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Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

BEAM047A Fundamentals of Financial

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

Panagiotis Couzo↵

Autumn Term, 2017/18

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory


Portfolio Theory


Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Implications on asset risk

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory


Portfolio Theory


Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Implications on asset risk

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

Portfolio theory

I In Lecture 4 we talked about portfolio construction, and specifically

about what combinations of expected return and standard variance
investors can create using two assets.
I It is now time to discuss portfolio choice, i.e. how does an investor
choose in which of these combinations to invest.
I The optimal combination of risky assets in a portfolio has been
determined by Harry Markowitz (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic
Sciences, 1990) in 1952.
I His research is the basis of all professional fund management to date
and is widely known as the Markowitz Portfolio Theory (or also
Modern Portfolio Theory).
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

The assumptions of portfolio theory

I The underlying assumptions of the MPT are:

I Investors consider each investment alternative as being represented
by a probability distribution of returns over some holding period.
I Investors maximize one-period expected utility, and their utility
curves demonstrate diminishing marginal utility of wealth. In other
words, it expresses
i) Non-satiation (increasing in wealth), and
ii) Risk aversion (concave function wrt wealth).
I Investors estimate risk on the basis of the variability of expected
I Investors base their decisions on expected return and risk.
I All else equal, investors prefer higher return and lower variance.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

Preference for higher return and lower variance


higher return

lower variance

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

Dominating investments
I Consider two investments I1 and I2 which are mutually exclusive, i.e.
you can only invest in one of the two:



Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

Dominating investments
I I1 dominates I2 as it has both higher expected return and lower
standard deviation.



Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

Risk aversion teasers

I Example 1: Suppose you are o↵ered a gamble paying $2M or $0
with equal probabilities. Are you willing to pay $1M to play?
I Example 2: Are you willing to pay the same amount for these two

£120K £500K
0.5 0.5
p= p=

1 1
p p
£100K £280K

I Answers to these questions can characterise the risk attitude of an

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

Risk aversion

I Risk aversion is the basis of portfolio theory.

I It reflects the reluctance of individuals to accept deals with an
uncertain payo↵ rather than deals with certain (and possibly lower)
expected payo↵s.
I In a nutshell, one dollar lost is worth more to a risk averse individual
than one dollar gained.
I It is reasonable to assume that investors are generally risk averse
over the typical size of investments made in the financial markets.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

Utility functions

I Risk aversion is typically expressed through the concavity of utility

functions (i.e. the “utility” individuals derive from di↵erent levels of
I Denoting the utility function of an agent by u(w ),
I The non-satiation assumption is captured by
I The risk-aversion assumption is fulfilled by

d 2u
dw 2
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

Indi↵erence curves

I Incorporating utility functions into the standard deviation/expected

return space can be achieved via (multiple) indi↵erence curves.
I Indi↵erence curves represent equally preferable combinations of
expected return and standard deviation for the investor.
I Unlike utility functions (one per individual), investors’ preferences are
captured by infinite indi↵erence curves, i.e. one for each utility level.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

Indi↵erence curves (graphically)

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

The shape of indi↵erence curves (cont’d)

I The shape, and most importantly the slope, of an investor’s

indi↵erence curves are determined by his/her degree of risk aversion.
I A more risk averse investor requires a larger increase in expected
return to compensate for extra risk (steeper indi↵erence curves).
I Investors would like to achieve the highest possible indi↵erence
curve, i.e. the highest possible utility.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

Indi↵erence curves (graphically)

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

Choosing a portfolio

I Therefore, the optimal portfolio for an investor is the one that

reaches to the highest possible indi↵erence curve.
I The highest investor “satisfaction” is achieved at the point where an
indi↵erence curve is tangent to the set of feasible portfolios.
I Note that as investors have di↵erent indi↵erence curve slopes, they
have di↵erent optimal portfolios.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Portfolio Theory

Indi↵erence curves (graphically)

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory


Portfolio Theory


Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Implications on asset risk

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

Adding risky assets

I So far, we have considered the case of only two risky assets.

I What happens if we start adding stocks?
I Consider that on top of Disney and IBM of last week’s lecture, you
have the opportunity to also invest in Coca-Cola which has
I an expected return of 18.4%
I a standard deviation of returns of 32.6%.
I a correlation of returns with Disney of 0.2
I a correlation of returns with IBM of 0.1
I What portfolios can you create using these three stocks?
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

Feasible sets of three assets (by pairs)

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

Feasible sets of three assets (combined)

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

Feasible set with many assets

I Note that the feasible set of portfolios is no longer a line, but an

I This means that any point in the shaded area can be constructed
using the three assets.
I Based on the assumptions of the portfolio theory, most of these
portfolios are unattractive to investors.
I The dominating portfolios in terms of expected return and standard
deviation are going to be preferred.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

Portfolio and efficient frontiers

I The line formed by the portfolios with the lowest variance (or
standard deviation) for a given expected return is called the
minimum-variance frontier.
I The left-most point on the minimum-variance frontier is called the
global minimum-variance portfolio.
I The set of portfolios with the highest expected return for a given
level of risk is called the efficient frontier.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

Portfolio and efficient frontiers (graph)

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

Adding many assets

I Adding assets shifts the portfolio frontier to the left. The variance
that can be achieved for a given expected return decreases.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

Limits to diversification

I We have seen that diversification (adding non-perfectly correlated

assets to a portfolio) reduces risk.
I Question: How much can risk be reduced? Can it go down to zero
if we add an infinite number of assets?
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory


I To answer this question, recall the formula for the variance of a

2 2 2
P = w i i + wi wj ⇢ij i j
i=1 i=1 j=1

I Consider an equally-weighted portfolio consisting of N assets

w = N1 with equal return variance 2 and equal pairwise return
correlation ⇢.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

Theory (cont’d)

I Substituting into the portfolio variance formula yields

✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆2
2 1 2 1 2
P =N + N (N 1) ⇢
1 2 N 1 2
= + ⇢
I Notice that the first term decreases with N while the second doesn’t.
I With a bit of algebraic manipulation, the above becomes
2 (1 ⇢) 2
P = +⇢
I Hence, even if N approaches infinity, the variance of an
equally-weighted portfolio is di↵erent than zero!
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

A graph
I Equally-weighted portfolio of assets where all assets have the same
standard deviation of returns and their returns are equally correlated
to each other:
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

And some evidence

I Equally-weighted portfolio of randomly selected NYSE stocks.
Number of stocks St.dev. Ratio of pflio st.dev.
in portfolio of portfolio to st.dev. of single stock
1 49.2% 1
2 37.4% 0.76
4 29.7% 0.6
8 25.0% 0.51
20 21.7% 0.44
50 20.2% 0.41
200 19.4% 0.39
500 19.2% 0.39
1000 19.2% 0.39
Source: Statman, Meir, 1987. How many stocks make a diversified portfolio? Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 22,


I The evidence is very much consistent with the theoretical standard

deviation if ⇢ = 0.15.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory

Systematic vs Idiosyncratic Risk

I Consider a group of assets.

I Systematic Risk: Risk which a↵ects all assets.
I If the group consists of US stocks, systematic risk corresponds to
events a↵ecting the US economy (and in particular the stock market).
I Idiosyncratic Risk: Risk which a↵ects only one asset.
I Idiosyncratic risk corresponds to events a↵ecting only a particular
company or industry.
I Diversification within the group of assets reduces, and eventually
eliminates, idiosyncratic risk.
I However, it cannot reduce systematic risk.
I Diversification outside the group of assets (if possible) is more
e↵ective in reducing risk.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset


Portfolio Theory


Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Implications on asset risk

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Portfolio with a riskless and a risky asset

I Up to now, we have considered portfolios that consisted of risky

assets only.
I What happens if we include a riskless asset into the picture?
I Let’s have a look first into a portfolio consisting of only two assets,
a risky (weight of w 0) and a riskless one (weight of 1 w ).
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Portfolio with a riskless and a risky asset

I Denoting the return of the risk-free asset by rf and the expected
return of the risky by E [Ri ], the expected return of this portfolio is
⇥ ⇤
E rP = rf + w E [Ri ] rf

I Noting that the variance (and also the standard deviation) of the
risk-free asset is zero and its covariance with the risky asset is also
2 2 2
P =w i =) P = w i

I To represent the set of efficient portfolios in the standard

deviation/expected return space, we can write the expected return
of a portfolio as a function of the portfolio’s standard deviation:
⇥ ⇤ P
E rP = rf + (E [Ri ] rf )
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Portfolio with a riskless and a risky asset (graph)

I The graph consisting of the risk-free asset and the stock of
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Portfolio with the riskless and more than one risky asset
I We can easily add risky assets, simply by combining the risk-free
with portfolios from the feasible portfolio set of risky assets:
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Portfolio with the riskless and more than one risky asset
I Notice that the portfolio with the steepest slope dominates all other
portfolios. Hence, this is in fact the efficient frontier!
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Which portfolio to choose?

I When we take the riskless asset into consideration, the efficient

frontier is the set of portfolios consisting of a non-negative weight
invested in the Tangent Portfolio M and the remainder invested in
the riskless asset.
I The portfolios lying on the efficient frontier dominate all other
feasible portfolios.
I Therefore, investors are better o↵ choosing a portfolio that is part of
the efficient frontier:
I More risk averse investors would choose a portfolio closer to the
riskless asset;
I Less risk averse investors would choose a portfolio closer to (or
above) the tangent portfolio M.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Efficient frontier and investor preferences

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Properties of the Portfolio Frontier

I An interesting consequence of the MPT is that, in theory, all

investors should hold (in di↵erent proportions relative to their
wealth) the same portfolio of risky assets!
I Portfolios with an expected return lower than M involve a
combination of less than 100% of the investor’s wealth (w < 1)
invested in the Tangent Portfolio and, hence, a positive weight on
the riskless asset (lending).
I Portfolios with an expected return higher than M involve a
combination of more than 100% of the investor’s wealth (w > 1)
invested in the Tangent Portfolio and a negative weight on the
riskless asset (borrowing).
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Implications on asset risk


Portfolio Theory


Optimal portfolio including a riskless asset

Implications on asset risk

Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Implications on asset risk

What is so special about the Tangent Portfolio?

I Suppose that we hold the Tangent Portfolio M and decide to

I increase the weight of a risky asset n
I decrease the weight of the riskless asset (by the same amount)
I What is the change in the expected return and the variance?
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Implications on asset risk

Change in Expected Return and Variance

I The change in the expected return is

⇥ ⇤
d E rP ⇥ ⇤
= E rn rf
d wn
I The change in the variance is

d P2 X
= 2 wn n +2 wm Cov rn , rm
d wn

= 2 Cov rn , rM

where rM denotes the return of the tangent portfolio.

I Notice that the change in variance involves the covariance of asset n
with the tangent portfolio, but not its variance.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Implications on asset risk

Measuring asset risk

I We have seen that when an asset is examined in isolation, the asset

risk is measured as the variance of its return.
I However, when an asset is examined as part of a portfolio, the risk
that matters is the covariance of the asset’s return with the
return of the portfolio.
I We are going to build on this in the next lecture.
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Implications on asset risk

The Buck for the Bang Ratio

I Define the Buck for the Bang Ratio as the ratio of change in the
expected return (buck) to the change in variance (bang).
I We have found this ratio to be
d E[ rP ] ⇥ ⇤
d wn E rn rf
d P2
2 Cov (rn , rM )
d wn
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Implications on asset risk

An important feature of the Tangent Portfolio

I The important property of the Tangent Portfolio M is that the Buck

for the Bang Ratio is the same for each asset n in the portfolio!
I Intuition:
I Suppose that the buck for the bang ratio is higher for asset n than
for asset m.
I Then, by buying n and selling m, we can increase the portfolio’s
return while its variance constant.
I Since an expected return higher than the efficient frontier is not
feasible, the buck for the bang ratios of assets n and m have to be
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Implications on asset risk


I Portfolio theory and the choice of an optimal portfolio under risk

I The limits of the benefit of diversification
I Optimal portfolio choice in the presence of a riskless asset
I Reconceptualise risk
Lecture 5: Portfolio theory
Implications on asset risk

Appendix: proof for the Buck for the Bang formula

I The change in the portfolio return being straightforward, I show

below the change in the portfolio variance in detail:

d P2 X
= 2 wn n +2 wm Cov rn , rm
d wn
0 1
= 2 Cov rn , wn rn + 2 Cov @rn , wm r m A
0 1
= 2 Cov @rn , wn rn + wm r m A

= 2 Cov rn , rM

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