The 100 Most Used Italian Verbs List

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06/10/2023, 18:28 The 100 Most Used Italian Verbs List – LanguagePosters.



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The 100 Most Used Italian Verbs List

A list of the 100 Most Used Italian Verbs as seen on the 100 Most Used Italian Verbs Poster.

Essere Conjugation (To be)

Avere Conjugation (To have)
Volere Conjugation (To want)
Fare Conjugation (To do)
Dire Conjugation (To say)
Capire Conjugation (To understand)
Sapere Conjugation (To know)
Spiegare Conjugation (To explain)
Uscire Conjugation (To exit)
Andare Conjugation (To go)
Venire Conjugation (To come)
Potere Conjugation (Can, to be able to)
Dovere Conjugation (Must)
Preferire Conjugation (To prefer)
Bere Conjugation (To drink)
Salire Conjugation (To go up)
Rimanere Conjugation (To stay)
Morire Conjugation (To die)
Finire Conjugation (To finish)
Vedere Conjugation (To see)
Leggere Conjugation (To read)
Nascere Conjugation (To be born)
Chiedere Conjugation (To ask)
Conjugation (To reply)
from West Des Moines, United
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recently(To know) the 100 Most
Used Spanish
Mettere Conjugation (To Preterite
put) (Past) Tense
Verbs Poster
Aprire Conjugation w/ Study Guide
(To open)
Perdere Conjugation (To lose) 1/4
06/10/2023, 18:28 The 100 Most Used Italian Verbs List –

Vivere Conjugation (To live)

Cuocere Conjugation (To cook)
Scendere Conjugation (To go down)
Scrivere Conjugation (To write)
Prendere Conjugation (To take)
Rompere Conjugation (To break)
Correre Conjugation (To run)
Vincere Conjugation (To win)
Tradurre Conjugation (To translate)
Chiudere Conjugation (To close)
Accendere Conjugation (To switch on)
Crescere Conjugation (To grow up)
Spingere Conjugation (To push)
Scusarsi Conjugation (To apologize)
Chiamarsi Conjugation (To be called)
Divertirsi Conjugation (To have fun)
Abituarsi Conjugation (To get used to)
Comportarsi Conjugation (To behave)
Piacere Conjugation (To like)
Dispiacere Conjugation (To be sorry)
Mancare Conjugation (To miss)
Interessare Conjugation (To interest)
Sembrare Conjugation (To seem)
Amare Conjugation (To love)
Mangiare Conjugation (To eat)
Ascoltare Conjugation (To listen)
Parlare Conjugation (To speak)
Ordinare Conjugation (To order)
Cercare Conjugation (To look for)
Pensare Conjugation (To think)
Incontrare Conjugation (To meet)
Portare Conjugation (To bring)
Toccare Conjugation (To touch)
Guardare Conjugation (To watch)
Tornare Conjugation (To return) ×
Someone from West Des Moines, United
Trovare Conjugation (To find)
States recently purchased the 100 Most
Dare Conjugation (To give)
Used Spanish Preterite (Past) Tense
Abitare Conjugation (Tow/
Verbs Poster live in) Guide
Sperare Conjugation (To hope) 2/4
06/10/2023, 18:28 The 100 Most Used Italian Verbs List –

Aspettare Conjugation (To wait)

Pranzare Conjugation (To have lunch)
Cenare Conjugation (To have dinner)
Telefonare Conjugation (To phone)
Comprare Conjugation (To buy)
Pagare Conjugation (To pay)
Entrare Conjugation (To enter)
Lavorare Conjugation (To work)
Studiare Conjugation (To study)
Mandare Conjugation (To send)
Lasciare Conjugation (To leave, to let)
Salutare Conjugation (To greet)
Usare Conjugation (To use)
Visitare Conjugation (To visit)
Camminare Conjugation (To walk)
Iniziare Conjugation (To start)
Imparare Conjugation (To learn)
Cambiare Conjugation (To change)
Guadagnare Conjugation (To earn)
Aiutare Conjugation (To help)
Ricordare Conjugation (To remember)
Tirare Conjugation (To pull)
Invitare Conjugation (To invite)
Diventare Conjugation (To become)
Giocare Conjugation (To play)
Credere Conjugation (To believe)
Vendere Conjugation (To sell)
Ripetere Conjugation (To repeat)
Godere Conjugation (To enjoy)
Dormire Conjugation (To sleep)
Servire Conjugation (To need)
Partire Conjugation (To leave)
Pulire Conjugation (To clean)

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