4TH Quarter Exam Tos

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4Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)


Dagami, Leyte



I. Objectives:
 Show mastery of the competencies covered during the fourth quarter.
 Attain an MPS of 80%.
II. Content & Materials:
 Content: Gas Laws Chemical Reactions, Biomolecules
 Materials: Test Papers, Answer Sheets
III. Table of Specifications:




No. of
% of No. of
Competency Contact
Contact Items

1. Investigate the relationship

1.1 volume and pressure at
constant temperature of a gas;
1.2 volume and temperature at 15 50% 20 5 5 5 5
constant pressure of a gas;
1.3 explains these
relationships using the kinetic
molecular theory;
2. Recognize the major
categories of biomolecules
5 17% 7 3 2 2
such as carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins, and nucleic acids;
3. Apply the principles of
conservation of mass to 5 17% 7 2 3 2
chemical reactions;
4. Explain how the factors
affecting rates of chemical
reactions are applied in food
5 6 1 2 3
preservation and materials
production, control of fire,
pollution, and corrosion.

Total 30 100% 40 11 4 8 7 8 2

Prepared by:

Science Teacher

Checked & Reviewed by:

Master Teacher 1


School Head
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)


Dagami, Leyte


I. Direction: Choose the BEST answer from the choices given. Write the letter only.

1. What part of the nervous sytem serves as a channel for signals between the brain and the body?
a. Spinal cord c. autonomic nervous system
b. Neurons d. peripheral nervous system
2. Which of the following describes the brain?
a. organizer and distributor of information c. carries motor signals
b. carries sensory signals d. associated with involuntary control of body
3. Which of the following is responsible for controlling posture, balance and coordination.
a. Cerebrum b. cerebellum c. brain stem d. spinal cord
4. When does sympathetic nervous system function?
a. When restoring the body to relaxed mode.
b. When the body is at stress.
c. Both a and b.
d. Neither a nor b.
5. Which of the following is NOT a part of the neuron?
a. Dendrites b. synapse c. cell body d. axon
6. The basic unit of nervous system is _____.
a. Nerve cell c. brain stem
b. Spinal cord d. brain.
7. The part that connects the brain to the spinal cord is _________.
a. Cerebrum b. cerebellum c. brain stem d. spinal cord
8. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. Sensory neurons relay impulses to the brain.
b. Motor neurons relay impulses to the brain.
c. Sensory neurons relay impulses from the brain.
d. Both sensory and motor neurons relay impulses to and from the brain.
9. In times of emergencies, the heart rate increases and the body is prepared for action. What gland is
responsible for this?
a. Thyroid b. adrenal c. pituitary d. thymus
10. Regulating blood sugar levels is the function of _____.
a. Pancreas b. thymus c. thyroid d. parathyroid
11. Hormonal imbalance of thyroid gland may cause ______.
a. Obesity b. dwarfism c. osteoporosis d. goiter
12. Dwarfism is caused by hormonal imbalance in ________.
a. Pituitary gland b. adrenal c. pancreas d. thyroid
13. What is also referred to as chemical messenger of the body?
a. Blood b. bones c. hormones d. nerves
14. What controls maturation and male characteristics?
a. Ovaries b. thymus c. pancreas d. testes
15. What might happen to a person born without thymus gland?
a. He won’t grow. c. he’ll be impotent
b. He’ll be prone to diseases. d. he won’t feel any emotion.
16. What is the role of hormones in male reproductive system?
a. Production of sperm cells c. release of sperm cells
b. Keeps the proper function of the system d. all of the above
17. On average, how many egg cell/s do the ovaries release every 28 days?
a. One b. two c. three d. undetermined
18. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
a. Urethra b. vagina c. oviduct d. ovary
19. An organ of female reproductive system that produces egg cells is _____.
a. Uterus b. vagina c. oviduct d. ovary
20. The monthly changes that takes place in the female reproductive system.
a. Fertilization b. menstruation c. reproduction d. none of the above.
21. Where does the fertilized egg develop?
a. Oviduct b. uterus c. vagina d. fallopian tube
22. Which of the following is NOT a function of female reproductive system?
a. Produces sex cells c. receives penis during mating
b. Nurtures development and nourishment for new individual d. release of hormones
23. The blueprint of every organism is ______.
a. RNA b. DNA c. Heart d. Brain
24. How do you call the process which determines the order of bases in mRNA of amino acids into a
a. Replication b. transcription c. translation d. production
25. Which of the following carries the information from DNA to the ribosomes?
a. mRNA b. rRNA c. tRNA d. RNA
26. Which of the following translates the genetic meassage through protein synthesis?
a. mRNA b. rRNA c. tRNA d. RNA
27. Which of the following forms the structural component of the ribosome?
b. mRNA b. rRNA c. tRNA d. RNA

For items 36-39, identify the order of bases in mRNA, using the given order from DNA.

28. GAC
a. CUG b. CTG c. ATG d. AUG
29. CGC
a. UCU b. ACA c. GCG d. TGT
30. AAG
a. TTC b. UUC c. GGC d. CCT
31. TAG
a. UCG b. AUC c. AUT d. CTC
32. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. RNA is double stranded while DNA is single stranded.
b. The sugar in DNA is ribose while in RNA is deoxyribose.
c. DNA and RNA both contains nitrogenous bases.
d. RNA contains thymine that pairs up with adenine.
33. A genetic disorder caused by deletion of part of the short arm of chromosome 5 is called ______.
a. Cri du Chat b. Down’s syndrome c. Edward’s syndrome d. Jacobsen
34. A genetic disorder which is trisomy of chromosome 18.
a. Cri du Chat b. Down’s syndrome c. Edward’s syndrome d. Jacobsen
35. A genetic disorder usually caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21.
a. Cri du Chat b. Down’s syndrome c. Edward’s syndrome d. Jacobsen
36. Traces of organism that lived in the past are called _____.
a. Fossils b. corpse c. sediments d. all of the above.
37. Who proposed the theory of natural selection?
a. Darwin b.Linneaus c. Lamarck d. Cuvier
38. A person who studies fossils is considered as ________.
a. Paleontologist b. Ornithologist c. Botanist d. Zoologist
39. What theory can explain why some body parts of organisms that do not function are lost and body
parts that are always used enhance?
a. theory of acquired characteristics c. theory of use and disuse
b. theory of need d. theory of natural selection
40. On what era did Dinosaurs exist?
a. Cenozoic b. Mesozoic c. Paleozoic d. dinosaurs never existed.
41. Animals’ body parts that are similar in structure but have different functions are considered as
a. Homologous structure c. Analogous structure
b. Adapted structures d. all of the above.
42. Fossils are commonly found in what rocks?
a. Metamorphic b. sedimentary c. igneous d. sand
43. These are shallow external molds left by animal or plant tissue with little or no organic material
a. Imprints b. compression c. both a and b d. neither a nor b
44. Individuals choice of mate having characteristics similar to his own continues the characteristics of
the species for generation. What condition for evolution is this?
a. non-random mating c. genetic drift
b. gene pool d. mutation
45. Which of the following pertains to mutation?
a. change in gene pool due to chances alone such as disasters.
b. it occurs when individuals migrate from one population to another
c. organisms with favorable traits survive
d. the change in structure of chromosome and gene composition
46. Trees give off oxygen for animals to breathe and survive. What value of species is this?
a. direct economic value c. aesthetic value
b. indirect economic value d. all of the above.
47. Snakes’ skin are sometimes used to make leather products. What value of species is this?
a. direct economic value c. aesthetic value
b. indirect economic value d. all of the above.
48. Which of the following statements is TRUE about population?
a. Population is the number of organisms in an area.
b. Population refers to how crowded an area is.
c. Population is the interaction of all species in an area.
d. Population is the number of all similar species in an area.
49. What causes increase in population?
a. Population increases if birth rate is higher than death rate.
b. Population increases if death rate is higher than birth rate.
c. Population increases if there’s a high natality.
d. Population increases if there’s a low mortality.
50. What is population density?
a. It is the number of organisms living in an area.
b. It is the number of similar species in an area.
c. It is the number of organisms living per unit area.
d. It is the variety of life in an area.

Prepared by:


1) A 26) C

2) A 27) B

3) B 28) A

4) B 29) C

5) B 30) B

6) A 31) B

7) C 32) C

8) A 33) A

9) B 34) C

10) A 35) B

11) D 36) A

12) A 37) A

13) C 38) A

14) D 39) C

15) B 40) B

16) D 41) A

17) A 42) B

18) A 43) A

19) D 44) A

20) B 45) D

21) B 46) B

22) D 47) A

23) B 48) D

24) C 49) A

25) A 50) C
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education (DepEd)
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte




SY 2022-2023


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