Unit Iii
Unit Iii
Unit Iii
Fiat, an Italian automobile manufacturer, and the best European and Japanese experts came
together with the goal of enhancing production standards to a recognized world standard. As
a result, that is how world class manufacturing came to be.
WCM is a systematic approach based on the minimization of the seven types of wastes with
the help of everyone in an organization and the proactive application of various techniques
and standards.
Moreover, WCM applies its concepts to all aspects of the manufacturing plant (or factory)
organization, in terms of continuous improvement. That is to say, it aims to continuously
improve areas such as safety, quality, maintenance, and logistics.
WCM uses various techniques and standards in one combination or another to continuously
improve products, processes, and services. For example, some of the techniques and
standards include:
However, to start working on world class manufacturing, some methods you can implement
1. 5S, to keep the workplace clean, organized, and safe
2. Just-in-time, to work towards zero inventory throughout the organization
3. Lean methodology, to work towards minimizing and eliminating waste throughout
the organization
4. Total preventive maintenance (TPM), to achieve an OEE value that is greater than
5. Total quality management, to work towards 100% customer satisfaction
6. Higher employee contribution through quality circles
World class manufacturing foresees 10 pillars that represent the “Temple of WCM”.
Moreover, its purpose is to visually teach users that to achieve the standard of excellence, a
parallel development of all 10 pillars is essential. Additionally, each pillar represents and
focuses on a specific area of the production process and uses relevant tools to achieve global
operational excellence.
Essentially, the 10 WCM pillars focuses on “Zero” — what this means is:
6. Quality Control - attain zero defects based on total quality control (TQC)
7. Logistics - ensure customers are satisfied through continuous flow of materials and
attaining zero shortages
8. Early Equipment Management - attain zero new product, tooling, and/or equipment
Product and process design tools, which are used to create and manipulate data on
products and processes. These include Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer
Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP), Product Data
Management (PDM) and Group Technology (GT).
Lean production tools, very often dubbed as Japanese manufacturing techniques or
just-in-time (JIT) tools, such as the famous kanban.
Statistical Quality Control (SQC) tools.
Bar coding systems.
Decision support, execution and business tools, which are today some of the hottest
mantras in the market. These include Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II),
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES),
Supply Chain Management (SCM) solutions and Data Warehousing/Data Mining.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is best viewed as the universal set of which
the above tools (with the exception of lean production tools) are a subset. We will focus on
the evolution and roles of these tools, without going into technical detail.
B. Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP): CAPP is the link between the
engineering and manufacturing processes. The objective of CAPP is the generation of
detailed manufacturing instructions, given (a) the desired geometry of the end product
(from the CAE/PDM database), (b) the geometry of the raw material from which it is
to be used as the input in the manufacturing process, and (c) process parameters and
the tools available. Two generic kinds of CAPP approaches are followed: in
generative CAPP, the process plan is detailed from scratch, with the given inputs. In
variant CAPP, the idea is that the process planner retrieves a similar existing process
plan from a classified library of process plans and then makes the necessary minor
modifications. The role of the Variant CAPP software is in retrieving a process plan
closest to the one that the planner is working on. This retrieval is based on Group
Technology (GT).
Developed by Toyota, 3M are three different types of waste that businesses can
eliminate to become more “Lean”.
1. Muda refers to common manufacturing activities that do not create any value for
the customer. The Toyota Production System originally identified seven kinds of
muda, known as TIMWOOD :
Transportation: Unnecessary movements of the product between processes
results in this kind of waste. Facilities that aren’t laid out to be “Lean” for
example typically group processes in different areas, meaning forklifts may
have to transport a product more often than needed.
Inventory: Whether it’s completed stock waiting to be sold or products
currently in production—unnecessary inventory takes up necessary space and
ends up costing you money.
Motion: Unlike the kind of waste described for transportation, this refers to
the waste of movement between processes. This can be seen in workers having
to double-back to work stations or even machines needing to travel to reach
the product.
Waiting/Delays: If processes aren’t synchronized, idle time caused by
machines, products, or people can quickly add up.
Overproduction: Producing more product that what is actually demanded
will leave you with excess work-in- progress and surplus stock.
Overprocessing: Spending time and energy into a product than what is the
customer is expecting—such as painting parts that will never be seen.
Defects: Known as a kind of “tip of the iceberg” of wastes, costs associated
with defects often hide beneath the surface—like the time spent producing the
part, the energy to fix the defect, creating replacements, and more.
2. Mura means unevenness in operation. In manufacturing, unevenness is often
caused by the peaks and valleys in customer demand. Trying to overcompensate
for demand can mean your machines are being overburdened, excess inventory is
being stored, or a higher rate of defects in the product. To combat unevenness,
businesses can operate a Lean pull system and managers can eliminate mura
through level scheduling.
3. Muri is a term used to describe an overburden—whether it’s overburdening
equipment or operators by requiring them to run at a higher or harder pace with
more force and effort for longer than the equipment is designed for and
appropriate workforce management allows.
Muda, mura, and muri are all interconnected forms of Lean waste, and working to
reduce one waste will in turn help eliminate the others.
2. 5S Methodology
1) What is 5S Methodology?
→ 5S Methodology is a system for organizing spaces so work can be
performed efficiently & effectively with safely.
2) History of 5S Methodology:
→ 5S Methodology was developed in Japan by two gentlemen, Osada, and
Hirano who structured a framework for implementing their philosophy.
→ Some say that principles of 5S Methodology came from Henry Ford,
who was using CANDO (Cleaning up, Arranging, Neatness, Discipline, and
Ongoing Improvement) prior to the development of this Methodology.
3) Benefits of 5S Methodology:
→ Increase productivity through effectiveness
→ Reduction in delays
→ Improved Quality
→ Improve in Safety
→ Set-up times reduced
→ Morale & Motivation Increase
→ Less stress for operators and Safer work environment
4) 5S Meaning:
→ 5S stand for five Japanese words & English Meaning of above Japanese
words are:
→ (1S) Seiri → Sort or Tidiness
→ (2S) Seiton → Set In Order or Orderliness
→ (3S) Seiso → Shine (Clean) or Cleanliness
→ (4S) Seiketsu → Standardize or Standardization
→ (5S) Shitsuke → Sustain or Discipline
Just in Time
JIT Concept:- Just-in-time manufacturing (JIT manufacturing) is a production model in
which items are created to meet demand, not created in surplus or in advance of need.
Organizations adopt the JIT approach to increase efficiency, reduce costs and speed up
product delivery.
For example, dedicated special facilities are used in make-to-stock environments; general
purpose machines are used in make-to-order environments. Dedicated production lines can be
designed in a balanced way with minimal setups in order to maximize the flow rate of the
materials, while a general purpose machine must be set up before producing a specific item.
Objective of JIT
JIT Manufacturing tries to smooth the flow of materials from the suppliers to the customers,
thereby increasing the speed of the manufacturing process.
The objectives of JIT are to change the manufacturing system gradually rather than
3. To be more flexible,
In daily operations, JIT provides useful control methods. The characteristics of a JIT
control technique include uniform loading, repetitive processes, pull system, using
production cards, and synchronized production.
Pull System: JIT control pulls materials from the previous workstation. The
workstation replenishes any materials consumed by its following workstation. Since
only the consumed materials are produced, the inventories between workstations
never accumulate. For the first workstation of the factory, the supplier is its
preceding workstation. For the last workstation in a factory, the customer is its
following workstation. Customers pull the products from the factory, and factory
pulls the materials from the suppliers.
Uniform Loading :The loads for jobs in every workstation are equal. This
makes the pull system possible. If uneven loading exists, the following workstation
may have to wait for the materials from the preceding workstation. Uniform loading
allows the materials to flow through the production line smoothly. Every workstation
runs at a constant rate. If the demand increases, the production rates in all
workstation increase together. If the demand drops, all workstations may have the
same level of idleness.
Production Card :JIT control uses various cards to transmit production
signals. During the production, these cards are attached to and detached from the
materials. Production signals are transmitted from the following workstation back to
the preceding workstation. The cards have various shapes and colors to indicate
different purposes. Sometimes material containers or the material itself are
themselves the signals.
Synchronized Production : Synchronized production is a manufacturing
practice in which production activities in each workstation are synchronized with
certain control signals. The production rates of workstations are related to each
other, and the work-in-process inventories are limited to a predetermined level.
Synchronized production can be seen in JIT environments or theory-of-constraints
(TOC) environments. The control signals are carried by kanbans in a JIT
environment. In the TOC environment, drum-buffer-rope (DBR) is used to
synchronize the workstations.