe calf scours disease under the following sub-heading.
i) Animals attacked *BMT*
ii) Causal agent
iii) Predisposing factors
iv) Symptoms
v) Central measures
8 i) Calves
- Piglets
- Lambs
- Kids
ii) Escherichia coli 1mk

iii) –Feeding young ones at irregular intervals

- Lack of v.f.A due to absence of green fodder in the mother’s diet.
- Inadequate housing which exposes the calves to the stress of weather.
- Overfeeding the calf with milk feeding with very cold milk
- Lack of colostrums
- Congenital weakness of the calves 4x1=4mks

iv) –Faeces have pungent smell

-White/ yellowish diarrhoea
-High temp. up to 40-500C
-Loss of appetite
-Sunken eyes
-Undigested milk/ mucus discharge in the faeces.
-Faecal matter is left on the hindquarter
-Sudden death if not treated
-Recovered animals remain generally weak 6x1=6mks
v) Control measures
- Proper/ adequate housing
-Give the animals balanced feed
- Ensure the calf takes colostrums the first weak
- Improve hygiene the calf surrounding
- Give calf milk at body temperature./ immediately milked
9 .Answer any two questions in this section.
a) Discuss the factors that may predispose livestock to certain disease. *BTR*


 Breed of the animal /Heredity-certain diseases are specific to certain breeds of animals .
 Age of the animal-some disease only attack animals at a given age e.g calf scours
 Sex of the animal- Some diseases are sex specific e.g. vagimitis and maltitis attack female
animal and orchitis attack males.
 Colour of the animal-e.g. light coloured animals suffer photosensitization , sola erichema
and ye cancer while dark coloured animals suffer from heart stress .
 Hygiene of the surrounding – Dirty environment are source of such infections as
coccidiosis and calf scours.
 Level of production –high producing animals are proned to certain diseases e.g milk fever.
 Physical injuries –An injury on the feet could easily lead foot rot ,injury on teats can lead
to mastitis.
 Animal movement-animal meeting others which are sick.
(any 5x1=5marks)

b) Describe foot and mouth disease under the following subheadings:

i)Causal organism *BTR*

ii)Animals affected. *BTR*

iii)Symptoms. *BTR*

iv)Control. *BTR*


i)Causal organism
virus (1x1=1mark)

ii)Animal affected

 Lameness
 Wounds and blisters on tongue ,gums
 Salivation
 Loss of appetite


 Vaccination
 Quarantile
 Use of antibiotics
 Isolation
 Slaughter and proper disposal of carcus
10. a) Give one cause of milk fever. *BMT*
b) State one preventive measure of milk fever in dairy cattle *BMT*
10 a) Lack of calcium in diet 1x1=1mk
b) Partial milking for first ten days in animals with past cases.
- High supply of P and Ca to darry animals
- High dosed of Vit D and parathroids extracts supplied. Any 1x1=1mk

11 Discuss the disease Rinderpest under the following sub headings.

(i) Animals attacked *EMB*
(ii) Symptoms of attack *EMB*
(iii) Control measures. *EMB*
11 Rinderpest Desease.
(i) Animals attacked
Pig, cattle, sheep, goats
(any two examples)
(ii) Symptoms of attack
- Teeth grinding
- Rough hair coat / starring coat
- High body temperature
- Under acute attack death occurs within 2 -10 days
- Watery eyes and nose
- Diarrhoea and dysentery
- Difficult in breathing
- Reddish mouth and nose mucous membrane
- Ulcers appear in the mouth
- Emaciation *EMB*

(iii) Control measures.

-imposing quarantine when there is outbreak
-Vaccination offer every 6 months / regular vaccination
-Apply disinfectants on wounds
-Kill infected animals and dispose them well
-Disinfect animal houses
-Proper hygiene in animal houses
12 Give two causes of scouring in calves. *KKG*
12 • Overfeeding/ giving the calf cold milk.
• Lack of colostrum.
• Irregular feeding of calf
• Feeding milk at wrong temperature.
• Feeding milk in dirty containers/ feeding contaminated milk.
13 State three signs of anthrax infection disease observed in the carcass of cattle. *KKG*
13 Carcass lacks rigor mortis.
• Excess bloating
• Water tar-like blood oozes from body openings/orifices
• Oozing blood clots
• Rapid purification.
14 Discuss Rinderpest disease in livestock under the following sub — headings:
i) Animals affected *KKG*
14i) • Cattle
• Sheep
• Goats
• Pigs
• Wild animals

ii) Symptoms *KKG*

ii) • High fever
• A staring coat
• Discharges in the mouth and nose
• Eyes appear watery
• Diarrhoea and dysentery
• Mucus membranes of the mouth nose and become red, develop wounds/ulcers
• Animal becomes emaciated
• Animals grind their teeth
• Death occurs in 2- 10 days after incubation in acute cases but may live
3 or more weeks in less acute cases.
iii) Control measures *KKG*
iii) • Vaccination every 6 months
• Quarantine application in outbreak areas
• Kill all animals affected
• Nurse animals with disinfectants on wounds
15 Explain six advantages of establishing a mixed grass legume pasture instead of planting a pure grass
pasture. *KKG*

15 – Has a higher nutritive value.

- Yield of forage per unit area is higher.

- Higher soil fertility due to nitrogen fixation

- It is more palatable.

- Prevent total loss from pest and diseases.

- Economy in the use of nitrogenous fertilizers

16 State three pre – distributing factors of mastitis in dairy cattle *KRC*

16 (i) Age
(ii) Stage of lactation
(iii) Udder attachment
(iv) Incomplete milking
(v) Mechanical injuries
(vi) Poor sanitation
(vii) Poor milking techniques
17. State two preventive measures for bloat. *KSS*
17 Preventive measures for bloat
- Giving hay before releasing animals to fresh pasture
- Giving fairly wilted gasses after cutting
- Spraying pasture with vegetable oil or liquid paraffin before grazing animals in the field
- Animals should be taken for grazing after the dew has cleared from vegetation
( ½ x 2=1mk)
18 Discuss East coast fever under the following headlines.
18 i) Animal affected – cattle 1x1=mk
ii) Causal agent – protozoan theileria parva 1x1=1mk
Rej- protozoan alone.
iii) Symptoms of attack.
Swollen lymph nodes
High temperature (fever)
Difficulty in breathing (Dyspnoea)
Haemorrhages in the vulva and mouth.
Sight impairment
Any 5x1=5mks
iv) Control
Control ticks appropriately
Fencing to keep off stray animals
Treat using appropriate drugs
19 Diseases in poultry controlled by vaccination*KKG*
19 • New castle
• Fowl pox
• Fowl typhoid
• Gumboro/infections Bursa disease
• Maseta
20 Discuss Gumboro disease under the following sub-headings
ii)Control measures
• Glands above the vent becomes swollen
• Decrease in egg production
• Birds develop respiratory distress
• Loss of appetite
• Low water intake
• Severe immune suppression making the birds
• Susceptible to other disease
• Inflamation of cloaca (any 4x 1= 4mks)
ii)Control measures
• Regular vaccination through the eyes and in drinking water
• Observe hygiene in poultry house]
• Have the right population of birds per house unit
• Use vitamins especially B12 for fast manufacture of blood (4x1=4mks)
21 Describe the procedure of harvesting honey from a Kenya Top bar hive *KKG*
21 Approach the hive quietly and blow smoke around the hive and through the entrance hole
Lower the hive to the ground Remove the hives top cover
Systematically remove the top bars each in turn, check for comb formation and scrap off
bees using the have tool
Cut the combs from each top bar, three centimeters from the surface and pout in a clean
Place back the bars and return the hive to its position (6mks)
22. Describe any six parts and functions of a zero grazing unit *KKG*
22 Parts and functions of a zero grazing unit
• Milking stall — used to retraining cows during milking
• Calf pens — used for rearing calves up to 16 weeks
• Sleeping cubicles — used for providing shelter to the animals
• Leafing areas used for resting and dumping
• Feed and water troughs for feeding and watering animals
• Feed preparation room — for the preparation of feed ratios
• Milk recording room — used for keeping individual milk records for the dairy cows
• Store — for keeping dairy equipment (any 6 x 1 = 6mks)
Selection of construction materials
Cost of materials
Suitability of the materials
Suitability of each type of material to the prevailing weather conditions Strength of the
Workability of the material (8x1=8mks)
23 Three aspect of rainfall which influence agriculture. *NYR*
23 - Rainfall reliability
- Rainfall intensity
- Rainfall distribution
- Rainfall duration.
- Rainfall amount.
- Form of rainfall
2.4 Financial books. *NYR*
24 - Journal
- Cash book
- ledger
- inventory.
25 Advantages of tissue culture. *NYR*
25 - Establish pathogen free plants.
- Mass production of propagules.
- Fast method of vegetative propagation.
- Require less space.
- Tool for research.
26 Characteristics of variable inputs. *NYR*
26 - Change in quantity needed with level of production.
- Allocated to specific enterprises.
- There cost depends on kind and quantity used
- They are added to fixed inputs for any production to take place.
- Their cost value is used to calculate gross margin (4 x ½ = 2ms)
27 Differentiate between mixed farming and intercropping. *NYR*
27- Mixed farming is the growing of crops and rearing of livestock in the same piece of land while
intercropping is the growing of more than one crop in same piece of land in an alternating
manner. (1x1=1mk)
28 Ways of preventing water erosion. *NYR*
28 - Fencing water bodies.
- Soil and conservation measures.
- Vegetating the water ways /river banks.
- Enforcing law on use of agro-chemicals.
- Proper disposal system.
- Adequate water control methods should be employed.
(4 x ½ =2mks)
29 Reasons for organic farming. *NYR*
29 - No pollution
- Conserve the soil e.g. soil structure, soil pH e.t.c.
- Minerals used are readily available.
- Produce healthy products.
- Produce fetches higher prices in international markets.
- Easily carried out. ( 4 x ½ =2mks)
30 Disease pre - disposing factors in livestock. *NYR*

30 - Animal species
- Breed of the animal
• Age of the animal
• Sex of the animal
• Animal movement
• Environmental hygiene
• Size of the herd
• Body condition.
First 5 x 1 =5 marks
31 Symptoms of foot rot disease in sheep. *NYR*

31 • Animal’s foot become swollen

• Lameness/pain is observed as animal walks
• Pus and rotten smell from the hoof
• Sheep are found kneeling when grazing if front legs are affected.
• Animals spend most of their time lying down when the hind feet are affected.
• Animal become emaciated due to lack of feeding.
32 The diagram below illustrate an infection disease of poultry characterised by lesions or wounds
on the comb study it and answer questions that follow.
a) Identify the disease of poultry shown in the diagram. *HBY**

32a) Fowl pox (Avian diphtheria)

b) A part from the symptoms shown above, give other two major symptoms associated with the
disease identified in (a) above. *HBY**
b) - Difficulty in breathing and swallowing
- Watery discharge from eyes and nose in the early stages
- The lesions later developed into rough eater like nodules resulting into raw bleeding
c) State any four measure that can be taken to control the disease.
c) - Regular vaccination especially at 4-5months of age or before birds are transferred to
laying house.
- Culling of all affected birds.
- Read birds should be burned or buried.
- Proper sanitation practises/ isolation of sick bird
- Treat any wounds on the cumbs and wather by applying of iodine.
33 Name two zoonotic livestock diseases. *MRU**

33 (i) Anthrax

(ii) Brucellosis

(iii) Bird flue

(iv) Mad cow disease

(v) Rif valley fever

34 Describe foot and mouth disease under the following sub-headings:-

(i) Causal organisms *MRU**

34i) (i) Virus

any 2x1 = (2mks)

(ii) Symptoms of attack *MRU**

ii) (a) Profuse salivation

(b) Blisters which are painful around the mouth and hooves leading to Lameness

(c) Drop in milk production in lactating cows

(d) Sharp rise in temperature / high fever

(e) Emaciation

(f) Complete loss of appetite

(g) Diarhoea

(any 4x1=4mks)

(iii) Control measures. *MRU**

Iii) i) Vaccination every 6 months
ii) Slaughter and destruction of carcass
iii) Regulation of livestock movement by issue of movement permits
iv)Burn / bury dead animals
(any 3x1=3mks)

35(a) What is a zoonotic disease ? *SYA*

35 (a) -A disease that can be transmitted from livestock to human beings and vice versa
(b) List three examples of zoonotic diseases *SYA*
b) -Brucellosis
-Rift valley fever
36 Describe Gumboro disease under the following sub-headings. *SYA*
(i) Animal attacked
36i) -Chicken, Turkey ,Pigeons, Ducks
(ii) Causal organism
ii) -Birna virus
(iii) Mode of transmission
iii) -Contaminated feeds
-Contact with infected birds
(iv) Symptoms
iv) -Clods above the vent (Bursa) become swollen
-Drop in egg production
-Respiratory diseases
-Loss of appetite
-Reduced water intake
-Reduced immunity
-Mortality of birds.
37 Outline Five symptoms of trypanosomiasis (nagana) in cattle *MRU*
37 -Dullness
-High temoperatures (fever)
-Loss of appetite.
-general body weakness.
-Swollen lymph nodes
-Lachnimation which leads to blindness
-Rough /Staring coat sometimes without hair and may be cracked .
-Swollen of belly parts of the body.
-Milk production decrease
-loss of hair at the tail end
-abortion in pregnant female.

38 Describe anthrax disease under the following sub headings *MRU*

Causal organism
38i) -Bacillus anthracis
(ii) Symptoms of attack
ii) -The animal is swollen on the underside of the body
-The animal develops fever.
-There are blood stains in the faeces and in milk.
-In pigs the throat swells and this may cause death due to suffocation.
-In the dead animal a tar –like watery blood comes off the orifices, such as nose , anus
and Mouth
-Carcasses of an anthrax attack lacks rigor mortis.
(iii) Control measures
iii) -Give animal large doses of anti-anthrax serum
-Treatment of wounds is also carried out.
-Dead animal is burnt or buried very deep to prevent spread.
-The carcass must not be opened.
-Animals should be vaccinated using Blanthax
-Imposing quarantine if there is an outbreak.
39 Name two viral diseases that attack poultry. *TRZ*
39 -New castle.
-Mareks disease/fowl paralysis.
-Fowl pox.
40 Describe foot and mouth disease under the following sub-headings.
i) Causal organism. *TRZ*
40i) -Virus/virus type O.A.C/South African types (SAT 1, SAT 2, SAT3/Asian type)
ii) Livestock species attacked *TRZ*
ii) -Cattle-sheep, pigs, Goats.

iii) Symptoms of attack *TRZ*

iii) -Profuse salivation.
-Blisters which are painful around the mouth hooves-Leading to lameness.
-Drop in milk production in lactating cows.
-Sharp rise in temperature/High fever.
-Complete loss of appetite / Anorexia
iv) Control measures *TRZ*
iv) -Vaccination every 6 months.
-Slaughter and destruction of carcass.
-Regulation of livestock movement by issue of movement permits / Quarantine
-Burn/Bury dead animals / proper disposal of carcasses.

41 Name the causal agent of black quarter disease in livestock. *VHG*

41 Clostridium chauvei
Chauvei septicum (any 1 x 1 = lmk)

42 List four structural requirement of a deep litter house. *VHG*

42 Should be proper ventilated
Should be leak proof
Should have litter on the floor
Should have proper drainage
Should be drought free . (4 x ½ = 2mks)

43 Give two predisposing factors of foot rot in sheep. *MGR*

43 - Filthy surroundings such as wet and muddy area
- Over-grown hooves
- Presence of sharp stones / objects in the grazing field.
44 Name viral diseases of livestock. *MGR*
44 Rinderpest
- Food and mouth
- Newcastle disease
- Fowl pox
- African swine fever
- Gumboro

45 State the catergories of vegetables in which Radish, Tulip and Carrots belong.
45 - Root vegetables (1x1=1mk)

46 Explain any two methods used in conservation of forage in the farm. *KGP*
46 - Standing hay- pasture is left to grow in the field unutilized until when it is needed
during the dry season.
- Hay- pasture grass is harvested at its required moisture content, baled and stored
for future use.
- Silage- Forage is harvested, wilted, chopped into convenient pieces and fermented
in silos for future use. (2x2=4mks)
Method a mark, explanation, a mark.
47 Discuss the disease anthrax in cattle under the following subheadings.
(i) Casual organism *KGP*
47i) Bactrium, Bacillus anthracis (1x1=1mk)
(ii) Symptoms of attack *KGP*
ii) - High fever
- Extensive bloating
- Blood stained faeces as milk
- Swelling of the throat
- Restlessness
- Sudden death
- Carcass lacks rigor mortis
- Tar – like watery blood oozes from all body orifices upon death.
(3x1 = 3mks)
(iii) Control measures *KGP*
iii) - Proper disposal of the carcass
- Imposition of quarantine
- Annual vaccination with blanthrax vaccime
- Proper disinfection of infected areas
- Do not open the carcass
(1x1= 1mk)
48 Name the main characteristics symptoms observed in an animal suffering from milk fever *NYD*

48 -Animal lying down on the sternum with neck twisted to one side
49 Describe East Coast fever (ECF) disease under the following sub – headings.

(i) Causal organism. *NYD*

49i) Theirelia spp/Theirelia perva

(ii) Symptoms of the disease infection. *NYD*

ii) -Swollen lymph nodes around the ears shoulders and stiffle joints
-Animal develops high temperatures /fever
-profuse salivation
-Difficulties in breathing
-Haemorrhages in vulve and mouth
-sight impairment.
(iii) Control measures . *NYD*

iii) -Control of ticks

-Fencing off the farm to keep away strange animals.
-Treatment using correct drugs.

1 What is the role of a footbath in a poultry house? *SYA*
1 Role of footbath in poultry house
- Prevents the introduction of pathogens in the poultry house (1 x 1 = lmk)

2 Discuss the management of layers in a deep litter system *SYA*

2 Management of layers in a deep litters system.

- Proper feeding
- Vaccination
- Dusting poultry house with insecticide
- Observe hygiene
- Disinfect house before introducing new birds
- Administer dewormers in food or water
- Replace litter every 6 months a
- Collect eggs twice a day
- Debeak perpetual egg eaters
- Cull un productive birds
- Provide nesting boxes
- Provide clean Water adlibitum
- Provide roosting perches
- Treat sick birds and suspect case
- Hang green to keep birds busy
- Provide grit or oyster shells
(10 x l=l0mks)

3 State two disadvantages of the battery cage system of rearing poultry. *NYR*
3 Disadvantages of the battery cage system of rearing poultry. (1mk)
-Diseases spread very fast in case of an outbreak
-It requires high level of management
-Birds develop bruise on their breast combs and toes
-It requires high capital to construct. (2x ½=1mk)
4 List four factors considered when grading eggs for marketing. *NYR*
4 Factors considered when grading eggs for marketing:
-Colour of the eggs
-Shell qualities-smoothness, broken or roughness (shell texture)
-Size /weight of the eggs. (4x ½ =2mks)
5 Describe the management of layers in deep letter system from point of lay to end of
rearing period. *NYR*
5 Management of layers in deep litter system
-Space in the house should be adequate for number of layers kept 0.3-0.52/layer to 2-3
-Keep litter dry and free from dust
-Provide enough perches or rooster
-Provide clean and adequate water at all times
-Keep waterers and other equipment clean
-Provide soft litter in the nest
-Ensure nest is dark enough
-Collect eggs regularly (at least twice daily)
-Provide enough green or vitamin.
-Cull poor layer
--Debeak birds
-Vaccinate regularly
-Maintain and repair the house
-provide enough feed troughs
-Isolate sick ones
-Dispose any sick bird
-Discourage broodiness
-Avoid stress
-Control parasites. (13x1=13mks)
6 Below is a diagram showing a house and a brooder set up for brooding chicks.

a) What is the purpose of the part labelled D. *BMT*

b) State two observations that would be made on the behaviour of chicks to determine when the
temperature in the brooder is too high for chicks. *BMT*
c) Name any materials that would be suitable for use as a litter in this brooder. *BMT*
d) State two ways in which the temperature in this brooder may be raised. *BMT*

6 a) Confine the chicks around the source of heat.

Conserve/ maintain heat within the brooder 1x1=1mk
b) - Frequent intake of water.
- Move away from heat source
- Lie on their belly with their wings spread
- Frequent gulping 2x1=2mks
c) -Wood shavings
- Cereal husks
- Dry grass 1x1=1mk
d) -Lower the reflector
- Add another source of heat/ lantern
-Raise the wick 2x1=2mks
7 Give six particles of reducing fighting of birds in a poultry house. *BMT*
7 Practices of reducing fighting of birds in a poultry house
- Debeaking
- Provision of enough feeds/ water
- Provision of enough laying boxes
- Provision of dim light
- Provision of perches/ roosts
- Provision of hanged vegetables 6x1=6mks

8 Describe feeding management of broilers in a deep litter system.

 Feed chicks on broilers starter marsh pellets
 Provide adequate amounts of the feed
 Provide adequate clean water at all times /ad cibitum.
 Gradually introduce broiler finisher meal from 4th-5th week
 Well managed broilers achieve market weight of 2kg in 49-56 days
 Ensure adequate supply of greens or vitamins

9 Below is a diagram showing parts of a farm machine, study and answer the following questions.

 a) Name the parts lebelled 1, 2 and 3. *BMT*
 b) Briefly explain how the power from the engine is stopped from reaching the final drive

 c) Outline two functions of the diagram drawn above in a farm machine *BMT*

 20. a) 1- Crankshaft
 2- Friction disc
 3- Pressure plate
 b) When the clutch pedal is pressed, the flywheel is forced to lie against the friction
disc and finally power is transmitted to differential to the final drive. (1mk)
 c) - Transmits power from Engine to the final drive;
 - It enables the tractor to take off smoothly and gradually; Any 2x1=2mks
10 Give two reasons for using litter in a poultry house. *KKG*
• To keep the house warm.
• To absorb moisture from poultry droppings.
• Keeps birds busy scratching, thus reducing cannibalism.
11 Name two diseases of poultry that are controlled by vaccination. *KKG*
• Marks’s disease, avian spirochaetosis.
• Fowl typhoid, Gumboro/ infectious bursa disease.
• New castle, fowl pox, infectious bronchitis.
• Chronic respiratory disease.
• Infectious coryza of chicken

12 State four conditions that would encourage hens to eat eggs in poultry production.
• Calcium deficiency in the bird’s body.
• Blight light in the laying nests
• Birds laying on the floor.
• Presence of broken, soft shelled eggs.
• Prolonged stay of eggs in the laying boxes.
• Idleness of birds.
• Inadequate feeding.
13 a) Describe the advantages of the battery cage system of rearing layers. *KKG*
Advantages of battery cage system.
• Higher egg produce due to less energy wastage.
• Easy to keep individual production records.
• Control cannibalism and egg eating.
. No contamination of water and feed.
• Birds are not exposed to predators, parasites and diseases.
• Facilitates culling and handling.
• Easy to collect eggs
• Egg losses are reduced.
• Many birds are kept in a given/ high stocking rate.
• Eliminates broodiness.
• Birds still have tender meat at culling due to confinement.
• Facilitates mechanization.
• Keeps eggs clean.
14 Give any two examples of joint product in livestock production. *KRC*
15 Milk and butter
16 Beef and hide
17 Mutton and wool
18 Pork and bristles
19 Rabbit meat and skin
20 Mutton and skin
(4 x½mk=2mks)

15. Differentiate between a broiler and a capon *KRC*

Broiler – bird kept for meat.
Capon – is a castrated/sterilized male bird

16 State three advantages of fold system of rearing poultry *KRC*

Uniform spread of manure
-Less feeds are bought
-Less spread of parasites and diseases.
-Reduced predation
-Less loss of eggs (3x 1/2=11/2mks)

17 State four conditions that reduce the quality of eggs for hatching *KRC*
(i) Small size
(ii) Abnormal shape
(iii) Broken shell
(iv) Internal abnormality
(v) Poor storage
18a) causes of cannibalism in poultry production
-External parasites- they injure themselves in the process of removing the parasites
-Over crowding – makes the birds to see each other closely hence making them detect
something to peck on.
-Bright light – makes the toes to shine resulting in the pecking.
-Prolapse – occurs when the cloak does no retract hence pecked on by others.
(b) Factors to consider when choosing eggs for incubation.
- Fertilised
- Medium size(55-60gms)
- Have smooth shells
- Oval shape
- Free from any cracks on the shells
- Clean to ensure the pores are open
- Should be fresh
- Should not have any abnormalities e.g blood spores, meat spot or double yolk
- Should not be stored for more than 8-10 days

(Any 4, ½ x4=2mks)
19 The following illustrations show the behavior of chicks at different temperatures in a brooder.
(a) Explain the temperature conditions in each of the four diagrams A, B, C and D. *KSS*
A– Chicks are crowding around the heat source because the temperatures are low.
B– Chicks move farther away from the heat source because the temperatures are high.
C– Chicks are evenly distributed within the brooder because the temperatures are favourable.
D– Chicks move towards one side because the temperatures on the side of the brooder are
unfavourable due to effect of drought.
(4 x ½ =2mks)
Four requirements of a brooder
- Should be well aerated and warm
- Should have enough feeders and waterers
- Should be spacious enough
- Should be clean
- Should be properly drained
(4x ½ =2mks)
20 Describe poultry management under the following subheadings.
(i) - Over crowding
- Sudden change of routine operations
- Sudden loud noise
- Sudden change in weather conditions
- Presence of strangers
- Parasite infestation
- Poor feeding / unbalanced diet
- Introduction of new birds
- Rough handling
(First 5x1=5mks)
(ii) - make laying boxes / nests dark / dim
- Provide adequate floor space
- Feed birds on adequate balanced diet
- Keep birds according to age groups
- control external parasites
- hang greens in the poultry house
- Debeak perpetual cannibals
- Cull perpetual cannibals.
(First 5x1=5mks)
21 What are the reasons for first egg candling in poultry. *MGR*

- To check for fertility ½ x1= ½ mk

22 Features of a good laying nest. *NYR*
• Should be dimly lit.
• Should be large enough to accommodate birds comfortably
• Should have clean dry beddings
• Should have lockable doors
• Should be kept in secluded parts of the house
• Should have slanting roofs
• Should be placed on appropriate height from the floor.
Any 4x ½ =2mks
23 A deep litter poultry house measures 9m x 3m, Suppose the amount of space allowed for one
bird is 0.27m2, calculate the number of birds that can be kept comfortably in this house. Show
your working One bird occupies 0.27 m2
Area available 9 x 3m = 27m2
1 bird = 0.27m2
? =27m2

27 m2 x 100
0 . 27 m2 x100
2700 m2
27 m2
¿100 birds
24 Characteristics of a poor layer. *NYR*

• Beaks are yellow in colour

• Have small, dry, pale and cold combs and wattles.
.Eyes are dull and pale yellow in colour.
• Vent is round, dry and less active
• Moult/ remove feathers early
• Commonly go broody
• Have a lazy and dull temperament
• Abdomen is hard and feels full.
• Have yellow brown shanks
• Space between the pelvic bone and the keel is not big enough to fit 3-4 fingers.
Any 10 x 1 = l0mks
25 List four vices that may be easily developed by birds kept under total confinement in a flock.
- Feather pecking
- Cannibalism
- Too pecking
- Egg eating
- Vent pecking
26 The diagram below is a graphical representation of laying percentage curve of a given flock of
hens. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

a) Give one reason why laying percentage curve assumes the shape. *HBY**
This is because the normal laying percentage increase from the point of starting to lay
Up to the optimum age when birds are about 18months old and then starts to drop until
they reach culling age of 15.
b) Give any two reasons which may lead to reduction of laying percentage. *HBY**

- Overcrowding in the laying house

- Stress brought by fight
- Shortage of clean water and feeds
- Parasite infestation and disease attack
- Giving inferior feed
- Broodiness in the layers

c) Give one reason for collecting eggs from the poultry house at least twice a day. *HBY**

This is to avoid over-exposure of the eggs to the birds which may lead to egg eating or
d) A poultry farmer in sindo whose poultry production records is shown on the graph above is
keeping 80 layers in his farm. The hens lay 65 eggs on the average daily. Calculate the laying
percentage of this flock.
Laying percentage = Number of eggs laid x 100
Number of hens
x 100
= 80
= 81.25%
27 Give two roles of litter in a poultry house. *MRU**

(i) Warming the house

(ii) Absorbing moisture (2 x ½ = 1mk)

28 (b)Describe poultry management under the following sub-headings. *MRU**

(i) Causes for cannibalism

(i) External parasites

(ii) Overcrowding

(iii) Bright light

iv) Prolapse
v) Mineral deficiency
vi) Introduction of new bird in a flock
any 5x1 = (5mks) for a well described management practice

(ii) Control of stress *MRU**

(i) Keep poultry house quiet by building it a way from the road where people and
vehicles pass
(ii) Insulate the poultry house to maintain uniform temperature
(iii) Control diseases and parasites
(iv) Change of routine programme must be gradual
(v) Provide enough feed and water
5x1 = (5mks) for a well described practice

29. State three characteristics of a suitable egg for incubation *SYA*

30. State four signs of broodiness in hens *SYA*
-Continous staying of the hen in the laying nest after laying
-The hen stops laying
-The hen becomes aggressive and produces a characteristic sound when approaching in the nest
-The hen plucks off her feathers which she uses in the incubation nest
31 Diagrams N and M below show the fingers fitted between the pelvic bornes as a practice used
in examining layers during culling

(a) Which layer should be culled *MRU*

(b) Give Three characteristics that should be examined when culling *MRU*
-Yelow colour of the shank
-Pale /dry /dull /shrilvelled /shrunken wattles and combs
-Pale /small /roundish /dry vent
-Dull eyes
-prened /glossy/beautiful feathers.
-Hard/full /stiff abdomen
-Heavy in weight
-Yellowish break
(c) Other than using the characteristics of a layer give another method that can be used to.
cull a layer *MRU*
-Use of trap nests out of which layers do not come while non layers are left out thus
indentified and culled.
-Keep layers in individual cages to be able to find out which cages have no eggs.1x1 1mk
32 Describe the management practices carried out in rearing of day old chicks to eight weeks
using a brooder *MRU*
-Wash and disinfect the brooder house before chicks arrive.
-Ensure brooder corners are rounded.
-Spread litter on the floor.
-Cover litter with newspapers in the first few days before chicks learn where to eat from.
-Ensure enough brooding spaces per chick
-Place feeders and waterers in the brooder.
-Place chick mash and water in the feeders and waterers respectively.
-Maintain appropriate range of temperatures according to the age of the chicks
-Vaccinate if they were not vaccinated in the hatchery.
-Debeak if necessary
-Remoive any dead chicks and properly dispose off.
-Provide dim light in the brooder.
-Maintain proper ventilation and avoid drought in the brooder.
-Provide chick mash until the eight week.
-Clean feed troughs and waterers daily.
-Provide adequate clean water at all times..
-Keep proper records.
-Control parasites by applying appropriate pesticide.
-Control diseases using appropriate methods.
-Isolate sick chicks and treat immediately.
-Debeaking should be done 8-10 weeks towards the end of brooding period
-Gradually change from feeding chick mash to growers mash during 7th week.
-Provide a wire guard around the heat source to prevent chicks from being burnt.
33 Below is a diagram showing a cross-section of a brooder for chicks. Use it to answer the
questions that follow.

a)Identify the parts labeled P,Q,R,S and T. *TRZ*

Q-plywood/cardboard wall.
R-water/water trough.
S-Feeder/feed trough.
T-Lantern/electric bulb.

b) What is the purpose of the part labeled Q? *TRZ*

-To confine chicks within heat source.
-To remove corner hence avoid overcrowding.
-To conserve /maintain heat in brooder.

c) State two ways by which temperature in the brooder may be raised. *TRZ*
- lower reflector
- raise wick / voltage of bulb
- Add lantern / add bulbs
34. a) Give five reasons for maintaining farm tools and equipment. *TRZ*
-Make them last longer.
-Increase efficiency.
-Reduce the cost of replacement.
-To prevent damage to the tool.
-To prevent injury to the user.
b) Describe conditions necessary for artificial incubation. *TRZ*
Temperature-37.5-39.40c Higher or lower temperatures will kill the embryo.
-Humidity-60% higher humidity lowers hatchability while with lower humidity, embryo
lose moisture and die.
-Fresh air-Ventilation is important for gaseous exchange / Embryo development
-Egg turning-This allows uniform distribution of heat all over the egg.
35. Give four conditions that may reduce the quality of eggs for hatching. *MGR*
- Dirtness / dirty eggs
- Small size / uder or overweight
- Abnormal shape / round shape
- Internal abnormalities
- Long storage / over 10 days / poor storage
- Infertile eggs
- Cracked / broken egg shells
- Rough / soft egg shell
36 Outline three causes of stress in poultry production. *MGR*
- Sudden change of routine practices e.g change of feed, position of water e.t.c
- Strangers and predators like Mangoose in the birds house.
- Handling of birds for example during vaccinations, culling
- Sudden noises e.g passing tractors, thunder
- Sudden change of weather e.g from warm to cold weathers
- Diseases and parasites
- Lack of food and water
37 Differentiate between pen mating and flock mating *KGP*
Pen mating is where only one cock is used to mate a flock of hens flock mating is where two or
more cocks are used use to mate hens (mark as whole)
38 Give four conditions that may lead to culling in poultry. *NYD*

Egg eating
Old age
-low productivity /poor production / low laying percentage
-Poor health
-Having hereditary defects /deformed
-Retarted growth.
39 The diagram below shows an incubator Study it and then answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the parts labeled A and B. *NYD*

A- Hatching chamber
B –Thermometer.
(b) State the functions of part labeled C. *NYD*

-To provide heat in the incubator.

(c) Explain what would happen if the Relative humidity in the incubator was:-

(i) Very high. *NYD*

Chicks become marshy leading to high mortality.

(ii) Very low. *NYD*

-Embryos lose moisture and die /low hatchability.

40 Describe the structural requirements for a deep litter poultry house. *NYD*

-Well ventilated
-Should be leak proof
-Drought free /windward side wall made solid
-Enough space to avoid overcrowding proper drainage
-Should have litter on the floor to keep house warm and dry by absorbing moisture
-Proper drainage


1 State four conditions that would make a cow to withhold milk during milking *SYA*
1 Condition that makes a cow withhold milk
- If the cow is excite/stressed
- Pain in the udder.
- Change of milk man
- Fear
- Strange surrounding and people
- Change In Milking Routine (4 x ½ = 2mks)
2 State two dairy products that can be prepared from milk cream *SYA*
2 Dairy products from milk cream
- Butter
- Ghee (2 x ½ = lmk)
3 State four pre-milking practices in a dairy herd. *NYR*
3 Pre-milking practices in a dairy herd
-Restrain cow in a crush
-Assemble milking equipments
-Provide dairy meal feed
-Wash udder with warm water/dry udder
-Test presence of mastitis using strip cup. (4x ½ =2mks)
4 Explain five management practices a beef farmer should carry out during drought season to
improve production. *NYR*

Management practices of a beef farmer should carry out

-Forage conservation for use at the time of scarcity
-Pad docking
-Irrigation of pastures
-Selective destocking to reduce members of animals during drought
-Construction of dam/boreholes to supply water.
-Provision of supplement
-Growing of drought resistant pasture species.
-Re-seeding pasture to ensure maximum yield. (5x1=5mks)
5 Give two reasons for washing cow’s udder with warm water. *BMT*
5 - To stimulate milk led-down
- To remove dirt from the udder. 2x ½ =1mk
6 Name a hormone in each case responsible for the following. *BMT*
a) Milk secretion
b) Milk led-down
6 a) Prolactin ½ mk
b) Oxytocin ½ mk
7 The diagram below represents a tractor drawn implement.

i)Identify the implement .

ii) Name the parts labelled C, D and E
iii) What is the power transmission for operating the implement.
iv) Give the use of the identified implement.
v) State three maintenance practices carried out.on the implement shown in the diagram. *BMT*

8 i) Rotary/ Gyromower 1mk

ii) C- Power take off shaft
D- Blade/ cutting blade
E- Guard 3x ½ =1 ½ mk
iii) Power take off (P.T.O) 1mk
iv) Cutting overgrown grass/ mowing grass 1mk
v) -Lubricating the P.T.O shaft
- Clean the implement after use
- Store under a shed.
- Sharpening of cutting blades.
- Replace broken parts 3x ½ =1 ½ mk
9 Describe the management of cows during parturition. *BMT*
9 - Separate the cow from the herd a week before parturition and put it in a clean paddock
- Keep close watch on a cow for signs of parturition without disturbing it.
- Assist the calf during parturition in case of breech presentation if it takes more than 5
hours after showing the parturition signs.
- Allow cow to lick dry or wipe the calf to remove mucus in the mouth and nostrils.
- If the calf does not breath perform artificial respiration or put salt on the tongue
- Cut and disinfect the navel cord
- Weigh calf and record the weight
- Ensure calf sucks colostrums within 8hrs
- Separate calf from mother and take it to a clean warm pen
- Ensure afterbirth is expelled within 12hours or call veterinary for help
-Give cow a lot of water after calving
- Provide high quality feeds in plenty. 8x1=8mks
10 State four factors that affect milk composition in lactating dairy animals.

10 Age of the animal

Condition of the animal
Time of milking
Season of the year
Breed difference
Type of feed eaten
(4 x ½ =2 marks)
11 List four signs of infertility in cows. *BTR*
11 A cow shows not heat sign
Abnormal discharge from vulva
Prolonged heat periods
Irregular heat signs
(4 x ½ =2 marks)
12Give three reasons for steaming up incalf-heifer. *BTR*

12 Provide nutrients for maximum foetal growth

Help buid up energy for parturition.
Increase and maintains high milk yield after birth
Accustoms cow to the milk man
Accustoms cow to the concentrate feeds
(3 x½ =1 ½ )

13 Give three precautions observed when assisting incase of a breech presentation in

13 Hands cleaned and disinfected
Use clean and disinfected materials
Pull the calf downwards towards the udder.

(3 x½ =1 ½ )
14 Below is a section of a mammary gland. Use it to answer the questions that follow.
a) Name the parts lebelled 1 & 2 *BMT*
b) Name the part where milk synthesis take place *BMT*
c) Name two hormones that are involved in milk synthesis and let down *BMT*
14. a) 1-Gland cistern/ milk cistern/ ladiferous sinus (1mk)
2- Lactiferous duct 2mks
b) Alveolus/ secretory alveolus 1mk
c) Oxytoxin
Prolactin 2x ½ =1mk
15 Explain the essentials of clean milking in a dairy herd of cattle. *BMT*
15 - Healthy milking herd.
- Clean milking cows.
- Healthy and clean milkman.
- Clean milking shed.
- Milk filtration, cooling and storage
- Avoid milking flavours.
Any 5 explained points x 1 =5mks
16 State two predisposing factors to mastitis in dairy cattle. *EMB*
16 Predisposing factors to mastitis in dairy cattle.
-Old age
-Poor sanitation / poor hygiene
-Poor milking technique
-Incomplete milking
-Large pendulous udder / Loose udder attachment
-Beginning / End stage of lactation
-Mechanical injury on the teat.
(2x ½ = 1mk)

17 The diagram below shows a cross section of cows udder.

(a) Label the parts I, J, K and L.
(b) (i) What is milk letdown. *EMB*
(ii) Name two hormones responsible for milk let down. *EMB*
17 (a) Label the parts I, J, K and L.
J-Gland cistern
K-Teat cistern
(4x ½ =2mks)
(b) (i) What is milk letdown.
Is the flow of milk from the upper region of the udder to the gland and teat
cisterns and then out of the teat either by milking or sucking
(ii) Hormones responsible for milk let down.
(2x ½ = 1mk)
18 (a) Compare the use of ox-drawn mould board plough with that of a tractor drawn mould
board plough. *EMB*
18 (a) Compare the use of ox-drawn mould board plough with that of a tractor drawn
mould board plough.
Ox-drawn mould board plough Tractor drawn mould board plough.
-Lighter hence does not compact soil -Heavy hence compact soil
-Require less skills -Require more skills
-Slower in operations -Faster in operations
-Source of power not reliable -Source of power reliable
-Ploughs shallowly -Ploughs deeply
-Can be used in steeper areas -cannot work in steep areas
-Requires more people to operate -Require one person to operate
-Cheaper to buy / maintain -Expensive to buy / maintain
-Cannot operate many hours -Can work for many hours.

(5x1= 5mks)
19 Give three ways of stimulating milk let-down in a dairy cow. *KKG*
• Washing the udder with warm water.
• Allow the calf to suckle for a while
• Feeding the cow during milking.
• Regular milking time
• Sounds associated with milking.
• Massaging the udder when washing it.
20 Give three ways of stimulating milk let down in dairy cow.

- Wash udder with warm water

- Massaging udder
- Feeding
- Sounds associated with milking
- Maintaining regular milking time
- Presence of the milkman etc

21 Describe the management of a calf from birth upto weaning

. - Clean mucus from calf son after birth.
- Ensure calf is breathing/adventure artificial respiration.
- cut and disinfect umbilical cord.
-Ensure calf suckles mother to obtain colostrums in the 1st to 8 hours.
- Feed the calf on colostrums for the 1st to 4th day.
- introduce feeding whole milk/milk replaces in the 4th day.
- Feed milk to calf at body temperature.
- Feed calf with milk 10% of its body weight.
- Give adequate clean water.
- Introduce palatable solid feed.
- Weigh calf regularly.
- Identify with appropriate names.
- Give treatment if sick.
- Observe strict hygiene in calf house/pen.
- Control external parasite with appropriate chemicals.
- Deworm/drench against internal parasites.
- Vaccinate against prevalent disease.
- Castrate male calf.
- Remove extra teats.
- Dehorn the calf.
- Release occasionally for exercise.
- Keep records on calf performance.
- Wean calf at 8 weeks.
- Reduce amount of milk towards weaning.
- Train calf to drink milk from bucket.
(20 x 1 = 20mks)

22 State the importance of feeding a calf on colostrum. *MGR*

- Highly digestible
- Highly nutritious
- Contains antibiotics to resist diseases
- Has laxatic effects.
- Its highly palatable
½ x4=2mks
23 Name two hormones that influence milk let down. *MGR*
- Adrenaline
- Oxytocine 2x1=2mks

24. State and explain the factors that influence milk composition and quantity.*MGR*
Factors influencing milk composition and quality
a) Stage lactation
- A lactating cow first produces colostrums immediately after parturition which later
changes into whole milk.
- During lactation period the milk quantity increases for first 30days after
parturition then slowly declines.
- The fat content in the milk is inversely relate to the amount of milk produced.
b) Age
- After reaching maturity(6-8years of age) a cow shows slight decrease in the
percentage of fat content and other major milk constituents.
- Other constituents like sodium chloride, albumin and non- protein gradually
increase in the milk as the cow ages.
c) Breed- different breads have different milk composition

d) Nutrition
- The minerals and vitamin content of the milk are easily influenced by the diet given
to the lactating cow.
- Certain foods such as silage and weeds like Mexican marigold if fed to daily cow
just before milking they cause tainting in milk.
e) Animals health- diseases infection of a lactating cow affects its milk composition and
f) Length of milk interval.
- The quantity of milk produced is higher if a cow are milked after a long milking
g) Amount of water ingested
- If a dairy cow takes too much water at the expense of dry matter, less amount of
milk will be produced.

h) Handling animal during milking

- If the cow is roughly handled, less amount of milk is produced.
i) Prevailing weather conditions
- When weather conditions are stressing to animals, the amount of milk produced is
j) Amount of feed taken by the cow
- High proportion of nutrients taken by lactating animals provides ingredients for
milk synthesis.
25. State conditions that lead to milk let down inhibition if a cow is excited/stressed*KKG*
• Pain in the udder
• Change of milkman
• Fear
• Strange surrounding and people
• Change in milking routine
26 Predisposing factors of mastitis disease in cattle*KKG*
• Age
• Stage of lactation period
• Udder attachment
• Incomplete milking
• Mechanical injuries
• Poor sanitation
• Poor milking techniques
27 Reasons for washing the udder. *NYR*
• To stimulate milk letdown
• To remove physical dirt
• To kill/remove disease causing organisms.
Any 2x ½ =lmk
28 Maintenance practices of a calf pen. *NYR*
• Clean the calf house regularly
• Repair leaking roofs
• Repair /replace broken or worn out parts
• Place dry litter on the flour /change the litter once a week.
• White wash walls.
Any 4x ½ =2mks
29 Hormones that influence milk letdown. *NYR*
2x1 (2mks)
30 Predisposing factors of mastitis disease in dairy cattle. *NYR*
• Age of the animal
• Presence of wounds on the udder/teats
• Poor hygiene in the milking parlours
• Incomplete milking/irregular milking
• Stage of lactation
• Udder conformation / pendulus udder Any 4 x ½ =(2mks)
31 Describe the management practices that should be carried out during the rearing of a dairy
calf from birth to weaning.
- At birth clean the nostrils using clothe/ straw to enable calf to breath
- Tie cut and disinfect umbilical cord.
- Feed calf on colostrums especially during the first 6 hours of life
- Provide housing with warm bedding
- The pen should be free of draught but well ventilated and spacious
- Feed calf on whole milk/ milk substitute/ skim milk
- Provide concentrated/ calf pellets to calf.
- Provide sufficient fresh water to the calf
- Introduce high quality fodder as the animal gets older
- Vaccinate against diseases e.g anthrax
- Spray with accaricide to control etoparasite.
- Identify using suitable method
- Clip extra teat if any.
- Gradually reduce milk fed and increase solid feed such as high quality forage.
- Keep calves in individual pens.
- Allow calves to exercise in paddocks free from worms and contamination.
- Ensure calf pen is clean and well drained.
32. State four advantages of giving colostrums to young calves. *MRU**

(i) Highly digestible

(ii) Highly nutritious

(iii) Is rich in anti- bodies

(iv) Has / laxative effect

(v) Highly palatable

33 (a) Describe hand milking in a dairy cow. *KSS*

- Assemble all the milking equipment such as buckets, milk cans and towels.
- Put the cow in the milking shed and restrain appropriately.
- Wash the udder and teats using warm water mixed with a suitable sanitizing agent.
- Dry the udder using a clean towel.
- Using a strip cup to check for mastitis.
- Carry out the milking by squeezing the milk out.
- Strip the udder dry.
- Dip the teats in anti-mastitis solution after milking.
- Apply milking jelly (milk salve) on the teats.
- Release the cow.
- Wash and record the milk.
- Strain milk as it is put into the milk can and cover immediately.
- Finally, cool the milk rapidly to temperature of 40°C.
(b) Explain the practices observed in clean milk production. *KSS*
- Keep cows healthy / free from diseases.
- Wash the cow’s flanks, udder and region surrounding the udder using clean water, then
dry using milking towels or disposable towels.
- The milkman should be clean, preferably dressed in white overall. He! she should have
short fingernails and hair covered.
- Ensure the milking shed is clean at all times. Wash it after every milking and disinfect
- After milking, filter and cool the milk to 4°C.
- Cover the milk and keep in a cool, dry, dust free room or deliver immediately to the milk
collection centres.
- Don’t feed cows on feeds which may taint milk a few hours to milking.
- Don’t expose the milk to direct sun or put milk in containers with traces of copper or
iron as this causes oxidation of milk fats.

34. Name four ingredients used in making artificial colostrums *SYA*

. -Water /0.8 lkitres of water for whipping egg/warm water 81/2 litres
-One teaspoonful of cod liver oil
-One tablespoonful castor oil
35 (a) What is egg candling *MRU*
Observing for abnormalities in an egg against strong light
(b)State Four abnormalities which can be observed during egg candling *MRU*
-Size of air sp[ace
-If the egg is fertilized /germinal disc is seen as black spot
-Blood sports.
-Whether shell has hair cracks
-Whether the egg shell is broken
-Whether the shell is very porous
-Double yolk.
36 State Four characteristics of clean and high quality milk. *MRU*
-Free from disease causing organisms
-No hair of dust.
-Is of high keeping quality
-Has good flavor
-Chemical composition within the expected standards.
37 (a) Explain Five structural requirements of a good calf pen *MRU*
-Dryness and warmth
-Adequate space
-Proper Lighting
-Proper drainage
-Drought free
-Singe housing
Proper ventilation

(b) State Five advantages of artificial method of weaning calves (Bucket feeding) *MRU*
-It is easy to keep accurate records of milk yield
-It is easy to regulate the amount of milk taken by the calf.
-Cows continue to produce milk even in the absence of their calves.
-It is easy to maintain high standards of sanitations
-There is likelihood of the farmers selling more milk hence maximizing profit.
(c) Describe Five routine management practices carried out on calves. *MRU*
-Parasite control
-Disease control
-Removal of extra teats
38 Give four predisposing factors of mastitis in dairy cattle. *TRZ*
-Udder attachment.
-Incomplete milking.
-Mechanical injury to udder.
-Poor sanitation/hygiene.
-Lactation period
39 State four activities that are carried out before milking a dairy cow. *TRZ*
-Assembling milking equipment.
-Restraining the cow in the crush.
-Testing mastitis.
-Washing the udder with warm water-reject washing with water alone.
-Wiping udder with clean udder towel.
-Place dairy meal on a feed trough.
40 The diagram below show two methods of calf rearing. Study them carefully and answer the
questions that follow.

a) Identify method of feeding calf shown in the diagram A and B. *TRZ*

A- natural.
b) Give three disadvantages of calf rearing using method A. *TRZ*
-Underfeeding of calf.
-Can lead to overfeeding.
-No milk let down in case of absence calf.
-Difficult to keep accurate record.
c) Describe the procedure of feeding calf using method B. *TRZ*
-Clean hands and bucket.
-Place index finger into calf’s mouth.
-Lower hand slowly as calf sucks until finger is submerged into milk.
-Slowly withdraw finger as calf continue milking.
-Repeat again until calf learns to drink on its own.
(Order must be maintained otherwise stop marking when order is broken.)
41 State four characteristics of clean and high quality milk. *VHG*
 Free from disease causing organism
 No air ,dirt and dust
 High keeping quality
 Good flavor
 Chemical composition within the expected range (4 x ½ = 2mks

42 State two causes of soft shells in eggs. *VHG*
 Lack of calcium
 New castle disease ( 2 x ½ = lmk)
43 Outline four reasons why calves should be fed on colostrum. *MGR*
- It is highly digestible
- It is highly nutritious
- It has antibodies against diseases
- It has laxative effect / cleans the bowels
- It is highly palatable

44 Name two hormones that control milk let down in dairy cow. *MGR*
- Oxytocin
- Adrenalin
45 Describe the management practice that a farmer should carry out to improve milk
production in a low yielding herd of dairy cattle. *MGR*

- Spray with correct acaricides / chemicals against external parasites

- Deworming regularly against internal parasites
- Vaccinating regularly against prevent diseases
- Treating sick animals promptly with appropriate proplylactic drugs
- Proper selection of breeding stock with good body conformation
- Selecting high yielding heifers with good health
- Proper breeding by using proper sives
- Serve heifers at the correct age
- Observe heat signs and serve heifers at the correct time of heat period
- provide proper housing conditions with high standard of hygiene.
- Carry out proper milking technique
- Stimulate low properly before milking
- Carry out complete milking
- Dry – out the gestation cows at the correct time of lactation period
- Steam up gestation cows at the correct time of lactation period
- Flush cows well during mating
- provide adequate balanced ration
- Provide enough mineral licks.

46 Explain seven factors that affect milk composition in dairy farming. *MGR*
Stage of lactation - Butter fat content is low during early and late stages of lactation.
Age -Old cows produce milk with little butter fat content
Breed -Different breeds have different milk composition e.g. Friesian
produce more milk with little butter fat content.
Complete milking -Last straw of milk has high butter fat content.
Type of feed -Mineral and vitamin content in milk is influenced by the diet
Animal health-diseases such as mastitis lowers the level of lactose / sugar in milk
Season of the year -butter content tend to be high when the temperature is hot
Level of production - When milk production is high, fat content is low and vice versa.

47 Give two reasons why calves should be housed singly. *KGP*

- prevent licking each other that leads to formation of hair balls
- control the spread of worms

48 Differentiate between steaming up and flushing in dairy cattle production. *KGP*

Steaming up is providing extra, high quality feed to an in calf cow / heifer during the last
trimester while Flushing is providing high quality feed to a cow / heifer 3 weeks before mating,
3weeks in mating and 3 weeks after mating in preparation to a successful mating and

49 Differentiate between the following forms of milk production

(a) Homogenized and pasteurized milk. *NYD*

Milk whose large fat globules have been broken down into smaller fat particles which are then
evenly distributed in the milk.
b) Ultra heat treated milk and skimmed milk *NYD*

Ultra heat treated:- Milk that has been heated at 1320C for 1 – 2 seconds and immediately
packed and cooled
c) Skimmed milk – Milk whose cream has been removed.
50 Below is a diagram illustrating the structure of the udder .Use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the parts labeled E and F. *NYD*

E– Alveoli/ alveolus

F– Gland cistern / milk cistern

(b) Name the part of the teat that is likely to be injured by poor hand milking technique*NYD*

-Spricter muscle
-Teat cistern
(c) (i) For how long should milking take place ? *NYD*

-Maximum of 8 minutes

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in c(i) above

-It is the duration of the hormone oxytocin

51 Explain the procedure followed in training a calf to drink milk from a bucket . *NYD*

(i) Put clean milk in a clean bucket

(ii) Place index finger into the calf’s mouth
(iii) When calf star suckling finger , lower the finger slowly until it is submerged in
milk, The calf sucks finger and drink milk
(iv) Slowly withdraw the finger as the calf is suckling.
(vi) Repeat step (i) –(iv) until the calf learns to drink milk from the bucket
without assistance

52 (i) What is colostrum ? *NYD*

-Thick yellow milk secreted by mammary glands during the first week after
(ii) Explain the qualities of colostrum that make it suitable for new- born calves . *NYD*
-Has a luxative effect which help in cleaning alimentary canal to remove
-It is rich in nutrients.
-Contains antibodies which gives immunity in young animals against
-highly digestible to the underdeveloped digestive system.
-it is polatable hence the calf can take enough amounts.
(iii) Give the components of the mixture that should be fed to new- born calves in case the mother
dies at birth. *NYD*

-One fresh egg thoroughly mixed with 0.9 litre of warm water
-Half a litre of warm water
-A table spoonful of castor oil
-A table spoonful of cod liver oil


1 Name the two types of mowers used in a farm *SYA*
1 Types of mower in the farm
- Reciprocating mower
- Rotating (gyro) mower (2 x ½ = lmk)

2 The diagram below shows a source of power in the farm use it to answer the question that follows.

a) Name the source of power illustrated by the diagram. *SYA*

b) Give two uses of the above source of power. *SYA*
c) Give two reasons why the above source of power is not commonly used in farm *SYA*
d) State one maintenance practice that should be carried on the above structure. *SYA*

2 a) Wind mill (lmk)

b) Uses
- Winnowing crop produce
- Pumping water
-Generating electricity (2x1=lmk)
c) Its unreliable 2 x 1 = 2mks)
d) Lubrication of the moving part (1 x 1 = lmk)
3 a) Describe ten maintenance practices carried out on a tractor *SYA*
3 a) Maintenance practices carried out on a tractor *SYA*
- Check engine oil top up
- Replace engine oil when necessary
- Check electrolyte level of battery and top up with distilled water in the tank if
need be.
Check fuel level in he tank and top up
- Check tyre pressure and adjust accordingly
- Check water (coolant) level in the radiator and make necessary adjustments
- Check fan- belt tension and tighten if loose
- Tighten loose nuts and bolts regularly
- Check condition of air cleaner and top up with oil/clean.
- Check level of brake fluid and make necessary adjustments
- Clean moving parts
- Clean the fuel filters
- Replace the fuel filters (l0x 1= l0mks)
4 State four practices through which a farmer would ensure that no engine knock occurs in a
tractor. *NYR*
4 Practices through which a farmer would ensure that no engine knock occurs in a tractor.
-Checking the water level in the radiator
-Checking and changing worn out fan belts
-Checking lubricating engine oil level throughout and refilling where necessary.
-Replacing the oil filters and pumps after period of working. (4x ½ =2mks)
5. State four uses of the gear box in a tractor. *NYR*
5. Uses of a gear box in a tractor
-It enables reversing
-It provides different forward speeds
-It allows the tractor to stop without switching off the engine
-It transfers power from the engine to the work being done by the tractor.
-It adjusts the speed of the drive from the engine crankshaft to the drive shaft. (4x ½ mks=2mks)
6 bBelow is an illustration of a farm implement study it and answer questions that follow.

i) State two functions of the equipment. *NYR*

ii) Name parts B,C,D and F. *NYR*

iii) State one maintenance practice that should be carried out on each of the parts labeled D
and A. *NYR*
iv) State one adjustment carried out on the implement so as to reduce the depth of ploughing?

b) i) -Cultivation/ploughing
-Harvesting root crops
-Weeding. (2x ½ =1mk)
ii) B- Beam
C-Furrow wheel
F-Mould board
D-share. (4x ½ =2mks)
iii) D-Sharpening when blunt
-Straightening if bent (1x ½ = ½ mk)
A-Tightening of loose nuts (1x ½ = ½ mk)
iv) -Raising the furrow wheel
-Reducing weight on the beam. (1x ½ = ½ mk)
7 State three maintenance practices carried out on a water –cooled tractor engine. *NYR*
7 Maintenance practices on a water-cooled engine
-Refill water in the radiator
-repair radiator leakages
-Adjust the fan belt to required tension
-Lubricate the water pump regularly
-Clean the radiator frequently
-Fit all pipes tightly to avoid leakages. (3x1=3mks)

8 State TWO disadvantages of tractor hire services. *BMT*

8. i) Not available to most farmers during peak periods.

ii) Some farmers may be overcharged especially by private and individual farmers.
(2 x ½ =2 mks)

9 State three functions of the beam in disc plough. *BMT*

9 - Provide attachment for all parts of the plough.
- Add weight to the plough for better penetration to the soil.
- Connect other parts of the plough to the tractor. 3x ½ =1 ½ mk

10 State four factors that determine the power output in an animal. *BMT*
10 - Health
- Age
- Training
- Water/ food availability 4x ½ =2mks
11 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

(i)Identify the above diagram. *BMT*

(ii) State the use of the above diagram in livestock management. *BMT*
11 i) Chaff cutter 1mk
ii) Chopping/ cutting forage 1mk
12 Describe ten routine maintenance practice carried out on a tractor. *BMT*
12 Routine maintenance practises on a tractor
- Check engine oil and top up/ change as necessary.
- Check the fund level in the tank and top up as necessary.
- Check the level of electrolyte in the battery and top up with distilled water if need be.
- Check the pressure and adjust as necessary
- Tighten loose nuts and bolts regularly
- Check fan belt tension and tighten if loose
- Check oil in the differential and add or change as necessary
- Check water level in the radiator and add as necessary
- Check the level of brake fluid and top up as necessary.
- Remove and clean the sediment bowl
- Grease moving parts after recommended working hours
- Check condition of air cleaner and clean/ top up with oil. 10x1=10mks
13 .State four uses of solar energy in the farm. *BTR*
13 Drying farm produce
Heating water
Distillation of clean drinking water
For generating electricity
(4 x ½ =2 marks)
14 Below is an illustration of a farm implement, study it carefully.
a)Identify the farm implement illustrated above. *BTR*

b)Name parts labelled A,B,C and D. *BTR*

C)state the functions of the parts labelled B and E.

14(a) ox-plough/ox-drawn moldboard plough

(b) A-Moldboard

(c) B-Stabilizes the implement

E-Adjustment of depth of ploughing

15. Outline conditions for which you would advise .

i)Ploughing by oxen *BTR*

ii)Ploughing by tractors. *BTR*


 When the farmer has little capital /not enough capital to use tractor service
 When the land is very steep for the tractor
 When the size of the land is too small for a tractor
 When the farmer has no skills /little skills to operate a tractor
 When ploughing soft soil
 When profit margin of the crop is low.
 When the farmer has enough capital
 When the size of land is large
 When the farmer has enough skills /skilled labour to operate and maintain the
 Where ploughing hard soils /dry soil/virgin land
 When the profit margin of the crop is high.

16 Name two implements that are connected to the tractors’ power take-off shaft *BMT*
16 Sprayers;
Mowers Any 2x1=2mks
17 Give four farm operations powered by engines *BMT*
18 -Spraying using sprayrace
- Pumping of water
- Tilling/ cultivation
- Harvesting e.g wheat Any 4x ½ =2mks
18 Name one rabbit breed kept for fur *BMT*
18 Chinchilla Any 1 x ½ =1/2 mk

19 Below is a diagram showing parts of a farm machine, study and answer the following questions.

a) Name the parts lebelled 1, 2 and 3. *BMT*

b) Briefly explain how the power from the engine is stopped from reaching the final drive *BMT*

c) Outline two functions of the diagram drawn above in a farm machine *BMT*

19 a) 1- Crankshaft
2- Friction disc
3- Pressure plate
b) When the clutch pedal is pressed, the flywheel is forced to lie against the friction disc and
finally power is transmitted to differential to the final drive. (1mk)
c) - Transmits power from Engine to the final drive;
- It enables the tractor to take off smoothly and gradually; Any 2x1=2mks
20 a)State the structural differences between a petrol and diesel engine of a tractor. *BMT*
b) Describe the maintenance practices carried out on a tractor battery *BMT*
c) State four factors to be considered in order to achieve optimum animal power in the farm
d) Give four advantages of farm mechanization. *BMT*

a) Petrol engine Diesel Engine
- Has a carburettor - It has an injector pump
- Has an electric spark plug for ignition - Cylinder compresses air-fuel mixture
causing ignition
- has an permanent bleed line that
- Excess fuel does not occur since returns excess fuel into the tank.
carburettor measures exact amount of
fuel required
- It does not have the steel pipes - Steel pipes distribute fuel along the
Any 3x2=6mks
b) Level of electrolyte be kept above the plates by topping with distilled water
Corrected terminals, scraped, cleaned and smeared with grace
Battery should be fixed tightly to avoid spillage and damage
Battery be filted correctly in the tractor
Battery should be changed regularly and periodically.
Generator fan belt should always be functional to ensure battery always charged.
Any 6x1=6mks
c) - Provision of adequate feed to animal to supply energy
- The health status to be kept to ensure constant supply of energy
- Animals drawn implements should be as per the level energy provided by animals
- Implements should be maintained properly for efficiency and ease work
Any 4x1=4mks
d) - Work efficiency
- High rate of work output per unit time
- Time saving
- Less labourers Any 4x1=4mks
21 State four maintenance practices of a trailer in farms. *EMB*
Maintenance practices of a trailer in farms. --- - -
Lubricating the moving parts to reduce friction
-Clean after use to remove dirt
-Tightening loose bolts and nuts
-Maintaining correct tyre pressure
-Proper storage / keep under shed
-Painting unpainted parts to avoid rusting
-Repair / replace broken / worn out parts.
(4x ½ = 2mks)
22 State four uses of harrows in Secondary tillage. *EMB*
State four uses of harrows in Secondary tillage. (2mks)
(i) To level the seedbed
(ii) To break soil clods to the required tilth
(iii) To stir the soil
(iv) To destroy weeds
(v) To bury the trash
(4x ½ = 2mks)
23 The illustration below shows the fuel system of petrol engine. Study it carefully and answer
questions that follow.

(i) Identify the parts labeled E,F,G, H. *EMB*

(ii) Give the function of the part labeled F. *EMB*
(iii) Outline two maintenance practices of the system illustrated above. *EMB*
(i) Identify the parts labeled
E – Fuel tank
F – Fuel Filter
G-Fuel Lift pump
H-Throttle valve
(4 x ½ = 2mk)
(ii) Function of the part labeled F.
Use to trap any form of dirt in the fuel
(iii) Maintenance practices of the system illustrated above.
-Carburetor jets should be cleaned regularly to avoid blockage.
-The fuel filter should be cleaned by washing in petrol
-The hole in the fuel tank cap should always be kept clean.
24 Outline five maintenance practices of a tractor battery. *EMB*

Maintenance practices of a tractor battery.

-The level of the electrolyte should be kept just above the plate by topping with distilled
-Corroded terminals should be scrapped clean and smeared with grease
-The battery should be fitted correctly \on the tractor
-The battery should be tightly fixed in a box to avoid spillage and damage.
-The battery should be charged regularly and periodically
-The battery contents should be emptied and kept upside down incase of long storage.
-Ensure generator fan belt is tight to ensure the battery charge when engine is running.
25 State three adjustments that should be carried out on a tractor — mounted mouldboard plough
in preparation for ploughing. *KKG*
• Adjust the depth of ploughing
• Adjust furrow width of ploughing
• Front furrow depth.
• Lowering /raising ploughing pitch.
26 List four sources of farm power which are environmentally friendly. *KKG*.
• Wind power, Water power, animal power, and solar energy. Human power, Biogas Geothermal.

27. Name four systems of a tractor engine.

Fuel systems,
• Lubrication system.
• Electrical system.
• Ignition system,
• Cooling system,
• Hydraulic system
• Power transmission system
28 Diagrams G and H below show farm implements.

a) Give the source of power used in operating each of the implements above. *KKG*
G -Animal power
H -Tractor
b) State the means by which each of the above implements is attached to its source of power
G - Breast Harness/ Harness
c). Give two advantages of implement G over H. *KKG*
• Used by small scale farmers
• Can be used under condition unsuitable to tractor use
d) Explain three maintenance practices for implement G *KKG*
• Grease/Apply oil on moving parts
• Repair/replace worn out parts
• Paint metallic parts during long storage
Check tyre pressure and adjust accordingly to the correct one
• Tighten loose bolts an nuts

29 Explain the differences between a two stroke and four stroke cycle engine. *KKG*
Two stroke Four stoke
1. Cheap to buy and easy to maintain. 1. Expensive to buy and maintain.
2. Produces less power/ do less heavy duty. 2. Produces more power/ do heavy work.
3. Mainly air cooled. 3. Mainly water cooled.
4. Inefficient in fuel and oil utilisation. 4. Efficient in fuel and oil utilization
5. Easy to transport to diff event areas of the 5. Difficult to transport easily due to weight.
farm land e.g hilly areas.
6. Require 2 complete upward and downward 6. Requires 4 complete upward and
movements of piston and one revolution of downwards movement of piston and 2
crankshaft revolutions of crankshaft.
7. There is no provision of oil in the sump 7. Engine have oil in the sump to lubricate the
during induction to lubricate the crankshaft. crankshaft bearings.
8. Simple in construction with no valves. 8. Complex in construction with two valves.
9. Has three openings; Ex-haust, transfer and 9. Has no ports
inlet ports.

30 State four functions of the lubrication system of a tractor engine *KRC*

-Increase the efficiency of machines
-Reduce the heat created by rubbing surface.
-Act as cleaning agent of dirt /dust.
-Prevent rusting of stationary machines.
NB mark as a whole.

31 List four main sources of electrical power *KRC*

(i) Hydropower
(ii) Geothermal power
(iii) Nuclear power
(iv) Storage battery
(v) Solar energy
32 (i) Study the diagram below shows the power transmission mechanism of a tractor engine.
-Connecting rod
-Gear box
-Propeller shaft.
ii) What technical term refers to attaching an implement to a tractor *KRC*


-One point hitch
-Three point hitch.
33 Measures taken to control common faults on the ignition system.
- Replacing broken leads.
- Tightening of terminals properly.
- Readjusting the terminals whenever the need arises.
- By cleaning the terminals and the lead properly.

34 State four factors that would contribute to the depreciation of a farm equipment. *KSS*
- Age of the farm equipment
- Intensity of use of the equipment
- Manufactural materials of the equipment
- Maintenance of the farm equipment
- Field / existing conditions where it is used.
(4x ½ = 2mks)
35 Outline four daily maintenance services carried out on a tractor. *KSS*
Maintenance services on a tractor (2x ½ = 1mk)
- Check the tyre pressure and adjust accordingly
- Check the level of electrolyte
- Check the oil level with a dipstick
- Check the water level in the radiator and add if low
- Tighten bolts and nuts if loose
- Remove trash from the machine.
(First 4 x ½ = 2mks)
36 Study the diagram below that shows the power transmission system in a tractor engine.

(i) Label the parts 1 – 4 . *KSS*

1 - Piston
2 - Crankshaft
3 - Propeller shaft
4 - Differential
(4x ½ = 2mks)
(ii) What technical term is used to refer to attaching an implement to a tractor. *KSS*

Hitching (1x1=1mk)
(iii) Name two types of linkage on a tractor. *KSS*

One – point hitch

Three – point hitch (2x ½ = 1mk)
37. List three characteristics of variable inputs. *MGR*

-Are allocated to specific enterprises.

-Quantity varies with the level of production.
-Cost value varies with the level of production.
-Used up in the production process.
-Cost value can be used in the calculation of cross margin.
38 a) What are the advantages of farm mechanizations. *MGR*
- Farm operation can be achieved on time
- Large area can be covered within a short time
- Makes work easier and enjoyable
- Increase efficiently
- High yields obtained because farm mechanization is carried on time
- Use less labour
- Encourage farmers consolidate their land.

b) Explain the differences between a two stroke and four stroke cycle engine. *MGR*
Difference between two and four stroke cycle engine
Two stroke cycle engine
- Cheap to buy and easy to maintain
- Produce less power
- Mainly air cooled
- Inefficient in fuel and oil utilization
- Easy to transport to different areas of the farm
- Require two complete upward movement of to the position and one revolution of
- No provision of oil in the sump, during induction to lubricate crankshaft.
- Simple in construction with no valves.
- Have two opening exhaust
Any 6x1=6mks
Four stroke cycle engine
- Expensive to buy and maintain
- Reduce more power /do less heavy
- Efficient in fuel and oil utilization
- Mainly water cooled
- Difficult to transport due to weight
- Requires four complete upward and downward
- 2 revolution of the crankshaft
- Engine has oil in the sump to lubricate the crankshaft bearings
- Complete in constructions with two valves
- Have no parts and indicators parts.
Any 6x1=6mks
c) Outline the daily maintenance practices that should be carried out on a farm tractor. *MGR*
Maintenance practices on farm tractors.
- Using a dip stick to check the level of oil in sump
- Check the fuel tank to ensure there is adequate fuel for the days work
- Grease/ oil moving parts
- Check the level of electrolyte in the battery and adjust it accordingly
- Check air cleaner to ensure that there is no dirt
- Tighten bolts, nuts and pins
- Open and remove dirt from sediments bowels
(Any 8x1=8mks)
20. Function of a carburetor in a fuel system. *KKG*
Mixes air and petrol and supplies the mixture to inlet manifold
39 Use the diagram of four stroke engine below to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the stroke illustrated above *KKG*

compression stroke
(b) Name the stroke that follow the above illustrated stroke *KKG*

Power stroke
(c) State three activities that happen during the stroke that come before the illustrated
stroke above . *KKG*
• Air fuel mixture moves in the chamber
• Inlet valve open outlet valve closes (lmk)
40 Roles of piston rings in an engine. *NYR*
- Prevent fuel leakage during compression
- To prevent oil from mixing with fuel at the combustion chamber.
Any 2x ½ =(1mk)
41 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

a) Identify the implement. *NYR*

Mould board plough
b). Name the parts labeled N and Q. *NYR*
N- Leg
Q- Top link
(c) Functions of part P(disc coulter)
Cuts trash aside the share
Cuts the furrow slice separating it from the unploughed land
42 Maintenance practices of a disc plough; *NYR*

• Clean after day’s work

• Check and tighten any loose nuts/bolts
• Lubricate moving parts
• Coat with old engine oil for long storage Repair damaged parts
• Replace worn-out/lost parts
• Store in a shed
• Sharpen the discs occasionally by hammering the edges
Any 6 x I = (6 Marks)
43 Give two reasons why water power is limited on most farms in Kenya. *HBY**
- Is expensive to harness power and most farmers cannot afford.
- Most rivers are small and seasonal.
- Most farms do not have access to large quantities of moving water.
44 Give three functions of seed drill. *HBY**
- Opens furrows at uniform depth
- Places seeds in the farrows made by furrow opener
- Covers seeds and compacts the soil around seeds with covering device.
45 State any four factors that would determine the penetration of a disc harrows into the soil.

- Angle of disc gang

- Diameter/ size of disc
- Angle of hitch
- Sharpness of disc
- Weight of harrows
46 Give four uses of solar energy in the farm. *HBY**
- Drying most crop produce and farming equipment
- Heating water and cooking
- Water treatment
- Generating electricity
- Pumping water
- Use by plants in photosynthesis
47 What is the purpose of a sump in the lubrication system of a tractor?
- Collecting dirty oil and thin oil.

48 The diagram below illustrates a two-stroke engine use it to answer questions that follow.

i) Name parts A, B and C. *HBY**

A- Cylinder wall *HBY**
B- Inlet port
C- Transfer port
ii) Identify the stroke shown above.
Compression and induction stroke *HBY**
iii) Indicate on the diagram using letter X where compression of fuel mixture occur.
In the combustion chamber *HBY**
49 a) Outline eight possible causes of overheating in a water cooled internal combustion
- If there is no water in the radiator/ if there is leakage
- Water channels in the radiator could be blocked
- Water pump could fail to circulate water
- Fan belt could be broken or loose
- Rusty coating on the inside of radiator (heat transmission impounded)
- Improper functioning of thermostat.
- Lack of adequate engine oil.
- Blocked fins/ air channels
b) Describe the functions of the following parts of a mould board plough. (6mks)

Mouldboard; turns and inverts completely furrow slizes

Oloze coutter; makes vertical cuts in the soil infront of share
Depth rod; adjust depth
Share; makes horizontal cut to separate furrow slice from underlying land.
Land side; absorbs side thrust and stabilize plough
Land wheel; regulate ploughing depth.
50 Describe the benefit of using farm mechanisation in modern farming.
-The rate at which given job can be completed is high
- Number of man-days in any activity is reduced/ labour saving
- products harvested mechanically are more uniform and higher quality.
- There will be timeless of operation/ work completed good time
- It leads to high farm productivity
- Enhance uniformity of operations e.g planting, ploughing
- Less laborious/ exhausting/ reduces drudgery
51 Name four systems of a tractor. *MRU**
(i) Electrical system

(ii) Lubricating system

(iii) Ignition system

(iv) Lighting system

(v) Transmission system any 4x ½ = (2mks)

52 Below is a diagram of a farm equipment. *MRU**

(i) Identify the equipment. *MRU**

(i) Serrated Disc harrow / Disc Harrow (1x ½ = ½ mk)

(ii) State one function of the toothed notches. *MRU**

Increase the surface area for cutting (1 x ½ = ½ mk)

(iii) State one way of increasing the depth of penetration of the equipment. *MRU**

- Add weights on to the Harrow frame

- Exert more hydraulic force

- Sharpen disc blades

- Use fewer discs / increase space between discs

- Lessen the area of disc contact with soil / increase the cutting angle of the disc.

any 2 x ½ = 1mk

(iv) State four maintenance practices carried out on the equipment shown above. *MRU**

(i) Tighten loose bolts and nuts

(ii) Replace worn out parts / repair broken parts
(iii) Grease / lubricate / keep under shed
(iv) Paint / apply oil in case of long storage
(v) Clean after use
(any 4x ½ = 2mks)

53 Describe ten general maintenance practices carried out on a tractor. *MRU**

(i) Check fuel level and top up

(ii) Check tyre pressure and inflate if low or deflate if high

(iii) Tighten loose nuts and bolts

(iv) Replace wornout tyres

(v) Check water level in the radiator and top up

(vi) Ensure radiation cap in light

(vii) Check differential oil and change / top up accordingly

(viii) Ensure the fan belt has the right tension

(ix) Clean or replace air cleaner as may be necessary

(x) Clean sediment bowl

(xi) Grease the moving parts using a greasing gun

(xii) Check brake fluid level and top up if necessary

(xiii) Check battery electrolyte level and top up with distilled water if necessary.

(xiv) Clean corroded terminals of the battery and coat them with Vaseline
(xv) Check the dash board instruments

(xvi) Keep the tractor under a shed when not in operation

(xvii) Replace or repair worn-out parts

(xviii) Check the fan belt tension and tighten loose

(xix) Tighten the front wheel axle

(xx) Check the level and state of oil in the sump using a dipstick and add if necessary or change
if dirty.

any 10x1= 10mks

54a) State four roles played by engine oil in tractor engine. *KSS*
- Lubricate moving part to reduce friction.
- Absorbs heat and act as a coolant.
- Retains fire metallic fragmentation from tear and wear of surfaces.
- Anti-oxidant to prevent rusting of metallic surface. (4x ½ = 2mks)
(b) State four practices through which a farmer would use to ensure that no engine knock occurs
in a tractor. *KSS*
- Checking lubricating engine oil level throughout and refilling where necessary.
- Checking the water level in the radiator.
- Checking and exchanging worn out fan belts.
- Replacing the oil filter and pump after a given period of working.
55 Below is an illustration of a farm implement. Study it carefully and answer the questions that

a. Identify the farm implement. *KSS*

Ox plough / Ox-drawn mould board plough.
b. Name the parts labeled L, M, 0 and P. *KSS*
L — Beam
M - Land wheel
0— Landside
P — Mould board
c. Give one function of the parts K, N and P. *KSS*
K — allows the operator to set the implement in the proper direction during ploughing.
M — regulates the depth of ploughing.
N — cuts the furrow slice horizontally.
P — inverts the cut soil.
d. Describe how you can adjust the above implement to ensure deep ploughing with a
wide slice. *KSS*
Depth rod is moved to the left and leads to a wide slice.
- The depth rod is to raise to achieve deep ploughing.
56 Give three measures a farmer should take to increase the depth of ploughing when using
tractor drawn moldboard plough *SYA*
-Addition of weight /balastry
-Application of hydraulic system
-Changing the angle of the disc
-Use depth control wheel
57 The diagram below illustrate farm implement. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the implement *SYA*

Rotarvator/Rotary tiller
(b) State the use of the implement *SYA*
Cultivate paddy Rice fields
(c) (i) State the types of attachment of the implement to the tractor. *SYA*
Three point hitch implement
(ii) Give reasons for the answer in (i) above *SYA*
Attached to P.T.O which drives the blade up and down by the hydraulic ; Attached
to tractor draft mechanism
58 Outline Four advantages of animal power over tractor power. *MRU*
-Does not require skilled workers compared to engine power.
-Animals are cheaper to buy and matainn compared to tractor engine power
-Working output from animals is higher than human power.
-Animal can work in areas where it is impossible for tractor
-Animal work better in small holding than tractor.
59 Structural and functional difference between petrol and diesel engine.

Petrol Diesel
1 Has carburetor 1 Has injector pump
ii) Fuel and air are mixed in carburetor before it ii) Fuel and air are mixed within the cylinder
gets into engine.
iii) Fuel is ignited by an electric spark.
iii) Fuel ignited by compression of air and fuel
mixture in the cylinder.
iv) It produces little smoke because petrol is iv)Produces a lot of smoke since the diesel is not
completely burnt. completely burnt
v) Relatively heavy and suited for heavy duties.
v) Its light in weight and suited for light duties
vi) uses diesel as fuel
vi) uses petrol as fuel vii)Operation cost is lower
vii) operations cost is higher

60 Give two reasons for applying oil and grease on the rotary mower. *TRZ*
-Oil-prevent rusting.
-Greasing-lubrication/prolong life of implement/prevent tear and wear.
61 Give three types of bedding materials a poultry farmer may use in deep litter rearing system.
-Saw dust/wood shaving.
-Crushed maize cobs.
-Coffee husks.
-Chopped grass/straw.

62 State four characteristics of clean milk Production. *TRZ*

-Free from disease causing organism.
-Free from hair, dirt and dust.
-High keeping quality.
-Good flavor.
-Chemical composition within the expected range.
63 Study the illustrations of a tractor-drawn implement shown below and then answer the question
that follow

a) Identify the implement. *TRZ*

b) Name the parts labeled E,F,G and H. *TRZ*
E-Fertilizer hopper.
F-Seed hopper.
G-Drive chain.
H-Furrow opener.
c) Give any four maintenance practices carried out on the implement. *TRZ*
-Grease drive –sprocket regularly.
-Clean after use.
-Oil under long storage.
-Tighten loose nuts and bolt.
-Sharpen furrow opener if blunt.
-Store in a shed after use. (Reject shade).
64 Outline four maintenance practices of a subsoiler. *VHG*
 Clean after use
 Oil and grease moving parts
 Repair broken parts
 Tighten loose nuts and bolts
65 Name two implements that are connected to power takeoff shaft. *VHG*
Fertilizer spreader
o Planters
o Boom sprayers
o Rotavators
o Mowers
66 The diagrams below represent strokes in two stroke cycle engine. Use it to answer the questions

(i) Identify the strokes and explain what is happening in each stroke. *VHG*
Two stroke cycle engines ,.::
Induction and compression stroke.
Start when piston is at the bottom
Piston moves up, it uncovers the inlet port and mixture is drawn in.
When it reaches the top ignition occurs and piston is forced downwards
As it moves down it compress mixture in crankcase . ( ½ X 5 = 2 ½ Marks)
B. Power and exhaust stroke
Piston is forced down by ignited gases
It covers inlet port and trap fresh fuel mixture in the crankcase
Transfer port will transfer fuel mixture from crankcase to combustion chamber
As it moves further down it uncovers the exhaust port.
67 Describe the functional differences between muoldboard and disc plough. *VHG*
Disc ploughs Mouldbourd ploughs
i)Disc rotates as they plough - Glides as they plough

ii) Cut at varying depths -Cut at uniform depth.

iii) Do not break easily - Breaks easily.

iv) Regular less power to pull. - Requires more power to pull

v) Do not cover trash properly - cover trash completely.
vi) Partially invert furrow slice - Completely inverted furrow slice.

68 State four disadvantages of using animal power on the farm. *MGR*

- Animals tire quickly, thus reducing the amount of work to be done
- Occasionally animals get sick, hence reduce their work output
- Animals damage crops when they are used for weeding
- They are slower than tractors
- A farmer needs to have a separate piece of land to grow pasture for feed.
68 The diagram below shows a farm implement. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the farm implement illustrated above. *MGR*

Ox – Plough / ox-drawn plough
(b) Name the parts labeled G and K *MGR*
(b) G – Mould board
K – Depth wheel
(c) Give the functions of the following parts H, J *MGR*
H – stabilize the plough while ploughing
J – Cuts the furrow slices horizontally
(d) Give one maintenance of part J. *MGR*
- Sharpen when blunt
- Replace when worn out / broken
70 Describe the major systems of a tractor engine. *MGR*
Fuel system -Supply fuel / petrol / diesel to the engine to be burned to produce power
that drives the tractor
Electrical system -Provides lighting to the dashboard for the driver
Ignition system -has spark plugs that ignites the air fuel mixture to produce power.
Lubrication system -Lubricates the moving parts to reduce friction and absorbs heat.

Power transmission system -transfer power from the engine to all parts of the tractor
and mounted implements.
Cooling system -Cools down the engine when overheated either by air or
71 Discuss four factors that would contribute to the depreciation of farm equipments. *KGP*
- Age of the equipments
- Wear and tear / use
- Lack of maintenance practice
- Exposure to weather
- Improper storage.
- Wrong use of the equipments
- Obsolescence / Change of technology (4x1 = 4mks)
72 List two sources of concentrates
- Grains / cereals
- Legumes
- Mineral
( ½ x 2 = 1mk)
73 Give four differences in fuel supply between a diesel and petrol engine . *NYD*

Diesel engine Petrol engine

Fuel supply in diesel engine Fuel supply in petrol engines

-Uses diesel as fuel -Uses petrol as fuel
-Involves an injector pump -Involves a carburetor
-Fuel is ignited by compression -Fuel is ignited by an electric spark
-Specific fuel consumption is low. -Specific fuel consumption is higher.

74 State four maintenance practices of a disc plough. *NYD*

-Grease and oil lubricate all moving parts

-Tighten loose nuts and bolts
-Replace and repair broken parts /worn out parts.
-Clean after use.
-Sharpen disc.
-Prior to storage, apply engine oil
75 Describe ten tractor servicing practices . *NYD*

-The engine oil should be checked daily by use of a dips stick , should be added if level is
-The fuel should be checked at the start of every day work and added if necessary
-Water level in the radiator should be inspected and if possible top up.
-Checking level of electrolyte daily and topping up with distilled water if low in level.
-Grease be applied by use of a greasing gun through the nipples
-The nuts and bolts should be tightened everyday if lose before start of work.
-Large sediments from the sediment bowl should be emptied.
-They tyre pressure should be checked every morning before the day’s work by use of
pressure gauge , inflate o deflate as required by manufacturer’s manual
-The fan belt tension should be checked to ensure that it deflects between 1.9cm and
2.5cm when pushed.
-The break shaft bearing should be greased to ensure the brake fluid level is maintained at
the recommended level.
-The engine oil should be drained completely from the sump and replaced with new oil .
-The steering gear box oi lshould be replaced with inspected and refilled if the level goes
below the recommended level.
-The oil of the differential should be replaced as recommended.
-The linkage and pulley attachment should be greased .The pulley oil should also be
checked and added if need be .
-The dirty oil should be removed and replaced with clean o


1 State how per capita. income of a country is calculated *SYA*

National income divided by the total population in a country per year/ per capita income
= National Income
Total population
2. State the principle of substitution. - *SYA*
It states that if output is constant, it is profitable to substitute one input factor for another so long
as it is cheaper than the one being substituted

3 The diagram below shows how the yield of maize per hectare changes as the amount of
fertilizer supplied is varied. Study it carefully then answer the questions that follow.

a) Explain Why the curves do not start from zero *SYA*

This is due to the fact that it is possible to produce in maize even without applying
fertilizer as the soil has some natural fertility.
b) On the graph, indicate the regions of a production function *SYA*
Refer to diagram
c) Give one characteristic of each of the regions labeled in (b). (1 ½ mk)
Zone I — Yield increases at an increasing rate
-resources are underutilized
Zone II - yield increases at a decreasing rate
- Resources an used to the maximum
- Farmers are advised to operate in this zone
Zone III — as more fertilizer is added maize yield declines
- Resources are excessively utilized and they have negative impact on returns/ total

d) What name do you give the two regions where the farmer should not operate? *SYA*
Irrational Zones.
4. a) Give four categories of labour available to the farmer . *SYA*
Four categories of labour available to the farmer
- Skilled labour -Unskilled labour
- Hired labour - Family labour
b) State aspects of land that influence agricultural production. *SYA*
Aspects of land that influence Agricultural Production.
- It lacks geographical mobility
- It is a basic factor of production
- Productivity is not uniform/different pieces of land vary in fertility.
- Land is subject to the law of diminishing returns
-It is a natural resource that is scarce
- Productivity can be increased by increasing units of capital and labour.
5 What is profit maximization in agricultural economics? *NYR*
5 Profit maximization in agricultural economics
Is the level at which profit is maximum/level at which revenue is equal to marginal cost/point
where net revenue is at its maximum. (1x1=1mk)
6 Give two types of hired labour. *NYR*
6 Types of hired labour
i) Casual labourers
ii) Permanent labourers
iii) Skilled labourers
iv) Unskilled labourers
v) Semi-skilled laborers. (2x 1 =2mks)
7 An agricultural officer carried out a maize project over a period of eight seasons .He used one
hectare of land each time and applied various quantities of DSP fertilizer at the cost of ksh. 280
per bag. The crop was harvested and sold at ksh 200 per 90kg bag.
(a) Use the above information to complete the table below.

0 15.5 B 0 0 0 3100

1 35.5 7100 280 D 280 6820

2 52.7 10540 C 3440 280 9980

3 A 13700 840 3160 280 12860

4 70 14000 1120 300 280 12880

5 70.5 14100 1400 100 280 F

6 70.5 14100 1680 0 280 G

7 68.5 13700 1960 E 280 H

A.............................. B................................ C...................... D.............................. ............ *NYR*

E................................ F ..................................G ....................H..........................................

(b) Give the fertilizer application point that will give maximum profit. *NYR*
c) Support your answer in (b) above. *NYR*

7 a)
A 68.5 *NYR*
B 3100
C 560
D 4000
E -400
F 12700
G 12420
H 11740 (8x ½ =4mks)
b) 4 bags (1x1=1mk)
c) At this print marginal cost is almost equal to the marginal revenue.(1x1=1mk)
8 Explain seven ways in which farmers may overcome risks in a farming business. *NYR*
8 Ways in which farmers may overcome risks and uncertainty in a farming business
i) Diversification; having various enterprises so that if one falls, the farmer has
Something to rely on
ii) Contract production-growing crops on contract with the consumer with
assurances of the market.
iii) Input rationing-use of inputs sparingly to avoid wastage/incurring unnecessary
iv) Flexibility in production-being able to make alternatives in farming schedule
v) Selecting more certain enterprises-embarking on enterprise with less risk
vi) Insurance-Insuring the enterprise
vii) Adopting modern methods of farming-irrigation crop rotation and animal
Husbandry practices
viii) Use of government price stabilization policies. (7x1=7mks)
9 Give FOUR variable costs in the production of tea in established field of tea.
9 i) Casual labour
ii) Fertilizer / Manure.
iii) cost of hiring machinery.
iv) Cost of repair of machinery
10 State TWO observable indicators of economic development in a country. *BMT*
10 i) Improve in level of technology.
ii) ratio of teachers to students
iii) Housing status of citizens
iv) Development of infrastructure.
v) Increase in recreation activities.
(2 x ½ mks)
11 State TWO types of capital available to the farmers. *BMT*
11 i) Liquid capital
ii) Working capital
iii) Fixed or durable capital
(2 x ½ mks)
12 Give four examples of variable inputs in vegetable production. *BMT*
12 Wages of casual labourers
Prices of fertilizers
Quantities of fertilizers and chemicals used.
Amount of vegetative materials/ seeds used
Quantity of fuel in land preparation 4x ½ =2mks
13 State two reasons that make a farmer fail to get profit from his/ her enterprise. *BMT*
13 Mismanagement of resources.
Risks and uncertainties
Increased cost of production due to diseases/ or pest.
Reduction in quality of produce hence lowers one in marketing
Drop in produce per unit of enterprise 2x ½ =1mk

14 State three ways of increasing labour efficiency in the farm. *BMT*

14 Training on required skills
Provision of adequate work to labour available
Proper supervision
Provision of incentives
Proper activities coordination
Provision of enough and adequate tools and equipments.
Good interpersonal relationships
Proper welfare concerns to labourers. 3x ½ =1 ½ mks
15 b) Outline measures farmers take against risks and uncertainties *BMT*
15 b) Adopting modern production methods.
Input rationing
Flexibility in production methods
Selection of more certain enterprise
Production on/ under contract Any 7x1= 8mks
16 State four ways of improving farm labour productivity. *EMB*
16 Ways of improving farm labour productivity.
- Proper training of labour force
- Proper supervision
- Giving incentives to motivate the workers
- Mechanizing farm operation / provision of proper tools
- Proper remuneration
- Assignment of duties appropriately(4 x ½ = 2mks)
17 (a) Describe different methods a farmer can adjust to risks and uncertainties. *EMB*
(b) Describe main factors to consider when making a farm plan. *EMB*
17 (a) Methods a farmer can adjust to risks and uncertainties.
- Diversification- starting many enterprises
- Input rationing
- Selection of more certain enterprises
- Being flexible in production
- Taking insurance
- Contracting which guarantees a farmer of market and fixed market prices.
- Adopting modern farming methods
- Strategic farming / Inventory marketing / storing the farm produce and selling
when prices are favourable
- Maintaining liquidity for use incase any eventuality
- Sticking to known methods of production
(½ mk for stating and ½ mk for explanation) (7x1= 7mks)

(b) Factors to consider when making a farm plan.

- Size of the farm – determines the number and size of enterprises
Environmental factors e.g. soils, Rainfall, topography – determine specific
enterprises to be established
- Current trends in labour market – determines availability of labour, consider
costs and requirements of labour
- Farmers objectives and preferences – the interest of the farmers should be
- Possible production enterprise – consider the requirements of the possible
- Existing market conditions and price trends – consider availability of good
market for goods and good prices.
- Availability and costs of farm inputs – consider easy available of inputs and
which are cheaper and affordable.
- Government policy – Government policy should be followed as controls
establishment of enterprises.
- Security – Certain enterprises should be established near farm house for
- Communication and transport systems – good communication network is
required in marketing of produce.

(½ mk for stating and ½ mk for explanation) =8x1=8mks

18. State four characteristics of land as a factor of production. *KKG*
-Its permanent
- Geographically immobile
- Its fertility diminish with time
- Source of space for production
19 Outline four observable indicators of economic development of a nation. *KKG*
- Per capita income
- GDP ( Gross domestic product)
- GNP (Gross National Product)
- GNI ( Gross National Income)
20 Give any two examples of joint product in livestock production. *KKG*
a. Milk and butter
b. Beef and hide
c. Mutton and wool
d. Pork and bristles
e. Rabbit meat and skin
f. Mutton and skin
(4 x½mk=2mks)

21 Mention four ways of improving land as a factor of production. *KSS*

Ways of improving land as a factor of production.
- Irrigation
- Pest and disease control
- fencing
- Fertilize application
- Paddocking (4x ½ = 2mks)
22 Give four ways of improving labour in the farm. *KSS*
Ways of improving labour in the farm
- training
- farm mechanization
- giving incentives
- labour supervision
- improving terms and conditions of service.
(4x ½ =2mks)
23 The table below shows a relationship between marginal revenue and marginal cost, for the
maize crop produced at the DAP fertilizer cost of Ksh 300 per 10kg bag.
The crop was harvested and sold at Ksh 200 per 20kg bag.
DAP Maize yield Total revenue Total cost Marginal Marginal
Fertilizer in in (20kg bag) (Ksh) (Ksh) Revenue (Ksh) cost (Ksh)
(10kg bag)
0 10.5
1 20.5
2 42.5
3 58.5
4 60.0
5 60.5
6 58.5
7 56.0

(a) Calculate the total revenue when 3 bags and 4 bags of DAP fertilizer were applied.
Cost of fertilizer
When 3 bags were used
= 3bags x ksh 300 = Ksh 900 ( 1 x ½ = ½ mk)
When 4 bags were used
= 4 bags x ksh 300 = Ksh 1200 (1 x ½ = ½ mk)
(b) Marginal revenue at level 5 and 6 can be found after completing the question table as

DAP fert. In (10kgbag) Maize yield in (20kgbag) TR (Ksh) TC(Ksh) MR MC

0 10.5 2,100 - -
1 20.5 4,100 300 2000
2 42.5 8,500 600 4400
3 58.5 11,700 900 3200
4 60.0 12,000 1,200 300
5 60.5 12,100 1,500 100
6 58.5 11,700 1,800 - 400
7 56 7,200 2,100 -4,500

MR5 = 12,100-12,000 = 1001mk

MR6= 11,700 – 12,100= - 4001mk

24 Describe the following economic laws and principles of agricultural economics

(i) Law of diminishing returns

-If successive units of one input are added to fixed quantities of other inputs a point
is eventually reached when the additional product per additional unit of input will
(ii) The principle of profit maximization
-The magnitude of profit made will be determined by the level of decisions made on
-What to produce
-How to produce
-how much to produce
-how and when to buy and sell
-the principle is mainly used for decision making
(iii) The law of substitution
-If the output is constant it is profitable to substitute one input factor for another as
long as it is cheaper than the one being substituted.
25 Use the information on the table below to answer the questions that follow.

Fertilizer input Maize yield Marginal Product(bags)


0 50 12

1 62 12

2 66 4

3 68 2

4 69 1

5 69 0

The cost of fertilizer is kshs. 1500 per unit and the price of maize is kshs. 1200 per bag.
i) At what unit of fertilizer input should the farmer be advised to stop applying
more fertilizers to the maize. *MGR*
-At the end of the third unit a fertilizer application.
ii) Give a reason for your answer in b(i) above. *MGR*
-This is the least profitable unit of fertilizer application beyond which there would be a
iii) Calculate the marginal return at the point of optimum production. *MGR*
-Marginal returns at the optimum production.
Mr: 1200 x 2=2400/=

26 Study the following information which was extracted from Mr. Chacha’s farm record on 31-
12-2013 and answer the questions below.

Loans payable to bank Kshs. 300,000

Five milking cows Ksh 250,000
400 layers Kshs. 80,000
20 goat Kshs. 30,000
Debts payable to co-operative Ksh 20,000
Buildings and structures kshs. 600,000
Bonus payable to workers Ksh 19,000
Cattle feed in store Kshs. 10,000
Animal drugs in store Kshs 4,000
Debts receivable Kshs. 18,000
Breakages to repair Kshs. 30,000
Cash at hand Kshs. 20,000
Cash in bank Kshs. 30,000
Spray equipment Kshs. 12,000

Prepare a balance sheet for Chacha’s farm using the information above. *MGR*




Building and structures 600,000 Loan payable to bank 300,000

Five cows 250,000

400 layers 80,000

20 goats 30,000

Spray equipment 12,000

Total 972,000

Current assets Current Liabilities

Cattle feed in store 10,000 Debts to co-op 20,000

Animal drugs in store 4,000 Bonus payable to workers 19,000

Debts receivable 18,000 Breakages and repair 30,000

Cash at hand 20,000

Cash at bank 30,000 Total 69,000

Total 82,000 Total liabilities 369,000

Total assets 1,054,000 Capital 685,000

Total 1,054,000 Total 1,054,000

27 State five factors that influence the choices of enterprises on the farm *MGR*
-Capital availability.
-Availability of skilled labour.
-Availability of land i.e. incase of expansion.
-Availability of technology.
-Taste and preference of the farmer.
28 Differentiate between net revenue and marginal revenue. *NYR*

- Net revenue is the difference between the total revenue and total cost of production while
marginal revenue is the extra income obtained from the sale of one additional unit of
output. (1x1=1mk)
29 List four types of working capital in wheat. *NYR*

- Fertilizer
- Fuel
- Casual labour
- Hired equipment.
- Chemicals.
( 4x ½ = 2mks)
30 a) Explain six ways farmers employ in the farm to adjust to risks and
uncertainties. *NYR*

 Input rationing
 Insurance
 Contracting production
 Use of modern Agricultural production methods.
 Adopting modern methods of production/technology.
 Selecting more certain enterprises
 Flexibility in production methods.
 Diversification
b) Factors to consider when drawing a farm plan. *NYR*

 Size of the firm.

 Climatic factors.
 Farmers objectives and preference.
 Possible enterprise.
 Current trends in labour market.
 Security
 Government policy
 Transport and communication facilities.
 Existing market conditions and price trends.
31 Give two examples of each of the following types of costs in maize production. * MRC*

(a) Variable costs;

(i) Wages for casual labour

(ii) Cost of feeds
(iii) Cost of fertilizer
(iv) Cost of chemicals
(b) Fixed costs

(i) Land rent

(ii) Salary of permanent labour
(iii) Cost of equipments
(iv) Interests on borrowed loan
(v) Depreciation of machinery.
(Total ½ x 2 = 1mk)

32 State four ways of improving labour productivity in a farm. *KSS*

_ Training the labour force.

-labour supervision .
- Farm mechanization.
- Giving incentives.
-assigning dities to workers according to the ability and intrest.
33 List two determinants of the national income (NI) *KSS*
_ per capial income.
- Gross domestic product / gross national prduct
34 Give three types of capital on the farm. *TRZ*

-Liquid capital
-Working capital
-Fixed capital/durable capital.
35 Fill the marginal product and average product column. *TRZ*

Maize yield(bag) Marginal product(bag) Average product.

50 - 50

62 12 31

66 4 22

68 2 17

69 1 13.8

(½ mk for each entry x 8=4mks)

36 Give two examples for each of the types of costs incurred in cattle production.
(a) Fixed costs; *VHG*
(i) Depreciation of buildings/land rent
(ii) Salaries of permanent labor
(iii) Cost of equipment
(iv) interest on borrowed loan.
(b) Variable costs. *VHG*
(i) Cost of feeds and water
(ii) Cost of drugs
(ii) Cost of fuel / electricity
37 State and explain four factors that should be considered during farm planning. *VHG*
• Environmental factors/climate/soil type; this will determine the specific
enterprises that are possible in the area.
• Size of the farm; this will determine the number of enterprises that are possible.
• Farmer’s objectives and preferences; this enables the farmer to have a sense of
ownership of the farm plan.
• Government policy/regulation; this ensures that the laws are ri flouted.
• Availability and cost of farm input/cost of labour/availability of capital; select
enterprises that are affordable.
• Security of the enterprise; this ensures the safety of the work done.
• Trends in the labour market; to ensure labour availability throughout the year.
• Communication and transport; to ensure that produce reach markets and the
inputs are accessed easily.
• Possible production enterprises; so as to choose the most profitable and
convenient to work on.
38 State the principle of substitution in production economics. *MGR*
It states that, if the output is constant, it is profitable to substitute one input factor for another, as
long as it is cheaper than the one being substituted.
39 Give three ways of increasing labour productivity in a farm. *MGR*
(i) Training
(ii) Farm mechanisation
(iii) Giving incentives and improving terms and conditions of service
(iv) Labour supervision.

40 Explain six risks and uncertainties in Agricultural production. *MGR*

(i) Fluctuation of commodity prices
(ii) Physical yield uncertainty
(iii) Ownership uncertainty
(iv) Outbreak of pests and diseases
(v) Sickness and injury uncertainty
(vi) New production technique uncertainty
(vii) Obsolescence
(viii) Natural catastrophies.
Well explained
41 Give four examples of variable inputs in vegetable production *HBY*
-Casual labour
-Fuel costs
42 Define the following terms
(i) Nurse crop *HBY*
Is the establishment of a crop /pasture under a cover crop.
(ii) Per capita income *HBY*
Is the average income of citizens of a country.
43 The table below illustrates the relationship between land in hectares , inputs (DAP) fertilizers
and total maize production in 90kg bags , and the marginal production in 90 Kg maize bags.

DAP Total maize production in Marginal production in

Land Fertilizers 90kg(bag) 90kg bags

1 0 5 5

1 20 12 7

1 40 25 13

1 60 45 20

1 80 57 12

1 100 65 8

1 120 69 4

1 140 70 1

1 160 70 0

1 180 69 -1

Fill in the column of marginal production in 90Kg bags of maize *NYD*

44 Describe the role played by banking services that are available to farmers. *NYD*
-Safe keeping of farmers money
-Provision of credit
-Providing advice to farmers on how to use the offered credit.
-Acting as reference by providing bank statements when account holder required credit
from other institutions.
-Safe keeping of document like log books and title deeds.


1 The school farm plans to grow either Irish potatoes or Maize for grains. Study the following
information carefully then answer the questions that follow:
Irish potatoes
i) Yield per hectare – 5000kg
ii) Labour requirement par ha. – 60 man-days
iii) Labour cost – 150/= per man-day
iv) Potato seed/ ha .– 6000/=
v) Cost of tractor hire/ ha for cultivation – 4000/=
vi) Cost of DAP fertilizer/ ha – 3500/=
vii) Selling price of potatoes. – 10/= per kg
viii) Cost of fungicides/ha - 4,000/=
i). Yield per hectare - 5,500kg
ii) Selling price of maize - 15/=per kg
iii) Labour requirement/ha – 50/= per man – day
iv)Labour cost - 150/= per man- day
v) Tractor hire/ha for cultivation - 3000/=
vi) Cost of seed per ha: - 2500/=
vii) Cost of DAP fertilizer/ha - 4,500/=
viii) Cost of CAN/ ha – 3000/=
a) Calculate gross margin for the two crops (show your working) *SYA*


= 50,000 -27,000 = Ksh.23,000/=

b) From the results obtained in.(a) which crop should the farmer grow? *SYA*
The farmer should grow MAIZE since it has a higher Gross margin.
2 State four benefits of budgeting to a farm manager. *NYR*
2 Benefits of budgeting to a farm manager
i) Helps the manager in decision making
ii) Enable the manager to predict future returns
iii) Ensures periodic analysis of farm business
iv) Act as a record for future reference
v) Point out strength and weaknesses on the farm. (4x ½ =2mks)
3 State FOUR uses of gross margin analysis in a farm business. *BMT*
3 i) it act as a measure of erosion in the farm.
ii) Compare contribution of one enterprise with another on the same form.
iii) Compare performance of the farm between one season and another.
iv) Compare performance of one farm with another
(4 x ½ mks)
4 Describe the use of any 4 financial documents. *BTR*
4 - Invoice – is a financial document issued by a seller to a buyer when goods are
bought on credit.
- Receipt – is a financial document issued when payment of goods is made.
- Delivery note – accompanies goods in transit and indicates whether the goods
send by supplier to purchaser are received in good condition.
- Purchase Order – is a request to a trading business firm to supply specified good.
4 explained=8 marks

5 Give four types of financial documents kept by a farmer. *EMB*

5 Financial documents kept by a farmer.
Date details cash Bank Date details cash bank
20/03/2013 Received 21/05/301 D.S.P 6000
from mr 1000 3
Kamau Water bill 800
22/03/2013 Received 23/05/201
from Mr 4000 3 Electricity 400
Rono bill
24/05/201 Cash
3 withdrawal 3000

- Receipts
- Purchase order
- Delivery note
- Statements
(4 x ½ = 2mks)
6 The following information was extracted from Mr. Njeru’s farm record on 31/12/2013. Use the
information below to answer the questions.
5 year bank Loan 400,000
1 year loan with AFC 200,000
Creditors 45,000
Unpaid wages 25,000
Land 600,000
Building 420,000
Dairy Cattle 150,000
Dairy Meals 15,000
Cash in hand 34,000

(a) Prepare a balance sheet of Mr Njeru’s farm. *EMB*

(b) Was Mr. Njerus business solvent or insolvent. *EMB*
Mr. Njeru’s farm
Balance sheet as at 31st December 2013


5yr Bank Loan 400,000 00 Land 600,000 00
Buildings 420,000 00
Dairy cattle 150,000 00
1yr loan with AFC 200,000 00
Creditors 45,000 00
Unpaid wages 25,000 00 Dairy meal 15,000 00
Total liabilities 670000 00 Cash in hand 34,000 00
Total Assets 1,219000 00
Owners equity 549,000 00
TOTAL 1,219,000 TOTAL 1,219,000 00

Title ½ mk
Column of assets and liabilities 1mk
Correct assets entries 1mk
Correct entries of liabilities 1mk
Net worth ½ mk
Balancing totals 1mk

(b) The farm business is solvent (1x1=1mk)

7 List four pieces of information contained in an invoice. *KKG*
-Data of transaction
- Discount if any
- Quantity of goods/ services supplied
- Unit price of goods/ services
- Name and address of the buyer/ seller.
- Signature of seller/ supplier
8 The following information was extracted from Kabuni farm for the month ended January 2009.
Study it and use it to answer the questions that follow.
01/01/09 Cash in hand 30000.00
05/01/09 Livestock sales 80000.00
08/01/09 Crop sales 50000.00
15/01/09 Bought seed for planting 7500.00
20/01/09 Paid KFA for fertilizer 16400.00
30/01/09 Bought livestock feed 50000.00
31/01/09 Received cash for milk delivery 120000.00 to KCC
31/01/09 Paid transport charges for milk 9000.00 delivery
A cash analysis for the farm *KKG*
date Description Total Cash Livestock Crop Date Description Total Crops Livestock
01/1/9 Cash in hand 30,000 30,000 15/1/9 Seeds for
Livestock planting 7,500 7,500
05/1/9 sales 80,000 80,000 20/1/9 Paid KFA for
Crop sale 50,000 50,000 fertilizer 16,400 16,400
08/1/9 Cash for milk 25/1/9 Bought
31/1/9 Delivery to livestock feed 50,000 50,000
KCC 120,000 120,000 30/1/9 For planting &
weeding 56,000 56,000
31/1/9 Charges for
delivery 9,000 9,000
TOTAL 280,000 30,000 200,000 50,000 138,900 79,900 59,000
Closing balance/
cash at hand 141,100
TOTAL 280,000 TOTAL 280,000
Awarding of marks
Title 1mk
Columns: sales & receipts (1)
Expenses & purchase (1)
Closing balance 1mk
9 Name four financial documents which can be kept in an Agricultural farm. *KSS*

- Invoice
- Statements
- Receipts
(Any 2x1=2mks)
10. List FOUR financial documents used in the farm *KKG*
-Delivery note
-Purchase order
-Statement (first 4 correct)
11 Outline the importance of farm accounts *KKG*

- To secure loans from loaning institutions

- To make sound management decisions
- To determine whether the farmers is making profit or lose
- Used to prepare farm budgets
- Used to evaluate assets and liabilities
- Used to access the tax to be charged
12 A farmer has 150 ha of arable land, 55 of which is under wheat, 30 ha under maize,

10ha under pasture. She wishes to know whether replacing 12 ha of maize with Irish potato the
following year would be worthwhile. The fertilizer rates would have to be increased from 5
bags per ha. For Irish potatoes and extra 100man – days of casual labour per ha will be
necessary as a result of change.

The average yield of maize and Irish potatoes is 40 bags and 110 bags /ha respectively. The
prices are Sh. 1,300 per bag for maize and Sh. 1,100 per bag for Irish potatoes. Seed costs are
2,400 per ha for maize and 25,000 per ha for Irish potatoes. Fertilizer costs are 1,300 per bag
labour is paid Sh. 150 per man day. Draw up a partial budget and indicate the effects of the
change. * MRC*
Partial budget



(i) Fertilize Potatoes

7x12x1300 = sh. 109,000(1mk) 110x12x1100 = sh 1,452,000(1mk)

(ii) Labour Cost saved (CS)

100x12x150= sh 180,000(1mk) Maize

(iii) Seeds 12x2,400 = sh. 28,800(1mk)

25,000x12 = sh 300,000 Fertilizer

Sh. 589,000(1mk) 5x12x1300 = 108,000(1mk)

2. Revenue forgone (R.F) E.R + C.S = sh 1, 588,800(1mk)

Maize yield

40x12x1300 = sh 624,000(1mk)

E.C + R.F = sh 1, 213, 000(1mk)

Therefore (E.R + C.S) – (E.C + R.F)

1,588,800 – 1,213,000 = sh. 75,800(1mk)

This indicates a profit  (1x1=1mk)

The proposed change is worthwhile (1mk)

13 (a) Define the term gross margin ad used in Agricultural economics *SYA*
Total income less variable costs or ( Net revenue) -(variable costs)
(b) Give Four examples of working capital a farmer can use in production of maize.
-Certified seeds/seeds
14 Under what condition would a farmer ‘s business be described as solvent? *SYA*
-When the value of assets is higher than the value of liabilities.
15 State three uses of a balance sheet in farm business. *SYA*
-Shows all farm assets and liabilities
-Shows farm’s network
-Used during decision making
-Can be used to obtain loans
16 The following is a farm record which was extracted from Kaimosi Tea Estate Farm as at
31st December 2013. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Cash at hand 20,000
Cash at bank 66,000
Buildings 50,000
Disc ploughs 16,000
Debtors 16,000
Working tools 12,000
Bank overdraft 24,000
Creditors 20,000
Farm loan 50,000
Cattle 40,000
Land 80,000
a) State two benefits of the balance sheet to the Kaimosi Tea Estate *VHG*
(i) Whether the farm business is solvent or insolvent.
(ii) For fair taxation.
(iii) For obtaining credits or loans
(iv) Land value in case of sale
(v) Value of assets and liabilities
b) Prepare the balance sheet from the above information for Kaimosi Tea Estate. *VHG*
(b) Balance sheet for Kaimosi Tea Estate as at 31St December 2013
17 (a) Study the following information which was extracted from Mr. Apala’s farm records
on 31 – 12 – 2012, and answer the question below.
Spray equipment 12,000/=
Loans payable to bank 350,000/=
Five milking cows 250,000/=
300 layers 80,000/=
30 goats 30,000/=
Debt payable to cooperative society 20,000/=
Buildings and structures 600,000/=
Bonus payable to workers 19,000/=
Cattle feed in store 14,000/=
Animals’ drugs in store 4,000/=
Debts receivable 18,000/=
Breakages to repair 30,000/=
Cash at hand 20,000/=
Cash in bank 30,000/=

Prepare a balance sheet for Mr. Apala’s farm using the information above. *MGR*


AS AT 31ST – 12 – 2012
(a) Current Liabilities (a) Current Assets
Breakages to repair 30,000 00 Cash at hand 200,000 00
Bonus payable to workers 19,000 00 Cash at bank 30,000 00
Debt payable to cooperative society 20,000 00 Debts receivable 18,000 00
Animal drugs in store 4,000 00
TOTAL 69,000 00 Cattle feed in store 14,000 00
Spray equipment 12,000 00
Five milking cows 250,000 00
300 Layers 80,000 00
30 goats 30,000 00
Total current assets 458,000 00
Long term liabilities (b) Fixed assets
Loans payable to bank 350,000 00 Buildings and structures 600,000 00
Capital / Net worth / Owners equity 639,000 00
TOTAL 1,058,000 00 TOTAL 1,058,000 00
1 Explain five (5) agencies and institutions involved in marketing of agricultural
Produce. *NYR*
Agencies and institutions involved in marketing of Agricultural produce *NYR*
i) Itinerant traders or middle men buy produce from farmers and resell
ii) Processors or manufacturing company buy produce from farmers and convert to
Other forms
iii) Wholesalers buy produce in bulk from farmer or processors and resell them.
iv) Brokers and commission agents act on behalf of other business for a fee or
v) Cooperative societies and unions buy farmers produce
vi) Marketing boards promote production and markets
vii) Retailers buy goods in bulk from whole sellers and sell them in small quantity to
Consumers. (5x1=5mks)
2 List four imperfect market situations. *BTR*

2 Pure monopoly.
Monopolistic competition.
Monoposonic market.
Any 4x1=4 marks
3 State the four challenges a farmer encounter in marketing vegetables. *BMT*
3 Seasonality
Perishability of vegetables
Low pricing due to high supply
Low demand of the commodity
Low Level of knowledge/ skills for marketing of the farmers.
Species or type of vegetables Any 4x ½ =2mks
4 a) Explain any eight functions of Agricultural marketing *BMT*
4 a) - Buying and assembling; purchase and baging.
- Transporting and distribution; supplies goods to consumers
- Storage; avoid spoilage, and make available at needy times
- Packing; To avoid, damage, theft and adulteration.
- Grading and standardisation; establishment of uniformity for safety
- Packaging; for efficient marketing, avoid deteroriation and tampering and for labelling
- Market research; collection of data about demand and supply in market
- Selling; Presentation of goods and services to consumers i.e advertising, display etc
- Financing; finance to activities in the marketing
- Risks bearing; losses, damage, price change may occur on marketing
(Points be explained) Any 8x1=8mks)
5 Explain six principles of co-operatives. *KKG*
Open membership
- Voluntarily joining upon paying the required membership fees.
Equal rights
- Ran democratically, one man one vote principle
Principle of share limit
- Shares are bought to a specific maximum limit
Interest in shares
- Is distributed as dividends to members
Withdrawal from membership is free.
- Members be faithful and loyal to their co-op
- Members be continuously educated
Co-operative principle
- Co-operatives to join primary districts/ sub-county, national, international
Non-profit motive
- Main objective is to improve the living standards of their members.
6a) Describe five factors which influence demand of a commodity in a perfect market
-Population- the higher the population the higher the demand.
- Income-Income determines the purchasing power of buyer thus demand is higher.
-Price of related goods, with increase in the price of substitute demand increases
-Taste and preferences, consumers will buy more of what they like.
-Advertisement, creates awareness/increased sales hence increase in demand.
-Belief/customs and taboos, may forbid consumption of certain item e.g. pork
-Price expectation-demands for certain goods go up is its prices is expected to go up in future
-Level of taxation-highly taxed goods has high prices resulting to low demand.
-Perishability-Loss of freshness/quality lowers the demand.
-Future expectations/uncertainty-Fear of future shortage increase demand of commodities.
(1x10 = 10mks)
(b) State and explain five marketing functions. *KKG*
- Purchasing and Assembling of Agricultural produce and bulking them.

-processing raw materials to add value of utility and add shelf life.
-Transporting of Agricultural products from farmers to the market
-Storage of farm products to ensure continuous supply throughout the year.
-Packing and packaging to protect against damages to ease for transport.
-Financing marketing activities to make the activities properly done.
-Standardizing the produce every selling.
-Research to collect market information to assist farmers to know where and when to sell their
-Displaying the produce for the consumers to buy.
-Insuring, the products for compensation in case there is a risk or uncertainty.

7 State five marketing functions of Kenya Co-operative Creameries (K.C.C) *MGR*

-Buying and assembling milk.

-Processing milk.
-Market research.
-Advertisement/promotion of milk.
-Strategic storage of milk.
-Distribution of milk.
-Selling milk.
-Marketing and packaging.
-Risk bearing.
8 Describe five roles of agricultural based women groups in farming *MGR*
-Loaning members to finance their activities.
-Enlightening members on improving/modern farming techniques.
-establish income generating activities for members.
-Assist in a marketing agricultural produce for the members.
-Buy farm inputs in bulk and sell to members at a lower price.
-Collectively assist members in their operations.
-Gathering information in intended projects/feasibility study
9 Problems farmers face during marketing farm produce
• Perishability of produce, loss incurred due to the spoilage and extra cost in processing
and special transport
• Bulkiness of the produce, leads to high expenses in transportation and storage
• Poor transport network, lead to losses due to spoilage of the produce during delays to the
• Seasonality in production, leads to fluctuations in prices
• Changes in market demand, makes it difficulty to respond immediately to the demand for
the produce.
• Delayed payments, leads to lack of capital for farm operations when they are due
• Change in supply, due to over or under production/unfair competition of cheap imports
causes price fluctuations
• Lack of perfect market information leads to losses /exportation due to selling at low
prices (7x7=7mks) (Award 1 mark for each explained correct point)
10 Discuss 8 marketing functions. *NYR*

 Buying and assembling.

 Transportation and distribution.
 Advertisement.
 Processing
 Sorting and grading.
 Selling
 Bearing of risks.
 Financing
 Marketing research.
 Packaging.
 Packing.
 Storage.
11 Give a term used to mean a market condition where * MRC*

(i) There is a sole seller


(ii) There is a sole buyer



12 Below is a graph showing the relationship between demand and supply in price determination.
* MRC*
(i) Identify curves X and Y

X- Supply curve (1x1=1mk)

Y- Demand curve (1x1=1mk)

(ii) What name is given to the point where curves X and Y intersect,

Equilibrium point (1x1=1mk)

(iii) Give a reason why curve X slopes downwards from left to right.

(i) The higher the price the lower the quantity demanded and the lower the price the more
the quantity demanded.Mark as a whole * MRC*

13 a)describe the factors that would affect the supply of maize in a local market.
The number of sellers in the market many sellers with similar goods increases the supply
-Weather condition – favourable weather conditions leads to increase of availability for sale
hence increasing the supply of maize.
-Government policy - if the government increases tax iof inputd e.g fertilizer , seeds
etc farmers may reduce production hence less supply
- Prices of related goods- if the price of related goods increases te demand for the
product increases the demand for the product whose price was increased will rise.
- Evel of technology - application of modern technology leads to increased
production of goods and sub sequently the supply of maize.
- Price expectations- The supply of maize will be low if future price of the same
commodity is expected to increase .
- Transportation - improved and efficient transport will facilitate the delivery of farm
produce to the market and have support and increased supply
- Price changes - when policies of the commodity are increased the supplier are
given incentives to produce more hence more supply.
- Cost of production - if the cost of inputs e.g fertilizer and seeds are low then it is
easy for farmers will be able to applty them on crops increasing the yields hence
b)Describe six different methods a farmer can adjust to risk and uncertainities *KSS*

Methods of adjusting to risk and uncertainty

- Diversification of enterprises by the farmers
- Selecting of more reliable enterprises
-Adopting modern methods of production
- taking insurance cover
-Contarcting the production.
-Flexibility in production
c)explain the principles of co-operatives *KSS*
Open membership – Members join cooperatives voluntarily regardless of race , sex
, qualification .
ii) Education – members should conntiniously be educated to ensure that they
are knowlegable with relevant skills and cooperative affairs.
iii) Equal rights – cooperatives are run democratically where its one man
man one vote
iv) oyalty – members should be faitful and loyal to thaie cooperatives .
v) Coperatives principle- cooperation members join cooperatives at all levels
starting with primary district levels ,national and international levels.

vi) Non-profit motive-co-operative are non –profit making organization

vii) Share limits-A member may stay shares up to specified maximum limit to avoid
domination by one member of group of members
viii) Interest on shares/dividends. Any money or acquiring capital is distortuted to
members according to contributions.
14 (a) The table below shows supply and demand schedule for eggs

Price per tray Demand Supply

350 5 47

310 11 46

300 16 44

280 20 42

256 24 40

240 29 37

224 33 33

210 37 29 (i)
196 42 25
same axis,
draw 180 48 20 graphs
to indicate
relationship between price, demand and supply curve
(ii) What is the price of eggs per tray at the position of intersection *SYA*

Ksh. 244± Ksh.1

(iii) Give the significance of the point of intersection of the curves. *SYA*
it is the equilibrium price /perfect market price
-The price at which quantity of goods demand is equal go quantity of goods
(b) Briefly explain any factors that will determine the supply of goods in the market
(i) Number of sellers in the market
(ii) Price of related goods
(iii) price expectation
(iv) Technology
(v) Weather
(vi) Government policy
(vii) Change in prices
(viii) Costs of production
(ix) Increase in the supply of associated goods
(x) Transportation system
15 i) Define elasticity of demand as used in agricultural marketing *TRZ*
The responsiveness of demand to a change in price.
ii)Give three examples of domestic products which have in-elastic demand *TRZ*

- Sugar
- Salt
- milk
-Maize flour
-Tea leaves
16 Differentiate between broker agents and commission agents. *TRZ*

Broker agents bring potential buyers and sellers together, but do not actually handle the good,
commission agents are middlemen who act on behalf of the seller at a fee or commission
17 State four functions of the Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC). *TRZ*
- Promotion of agricultural production through field demonstrations
- Raising high quality livestock which are sold to farmers as breeding stock
- Running and operating state farms
- Bulking planting materials such as maize, Irish potatoes and Napier grass.
18 Explain ten roles of agricultural co-operatives in Kenya. *TRZ*
i) Co-operatives pool their resources together to buy expensive machinery e.g.
ii) Provide education/technical information to members.
iii) Negotiate for higher produce prices to members.
iv) Provides credit to members inform of inputs and cash.
v) Reduce overhead costs e.g. transportation.
vi) Bargain with suppliers to give discount on seeds, fertilizer.
vii) Provide employment for their members.
viii) Benefit farmers from lower taxes charged.
ix) Market farmers’ produce.
x) Provide strong bargaining power for members on policy issues.
xi) Invest and pay dividends to members.
xii) Help to negotiate loans for their members without security.
xiii) Provides banking services to its members. (10x1=10mks)
19 State two roles of the Coffee Board of Kenya. *VHG*
(i) Marketing of coffee.
(ii) Offering advisory services to the coffee.
(iii) Financing coffee research.
(iii) Licensing coffee farmers, millers, dealers and pulpers.
20 State five factors that determine the demand of a commodity. *VHG*
(iv) • Prices of the related goods/prices of the alternatives.
(v) • Prices of the goods available for sale/price of the goods in question.
(vi) • Price expectations/reservation price expected in future.
(vii) • Tastes and preference for the commodity.
(viii) • The techniques of production.
(ix) • The population of the consumers.
(x) • The level of income of the consumers.
(xi) • The advertisement of the commodity.
(xii) • The religious beliefs/taboos.
21 Explain eight problems facing marketing of Agricultural products. *MGR*
(i) Perishability
(ii) Seasonality
(iii) Bulkiness
(iv) Storage
(v) Poor transport system
(vi) Changes in Market Demand
(vii) Limited Elasticity of Demand
(viii) Lack of market information
(ix) Changes of supply
22 Describe the functions of agriculture co-operative societies in Kenya. *NYD*
-Cooperative pool their resources together to buy expensive machinery e.g. tractors for
use by farmers.
-Provide education /technical information to members.
-Provide credit to member in form of inputs and cash.
-Negotiation for higher produce prices for members
-Reduce overhead costs e.g. transportation , storage and use of machinery.
-Bargains with suppliers to give discount on seed fertilizers and other farm inputs /provide
inputs at lower price.
-Provide employment for their members and other people.
-Benefits farmers from lower taxes charged .
-Market farmers produce .
-Provide strong bargaining power for members on policy issues.
-Invest and pay dividends to members
-Help to negotiate loans for their members without security.
-Provide banking services to its members.


1 a) List four sites for agroforestry trees in the farm. *SYA*

- Along the farm boundaries
- Along the river banks
- Along the terraces
- Along the slopes
b) Distinguish between coppicing and lopping as tree harvesting practices in Agroforestry
Coppicing is the cutting of entire tree at 10 - 50cm above the ground to promote sprouting
of new shoots while lopping is the removal of one or move branches from a tree trunk to
reduce shading effect and fungal attack

2 (a) Describe the importance of agroforestry . *BMT*

2 a) i) Environmental protection – protect soil from erosion and acts as wind breakers
ii) Aesthetic value – Beautify the environment
iii) Sources of fuel wood for cooking.
iv) Sources of food and feed for man and livestock.
v) Sources of income – when fruits and timber /poles sold and act as source of
vi) maintained of soil fertility- some trees have the ability to rise tree nitrogen in
the soil to nutrients .
vii) Labour saving – women in rural Areas don’t waste time in fire wood collection.
viii) Afforestation for timber production
(8 x 1)= 8 mks

3 Give four benefits of border planting in agroforestry. *BTR*

3 - Mark bounderies.
- Act as wind breaks to crops.
- Provide wood or timber for fuel.
- Protect farms as fence.
4x ½ = 2 marks
4 Explain four characteristics of trees/shrubs suitable for agro forestry *BMT*
4 Fast growth rate- farmers get product of tree/ shrubs with short time
Deep rooted- For maximum competition for nutrients and moisture to resist draught
Nitrogen fixing – Legumes to fix nitrates to soil to raise fertility
Good in by – products; produce by products without harming crops e.g timbers, post,
fruits, poles 4x1=4mks (points be explained)
5 State four desirable characteristics of Agro-forestry trees and shrubs. *EMB*
5 Desirable characteristics of Agro-forestry trees and shrubs.
- Fast growing for the farmer to get fast results
- Deep rooted to ensure minimum competition for minerals and water
- Nitrogen fixation to add nutrients back into the soil
- Good in by product production
- Easily grow after pruning / coppicing
- Nutritious and palatable as fodder
(4 x ½ = 2mks)

6 Give four characteristics of tree species to be used for agroforestry practice. *KKG*

-Leguminous/ able to fix nitrogen in the soil

- Should have a thin canopy to avoid shading crops.
- Should be deep rooted to avoid competing for nutrients with crops.
- Good in by products production
- Fast growth rate.

7 Explain the different forms of agro forestry. *KKG*

Agrosilviculture- trees/ shrubs and crops combine in agricultural production
- Done in high rainfall area
Silvopastoral- Trees/ shrubs and livestock are combined
- Done in arid/ semi arid areas
- Hardy tree species can do well
Agrosilvopastoral- Growing trees/ shrubs with pastures for livestock and crops
- Done in high potential areas.
8 State three ways in which trees improve soil fertility. *KKG*
Conserve moisture

Improves soil structure

Control soil erosion

Source of plant nutrients/organic matter/fix Nitrogen e.g. legumes.
(3 x ½ mk =1 ½ mks)

9 Name two methods of harvesting agro forestry trees. *KSS*

Name two methods of harvesting agroforestry trees.
- Lopping
- Pollarding
10 Explain the importance of Agroforestry trees. *KSS*

- Source of firewood / wood fuel

- Agro forestry trees or products can be sold to earn income.
- Trees protect soil from strong rains, sun and wind and consequently reduce soil
- Saves time wasted to look for firewood
- Makes farms beautiful
- Source of construction materials
- Marks farm boundaries
- Provide shade to crops and livestock
- Can be eaten as food
- Can be used as livestock feeds
(Any 6 correctly explained = 6mks)
11 The illustrations below show techniques of harvesting Agroforestry trees. Study them carefully
and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Identify the harvesting techniques illustrated by :- *KKG*

A - Pollarding techniques
B - looping techniques
C - Coppicing techniques
(b) Explain how technique C is carried out*KKG*
A - Eucalyptus /gravellea/Erosion
B - Gravellia /Collindria/Mahhania/erosion
C - The main stem of the tree is cut about 10 -50cm above the ground (lx1 = lmk)

12 Characteristics of agro-forestry trees. *NYR*

- Fast growing.
- Should be deep rooted.
- multi-purpose in nature.
- Leguminous in nature.
- Ability to produce many products.
- Should not shade other crops.
- Deep rooted.
- Should not be too competitive with main crops.
(4x ½ =2mks
13 Explain four characteristics of tree /shrubs suitable for agroforestry *KSS*
-Fast growth
-Deep rooted not to corrupt with crops for nutrients and water
-Have nitrogen fixing ability hence fixing nitrogen into soil
-Good in many by-products
-Should be antitoxic and palatable as fodder.
-Have appropriate canopy (should not shade other crops)/No allelophatic effects to crops.
14 Describe the management practices that should be carried out on trees after transplantingIn
agroforestry *SYA*
Regular watering of young plants/seedlings
-Provide shade and mulch
-Apply manure and fertilizers during early stages
-Control weeds using appropriate methods
-Fell old trees to give space for young ones to grow.
-Carrying out gapping as necessary
-Carry out pruning to remove branches obstructing access areas.
-Control pests using appropriate methods
-Protect seedlings against forest fires by cleaning land around the farm
-fence off the forest all round to protect them from damage by livestock and wild animals
-Construct water micro- catchments around the trees
15 List four methods of harvesting agroforestry trees *TRZ*

- Coppicing
- Lopping
- Pollarding
- Thinning.
16. State three benefits of budgeting to a farm manager. *MGR*
(i) Helps farmer in decision making
(ii) Enables farmer to predict future returns
(iii) Helps farmer avoid incurring losses
(iv) Enables farmers to secure loans from financial institutions
(v) Ensures a periodic analysis of farm business
(vi) Acts as a record which can be used for future reference.
(vii) It pinpoints efficiency of weakness in farm operations.

17. Name two forms of Agroforestry. *MGR*

(i) Agrosilviculture
(ii) Silvopastoral
(iii) Agrosilvopastoral.

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