Labor & Delivery
Labor & Delivery
Labor & Delivery
During labor the nurse assesses the following:
vital signs, physical exam, contraction pattern Measure duration of latent phase. For
(frequency, interval, duration, and intensity), nulliparas, it should not be more than
intactness of membranes through vaginal 6 hours. On the other hand, for
exam, and fetal well-being through fetal heart multiparas, it should be within 4.5
rate, characteristic of amniotic fluid, and hours. Determine if patient received
contractions, and performs Leopold’s anesthesia because it can prolong
maneuver to determine fetal presenting part, latent phase. One of the most
point of maximum impulse, fetal descent and common causes of prolonged latent
engagement. phase is cephalopelvic disproportion
(CPD) and it requires cesarean birth.
When a patient arrives at the labor floor,
pertinent information about the pregnant Allow patient to be continually active.
woman’s health history is taken during Upright maternal positions are
admission. recommended for women on the first
stage of labor. Patients without
These include personal data pregnancy complications can still walk
blood type around and make necessary birth
previous illness
pregnancy complications
preferences for labor and delivery
childbirth preparations.
Here are some nursing care for this Here are the signs of placental
stage: separation:
• Determine whether the client is Apply gloves. Wash and dry the upper
experiencing any discomfort in the perineal- inner thighs.
genital area.
6. Inspect the perineal area.
• Obtain and prepare the necessary
Note particular areas of inflammation,
equipment and supplies
excoriation, or swelling, especially
PROCEDURE: between the labia