Steering System: N35ZDR, N45ZR (C264) N30ZDR, N35-40ZR (D470) N30ZDRS, N35-40ZRS (A265)

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N35ZDR, N45ZR [C264];

N30ZDR, N35-40ZR [D470];
N30ZDRS, N35-40ZRS [A265]

PART NO. 1590937 1600 SRM 1187

• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly fastened, and
that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and chains have the capacity
to support the weight of the load.

• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.

• Wear safety glasses.

• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair on electric
lift trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.

• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE LIFT
TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section.

• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.

• Use the correct tools for the job.

• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.

• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet
or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.

• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using force
to remove parts.

• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or if the
unit needs repairs.

• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.

• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel are
flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels and
when working on these fuel systems.

• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away from
the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury and property damage.

On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Steering System Table of Contents


General ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Discharging the Capacitors........................................................................................................................... 1
Raising the Lift Truck ................................................................................................................................... 3
How to Raise the Drive Tire End.............................................................................................................. 3
How to Raise the Entire Lift Truck .......................................................................................................... 4
Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Steering Handle Assembly ................................................................................................................................ 7
Fixed Handle.................................................................................................................................................. 7
Description................................................................................................................................................. 7
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Disassemble ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Assemble .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Adjustable Handle ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Description................................................................................................................................................. 11
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Disassemble ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Assemble .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Steering Controller ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
Disassemble ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Assemble ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Steering Proximity Switch ................................................................................................................................ 19
Replace ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
Steering Motor ................................................................................................................................................... 20
Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Disassemble ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Assemble ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Caster Assembly - General ................................................................................................................................ 22
Caster Adjustment......................................................................................................................................... 22
Elastomer Spring Type Adjustment ......................................................................................................... 22
Belleville Spring Type Adjustment .......................................................................................................... 23
Spring Pack Replacement ......................................................................................................................... 25
Remove Spring Assembly ..................................................................................................................... 25
Replace Spring Pack ............................................................................................................................. 26
Install Spring Assembly ....................................................................................................................... 26
Caster Wheels .................................................................................................................................................... 27
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Caster Wheel Assembly (Nonsteered)............................................................................................................... 28
Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
Disassemble ................................................................................................................................................... 30
Upper and Lower Support Housings........................................................................................................ 30
Spring Assembly From Lower Support Assembly ................................................................................... 30
Caster Spindle From Lower Support ....................................................................................................... 31


Table of Contents Steering System


Caster Wheels............................................................................................................................................ 31
Lower Support Housing ............................................................................................................................ 32
Upper Support Housing ............................................................................................................................ 33
Assemble ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
Upper Support Housing ............................................................................................................................ 34
Lower Support Housing ............................................................................................................................ 35
Caster Wheels............................................................................................................................................ 36
Caster Spindle to Lower Support ............................................................................................................. 36
Spring Assembly to Lower Support.......................................................................................................... 36
Upper and Lower Support Housings........................................................................................................ 36
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 37
Caster Assembly (Steered) ................................................................................................................................ 38
Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 38
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 39
Disassemble ................................................................................................................................................... 40
Upper and Lower Support ........................................................................................................................ 40
Spring Assembly From Lower Support Housing ..................................................................................... 40
Caster Spindle From Lower Support ....................................................................................................... 40
Caster Wheels............................................................................................................................................ 41
Lower Support Housing ............................................................................................................................ 42
Upper Support Housing ............................................................................................................................ 43
Caster Steering Motor............................................................................................................................... 43
Assemble ........................................................................................................................................................ 44
Caster Steering Motor............................................................................................................................... 44
Upper Support Housing ............................................................................................................................ 44
Lower Support Housing ............................................................................................................................ 45
Caster Wheels............................................................................................................................................ 46
Caster Spindle to Lower Support ............................................................................................................. 46
Spring Assembly to Lower Support.......................................................................................................... 47
Upper and Lower Support Housings........................................................................................................ 47
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 48
Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................................. 49

This section is for the following models:

N35ZDR, N45ZR [C264];

N30ZDR, N35-40ZR [D470];
N30ZDRS, N35-40ZRS [A265]

1600 SRM 1187 General

The AC Reach Truck has a cooling fan installed These lift truck models may be furnished with
under the front left cover to regulate the mo- automotive or reverse steering. Before work-
tor controller temperatures. Some trucks have ing on any of these lift trucks, be sure of the
a motor door fan installed as an added option type of steering that has been installed on the
for higher temperatures or extreme duty cycle lift truck.
operations. The cooling fans of the motor con-
trollers and motor compartment (if installed) Throughout this section, forward will refer to travel
run continuously when power is on. Remove in the direction of the forks. Left and right will be
power from the truck by turning the key switch determined by an operator standing in the operator
OFF and unplugging the battery before servic- compartment facing the forks. See Figure 1.
ing the truck or removing covers.
If power-on diagnostic checks are necessary re-
quiring servicing the truck with the covers re-
moved or the motor door open, the fans should
be unplugged first or suitable guards installed
over the fans to prevent possible injury from
the rotating blades of the fans. If diagnostic
checks require the lift motor or drive motor to
be used, the motor controller fan is required to
prevent the motor controllers from overheat-
ing and the front left cover for the fan must re-
main in place during operation of the truck.

Electrical components on this truck are po-
larity sensitive and may be damaged if wired A. LEFT SIDE
incorrectly. Make sure each electrical wire B. RIGHT SIDE
connection is tagged and properly identified
before removal or installation. If the proper Figure 1. Truck Orientation
location for connection is unclear, consult the
wiring diagram for the truck. Make sure test- DISCHARGING THE CAPACITORS
ing meters have adequate voltage and current
capacities to handle the output of the electri-
cal components they are used to check. Never
wire aftermarket components to this truck DO NOT make repairs or adjustments unless
without factory approval. you have both authorization and training. Re-
pairs and adjustments that are not correct can
This section describes the disassembly and assembly create dangerous operating conditions. DO
of the steering system. There is a description for each NOT operate a lift truck that needs repairs.
part of the steering system. The steering system is Report the need for repairs to your supervisor
primarily electronic. The steering handle assembly immediately. If repair is necessary, attach a
turns a steering sensor, which supplies a signal to DO NOT OPERATE tag on the steering wheel.
the steering controller. The steering controller sends Remove the key from the key switch.
current to the steering motor, which drives the mas-
ter drive unit (MDU) through a gear set to steer the Disconnect the battery before opening the elec-
lift truck. trical compartment covers or inspecting or re-
pairing the electrical system. If a tool causes
a short circuit, the high current flow from the
battery can cause personal injury or property

General 1600 SRM 1187

Some checks and adjustments are done with NOTE: Some lift trucks are equipped with a premium
the battery connected. DO NOT connect the controller, which controls the hydraulic motor as well
battery until the procedure tells you to do so. as the traction motors.
Never have any metal on your fingers, arms,
or neck. Metal items can accidentally make an 3. Discharge the capacitor in the controller by con-
electrical connection and cause injury. necting a 200-ohm, 2-watt resistor across the
controller’s B+ and B terminals for 10 seconds
Before performing any tests or adjustments, using insulated jumper wires. See Figure 2.
block the lift truck to prevent unexpected

The capacitor in the transistor controller(s)

can hold an electrical charge after the battery
is disconnected. To prevent an electrical shock
and personal injury, discharge the capacitor(s)
before inspecting or repairing any component
in the electrical compartments. Wear safety
glasses. Make certain that the battery has
been disconnected.

DO NOT short across the motor controller ter-

minals with a screwdriver or jumper wire.

To avoid controller damage, always disconnect
the battery, discharge the capacitor(s), and
never put power to the controller while any
power wires are disconnected. Never short 1. POSITIVE CONNECTION (B+)
any controller terminal or motor terminal to 2. NEGATIVE CONNECTION (B )
the battery. Make sure to use proper proce- 3. INSULATED JUMPER WIRES
dure when servicing the controller. 4. 200-OHM, 2-WATT RESISTOR

1. Turn key switch to OFF position and disconnect Figure 2. Discharging the Capacitors
the battery. Block load wheels to prevent lift
truck from moving.

2. Remove two screws securing the electrical com-

partment and pull the compartment door open on
its hinges.

1600 SRM 1187 General

RAISING THE LIFT TRUCK of these components and other lift points are
not designed to support the weight of the lift
WARNING truck. The truck can be damaged or it can fall
on someone causing serious injury. Attach a
The lift truck must be put on blocks or an ap-
chain or sling to a support structure of the lift
proved stand for some types of maintenance
truck frame.
and repair. The removal of the following as-
semblies will cause large changes in the center Put the lift truck on blocks only if the surface is solid,
of gravity: mast and load axle, battery, and the even, and level. Make sure that any blocks used to
counterweight. When the lift truck is put on support the lift truck are solid, one-piece units. Put
blocks, put additional blocks under the rear of blocks in front and back of the tires to prevent move-
the frame before removing the mast so the lift ment of the lift truck.
truck cannot fall backward or to the side.

DO NOT raise any point of the truck more than

How to Raise the Drive Tire End
50 mm (2 in.) without raising the opposite side Refer to the precautions at the beginning of the Rais-
to level the truck. If raising the frame above ing the Lift Truck instructions in this section before
150 mm (6 in.), remove the mast first and raise attempting to raise the lift truck.
both ends of the frame in 50 mm (2 in.) incre-
ments. 1. Put blocks on each side (front and back) of the
load wheels to prevent movement of the lift truck.
DO NOT raise the lift truck by attaching an See Figure 3.
overhead crane to the overhead guard or ar-
eas of the mast that will be damaged. Some


Figure 3. How to Put Lift Truck on Blocks

Description 1600 SRM 1187

2. Use a special low-clearance hydraulic jack under 1. Remove the mast from the lift truck. Refer to
the rear of the frame to raise the drive/steer tire Mast, Repair 4000 SRM 1195.
and caster wheels. Another lift truck can also be
used to raise the lift truck. Make sure that the 2. Turn the key to the OFF position and disconnect
jack or other lifting device has a capacity of at the battery from the lift truck at the battery con-
least 2/3 of the total weight of the lift truck as nector.
shown on the nameplate.
3. Raise the lift truck only enough to suspend the
The battery is heavy. Use appropriate lifting
drive/steer tire and the caster wheels. Install
equipment to avoid personal injury.
blocks under the rear of the frame to support the
lift truck. 3. Remove the battery from the lift truck.

How to Raise the Entire Lift Truck

Refer to the precautions at the beginning of the Rais- The truck must be kept level while raising.
ing the Lift Truck instructions in this section before
attempting to raise the lift truck. 4. Raise the lift truck and position solid one-piece
blocks or an approved lift truck frame stand
under the frame. The truck must be kept level
WARNING while raising. Frequently reposition jack stands
The mast MUST BE REMOVED to raise the or blocks under the frame while raising as a
frame above 150 mm (6 in.). safety precaution in case of equipment failure.
DO NOT raise any point of the frame 50 mm
(2 in.) more than any other point of the frame.

The steering system is primarily electronic. See Fig- • Adjustable
ure 4. The steering handle assembly is attached to The fixed steering handle assembly has the steering
a sensor unit that senses the direction and speed handle rotation center fixed and cannot be moved.
of rotation of the steering handle. The sensor unit The adjustable steering handle assembly has a fea-
sends a signal to the steering controller, which, in ture where the steering handle center of rotation may
turn, controls electrical power to the steering motor be moved to provide more efficient and comfortable
mounted to the MDU mounting plate. The steering operation. Both steering handle options are avail-
motor turns a gear on the end of the motor shaft that able with either stance configuration. With the fore/
meshes with a large gear attached to the MDU. As aft stance configuration, the steering handle assem-
the steering motor rotates, the MDU also rotates. bly is mounted in the horizontal position. In the
The speed of rotation is directly proportional to how sidestance configuration, the steering handle assem-
fast the steering wheel is being rotated. The speed bly is mounted at a slight angle toward the operator.
of rotation is also regulated by the speed of the lift
truck. As the speed of the lift truck increases, the Two versions of the caster assembly are also avail-
steering controller will slow the speed of the steering able on these lift trucks. The standard configuration
motor as the steering handle is turned. is a nonsteered caster assembly. An optional steered
caster with a separate caster steering controller is
The lift truck listed on the front cover of this section also available.
come in several optional configurations. All configu-
rations are covered by this section. These lift trucks During startup, the steering system will perform a
are available with two steering operating positions: self-test and center the drive wheel. The proximity
• Sidestance sensor located on the MDU plate signals the steering
• Fore/Aft Stance controller when the drive wheel is in the centered
position. The lift truck will "wiggle" during startup
The steering handle assembly used on these lift as the drive tire self-centers. The optional steered
trucks also comes in two optional configurations: caster assembly also includes a centering proximity
• Fixed switch and will self-center at truck startup.

1600 SRM 1187 Description



Figure 4. Typical Steering System

Description 1600 SRM 1187

The steering caster wheel assembly comprises the drive. The caster wheel centered position is moni-
other part of the steering system. The steering tored by an electronic proximity sensor mounted in
caster wheel assembly comes in two different config- the steer caster axle beside the steer caster motor.
urations. See Figure 5 and Figure 6. The caster steering motor is controlled by a separate
caster steering controller located beneath the opera-
The standard configuration is a spring-loaded, non- tor compartment. As the steering handle is rotated,
steered caster wheel assembly. See Figure 5. The the steering signal is sent to both the MDU steering
caster wheel assembly has two polyurethane wheels controller and the caster steering controller to allow
that are free to rotate about a pivot shaft as the truck the caster wheels to turn in the same direction as the
is driven. The caster is spring loaded to allow the MDU. The movement of the MDU and caster wheels
caster wheel assembly to move up and down with is coordinated to allow for optimum steering geom-
variations in the floor surface and allow the truck to etry to be obtained during steering maneuvers. As
maintain four-wheel contact at all times. with configuration one, the caster wheel assembly is
spring loaded to allow the caster assembly to move
up and down with variations in the floor surface and
allow the truck to maintain four-wheel contact at all

Figure 5. Nonsteered Caster Wheel Assembly

The optional configuration is a steered caster assem-

bly. See Figure 6. With this configuration, a mo-
tor is mounted to the caster wheel assembly and ro-
tates the polyurethane caster wheels through a gear Figure 6. Steered Caster Wheel Assembly

1600 SRM 1187 Steering Handle Assembly

Steering Handle Assembly

The steering handle assembly links the lift truck op-
erator to the lift truck steering system. See Fig-
ure 7 and Figure 8. As the operator rotates the steer-
ing handle, the handle rotates a steering sensor in
the steering handle assembly. The steering sensor
senses the direction and speed of the steering han-
dle’s rotation and sends signals to the steering con-
troller to steer the lift truck.

Figure 8. Steering Handle Assembly (Fore/Aft


1. Turn the key to the OFF position and disconnect
the battery connector.

2. Loosen the compartment door mounting cap-

screws (2) and open the compartment door. See
Figure 9.

3. Disconnect the wiring from the steering handle

assembly at the harness connector. Remove the
clamps securing the steering unit wiring to the

4. If removing the mounting plate from the lift

Figure 7. Steering Handle Assembly truck, loosen the capscrews (1) holding the steer-
(Sidestance) ing handle assembly to the compartment door.
Remove the steering handle assembly from the
lift truck. Place the assembly on a clean work

Steering Handle Assembly 1600 SRM 1187


Figure 9. Door Attaching Parts (Sidestance Shown)

1600 SRM 1187 Steering Handle Assembly

Disassemble cause injury. Always use the correct retaining

ring pliers and wear eye and face protection
For the following instruction, refer to Figure 10. during removal or installation.
1. Remove the four capscrews (12), lockwashers 5. Remove the cap from the top of the steering han-
(11), and washers (10) securing the steer support dle knob. Remove the retaining ring from the
pad to the mounting plate. steering handle pin and remove the knob. Re-
move the plug from the steer support pad if nec-
2. Remove clamps retaining the steering unit har-
ness (not shown).
NOTE: The steering unit contains no serviceable
3. Pry the cover up from the steering handle and
parts. If the steering unit fails, it must be replaced
loosen and remove the nut (2) and washer (3)
as a complete unit.
from the steering unit shaft.
6. Loosen and remove the four capscrews (9) and
4. Remove the steering handle from the steer sup-
washers (8) holding the steering unit to the steer
port pad and recover the Woodruff key from the
support pad.
steering unit shaft.
7. Remove the four capscrews (15), lockwashers
WARNING (14), and washers (13) securing the mounting
Be careful when removing or installing retain- plate to the mounting bracket. Recover the spac-
ing rings. Retaining rings can eject during ers from between.
removal or installation with enough force to

Steering Handle Assembly 1600 SRM 1187

Figure 10. Steering Handle (Fixed)

1600 SRM 1187 Steering Handle Assembly

Legend for Figure 10


Assemble 8. Install clamps to retain the steering unit harness

to the steering handle assembly as removed (not
For the following instruction, refer to Figure 10. shown).
1. Position the spacers between the mounting
bracket and the mounting plate as removed.
Align the holes in the mounting plate and the 1. Install the steering handle assembly to the
spacers with the holes in the mounting bracket. compartment door with the capscrews (2) as
Install the four capscrews (15), lockwashers (14), removed. See Figure 9.
and washers (13) to secure.
2. Connect the harness from the steering handle as-
2. Assemble the steering unit to the steer support sembly to the connector on the main truck har-
pad with the four capscrews (9) and washers (8). ness. Secure using clamps as removed.
3. Position the steer support pad to the mounting 3. Close the compartment door and tighten the cap-
plate. Secure in place using the four capscrews screws (1). See Figure 9.
(12), lockwashers (11), and washers (10).
4. Reconnect the battery and turn the key switch to
4. Install the Woodruff key into the steering unit the ON position. Test for proper operation.
shaft. Align the slot in the steering handle with
the key and install the steering handle onto the ADJUSTABLE HANDLE
steer support pad.
5. Install the washer (3) and nut (2) to secure the
steering handle. Install the cover onto the steer- The steering handle assembly links the lift truck op-
ing handle assembly. erator to the lift truck steering system. See Fig-
ure 11. As the operator rotates the steering handle,
WARNING the handle rotates a steering sensor in the steering
handle assembly. The steering sensor senses the di-
Be careful when removing or installing retain-
rection and speed of the steering handle’s rotation
ing rings. Retaining rings can eject during
and sends signals to the steering controller to steer
removal or installation with enough force to
the lift truck.
cause injury. Always use the correct retaining
ring pliers and wear eye and face protection The steering handle assembly is adjustable. The lift
during removal or installation. truck operator can move the steering handle’s center
of rotation away from or toward the operating posi-
6. Slide the knob onto the steering handle pin and
tion. To adjust the steering handle assembly, lift the
install the retaining ring. Install the cap into the
locking pin and rotate the complete steering handle
assembly clockwise or counterclockwise to one of the
7. Install the plug to the steer support pad if re- eight adjustment positions.

Steering Handle Assembly 1600 SRM 1187

3. Disconnect the wiring from the steering handle

assembly at the harness connector.

4. If necessary, loosen the capscrews (1) holding the

steering handle assembly to the drive unit com-
partment door. Remove the steering handle as-
sembly from the lift truck. Place the assembly on
a clean work surface.

For the following instructions, refer to Figure 13.

1. Remove the four capscrews, washers, and spac-

ers holding the steer support pad to the mount-
ing plate (inner race). Remove the steer support

2. Remove the clamps retaining the steering unit

harness to the steering handle assembly (not
Figure 11. Steering Handle Assembly shown).

3. Pry the cover up from the steering handle and re-

Remove move the nut and washer from the steering unit
For the following instructions, refer to Figure 12. shaft.

1. Turn the key to the OFF position and disconnect 4. Remove the steering handle from the steer sup-
the battery connector. port pad and recover the Woodruff key from the
steering unit shaft.
2. Loosen the compartment door mounting cap-
screws (2) and open the compartment door.

1600 SRM 1187 Steering Handle Assembly


Figure 12. Compartment Door Attaching Parts

Steering Handle Assembly 1600 SRM 1187

Figure 13. Steering Handle (Adjustable)

1600 SRM 1187 Steering Handle Assembly

Legend for Figure 13

c. Remove the lower retaining ring and slide
WARNING the bushing from the bottom of the steer sup-
Be careful when removing or installing retain- port pad.
ing rings. Retaining rings can eject during
removal or installation with enough force to d. Remove the clip from the lower locking rod
cause injury. Always use the correct retaining and remove the bushings and the spring
ring pliers and wear eye and face protection as necessary for repair. Reassemble as re-
during removal or installation. moved. See Figure 14.

5. Remove the cap from the top of the handle knob.

Remove the retaining ring and remove the han-
dle knob from the steering pin.

NOTE: The steering unit contains no serviceable

parts. If the steering unit fails, it must be replaced
as a complete unit.

6. Loosen and remove the four capscrews (8) and

washers (7) securing the steering unit to the steer
support pad. Separate the steering unit from the
steer support pad.

Be careful when removing or installing retain-
ing rings. Retaining rings can eject during
removal or installation with enough force to
cause injury. Always use the correct retaining
ring pliers and wear eye and face protection
during removal or installation. 1. CLIP
7. Remove the locking pin assembly from the steer 4. SPRING
support pad: 5. BUSHING
a. Unscrew the pull knob from the shaft. Figure 14. Locking Pin Assembly
b. Remove the upper retaining ring and pull the
locking plunger assembly from the steer sup-
port pad.

Steering Handle Assembly 1600 SRM 1187

8. Remove the three capscrews (20), lockwashers 6. Slide the handle knob onto the steering handle
(19), and washers (18) securing the race assem- pin and install the retaining ring. Install the cap
bly to the mounting bracket. onto the handle knob.

9. Remove the four capscrews (26), lockwashers 7. Install the locking pin assembly into the steer
(25), washers (24) and nuts (14) securing the support pad:
outer race (top), mounting plate (inner race),
and outer race (bottom) to the tiller latch plate. a. Install the bushing and lower retaining ring
Unstack the races from the tiller latch plate to into the steer support pad.
complete disassembly.
b. Install the locking plunger assembly and the
top retaining ring into the top of the steer
support pad.
For the following instruction, refer to Figure 13.
c. Screw the pull knob onto the locking plunger
1. Install the outer race (bottom) onto the tiller assembly
latch plate. Stack the mounting plate (inner
8. Align on the bottom of the steer support pad with
race) and then the outer race (top) as removed.
the holes in the top of the mounting plate (inner
2. Align the holes in the outer race (top), inner race). Install four capscrews, washers, and spac-
race, outer race (bottom), and tiller latch plate ers as removed to secure the steer support pad to
as removed. Secure together using the four cap- the mounting plate.
screws (26), lockwashers (25), washers (24) and
9. Secure the steering unit harness to the steering
nuts (14).
handle assembly using clamps as removed (not
3. Position the race assembly (tiller latch plate side) shown).
onto the top of mounting bracket. Align mount-
ing holes and secure using three capscrews (20), Install
lockwashers (19), and washers (18).
For the following instructions, refer to Figure 12.
4. Assemble the steering unit to the steer support
1. If removed, install the steering handle assembly
pad with the four capscrews (8) and washers (7).
to the drive unit compartment door with the cap-
5. Insert the Woodruff key into the steering unit screws (2) as removed.
shaft. Align the slot in the steering handle with
2. Connect the harness from the steering handle as-
the Woodruff key and install the steering handle
sembly to the connector on the main truck har-
onto the steering unit shaft. Install the washer
ness. Secure harness to the frame with clamps
(3) and nut (2) to secure. Install the cover onto
as removed.
the steering handle.
3. Close the compartment door and tighten the two
WARNING capscrews (1).
Be careful when removing or installing retain- 4. Reconnect the battery to the lift truck. Turn the
ing rings. Retaining rings can eject during key switch to the ON position and test for proper
removal or installation with enough force to operation.
cause injury. Always use the correct retaining
ring pliers and wear eye and face protection
during removal or installation.

1600 SRM 1187 Steering Controller

Steering Controller
DESCRIPTION 6. Disconnect the remaining wiring from the steer-
ing controller. Tag the wiring to assist when re-
The steering controller receives signals from the installing the steering controller.
steering sensor in the steering handle assembly, the
steering motor encoder, and the steering centering 7. The controller assembly sits into two clips at the
proximity switch. The steering controller translates bottom of the compartment and is retained to the
those signals into commands to the steering motor. lift truck frame by two capscrews and washers
The steering controller determines the correct di- at the top of the mounting plate. See Figure 15.
rection and speed to drive the steering motor from Remove the capscrews and washers from the top
the input received from the steering sensor. The of the mounting plate.
steering motor encoder sends signals back to the
steering controller to verify the correct direction
and speed. The steering centering proximity switch
signal is used by the steering controller to center
the steering system to the straight-ahead position
at system startup.

The steering controller is located on the left side of

the compartment adjacent to the drive motor. The
controller is mounted to a plate that also mounts the
master controller. The master controller is at the top
of the mounting plate and the steering controller is
at the bottom.

1. Turn the key to the OFF position and disconnect
the battery connector.

2. Discharge the capacitor in the controller. See

Discharging the Capacitors in this section.

3. Loosen the compartment door mounting cap-

screws and open the compartment door.

NOTE: Access to the controller mounting plate is lim-

ited. In some repair operations, draining oil from the
hydraulic tank and removing the inlet hose from the 1. CAPSCREWS AND WASHERS
lift pump hose fitting may assist in accessing the con- 2. MOUNTING CLIPS
troller mounting plate. DO NOT disconnect the 3. MASTER CONTROLLER
inlet hose without removing oil from the hy- 4. STEERING CONTROLLER
draulic tank, as the oil level in the tank may be Figure 15. Controller Assembly Mounting
above the level of the inlet hose. This allows the
inlet hose to be moved and allows additional access 8. Carefully maneuver the controller assembly
to components in the compartment. between the lift pump inlet hose and the truck
frame and remove from the lift truck.
4. Disconnect the wiring harness connector from
the bottom of the master controller.

5. Disconnect the wiring harness connector from

the steering controller.

Steering Controller 1600 SRM 1187

DISASSEMBLE 2. Place the bottom of the controller assembly

mounting plate in the two clips on the side of the
1. Remove the four nuts retaining the steering lift truck frame. See Figure 15.
controller to the mounting plate and remove the
steering controller. 3. Install the two capscrews and washer to retain
the top of the controller assembly mounting plate
NOTE: There are no serviceable parts within the to the lift truck frame.
steering controller. A failed steering controller must
be replaced as a complete unit. 4. Reconnect the wiring to the steering controller.
See Diagrams 8000 SRM 1199.
5. Connect the truck wiring harness connector to
1. Install the steering controller over the four the steering controller.
mounting studs on the controller assembly
mounting plate. 6. Connect the truck wiring harness connector to
the master controller.
2. Install the mounting nuts.
7. Close the compartment door and tighten the door
INSTALL mounting capscrews.

1. Carefully maneuver the controller assembly be- 8. Reconnect the battery connector.
tween the truck frame and the lift pump inlet

1600 SRM 1187 Steering Proximity Switch

Steering Proximity Switch

The steering proximity switch is located inside the
drive unit compartment mounted in the frame beside
the master drive unit (MDU). See Figure 16.

5. FRAME Figure 17. Switch Mounting
7. BATTERY COMPARTMENT 5. Remove the switch by turning the switch shaft
Figure 16. Switch Location counterclockwise and unscrewing it from the

REPLACE NOTE: Make note of the depth of the old switch for
proper installation of the new switch.
1. Turn the key to the OFF position and disconnect
the battery connector. 6. Install the jam nut to the switch shaft in the
same position. Apply antiseize lubricant lightly
2. Loosen the compartment door mounting cap- to the threads of the new switch shaft and install
screws and open the compartment door. to the frame by turning clockwise as removed.
Adjust the proximity switch to obtain a gap of 1
3. Disconnect the switch wiring from the main ±0.5 mm (0.039 ±0.020 in.) between the end of
wiring harness. the proximity switch and the target plate. See
Figure 17. Lock the proximity switch in place
NOTE: Make note of the depth of the old switch for
with the jam nut on the switch.
proper installation of the new switch.
NOTE: Because the proximity switch gap is not easily
4. Slightly loosen the jam nut securing the switch
measurable, the distance is determined by the num-
to the frame. See Figure 17.
ber of turns of the proximity switch off the target
plate face. Adjustments of 1 to 1 1/4 turns off the
target plate face is approximately 1.016 to 1.270 mm
(0.040 to 0.050 in.) gap distance.

Steering Motor 1600 SRM 1187

7. Connect the switch wiring to the main wiring 9. Reconnect the battery. Turn the key switch to the
harness. ON position and test for proper operation.

8. Close the compartment door and tighten the door

mounting capscrews.

Steering Motor
DESCRIPTION 4. Loosen and remove the four capscrews and wash-
ers retaining the steering motor to the lift truck
The 3-phase AC permanent magnet steering motor frame. See Figure 18.
is located in the drive unit compartment to the right
of the traction motor. The steering motor receives
signals from the steering controller that control di-
rection and speed of the steering motor. The steering
motor encoder is built into the steering motor and
sends signals back to the steering controller to verify
the steering motor is operating in the correct direc-
tion and speed.

1. Turn the key to the OFF position and disconnect
the battery connector.

2. Loosen the compartment door mounting cap-

screws and open the compartment door.

Electrical components on this truck are po-
larity sensitive and may be damaged if wired
incorrectly. Make sure each electrical wire
connection is tagged and properly identified
before removal or installation. If the proper 2. WASHER
location for connection is unclear, consult the
wiring diagram for the truck. Figure 18. Steering Motor Mounting
3. Disconnect the two wiring connectors connecting 5. Carefully lift the steering motor vertically and
the steering motor to the lift truck wiring har- remove from the lift truck.

1600 SRM 1187 Steering Motor

1. Remove the capscrew and washers from the bot- 1. Insert the key supplied with the motor into the
tom of the motor shaft. See Figure 19. motor shaft.

2. Slide the drive gear onto the motor shaft fully

engaging the key.

3. Remove old threadlock residue from the gear

mounting capscrew. Apply Loctite® 242 to the
capscrew and install the washers and the cap-
screw onto the bottom of the motor shaft. See
Figure 19.

1. Insert the drive gear into the lift truck so that it
meshes with the MDU gear. Ensure the steering
motor is fully seated in the lift truck frame.

2. Install the four washers and capscrews to retain

the steering motor to the lift truck frame. See
Figure 18. Torque the capscrews to 23 N•m
(17 lbf ft).

Electrical components on this truck are po-
larity sensitive and may be damaged if wired
incorrectly. Make sure each electrical wire
1. CAPSCREW connection is tagged and properly identified
2. WASHER before removal or installation. If the proper
3. WASHER location for connection is unclear, consult the
4. DRIVE GEAR wiring diagram for the truck.
Figure 19. Gear Mounting 3. Reconnect the wiring connectors from the steer-
ing motor to the lift truck wiring harness.
NOTE: The capscrew has been installed with thread-
lock. 4. Close the compartment door and tighten the door
mounting capscrews.
2. Slide the drive gear from the motor shaft.
5. Reconnect the battery. Turn the key switch to the
NOTE: There are no serviceable parts within the
ON position and test for proper operation.
steering motor. A failed steering motor must be
replaced as a compete unit.

Caster Assembly - General 1600 SRM 1187

Caster Assembly - General

2. Loosen upper and lower stop jam nuts, then turn
CAUTION capscrews clockwise to clear lower support hous-
Any repairs to the caster assembly components ing.
require the caster shimming and adjustment
procedure to be performed. See Caster Adjust- 3. Measure the caster spring preload (dimension 3).
ment. See Figure 20.

The caster assembly does not require removal of the

entire assembly to service some of its components.
The caster wheel lower assembly with wheels and
bearings, the caster steer motor (on steered units),
and the caster spring assembly may be removed from
the truck for service or repair without removing the
entire assembly. If the entire caster assembly must
be removed, it requires raising the truck up high
enough for the entire assembly to be lowered from
the truck. Refer to Raising the Lift Truck in this sec-

Casters must be adjusted periodically. Adjustment
procedures differ depending on the caster spring
type. Two spring types are used on caster assem-
blies: Belleville Springs and Elastomer Springs. If
the caster can no longer be adjusted within speci-
fication, check the drive tire wear and replace as
necessary. If the spring pack (Belleville or Elas-
tomer) shows any visible damage, the spring pack
should be replaced. Belleville Spring packs (includ-
ing washers) should be replaced with Elastomer 2. SHIMS
Spring packs and corresponding washers when 3. CASTER SPRING PRELOAD
replacement becomes necessary. See Spring Pack 4. UPPER ADJUSTMENT CAPSCREW
Elastomer Spring Type Adjustment
Figure 20. Caster Adjustment (Elastomer Type)
NOTE: The battery must be installed in the lift truck
with no load on the forks. 4. Spring preload measurements (dimension 3)
should be within specifications for your lift
1. Ensure the lift truck is on a flat and level floor.
truck. Refer to Table 1.

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Assembly - General

Table 1. Caster Specifications

Truck Battery Spring O.D. Mast Max Dimension Dimension Dimension

Series Compartment Fork Height "3" "5" "7"
mm (in.)
mm (in.) mm (in.) mm mm mm
368.3 (14.5 53 (2.09) Less than 70 to 74 9.5 2 to 4
and and 6375 mm
A265 419.1 16.5) (251 in.)
D470 368.3 (14.5 53 (2.09) More than 70 to 74 6.5 2 to 4
and and 6350 mm
419.1 16.5) (250 in.)
419.1 (16.5) 53 (2.09) Less than 70 to 74 9.5 2 to 4
6375 mm
(251 in.)
419.1 (16.5) 53 (2.09) More than 70 to 74 6.5 2 to 4
6350 mm
(250 in.)
469.9 (18.5) 60 (2.36) Less than 75 to 79 9.5 2 to 4
and and 8153 mm
546.1 (21.5) (321 in.)
469.9 (18.5) 60 (2.36) More than 75 to 79 6.5 2 to 4
and and 8128 mm
546.1 (21.5) (320 in.)

5. If spring preload measurements are not within 8. Set the lower adjustment capscrew (see Fig-
specification, raise the rear of the lift truck ure 20) to the proper gap (dimension 7). Refer to
approximately 50 mm (2 in.), loosen the three Table 1.
mounting capscrews, and add or subtract shims
as necessary. Belleville Spring Type Adjustment
• Greater than Specification = Add Shims
• Less than Specification = Remove Shims For the following instructions, refer to Figure 21.

6. Retighten the mounting capscrews and lower NOTE: Battery must be installed in truck with no
the rear of the lift truck. Remeasure the spring load on forks.
preload. If the spring measurement is not within
1. Ensure the lift truck is on a flat and level floor.
specification, return to Step 5. If the spring mea-
surement is within specification, continue to 2. If the upper or lower adjustment capscrews are
Step 7. touching the lower housing, loosen jam nuts then
turn bolts clockwise to clear lower support hous-
7. Set the upper adjustment capscrew (see Fig-
ure 20) to the proper gap (dimension 5). Refer to
Table 1.

Caster Assembly - General 1600 SRM 1187


Figure 22. Go/No Go Gauge

1. MOUNTING CAPSCREWS 6. Tighten the mounting capscrews (1) and lower

2. SHIMS the lift truck to the floor. Re-check the gap (3)
3. GAP BETWEEN UPPER AND LOWER and repeat Step 3 through Step 6 as necessary
4. UPPER ADJUSTMENT CAPSCREW until correct gap is achieved. If the proper gap
5. UPPER ADJUSTMENT GAP value cannot be obtained by adjustment, check
6. LOWER ADJUSTMENT CAPSCREW the drive tire wear and replace as necessary. If
7. LOWER ADJUSTMENT GAP any part of the spring pack is damaged the entire
spring pack must be replaced. See Spring Pack
Figure 21. Caster Adjustment (Belleville Type) Replacement.
NOTE: A Go/No Go gauge (Hyster P/N 2069423 avail- NOTE: A Go/No Go gauge (Hyster P/N 2069423 avail-
able from your lift truck dealer) may be used to check able from your lift truck dealer) may be used to check
this gap. See Figure 22. this gap.
3. Measure the gap (3) between the upper and lower 7. Set the upper adjustment capscrew (4) to the up-
support housings. This gap should be between per adjustment gap measurement (5) shown in
39.9 mm (1.57 in.) and 42.9 mm (1.69 in.). Table 2.
4. If gap is not within specification, raise the rear 8. Set the lower adjustment capscrew (6) to obtain
of the lift truck approximately 50 mm (2 in.) to the lower adjustment gap measurement (7) of
access the caster wheels. 2 mm (0.079 in.) to 4 mm (0.157 in.).
5. Loosen the three mounting capscrews (1) and add
or subtract shims between the caster wheel as-
sembly and the top frame mount to adjust the gap

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Assembly - General

Table 2. Upper Adjustment Gap Measurement

Truck Battery Mast Maximum Upper Adjustment

Model Compartment Fork Height Gap Measurement (5)
368.3 mm (14.5 in.) and Less Than 9.5 mm
N30ZDR, N30ZDRS, 419.1 mm (16.5 in.) 6375 mm (251 in.) (0.374 in.)
N35-40ZR, N35-40ZRS 368.3 mm (14.5 in.) and Greater Than 6.5 mm
419.1 mm (16.5 in.) 6350 mm (250 in.) (0.256 in.)
419.1 mm (16.5 in.) Less Than 9.5 mm
6375 mm (251 in.) (0.374 in.)
419.1 mm (16.5 in.) Greater Than 6.5 mm
6350 mm (250 in.) (0.256 in.)
469.9 mm (18.5 in.) and Less Than 9.5 mm
546.1 mm (21.5 in.) 8153 mm (321 in.) (0.374 in.)
469.9 mm (18.5 in.) and Greater Than 6.5 mm
546.1 mm (21.5 in.) 8128 mm (320 in.) (0.256 in.)

Spring Pack Replacement

Belleville Spring packs should be replaced with
Elastomer Spring packs and corresponding washers
when replacement becomes necessary.

Remove Spring Assembly

NOTE: Battery must be installed in truck with no

load on forks.

1. Ensure the lift truck is on a flat and level floor.

2. Disconnect the battery connectors and discharge

the capacitors.

3. Raise the rear of the lift truck approximately

50 mm (2 in.).

4. Loosen jam nut and screw in the lower adjust-

ment capscrew. See Figure 23.

Legend for Figure 23

3. PIN

Figure 23. Caster Spring Removal

Caster Assembly - General 1600 SRM 1187

5. On steered units, remove steer motor to access 2. Remove spring retainer and spherical bearing
the caster spring. from guide rod.

3. Remove upper washer, belleville spring pack,

CAUTION and lower washer(s) from guide rod.
Make sure the spring assembly has free play
before removing the pin. 4. Check bushing and replace as necessary.

6. Remove retaining capscrew and slide pin from 5. Apply a thin coat of antiseize lubricant to guide
lower support housing. Remove spring assembly. rod shaft.

Replace Spring Pack 6. Install new bottom washer onto guide rod.

1. Remove capscrew and washer from top of spring NOTE: Different size elastomer springs are use on
assembly. See Figure 24. different models. Make sure to use the proper spring
for your model lift truck. Refer to the Parts Manual.

7. Install new Elastomer Spring onto guide rod.

8. Install new top washer onto guide rod.

9. Install spherical bearing and spring retainer

onto guide rod.

10. Install washer and capscrew onto spring assem-


Install Spring Assembly

1. Position spring pack to align with holes in lower


2. Apply a thin coat of antiseize lubricant to pin and


3. Install retaining capscrew.

4. On steered units, install steer motor as removed.

5. Lower the rear of the lift truck to the floor and

A. BELLEVILLE SPRING adjust the caster. See Elastomer Spring Type Ad-


Figure 24. Spring Assemblies

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Wheels

Caster Wheels
For the following instructions, see Figure 25.

Cleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic
and can cause skin irritation. Wear protection
when handling solvents and always follow the
recommendations of the manufacturer.

1. Raise the rear of the lift truck approximately

50 mm (2 in.) to access the caster wheels. Re-
fer to Raising the Lift Truck in this section.

Replace bearings in sets to maintain proper
wheel loading and operation.

2. Inspect the bearings by rotating each caster

wheel. The wheels should have no side-to-side
free play and should turn smoothly. If the wheels
can be moved side to side or do not turn freely,
the bearings should be replaced.

3. Use a punch to tap around the edge of the bearing

cap to work it out of the caster wheel.

4. Unstake the bearing lockwasher from the bear-

ing lock nut and remove the lock nut and lock-

5. Remove the caster wheel from the axle shaft. 1. BEARING CAP
Use a hammer and a suitable brass or alu- 6. BEARING
minum driver when removing bearings to
avoid damage to the bearings and/or caster Figure 25. Caster Wheels
7. Inspect the caster wheel for damage to the
The bearings are removed and replaced by bonded wheel surface and cracks in the hub
pressing on the outer race of the bearing only. or wheel material. Replace any wheel that is
Pressing on the inner race will damage the damaged, cracked, or has large cracks or large
bearing. chunks of the outside material missing. Replace
wheels in sets if damaged.
6. Remove the bearing by pressing it from the wheel
hub using a suitable brass or aluminum driver.

Caster Wheel Assembly (Nonsteered) 1600 SRM 1187

INSTALL 2. Press new bearings into wheel assemblies. Use

a suitable brass or aluminum driver when in-
WARNING stalling bearings to avoid damage to bearings
and/or wheels. See Figure 25. Bearings must be
Cleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic
replaced in sets.
and can cause skin irritation. Wear protection
when handling solvents and always follow the 3. Install the caster wheels to the axle shaft.
recommendations of the manufacturer.
4. Install the bearing lockwashers and lock nuts
1. Clean all parts with solvent and inspect thor- onto the axle shaft (using special tool Hyster P/N
oughly. Replace damaged parts as necessary. 4009728).

5. Torque the bearing lock nuts to 136 N•m

(100 lbf ft).
The bearings are replaced by pressing on the
outer race of the bearing only. Pressing or tap- 6. Ensure the caster wheels rotate freely and
ping on the inner race will damage the bearing. smoothly and are securely mounted on the axle
shaft. Stake the bearing lockwashers in place.
CAUTION 7. Inspect the caps for damage. Repair or replace
Replace bearings in sets to maintain proper as necessary. Install the caps to the wheels by
wheel loading and operation. tapping around the edge of the caps. Make sure
the caps are properly seated in the hubs.

Caster Wheel Assembly (Nonsteered)

DESCRIPTION equal contact with the floor at all times. The caster
wheel assembly is spring loaded to allow the caster
The caster wheel assembly is located on the right- wheels to move up and down with variations in the
hand side of the lift truck. It is bolted to the lift truck floor surface and allow the truck to maintain four-
frame and is shim adjustable to accommodate wear of point contact at all times. The caster wheel assem-
the caster wheels. The standard caster wheel assem- bly moves up and down within the lift truck frame on
bly has two polyurethane wheels, which are free to guide bearings mounted to the caster wheel assembly
rotate about a pivot shaft as the truck is driven. See frame. The caster wheel assembly can be replaced as
Figure 26. The two caster wheels are mounted on a a unit or the wheels can be replaced.
pivoting axle that allows the two wheels to maintain

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Wheel Assembly (Nonsteered)

When lifting the rear of the lift truck frame,
block the front of the load wheels so the lift
truck cannot roll forward while lifting.

4. The truck must be raised level and high enough

to remove the caster wheel assembly from be-
neath the truck frame (typically 305 mm (12 in.)
or higher). The truck should be raised and placed
on blocks in a manner to support the truck prop-
erly and in a level position. Make sure the lifting
or jacking equipment is suitable and of adequate
capacity to lift the truck frame. See Periodic
Maintenance 8000 SRM 1197 - How to Put Lift
Truck on Blocks.

5. Remove the caster compartment cover from the

right-hand side of the operator compartment.

6. Remove the mounting capscrew (1) from the in-

side of the frame. See Figure 27.

Figure 26. Nonsteered Caster Assembly

NOTE: Always replace the caster wheels as a set for

better caster operation and wheel wear.

1. Remove the mast from the lift truck. Refer to
Mast, Repair 4000 SRM 1195.

2. Turn the key to the OFF position and disconnect

the battery from the lift truck at the battery con-
nector. 1. CAPSCREW
The battery is heavy. Use appropriate lifting 5. SHIMS
equipment to avoid personal injury.
Figure 27. Caster Wheel Assembly Mounting
3. Remove the battery from the lift truck.

Caster Wheel Assembly (Nonsteered) 1600 SRM 1187

7. Support the caster wheel assembly with a crane

or other suitable lifting device.

8. From inside the operator compartment, remove

the two capscrews (4) and four washers (2, 3)
from the top of the caster wheel assembly. Retain
the shims for reuse when installing the caster
wheel assembly. See Figure 27.

The caster wheel assembly is heavy. Be sure
that all lifting devices (hoists, cables, chains,
slings, etc.) are suitable and of adequate capac-
ity to lift the caster wheel assembly.

9. Slowly lower the caster wheel assembly. Remove

the assembly from the lift truck and place the
assembly on a clean work surface.

Upper and Lower Support Housings
1. Remove the retaining pins from the links on
both sides of the caster wheel assembly. See
Figure 28.
2. Remove the four links from the linkage pins and 2. LINK
remove the four linkage pins from the two pieces 3. LINKAGE PIN
of the caster wheel assembly. 4. UPPER SUPPORT HOUSING
3. Remove the upper support housing from the 6. CAPSCREW
7. PIN
lower support housing. 8. SPRING ASSEMBLY

Figure 28. Caster Wheel Assembly

Spring Assembly From Lower Support

1. Remove the retaining capscrew (6) from the side
of the lower support housing and remove the pin
(7) holding the spring assembly to the lower sup-
port housing. See Figure 28.

2. Remove the spring assembly.

3. Repair the spring assembly as necessary. See

Replace Spring Pack in this section.

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Wheel Assembly (Nonsteered)

Caster Spindle From Lower Support Caster Wheels

1. Use a punch to fold down the retaining tabs on For the following instructions, refer to Figure 30.
the locking washer.

2. Remove the bearing lock nut (using special tool CAUTION

Hyster P/N 4009728), locking washer, and spacer Replace bearings in sets to maintain proper
securing the caster spindle to the lower support wheel loading and operation.
housing. See Figure 29.
1. Inspect the bearings by rotating each caster
wheel. The wheels should have no side-to-side
free play and should turn smoothly. If the wheels
can be moved side to side or do not turn freely,
the bearings should be replaced.

2. Use a punch to tap around the edge of the bearing

cap to work it out of the caster wheel.

3. Unstake the bearing lockwasher from the bear-

ing lock nut and remove the lock nut and lock-

4. Remove the caster wheel from the axle shaft.

Use a hammer and a suitable brass or alu-
minum driver when removing bearings to
avoid damage to the bearings and/or caster

The bearings are removed and replaced by

pressing on the outer race of the bearing only.
Pressing on the inner race will damage the

5. Remove the bearing by driving it from the wheel

hub using a suitable brass or aluminum driver.

6. Inspect the caster wheel for damage to the

bonded wheel surface and cracks in the hub
or wheel material. Replace any wheel that is
damaged, cracked, or has large cracks or large
chunks of the outside material missing. Replace
wheels in sets, if damaged.

Figure 29. Caster Wheels From Lower Support

3. Slide the spindle out of the bearing in the lower

support housing.

Caster Wheel Assembly (Nonsteered) 1600 SRM 1187

Use a hammer and a suitable brass or alu-
minum driver when removing bearings to
avoid damage to the bearings and/or lower
support housing.

The bearings are removed and replaced by

pressing on the outer race of the bearing only.
Pressing or tapping on the inner race will
damage the bearing.

2. Remove the retaining ring from the lower sup-

port housing. See Figure 31.


Figure 30. Caster Wheels

Lower Support Housing

Be careful when removing or installing retain-
ing rings. Retaining rings can eject during 1. BUSHINGS
removal or installation with enough force to 2. BEARING
cause injury. Always use the correct retaining 3. RETAINING RING
ring pliers and wear eye and face protection
during removal or installation. Figure 31. Lower Support Housing

1. Inspect the lower support housing bearing by ro- 3. Check all bushings for wear. Bushings should
tating it. If the bearing is worn or rough, it have an inside diameter of 22.30 to 22.33 mm
should be replaced. (0.878 to 0.879 in.).

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Wheel Assembly (Nonsteered)

4. Press the bushings out of the lower support hous- 2. Press the spherical bearing from the upper sup-
ing using a suitable brass or aluminum driver if port housing.
replacement is needed.
3. Remove the two adjustment capscrews and jam
5. Remove any worn guide bearings from the sides nuts.
of the lower support housing. See Figure 32.
The guide bearing should be replaced if less than 4. Check all bushings for wear. Bushings should
10 mm (0.39 in.) in length. have an inside diameter of 22.30 to 22.33 mm
(0.878 to 0.879 in.).

5. Press the bushings out of the upper support hous-

ing if replacement is needed.


Figure 32. Guide Bearings

Upper Support Housing

For the following instructions, refer to Figure 33. 1. SPHERICAL BEARING
Use a hammer and a suitable brass or alu-
minum driver when removing bearings to Figure 33. Upper Support Housing
avoid damage to the bearings and/or upper
support housing.

1. Clean all parts with solvent. Thoroughly inspect

and repair as necessary.

Caster Wheel Assembly (Nonsteered) 1600 SRM 1187

Upper Support Housing
For the following instructions, refer to Figure 33.

Cleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic
and can cause skin irritation. Wear protection
when handling solvents and always follow the
recommendations of the manufacturer.

Use a brass or aluminum driver when in-
stalling bearings to avoid damage to bearings
and/or upper support housing.

1. Clean all parts with solvent.

2. Press the spherical bearing into the upper sup-

port housing and ensure that the bearing is fully

3. Replace the adjustment capscrews and jam nuts

if damaged. Install the adjustment capscrews
and jam nuts.

4. Install the bushings into the upper support hous-

ing. Press the bushings into the upper support
housing using a suitable driver and install the
bushings to be recessed 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) from
the outside surface of the upper support housing.
See Figure 34.


2. 1.0 mm (0.04 in.)

Figure 34. Bushing Installation

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Wheel Assembly (Nonsteered)

Lower Support Housing

Cleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic
and can cause skin irritation. Wear protection
when handling solvents and always follow the
recommendations of the manufacturer.

Be careful when removing or installing retain-

ing rings. Retaining rings can eject during
removal or installation with enough force to
cause injury. Always use the correct retaining
ring pliers and wear eye and face protection
during removal or installation.

Use a suitable brass or aluminum driver when
installing bearings to avoid damage to bear-
ings and/or lower support housing.

1. Clean all parts with solvent.

2. Pack the bearing with multipurpose grease and

install the bearing into the lower support hous-
ing. See Figure 31.

3. Install the retaining ring in the lower support


4. Install bushings if removed during disassembly. 1. FRAME OPENING

5. Install the guide bearings onto the sides of the
Figure 35. Guide Bearing Shimming
lower support housing. The guide bearings must
be shimmed to be 2.0 mm (0.079 in.) less than the
frame opening for the caster wheel assembly. See
Figure 35. Measure the frame opening and shim
the guide bearings evenly to obtain the correct
dimension. Tighten all hardware.

Caster Wheel Assembly (Nonsteered) 1600 SRM 1187

Caster Wheels Caster Spindle to Lower Support

1. Insert the caster spindle through the bearings in
WARNING the lower support housing.
Cleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic
and can cause skin irritation. Wear protection 2. Install the spacer, locking washer, and bearing
when handling solvents and always follow the lock nut on the shaft. See Figure 29.
recommendations of the manufacturer.
3. Torque the bearing lock nut to 136 N•m
(100 lbf ft) (using special tool Hyster P/N
CAUTION 4009728) and stake the locking washer to the
The bearings are replaced by pressing on the bearing lock nut.
outer race of the bearing only. Pressing or tap-
ping on the inner race will damage the bear- Spring Assembly to Lower Support
ing. Use a suitable brass or aluminum driver
when installing bearings to avoid damage to For the following instructions, refer to Figure 28.
bearings and/or caster wheel.
NOTE: Repair the spring assembly as necessary. See
Replace bearings in sets to maintain proper Replace Spring Pack in this section.
wheel loading and operation.
1. Install the spring assembly into the lower sup-
1. Clean all parts with solvent and inspect thor- port housing.
oughly. Repair as necessary.
2. Install the pin through the lower support housing
2. Press new bearings into wheel assemblies. Use and spring assembly.
a suitable brass or aluminum driver when in-
stalling bearings to avoid damage to bearings 3. Install the capscrew and washer through the pin
and/or wheels. See Figure 30. Bearings must be retainer and into the lower support housing.
replaced in sets.
Upper and Lower Support Housings
3. Install the caster wheels to the axle shaft.
1. Install the spherical bearing in the upper support
4. Install the bearing lockwashers and lock nuts housing. See Figure 33.
(using special tool Hyster P/N 4009728) onto the
axle shaft. 2. Install the links, linkage pins, and new retain-
ing pins into the lower support housing. See Fig-
5. Torque the bearing lock nut to 136 N•m ure 28.
(100 lbf ft).
3. Install the upper support housing onto the top of
6. Ensure the caster wheels rotate freely and the spring assembly. Ensure the spherical bear-
smoothly and are securely mounted on the axle ing is fully seated.
shaft. Stake the bearing lockwashers in place.
4. Install the linkage pins through the links and the
7. Inspect the cap for damage. Repair or replace upper support housing. Install the new retaining
as necessary. Install the caps to the wheels by pins in the links. If necessary, turn the adjust-
tapping around the edge of the caps. Make sure ment screws into the upper support housing to
the caps are properly seated in the hubs. gain additional clearance for installing the link-

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Wheel Assembly (Nonsteered)

INSTALL 8. Adjust the caster assembly. See Caster Adjust-

ment, in this section.
The caster wheel assembly is heavy. Be sure
that all lifting devices (hoists, cables, chains,
slings, etc.) are suitable and of adequate capac-
ity to lift the caster wheel assembly.

1. Insert the caster wheel assembly into the lift

truck frame using a suitable lifting device.

2. While supporting the caster wheel assembly,

install the two capscrews and four washers
through the top frame mount and the top of the
caster wheel assembly. Snug the capscrews, but
DO NOT tighten. Install the shims between the
top frame mount and the caster wheel assembly.
See Figure 36.

3. Install the mounting capscrew from inside the

battery compartment into the upper support
housing. See Figure 27. Snug the capscrew to
hold the caster wheel assembly in place.

4. Loosen the jam nuts and turn the adjustment

capscrews into the upper support housing to al-
low the caster wheel assembly to move freely. See
Figure 36.

5. Remove the lift truck from blocks.

The battery is heavy. Use appropriate lifting 2. WASHER
equipment to avoid personal injury. 3. TOP FRAME MOUNT
6. Install the battery. 6. JAM NUT
7. Install the mast to the lift truck. Refer to Mast,
Repair 4000 SRM 1195. Figure 36. Caster Wheel Assembly Installation

Caster Assembly (Steered) 1600 SRM 1187

Caster Assembly (Steered)

The caster wheel assembly is located on the
right-hand side of the lift truck. It is bolted to
the lift truck frame and is shim adjustable to ac-
commodate wear of the caster wheels. The steered
caster wheel assembly has two polyurethane wheels
which are steered by the caster steering motor. See
Figure 37. The two caster wheels are mounted on a
pivoting axle that allows the two wheels to maintain
equal contact with the floor at all times. The caster
wheel assembly is spring loaded to allow the caster
wheels to move up and down with variations in
the floor surface and allow the truck to maintain
four-point contact at all times. The caster wheel
assembly moves up and down within the lift truck
frame on guide bearings mounted to the caster wheel
assembly frame. The caster wheel assembly can be
replaced as a unit or the wheels can be replaced.

The caster steering motor is controlled by the caster

steering controller located beneath the operator com-
partment floorboard. The caster steering controller
receives signals from the steering handle sensor and
sends signals to the caster steering motor controlling
the direction and speed of the caster steering motor.
The steering motor rotates the steering caster wheels
through a gear drive. Motion of the caster wheels is
coordinated with the movement of the MDU to en-
sure proper steering geometry.

NOTE: Always replace the caster wheels as a set for

better caster operation and wheel wear.

Figure 37. Steered Caster Wheel Assembly

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Assembly (Steered)

1. Remove the mast from the lift truck. Refer to
Mast, Repair 4000 SRM 1195.

2. Turn the key to the OFF position and disconnect

the battery from the lift truck at the battery con-

The battery is heavy. Use appropriate lifting
equipment to avoid personal injury.

3. Remove the battery from the lift truck.

When lifting the rear of the lift truck frame,
block the front of the load wheels so the lift
truck cannot roll forward while lifting.

4. The truck must be raised level and high enough

to remove the caster brake assembly from be-
neath the truck frame (typically 305 mm (12 in.)
or higher). The truck should be raised and placed
on blocks in a manner to support the truck prop-
erly and in a level position. Make sure the lifting 1. CAPSCREW
or jacking equipment is suitable and of adequate 2. WASHER
capacity to lift the truck frame. See Periodic 3. WASHER
Maintenance 8000 SRM 1197 - How to Put Lift 4. CAPSCREW
Truck on Blocks. 6. SHIMS
5. Remove the caster compartment cover from the Figure 38. Caster Wheel Assembly Mounting
right-hand side of the operator compartment.
10. From inside the operator compartment, remove
NOTE: Make note of the depth of the old switch for the two capscrews (4) and four washers (2, 3)
proper installation of the new switch. from the top of the caster wheel assembly. Retain
the shims for reuse when installing the caster
6. Disconnect the caster proximity switch wiring
wheel assembly. See Figure 38.
from the main wiring harness. See Figure 38.

7. Remove the floor pad from the operator compart- WARNING

ment. Remove the four capscrews retaining the The caster wheel assembly is heavy. Be sure
floor plate to the lift truck frame. Lift the floor that all lifting devices (hoists, cables, chains,
plate and remove the caster wheel steering mo- slings, etc.) are suitable and of adequate capac-
tor wiring connector from the controller. ity to lift the caster wheel assembly.
8. Remove the mounting capscrew (1) from the in- 11. Slowly lower the caster wheel assembly. Remove
side of the frame. the assembly from the lift truck and place the
9. Support the caster wheel assembly with a crane assembly on a clean work surface.
or other suitable lifting device.

Caster Assembly (Steered) 1600 SRM 1187

Upper and Lower Support
1. Remove the capscrews and washers (9) retaining
the steering motor to the caster wheel assembly.
Remove the steering motor. See Figure 39.

NOTE: There are no serviceable parts within the

steering motor. A failed steering motor must be
replaced as a complete unit.

2. Remove the retaining pins from the links on both

sides of the caster wheel assembly.

3. Remove the four links from the linkage pins and

remove the four linkage pins from the two pieces
of the caster wheel assembly.

4. Remove the upper support housing from the

lower support housing and set the upper support
housing to the side.

Spring Assembly From Lower Support

Refer to Figure 39 for the following instructions.

1. Remove the capscrew (6) from the side of the

lower support housing and remove the pin (7)
holding the spring assembly to the lower support
housing. See Figure 39.

2. Remove the spring assembly. 1. RETAINING PIN

3. Repair the spring assembly as necessary. See 3. LINKAGE PIN
Replace Spring Pack in this section. 4. UPPER SUPPORT HOUSING
Caster Spindle From Lower Support 7. PIN
1. Use a punch to fold down the retaining tabs on 9. CAPSCREWS AND WASHERS
the locking washer. 10. STEERING MOTOR
2. Remove the bearing lock nut (using special tool Figure 39. Caster Wheel Assembly
Hyster P/N 4009728), locking washer, and spacer
securing the caster spindle to the lower support
housing. See Figure 40.

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Assembly (Steered)

Caster Wheels
For the following instructions, refer to Figure 41.

Replace bearings in sets to maintain proper
wheel loading and operation.

1. Inspect the bearings by rotating each caster

wheel. The wheels should have no side-to-side
free play and should turn smoothly. If the wheels
can be moved side to side or do not turn freely,
the bearings should be replaced.

2. Use a punch to tap around the edge of the bearing

cap to work it out of the caster wheel.

3. Unstake the bearing lockwasher from the bear-

ing lock nut and remove the lock nut and lock-

4. Remove the caster wheel from the axle shaft.

Use a hammer and a suitable brass or alu-
minum driver when removing bearings to
avoid damage to the bearings and/or caster

The bearings are removed and replaced by

pressing on the outer race of the bearing only.
Pressing on the inner race will damage the
2. BEARING LOCK NUT 5. Remove the bearing by driving it from the wheel
3. LOCKING WASHER hub using a suitable brass or aluminum driver.
Figure 40. Caster Wheels From Lower Support 6. Inspect the caster wheel for damage to the
3. Slide the spindle out of the bearing in the lower bonded wheel surface and cracks in the hub
support housing. or wheel material. Replace any wheel that is
damaged, cracked, or has large cracks or large
chunks of the outside material missing. Replace
wheels in sets if damaged.

Caster Assembly (Steered) 1600 SRM 1187

avoid damage to the bearings and/or lower

support housing.

The bearings are removed and replaced by

pressing or tapping on the outer race of the
bearing only. Pressing or tapping on the inner
race will damage the bearing.

1. Remove the retaining ring from the lower sup-

port housing. See Figure 42.

2. Inspect the lower support housing bearing by ro-

tating it. If the bearing is worn or rough, it
should be replaced.

3. Remove the retaining ring from the lower sup-

port housing. Press or tap out the old bearing.

4. Remove the capscrew retaining the steering stop

pin and remove the pin.


Figure 41. Caster Wheels

Lower Support Housing

Be careful when removing or installing retain-
ing rings. Retaining rings can eject during
removal or installation with enough force to
cause injury. Always use the correct retaining
ring pliers and wear eye and face protection
during removal or installation. 2. BEARING
Use a hammer and a suitable brass or alu- 6. BUSHINGS
minum driver when removing bearings to
Figure 42. Lower Support Housing

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Assembly (Steered)

5. Lift the caster gear slightly and slide the gear out 1. Press the spherical bearing from the upper sup-
the side of the lower support housing. port housing.

6. Check all bushings for wear. Bushings should 2. Remove the two adjustment capscrews and jam
have an inside diameter of 22.30 to 22.33 mm nuts.
(0.878 to 0.879 in.).
3. Check all bushings for wear. Bushings should
7. Press the bushings out of the lower support hous- have an inside diameter of 22.30 to 22.33 mm
ing using a suitable brass or aluminum driver if (0.878 to 0.879 in.).
replacement is needed.
4. Press the bushings out of the upper support hous-
8. Remove any worn guide bearings from the sides ing if replacement is needed.
of the lower support housing. See Figure 43.
The guide bearing should be replaced if less than
9.9 mm (0.39 in.) in length.

Figure 43. Guide Bearings 3. JAM NUT
Upper Support Housing
Figure 44. Upper Support Housing
For the following instructions, refer to Figure 44.
Caster Steering Motor
CAUTION 1. Remove the capscrew and washers from the end
Use a hammer and a suitable brass or alu- of the caster steering motor shaft. See Figure 45.
minum driver when removing bearings to
avoid damage to the bearings and/or upper
support housing.

Caster Assembly (Steered) 1600 SRM 1187

Caster Steering Motor
1. Insert the key supplied with the motor into the
motor shaft.

2. Slide the drive gear onto the motor shaft fully

engaging the key.

3. Remove the old threadlock residue from the gear

mounting capscrew. Apply Loctite® 242 to the
capscrew and install the washers and capscrew
onto the bottom of the motor shaft. See Fig-
ure 45.

Upper Support Housing

For the following instructions, refer to Figure 44.

Cleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic
and can cause skin irritation. Wear protection
when handling solvents and always follow the
recommendations of the manufacturer.

Use a suitable brass or aluminum driver when
installing bearings to avoid damage to bear-
ings and/or upper support housing.

1. Clean all parts with solvent. Thoroughly inspect

and repair as necessary.

2. Press the spherical bearing into the upper sup-

port housing and ensure that the bearing is fully

3. Replace the adjustment capscrews and jam nuts,

if damaged. Install the adjustment capscrews
1. GEAR 3. WASHER and jam nuts.
4. Install the bushings into the upper support hous-
Figure 45. Caster Steering Motor ing. Press the bushings into the upper support
housing using a suitable driver and install the
2. Remove the drive gear from the end of the shaft. bushings to be recessed 1 mm (0.04 in.) from the
3. Retain the key to the motor shaft. outside surface of the upper support housing. See
Figure 46.

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Assembly (Steered)

Lower Support Housing

The bearing set in the lower support housing
is sealed and lubricated for the life of the bear-
ing. DO NOT attempt to lubricate or clean the
bearing set.

Use a suitable brass or aluminum driver when

installing bearings to avoid damage to bear-
ings and/or lower support housing.

1. Press the bearing set into the lower support

housing until fully seated. See Figure 42.

Be careful when removing or installing retain-
ing rings. Retaining rings can eject during
removal or installation with enough force to
cause injury. Always use the correct retaining
ring pliers and wear eye and face protection
during removal or installation.

2. Install the retaining ring in the lower support


3. Slide the gear into the lower support housing

with the steering stop pin groove facing up.

4. Install the steering stop pin. Ensure the pin is

inserted into the groove in the top of the gear.

5. Install the capscrew and washer to retain the

steering stop pin.
2. 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) 6. Install bushings if removed during disassembly.
7. Install the guide bearings onto the sides of the
Figure 46. Bushing Installation lower support housing. The guide bearings must
be shimmed to be 2 mm (0.079 in.) less than the
frame opening for the caster wheel assembly. See
Figure 47. Measure the frame opening and shim
the guide bearings evenly to obtain the correct
dimension. Tighten all hardware.

Caster Assembly (Steered) 1600 SRM 1187

1. Clean all parts with solvent and inspect thor-

oughly. Repair as necessary.

2. Press new bearings into wheel assemblies. Use

a suitable brass or aluminum driver when in-
stalling bearings to avoid damage to bearings
and/or wheels. See Figure 41. Bearings must be
replaced in sets.

3. Install the caster wheels to the axle shaft.

4. Install the bearing lockwashers and lock nuts

(using special tool Hyster P/N 4009728) onto the
axle shaft.

5. Torque the bearing lock nut to 136 N•m

(100 lbf ft).

6. Ensure the caster wheels rotate freely and

smoothly and are securely mounted on the axle
shaft. Stake the bearing lockwashers in place.

7. Inspect the cap for damage. Repair or replace

as necessary. Install the caps to the wheels by
tapping around the edge of the caps. Make sure
the caps are properly seated in the hubs.

Caster Spindle to Lower Support

1. Install the square key in the caster wheel shaft.
1. FRAME OPENING 2. Insert the caster wheel shaft through the bear-
2. GUIDE BEARING ing set and gear in the lower support housing.
Figure 47. Guide Bearing Shimming Ensure the key fully engages the gear. See Fig-
ure 40.
Caster Wheels 3. Install the bearing washer and bearing lock nut
(using special tool Hyster P/N 4009728) on the
WARNING shaft.
Cleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic
and can cause skin irritation. Wear protection 4. Torque the bearing lock nut to 136 N•m
when handling solvents and always follow the (100 lbf ft) and stake the bearing washer to
recommendations of the manufacturer. the bearing lock nut.

NOTE: Make note of the depth of the old switch for

CAUTION proper installation of the new switch.
The bearings are replaced by pressing on the
outer race of the bearing only. Pressing or tap- NOTE: Because the proximity switch gap distance
ping on the inner race will damage the bear- is not easily measurable, the distance can be deter-
ing. Use a suitable brass or aluminum driver mined by the number of turn of the proximity switch
when installing bearings to avoid damage to off the top of the target gear surface. Adjustment of
bearings and/or caster wheel. 1 to 1-1/4 turns off the target gear surface face is ap-
proximately 1.016 to 1.270 mm (0.040 to 0.050 in.)
Replace bearings in sets to maintain proper gap distance).
wheel loading and operation.
5. Install the jam nut to the switch shaft in the
same position. Apply antiseize lubricant lightly

1600 SRM 1187 Caster Assembly (Steered)

to the threads of the new switch shaft and install 1. Install the spring assembly into the lower sup-
to the caster by turning clockwise as removed. port housing.
Adjust the proximity switch to obtain a gap of 1.0
±0.5 mm (0.039 ±0.020 in.) between the end of 2. Install the pin through the lower support housing
the proximity switch and the target (gear). See and spring assembly.
Figure 48. Lock the proximity switch in place
3. Install the retaining capscrew and washer
with the jam nut on the switch.
through the pin retainer and into the lower
support housing.

Upper and Lower Support Housings

1. Install the spherical bearing in the upper support
housing. See Figure 44.

2. Install the links, linkage pins, and new retain-

ing pins into the lower support housing. See Fig-
ure 39.

3. Install the upper support housing onto the top of

the spring assembly. Ensure the spherical bear-
ing is fully seated.

4. Install the linkage pins through the links and the

upper support housing. Install the new retaining
pins in the links. If necessary, turn the adjust-
ment screws into the upper support housing to
gain additional clearance for installing the link-
2. ADJUSTMENT GAP 5. Install the caster wheel steering motor into the
caster wheel assembly. Ensure the drive gear on
Figure 48. Proximity Switch Adjustment the steering motor meshes with the caster wheel
Spring Assembly to Lower Support
6. Install the four mounting capscrews and wash-
NOTE: Repair the spring assembly as necessary. See ers. Torque the capscrews to 23 N•m (17 lbf ft).
Replace Spring Pack in this section.

For the following instructions, refer to Figure 39.

Caster Assembly (Steered) 1600 SRM 1187

INSTALL 3. Install the mounting capscrew from inside the

battery compartment into the upper support
WARNING housing. See Figure 38. Snug the capscrew to
hold the caster wheel assembly in place.
The caster wheel assembly is heavy. Be sure
that all lifting devices (hoists, cables, chains, 4. Loosen the jam nuts and turn the adjustment
slings, etc.) are suitable and of adequate capac- capscrews into the upper support housing to al-
ity to lift the caster wheel assembly. low the caster wheel assembly to move freely. See
Figure 49.
1. Insert the caster wheel assembly into the lift
truck frame using a suitable lifting device. 5. Connect the caster proximity switch wiring to the
main wiring harness.
2. While supporting the caster wheel assembly,
install the two capscrews and four washers 6. Connect the caster steering motor wiring to the
through the top frame mount and the top of the caster steering controller located beneath the op-
caster wheel assembly. Snug the capscrews, but erator compartment floor. Ensure the wiring is
DO NOT tighten. Install the shims between the properly routed and installed in all wiring clips.
top frame mount and the caster wheel assembly. Lower the floor plate. Install the four capscrews
See Figure 49. retaining the floor plate to the lift truck frame.
Install the floor pad to cover the operator com-
partment floor.

7. Remove the lift truck from blocks.

The battery is heavy. Use appropriate lifting
equipment to avoid personal injury.

8. Install the battery.

9. Install the mast to the lift truck. Refer to Mast,

Repair 4000 SRM 1195.

10. Adjust the caster assembly. See Caster Adjust-

ment, in this section.


Figure 49. Caster Wheel Assembly Installation

1600 SRM 1187 Troubleshooting

Most troubleshooting procedures can be accom- Use the dash display menus and the troubleshooting
plished using the on-board diagnostic menus avail- fault codes to help identify and correct the problem.
able through the dash display. The service menus
will allow you to check the status and operation of If the steering system still does not operate correctly
most steering system electrical components. after verifying the correct performance of the elec-
trical components, check the system for mechanical
When a fault occurs, a fault code is displayed on the binding.
dash display. A description of these fault codes and
troubleshooting instructions can be found in section Ensure the gear drives are meshing properly and are
AC Motor Controllers/Display Panel, Descrip- not prevented from rotating due to debris.
tion, Checks, Adjustments, and Troubleshoot-
Ensure the MDU bearing is operating smoothly and
ing 2200 SRM 1190 or AC Motor Controllers/Dis-
does not need service or repair.
play Panel, Description, Checks, Adjustments,
and Troubleshooting 2200 SRM 1308. Instruc- Ensure the caster wheel assembly can rotate freely.
tions for navigating the dash display menu system
can be found in section User Interface, Service
Technician (Standard Display) 2200 SRM 1193.























1600 SRM 1187 9/09 (8/09)(2/09)(1/09)(5/08)(4/08)(8/07)(11/06)(10/06) Printed in U.S.A.

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