Oct 2022 Unit 2 Ms

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Mark Scheme (Results)

October 2022

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level

In Biology (WBI12)
Paper 01: Cells, Development, Biodiversity
and Conservation
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October 2022
Question Paper Log Number P71857A
Publications Code WBI12_01_2210_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2022
• General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the first
candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.

• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what
they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.

• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their
perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.

• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should be used

• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners should
always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark scheme.
Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response
is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.

• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by
which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be limited.

• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a
candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.

• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with an
alternative response.
Question Answer Mark
The only correct answer is C two

A is not correct because eukarya does not contain prokaryotic organisms

B is not correct because both archaea and bacteria contain prokaryotic organisms

D is not correct because both archaea and bacteria contain prokaryotic organisms

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1(b)(i) An answer that makes reference to the following point: Example of diagram

• flagellum drawn with origin on cell membrane and labelled


• plasmid drawn and labelled (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
• contains {genes / DNA / (genetic) information} to make Accept to enable horizontal transfer of
proteins (genetic) information / used to exchange
(genetic) information with other
(prokaryotic) cells
Accept contains {DNA / (genetic)
information} for antibiotic resistance

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1(c)(i) An answer that makes reference to the following point:

• prokaryotic ribosomes are {70S / small} whereas eukaryotic are Accept {fewer / only three} strands of
{80S / large} rRNA in prokaryote (four in eukaryote)

Accept all prokaryotic ribosomes are free

floating whereas some eukaryotic (1)
ribosomes are attached to membranes
Question Answer Mark
The only correct answer is B one

A is not correct because ribosomes are located inside chloroplasts and mitochondria

C is not correct because ribosomes are located on rER and are involved in translation

D is not correct because ribosomes are located on rER and are involved in translation
Question Answer Mark
The only correct answer is A 7.3 m2

B is not correct because the surface area is 7.3 m2

C is not correct because the surface area is 7.3 m2

D is not correct because the surface area is 7.3 m2


Question Answer Mark

The only correct answer is C two

A is not correct because they both transport dissolved substances

B is not correct because phloem transport in both directions and phloem walls do not contain lignin

D is not correct because phloem transport in both directions and phloem walls do not contain lignin
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(c)(i) An answer that makes reference to the following point: Example of diagram
accept label line pointing to tonoplast
• one (permanent) vacuole correctly labelled (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(c)(ii) A description that makes reference to the following:

• provides support (1) e.g. helps to ensure {turgidity / turgor} /

maintains osmotic pressure
ignore give shape to cell

• {stores/dissolves} named substance(s) (1) e.g. water, sugars, minerals, proteins,

pigments, toxic chemicals, {digestive /
hydrolytic} enzymes
ignore contains cell sap / nutrients

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
3(a)(i) An explanation that makes reference to the following:

• magnesium ions to make chlorophyll so {photosynthesis can

occur / light energy can be absorbed / glucose can be
made} (1)

• nitrates are needed to make {amino acids / proteins / accept nucleotide / bases / chlorophyll / (2)
polypeptides / DNA / RNA / nucleic acid} (1) ATP

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(a)(ii) An answer that makes reference to one of the following:

• {grow/ store} more plants in a given area / less space Accept space saving / increased yield in
needed to {grow/ store} the same number of plants (1) given area

• increases profit as increased yield for lower rent (1) (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
The only correct answer is D 14.39 %

A is not correct because that is the percentage difference for 1

spray with the higher concentration

B is not correct because that is the percentage difference for 1

spray with the lower concentration

C is not correct because that is the percentage difference for 2

sprays with the higher concentration (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(b)(ii) An answer that makes reference to one of the following:

• increasing the number of treatments increases (fruit)

firmness / positive correlation between number of
treatments and (mean fruit) firmness (1)

• increasing the concentration of calcium (ions / accept fruit treated with 3800 mg dm-3
chloride) increases (fruit) firmness / positive were firmer than the fruit treated with
correlation between calcium (chloride) 950 mg dm-3
concentration and (mean fruit) firmness (1) ignore references to ‘more calcium (1)
chloride solution used’
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
3(b)(iii) An explanation that makes reference to three of the following:

• increasing the concentration of calcium (ions / chloride)

increases (fruit) firmness (1)

• (because calcium ions are) needed to make calcium pectate (1)

• (forming) middle lamella (1)

• more {calcium pectate / middle lamella} formed would mean Accept {calcium pectate / middle lamella}
the cells were (more) firmly held together (1) {increases strength of cell wall / holds
cells together} (3)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
4(a)(i) An explanation that includes three of the following points:

• oxygen for (aerobic) respiration (1) accept lack of oxygen for survival of
obligate anaerobes

• glucose for {respiration / ATP production} / amino acids for accept lipids for synthesis of cell
protein synthesis (1) membranes

• optimum temperature for {enzyme / metabolic} reaction (1) accept suitable stated temperature for
{faster/optimum} enzyme activity

• water for {hydrolysis reactions / solvent} (1) accept to prevent dehydration

• optimum pH for {enzyme / metabolic} reaction (1) accept suitable stated pH for
{faster/optimum} enzyme rate of reaction

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(a)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to two of the following points:

• oil-based plastic is non-renewable (1) accept (oil is a) finite resource / may run
out / may not always be available for
future generations
• oil-based plastic {takes a long time to decompose / isn’t
biodegradable} (1)

• contributes to increased carbon dioxide (in atmosphere) / accept contributes to {global warming/ (2)
not carbon neutral (1) greenhouse effect}
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
4(b)(i) An answer that makes reference to three of the following:

• bacterial survival decreases over time (on all three boards)


• bacterial survival is lowest on pine chopping board (1) accept converse for plastic

• no change in number of bacteria surviving on plastic during accept only significant difference between
first 4 hours (1) spruce and plastic is at 4 hours / only
slight difference between spruce and
plastic at 24 hours
accept same survival for {spruce/plastic}
after 1 hour (3)

• relevant comment about validity of data (1) e.g. no reference to repeats, no error

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(b)(ii) An answer that includes one of the following points:

• pine boards have antimicrobial properties (1) accept pine boards contain chemicals
which kill bacteria

• pine chopping boards have a pH outside of bacterial accept converse for plastic
optimum pH (1) ignore temperature and water
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
• an alternative form of a gene accept version of a gene

Question Answer Mark

The only correct answer is A ccddee

B is not correct because all alleles need to be recessive

C is not correct because all alleles need to be recessive

D is not correct because all alleles need to be recessive

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
5(a)(iii) A description that includes the following points:

• polypeptide chain enters the rER (1)

• {secondary/ tertiary} structure formed (1) accept 3D structure formed / bonds form
between different R groups

• polypeptide is packaged into vesicles (by rER) / {(rER) vesicles accept transported in vesicle to the Golgi
fuse with / protein enters} Golgi (1)

• carbohydrate added (to protein in Golgi) (1) accept glycosylation occurs (in the Golgi)
ignore modification occurs in Golgi without
reference to carbohydrate being added

• (glyco)protein is packaged into vesicles (by Golgi) and accept (glyco)protein is packaged into
transported to cell surface membrane (1) vesicles (by Golgi) and vesicle fuses with cell (5)
surface membrane
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
5(b) An explanation that includes three of the following points:

• the greater the number of recessive alleles the lighter the accept converse
colour of the seed / the greater the number of dominant accept correct statement using
alleles the deeper the red colour (1) information from table e.g. linking a
colour to number of recessive alleles /
linking colour to frequency / normal

• random assortment and crossing over results in (gamete) accept the gametes vary in the number
variation (1) of {recessive/dominant} alleles they
• random fertilisation (of gametes) results in (seed) variation

• low probability of {inheriting 0/6 recessive alleles / egg cell accept converse for chance of inheriting {3
with no recessive alleles being randomly fertilised by sperm recessive / 3 dominant} alleles (3)
cell with no recessive alleles} (1)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(a)(i) An answer that makes reference to the following:

• (step A) mitosis (1) accept meiosis I

• (step B) meiosis (1) do not accept meiosis I

ignore II


Question Answer Mark

The only correct answer is A W

B is not correct because the acrosome contains digestive enzymes

C is not correct because the acrosome contains digestive enzymes

D is not correct because the acrosome contains digestive enzymes (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(b) An explanation that includes the following points:

• (because) differential gene expression occurs (1) Accept some genes become {switched
on / expressed / switched off}
• (due to) epigenetic modification / DNA methylation /
histone modification (1)

• {transcription of / (active) mRNA made from} active

genes (1)

• (therefore) translation occurs to form a {polypeptide /

protein} (1)

• (proteins cause) {structural/functional} change to cells to Accept description of a

change them into (specialised) sperm cell (1) {structural/functional} change into a (5)
sperm cell
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(c)(i) An answer that includes the following points: Example of diagram:

• outer layer of cells with internal cell mass (1)

• cavity in centre of the diagram (1)


Question Answer Mark

The only correct answer is D cells that can give rise to almost any type of cell in the body, excluding
totipotent cells
A is not correct because pluripotent do not give rise to all cells in the body

B is not correct because pluripotent do not give rise to all cells in the body

C is not correct because pluripotent do not give rise to totipotent cells (1)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(d) An answer that includes the following points:

• (stem cells) can {differentiate / specialise} into

different {cells / tissues / organs} (1)

• great {potential/ importance/ medical implications} of accept named example of a medical

the research in developing medical therapies (1) therapy use of stem cells in humans e.g.
{repair / transplant} {cells / tissues /
organs} in humans
accept will save human lives / used to
treat certain diseases e.g. cancer / heart

accept salamander embryos do not feel

• salamander embryos do not have a fully developed
pain / salamanders are not an (2)
nervous system (1)
endangered species / salamanders
produce a large number of embryos

• no need to use human embryos (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
accept {amount / variety} of species in an
• the number of species within a {defined region /
habitat / community}.
do not accept number of organisms in a
species in a given area
*7(b) Answers will be credited according to candidate’s deployment of knowledge and understanding of the material in relation
to the qualities and skills outlined in the generic mark scheme.
The indicative content below is not prescriptive, and candidates are not required to include all the material indicated as
relevant. Additional content included in the response must be scientific and relevant.
New species formation
• reproductive / geographical isolation
• due to cichlid population being {separated / entrapped} into different lakes / isolation can occur in different habitats
within same lake
• recognition that Apoyo was first inhabited before Xiloá
• recognition that cichlids can move between the two great lakes but not between the crater lakes

• mutation causes new allele / genetic variation in original cichlid population

• selection pressures different in different lakes

• different alleles may give selective advantage in different lakes

• fish with advantageous alleles survive, reproduce and pass these alleles onto their offspring

• description of allele frequency increasing

• different phenotypes developed due to different genotype
• speciation first occurred in lake Apoyo / link to {long time/ 1000 years +} for first speciation to occur in lake {Apoyo /

Determination of 6 different species

• analysing phenotype similarities and differences
• examples from photographs given
• analysing biological molecules using molecular phylogeny e.g. DNA, RNA, proteins
• details of methodology used to analyse the molecules

• cichlids are different species as no longer able to breed together to produce fertile offspring
• due to different {body shape / breeding behaviours etc}
• discussion of how the molecular phylogeny results would support the cichlids being different species
Additional guidance
Level 0 0 No awardable content
Level 1 1-2 Demonstrates isolated elements of biological knowledge related to Basic description of either how the new species may
the given context with generalised comments made. have formed in these four lakes
The description will contain basic information with some attempt
how the scientists would have determined that
made to link knowledge and understanding to the given context.
these cichlids were 6 different species
Level 2 3-4 Demonstrates adequate knowledge by selecting and applying Basic description of new species formation and
some relevant biological facts/concepts to provide the description determination of new species
being presented. or
Detailed description of new species formation
The description shows some linkages and lines of reasoning with
some structure.
Level 3 5-6 Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge by selecting and Detailed description of either how the new species
applying relevant knowledge of biological facts/concepts to may have formed in these four lakes
provide the description being presented. And
how the scientists would have determined that
The description is clear, coherent and logically structured.
these cichlids were 6 different species
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
7(c) An answer that includes the following points: Species Number of n(n-1)
• N(N-1) correctly calculated (1) (n)
A. astorquii 156 24180
• ∑n(n-1) correctly calculated and inserted into formula (1) A. chancho 45 1980
A. flaveolus 78 6006
• calculation of D for lake Apoyo (1) A. globosus 8 56
A. 17 272
• lake Apoyo has higher biodiversity (as 3.05 is larger than 2.8) supercilius
(1) A. zaliosus 12 132
(N)=316 ∑n(n-

D= 3.0509 / 3.05 / 3.051 / 3.1 / 3.0 / 3

ecf applies

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
7(d) An answer that includes the following points:

• q2 correctly calculated (1) 128÷800 or = 0.16

• (√p²=0.6 and) √q²=0.4 (1) no ecf

• allele frequency has {not changed / remained the same} (1) ecf applies from incorrect p and q values
in working

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
8(a) A description which includes the following points: ignore references to G1, S and G2

• synthesis of organelles (1) accept {replication / increasing number}

of organelles
accept synthesis of {proteins / enzymes}
required for the next part of the cell cycle
accept increase in cytoplasm
ignore growth of organelles

• increase in cell size / growth of cell (1)

• {synthesis / replication} of DNA (1) accept {DNA / genetic material} is (3)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
8(b) An answer that includes four of the following points:

• {methyl groups / CH3} are added to {DNA / the gene/ ignore methylation of the gene
cytosine} (1)

• (resulting in RB) gene being {switched off / silenced} (1) accept gene is not {expressed / active}

• (methylation) prevents the binding of {RNA polymerase / accept {no / reduced} transcription of
transcription factors} (1) (RB) gene / mRNA is not produced (from
RB gene)

• (therefore) translation (of mRNA) does not occur (1)

• (therefore the) {RB / tumour suppressor} protein isn't accept fewer {RB / tumour suppressor} (4)
produced (1) proteins are produced

• and {the cell cycle / mitosis} continues (forming a tumour) / accept higher rate of cell division occurs
{reduced / no} inhibition of tumour growth (1)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
8(c) An explanation that includes the following points:

• (sister) chromatids cannot be separated / centromere accept chromosomes won’t {be

cannot be split (1) separated / move to poles of cell / move
away from equator}
• during anaphase (1)
accept cell remains in metaphase
*8(d) Answers will be credited according to candidate’s deployment of knowledge and understanding of the material in relation
to the qualities and skills outlined in the generic mark scheme.
The indicative content below is not prescriptive and candidates are not required to include all the material indicated as
relevant. Additional content included in the response must be scientific and relevant.
• increasing concentration of Paclitaxel {increases the duration of mitosis / slows mitosis}
• quantitative comparison using information from table

• increasing concentration of Paclitaxel increases the mitotic index

• quantitative comparison using information from table

• Paclitaxel causes the lowest increase in mass of tumour / lowest mass of tumour with paclitaxel
• Paclitaxel was more effective than {placebo / drug X}
• quantitative comparison using information from graph

• error bars for paclitaxel do not overlap with {drug X / placebo} so there is a significant difference / error bars for
drug X and placebo overlap so {the data may not be completely reliable / have similar effectiveness} / correct
comment about size of error bars linked to repeatability of data
• recognition that there is a significant difference between {placebo/drug X} and paclitaxel data

• relevant comment about study design e.g. sample size, no information about age/sex etc of volunteers, no given
duration in human lung study, only 21 days in mouse study

• paclitaxel stopped division of cancerous cells / {fewer / decreased rate of} cancer cells being produced with
• linkage between {increased mitotic index/ slower rate of mitosis / fewer cancer cells produced by mitosis} and
smaller mass of tumour
• explanation of how mitotic index is calculated (number of cells in mitosis ÷ total number of cells)
• linkage between the increased duration of mitosis and the increased mitotic index e.g. more cells in prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, telophase than in interphase
• linkage between prevention of shortening of spindle fibres and increased duration of mitosis/mitotic index
• resulting in, fewer cells in {anaphase/telophase/cytokinesis} than {prophase/metaphase}
Additional guidance
Level 0 0 No awardable content
Level 1 1-2 Limited scientific judgement made with a few Basic evaluation of either the effectiveness of
strengths/weaknesses identified. Paclitaxel on lung tumours in humans or the
effectiveness of Paclitaxel on breast tumours in
A conclusion may be attempted, demonstrating isolated mice
elements of biological knowledge and understanding but
with limited evidence to support the judgement being made.
Level 2 3-4 A scientific judgement is made through the application of Basic evaluation of the effectiveness of Paclitaxel on
relevant evidence, with strengths and weaknesses identified. lung tumours in humans and the effectiveness of
Paclitaxel on breast tumours in mice
A conclusion is made, demonstrating linkages to elements of OR
biological knowledge and understanding, with occasional detailed evaluation of either the effectiveness of
evidence to support the judgement being made. Paclitaxel on lung tumours in humans or the
effectiveness of Paclitaxel on breast tumours in
Level 3 5-6 A scientific judgement is made which is supported Detailed evaluation of the effectiveness of Paclitaxel
throughout by sustained application of relevant evidence on lung tumours in humans and the effectiveness of
from the analysis and interpretation of the scientific Paclitaxel on breast tumours in mice

A conclusion is made, demonstrating sustained linkages to

biological knowledge and understanding with evidence to
support the judgement being made.
Pearson Education Limited. Registered company number 872828
with its registered office at 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, United Kingdom

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