Iso 4987-2020

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Third edition

Steel castings - Liquid penetrant

Pieces moulées en acier - Controle par ressuage

Reference number
ISO 4987:2020(E)

© ISO 2020
ISO 4987:2020(E)


© ISO 2020
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ISO 4987:2020(E)

Contents Page

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iv
Int roduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. v
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Norm ative refer ences ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Term s and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Ordering information ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
5 Testing ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
5.1 Operatingmode ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.2 Qualification of th e operators .................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.3 Surface preparation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5.4 Conditions of testing .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
6 Acceptance criteria ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
6.1 Definition of liquid penetrant indications ....................................................................................................................... 2
6.1.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
6.1.2 Non-linear indications (SP) .................................................................................................................................... 2
6.1.3 Linear indication (LP) ................................................................................................................................................. 3
6.2 Severity levels .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.2.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.2.2 Non-linear indications ................................................................................................................................................ 4
6.2.3 Linear indications ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.2.4 Selection of the severity leve! ............................................................................................................................... 4
6.2.5 Designation of severity Jevels ............................................................................................................................... 5
7 Classification of the indications and interpretation of results ............................................................................. 5
7.1 Classificatio n of the indications using Tables 1 and .2............................................................................................ 5.
7.1.l General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7.1.2 Non-linear indications ................................................................................................................................................ 5
7.1.3 Linear indications ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
7.2 lnterpretation of results ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
8 Rete sting ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
9 Post-examination cleaning procedures ........................................................................................................................................ 6
10 Test report ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Annex A (informative) Recomm ended surface finish for liquid penetra nt testing.............................................. 7
Annex B (informative) Reference figures - Non-linear isolated indications (SP) ............................................... 8
Annex C (informative) Reference figures - Linear indications (LP)............................................................................... 13
Annex D (informative) Model of a liquid penetrant test re port ............................................................................................ 28
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30

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ISO 4987:2020(E)

ISO (the lnternational Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing lnternational Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. lnternational
organizations, governmental and non -governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on ali matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that sorne of the e lements of this document may be the subject of
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Any trade na me used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
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World Trade Organization (WTO) principies in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 17, Steel, Subcommittee SC 11, Steel
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 4987:2010), which has been technically
revised. The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
isolated non-linear indications are defined in 6...12;
definition of aligned linear indications in .6...1...3.. is corrected
Any feedback or questions on this documentshould be directed to the user's national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at

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ISO 4987:2020(E)

This document complements the general principies ofliquid penetrant testing described in ISO 3452-1
with additional requirements of the steel foundry industry.
Liquid penetrant testing, as well as any other non-destructive testing, is part of a general or specific
assessment of the quality of a casting to be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer at the
time of acceptance of the order.

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Steel castings - Liquid penetrant testing

1 Scope
This document specifies a method for the liquid penetrant testing of steel castings.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that sorne or ali of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the Ja test edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3059, Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing - Viewing conditions

ISO 3452-1, Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 1: General principies

ISO 4990, Steel castings - General technical delivery requirements
ISO 9712, Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel

3 Terms and definitions

No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological data bases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:/
IEC Electropedia: available at http:f/

4 Ordering information
Subject to agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser, enquiries and purchase orders for
castings requiring liquid penetrant testing should include the following information:
a) the area of the casting to be tested;
b) the qualification of the operators who will carry out the testing (see .52) or interpretation (see 1.2.);
c) the frequency/number of castings to be tested;
d) the manufacturing stage, when liquid penetrant testing is to be performed;
e) the required surface finish of the areas to be tested;
f) the type of discontinuity;

g) the severity leve!.

The sensitivity can differ depending on the method of liquid penetrant testing selected. Therefore, the
severity levels required shall be selected as a function of the Jiquid penetrants used and the method
agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
The severity leve! can vary depending on the a rea of the casting tested (see Tables 1 and .2.).

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ISO 4987:2020(E)

5 Testing

5.1 Operating mode

Testing shall be carried out as specified in ISO 3452-1.

5.2 Qualification of the operators

Testing shall be performed by personnel qualified in accordance with ISO 9712 or equivalent recognised
standards. The qualification leve! of the personnel shall be agreed between the manufacturer and
purchaser by the time of the acceptance of the order.

5.3 Surface preparation

The surface to be tested shall be clean and free from oil, grease, moulding and coating residues, or
any other contaminant which could interfere with the correct implementation and interpretation of the
penetrant testing results. For small indications, it may be necessary to improve the surface condition.
Annex A provides guidance on recommended surface finish for testing based on indication allowed.

Surface treatment or cleaning techniques which may sea! or close discontinuities are not allowed .

5.4 Conditions of testing

The testíng shall be carried out unaided or ata maximum magnification of 3x under viewing conditions
in accordance with ISO 3059.

6 Acceptance criteria

6.1 Definition of liquid penetrant indications

6.1.1 General
Indications revealed by the liquid penetrant testing can have different shapes and sizes. The distinction
between the índications is made depending on the ratio of the length L of the índícation to its width W,
in the mannerdescribed in .6..12. and .6....l...3..

6.1.2 Non-linear indications (SP)

lndications are considered to be non-linear when the length Lis smaller than three times the width
W. lndícations are considered to be aligned when the distance between non-l inear indicatíons is less
than 2 mm and at least three indicatíons are aligned . An alignment of indicatíons is considered to be a
unique non-linear indícation and íts length is equal to the overall length L of the alignment specifíed in
Table 1. Non-linear indications that are not a ligned are considered to be isolated.
NOTE The symbol for non-linear indications is SP (S for s urface and P for liquid penetrant).

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ISO 4987:2020(E)

Table 1 - Severity levels for liquid penetrant testing - Non-linear (SP) indications (isolated)
Severity levels
SP 001 1 SP 01 SP 1 1
SP 2 1 SP 3 1
SP 4 1
SP 5
Testing means Magnifying glass
Magnification for observation of penetrant
:53 1
Length L1 of the smallest indication to be
0,3 0,5 1,5 2 3 5 5
considered, in millimetres
Maximum number of non-linear indica-
5 6 8 8 12 20 32
tions a llowed
Maximum individual le ngth L2 a llowed, in
1 2 3ª 6ª 9ª 14ª 2P
a A ma ximum numbe r oftwo indications ofthe desig nated dime nsion a re permitted.

6.1.3 Linear indication (LP)

The indications are considered to be linear when the length lis greater t han or equal to three times the
width W
The lengths of the linear indications greater than the minimum length shall be added together and the
result shall be compared to the total (T) length specified in Table 2.

Table 2 - Severity levels for liquid penetrant testing - Linear (LP) indications
Severity levels
LP 001 1 LP 01 LP 1 1
LP 2 1
LP 3 1 LP4 1 LP 5
Magnifying glass
Testing means Eye
or eye
Magnification for observation of penetrant
:s3 1
Length L1 of smallest indication to be consid-
0,3 1,5 2 3 5 5
ered, in millimetres
Acce ptable indications
1orT 1 T 1 T 1 T 1 T 1 T
Individual (1) or Total (T) length
section thickness
typea o 1 2 4 4 6 6 10 10 18 18 25
t:s 16 mm
Maximum length L2 of
linear (LP) indications section thickness
allowed depending on type b o 1 3 6 6 12 9 18 18 27 27 40
the section thickness t, 16 mm < t :s 50 mm
in millimetresª section thickness
type e o 2 5 10 10 20 15 30 30 45 45 70
t> SO mm
a No functiona l relationship exists between each type of section thickness and maximum crack length, relative to a
frac ture-mechani cs study. However, this ta ble is a useful guide where no releva nt fracture -mecha nics paramete rs
curre ntly exist.

Indications are considered to be aligned when the distance between two indications is smaller than the
length L of the longest indication. An alignment of indications is considered to be a unique indication
and its length is equal to the overall length l of the alignment.
NOTE The symbol for linear indications is LP (L for linear and P for liquid penetrant).

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ISO 4987:2020(E)

6.2 Severity levels

6.2.1 General
The severity levels are a reference sea le, ea ch leve! depends on the types of indications.

6.2.2 Non-linear indications

For the non-linear indications, the severity levels (see Table 1) are defined by:

a) the length (largest dimension) l 1 of the smallest indication to be considered, and

b) the maximum length L2 of the indications.

6.2.3 Linear indications General
The severity levels for linear indications (see Table 2) are defined by:

a) the length (largest dimension) l 1 of the smallest indication to be considered,

b) the maximum length l 2 of the linear individual (1) indications, and

c) the total (T) of the lengths of the linear indications exceeding the length L1 in a frame measuring
105 mm x 148 mm. Section thickness type

Three section thickness types are specified (see Table 2):

a) t~ 16 mm;
b) 16 mm< t~ 50 mm;
e) t> 50 mm;
where t is the section thickness.

6.2.4 Se lection of the severity level

The severity levels shall be selected from Tables 1 and/or 2 as seen in, if necessary, the reference
figures given in Annexes B and k · The reference figures are drawn to a scale of 1:1 and are given as
examples. The largest non-relevant indication is shown in a 26 mm x 37 mm frame corresponding to
the ISO format Al O.

Table 1 and Annex B correspond to non-linear (SP) indications (isolated).

Table 2 and Annex C correspond to linear (LP) indications.

NOTE Note that severa! equivalent severity levels defined in Table 2 are represented by the same reference
figure. In certain cases, the equivalence of the figure is only approximate because of slight differences in the
parameters in Table 2.

The severity levels cannot be considered in the same progression from Table 1 to Table 2. They should
not be considered equivalent as regards severity. The severity criteria and the severity levels can differ
from one part of a casting to another.

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ISO 4987:2020(E)

6.2.5 Designation of severity levels

The requirements in the order or in the specifications shall conform to the terminology used in this
Examples of correct terminology are given below:
SP 2 for non-linear indications with a maximum of 8 non-linear indications, L1 of 2 mm a nd L2 of
6 mm (see .6J2, .62, and Table 1);

LP Se for linear indications and t> SO mm with L1 of S mm and L2 of4S mm for Ind ividual indications
or 70 mm for Total indications (see .6.,1,_3, .62, and Table 2).

7 Classification of the indications and interpretation of results

7 .1 Classification of the indications using Tables 1 and 2.

7.1.1 General
In a r der to classify an indication, it is necessary to place a 105 mm x 148 mm frame in the most
unfavourab le location, i.e. showing the greatest severity for discontinuities.

7.1.2 Non-linear indications

Only those ind icat ions with a length greater than L1 shall be considered (see Table 1).
The length of these indications shall be mea su red.
The severity leve) of the SP indications shall be established using Table l.

7.1.3 Linear indications

Only the indications with a le ngth greater than L1 shall be considered. The length L of the isolated
indications greater than the minimum length taken into account, defined by the requir ed severity leve),
shall be mea su red. The sum of t he indications included in a 105 mm x 148 mm frame shall be calculated.
The section thickness t at the testing location shall be measured.

The level of the LP indications shall be established using Table 2.

The lengths of the linear indications greater than the min imum length shall be summated and the result
shall be compared to the total (T) length specified in Table 2.

7.2 lnterpretation of results

The casting sha ll be considered to conform with this document when the observed severity leve! is
equal to or better than that specified in the order. If, for any indication type, t he observed severity
level is worse than that specified in the arder, the casting shall be considered not to conform with t his
NOTE Non-linear indications and linear indications can appear on the same part ofthe casting.

8 Retesting
Retesting shall be in accordance ISO 3452-1.

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ISO 4987:2020(E)

9 Post-examination cleaning procedures

Post-exarnination cleaning procedures shall be in accordance with ISO 3452-1.

10 Test report
When a test report is specified in the enquiry and the order, it shall contain at least the following
in forrnation:
a) the rnanufacturer;

b) the purchaser (including the order nurnber);

c) the casting designation;
d) the date and place of the test;
e) the traceability identification;

and, as applicable, any of the following:

a reference to this document for the acceptance criteria;
the position of the testing stage in the manufacturing process;
the surface finish;

the test method;

the equipment used;

the testing materia Is used;

the criteria required in accordance with this docurnent;
the reference to a specification;
the results (description and location);
the cartography of the significant indications;
the decision taken after the interpretation of results;
the elements required in ISO 4990 (type of document, signature(s) of the authorized persons
according to the type of document);
the certification/qualification, na me and the signature of the non-destructive testing operator.
A model of a bilingual test report is shown in Annex D.

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ISO 4987:2020(E)


Recommended surface finish for liquid penetrant testing

Table A.1 - Recommended surface finish for liquid penetrant testing

Length L1 of smallest indication Visual/tactile comparatorsª
to be considered

0,3 2/0S1 - 1/0Sl -

1 S2 - 2 S2
1 Sl - 2 Sl Al
3 S2 - 4 S2 Hl
2 Sl - 3 Sl A2
4 S2 - 5 S2 H2
unspecified A 3-A 4
(rough surface) H3
a Two visual/tactile comparators are currently used (see ISO 11971):

- SCRATA comparators for the definition ofswface quality ofstee/ castings, available from Castings
Technology International, Advanced Manufacturing Park, Brunei Way, Rotherham, S60 SWG, United
Kingdom; [email protected]

- BNIF 359 - Recommandation technique du Bureau de Normalisation des Industries de la Fonderie -

Caractérisation d'états de surface despieces moulées - Utilisation des échantillons types de 110 x 160 mm,
available from CTIF, 44 avenue de la Division Leclerc, 92310 Sevres, France,
NOTE These products are examples of suitable products available commercially. This information is given for
the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by ISO of these products.

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ISO 4987:2020(E)


Reference figures - Non-linear isolated indications (SP)

Ali reference figures shown in this an nex are far guidance only. They are drawn and shall be used ata
scale of 1:1.

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-releva nt indication for severity level SP 1

b) Severity level SP 1

Figure B.1 - Severity level SP 1

8 © ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level SP 2

b) Severity level SP 2

Figure B.2 - Severity level SP 2

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ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level SP 3

• • •

• •
• •

b) Severity level SP 3

Figure B.3 - Severity level SP 3

10 ©ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level SP 4

• -• •
• 1

•.. •• •
- e
1 •
b) Severity level SP 4

Figure B.4 - Severity level SP 4

©ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved 11

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level SP 5

•e • - • a • • •••

• • •- .. • • •a~ -~

~ 'T
' •
b) Severity level SP 5

Figure B.5 - Severity leve l SP 5

12 © ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved

ISO 4987:2020(E)


Reference figures - Linear indications (LP)

Ali reference figures shown in this annex are for guidance only. They are drawn and shall be used ata
scale of 1:1.

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-releva nt indication for severity level LP la


b) Severity level LP la

Figure C.1 - Severity level LP la

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ISO 4987:2020(E)


a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level LP2a

b) Severity level LP 2a

Figure C.2 - Severity level LP 2a

14 ©ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level LP 3a

b) Severity level LP 3a

Figure C.3 - Severity level LP 3a

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ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level LP 4a

b) Severity level LP 4a

Figure C.4 - Severity level LP 4a

16 © ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level LP Sa

b) Severity level LP Sa

Figure C.5 - Severity level LP Sa

©ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved 17

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level LP lb

b) Severity level LP lb

Figure C.6 - Severity level LP lb

18 ©ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved

ISO 4987:2020(E)


a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level LP 2b

b) Severity level LP 2b

Figure C.7 - Severity level LP 2b

©ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved 19

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level LP 3b

b) Severity level LP 3b

Figure C.8 - Severity level LP 3b

20 ©ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level LP 4b


b) Severity level LP 4b

Figure C.9 - Severity level LP 4b

©ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved 21

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level LP Sb

b) Severity level LP Sb

Figure C.10 - Severity level LP Sb

22 © ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size aUowed for a non-releva nt indication for severity level LP le

b) Severity level LP le

Figure C.11 - Severity level LP le

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ISO 4987:2020(E)


a) Maximum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level LP 2c

b) Severity level LP 2c

Figure C.12 - Severity level LP 2c

24 © ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size aUowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level LP 3c

b) Severity level LP 3c

Figure C.13 - Severity level LP 3c

©ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved 25

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maxirnum size allowed for a non-relevant indication for severity level LP 4c

b) Severity level LP 4c

Figur e C.14 - Severity level LP 4c

26 ©ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved

ISO 4987:2020(E)

a) Maximum size anowed for a non-relevant indieation for severity level LP Se



b) Severity level LP Se

Figure C.1S - Severity level LP Se

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ISO 4987:2020(E)


Model of a liquid penetrant test report

Company Liquid penetrant test report No.

Société Controle par ressuage - Rapport d'essais Nº
According to
Conforme a
Customer Order No.
Client Commande nº
Specification Material Heat No.
Spécification Nuance Coulée nº
Identification Quantity Casting designation Lot No. Drawing No.
Marquage Quantité Désignation despieces Nº du lot Plan nº

Area examined - Zone controlée

o 100 %
o testing scheme - plan de controle
o cavity root - fonds affouillements
Stage - Stade
o after heat treatment- apres traitement thermique
o before stress relieving- avantdétensionnement
Dye penetrant - Pénétrant
Trademark - Marque
Dye penetrant remover - Produit de nettoyage
Developer - Révélateur
Trademark - Marque
Testing conditions - Conditions d'examen
Surface condition - État de surface
o shot-blasted - grenaillé
o ground - meulé
o machined - usiné

28 © ISO 2020 - Ali rights reserved

ISO 4987:2020(E)

Casting temperature - Température de Ja piece moulée

o 5 ºC up to/jusqu'a 14 ºC
o 15 ºC up to/jusqu'a 35 ºC
o 36 ºC up to/jusqu'a 55 ºC
o ºC
Test material - Produít índícateur
o dry-sec
o wet - hu mide
o fluorescent - fluorescent
Test resu lts - Résultats de /'examen
According to - Conforme a

Accepted - Accepté
o yes - ouí
o no - non
Non-conformance note - Fiche d'anomalie

Continuation sheet - Annexe

o yes - ouí
o no - non
Inspection authority - Organisme de controle

Quality assurance section - Servíce assurance qualité

Date/place - Date/lieu

Signature of inspector/operator - Sígnature de l'inspecteur/opérateur

If applicable, tick the relevant box.

Cocher la case correspondante, suivant le cas.

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[1] ISO 11971, Steel and iron castings- Visual testing of surface quality

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ICS 77.140.80; 77.040.20

Price based on 30 pages

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