Moore, Annie - Practicum
Moore, Annie - Practicum
Moore, Annie - Practicum
T H E P O WE R O F P A R K S :
Annie M. Moore
The University of Michigan
This would not have been possible without the support of family and friends, and the guidance of
current and past professors and staff at the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and
Sustainability, especially Tony Reames, Joshua Newell, Christian Lastoskie, Kim Elliot, and
Jennifer Taylor.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science
(Environment and Sustainability) at the University of Michigan
December 2021
Faculty Advisor: Associate Professor Joshua Newell, School for Environment & Sustainability
Urban green spaces are critical to the development and maintenance of urban ecosystems. The
development and siting of urban green spaces impact a city and its residents. Urban green spaces
promote physical activity and improve psychological wellbeing. These spaces also cultivate a
myriad of social, cultural, and economic benefits. The issue that now faces municipalities and
decision makers, is green space accessibility and distributional equity. The great migration, white
flight, and the historical context of redlining segregated African Americans and other minority
groups which in turn created urban environments that have pockets of “ghettos” whose residents
are often socio-economically disadvantaged. These areas are often underfunded, overlooked and
underserved. These communities tend to lack access to urban green spaces and therefore do not
reap their many environmental, physiological, social, cultural, and economic benefits. This
practicum is a comprehensive literature review that assesses relevant scholarly articles and
analyzes the effect of inequity in accessibility and distribution of green spaces on marginalized
populations from an environmental justice lens. Based on data and information gathered, it can
be concluded that the residents of neighborhoods where urban green spaces are sparse or
nonexistent, many of whom are African American and low income, are at a disadvantage
because urban green spaces play an indispensable role in urban ecosystems, the mitigation of
climate change, socialization, physiological health, and economic prosperity.
1. Figure 1: Nowak, David J., et al. Carbon Storage and Sequestration by Trees in Urban
and Community Areas of the United States. 12 Mar. 2013,
2. Figure 2: “Evapotranspiration and the Water Cycle -” United States Geological
Survey, 2021,
3. Figure 3: “Evapotranspiration and the Water Cycle -” United States Geological
Survey, 2021,
4. Figure 4: Ulrich, R.S., R.F. Simons, B.D. Losito, E. Fiorito, M.A. Miles, and M. Zelson.
1991. Stress Recovery During Exposure to Natural and Urban Environments. Journal of
Environmental Psychology 11, 3:201-230.
5. Figure 5: Kastelic, James. Economic Benefits of Greenspace. The Trust for Public Land,
11 Dec. 2014,
Urban green space provides a number of ecosystem services that can help communities mitigate
the effects of climate change.
Urban green space also yields public health and economic benefits. Urban green space is a
catalyst for innovation in how climate change mitigation and adaptation is approached at a
community level. According to a 2017 brief by The World Health Organization’s Regional
Office for Europe, “Green spaces and other nature-based solutions offer innovative approaches
to increase the quality of urban settings, enhance local resilience and promote sustainable
lifestyles, improving both the health and the well-being of urban residents. Parks, playgrounds or
vegetation in public and private places are a central component of these approaches and can help
to ensure that; urban residents have adequate opportunities for exposure to nature; urban
biodiversity is maintained and protected; environmental hazards such as air pollution or noise are
reduced; the impacts of extreme weather events (heatwaves, extreme rainfall or flooding) are
mitigated; the quality of urban living is enhanced; and the health and well-being of residents is
Dr. Robert Bullard is considered the father of the environmental justice movement. Since its
inception in 1979, the environmental justice movement has been championed primarily by
African Americans, Latinos, Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans. Dr. Bullard is
famously quoted as saying “Whether by conscious design or institutional neglect, communities
of color in urban ghettos, in rural 'poverty pockets,' or on economically impoverished Native-
American reservations face some of the worst environmental devastation in the nation.”2
Environmental justice can be framed in the context of green space distribution and accessibility
equity. Communities of color and/or low income are disenfranchised of access to urban green
spaces and their associated benefits as they are disproportionately located in affluent areas, and
communities of color and/or low income.
This report is a comprehensive literature review of urban green space benefits, and accessibility
and distribution from an environmental justice lens. I methodically read and analyzed more than
60 scholarly articles whose contents included environmental, social, cultural, and economic
urban green space benefits, the history of environmental justice, acts of environmental injustice
throughout the United States, studies done on urban green space accessibility and its effects on
communities, and environmental justice in the context of green space distribution.
I reviewed the content of all scholarly articles and synthesized data from research and studies. I
shared the history of environmental justice in the United States, and then summarized the
benefits of urban green space to expose how communities that lacked urban green spaces were
being marginalized. I framed environmental justice in the context of urban green space
accessibility and distribution through studies that provided data on the association between
health and urban green space. Based on my understanding of all documents reviewed, I made
recommendations on how to develop urban green spaces in communities without creating an
issue of eco-gentrification.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines environmental justice (EJ) as “the fair
treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or
income with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental
laws, regulations and policies.”2 Often times, communities of color and/or low income bear a
disproportionate share of negative environmental consequences. The EPA seeks to ensure that
individuals have meaningful involvement in environmental decisions being made in or around
their community, that can impact their physiological health, overall well-being, and quality of
life. Meaningful involvement from the EPA’s perspective includes community concerns being
weighed in the decision-making process, and decision makers seeking out and facilitating the
involvement of those potentially affected.2
Outside of these specific acts of environmental injustice, there are everyday occurrences that are
affecting communities. One of these occurrences is green space accessibility and distribution
equity. Green spaces promote psychological and physical well-being, and provide social,
cultural, and economic benefits to communities, and it is essential that communities of color and
of various socio-economic backgrounds have equal access to these benefits.
Green space is land that is partially or completely covered with grass, trees, shrubs or other
vegetation.7 Urban green space can be used to describe a myriad of places such as parks and
reserves, community gardens, sporting fields, green roofs, urban forests and woodlands, riparian
areas like streams, ponds and riverbanks, street trees, nature conservation areas, greenways and
trails, green alleyways, cemeteries and green walls.8 Essentially, urban green space can be
defined as urban land covered in vegetation and/or water features of any kind.
Urbanization refers to cities growing as a result of the shift in populations from rural to more
urban areas. This results in an increase in the number of people living in cities, which can further
exacerbate effects of climate change on cities and their residents.9 Urban living can increase
exposure to environmental hazards such as air and noise pollution. Cities face increasing
pressure to provide healthy, stable, and sustainable living environments, due to growing
populations, limited resources, and effects of climate change. City living can often limit access to
nature and all its inherent benefits, and urban green space is a solution to this problem.
Urban green space is a proponent of green infrastructure. The Water Infrastructure Improvement
Act enacted by the United States Congress in 2019 defines green infrastructure as "the range of
measures that use plant or soil systems, permeable pavement or other permeable surfaces or
substrates, stormwater harvest and reuse, or landscaping to store, infiltrate, or evapotranspirate
stormwater and reduce flows to sewer systems or to surface waters."10 Green infrastructure
provides nature-based solutions to environmental issues. At a city-wide level, elements can be
woven into urban communities, like a row of trees along a major city street or greening an
alleyway. Neighborhood scale green infrastructure could include acres of open park space
outside a city center, planting rain gardens or constructing a wetland near a residential housing
Green spaces have been proven to be incredibly beneficial to communities and community
members across the United States. Urban green spaces can provide critical ecosystem services,
public health benefits, and be of social/cultural, and economic value to the communities in which
they are located.
Urban green spaces play a critical role in green infrastructure and can improve air and water
quality in several ways. The Clean Air Act (CAA)11 was enacted in 1970. Due to the fact that it
authorizes the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQS), the CAA resulted in a major shift in the role that the government
played in air pollution control. NAAQS help to regulate emissions of hazardous air pollutants
which works to protect public health and welfare. There are seven air pollutants that The Clean
Air Act identifies as harmful to human health – ground-level ozone, lead, carbon monoxide
(CO), nitrous oxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and
particulate matter.11 Ground-level ozone is the most palpable pollutant and is incredibly
pernicious to children and individuals that frequent outdoors. Ozone can aggravate the lungs and
increase susceptibility of respiratory infections and diseases. Adverse health effects have been
linked to ambient levels of ultrafine particles in the atmosphere, including inflammation and
cardiovascular function.11 Trees play a critical role in maintaining air quality in urban areas.
There are four main ways that trees affect air quality; temperature reduction and other
microclimatic effects, removal of air pollutants, emission of volatile organic compounds and tree
maintenance emissions, and energy effects on buildings.12
Afforestation and reforestation are the processes by which trees are planted or re-planted into an
area where there either were not trees before, or where trees had been removed. Trees fix carbon
during photosynthesis and store it as biomass. Trees in urban areas also store and sequester
carbon as they grow. Urban trees influence local climate, carbon cycles, energy use, and in turn,
carbon change.13 The table below represents the results from a field study done on urban forests
across 28 cities and 6 states to determine carbon storage and sequestration estimates. This can be
used to assess the actual and potential role of urban forests in reducing atmospheric CO 2.13 They
first used photointerpretation of tree cover in urban areas to determine carbon densities per unit
of tree cover, and statewide urban forest carbon values.13
Urban forest structure – tree species composition, and number of trees on all land uses has an
impact on carbon storage and sequestration, so that was also taken into consideration. Data was
collected through random sampling of .04 ha (1/10 ac) plots in cities, and .067 ha (four 1/24 ac
sub-plots) plots in cities. The sampled plots were analyzed using the i-Tree Eco model.13 The
data collected included tree species, stem diameter (at 1.37m above the ground (DBH)), tree and
crown height, crown width, crown light exposure, and canopy condition. Carbon storage and
annual sequestration for each tree were estimated using biomass and growth equations. 13
Biomass for each measured tree (minimum tree size =2.54cm dbh) was calculated using
allometric equations and conversion factors. These equations were used to calculate whole tree
dry weight biomass and carbon. “To estimate monetary value associated with urban tree carbon
storage and sequestration, carbon values are multiplied by $78.5 per tonne of carbon (range 1⁄4
$17.2e128.7 tC1) based on the estimated social costs of carbon for 2010 with a 3% discount rate
(Interagency Working Group, 2010).”13
“Average carbon storage per square meter of tree cover varies by sampled city and state (Figure
1). Overall carbon storage averaging 7.69 kg Cm-2 (SE =1.36), gross carbon sequestration rate
averaging .277 kg Cm-2 year-1 (SE 1⁄4 0.045), and net carbon sequestration rate averaging 0.205
kg Cm-2 year-1 (SE 1⁄4 0.041). The net sequestration rate averages 74% of the gross sequestration
rate. Total carbon storage and sequestration rates in urban and urban/community areas also
varied among the United States (Table 3) with total urban tree carbon storage estimated as 643
million tonnes (SE 1⁄4 23.8 million; value 1⁄4 $50.5 billion) and total urban/community tree
carbon storage estimated as 1.36 billion tonnes (SE 1⁄4 57.0 million; value 1⁄4 $106.9 billion).
Annual gross carbon sequestration is 25.6 million tonnes year (SE 1⁄4 1.0 million; value 1⁄4
$2.0 billion) in urban areas and 50.3 million tonnes year-1 in urban/community areas (SE 1⁄4 1.8
million; value 1⁄4 $4.0 billion). Annual net carbon sequestration is 18.9 million tonnes year (SE
1⁄4 862,000; value 1⁄4 $1.5 billion) in urban and 37.2 million tonnes year1 in urban/community
areas (SE 1⁄4 1.7 million; value 1⁄4 $2.9 billion).”13
Based on the results in Figure 1 below, trees and forests in U.S. urban areas store 643 million
tonnes of carbon.13 As there is a potential available space in urban areas of 74.5% or 17.7 milion
ha, carbon storage could increase in the United States if this space is allocated towards urban
green spaces, specifically urban forests or parks or spaces that afforest.13
“However, given the limitations to tree growth and establishment in urban areas imposed by
humans (e.g., mowing) and nature (e.g., lack of precipitation), increasing carbon storage in urban
areas is not likely without a major effort to change current conditions (both social and physical).
As tree cover in urban areas in the United States is on the decline (Nowak and Greenfield,
2012a), carbon storage in urban areas are also likely on the decline. Long-term monitoring of
urban forests is needed to better understand rates of changes in urban areas and provide better
estimates of long-term carbon trends.”13
Afforestation and reforestation are essential in the creation and development of urban green
spaces. Vacant lots, and other unused or underutilized spaces in cities make great candidates for
urban green space development. Because trees and vegetation play such important roles in the
ecosystem services that urban green spaces provide, it is essential that they are considered and
included when urban green spaces are being
developed. Most development in urban areas
required the removal of trees at some point, so
reforesting can increase and return biodiversity to an
area and create or bring back ecosystems for plant
and animal species that existed in a space prior to
industrial development.
Figure 2 above, shows the entire evapotranspiration process. Some water that is absorbed by
plants is eventually released into the atmosphere as water vapor through the plant’s stomata. The
stomata are structures that are tiny and pore-like, located on the surfaces of leaves. Figure 3
provides even more real-life evidence of this, as the plastic bag collects the water vapor that
would normally be released into the atmosphere.14 Transpiration helps to improve air quality
because plants circulate air and through stomata, can pull airborne toxins into their leaves and
roots while simultaneously releasing water vapor.14
By providing shade, and through evapotranspiration, trees and vegetation lower air and surface
temperatures. According to the
Environmental Protection Agency,
“Shaded surfaces may be 20–45°F (11–
25°C) cooler than the peak temperatures of
unshaded materials. Evapotranspiration,
alone or in combination with shading, can
help reduce peak summer temperatures by
2–9°F (1–5°C).”15 Trees and vegetation are
a valuable mitigation strategy against
urban heat islands especially when planted
strategically around buildings or to shade
parking lots. Urban heat islands are urban
areas that experience higher temperatures
than outlying areas.16 Parks can be up to FIGURE 3
2°F cooler than the surrounding urban
area. Materials such as asphalt, steel, and
brick are often dark colors which absorb all wavelengths of light and convert them to heat. This
results in the object getting warm, which is what creates urban heat islands. 17 Rooftop gardens
are an example of urban green spaces that can help lower temperatures in a city. Transpiration
acts as nature’s air conditioner, which is why urban green spaces help mitigate the effects of
urban heat islands. Trees and vegetation reduce energy use by shading buildings which in turn
decreases the demand for air conditioning. Because energy demands are reduced, associated air
pollution and greenhouse gas emissions are also reduced. Trees and vegetation also remove air
pollutants and store and sequester carbon dioxide.18
Trees and other form of vegetation act as natural filters for particulate matter and gases in urban
environments.12 Particulate matter settles on leaves.12 There was a study done on the effects of
urban trees on fine particulate matter in 10 U.S. cities, and total annual particulate matter ranged
from 5.2 tons in Syracuse to 71.1 tons in Atlanta.12 Trees and vegetation also enhance
stormwater management and water quality. They reduce runoff and absorb and filter rainwater.12
Urban green spaces have been proven to promote exercise, physical activity, and psychological
From 1980 to 2000, childhood asthma has increased by 50% in the United States.19 Asthma has
been more prevalent in poor urban communities, where there is significant racial, ethnic and
socio-economic disparities.20, 21,22 Studies have suggested the drastic increase in asthma
occurrences might be associated with both environmental changes and lifestyle changes.22, 23, 24
Environmental changes include increased air pollution as a result of urbanization. The increased
exposure to air pollution can be a contributing factor to increased asthma cases in urban areas.24,
25, 26 In a study that assessed the relationship between street tree density and asthma in New York
City, the results showed that street trees were associated with lower asthma rates. 27 An increase
of 132 trees/mi2 was associated with a 29% lower early childhood prevalence of asthma.27
There are many contributing factors to the upsurge in obesity rates, and inactivity is one of these
of them.28 According to the CDC, obesity can lead to hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2
diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, many
types of cancers, body pain and difficulty with mobility, physical functioning and breathing. 28
Healthy behaviors like regular physical activity and healthy eating can help combat obesity and
its effects. It is recommended that adults do at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise.
Examples of this form of activity are brisk walks and bike rides.29 Families often makes choices
based on their community or environment. Many times, peoples’ diet choices and their ability to
exercise, can be impacted by their community or environment. Easily accessible, appealing urban
green spaces can help to motivate and encourage exercise and physical activity.30 Results of a
study done in Seattle, Washington on the influence of destinations within walking distance of a
residence and vegetation on walking trips and body mass index (BMI) showed that BMI was
lower in areas with more greenspace. This same study also showed the association between
green space and motivations and perceptions about exercise and physical activity. It was found
that walking distances in less vegetated areas were seen as farther than they actually were, and
therefore residents engaged in fewer walking trips.31 Another study was conducted on the
association of well-designed public green spaces and how they encourage physical activity and
are a community asset that contribute to the health of local residents. This study’s results yielded
that people that use parks and other urban green spaces were three times more likely to be
physically active than those that did not.32 A European study on neighborhoods showed that
residents of communities with more urban green spaces were three times more likely to be
physically active, and their likelihood of being obese or overweight was reduced by 40%.32
Noise pollution is also a stressor that urban residents face. Quiet can be difficult to find in urban
environments. According to the results from a study done by the United Kingdom’s MORI
Institute, 63% of people experience noise from neighbors, and half of them reported said noise as
annoying.33 Sound levels can cause increased blood pressure, risk of heart attacks, decrease
quality of life, and feelings of disturbance, stress reactions and insomnia.34 “A long-term study of
18,973 individuals in the Netherlands found that individuals who experienced a cardiovascular
health event during a 13 year period had on average higher exposure to road traffic day and night
and exposure to air pollution at home.”35 Sounds can have an impact on mental health and overall
quality of life. It has been proven that people with access to quiet, away from loud, disruptive
noises or traffic, had lower psychological symptoms related to stress, and improved sleep. 36
Difficulty learning and applying cognitive thinking skills can be linked to noise.37 Trees and
vegetation can help create a barrier between residents and surrounding noise pollution. Not only
does vegetation create a noise buffer, it can also soften sharp, and piercing tones. 38 There are
various factors that impact the effectiveness of trees and vegetation, these include; biomass
distribution, plant spacing, plant size, leaf shape and size, and the ability of the plan material to
absorb or obstruct noise.39 Research shows that planting strips over 10m wide can effectively
buffer noise by 3-8 decibels.40 Vegetation planted densely that reach from the ground with no
gaps have the ability to reduce noise up to 15 decibels.40
There is proven correlation between nature and human wellness. People in urban environments
are often at a higher risk for stress and its
harmful effects. People in urban areas
tend to be overloaded with stimuli
including noise and movement.41 Work
demands, familial issues, financial strain,
and other persistent situations are all
everyday stress factors, many of which
are exacerbated in urban environments.42
A 1991 experiment lead by Roger Ulrich
was seeking to discover the relation
between stress recovery and nature vs. the
built environment.43 The data collected
was formatted in a way in which stress
was self-reported, and assessed using
physiological indicators including muscle
tension, skin conductance, systolic blood
pressure and heart period. The results of
the experiment indicate that people who FIGURE 4
viewed nature vs. built settings underwent
more rapid and complete stress recovery.43 As Figure 4 above displays, people who viewed
nature recovered from stress much quicker – in about 4 minutes.
Community gardens are also a form of urban green spaces. The act of gardening for those that
maintain these spaces has been studied and is associated with reduced stress levels, a sense of
relaxation and calming, and feelings of euphoria.44 Perceived and physical stress levels in
individuals ages 50-88 who maintained community garden plots showed significant decrease.
Outside of the benefits associated with maintaining a garden, community members are able reap
the benefits of the garden as well.44 Vegetable gardens’ harvested crops can provide access to
fresh produce at very minimal cost. This can help community members consume a potentially
healthier, more balanced diet which can help lower the risks of obesity and related illnesses.
Flower gardens yield beautiful vegetation whose presence and aesthetics help to reduce stress
and provide calming and relaxation.
Strong community connections can help curate mentorship through adult guidance and role
models for community youth.44 This can help youth avoid risky behaviors like smoking,
drinking, gang involvement, or drug use.44 Neighborhoods with strong social ties also create
community amongst elders in a society. Elderly individuals with a strong sense of community
have lower rates of early mortality, less fear of crime, reduced suicide rates, and better physical
health.44 Strong community relationships can create crucial collaboration amongst community
members that can result in important, progressive changes in the community like the creation of
clean and safe public spaces, and valuable information exchange.44
Urban green spaces increase social interaction, and communities with higher rates of interaction
have higher mutual trust and social reciprocity. These things have been linked to lower homicide
rates and less crime.48 Stronger societal ties also lead to better neighborhood policing, as
neighbors trust each other more and feel a stronger sense of community and belonging amongst
one another.
Economists have devised reliable valuation to natural assets like urban green spaces in cities.44
Larger trees in yards and on streets can raise home values between 3% and 15%. 49 A study on
the average market effect of street trees on all house values across Portland, OR showed that
street trees that increase property value can lead to an increase annual property tax revenues by
$15.3 million.50 Homes that are adjacent to parks and other urban green spaces are valued at 8-
20% higher than comparable properties.51 Several studies that assessed the presence of trees in
relation to residential property values have determined that trees are preferred to comparable
properties without trees. The average price increase was about 7%. Mature yard trees (greater
than 9-inch dbh) yielded a 2% price increase, larger street trees yielded a 3% price increase, trees
in front yard
landscaping yielded a
3-5% increase, good
tree cover in a
neighborhood yielded
a 6-9% increase, and
mature trees in high
income neig
hborhoods yielded a
10-15% increase.44
Beyond the
economics of
residential home
ownership and value,
urban green spaces FIGURE 5
also help to spur local
economies. Cities with urban green spaces are more desirable to live in and raise property value
which leads to businesses wanting to set up shop in those cities. Local businesses that open
within a city’s epicenter can increase local spending and a city’s GDP. 52 Urban green spaces can
also create outdoor recreation that can promote tourism to a city. Parks, trails, gardens and
greenways make communities more desirable places to visit. As tourism increases, this can
increase local spending as visitors shop at local businesses and pay possible usage fees. 52
Green spaces can provide critical ecosystem services. They can also promote exercise and
physical activity, psychological well-being, and they can benefit the overall public health of the
communities in which they are located. City living can limit access to nature and all of its
inherent benefits. Greens spaces are often located disproportionately in predominantly white and
affluent communities. This means that these areas also disproportionately reap the benefits of the
positive impacts that green spaces have on communities. This makes access to green space an
environmental justice issue.
“Park-poor” neighborhoods are neighborhoods in which there are a lower number of parks, and
usually a higher rate of crime and poverty. Usually, low-income, minority neighborhoods are
“park-poor”, and have the least amount of green space. Los Angeles County’s urban park system
has a long history of inequitable investment and racialized land-use decisions. There is public
disinvestment in non-white neighborhoods, with more than half of Los Angeles county being
considered park poor, with 82% of these areas being located in communities of color.53 Even
communities of color that do have green spaces, have to make do with smaller, more
overcrowded urban green spaces compared with white Americans.54 Research by the Trust for
Public Land determined that urban green space in majority black and brown neighborhoods are
half the size and almost five times as crowded.54
A study done in Atlanta, Georgia aimed to evaluate the racial/ethnic and socioeconomic
disparities in green space access. There were 890 urban green spaces as determined by the
Atlanta Regional Commission, and the results of the study showed that neighborhoods with a
higher concentration of African Americans had significantly poorer access to green spaces. 55
Creating new green spaces in these communities could address the environmental justice aspect
associated with park-poor neighborhoods, but it could also lead to gentrification, as
neighborhoods with considerable amounts of green spaces are highly sought after.56
Gentrification can be defined as “a process of neighborhood change that includes economic
change in a historically disinvested neighborhood —by means of real estate investment and new
higher-income residents moving in - as well as demographic change - not only in terms of
income level, but also in terms of changes in the education level or racial make-up of
residents.”57 Gentrification can happen through a series of events, expensive retailers replacing
more affordable mom and pop shops and making it impossible for people living in that
community to afford groceries and other essentials. Higher end retailers and new businesses
entering a neighborhood can raise property value in neighborhoods which result in landlords
raising rent. This makes housing no longer affordable to residents who originally lived in the
neighborhood and they are displaced by white, affluent residents. Eco-gentrification, otherwise
known as green gentrification, is when property values rise to the point of displacement due to
urban greening projects.58 Creating green spaces in communities makes the community more
desirable to live in and attracts wealthier residents to previously polluted and often
disenfranchised neighborhoods, causing the displacement of its original residents. Although there
are copious health and ecological benefits to increasing urban green space, it is paradoxical
because it can also lead to green gentrification.
The benefits of green spaces should be able to be enjoyed by all regardless of race, creed, color,
or socioeconomic status. Green spaces offer a myriad of social, cultural, ecological, and health-
related benefits. Urban communities of color and low-income should be able to reap the benefits
of green spaces in their communities without running the risk of being displaced due to the
appeal that their communities would gain through new green space development. There are
strategies that planners, community members, and local policymakers can implement in order to
mitigate the effects of green-gentrification in urban areas. These strategies include but are not
limited to; community-specific green spaces, inclusionary zoning, and construction jobs for
current residents.
Community-specific green space would have planners and policymakers to consider the needs of
the community in which the green space would be created. Instead of creating generic green
spaces that would draw in the masses, and eventually lead to eco-gentrification, community-
specific green spaces would meet the specific and individual needs of that particular community.
This could be done in a plethora of ways. Planners could hold community meetings to hear the
concerns of community members and base the amenities of the green space on community needs.
These community-specific green spaces would be “just green enough,” their purpose would be to
meet the needs of the community, and the hope would be that they could do that without being
too appealing to suburbanites and gentrifiers. “...working-class residents and gentrifiers
collaborated to demand environmental cleanup strategies that allowed for continued industrial
uses and preservation of blue-collar work, and explicitly avoided what they term the ‘parks,
cafes, and a riverwalk’ model of a green city (p. 1028). The ‘just green enough’ strategy targeted
toxic creek cleanup and green space development along the creek near the existing working-class
population and industrial land users, to address both environmental and social justice, and to
avoid new rounds of speculative development” (Wolch, Byrne, & Newell, 2014). It is important
that community needs, and desires are met rather than just conventional urban design.
Inclusionary zoning is a policy that developed in the 1970’s in response to exclusionary, racially-
based segregated zoning. Inclusionary zoning can encourage the private market to subsidize
affordable housing. “Inclusionary zoning requires or incentivizes private developers to designate
a certain percentage of the units in a given project as below market rate (BMR)—cheaper than
their value on the market, and often less than the price of producing them” (Schneider, 2018).
Inclusionary zoning will help to combat green-gentrification because even if new green space
development causes gentrifiers to move into urban areas, it will allot a certain amount of
affordable housing units in any new development created surrounding the new green space.
Lastly, priority should be given to current, low-income, residents of color for green space
development construction jobs, as well as construction jobs associated with new housing
developments as a result of green gentrification. This will allow community members to join in
and become invested in developments made in their neighborhood. It will also be a source of
income that could potentially help them keep their homes if prices started to rise. This will also
give community members hands-on say in developments taking place in their community. This
could help to mitigate the effects of green gentrification in urban areas.
1. “Urban Green Spaces: A Brief for Action (2017).” World Health Organization, World
Health Organization, 28 June 2017,
2. “Environmental Justice.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency,
3. “Environmental Justice: A Law Library Collection.” Environmental Justice: A Law
Library Collection | RWU Law, 12 Mar. 2021,
KATRINA. Joint Center For Political and Economic Studies Health Policy Institute, 2005,
5. “Environmental Racism in Louisiana's 'Cancer Alley', Must End, Say UN Human Rights
Experts | | UN News.” United Nations, United Nations,
6. “Five Years Later: Flint Water Crisis Most Egregious Example of Environmental
Injustice, U-M Researcher Says.” University of Michigan News, 23 Apr. 2019,
7. “What Is Open Space/Green Space? | Urban Environmental Program in New England.”
EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 10 Apr. 2017,
8. “What Is Green Infrastructure?” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 29 July 2021,
9. National Geographic Society. “Urbanization.” National Geographic Society, 10 Sept.
10. Water Infrastructure Improvement Act -
11. EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 28 Sept. 2021,
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