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04 FLS MH TM Generic Conveyors V 0.2

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Introduction to Conveyors

File Name: MH-TM-Belt Conveying-Introduction to Conveyors-English-V 1.0

Introduction to Conveyors:
Operations and Maintenance

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Introduction to Conveyors
File Name: MH-TM-Belt Conveying-Introduction to Conveyors-English-V 1.0

Table of Contents
Topic 1 — General Introduction ...................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Learning Outcomes .......................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Training Module Contents ................................................................................................. 8
1.3.1 Topic One — Introduction and Equipment Overview .................................................. 8
1.3.2 Topic Two — Equipment-Specific Safety ................................................................... 8
1.3.3 Topic Three — Equipment Introduction...................................................................... 8
1.3.4 Topic Four — Regular Mechanical Inspections .......................................................... 9
1.3.5 Topic Five — Regular Mechanical Maintenance ........................................................ 9
1.3.6 Topic Six — Mechanical Troubleshooting .................................................................. 9
1.4 At Completion of Training ................................................................................................. 9
1.5 Conveyor Introduction ....................................................................................................... 9
1.5.1 Typical Conveyor Components ................................................................................ 10
1.6 Glossary of Terms .......................................................................................................... 11
1.7 Safety and Informational Prompts ................................................................................... 12
1.8 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 12
Topic 2 — Conveyor Safety .......................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Learning Outcomes ........................................................................................................ 13
2.3 Duty of Care ................................................................................................................... 14
2.4 Communication ............................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Emergency Procedures .................................................................................................. 14
2.6 Signage .......................................................................................................................... 15
2.7 Protective Devices .......................................................................................................... 17
2.8 Identifying and Controlling Hazards ................................................................................ 18
2.8.1 Risk Management Definitions .................................................................................. 19
2.8.2 Risk Management Tools .......................................................................................... 20
2.8.3 Hierarchy of Controls ............................................................................................... 21
2.9 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ............................................................................ 22
2.10 Common Hazards around Material Handling Equipment................................................. 23
2.10.1 Pinch (Nip) Points .................................................................................................... 23
2.10.2 Noise ....................................................................................................................... 24
2.10.3 Mechanical Energy .................................................................................................. 25
2.10.4 Electrical Energy ...................................................................................................... 25
2.10.5 Falling Rock (Gravity) .............................................................................................. 25
2.10.6 Work at Height (Gravity) .......................................................................................... 26
2.10.7 Working with Ladders .............................................................................................. 26
2.10.8 Chemicals, Toxins and Irritants (oil, grease) ............................................................ 27

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2.10.9 Manual Handling ...................................................................................................... 28

2.10.10 Automatic Equipment Starts ................................................................................. 28
2.10.11 Heat ..................................................................................................................... 29
2.10.12 Pressure Systems ................................................................................................ 29
2.10.13 Tramp Metal Magnets .......................................................................................... 31
2.10.14 Dust ..................................................................................................................... 31
2.10.15 Vibration ............................................................................................................... 31
2.10.16 Sharp Edges ........................................................................................................ 32
2.10.17 Access and Egress .............................................................................................. 32
2.10.18 Left and Right-Hand Sides ................................................................................... 33
2.10.19 Housekeeping ...................................................................................................... 34
2.11 Isolation .......................................................................................................................... 34
2.12 Work Zone Barriers ......................................................................................................... 35
2.13 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 36
Topic 3 — Equipment Introduction ................................................................................................ 37
3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 37
3.2 Conveyor Belting ............................................................................................................ 37
3.2.1 Power-Strip Belting .................................................................................................. 38
3.2.2 Selecting Belting Types ........................................................................................... 38
3.3 Conveyor Drives ............................................................................................................. 39
3.4 Fluid Couplings ............................................................................................................... 40
3.4.1 Fluid Coupling Operation Overview.......................................................................... 41
3.5 Rigid Couplings............................................................................................................... 42
3.6 Reduction Gearboxes ..................................................................................................... 43
3.7 Mid-Belt Boost-Drives ..................................................................................................... 44
3.8 Pulleys ............................................................................................................................ 45
3.8.1 Drive Pulleys ............................................................................................................ 46
3.8.2 Tail Pulleys .............................................................................................................. 48
3.8.3 Head Pulleys ........................................................................................................... 48
3.8.4 Take-up Pulleys ....................................................................................................... 48
3.8.5 Bend Pulleys ............................................................................................................ 48
3.8.6 Snub Pulleys ............................................................................................................ 49
3.8.7 Belt Turn-Over Arrangements .................................................................................. 49
3.9 Pulley Bearings ............................................................................................................... 49
3.10 Conveyor Brakes and Hold-backs ................................................................................... 50
3.11 Belt Cleaning Devices ..................................................................................................... 51
3.11.1 Belt Plows ................................................................................................................ 52
3.11.2 Belt Scrapers ........................................................................................................... 53
3.12 Conveyor Chutes ............................................................................................................ 55

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3.12.1 Chute Lining ............................................................................................................ 55

3.13 Chute Skirts .................................................................................................................... 57
3.14 Conveyor Idlers............................................................................................................... 58
3.14.1 Carry or Troughing Idlers ......................................................................................... 59
3.14.2 Return Idlers ............................................................................................................ 60
3.14.3 Tracking Idlers ......................................................................................................... 61
3.14.4 Impact Idlers ............................................................................................................ 62
3.14.5 Catenary or Suspended Idlers ................................................................................. 63
3.14.6 Horizontal Curves .................................................................................................... 64
3.14.7 Anti-Spank Rollers ................................................................................................... 64
3.15 Belt Tensioning Devices ................................................................................................. 65
3.15.1 Vertical Gravity Take-Up Arrangement .................................................................... 65
3.15.2 Horizontal Gravity Take-Up Arrangement ................................................................ 66
3.15.3 Screw Take-Up Arrangement................................................................................... 68
3.15.4 Winch System Take-Up Arrangement ...................................................................... 68
3.15.5 Live Hydraulic Take-Up Arrangement ...................................................................... 69
3.15.6 "Manual" Hydraulic Take-Up System ....................................................................... 69
3.16 Drift (Alignment) Switches ............................................................................................... 70
3.17 Belt Rip Detectors ........................................................................................................... 70
3.18 Speed Detection Devices ................................................................................................ 72
3.19 Plugged Chute Detectors ................................................................................................ 73
3.20 Temperature Detectors ................................................................................................... 74
3.21 Belt Weighers ................................................................................................................. 74
3.22 Tramp Metal Magnets ..................................................................................................... 75
3.23 Tramp Metal Detectors ................................................................................................... 77
3.24 Safety Lanyard Switches ................................................................................................ 78
3.25 Local Control Stations ..................................................................................................... 80
3.26 Belt Tie-Downs ............................................................................................................... 80
3.27 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 81
Topic 4 — Regular Conveyor Inspections ..................................................................................... 82
4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 82
4.2 Learning Outcomes ........................................................................................................ 82
4.3 Prevent Unscheduled Equipment Downtime ................................................................... 82
4.4 Inspection Routine .......................................................................................................... 83
4.5 Conducting the Inspection .............................................................................................. 83
4.6 Suggested Inspection Routine for Conveyors ................................................................. 84
4.6.1 General Checks ....................................................................................................... 84
4.6.2 Top and Bottom Cover Checks ................................................................................ 86
4.6.4 Conveyor Pre-Start Inspection ................................................................................. 90

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4.6.5 Conveyor Running Inspections ................................................................................ 98

4.7 Summary ...................................................................................................................... 101
Topic 5 — Regular Preventative Maintenance ............................................................................ 102
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 102
5.2 Learning Outcomes ...................................................................................................... 102
5.3 Maintenance Rules ....................................................................................................... 102
5.4 General Scheduled Maintenance .................................................................................. 103
5.5 Belting .......................................................................................................................... 104
5.5.1 Belting Storage ...................................................................................................... 104
5.5.2 Handling Belting..................................................................................................... 104
5.5.3 Belt Installation — Positioning the Take-Up ........................................................... 105
5.5.4 Belt Installation — Positioning and Orientation of Belt Roll .................................... 105
5.5.5 Belt Installation — Belt Pulling ............................................................................... 106
5.5.6 Belt Installation — Splice Position .......................................................................... 106
5.5.7 Belt Installation — Removal of Belt Slack .............................................................. 107
5.5.8 Selection and Rating of Belt Clamps ...................................................................... 107
5.5.9 Tensioning the Belt Pre-Splice ............................................................................... 107
5.5.10 Splicing Material .................................................................................................... 109
5.5.11 Mechanical Splices ................................................................................................ 109
5.6 Conveyor Belt Training ................................................................................................. 109
5.6.1 Belt Training "Rules of Thumb" .............................................................................. 110
5.6.2 Tracking Sequence — Brief Summary ................................................................... 110
5.6.3 Idler Adjustments ................................................................................................... 111
5.6.4 Possible Increased Power Demand ....................................................................... 113
5.6.5 Pulleys and Snubs ................................................................................................. 113
5.6.6 Training Belts in Detail ........................................................................................... 113
5.6.7 Laterally Stiff Belting .............................................................................................. 115
5.6.8 Loaded Belt ........................................................................................................... 115
5.6.9 Training Feeder Belts............................................................................................. 116
5.6.10 Bi-Directional Belts ................................................................................................ 116
5.7 Motors .......................................................................................................................... 116
5.7.1 Motor Cleanliness .................................................................................................. 116
5.7.2 Motor Lubrication ................................................................................................... 117
5.7.3 Lubrication of Small Motors.................................................................................... 117
5.7.4 Lubrication of Mid-Sized Motors ............................................................................. 118
5.8 Fluid Couplings ............................................................................................................. 119
5.8.1 Safety Issues around Couplings ............................................................................ 119
5.8.2 Fluid Coupling Maintenance .................................................................................. 119
5.9 Rigid Flange Couplings ................................................................................................. 120

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5.9.1 Rigid Flange Installation Sequence ........................................................................ 121

5.9.2 Rigid Flange Removal Sequence ........................................................................... 123
5.10 Buffer Roller Couplings ................................................................................................. 123
5.10.1 Buffer Roller Material ............................................................................................. 125
5.11 Gearbox Maintenance................................................................................................... 125
5.11.1 Possible Causes of Gearbox Overheating ............................................................. 125
5.11.2 Gearbox Vibration .................................................................................................. 126
5.12 External Backstops ....................................................................................................... 126
5.12.1 Backstop Safety Issues.......................................................................................... 127
5.12.2 Operating Temperatures ........................................................................................ 127
5.12.3 Lubrication ............................................................................................................. 127
5.12.4 Stored or Inactive Backstops ................................................................................. 127
5.13 Conveyor Pulleys .......................................................................................................... 127
5.13.1 Storage of Pulleys.................................................................................................. 127
5.13.2 Pulley Handling ...................................................................................................... 128
5.13.3 Pulley Installation ................................................................................................... 129
5.13.4 Pulley Maintenance ............................................................................................... 130
5.13.5 Bearing Housings .................................................................................................. 130
5.13.6 Bearing Lubrication ................................................................................................ 130
5.13.7 Bearing Temperatures ........................................................................................... 131
5.13.8 Lubricants .............................................................................................................. 131
5.14 Idlers............................................................................................................................. 131
5.14.1 Instructions for Off-Loading Idlers and Frames ...................................................... 131
5.14.2 Storing Idlers and Frames on Site .......................................................................... 131
5.14.3 Handling Idlers during Construction or Replacement ............................................. 132
5.14.4 Installing Idlers ....................................................................................................... 132
5.14.5 Commissioning Idlers............................................................................................. 132
5.14.6 Idler Maintenance and Inspection .......................................................................... 133
5.14.7 Idler Bearing Temperatures ................................................................................... 133
5.14.8 Idler Lubrication ..................................................................................................... 133
5.14.9 Suggested Procedure for Changing Conveyor Idlers ............................................. 134
5.15 Belt Scrapers and V-Plows ........................................................................................... 134
5.15.1 Belt Scrapers ......................................................................................................... 134
5.15.2 V-Plows ................................................................................................................. 135
5.15.3 Belt Scraper and V-Plow Maintenance ................................................................... 135
5.16 Chute (Rubber) Skirt Maintenance ................................................................................ 135
5.17 Summary ...................................................................................................................... 135
Topic 6 — Conveyor Troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 136
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 136

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6.2 Learning Outcomes ...................................................................................................... 136

6.3 Minimizing the Need for Troubleshooting ...................................................................... 136
6.3.1 Hidden Costs of Breakdowns ................................................................................. 136
6.4 Locating and Rectifying Faults ...................................................................................... 137
6.5 Physical Observation .................................................................................................... 137
6.6 Seeking Assistance ...................................................................................................... 137
6.7 General Troubleshooting Procedure ............................................................................. 138
6.8 Troubleshooting Tables ................................................................................................ 139
6.9 Summary ...................................................................................................................... 147
6.10 Assessment .................................................................................................................. 148
6.11 Field Visit ...................................................................................................................... 148
6.12 On –The-Job Training ................................................................................................... 148
6.13 Practical Assessment.................................................................................................... 148

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Introduction to Conveyors
File Name: MH-TM-Belt Conveying-Introduction to Conveyors-English-V 1.0

Topic 1 — General Introduction

1.1 Introduction
The purpose of this training module is to provide operators and field service personnel with an
introduction to the operation and maintenance of conveyor systems. The information provided in
this training module is generic and encompasses a range of conveyor types and designs. It is not
intended for the operation and maintenance of any specific conveyor system.

1.2 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this training module, the trainee will be able to:

 Explain and demonstrate the safety requirements when working around conveyors
 Identify and name the major components of a conveyor system
 Conduct effective pre-start inspections on conveyors
 Conduct effective running inspections on conveyors
 Carry out regular maintenance tasks on conveyors
 Troubleshoot mechanical conveyor problems.

1.3 Training Module Contents

The contents of the training module are as follows:

 Topic One — Introduction and Equipment Overview

 Topic Two — Equipment-Specific Safety
 Topic Three — Equipment Introduction
 Topic Four — Regular Mechanical Inspections
 Topic Five — Regular Mechanical Maintenance
 Topic Six — Mechanical Troubleshooting.

The contents of each of the topics listed above are as follows:

1.3.1 Topic One — Introduction and Equipment Overview

Topic One will contain a brief overview of conveyors. This is to ensure that any of the trainees who
have no experience on the maintenance of this particular type of equipment have some reference
with which to go into the next topic which is safety.

1.3.2 Topic Two — Equipment-Specific Safety

This topic will cover all the safety issues and appropriate control measures that are specific to
operations and mechanical maintenance of conveyors.

1.3.3 Topic Three — Equipment Introduction

This topic will provide an introduction to the equipment. It will identify and describe the purpose
and function of each of the major components that make up the overall conveyor system. Where
appropriate it will identify the up-stream and downstream equipment and explain the relevant

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Introduction to Conveyors
File Name: MH-TM-Belt Conveying-Introduction to Conveyors-English-V 1.0

process flows (items such as chutes etc.). At the completion of this topic, the trainee will be able to
identify all major components and describe how they operate within the overall conveyor system.

1.3.4 Topic Four — Regular Mechanical Inspections

This topic will detail a regular, sequential physical inspection of conveyors by operators and
mechanical maintenance personnel. It will detail what items require inspection and what possible
issues and problems the inspecting personnel should be trying to identify and rectify. It will cover
each of the major components that make up a conveyor system and include the variations within
different conveyor designs. The topic will cover such components as:
 Belting (handling belting, introduction to mounting and introduction to splicing)
 Drives (tail, head, center, twin drives, boost drives, couplings and gearboxes)
 Pulleys (drive, snub, tail, take-up, bend pulleys)
 Brakes and hold-backs
 Cleaning devices (belt scrapers and belt plows)
 Tensioning arrangements (gravity, screw, hydraulic)
 Idlers and rollers (impact, carry, return, anti-spank rollers)
 Chutes (feed, discharge, diverter)
 Local control stations (local control panels, emergency stop switches, safety lanyards)
 Sensors and detectors (belt drift switches, belt rip detectors, speed detectors, plugged chute
detectors, weightometers, drive temperature detectors).

1.3.5 Topic Five — Regular Mechanical Maintenance

This topic will describe the regular maintenance requirements that need to be completed in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Such items will include:
 Lubrication schedule
 Consumable inspection/replacement schedule
 Regular checks and adjustments
 Other regular mechanical maintenance requirements.

1.3.6 Topic Six — Mechanical Troubleshooting

This topic will provide details on the general approach to troubleshooting. It will also provide
detailed troubleshooting tables that show the common mechanical problems, possible causes and
suggested corrective actions.

1.4 At Completion of Training

At the completion of the training, you may be asked to take part in a field visit to a conveyor
system; complete short theory questionnaire and complete a short practical assessment. In some
cases, the field visit and the practical assessment may not be possible if you are not in a location
where you can access an operating conveyor system.

1.5 Conveyor Introduction

Belt conveyors are the most common equipment items used in the handling and transport of
material. They can be used to transport bulk material over relatively short distances of a few yards
or overland for much more substantial distances of many miles. Conveyors are designed and
engineered in a wide variety of configurations to suit a given production need. All conveyors must

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Introduction to Conveyors
File Name: MH-TM-Belt Conveying-Introduction to Conveyors-English-V 1.0

have a drive system, a means of receiving a feed from upstream processes and means by which to
discharge material to downstream processes. Conveyors are designed to transport a given
tonnage of material per hour. For exceptionally long conveyors, the belt may be fitted with more
than one drive station. These could include, tail drives, mid-section drives and head drives.
The various types of conveyor in the FLS product range include:
 Overland conveyors which are used to transport material over distances ranging from several
hundred yards to distances of many miles.
 In-plant conveyors which are used to transport material within a process plant. Generally the
distance that material must be transported in-plant is considerably less than that covered by
overland conveyors. Some in-plant conveyors may only cover a distance or two or three yards.
However, some in-plant conveyors may be several hundred yards in length.
 Mobile stacking conveyors are mounted on support trusses and crawler tracks which allow
them to move laterally. The conveyor itself is fitted with a tripper which enables infinite
variation of the discharge point along the conveyor. The tripper discharges its load onto a
cross-belt which in turn discharges onto the stockpile, leaching stack or waste pile.
 Mobile reclaim conveyors are mounted on support trusses and tracks in a similar manner to
mobile stacking conveyors. The mobile reclaim conveyor is fitted with a mobile hopper (instead
of a tripper) and a bucket wheel reclaimer. The bucket "digs" the material from a stockpile or
heap leach pile and feeds it via a short conveyor into the mobile feed chute which in turns
feeds onto a relocateable conveyor.
 Fixed conveyors Vs relocatable conveyors. Fixed conveyors are installed when the use of
the conveyor is intended to be for the long-term. There is no need for the conveyor to be
relocated or moved in the foreseeable future. Relocatable conveyors are used when they can
be installed for the medium-term. They do not need to be constantly moved in the same
manner as a mobile conveyor but they will need to be moved at some time in the foreseeable
future. Relocatable conveyors are mounted on support trusses that can be readily moved to
relocate the conveyor.
 Portable conveyors are sometimes referred to as "grasshoppers". These are used in
situations where there is a relatively frequent need to relocate the conveyor. A portable
conveyor consists of conveyor components and a frame structure supported by tires or tracks
located at the head end of the system and a steel skid structure located at the tail end of the
system. Portable conveyors can be moved by another vehicle such as a transporter or
 Extendable conveyors are used in situations where it is expected that the discharge point will
need to be frequently changed or extended outward away from the feed point. In this case the
conveyor is supplied in sections or lengths. Each section is a short conveyor system in its own
right. Each section is mounted on a frame. The tail end of the conveyor is supported by
wheels in order to make it easily relocatable. There is a feed chute located over the tail of the
conveyor. The discharge end of the extendable section locks into the feed end of the next
section in the series thus effectively providing a number of transfer stations between one
section and the next.

1.5.1 Typical Conveyor Components

The following list outlines the main components that make up a conveyor system:

 Conveyor deck  Conveyor belt  Drive motor

 Reduction gearbox  Drive coupling  Drive pulley
 Pulleys (drive, tail, snub)  Belt scrapers  Belt plows
 Transfer chutes  Skirt arrangements  Carry idlers
 Return idlers  Tracking rollers/idlers  Anti-spank rollers
 Take-up arrangements  Drift switches  Belt rip detectors

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 Under-speed detector 
Belt weighers (weigh cells)  Tramp metal detectors
 Tramp metal magnets 
Safety lanyards and  Cyclone tie-downs
emergency stop switches
Each of these items is described and discussed in Topic Three — Equipment Introduction.

1.6 Glossary of Terms

Term Definition

Angle of Repose The angle of repose is a factor of granular material. It is the steepest
angle relative to the horizontal plane which the material can be stacked
without slumping. This can be an important factor in the design of
conveyors — especially when selecting the carry idler type.
Control Room Central location which houses the HMI (see below) and the Control
Operator. The monitoring and control of the equipment systems are
carried out in the control room.
False Brinelling Damage caused to a static bearing by vibration. Vibration will force
packing lubricant aside and result in metal-to-metal contact between the
inner and outer races and the bearings or rollers. Continued vibration
with metal-to-metal contact will mar the surfaces and result in noisy
bearings with a shortened service life.
HMI Human-Machine Interface — computer systems and software that allow
the equipment to be monitored and controlled from a remote location.
Isolation Isolation means the separation of a given energy source from the
personnel, equipment or processes that it could injure or damage.
LCS Local Control Station — control panel in the field, normally located
adjacent to the equipment it controls, which can be used to control the
equipment at the equipment's location.
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet — an information sheet provided by the
manufacturer of a chemical or product which gives detailed information
on the transport, storage, handling, use, disposal and emergency
measures that are appropriate to the product. The user of any chemical
or product should read and understand the contents of the relevant
MSDS before dealing with any given product or chemical.
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer. The company or organization that
manufactured the components that constitute any material handling
system (E.G. motor, gearbox, coupling manufacturers).
PPE Personal Protection Equipment (hard hat, hearing protection, safety
glasses, high visibility vest or clothing, safety boots, etc.
Shore hardness A standardized method of measuring the hardness/flexibility of rubber
and rubber-like products (E.G., silicone).

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1.7 Safety and Informational Prompts

The following safety prompts have been used throughout this module to bring your attention to
potential hazards and safety issues.

This prompt indicates a hazard or situation where failure to use the correct procedures
WILL cause either severe personal injury or death.

This prompt indicates a hazard or situation where failure to use the correct procedures
COULD result in severe personal injury or death.

This prompt indicates a hazard or situation where failure to use the correct procedures
COULD result in severe personal injury or equipment damage.

This prompt indicates information within the text which is of particular importance to the
procedure or operation being described.

This prompt indicates information within the text which is of sufficient importance to
warrant highlighting.

This prompt indicates information which has been covered in an earlier section of the text
but which warrants reinforcement.

1.8 Summary
This topic has provided an outline of this training module and a brief explanation of the purpose of
and general function of the conveyors. If you have any questions at this stage, please ask your

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Topic 2 — Conveyor Safety

2.1 Introduction
This topic provides information on safety when working on or around conveyors. Incidents
involving conveyors have led to severe injuries and fatalities. It is critical that all personnel working
on or around conveyors do so in a safe manner.
It also is important that all personnel remember and act on the safety information they have been
provided during their site induction. The safety information provided in this training program does
not override or supersede any previous safety information or procedures that have been provided
by the site.

2.2 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this topic, the trainee will be able to:

 Explain the meaning of the term “Duty of Care” as it relates to the operation of material
handling equipment
 Explain the importance of effective communication and the need to coordinate with the
activities of others on site
 Understand that all personnel on site must know the emergency response procedures
 Understand the importance of signage and the categories of signs that are in common use
 Understand that all guarding and protective devices must be kept in functional condition at all
times when the equipment is in operation
 Explain and demonstrate the basic process of hazard identification, risk assessment and
hazard control
 Name and explain the common hazards when working around material handling equipment
 Explain the relevant hazard controls when working around material handling equipment
 Work safely on and around material handling equipment.
 Understand the meaning of isolation and explain that correct isolation procedures must be
followed at all times.

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2.3 Duty of Care

Each employee must act responsibly to ensure personal safety, the safety of others and the safety
of the equipment and processes. All personnel must carry out their work requirements in
accordance with a “Duty of Care”. The Duty of Care of each individual requires a person to pay
constant attention to the possible consequences of his or her actions and to follow all procedures
and regulations relevant to the work. You should also be monitoring the workplace for hazards and
other persons conducting unsafe acts.

You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of others working in
and around your work area.

2.4 Communication
Some types of work that operations and
maintenance personnel undertake on site
depend on effective coordination with the
movements and activities of other personnel in
the work area. Good communication within
work teams and with other work teams is
critical in ensuring the safety of all personnel
and the equipment. Good communication
between shifts is important in ensuring the
incoming personnel do not have to deal with
"surprises" when they commence work.
Remember, there are many ways for
communication to break down. Excessively
noisy environments, language differences, and
simple misunderstanding can all contribute to
poor communication.
You must work to ensure:

 You understand all communication that is directed to you — if you don’t fully understand, seek
clarification before acting

 That all of your communications are received and understood by the person/s with whom you
intend to communicate.

2.5 Emergency Procedures

The best way to deal with emergencies is to prevent them in the first place. This means that you
must conduct all your on-site activities in accordance with the site safety regulations and/or the
information provided in this section of the manual.
Each site will have its own procedures. In most cases, you will be taught these at your Site
Induction. If the emergency procedures are not given to you, it is part of your Duty of Care to
ensure that you find out what the emergency procedures, emergency telephone numbers and
emergency radio channels are used on site.

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Always follow site procedures when dealing with an emergency situation. Use
the site emergency call procedure and be ready to provide relevant information
such as location, nature of the emergency, services required, number and type
of injuries, etc. Remember to stand by on the two-way radio or telephone to
receive further instructions, if necessary.

Use your judgment in an emergency situation. Remain calm. Attempt to prioritize your actions, so
that you deal with the consequences of an incident in the following order:

 Do not put yourself in danger to assist someone else

 Deal with personal injury
 Deal with environmental damage
 Deal with equipment damage
 Deal with loss of production.

2.6 Signage
Signage is used extensively around sites where there is operational equipment. In most cases
signage is used for the protection of personnel, the environment or the equipment. You must learn
and understand the signage that is in use.
There are several categories of signs which provide the reader with important information need to
help them to remain safe.

Illegible signs are a hazard. If you identify signs that are illegible through wear and tear or
dirt, you must ensure that it is either cleaned or replaced.
The categories of signs include:

 Mandatory Signs

 Danger Signs

 Fire-Related Signs

 Emergency Information Signs

 Hazardous Material Signs.

Mandatory signs — these are signs that provide

an instruction which the reader must obey.
Receiving an instruction from a mandatory sign
carries the same weight as receiving an
instruction from your supervisor. You must obey
the communication provided by mandatory

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Danger signs — these are signs that are in place

to warn you of hazard that has the potential to be
life threatening.

Fire related signs — these provide information

about the location of fire-fighting equipment
including fire extinguishers and fire hoses.

Emergency information signs — these provide

information about the location of emergency
equipment such as eye-wash stations or first aid

Hazardous material signs — these provide

warnings of hazardous materials. In some cases,
danger signs will be used.
In most cases, the signs will contain sufficient
information for the reader to understand the
In some cases, the signs will show relevant
details of the actual substance and emergency
contact details.
 The adjacent signs show:
 Radioactive material
 Acid
 Elevated temperature
 Flammable liquid.

Depending on the country or the site, there will be additional types of signage to those shown
above. Ensure that you familiarize yourself with, and understand the signage that is in use at your

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2.7 Protective Devices

The equipment is fitted with a number of devices that are designed to provide protection for
persons who are working on or around the equipment. To maintain the safety of all personnel, it is
critical that these devices are kept in place and correctly maintained.
Protective devices include:

 Audible alarms/warnings

 Flashing lights

 Emergency stop switches and safety pull-wires

 Guarding.

Audible alarms are in place to warn personnel

that the equipment is about to start. The audible
alarm normally sounds for 30 to 40 seconds
before the equipment actually starts.

In some cases, audible alarms are supplemented

with flashing lights. If there are a number of
equipment items in the same area, it is possible
to be unclear about which equipment the audible
alarm is for. Flashing lights are in place to clarify
which equipment item is about to start.

Equipment is fitted with emergency stop switches

and safety pull-wires. These are placed at
strategic locations around the equipment so that
they are easy for personnel to use to stop the
equipment in an emergency.
The adjacent photograph shows a typical
emergency stop button fitted to a local control
station in the field.

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The adjacent photograph shows a pull-wire

switch. Pull-wires are typically installed along
each side of the equipment.

Never use a pull-wire or emergency stop

switch as a means of “isolating” equipment.
Pull wire and emergency stop switches are
normally controlled through software systems
and as such they do not provide positive

Guarding is installed in all locations where it

would be possible for persons to become
entangled in moving parts if guarding was not
present. Whenever the equipment is operating,
the guarding must be intact and securely in place.
If you need to remove guarding to conduct
maintenance work, you must ensure that the
equipment is shut down and isolated before
removing the guarding.

Do not operate any item of equipment if the

guarding is not securely in place.

2.8 Identifying and Controlling Hazards

As you have seen in the information above, there is a significant amount of attention to ensuring
that the equipment is made safe for the personnel who will be working on or around it. However, it
is also important for those personnel who are either operating or maintaining the equipment to
ensure that they are able to do so safely.
It is important to identify and control any hazards before commencing any work or task. This is
called risk management. There are four basic steps in risk management:

 Identify the hazard/s: Before you begin any task on or around the equipment you must
inspect the area and consider the task to ensure that you are able to identify hazards or
potential hazards.
 Assess the risk/s: When you have identified the hazards or potential hazards, each must be
assessed to determine the overall level of risk. As you will see below, risk is determined as the
potential severity of the hazard and the likelihood of an incident being caused by it.
 Eliminate or control the hazards: If the risk is too great controls must be put in place to
eliminate or control the hazard. Controls will vary from situation to situation so it is up to the
personnel conducting the task to find methods that are suitable for the conditions.
 Reassess the risk/s if conditions change: Whenever the conditions that existed when the
initial assessment was conducted change, the assessment of the hazards and risks must be
carried out again. This is to ensure that the changed conditions have not increased the
likelihood of an incident or increased the severity of an incident should it occur.

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2.8.1 Risk Management Definitions

Risk management uses a certain number of terms to describe its various aspects. To properly
understand and be able to use risk management practices, you should learn the meaning of the
following terms:
Term Meaning
Consequence The result, effect or outcome of an event or incident.
Energy A force (mechanical, electrical, pressure, thermal, chemical,
radiation, gravity, vibration, acoustic, etc.) over which control must be
maintained to ensure safety. If control is lost, the energy becomes a
Hazard 1. The potential for harm.
2. A source of potentially damaging energy
3. Energy sources over which control has been lost.
Hazard Identification The process of identifying the potential for unwanted releases of
energy by examination of the working area and the equipment that
will be involved in the work.
Hierarchy of Controls A summary of the means to control risks which shows the most
effective and works down to the least effective.
JSA Job Safety Analysis — formal risk assessment conducted by a work
team to identify hazards and controls in order to manage risk
Likelihood A measure of the relative frequency or chances that an event will
occur (“impossibility” = zero probability; “certainty” = 100%
Risk 1. The probability of an event occurring and maximum reasonably
expected consequences if it did
2. The combination of the likelihood that an event will occur and the
maximum consequences if it does.
Risk Assessment Analysis of the likelihood that an event or incident will occur in
combination with the results should it occur.
Risk Management Taking steps to ensure that the risk is eliminated or correctly
controlled so that the risk is reduced to acceptable levels.
Risk Matrix A tool used during risk assessment to determine the level of risk by
factoring in the likelihood of an incident occurring with the probable
Unacceptable Level of Risk A situation where an incident or accident can occur causing injury or

Procedures are in place for the correct management of risks and hazards and the reporting
procedures that are associated with them. All personnel must be aware of their responsibilities
when assessing, controlling and reporting risks and hazards.

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2.8.2 Risk Management Tools

There are several tools that are available to help you to identify, understand and control risks and
hazards. Some of the more common tools are shown in the following section.
Personal risk assessment — this should be
conducted by the individual before conducting a
task. It is a simple risk assessment and should
only take a few minutes.
The adjacent graphic shows a typical “docket” for
individual risk assessment. This type of personal
risk assessment is normally accompanied by a
risk matrix chart as shown below.
The individual identifies the hazard/s and judges
the likely outcomes if an incident were to occur.
These two findings are then applied to the risk
matrix chart.
As a rule of thumb, the results indicate as follows:
Low — proceed with the task but remain diligent
for unidentified hazards and changes in
Moderate — implement controls and reassess
the risk and continue if it falls into the Low region
Serious —do not start the task. Conduct a JSA
with the work team or supervision to identify
controls or work methods that will bring the risks
back to acceptable levels.
High — do not start the task. Consult with your
supervisor and determine safe methods to get the
task done.

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Job Safety Analysis (JSA) — this is generally conducted at the job site by the team that will be
actually doing the task. The JSA provides a more in-depth assessment of the hazards and risks
and is used to assist in the identification of suitable controls. Once the JSA has been completed,
all members of the work group sign the JSA and work in accordance with the controls it has
Formal risk assessment — this is generally conducted in a group setting with a person leading
the group who is experienced in the assessment of risk. This will be a structured, in-depth
assessment of the hazards and risks. The findings of the formal risk assessment may be used to
determine the methods of conducting the task and, in some cases, may even recommend that the
task is not conducted. If this is the case, alternative methods of completing the necessary work will
be identified. All findings of the formal assessment are fully documented.

Work conditions often change during the task. If any changes in conditions occur following
any of the risk assessment methods above, the assessment must be conducted again to
ensure that the changes have not created other hazards or more probability of the
occurrence of an incident.

2.8.3 Hierarchy of Controls

The graphic below shows the "hierarchy of controls". This tool is useful in determining what kind of
risk control is available and what effect it might have if you choose to use it. As you can see in the
diagram, the most effective types of controls are shown near the top of the pyramid while the least
effective are shown towards the base. When selecting methods to control hazards, the most
effective results are achieved using a method or methods nearest the top of the hierarchy.

A brief explanation for each control method shown above is provided in the following table.

Control Method Meaning Example/s

Elimination Modification to the process,  Eliminate work at height by

equipment or material to moving the equipment to
eliminate the hazard ground level for
completely. maintenance
 Fit auto-lubrication
systems to eliminate the
need to be close to the
equipment for regular
lubrication tasks.

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Control Method Meaning Example/s

Substitution Replacing the process,  Using water-based paint

equipment or material with a instead of oil-based to
less hazardous item reduce fumes
 Use a mechanical cutting
machine instead of gas
cutting equipment
Engineering/Isolation Using engineering methods to  Installing guarding
reduce or eliminate the hazard.  Implementing correct
isolation procedures
Administration/Training Creating and enforcing rules  No entry signs
and training personnel to act in  Preventing certain tools or
accordance with them. materials on the site
Personal Protective Equipment See PPE below. Remember  Regular PPE
that PPE is the “last line of  Specialized items of PPE
defense”. (breathing apparatus,
welding masks, etc.)
Behavior Management Building a “safety culture”  Safety posters
within the organization or site.  Tool box meetings, etc.

2.9 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All personnel must wear the correct PPE at all times. PPE is regulated by national standards and
its use is specified in site procedures. Mandatory PPE when conducting work activities around
material handling equipment may include, but is not limited to:

 hard hat
 hearing protection (if the equipment is operating)
 safety glasses
 high visibility clothing
 steel-toe safety boots
 gloves (should be carried at all times and used when required)
 respiratory protective equipment (where required — for example, dust mask)
 additional protective equipment when required (e.g. safety goggles, welding masks).

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PPE is your last line of defense against hazards. All personnel should assess
all risks that may arise from each work activity and apply appropriate hazard
controls over and above PPE.

2.10 Common Hazards around Material Handling Equipment

There are a number of hazards commonly associated with material handling equipment that
operators and maintenance personnel must be aware of and address. The hazards may include,
but are not limited to:

 Pinch (nip) points  Pressure (hydraulic systems)

 Noise  Tramp metal magnets
 Mechanical energy  Dust
 Electrical energy  Vibration
 Falling rock  Sharp edges
 Work at height  Access and egress difficulties
 Chemicals, toxins or irritants (oils, grease)  Left and right-hand sides
 Manual handling  Poor housekeeping
 Automated equipment starts  Failure to lock out and tag out (isolation)
 Heat

2.10.1 Pinch (Nip) Points

Pinch points or nip points are a major hazard for personnel working around material handling
equipment. Loose clothing and/or hand tools that are placed anywhere near a pinch point can
lead to a situation where a person is dragged into rotating or moving equipment. The diagram
below shows a typical conveyor system and the location of its pinch points.
 Always be aware of pinch point hazards (see illustration).
 Never attempt to remove material from a moving conveyor or other material handling
 Never place your hands, any part of your body, or anything you are holding, in a location where
rotating or moving parts could “pinch” the item and drag you in. It can be very difficult to let go
of an item if it becomes trapped and personnel have been dragged into equipment because a
spade or bar was caught.
 Never work on any part of a conveyor or material handling equipment when it is running.
 Never work on a stopped conveyor or material handling item unless it has been correctly shut
down, isolated, locked out and tagged out (see later section on isolation).

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Typical Conveyor Layout Showing Pinch (Nip) Points

2.10.2 Noise
Areas near operating equipment are normally
designated as hearing protection areas. When
the equipment is operating high levels of noise
may be experienced and hearing protection
must be worn. In some cases, signage will be
in place to remind you to wear hearing

Excessive noise can permanently damage

your hearing. If you need to raise your voice
to be heard, then you should be wearing
hearing protection.

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2.10.3 Mechanical Energy

Care must be taken to ensure the safety of all
personnel near moving equipment components.
Ensure that all procedures are followed and
equipment guards are in place and undamaged,
before starting work. Never place your body in
the line of fire of any moving parts and always
wear the correct PPE.

Do not operate equipment if guards,

electrical covers or any other safety
devices have been removed, damaged or

2.10.4 Electrical Energy

Electrical hazards have the potential to cause
serious injury to personnel or damage to
equipment. Only trained, competent and
authorized personnel are permitted to work on
electrical components and equipment. No
electrical functions should be over-ridden or
bypassed except in accordance with site
electrical regulations and procedures. Correct
isolation procedures must be followed when
working on electrical equipment.

Do not undertake electrical work if you are

not trained, competent and authorized to do

2.10.5 Falling Rock (Gravity)

Because ore is being transported at relatively
high speed, there is the potential for rock to fall
from conveyors and other material handling
equipment. The most hazardous areas for
falling rock will be at the transfer stations.
There may also be rocks trapped in the
structure (see adjacent photograph) which can
fall at any time. Never walk under a moving
conveyor  materials may fall from the moving

When the system is operating, all personnel

must be aware of falling material around
equipment — especially at transfer chutes.

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2.10.6 Work at Height (Gravity)

There are two hazards associated with work at
height. These are:
 the potential for personnel to fall from height
 the potential for equipment or tools to fall
from an elevated work area onto personnel
working below.

Personnel working at height must ensure that

they are following the site requirements for
work at height. Such requirements may
include, but are not limited to:
 ensuring that all guarding, fences,
barricading and gates are correctly installed
and/or closed
 using fall prevention equipment
 using fall protection equipment
 maintaining control of tools and equipment
 demarcating an area below to prevent
personnel entering a potential “drop zone”
see later section on work zone barriers).

Do not conduct any work at height unless you have been properly trained and you are
authorized to do so. At many sites, work at height requires a Work at Height Permit.

2.10.7 Working with Ladders

When working at height using ladders:
 Inspect the ladder before using it to ensure
that it is in good condition
 Place the ladder using a 4:1 ratio of vertical
to horizontal dimension (see graphic)
 Have a person “foot” the ladder while you
secure it at the top
 Always use three points of contact. Do not
carry tools or equipment in your hands —
use a tool pouch or shoulder bag
 Never erect a ladder in the vicinity of power
poles unless you have isolated any power
 Keep ladder rungs clean
 Always face the ladder when ascending or
 Do not use a ladder for work above 6
meters (20 feet)
 If the ladder is extended, the sections must
overlap by at least 3 rungs.

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When conducting any work at height, you must

ensure that you are aware of the location of any
power-lines in the immediate area. Never
begin a task that involves work at height if there
are power-lines present until you have arranged
with the electrical department to shut down and
isolate the power-lines.
There have been many incidents in which
personnel working at height have come in
contact with high-voltage lines. The results are
almost always severe injury or fatality.

Ensure that you look up before commencing

work at height.

2.10.8 Chemicals, Toxins and Irritants (oil, grease)

Whenever you need to deal with chemicals,
lubricants and other products, ensure that you
obtain the relevant MSDS (Material Safety Data
Sheet) and read, understand and follow the
instructions it provides for transport, storage,
handling, use, disposal and emergency
measures relevant to the product.
In some cases, the MSDS will call for specific
PPE or other measures to protect the user
against the toxic effects of a product.
Many sites maintain and use a “HazMat”
(Hazardous Materials) register along with all the
relevant MSDSs for the products that are
permitted on site. Ensure that you know the
location of the MSDSs on your site.

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The most common contaminants for personnel

working on or around material handling
equipment are lubricants. When handling
grease or hydraulic oil, ensure that you:
 Are wearing the correct PPE
 Minimize spills
 Clean up spills immediately
 Use soap and water to wash any
contamination off your skin as soon as
 Do not keep oily rags in your pockets
 Ensure any contaminated clothes are
laundered before they are next worn — do
not wear greasy or oily clothes.

2.10.9 Manual Handling

Incorrect manual handling techniques cause
many injuries. Always use safe manual
handling techniques. When lifting/moving
heavy equipment or tools remember the
 use correct lifting techniques bending at the
knees — not the back
 do not rotate your back when lifting or
carrying a load
 obtain assistance to conduct the lift if
 use mechanical means (crane, forklift, etc.)
to conduct the lift.

2.10.10 Automatic Equipment Starts

Most material handling systems are designed to
start remotely or automatically. This means
that starts may occur without warning.
Equipment that requires maintenance must be
properly isolated and locked and tagged out
before any work is undertaken.
It may also be necessary to isolate up-stream
equipment to ensure safety to personnel and
equipment. Some general information on
isolation is provided later in this section. If you
are not sure what isolations are required,
contact your supervisor for assistance.

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2.10.11 Heat
Certain components on material handling
systems can become hot during operation.
Ensure that you are aware of hot components
in your working area and treat them with
Be on the look-out for excessively hot
components. Excessively hot components
(bearings, gearboxes, drives, etc.) are an
indication that there is a mechanical problem.
Report or investigate any excessively hot
components immediately. Failing to deal
correctly with excessively hot components may
result in additional equipment damage and may
also lead to unsafe situations for personnel.

Never place your hands on any item of equipment until you are certain it is at a
safe temperature.

2.10.12 Pressure Systems

Pressure systems have the potential to cause
serious personal injury or even death. There
may be a number of pressurized systems on
the equipment. These can include:
 hydraulic systems — hot pressurized fluid
 lubrication systems — pressurized grease
 air-conditioning system — pressurized
 Fire suppression or fire-fighting systems.

Injuries inflicted from high-pressure

materials escaping from a leak can result in
the loss of a limb or in extreme
circumstances death.

It is important to remember that when

inspecting or working on pressurized systems
you observe the following safety points:
 Never open any pressurized system or fluid
compartment until you are completely sure
the system has been depressurized and
correctly isolated
 Do not attempt to undo fittings or lines on high-pressure systems without first ensuring the
system has been depressurized and correctly isolated
 Under no circumstances use your hand or fingers to locate a leak from a pressurized system,
use a piece of cardboard or similar material to locate the position of the leak

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 Never place your fingers over the outlet of a grease nozzle or direct the grease nozzle at other
 Always wear your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when dealing with pressure systems.

Never attempt to open a pressurized system until you are sure it has been
correctly isolated and depressurized.
Lines, Tubes and Hoses
Do not bend or strike high pressure lines. Do not install bent or damaged lines, tubes, or hoses.
Repair any loose or damaged hydraulic oil lines, tubes and hoses. Leaks can cause fires.

Inspect all lines, tubes, and hoses carefully. Do not use your bare hands to check for leaks.
Tighten all connections to the recommended torque. Check for the following and request repairs
as necessary:
 End fittings damaged, leaking or displaced
 Outer covering chafed or cut and wire reinforcing exposed
 Outer covering ballooning locally
 Evidence of kinking or crushing of the flexible part of the hose
 Metal sheath embedded in the outer cover
 Make sure that all clamps, guards and heat shields are installed correctly to prevent vibration,
rubbing against other parts, and excessive heat during equipment operation.
Operators and maintenance personnel must ensure that they take the correct precautions to
isolate (and depressurize as necessary) any pressurized lines or vessels when they are to be

Even though the equipment is switched off and electrically isolated, the
contents of pipes and vessels may still be under high pressure.

If you are using high-pressure water or air hoses,

ensure that all “quick-connectors” are fitted with a
safety clip similar to one shown in the adjacent

There is always a possibility that a quick-

connector will de-couple which could result in a
“whipping” hose end. This situation has been
known to cause serious injury including the loss
of sight when persons have been struck by the
hose end.

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2.10.13 Tramp Metal Magnets

Tramp metal magnets, as shown in the adjacent
graphic, are often installed on conveyor and
other material handling systems.
Electromagnets of this size emit a substantial
magnetic field that is strong enough to disrupt
the performance of a pacemaker.
It is important that persons who use a heart
pacemaker are aware of the presence of
magnets and that they stay at some distance
from them.
Signage is generally in place to warn personnel
of the presence of the magnet field. However,
even if signage is not present, persons who use
pacemakers must remain clear of tramp metal

In most cases, site safety signage will

highlight the presence of tramp metal
magnets and warn personnel who use
pacemakers to stay clear. If you use a heart
pacemaker, do not approach within the
specified distance shown on the signage.

2.10.14 Dust
During transfer, material handling and discharge operations dust will be generated. The
atmosphere in the area may become excessively dusty. Whenever there is excessive dust, the
individual is responsible to obtain and use suitable respiratory protection (particulate dust mask)
and, if necessary, suitable eye protection (foam-backed goggles). Damage to your respiratory
system and sight may be irreversible. It is important that you always take the right steps to protect
them both.

2.10.15 Vibration
There will be some vibration on operating material handling equipment which is to be expected.
However, excessive vibration is often an indication that there is a problem in part of the system.
Prolonged exposure to vibration is also a hazard for personnel. Do not allow yourself to be

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exposed to vibration for long periods of time. The sources of excessive vibration should be traced
and the problem rectified as soon as possible.

2.10.16 Sharp Edges

Be aware of the possibility of sharp edges within all work areas. The wear on equipment parts can
result in them having sharp edges. In addition, the impact of material on metalwork can cause
sharp edges.
 Wear gloves when touching and handling equipment, especially metal components.
 Take care when lifting and slinging components.

2.10.17 Access and Egress

When accessing equipment:
 Ensure that all stairs, rails, catwalks and
flooring is in place and in good

If there is any damage to access-ways

and walk-ways which is causing a
hazard for personnel, ensure that area is
demarcated to prevent access by other
personnel and ensure that the problem
is rectified as soon as possible.

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Three Points of Contact

 Always use three points of

contact when climbing or
descending stairs, ladders,
ramps, etc. This means that
two hands and one foot or one
hand and two feet must be in
contact at all times.
 Inspect the equipment, to
ensure there is no rubbish or
build-up (mud, grease) on the
steps or rungs.
 Check that the safety rails on
stairs and walkways are in good
 Check for loose or damaged
steps, or rungs.
 Ensure that any ladders used
are suitable for the task and are
only used in accordance with
site procedures.

Use Designated Walkways and Cross-Over Points

When you need to cross from one side of a

conveyor to the other, ensure that you only use
designated walkways and cross-over points.

Failure to use correct cross-over points can

lead to serious injury or even death. Always
cross at designated cross-over points.

2.10.18 Left and Right-Hand Sides

As a part of your general knowledge and for
safety reasons, you need to know how to refer
to each side of a conveyor. The accepted
system can be seen in the adjacent graphic.
Face the direction of travel and the left and right
sides will be the same as your own — left side
of the conveyor to your left and the right side of
the conveyor to your right.
For bi-directional conveyors, use the same
method based on the direction of the conveyor
when it is in FORWARD travel.

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2.10.19 Housekeeping
Poor housekeeping can cause a number of
hazards. These include:
 trip, slip and fall hazards
 the potential for items to fall from height
 the possibility of spills
 fire hazards
 the potential to damage equipment and

All personnel are responsible for good

housekeeping which will improve and maintain
safety in the work area. To maintain good
housekeeping, use the following guidelines:
 Each person is responsible for
 Keep walkways free of tools, equipment
and rubbish.
 Roll up and stow hoses and leads when
they are not in use.
 Clean up spills immediately.

2.11 Isolation
Personnel working with equipment must have a
thorough understanding of the site isolation
procedures and a good understanding of the
isolation points around the work area. Correct
site isolation procedures must be followed at all
times to ensure the equipment cannot be
started while inspection or maintenance work is
in progress.
Ensure that you are instructed in the correct
procedures for isolation and that you are aware
of the site-specific personal locking and tagging
The adjacent graphic shows a typical isolation
for a drive motor. Only a component (switch,
valve, locking pins, etc.) that can positively
isolate the equipment item from the energy
source is acceptable for isolation purposes.
Emergency stop buttons, pull-wire switches
and other control components are not
acceptable because they do not provide
positive isolation.

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In addition to using the correct isolation

procedures, it is also critical to know the
upstream and downstream equipment items
that need to be shut down and isolated.
The simple example in the adjacent graphic
shows that work is to be done on the screen so
it is necessary to shut down the conveyors that
feed the screen and receive its discharge.

If you are not sure about which items of

equipment need to be isolated to ensure
your safety and the safety of others working
in the area, seek advice from your
supervisor before commencing work.

On most sites, the requirement is for all

persons who are conducting work on the
equipment to attach their Personal Danger Tag
and their Personal Isolation Lock.

Equipment that has not be correctly

isolated, tagged and locked out can start at
any time.

When your work is complete remove your

Personal Danger Tag from the isolation point
and destroy it. If no further Personal Danger
Tags are in place, de-isolate the conveyor.
Advise the Control Room Operator that the
conveyor is ready to go back into service.

No person is permitted to remove another

person’s lock and tag.

2.12 Work Zone Barriers

Work zone barriers must be erected whenever the work that is being conducted within the barrier
could be hazardous to others who are not involved in the task. Danger or caution tape along with

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safety cones or other methods of setting up barriers can be used. In most cases, relevant signage
will be posted at the barrier to show what hazards are present. It is also advisable to tie
information tags on the barriers to explain why the barrier was erected, who is responsible for the
work area, the time and date the barrier was erected and the expected time and date for the barrier
to be removed.
A good example of the need for a barrier is when work is being conducted at height. In these
cases, it may be necessary to erect barriers to prevent personnel from inadvertently entering the
“drop zone” below the work area. Further detail of work at height is provided earlier in this section.

Danger tape is generally used where entry to the

area is restricted to certain personnel. No person
is permitted to enter an area that is cordoned off
with danger tape unless they have received
permission from the person responsible for the
Caution tape is used to cordon off areas which
may contain hazards. At most sites, persons with
a genuine need to enter the area may do so as
long as the follow the site rules with respect to
entering caution tape areas.

Safety cones provide another means of

temporarily barricading an area to prevent
inadvertent entry. The color coding of the safety
cones may vary from site to site.
Normally safety cones are accompanied by
signage which explains the reason for the
barricaded area.

2.13 Summary
This topic has provided information on some of the hazards that may be encountered when
working on or around conveyors. It is important that all personnel who work in these areas are
aware of the hazards and the correct methods to manage them. It is also important for all
personnel to understand that they have a responsibility for their own safety as well as the safety of
their work-mates.

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Topic 3 — Equipment Introduction

3.1 Introduction
This topic provides an introduction to each of the components that make up a typical conveyor
system. There are many component variations that can be designed into a conveyor system
depending on the application, location and the space available. Where variants are available,
these have been covered in the relevant sections below.

3.2 Conveyor Belting

Conveyor belting for ore and tails handling must
have a number of properties. These include:
 Material flexibility
 High tensile strength
 Ability to absorb high impact at transfer
 Ability to resist abrasion from carried
 Ability to deal with a variety of ambient

Typical Belting Structure for Material Handling Conveyors

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Two major components of belting are:

 The belt top cover provides the wear surface and protection for the enclosed tension members.
 The inner core provides tensile strength and is commonly made from polyester and/or nylon
fabric and steel cables.
The top cover is made of layers or ‘plies’ of cotton ‘duck’ or synthetics, such as rayon and nylon,
impregnated with rubber or PVC on both sides and edges. The cotton duck provides the strength
in tension, while the rubber or PVC protects the plies from cuts or abrasion.
The rubber or PVC provides bonding of the plies and gives flexibility by forming an elastic
connection between them. The strength of the belting depends on the weight and number of plies
in relation to the width of the belt.

3.2.1 Power-Strip Belting

A further variation on the belting design shown above is power-strip belting. This is a design which
features a high-tensile center section which is bordered by a more flexible fabric belt section. This
allows for deeper troughing, increased belt flexibility and reduced belt weight. However, the tensile
strength and resistance to impact and abrasion is reduced compared with the design shown above.

Typical Power-Strip Belting

3.2.2 Selecting Belting Types

It is critical that conveyor belting is selected specifically to suit the conditions for which it will be
used. Analysis of the requirements for belting to suit a particular need can be carried out using
one or more of the following reference books or standards.

 ISO 5048 — International Standard

 DIN 22101 — German Standard
 CEMA — Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association Handbook
 Goodyear Handbook
 Yokohama Handbook
 APEX Handbook.

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Photographs of various belting types are shown below.

Steel Fabric Reinforced

Fabric Conveyor Belting Steel Cable Belting

3.3 Conveyor Drives

Conveyor drives are available in a number of configurations. The most common is an electric
motor which drives a reduction gearbox through a fluid coupling. A typical drive configuration can
be seen in the graphic below. In this configuration, a disc brake is incorporated in the drive train.

Typical Conveyor Drive Arrangement

A drive configured as shown above could be used as:

 A conveyor tail drive

 A conveyor head drive

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 A twin drive at either the head or the tail

 A mid-belt drive
 A mid-belt-boost drive (for long overland conveyors where there may be the need for power in
addition to head and tail drives). In cases where multiple drives are installed, they must be
carefully synchronized through control systems to prevent subjecting the belting to
unnecessary stresses.

3.4 Fluid Couplings

Many conveyor drive motors are coupled to the reduction gearbox through a fluid coupling. At
start-up, the coupling gradually transfers motor power to the reduction gearbox. This arrangement
provides a “soft” start of the conveyor system.
The diagram below shows the three main parts of a constant-fill, fluid-drive coupling:
 a pump wheel, connected to the input shaft of the coupling
 a turbine wheel, connected to the output shaft of the coupling
 a shell connected to the pump wheel and enclosing the turbine wheel.

Drives with soft-start capability start at a low speed and ramp up to their full speed over a period of
time that depends on the conveyor load. The period will be short if the conveyor starts with no
load, but may be much longer if the conveyor is starting with a full load.
The fluid-drive coupling gradually builds up the output power at the start to ensure that the drive
motor and the conveyor have a soft start.

Components of a Typical Fluid Coupling

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3.4.1 Fluid Coupling Operation Overview

The following sequence of diagrams shows the
basic operation of a fluid coupling.
The adjacent diagram shows a cross-section of
a typical fluid coupling at a standstill (the fluid oil
is shown in yellow). As you can see, the oil fill
has gravitated to the bottom of the casing.
For this reason, couplings that will not be run for
some time should be rotated from time-to-time
to ensure that all internal parts regularly receive
a coating of oil.

The adjacent diagram shows the coupling

during the start-up phase. As you can see,
centrifugal force has spread the oil around the
inner vanes of the coupling.

The adjacent diagram shows the coupling at its

nominal operating speed. At this stage,
centrifugal force has now caused the oil to
migrate to the circumference of the coupling
casing. This is where the coupling is effectively
"locked" up and there is no "slippage" between
the driving and driven sections.

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3.5 Rigid Couplings

Where required, motors may be of the
variable-speed type, to facilitate acceleration
and deceleration control. Belt speed may then
be matched to product flow to maintain
optimum running efficiency.
In these cases, a solid coupling will be
installed instead of a fluid coupling. A solid
coupling provides a direct connection between
the electric motor and the gearbox (i.e. the
gearbox is directly in-line to the drive motor).

A typical rigid flange coupling consists of two

connecting flanges: male and female, which
together make up the coupling as a unit.
Each coupling is locked onto its respective
shaft by means of a locking element. Unlike
the fluid coupling, there is no possibility of a
"soft start" when using a rigid coupling other
than what is provided by control of the drive
The adjacent photograph shows the male and
female flanges assembled as a rigid coupling
The adjacent photograph shows the female

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The adjacent diagram shows a view of a

different design for a rigid coupling. In this
one, you can see that a brake disc is included.
You can also see that a lubrication port has
been included.

3.6 Reduction Gearboxes

The reduction gearbox is in place to reduce the shaft speed that is applied to the drive pulley while
increasing the torque. The configuration shown in the graphic below allows the motor to be
mounted at 90° to the drive pulley. This provides critical space saving at any of the possible drive
locations along the conveyor.

Example of a Reduction Gearbox

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Example of the Torque Multiplication Factor for a 4:1 Reduction Gearbox

In practice there is some loss of torque due the mechanical inefficiencies within the
As a general rule, if the motor speed at the gearbox input shaft is reduced through the gearbox by
a factor of 50%, the torque at the output shaft will be 200% of the motor's torque. In a 4:1
reduction, this would equate to a torque multiplication factor of four. However, there are some
torque losses due to mechanical inefficiencies within the gearbox. A larger ratio (for example: 8:1)
will result in greater losses through gearbox inefficiencies.

3.7 Mid-Belt Boost-Drives

Mid-belt drives are typically used in long overland conveyor installations. The configuration shown
in the graphic below adds a further two drive pulleys to the system. In addition, if a high level of
torque is required, each of the mid-belt drive pulleys can be driven by twin motor and gearbox

Typical Mid-Belt Drive Arrangement

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In a design of this type, it is critical that the power output and speed of each drive on the system is
synchronized in order to stresses on the belt, drives and conveyor structure. The synchronization
is controlled through PLCs (Programmable Logic Computers) working through fiber-optic cable
which runs the length of the conveyor.

3.8 Pulleys
Pulleys are used for a number of purposes throughout the conveyor system. Pulleys include:

 Drive pulleys
 Tail pulleys
 Head pulleys
 Take-up pulleys
 Snub pulleys
 Bend pulleys.

Each of these pulley types can be seen in the diagram below.

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3.8.1 Drive Pulleys

The drive pulley can be located at the head of the conveyor, at the tail of the conveyor or mid-
conveyor depending on local conditions and requirements. The graphics below show some of the
key points and variations in pulley design.
Drum or
Face Width Shell
End or


Pulley Shaft

Diameter Locking

Drive Pulley Component Naming

Section Diagram of a Typical Pulley Arrangement

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The "live shaft" design is the most common

pulley used in material handling conveyors. In
this design, the shaft is fixed to the pulley. It is
suitable for use as a drive pulley.

The "dead shaft" design is less common. In

this design, the shaft is fixed in its mounting
and the pulley drum rotates about the shaft.
The bearings are integral parts of the pulley.
This design is suitable for non-drive pulleys in
locations where lateral space is severely

The disadvantage of this type of pulley is that

the bearings are not visible and may not be
properly maintained and they are more difficult
to replace than a live shaft pulley

Drive Pulley Lagging

In many conveyor systems, the drive pulleys are lagged to provide increased traction between the
pulley and the belt. The lagging material is bonded to the steel casing of the pulley and,
accordingly, can be replaced when it becomes worn or damaged. Providing lagging is kept in good
condition it has the added value of preventing wear of the pulley’s steel shell.
Typically, lagging material is rubber-type sheeting. The sheeting may have a plain surface or may
be patterned in similar manner to automotive tires. In situations where extra belt-pulley traction is
required, the lagging may consist of ceramic material. Ceramic lagging is often used when the
ambient conditions are expected to be wet (either ambient conditions or conditions caused by the
product being transported).
The photographs below show a small range of pulley lagging types.

Ceramic Lagged Drive Pulleys

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Rubber Lagged Drive Pulleys

3.8.2 Tail Pulleys

As the name suggests, the tail pulley is located at the tail of the conveyor. In some conveyor
systems, the tail pulley also acts as a drive pulley. If the conveyor is designed with a screw-
adjusted take-up arrangement, it will generally be incorporated at the tail pulley. In some cases a
tail pulley may also incorporate a disc brake.

3.8.3 Head Pulleys

These are located at the conveyor head and may also incorporate the conveyor drive. The
conveyor discharge or transfer chute is also usually located in this position (this may vary if the
conveyor is fitted with a tripper system). If the drive is installed at the head of the conveyor, it may
also include the conveyor braking system (if required).

3.8.4 Take-up Pulleys

Take-up pulleys can be located at either the conveyor tail or mid-conveyor. A standard
arrangement is for the take-up pulley to be put under tension by the take-up weight or other means
(see later section on take-up arrangements).

3.8.5 Bend Pulleys

Bend pulleys are normally used when a conveyor is fitted with a gravity take-up system. The bend
pulley is used to change the direction of the belt from the horizontal, or near-horizontal, to vertical.
A second bend pulley is required to change the belt back from vertical to horizontal or near-

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3.8.6 Snub Pulleys

Snub pulleys are located in close proximity to drive pulleys. Their purpose is to cause more of the
belt to wrap around the drive pulley, thus increasing the area of belt in contact with the drive pulley.
This increases the friction between the belt and the drive pulley and reduces the likelihood of belt
slippage. The principle can be seen in the diagram below.

Snub Pulley Increasing Contact Area on the Drive Pulley

3.8.7 Belt Turn-Over Arrangements

Snub pulleys are also used at belt turn-over arrangements. Belt turn-over arrangements are
generally used on long overland belts. One belt turn-over arrangement will be located on the
return side of the belt near the conveyor head and another will be located on the return side near
the conveyor tail. The purpose of the turning the belt over is to spread the wear to both sides of
the belt. Once the belt has been turned over, the carry side of the belt is not subjected to idler
wear as it returns.

3.9 Pulley Bearings

It is critical that pulley bearings are correctly selected for the loads they will carry and the speed of
the conveyor. It is also critical that the bearings are regularly monitored to ensure that they are
within acceptable temperature ranges and that they are regularly lubricated. Most Plummer block
bearing arrangements have provision for applying lubrication through central lubrications systems,
cartridge lubricators or by manual grease guns. In addition, the Plummer Block arrangement

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usually provides a means of adjustment so that the shaft can be correctly aligned. Details of
acceptable bearing operating temperatures and other issues are covered in later topics.

Typical Plummer Block Mounted Pulley Bearings

3.10 Conveyor Brakes and Hold-backs

Inertia of the conveyor and its load will tend to
cause it to take a significant period of time to
come to a halt once power is switched off.
Brakes are used to bring a conveyor to a halt
more rapidly than would be the case if the drive
was simply shutdown and no braking was
applied to the conveyor. They can also be used
when a conveyor has an inherent slope that
would cause it to “run” if no braking was

Typically, brakes are either of the disc brake

type or in some cases of the drum brake type.
In most cases, the brakes are hydraulically
applied and spring released (similar to
automotive brakes). However, if a fail to safe
situation is required, the brake may be spring-
applied and hydraulically released. The
adjacent graphic shows a simplified version of a
typical disc brake.

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The adjacent photograph shows a typical disc

brake installation. The diameter of the disc and
number of calipers depends on the length and
carried tonnage of the conveyor. Discs may be
as large as six feet (1830mm) in diameter and
have as many as six calipers located around the
disc's circumference.
The amount of braking force that can be applied
at any given pulley is limited by the amount of
traction between the braked pulley and the belt.

Hold-backs are installed on conveyors that

travel up an incline. The purpose of the hold-
back is to prevent a loaded conveyor rolling
back if it is unexpectedly shut down. If a loaded
conveyor was allowed to travel backwards, the
load would be "dumped" at a point lower down
the conveyor and would require extensive clean
up and possible damage to conveyor
The internal parts of the hold-back in the
graphic are designed to roll freely in the forward
direction but apply braking force if the conveyor
is tending to roll back. In effect, the action of
the hold-back is similar to a ratchet system.
The shaft of the pulley is locked to the internal race in the hold-back and the external race is locked
to the hold-back carrier and ultimately to the conveyor framework.
In some cases, holdbacks are based on a hydraulically operated braking system which is triggered
by the reversal of the conveyor.

3.11 Belt Cleaning Devices

To ensure that the conveyor belt and all associated components reach their maximum service life,
it is critical that the belt surfaces (both upper and lower sides) are kept as clean as possible. If
material is allowed to build up on the surfaces of the belt, it will cause damage not only to the belt
but also to pulleys, idlers, skirts and other components.
The following sections provide information on belt cleaning devices.

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3.11.1 Belt Plows

Belt plows are designed to remove spillage or
lumps of material that find their way onto the
non-carry side of the belt on its return run. Their
action prevents material being carried to the tail
pulley and then being crushed into belt between
the tail pulley and the belt's non-carry side. By
removing spillage from the non-carry side, the
service life of the belt, idlers, pulley lagging and
other components is maximized. In addition, by
keeping the underside of the belt clean, traction
over the drive pulley/s is maximized.
A variety of types may be used, depending on
the situation. One of the critical issues for all
belt-cleaning devices is that the cleaning edge
must be in full contact across the width of the
In most cases, the tension of the V-plow against
the belt is applied by gravity. The weight of the
frame is the only method of tension.
Accordingly, the plow's supporting framework
must be free to hinge down under gravity
The adjacent photograph shows a plow in use in
a coal handling system.

The adjacent photograph shows a belt plow with

a slightly different design. The cleaning
principle is the same for all plows. This item is
in use in an iron ore handling plant.

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The adjacent photograph shows the belt plow

from its rear. In this case, the plow framework
has been provided with a safety chain
arrangement (circled). This is in place in case
the plow mounting fails. The chain will prevent
the plow being carried to downstream
components such as the tail pulley.

3.11.2 Belt Scrapers

Primary belt scrapers are generally placed on a
conveyor’s head pulley, at its discharge point.
The purpose of the belt scraper is to ensure that
all material is removed from the carry side of the
belt once the material has been discharged.
This ensures that the belt is not "dropping"
material as it makes its return to the tail of the
system. It also helps to minimize build-up on
idlers and snub pulleys, which in turn minimizes
wear and damage to the belt and other
As well as the primary scraper shown,
depending on the material being transported,
secondary and tertiary belt scrapers may be
fitted. These will be slightly downstream to the
primary scraper.

The adjacent photograph shows a scraper in

place against the head pulley. To be effective,
the scraper must be making contact with the
belt across its full width. However, it must not
be pressed against the belt with sufficient force
to cause excessive wear.

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The U Banne type scraper shown in the

adjacent diagram is generally used as a
secondary scraper. The U shape allows the
blade to scrape stubborn materials from the belt
while working at relatively low blade to belt

Correct pressure of the belt scraper against the

belt is maintained by a tensioning arrangement.
The adjacent photograph shows a spring-type
scraper tensioner. The tension can be
increased or decreased as necessary by
adjusting the compression of the spring. There
will be a similar device on the opposite side of
the belt. The spring tensions must be matched
to ensure that scraper pressure against the belt
is uniform across the entire belt width.

The adjacent photograph shows another version

of the spring tension system. Again, the
pressure of the belt scraper against the belt can
be adjusted using the tension nuts on the spring

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In systems where more precise scraper

pressure is required, the pressure of the scraper
against the belt can be controlled using an air
bellows arrangement. An air bellows
arrangement can be seen in the adjacent
The pressure of the scraper against the belt is
directly controlled by raising or lowering the air
pressure feed to the bellows.
This is a useful function where the material
carried on the belt has varying characteristics.
If the material is wet and sticky, the bellows
pressure can be increased. If the material then
varies to become dry and less sticky, the
bellows pressure can be reduced — thus
reducing wear on the belt and the scraper.
Bellows pressure can be controlled either locally
or remotely from a central control room.

3.12 Conveyor Chutes

Chutes are used to transfer material onto a belt, discharge material to a stockpile or discharge to a
surge bin. The design and structure of the chute will vary with the following factors being taken
into consideration:
 the type of material being handled (abrasion, impact, stickiness, wetness, dryness, etc.)
 the required throughput tonnage
 belt width
 direction of transfer (for example, a transfer to another conveyor may be in a direct line or may
be at right-angles)
 whether or not the chute needs a provision for material isolation
 whether or not the chute needs a provision for material diversion.

3.12.1 Chute Lining

Apart from the design chute capacity, the most important aspect of chute design is the lining. If the
material is abrasive, the chute will be lined with ceramic tiles or with hardened steel liners. The
liners need to be replaced at intervals as they wear.
An important aspect for transfer chutes is to ensure that the material is not being delivered to the
downstream conveyor in such a manner as to cause excessive wear or tracking problems. In most
cases, the discharge of the chute is angled to suit the direction of travel of the downstream

The adjacent diagram shows a basic transfer

chute arrangement.

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The adjacent photograph shows the top of a

transfer chute. In the photograph, you can see
the up-stream conveyor head pulley. The
guarding is in place to prevent inadvertent
personnel-access during operation. It also
prevents any material being ejected during the
transfer process.

The adjacent photograph shows a transfer

station under construction. When complete, the
transferred material will be transported toward
the camera. You can see that the internal
structure of the chute is designed to "push" the
material towards the direction of travel. You can
also see that the chute is lined to minimize the
effects of abrasion on the chute structure. The
liners are “sacrificial” and will be periodically
The skirts have not yet been fitted to this chute.

In some operations, there is a need to be able

to divert material to two or more different
downstream conveyors or other processes. In
these cases, a diverter chute with a flop gate is
used. The function of the flop gate can easily
be seen in the adjacent diagram. The actuator
may be pneumatically, hydraulically or
electrically powered or it can be manually
operated. When pneumatic, hydraulic or
electric power is used, the diverter gate can be
controlled from a central control room. If it is a
manually operated device, it must be set by the
field operator.
When conducting pre-start inspections, the field
operator must check to ensure that the gates at
diverters are set to the required direction.

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The adjacent photograph shows a transfer

chute which is lined with ceramic tiles. Note
also the angling in the right-hand wall which is in
place to send the material to the downstream
belt in the correct direction in order to minimize
miss-tracking and impact on the belt.
You can also see that where walls meet and the
internal angles are designed to minimize the
potential for "hang-ups" (bridging) in the chute.

3.13 Chute Skirts

Skirt arrangements are installed on either side
of the belt at the location where a chute feeds
onto a conveyor. The purpose of the skirt is to
minimize material spillage during transfers.
It is critical that skirt gaps (the gap between the
bottom of the skirt and the surface of the belt)
are correctly set. If the gap is too wide, the skirt
will not prevent spillage — material will be able
to spill through the gap.
If the gap is too tight, the skirt will cause wear
along the length of the belt.
The adjacent diagram shows a typical skirt set-

In the adjacent diagram, you can see the chute,

skirt and impact idler arrangement. This is a
simple design with a rubber skirt positioned
slightly above the belt. Note that in this
diagram, the skirt gap is exaggerated.
Depending on the material being handled and
its nominated size the gap can be between 3.5
to 25mm (1/8" to 1").
The diagram below provides detail of another
skirt design. In this case, the skirt is designed
to seal the chute to conveyor transfer area for
fine material to help minimize air-borne dust. In
this design, it is critical that the steel liner
clearance is maintained to specification to
prevent excessive belt wear.

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The design of the skirt gap will depend on a number of variables. These include:
 Design of skirt arrangement
 Type of material being handled
 Particle size of material being handled.
To allow for a certain amount of belt drift, the skirts are normally set in from the edge of the belt by
approximately 115 mm (4.5") if fixed impact idlers are used and 150 mm (6.0") if catenary impact
idlers are used. This means that even if the belt drifts to one side, the skirt to belt seal will be
The skirt gap required will be determined at the design and engineering stage of the conveyor in
question. The correct skirt gap must be maintained to minimize wear, spillage and, if relevant, the
generation of dust at the transfer point.

3.14 Conveyor Idlers

The belt is supported over its entire length by idlers. Idlers fall into five main categories. These

 Carry or troughing idlers

 Return idlers
 Tracking or belt training idlers
 Impact idlers
 Catenary or suspended idlers.
There are multiple designs for each type of idler. Samples of idler designs are shown in the
diagrams and photographs below.

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3.14.1 Carry or Troughing Idlers

Carry or troughing idlers are supported on
frames which cause the belt to be ‘troughed’
along its length by raising its outer edges. This
prevents the conveyor’s load from spilling off
during operation.
Although the principle is the same for all
troughing idlers, there are a number of designs
and idler configurations that can be used
depending on the width of the belt, material type,
throughput tonnage and ambient conditions.
The "depth" of troughing idlers is important in
maximizing the belt's carrying capacity while
minimizing spillage. As well as tonnage
throughput requirements, the idler design will be
influenced by the natural "angle of repose" of the
material to be carried.

Carry/troughing idlers are normally closely

spaced along the load-bearing length of the belt.
The adjacent series of diagrams shows some of
the carry idler types that can be used.

The adjacent photograph shows a typical three-

idler carry arrangement. This is a typical
troughing arrangement.

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3.14.2 Return Idlers

Return idlers are in place on the underside (non-
load-bearing side) of the belt. As they carry only
the weight of the belt, they can be widely
While it is not necessary for the return idlers to
be troughed, some designs do provide for a
shallow troughing profile. This is generally to
provide better belt tracking on its return.

Because return idlers are carrying no weight

other than the belt, they may be designed so
that they provide a full-width surface contact to
or contact only at intervals across the width of
the belt.
The adjacent series of diagrams shows some of
the types of return idlers that are available.

The adjacent photograph shows a typical return

idler arrangement. In this case the idler is of the
"disc" type — the belt is contacted on a relatively
small area helping to minimize wear.

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3.14.3 Tracking Idlers

It is critical that belts track correctly along their
length. The main issues with respect to tracking
are to ensure that the conveyor belt framework
is correctly aligned, the pulleys are set-up
square to the belt and the belt is in good
condition and correctly spliced. In addition, the
load must be correctly transferred onto the belt
so that it is carried centrally. If for example, the
load is placed to the left-hand side of the belt, it
will cause the belt to track to towards the right —
the center of gravity of the load will try to find the
lowest point.
There are other production and ambient
conditions which will cause a conveyor belt to
track incorrectly. To compensate for these
variations, tracking frames may be placed at
intervals on the carry side of the belt. The
adjacent graphic shows typical tracking idler
The adjacent diagram shows the principle of the
tracking idler. The tracking idler operates as
 As the belt tracks to one side (right in this
case), its edge comes into contact with the
right-hand side rollers of the idler frame.
 This causes the tracking frame to swivel in in
that direction in accordance with the
direction of belt travel placing the idler at an
angle relative to the belt.
 This means that (in the case shown in the
graphic) the belt is coming into contact with
the left-hand side of the idler first.
 Because the belt will track towards the side
of the idler it contacts first, it will tend to track
back towards the left.
 The opposite effect will occur if the belt
tracks off to the right.

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The photograph shows a typical idler frame as

described above. It consists of an idler set
which is mounted on a frame that is able to
swivel on a horizontal axis. As described above,
rollers are mounted on each side of the tracking
frame which can make contact with the belt’s
edge when it tracks to one side.
This causes the idler frame to swivel which in
turn biases the belt to track back towards the
center because the belt will track to the side of
the idler that it contacts first. A roller is fitted to
each side of the idler frame.

3.14.4 Impact Idlers

Impact idlers are designed to absorb as much
energy as possible from the impact of material
hitting the belt at a transfer station. The energy
of material impacting an unprotected belt would
soon cause it to wear through. Impact idlers are
used in areas where transfer chutes feed onto
the belt. Impact idlers are designed to wear
and, as such, they can be considered a
sacrificial item (to a certain extent). The
adjacent photo shows a typical installation of
impact idlers at a material transfer station.

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3.14.5 Catenary or Suspended Idlers

Catenary or suspended idlers can also be used
in locations which are subject to impact.
Catenary idlers are suspended in position under
the belt by chain or wire rope. The fact that the
idlers are suspended allows them to "float" as
material is discharged onto the belt which in
turns absorbs much of the impact.

The adjacent series of diagrams show some of

the designs for catenary idlers.

In additions to the suspension impact

absorption, the idlers may also be fitted with
traditional impact absorbing materials.
While catenary idlers provide a rugged means of
providing impact absorption, they have two
major disadvantages:
 They do not provide any control over belt
 If they are of all steel construction, they can
generate significant noise as material
transfer occurs.

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3.14.6 Horizontal Curves

In some cases, overland conveyors are required
to travel in a curve. In order to do this, the idlers
are arranged to ensure that the belt stays on
track and does not spill its load. The curve can
only be very gentle so a long radius is required.

The adjacent photograph shows carry idlers set

up to negotiate a curve. In this photograph, you
can clearly see the angle to which the idlers
have been set as the belt moves through the
curve. The alignment of the idler sets for
dealing with a curve is critical. It is not
practicable to add tracking idler sets so all
alignment and belt tracking must be carried out
with careful alignment and adjustment of the
idler sets.

3.14.7 Anti-Spank Rollers

Anti-spank rollers are used in locations where
the action of the belt starting up and coming
under tension may tend to cause the belt to lift
off from the carry idlers. This is generally in
locations where the belt leaves the main belt
frame and mounts a device such as a tripper.

If the anti-spank roller was not in place, the belt

could lift several feet and would then slap down
onto the idlers. As the belt is started and comes
under tension, this lift up and slap down motion
would occur several times.
This would cause belt damage and damage to the idlers and the idler frames. The anti-spank
roller limits the distance that the belt can lift off its frame and thus limits the force of the up and
down spanking motion of the belt at start up. Anti-spank rollers may be designed around an impact
idler as shown in the adjacent photograph or they may be designed using vehicle wheels and tires.
Once the belt is loaded, the weight of the load prevents further spanking motion so the anti-spank
roller does not receive constant impact. Note that the belt in the photograph above is tracking off
significantly to the left.

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3.15 Belt Tensioning Devices

Take-up arrangements are used on conveyor systems to absorb variations in belt length which
result from:
 belt stretch over time
 stretching in hot weather
 contraction in cold weather
 dynamic load variation
 slack-side tension generated during start-up and braked stops.
The design of take-up arrangements depends on a number of conditions. These include:
 Length and weight of the belt
 Throughput tonnage
 Space available for the take-up arrangement.
Take-up arrangement design includes the following:
 Vertical gravity take-up
 Horizontal gravity take-up
 Screw take-up
 Winch and rope take-up
 Hydraulic take-up.

3.15.1 Vertical Gravity Take-Up Arrangement

The adjacent diagram shows the principle of the
vertical take-up arrangement.
The take-up pulley is located on the belt
between two bend pulleys. The take-up pulley
shaft bearings are attached by wire rope or steel
frames to the take-up weight. Belt tension is
determined by the weight of the take-up weight.
Vertical take-up arrangements can be located
either mid-way along the belt, or at the tail of, a
conveyor. This type of take-up arrangement can
be used when the following criteria are met:
 The belt is long enough to warrant a gravity
 The belt is heavy (wide) enough to warrant a
gravity take-up
 The belt carries enough load to warrant a
gravity take-up
 The belt may stretch significantly over time
 The conveyor has sufficient clearance above
ground to allow the use of a vertical gravity

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The adjacent photograph shows a pair of typical

mid-conveyor vertical take-up arrangements.
These are located mid-way along the conveyors'

The take-up weight is a suspended load. As

such it must be guarded with fencing to
prevent inadvertent access by personnel.

3.15.2 Horizontal Gravity Take-Up Arrangement

The adjacent graphic shows a simple diagram of
a horizontal gravity take-up arrangement. In this
arrangement, the tail pulley is mounted on a
trolley (or cart) which in turn is attached by wire
rope to the take-up weight. This eliminates the
need for bend pulleys.
In practice, a tower and sheaves are required to
allow sufficient movement of the weight (see
photograph below).

In cases where a take-up trolley or cart is used

in the tensioning system, the limits of trolley
travel may be protected by limit switches. These
are generally in pairs with the first switch raising
a warning alarm if it is actuated and the second
shutting down the system if it is actuated.

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The adjacent photograph shows a typical tail-

end take-up arrangement. As discussed above,
the tail pulley is mounted on a trolley to allow
lateral movement.

The take-up weight is a suspended load. As

such it must be guarded with fencing to
prevent inadvertent access by personnel.

The adjacent graphic shows an off-set horizontal

gravity take-up arrangement. The action is the
same as the horizontal take-up shown above
with the exception that additional sheaves are
required to direct the wire rope to the side.
This type of arrangement is used where a
horizontal take-up is required but there is
insufficient space directly behind the conveyor's
tail. It may also be necessary when the tail
conveyor is not sufficiently high above the
ground to be able to provide sufficient up-down
movement of the counterweight. You can think
of this type of arrangement as a hybrid between
a traditional vertical take-up and a horizontal
take up arrangement.

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3.15.3 Screw Take-Up Arrangement

The screw take-up is a simple design in which
the tail shaft pulley bearings are mounted on
sliders. The position of the sliders is adjusted
using the screws which are located at either side
of the pulley.
This type of take arrangement is used where:
 the weight of the belt and its load can be
easily managed with a screw take-up
 relatively little stretch of the belt is expected
 there is insufficient space to allow any kind
of gravity take-up arrangement.

To maintain correct belt tracking, take care

to ensure that the tension applied to each
side of the belt is equal.

3.15.4 Winch System Take-Up Arrangement

The wire rope winch system consists of three
wire rope bend sheaves on the end of the take-
up trolley and two wire rope bend sheaves
mounted on the drive head structure. The two
wire rope bend sheaves are mounted in line with
the take-up trolley. Another wire rope sheave
directs the rope from the reeve system to the
take-up winch.
The take-up winch maintains the conveyor belt
tension by:
 Pulling in the wire rope to take-up elastic belt
 Paying out wire rope to allow elastic belt
retraction as conveyor reduces throughput or
after conveyor start-up.
 Modulating by paying out and pulling in the wire rope to maintain take-up set point with
operational, cyclic load functions.
 Applying the winch brake on a stop signal from controller or loss of electrical power. This
action locks the take-up trolley/pulley in the last operating position as the conveyor comes to a
 Elastic belt stretch results from conveyor start-up or increasing conveyor throughput.
The winch take-up arrangement is generally used where there is limited space but there will be
considerable variations in belt loading resulting in the need to make significant adjustments to belt
tension under operational conditions. These are specialized items and are not often used in
material handling conveyor applications.

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3.15.5 Live Hydraulic Take-Up Arrangement

A typical hydraulic take-up arrangement
operates in a similar manner to a horizontal
take-up. The difference is that instead of the
take-up force being applied by gravity through a
weight, it is applied hydraulically through
hydraulic cylinders. The cylinders provide belt
tensioning force to a trolley. The hydraulic
pressure for the take-up cylinders is provided by
an HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit).
The hydraulic take-up can be very accurately
controlled through control the hydraulic
pressure. In a live system, the hydraulic
pressure is controlled in accordance with
equipment and process variables. This is a very
useful take-up method for mobile conveyor
systems (as shown in the photograph).

3.15.6 "Manual" Hydraulic Take-Up System

A "manual" hydraulic take-up system operates
by pressurizing the hydraulic cylinders prior to
conveyor start up.
The hydraulic cylinders are fitted with
counterbalance valves which lock the cylinder in
position (when there is no longer hydraulic
pressure being applied). The cylinders are
effectively locked into position. This
arrangement cannot provide modulation to cope
with process variables.
A typical HPU for manual take-up can be seen in
the adjacent photograph.
The components of the manual hydraulic system
are shown in the adjacent photograph.

Bend pulley

Bend pulley

Take-up cylinder

Take-up carriage linkage

Take-up carriage

Take-up pulley

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3.16 Drift (Alignment) Switches

Drift (alignment) switches are in installed at
intervals along each side of the conveyor to
ensure that any damage is minimized if a belt
begins to track off line. There are two drift
switch functionalities. The first type is where a
simple switch is used. When a belt tracks
excessively to either side, the switch will trip and
the conveyor will be stopped. The conveyor
cannot be restarted until the drift switch has
been manually reset. In some cases, a drift
switch over-ride switch is in place to assist with
belt re-starts.

The second style is where the switch is a dual-

stage switch. As the belt begins to track off, the
first stage triggers a drift alarm on the control
system. This may allow time for corrective
action to be taken before the second stage of
the switch is actuated and stops the conveyor.
Both types use similar actuators to the one
shown in the adjacent photographs.
In some cases, drift switch override switches
are provided to allow the belt to be run in order
to get it back into the correct position following a
drift-switch shut down.

3.17 Belt Rip Detectors

The purpose of the belt rip detector is to draw
attention to a rip in the belt before it becomes
serious enough to require an entire belt
replacement. There are a number of types of
belt-rip detector available.
The adjacent photograph shows the common
type which uses a thin, tensioned line stretched
across the width of the belt. The thin line holds
the rip switch in the ON position. If the belt
becomes torn, belt fibers and rubber strands will
stand off the belt’s surface as it travels and
break the line allowing the switch to go to the
OFF position. The conveyor is shut down and a
belt rip alarm is raised through the control
Once the belt damage is repaired, the line must
be replaced and tensioned correctly.

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A second type of belt rip switch also relies on a

line stretched across the width of the belt.
However, in this case the line is stronger and
not intended to break. It is intended to pull a
plug from a socket which in turn stops the
conveyor and raises the alarm on the control
In this case, once the belt damage is repaired,
the plug is plugged back into the socket and the
system can be re-started.

A third type of belt rip detector consists of a

counter-balanced tray underneath the belt.
When the belt becomes torn, material dust falls
through the tear in the belt and fills the tray.
When the weight of the material in the tray is
sufficient to overcome the counter-balance, the
proximity switch (see bottom right of the
photograph) is actuated. This stops the
conveyor and raises the alarm on the control
Once the belt damage is repaired, the tray is
emptied and the belt can be re-started.

A fourth method of belt rip detection is where

steel wire loops are embedded in the conveyor
fabric. Coils on the structure induce and read a
current in the steel wire.
If the steel wire is broken because the belt is
ripped, the current cannot be induced. An alarm
is raised and the conveyor is stopped.
Once the rip in the belt and the steel conductor
have been repaired, the belt is able to
recommence operations.
This type of system is available in various levels
of complexity. Some systems are also fitted
with uniquely coded encoders in the belt which
can provide detail of the exact location of the

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3.18 Speed Detection Devices

Under-speed switches or speed detection devices are installed on most conveyor systems. Their
purpose is to ensure that the belt is travelling at the same relative speed as the drive. In other
words, the under-speed switches detect belt slippage across the drive pulley/s. In some cases, the
conveyor PLC (Programmable Logic Computer) uses the data from the speed detector in
association with some types of weigh cell to determine the throughput tonnage.

The adjacent diagram shows two variants of the

tail pulley under-speed detector. In these
arrangements, the vane or fins on the disc
cause the proximity switch to pulse each time
they pass. The PLC receives the data and can
then calculate the RPM of the pulley. The
devices shown here are installed at a non-
driven pulley so that they can detect and
indicate any speed differential between the
driven pulley/s and the belt (in this case, the tail
pulley will be rotating at the same speed as the
belt and will be able to show any differential
between the drive pulley and the belt speed).
The adjacent photograph shows an example of
the under-speed switch described above.

The adjacent photograph shows another

example of the proximity and vane type under-
speed switch.

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The adjacent photograph shows another design

for under-speed switch. In this case, a wheel is
positioned so that it can run on the upper return
side of the belt. As the belt travels the wheel
turns and a proximity switch is pulsed in a
similar manner to the switches described above.

3.19 Plugged Chute Detectors

Plugged (blocked) chute detectors are in place to prevent major material spillage in the event that
a chute becomes blocked. The plugged chute detector must be set at such a position within the
chute that it will detect the blockage in time to prevent major spillage but will not trigger an alarm
during normal production.

The most common plugged chute detector

consists of a mercury switch which is
encapsulated in a steel module. The steel
module is suspended in the chute at the correct
If the chute becomes plugged, the material
quickly builds up to the level of the switch and
causes it to tilt. The mercury switch is activated.
At this time, the conveyor is shut down and an
alarm is raised on the control system.
Once the chute has been cleared of the
blockage, the switch should revert back to the
vertical position and the alarm will be reset.
The adjacent photograph shows a typical chain
mounting for a tilt switch above a chute.

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Another form of the plugged chute detector can

be seen in the adjacent photograph. In this
case, a weighted "trapdoor" is cut into the side
of the chute. The door is not secured in the
closed position. If the material builds up in the
chute, the trapdoor will be forced open. The
proximity switch will be activated which will shut
down the conveyor and raise an alarm on the
control system.

3.20 Temperature Detectors

RTDs (Resistive Temperature Detectors) can be
used on a number of components around the
conveyor system. These monitor the
temperature of the component and feed the
data to the control system. Normally, the
system provides two levels of alarm: high
temperature and high-high temperature. At high
temperature, a warning alarm is raised. At high-
high temperature the conveyor is shut down.
The temperature set-points are designed to shut
down the equipment before permanent damage
is done.
RTDs may be used to provide temperature data
 Electric motors
 Gearboxes
 Bearings, etc.

3.21 Belt Weighers

Belt weighers or weigh cells are installed under
the carry side of the belt. As the belt and its
load pass over the cell, the weight is calculated
and the data is passed to the control system. In
some cases, the data from the weigh cell is
used in conjunction with conveyor speed
detection to provide a reading of tons per hour
Importantly, the weigh cell provides real-time
data of the tonnage that is being fed across the
belt. A current belt tonnage reading can be
seen at any time.

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Weigh cells must be kept free of material build-

up and must be regularly calibrated. Material
build-up on the cell can cause inaccuracies. In
most cases, a local control and calibration
station is installed adjacent to the weigh cell.

3.22 Tramp Metal Magnets

Tramp metal magnets are installed over
conveyor belts in situations where tramp metal
may be present and may cause problems for
downstream equipment. For example, tramp
metal can be expected to come in Run of Mine
(ROM) material in the form of digger teeth, steel
survey pickets, tools or from underground steel
If tramp metal is allowed to go to downstream
processes, it can cause production down-time
and equipment damage.
There are a number of designs for tramp metal
magnets which are used depending on process
requirements. These include:
 Trolley-mounted electromagnets as shown
in the adjacent graphic. To release the
collected material, these need to be
travelled from over the belt using the trolley
and then switched off and then be re-
travelled back into position over the belt.
 Self-cleaning electromagnets. These are
designed to collect the tramp metal and
discharge it to a hopper as it is collected.
 Permanent magnets. These are generally
cleaned by using a manual scraping device.
Permanent magnets are generally used in
locations where very little tramp metal is
expected to be collected.

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The photograph below, shows a typical trolley-mounted electromagnet. Note that electromagnets
are often oil filled and fitted with oil coolers to prevent overheating. The oil cooler requires an oil
circulating pump, cooler (similar to an automotive radiator) and a cooling fan.

In many cases, tramp metal magnets are of the

self-cleaning design as shown in the adjacent
graphic. In this case, the magnet is surrounded
by a short piece of conveyor belting which has
small drive motor and gearbox. The magnet
attracts the tramp metal and the travelling belt
"pushes" it along the length of the magnet until it
reaches the end and discharges into a hopper.
The direction of the magnet belt travels at 90° to
the conveyor belt.
The adjacent photograph shows a typical self-
cleaning tramp magnet. Note that the belt is
slatted in order to assist in the movement of the
tramp metal towards its discharge at the hopper.

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Electromagnets of this size emit a

substantial magnetic field. This is
potentially hazardous for people who are
fitted with heart pacemakers. In most cases,
site safety signage will highlight this issue
and warn such personnel to stay clear of the
magnet. If you use a heart pacemaker, do
not approach within the specified distance
shown on the signage.

3.23 Tramp Metal Detectors

Metal detectors are normally installed downstream of tramp metal magnets. They are in place to
detect any tramp metal that has gone past the tramp magnet/s. Typical operation of the metal
detector is as follows:
1. Metal is detected
2. Belt is automatically stopped
3. Marker flags or colored pellets are dropped onto the belt in the approximate location of the
4. An operator isolates the belt, searches out the metal and removes it, de-isolates the belt and
returns it to service.

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The adjacent photograph shows a typical tramp

metal detector. The actual detector is placed to
scan across the full width of the belt. Also, note
that it needs to be set relatively low across the
belt. Belt overloads can easily damage this type
of metal detector.

The adjacent photograph shows a typical

arrangement for the mounting of the flag-drop
device. This is mounted approximately 30 feet
downstream from the actual detector.

3.24 Safety Lanyard Switches

Safety lanyards (pull-wires) are installed along
the length of both sides of most conveyors. The
switches are installed at intervals along the
conveyor. The number of switches depends on
the length of the conveyor.
Lanyards (light steel wire rope) are strung along
the length of the conveyor and anchored at the
switch and at the distant end. Sufficient tension
must be maintained on the lanyard to ensure
that the switches will trip when the lanyard is

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When the lanyard is pulled, the switch will trip

and the conveyor will come to a halt. In most
cases, unless brakes are fitted, the conveyor
will take some time to completely stop. An
alarm will be raised in the control room. In
some cases, a flashing beacon light on top of
the switch will provide a visual indication of
which switch has been actuated.

The reason for the emergency must be properly

investigated in field to establish if any person
has been injured before any attempt is made to
re-start the conveyor.

Once the reason has been established and the

problem rectified, the switch must be reset to
the operational position and the conveyor can
be restarted.
The adjacent photograph shows another version
of the emergency lanyard switch. As you can
see, this version has a red indicator “flag” which
drops when the switch is actuated.

The adjacent photograph shows yet another

design. In this case there is no beacon
indication but the arrow on the switch will go
from vertical to horizontal once it has been

Lanyard switches are not a means to provide

isolation for the conveyor. They provide a
software stop only. Isolation must take
place at the designated isolation station for
the particular conveyor.

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3.25 Local Control Stations

Most conveyor systems are provided with Local
Control Stations (LCS) at strategic locations on
the conveyor. In most cases, these will be fitted
with an Emergency Stop Button. This stops the
conveyor in the same manner as the safety
lanyard discussed above.

Emergency stop switches are not a means to

provide isolation for the conveyor. They
provide a software stop only. Isolation must
take place at the designated isolation station
for the particular conveyor.
In addition to the Emergency Stop, the LCS may
provide for the selection of:
 Manual operation of the belt (the belt can be
stopped or started from the LCS)
 Remote control of the belt (the belt can be
started manually in the control room)
 Automatic control of the belt (the belt is set
to automatic start-up and shut-down by the
control program
 Forward/reverse operation of the belt (the
direction for bi-directional belts can be

3.26 Belt Tie-Downs

Because of their large surface area, conveyor
belts can easily be damaged by high winds.
Accordingly, conveyors located in regions
subjected to cyclones and hurricanes are
normally fitted with "tie-down" bars. These
provide a means of protecting the conveyor belt
during storm events and high winds. Operators
will receive instructions to tie down the belt as
Each tie-down is held in place by a latch or
locking pin. The latch or pin is released to allow
the tie-down to swing down into place over the
belt, and then re-inserted. A counterweight
holds the belt firmly against the carry idlers.
When the storm is no longer a threat, all ties
must be placed in the operational position.

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3.27 Summary
This topic has provided information on most of the conveyor components that may be encountered
in the field on overland conveyors and for most in-plant conveyors. There will certainly be
components with different designs to those shown but the principle will remain the same.

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Topic 4 — Regular Conveyor Inspections

4.1 Introduction
This topic details the pre-start inspections and the running inspections that should be conducted on
a conveyor system on a regular basis. Pre-start inspections should be conducted prior to start up
when the system has been shut down for a period of time (for example, following maintenance
shutdown days). Running inspections should be conducted at least once every shift.

4.2 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this topic, the trainee will be able to:

 Conduct a pre-start inspection of a conveyor system

 Conduct a running inspection of a conveyor system.

4.3 Prevent Unscheduled Equipment Downtime

The purpose of the pre-start and running inspections is to identify potential or minor problems
before they become major problems. Minor problems will eventually become major problems
which will almost always result in unscheduled downtime. Unscheduled downtime adds to costs
and reduces profitability.
When equipment problems are not identified early, there are a number of costs to be taken into
account that may not be obvious to all personnel

Some of these costs include:

 Cost of replacement parts
 Cost of labor to carry out repairs
 Output reduction
 Product lost within plant (unrecoverable)
 Costs of additional parts or repairs that may
not have been needed if the problem had
been identified early (for example, an entire
conveyor belt may be destroyed if faulty
idlers are not identified and replaced before
they can cause major damage)
 Costs of penalty rates that may apply to
some organizations if they miss contracted
delivery deadlines due to unscheduled
 Costs of trying to recover production
(overtime, etc.).

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4.4 Inspection Routine

Conduct your inspections by developing a
routine that allows you to cover all the
necessary items on the equipment. The order
in which the inspection is conducted should be
decided on site in accordance with site practices
and the actual layout of the equipment.
However, we recommend that a regular
inspection circuit is developed along with a
check sheet listing all items in the order of
The suggested in-field inspection sequence for
conveyor systems is detailed in the table below.

When conducting pre-start inspections, ensure that the equipment is locked out and you
have placed your personal tag on the lock. Do not enter the conveyor footprint if you have
not conducted the correct isolation procedures.

4.5 Conducting the Inspection

When conducting inspections, particularly running inspections, ensure that you use all four of your

Look for signs of leaks, Listen for unusual sounds

weeping seals and such as grinding or
joiners, pools of lubricant, knocking noises, escaping
missing or damaged fluid or gas, excessive
guards, abnormal noise.
equipment operation,
damaged components or

Smell for abnormal Feel for evidence of

smells, including solvent abnormal conditions such
or chemical fumes, as high temperatures and
burning or burnt oil, abnormal vibrations.
rubber or electrical

When performing these checks, NEVER expose your hands or any part of your body to the
moving parts or to any component you suspect may be excessively hot.

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One of the best ways to ensure that all critical items are inspected is to develop and use inspection
checklists and written procedures. These documents detail the inspections that should be
conducted on each item of equipment. If you do not have a written checklist, take writing materials
so that you can record the nature of any fault and its location on the conveyor system.
In addition, when you identify faulty or damaged components on a conveyor system, ensure that
you clearly mark the item so that the Maintenance Department can easily locate it when the repair
is carried out. The best way to mark items is by attaching a tag on the frame-work adjacent to the
faulty item.

4.6 Suggested Inspection Routine for Conveyors

4.6.1 General Checks
The items in this list apply to both the pre-start and the running inspection of conveyors. These are
items that you should be checking at all times when working on or around the conveyor system.

Task Step/Explanation Photograph

1. If the conveyor is at height, check the

structure above for rocks or other material
that are held up. These are hazardous for
both personnel and for the equipment.
They need to be removed safely when the
equipment is shut down.

2. Visually inspect all walkways and handrails

to ensure they are in good condition and do
not have excessive material build-up.
Damaged handrails and walkways are
hazardous to personnel and can also cause
equipment problems (snagging cables and
hoses, etc.). Walkways that are cluttered
with material or tools are slip and trip

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Task Step/Explanation Photograph

3. Check access stairs and walkways to

ensure that all rungs and floor meshing are
secure and safe. The adjacent photograph
shows a broken rung which could cause
injury to personnel. An item in this condition
would need to be demarcated with Danger
Tape to prevent personnel using the stair,
tagged to explain the problem and reported
for repair as soon as possible.

4. Ensure that all guarding is in place and


Never allow a conveyor to operate if

guarding is missing or damaged to the
extent where personnel could enter the
guarded area.

5. Check lighting at all points on the

a. During day shift, check all lights to
ensure that the light and its wiring
are secure and in good condition.
b. During night shift, check the lights to
ensure that they are all working

Non-working lighting is a hazard and should

be reported to the electrical department for
repair as soon as possible.

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Task Step/Explanation Photograph

6. Housekeeping — ensure that:

 all hoses are correctly rolled up and
 all tools, parts and other items are either
removed from walkways or correctly
 walkways are kept clear of material
 all fire-fighting devices are in place and
ready for use.

7. Check that all signage is clean and legible.

Signage is installed in order to advise
personnel of potential hazards on the
equipment. To do its job, signage must be

4.6.2 Top and Bottom Cover Checks

While you are conducting the pre-start inspections, you should be checking the belt covers as you
make your way around the equipment. In many cases, the condition of the belt will provide
indications of the condition of the other equipment such as pulleys, idlers and scrapers. The
following sequence of photographs shows some of the common belt damage and some
explanations as to what might have caused it.

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Condition and Explanation Photograph

Top Cover Wear and De-lamination:

This condition is seen as black marks on the top
cover of the belt, or de-lamination (i.e. layers
coming apart) over the whole length. It can
occur over the full belt width or be confined to a
narrow strip.
Possible causes of this condition, include:
 Seized return idler/s that have been worn
away and are slicing off the top rubber cover
 An under-tensioned U-type scraper that is
vibrating and "juddering" on the belt surface
 Abrasion at one of the bend pulleys
 Skirt boards incorrectly adjusted
 A combination of the above.
Longitudinal Grooving of Top Cover:
Possible causes of this condition include:
 Materials built-up on return side are rubbing
against the belt surface
 Material build-up at head pulley
 Worn/split casing of return idler/s
 Seized return idler/s
 Combination of the above.

Abrasion — Loss of Belt Edge Top Cover:

Possible causes of this condition include:
 Worn/split casing of return idler/s
 Material build-up
 Skirt boards not properly adjusted
 Combination of the above.

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Condition and Explanation Photograph

Wavy Abrasion Loss of Top Cover:
Possible causes of this condition include:
 Improper installation of U-type cleaner,
causing belt vibration
 Material build-up on the return idler just
behind the U-type cleaner, causing
 Combination of the above.

Excessive Bottom Cover Wear:

Possible causes of this condition, which usually
occurs over the full length of the belt, include:
 Seized troughing idler/s
 The belt scraper rubber plate has worn out
and the belt scraper frame is contacting the
 Combination of the above.

Longitudinal Grooving of Bottom Cover:

Possible causes of this condition include:
 Impact idlers are excessively worn exposing
embedded steel rings which are contacting
the belt
 Carry idlers are seized or have split cases
 Carried material has not been cleaned off
correctly at the belt plow and is now
embedded in idlers and pulleys
 Combination of the above.

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Condition and Explanation Photograph

Gouging or Stripping of Bottom Cover:
Possible causes of this condition include:
 Carry idlers are seized or have split casing
 Carried material has not been cleaned off
correctly at the belt plow and is now
embedded in idlers and pulleys
 Belt plow is badly worn and the framework is
contacting the belt
 Combination of the above.

Damage to or Abrasion of Edge Rubber:

Possible causes of this condition include:
 Abrasion from seized rollers on a tracking
 Belt contacting conveyor framework through
poor tracking
 Worn casing of return idler/s
 Combination of the above.

General Damage to the Bottom Cover:

This photo shows excessive material build-up
below a pulley which is causing damage to the
belt top cover.
When conducting inspections, ensure that you
check for material build-up and take steps to
have it removed.
Seized or damaged idlers can possible cause
similar problems.

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4.6.4 Conveyor Pre-Start Inspection

The following inspections should be conducted when the conveyor system has been shut down for
a period of time and is about to be re-started. Pre-start inspection would be conducted after
maintenance shutdowns, after the equipment has been shut down for an extended period of time
and/or once the all-clear is issued following a high-wind and tie-down event.
When conducting the pre-start inspection, it is important to ensure that the conveyor is correctly
isolated by the person conducting the inspection.
It is important that the person conducting the inspection understands that this is a visual inspection
rather than an in-depth audit of the equipment.
The last step in the inspection will be de-isolation by the inspecting person and notification to the
control room that the inspection is complete and the conveyor system is ready for start-up.
The final step in the overall inspection procedure is to ensure that all faults and potential faults are
noted and reported to Maintenance for action.

Inspection Step Photograph

1. Ensure the conveyor is correctly isolated
prior to starting a pre-start inspection

A non-isolated conveyor can start at any


2. Start the inspection at a logical point on the belt (for example, the tail pulley) and walk the
length of the conveyor on its left-hand side checking each of the items discussed below. When
the head of the conveyor is reached, return along the right-hand side and work your way back
to the tail pulley. In other words, you should complete a full circuit of the conveyor. Note that
the actual inspection will vary depending on site conditions and whether or not upstream and
downstream equipment is also to be inspected.
3. While the belt is static, it is possible to
inspect a number of items that are difficult or
impossible to access when the conveyor is
running. These items include:
 Belt top and bottom covers
 Conveyor deck and framework
 Carry and return idlers
 Pulleys
 Take-up arrangements
 Weigh cells
 Detectors, etc.

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Inspection Step Photograph

4. Inspect the tail pulley and the surrounding
area. Check:
 Belt tracking (this belt is tracking to the left
but should be central)
 Tail pulley bearings (check for damage,
ensure all fasteners are secure and
bearings have been lubricated)
 Tail pulley framework to ensure it is secure
 Rear skirt is in position and undamaged (the
item shown needs to be replaced).
 There is no excessive material build-up.

5. Check the drive motor/s and gearbox/es to

 All fittings and mountings are secure
 All shrouds and guarding is in place
 The torque arm (if fitted) is secure and in
good condition
 There are no oil leaks from the gearbox
 There are no oil leaks from fluid couplings (if
 All control panels are intact and in good
 All wiring is intact and in good condition.

6. At the transfer chute/s:

 Visually inspect inside the chute to ensure
the wear plates or tiles are in place
 Visually inspect to ensure that the blocked
chute probe is in place and in good
 Visually inspect to ensure that the belt
scraper is in place, in good condition and is
in contact across the full width of the belt.
 Check all chute doors/hatches are shut and

 If the chute has means of isolating up-stream material, ensure that is correctly set for operation
(ensure that it has not been isolated by another person before making any adjustments)
 If the chute is fitted with a diverter arrangement so that up-stream feeds can be sent to two or
more possible downstream routes ensure that the diverter gate is correctly set. If the diverter
gate is set from the control room, advise the control operator that is needs to be re-set.

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Inspection Step Photograph

7. Check the conveyor side skirts to ensure:
 All fasteners are in position and secure
 The rubber skirt is in intact and in good
 The skirt gap is correct along the full length
of the skirt — the gap should gradually
widen in the direction of belt travel.

8. Inspect the left-hand side impact idlers to

ensure that they are in good condition with
all rubber liners intact. The idlers shown in
this photograph need to be replaced in order
prevent damage and provide protection for
the belt.

9. Check the conveyor speed detector to

 The disc is in good condition with no
warping or damage
 The proximity switch detector is in good
condition and all wiring is intact
 The proximity switch is correctly aligned with
the disc.

10. Working along the left-hand side of the

conveyor, check all carry and return idlers to
 Each idler frame is in place and securely
 All idlers are in place within the frames
 Each idler is in good condition and its full
length is in contact with the belt
 There are no collapsed idler bearings.

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Inspection Step Photograph

11. Check belt tracking idlers to ensure:
 The frame is able to swivel freely
 The side rollers spin freely
 All idlers at the tracking station are in good
 All frame-work is in good condition.

12. Check the left-hand side belt drift switches

to ensure that:
 The belt drift switch and its wiring are intact
and in good condition
 The actuator is in place and aligns with the
belt edge
 The belt has not tracked over to the point
where it will activate the belt drift switch.

13. Check the belt rip detectors to ensure:

 The switch/plug is in good condition
 All wiring is intact and in good condition
 The trip wire is in good condition and is
strung relatively tautly across the belt.

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Inspection Step Photograph

14. Check any tramp metal magnets to ensure:
 They are correctly positioned over the belt
 There is no excessive metal build-up on the
underside of the magnet
 The tramp metal hopper is not overfull
 Magnet trolleys are ready for operation
 Self-cleaning devices are in good condition
and the belt tracks correctly
 Cooling systems are in good condition
 There are no oil leaks.

15. Check all safety lanyard switches and the

lanyards to ensure:
 All switches are securely mounted and in
good condition
 All wiring is intact and in good condition
 All switches are set to the operational
 All lanyards are securely attached to the
switches and are correctly tensioned
 All lanyard ferules (along the length of the
lanyard) are in place and correctly
supporting the lanyard.
16. Check metal detector unit to ensure:
 All support frame-work is intact, in good
condition and securely mounted
 The detection cell is securely fitted to the
 All wiring is intact and in good condition
 The indicator flag or pellet dispenser is in
good condition (and full of pellets in the case
of a pellet-indication system).

It is possible to test the detector if it is

powered up even though the belt is isolated
and not running. Place a piece of steel (eg,
shovel) under the detector and it will cause
the flag to drop. Remember to inform the
control room before testing and to reset the
flag (if fitted) and any alarms once the test is

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Inspection Step Photograph

17. Check the metal detector indicator unit to
 The flag or indicator pellets are in place and
are located centrally over the belt
 The framework is secure
 The wiring is intact and in good condition.

18. At a gravity take-up arrangement, check to

 There is no corrosion or damage to wire
ropes, trolley, sheaves or counterweight
 All pulleys and bearings are in good
 The belt is tracking correctly at the take-up
 That the counterweight is unobstructed and
free to travel on its slides
 There is no excessive material build-up
under the counterweight which could affect
its downward travel and prevent correct belt
 All guarding is in place.

The counterweight is a suspended load and,

as such, no person is permitted to access
the area under the counterweight.

19. At a hydraulic take-up arrangement, check

to ensure:
 The take-up trolley rails are clear
 The take-up trolley bogeys are in good
 There are no hydraulic leaks at either the
HPU or the take-up cylinders
 HPU oil level is correct.

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Inspection Step Photograph

20. At a cable and winch take up arrangement,
check to ensure:
 The take-up trolley rails are clear
 The take-up trolley bogeys are in good
 The wire rope is in good condition and there
is no damage or fraying
 The winder is in good condition and there
are no oil leaks
 All wiring is intact and in good condition.

21. If a weigh cell is installed on the belt, check

to ensure:
 The weigh cell is free of material build-up.
Even a small amount of build-up can cause
 Check that all idlers are in good condition
and making contact across the belt
 The weigh cell frame-work is intact and in
good condition
 Any calibration stickers or documentation
show that the calibration is current.

22. If a belt turn-over station is installed, check

to ensure:
 All frame-work and fittings are secure and in
good condition
 All snub pulleys are secure and in good
 All turn-over idlers are secure and in good

When the belt is not running, the tracking

over the belt turn-over arrangements will
probably not appear to be correct.

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Inspection Step Photograph

23. Inspect any local control panels to ensure:
 The panel is in good condition
 All wiring is intact and in good condition
 All illuminated indicators are in good
 The panel door (if fitted) is securely closed
 The Emergency Stop (where fitted) is pulled
out (in the operational position).

24. If you did not identify any significant faults or

potential faults that should prevent conveyor
operation, remove and destroy your
personal tag from the isolation point and if
no further tags are in place, de-isolate the
conveyor. Advise the Control Room
Operator that the conveyor is ready to go
back into service

If you did identify any faults that will cause

damage if left unattended, ensure these are
rectified prior to conveyor start up. Do not
hold up production for minor reasons, only
when safety is at risk or equipment damage
is likely.
25. Complete the pre-start inspection report
listing all identified faults and ensure it is
passed to the responsible person for action.
At a later time, re-inspect the reported items
and ensure that they have been rectified.

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4.6.5 Conveyor Running Inspections

For the running inspections, the circuit is similar to those for pre-start inspections. The major
things to remember are as follows:
 Material may fall from the operating conveyors at any time. Do not place yourself in a position
where you could be struck by falling rock. Stay clear of the conveyor "footprint".
 The equipment may stop and start at any time. Do not assume that the equipment that has
shut down for some reason will stay shut down for any length of time. It may start again at any
 If you find a hydraulic leak, do not attempt to trace it with your hands or fingers. Hydraulic oil
may be forced out of pipe-work or actuators at high pressure. Hydraulic oil at high pressure
can cause "oil injection" if it comes into contact with the skin.
 Be aware that some components will be hot. Be careful about what you touch.
 The equipment will be very noisy. Ensure that you are wearing hearing protection when
conducting running inspections.
 Dust will be generated by running equipment. Ensure that you are wearing safety glasses.

When you are conducting running inspections, you must use all four senses:
 Sight
 Touch
 Hearing
 Smell.

As operators and/or maintainers are conducting regular running inspections, they should be
listening to motors, gearboxes and other rotating equipment items. A well-tuned ear is easily
capable of distinguishing unusual equipment noises. When these are detected, they should be
followed up to determine why the unusual noise has occurred. Early rectification of a minor
problem can prevent it developing into a major problem which has the potential to cause significant
unscheduled downtime and incur major costs. A uniform hum is a sign that an item of equipment
is in good working order.

Task Step Photograph

1. Start the inspection at a logical point on the belt (for example, the tail pulley) and walk the
length of the conveyor on its left-hand side checking each of the items discussed below. When
the head of the conveyor is reached, return along the right-hand side and work your way back
to the tail pulley. In other words, you should complete a full circuit of the conveyor. Ensure
that you make notes as you conduct the inspection so that you remember all faults and
potential faults.
2. Inspect the tail pulley and the surrounding
area. Check:
 Material is transferring correctly from
upstream feeds
 The belt is tracking correctly over the tail
 Tail pulley bearings — feel the Plummer
blocks for excessive temperature and noise
 Tail pulley framework for damage
 For excessive material build-up around the
tail pulley area

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Task Step Photograph

3. Walk along the left-hand side of the

conveyor and check for:
 Damaged idlers
 Frozen idlers
 Excessively noisy idlers
 Idlers with excessive vibration
 Material is correctly centered on the belt.

4. If a gravity take-up arrangement is installed,

 That the counterweight has latitude to be
able to move up and down
 There is no build-up of material under the
 All bend and take-up pulleys are rotating
freely and are not excessively noisy.

5. If a hydraulic take-up arrangement is

installed, ensure:
 The take-up trolley rails are clear
 The take-up trolley bogeys are in good
 There are no hydraulic leaks at either the
HPU or the take-up cylinders
 There is no excessive noise from the HPU.

6. If a cable and winch take-up arrangement is

installed, ensure:
 The take-up trolley rails are clear
 The take-up trolley bogeys are in good
 The wire rope is in good condition and there
is no damage or fraying
 The winder is in good condition and there
are no oil leaks
 All wiring is intact and in good condition.

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Task Step Photograph

26. If a belt turn-over station is installed,

 All frame-work and fittings are secure and in
good condition
 All snub pulleys are secure and in good
 All turn-over idlers are secure and in good
 The belt is tracking correctly both before
and after the turn-over arrangement.
7. At the head of the conveyor, check to
 The material is feeding correctly into the
discharge chute
 The head pulley is in good condition
 The head pulley bearings are in good
condition (see bearing inspections in: Topic
Five — Regular Mechanical Maintenance)
 The belt scraper is in good condition, in full
contact across the belt (if visual inspection
is possible)
 There is no excessive noise from either the
pulleys or bearings.

8. Continue the inspection for the right-hand side of the conveyor as detailed above for the left-
hand side. Remember to check all items such as idlers, pulleys, weigh cells, take-up
arrangement, etc.
9. As you near the tail of the conveyor, check
the right-hand side impact idlers.

10. Complete the running inspection report,

listing all identified faults, and ensure it is
passed to the responsible person for action.
If you identify any faults that will cause
damage if left unattended, ensure these are
dealt with immediately. This may mean
having to shut down the system to carry out
the repairs.

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4.7 Summary
This topic has provided information on pre-start and running inspections of conveyors. The service
life of conveyors will be maximized, they will run more reliably and costs and downtime will be
minimized if regular inspections are conducted and the identified problems are rectified. Allowing a
conveyor to run with faults may cause even greater faults and result in unscheduled downtime and
additional costs.
Ensure that:
 Running inspections are conducted on a daily basis by a competent person
 Pre-start inspections are conducted when the equipment has been shut down for significant
periods (for example, following scheduled shut down days)
 Faulty items are tagged to make the location clear for Maintenance
 All repairs are carried out promptly — repairs should be made as soon as possible after the
faults are reported.
 A brief record is kept outlining the history of each conveyor. This should note such items as:
 original conveyor specifications (belt, idlers, pulleys, etc.)
 tonnage records
 major repairs
 inspection record
 lubrication schedules
 downtime records
The information regarding the original specification is important when ordering spare parts and
dealing with FLSmidth Field Service.

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Topic 5 — Regular Preventative Maintenance

5.1 Introduction
This topic provides basic information on the maintenance of the conveyor components discussed
in the previous topics. In addition to the inspections discussed above, regular maintenance tasks
should be conducted to ensure the maximum service life of the equipment.

5.2 Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this topic, the trainee will understand the reason for regular maintenance and
be able to explain basic installation and maintenance techniques for:

 Conveyor belting
 Drive motors
 Drive couplings
 Gearboxes
 Pulleys and pulley bearings
 Idlers
 Conveyor skirts.

5.3 Maintenance Rules

When conducting maintenance:

 Conduct a risk assessment (at the appropriate level) prior to starting the maintenance. Ensure
that the hazards identified in the risk assessment are properly controlled for the duration of the
 Only experienced and trained personnel should carry out maintenance including lubrication and
 Do not generally conduct maintenance tasks on an operating conveyor. Shut down the
conveyor and carry out the correct isolation procedures before commencing work.
 If the conveyor must be operated to perform maintenance procedures, only experienced
conveyor maintenance personnel are permitted to conduct the work but they must conduct a
Risk Assessment first and ensure that suitable controls are in place before commencing the
 Do not wear loose clothing when working around conveyors.
 Poor housekeeping practices cause accidents and inefficient conveyor operation. Remove all
debris, old components and spilled lubricant before the conveyor is de-isolated and re-started.
 Make sure no material is caught or lodged in moving/rotating components.

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5.4 General Scheduled Maintenance

The following table provides a suggested routine for regular maintenance on conveyor equipment.
These are suggestions only and are not intended to supersede or over-ride the instructions
provided by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).

Component Action
Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly

Motors Check Noise 

Check Temperature 
Check Mounting Bolts 
Gearboxes Check Noise 
Check Temperature 
Check Oil Level 
Drive Chains Check Tension 
Lubricate 
Check for Wear 
Sprockets Check for Wear 
Check Set Screws & Keys 
Belt Check Tracking 
Check Tension 
Check top and bottom covers 
Pulleys Check Bearing Temperature

via Plummer Blocks
Check Noise 
Check Mounting Bolts 
Pulley Bearings Lubricate (if not canister lubed) 
Check temperature 
Idlers Check Vibration  
Check Noise  
Check Idlers Rotating  
Check Mounting Bolts 
V-belts Check Tension 
Check for Wear 
Check Sheave Alignment 
Structural Check fastener security

Check steel-work for condition

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5.5 Belting
Conveyor belting represents one the most significant costs in the construction of a conveyor
system. Such significant expenditure warrants correct care, regular inspection and a suitable
maintenance program to protect the investment. Conveyor users can minimize downtime, repair
and premature belt wear by following correct belt maintenance procedures. The following sections
provide some guidelines for the handling, storage and maintenance of conveyor belting.

5.5.1 Belting Storage

Belting should always be stored upright in the factory package in a cool, dry building in an area
free from direct sunlight.
Store the belt roll suspended on a tube, bar or support stand. Under no conditions should rolls of
belting be laid flat on their side. Storing belting flat on the ground, where moisture can penetrate
exposed fabric, or storing a belting roll with weight on one side of the circumference of the roll will
stretch the belt. In turn, this will cause belt camber or bowing, resulting in difficulties in tracking the
For an extended storage period, the belting roll should be covered with a tarpaulin or dark plastic.
Exposure to sunlight, rain and ozone can have detrimental effects on the belting's top and bottom
covers. The protective covering should remain in place for the entire storage time. As an
additional protective measure, the belt should be rotated 90° every 90 days. The rotation should
be made in the same direction as that used to wind up the belt. Rotating in the opposite direction
will cause the roll to loosen or "telescope".
It is important to make sure the belt is not exposed to extreme temperatures during storage. Ideal
temperature for storing a belt is between 10°C and 21°C (50°F to 70°F). Temperatures outside of
this range for an extended period of time can have detrimental effects on the rubber compounds.
Correct belt storage becomes more important as the size of the roll becomes larger and as the
length of time stored becomes longer.

5.5.2 Handling Belting

Conveyor belting is normally packed on cylindrical reels or rolls on a core with the top cover facing
out. If rolling is necessary, it should occur in a direction such that the end of the roll on the outside
wrap travels in the direction from which it is wound up. Rolling in the opposite direction tends to
loosen and telescope the belt.
All crates and rolls are marked with an arrow
showing the direction in which the crate or roll
should be rotated. Reels or rolls should never
be dropped from a freight car or truck. The
weight of the roll will break the packaging and
possibly damage the belting.
Reels or rolls should always be rolled, or
provision should be made for hoisting them.
For hoisting, a square lifting bar of the correct
size should be placed through the hole in the
center of the core. A spreader bar should be
used to prevent the chains or slings from
damaging the edges of the conveyor belt.
Slings or chains of the correct size for the
weight of the roll should be used.

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5.5.3 Belt Installation — Positioning the Take-Up

Before commencing to install the belting, it is important to ensure that the take-up cart/trolleys and
counterweights are positioned to allow for near-maximum take up of the belt once it is in place.
The belt will stretch once it is placed under tension and load. It is critical that the counterweights
on gravity take-up arrangements are correctly and safely supported at all times until they are
allowed to apply tension to the belt.
For a horizontal gravity take-up arrangement, the take-up cart should be set approximately 100
mm (4") from the full forward position (toward head end of conveyor).
For a vertical gravity take-up arrangement, the take-up cart should be positioned approximately
300 mm (12") below the upper stop on the take-up guides.
For hydraulic and winch take-up arrangements, the take-up cart should be positioned
approximately 100 mm (4") from the full forward position (toward head end of conveyor).
For a screw take-up arrangement, the screw adjusters should be set so that the tail pulley is
approximately 100 mm (4") from the full forward position (toward head end of conveyor). Ensure
that the pulley is square to the frame.

5.5.4 Belt Installation — Positioning and Orientation of Belt Roll

The relative position of the top and bottom covers or surfaces of the belt should be considered
when positioning the roll for threading. Conveyor belting is normally rolled at the factory with the
carry-side outermost.
At the point of installation, the belting should be
mounted on a suitable shaft for unrolling and
threading onto the conveyor frame.
When threading the belting onto the frame, the
belt must:
 Lead off the top of the roll if it is being
pulled onto the troughing or carrying idlers
 Lead off the bottom of the roll if it is being
pulled onto the return idlers.
When pulling the belt onto the conveyor, the roll
will turn opposite the direction indicated by the
arrows on the crate. The adjacent graphic
illustrates a suitable method of belt-mounting,
as well as leading off the top of the roll for
pulling onto the troughing idlers.

In some cases, such as underground mines

where headroom does not readily permit
maneuvering of a roll, the belt may have to be
pulled off the roll and "reefed".
The adjacent graphic shows "reefed" belting.
Extreme care should be taken to ensure that
the loops have large bends to avoid kinking or
placing undue strain on the belt. No weight
should ever be placed on the belt when it is in
this position.

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5.5.5 Belt Installation — Belt Pulling

Belt Replacement

If replacing an existing belt, the new roll can be set up as described above. The old belt is
clamped off and cut, and the new belt is spliced to the leading end of the old belt by using
approximately one-half the usual number of plate-type joiners. The trailing end of the old belt is
attached to a means of providing traction (truck, tractor, etc.). The conveyor drive motor is used to
pull on the new belt while the towing device drags the old belt away and provides sufficient slack
side tension to ensure traction at the drive pulley. In all cases, exercise care to ensure the carry
side of the belting is placed upward if pulling onto the top run, or downward if pulling onto the
return run.

Installing Belt at a New Installation

For a new conveyor installation where there is little or no incline of the frame, a rope or cable
should be attached to a clamp at the belt end. A clamp should be obtained or fabricated that
distributes the pull across the full width of the belt.

It is not sufficient to cut either a hole or "ears" into the belt to attach the cable. The pull
must be spread across the full width of the belt.
For installations with a relatively high degree of incline (12° or more), the method of belt handling is
slightly different. The roll of belt is set up as previously described. In many cases, it will be most
convenient to place the roll at or near the head pulley because this is generally the most
Assuming the conveyor is sufficiently long to require more than one splice, the conveyor side and
the return sides are threaded on separately. Ensure that the conveyor side or heavier cover is
uppermost on the carry side and facing down on the return side.
As the belt is fed on, the tension at the roll will build up due to the weight of the belt on the slope.
For this reason, some method of braking is required. Normal practice is to use a belt clamp,
mounted on the conveyor structure, through which the belt is threaded. Where the slope is very
long, additional clamps should be spaced approximately 300 m (980') apart.
Where more than one clamp is used, workers are stationed at each clamp to loosen and tighten
the clamps as the belt is fed onto the frame. Care must be taken to ensure the belt does not "run-
away". As each roll is run off its spool, another is spliced on and then fed onto the conveyor. Pull
the belt ends until they overlap at the required splicing position.

When pulling the belt onto the frame, station personnel at key points along the conveyor to
help avoid the belt from hanging up on the structure which could result in belt damage.

5.5.6 Belt Installation — Splice Position

On a conveyor with a gravity take-up, the splice should be made near the take-up.
If the carry side and the return side have been fed on separately, the final splice is best made at
the bottom of the slope where the ends of the belt meet. This is because it allows a much lower
splicing tension at this point.
Making the final splice at the top of the slope is possible but requires proper splicing tension.

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5.5.7 Belt Installation — Removal of Belt Slack

At installation, it is critical to ensure that as much slack as possible is removed from the belting.
Removing as much slack as possible at this stage will make final tensioning easier. The belt will
stretch significantly once it is commissioned and is used to carry loads. If excess slack is left within
the belt at installation, it will mean that additional splicing operations will be needed to remove the
slack later.
On conveyors with short head and tail pulley centers of about 60-90 m (195 to 295'), there should
be no problem in removing all of the slack from the belt.
On conveyors with long centers, it may be necessary to take two hitches while stringing the belt;
one to remove slack on the return side and a second hitch on the carry side. This will help to
minimize the slack in the belt at installation.

5.5.8 Selection and Rating of Belt Clamps

Clamp sets should be selected on the basis of
the width and thickness of the belt to be
clamped as well as the tension which the clamp
set is expected to withstand. After final
assembly each belt clamp is proof tested on a
special test rig to twice the safe working load to
ensure that no damage or permanent
deformation occurs.

Clamps should be purchased from reputable

suppliers to ensure that the clamps are suitable
for the application and are able to withstand the
tensile load. Factory tests should be provided
by the supplier to confirm that the clamps are
capable of coping with the load.

5.5.9 Tensioning the Belt Pre-Splice

Once the belt has been pulled onto the conveyor it must be tensioned prior to splicing to minimize
the slack that the take-arrangement has to cope with.
The tensioning operation takes place at the
location where the last splice will be made.
Clamps are placed on each end of the belt.

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Tension is applied by means of “coffing hoists”

or "pull-alongs" which are hooked on each end
of the belt via belt clamps. Once again, it is
important to ensure that the tensioning devices
are capable of withstanding the forces required
to properly tension the belt.
Belts which are clamped off on one end and
tensioned by pulling in a single direction require
more tension than those pulled in both
Inclined belts fitted with anti-rollback devices
which cannot be released must be tensioned by
pulling in the direction of belt travel only. Use a
series of clamp-off devices to take out belt
During final tensioning, ensure the ends of the
belt are properly aligned.
From this point, make allowance for an amount of belt necessary to correctly position the
Obtaining the required tension depends heavily on the experience of the individual who is making
the splice. It is possible for a gravity type take-up to severely damage the conveyor structure if it is
positioned too close to the forward or upward stop. Too much tension applied to a relatively short
belt may have a harmful effect on the pulley shafts and bearings as well as the belt.
The diagram below provides an indication of the splicing area and the pulling locations that may be
required. The plywood located under the splice is to provide a solid surface on which the splice
can be conducted.

Conveyor installations with limited take-up travel should be spliced to a tension based on the
calculated loaded running tension.
When splicing the belt where the take-up weight is fitted:
 Tie the take-up off 150 to 200 mm (6 to 8") above the desired running position. Factor in the
consideration for excessive sag.
 Pull the belt until the take-up counterweight starts to lift and the tie-off ropes become slack.
 Make the final splice allowing for a minimum of belt slack.

Splicing a belt in a conveyor system where the counterweight has not been fitted is not advisable.
However, if it is necessary to do so, the following procedure should be used:

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 Use suitable belt clamps to hold the take-up pulley 15 to 200 mm (6 to 8") above the desired
running position Factor in the consideration for excessive sag.
 Pull the belt to its running tension which can only be estimated in this situation. Judgment in
estimating this tension will improve with the experience of the splicer.

5.5.10 Splicing Material

There are a number of methods to splice belts. These are the subject of separate training module
to be released at a later time. However, for cold splicing methods, bear in mind the following:

Check the expiry date of splice and repair material. It has a limited shelf-life. It is essential
to transport and store the splice and repair material refrigerated.
During transportation from the manufacturer to site, and at the site, splicing/repair material must be
kept at a temperature of 0 to 18°C (32 to 65°F).
During the transportation of the material from the manufacturer to the site and at the site it has to
be kept at a temperature between 0 to 18 °C (32 to 65°F). The best way of storage is in a
refrigerated chamber at a temperature of approximately 4°C (39°F). It should never exceed 10°C
(50°F). The relative humidity should not exceed 65%.

At a temperature of 20°C (68°F), the shelf-life may be halved.

The material must not be exposed to direct sunlight and must be kept indoors, dry and away from
heat sources.

A splice is the weakest point in a fabric conveyor belt. Fresh splice material is of high
Care must be taken to ensure belt splices keep the belt "square". An out-of square splice will
cause belt tracking problems and cause unequal tension to be exerted across the belt which can
lead to premature belt failure.

5.5.11 Mechanical Splices

In addition to vulcanized splicing, there are a
number of other methods to splice a belt. The
adjacent photograph shows a mechanical
splice using a number of double-sided plates
with each secured to the belt ends by nuts and
bolts of rivets. This type of splice is only of
value for an emergency splice or to make a
temporary repair. Over time, they will damage
pulley lagging, idlers, scraper blades and other
components. Also, they are not usable on a
conveyor system which has metal detection

5.6 Conveyor Belt Training

Probably the most important single factor in belt life is correct belt training. An incorrectly tracking
belt has the capability to cut through steel in a relatively short period. If the belt is tracking off, it
will also result in belt damage and spillage of material. Therefore, it is important that pre-start and

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running inspections (as detailed in Topic 4) are conducted following any maintenance work. It is
critical to ensure that the belt is tracking correctly in order to maximize its service life and protect
the structure and other components in the conveyor system.

5.6.1 Belt Training "Rules of Thumb"

Training the belt is a process of adjusting idlers, pulleys, and loading conditions in a manner that
will correct any tendency of the belt to run off center.

A useful "rule of thumb" regarding belt tracking is that the belt will move towards the end of
the idler that it contacts first (within an idler set).
Two other good points to remember regarding belt tracking are as follows:
1. When all portions of a belt run off center through a part of the conveyor length, the cause is
most likely misaligned or out-of-level idlers in that region of the structure or a misaligned
structure itself.
2. If one or more portions of the belt run off center at several points along the conveyor, the cause
is most likely in the belt itself. This could be caused by a damaged belt structure, an out-of-
square splice or uneven loading of the belt.

These basic principles can be used to help diagnose belt tracking issues. Combinations of these
principles sometimes produce cases where the cause is not clear. However, if the maintainer
observes the belt through a number of "revolutions" the running pattern will become clear and the
cause/s should become evident.
In most cases where a "running pattern" does not become evident it is because the belt is running
erratically. This can be caused by an unloaded belt that does not trough well or a loaded belt that
is not receiving a uniform load that is correctly centered on the belt.
Tracking idler-sets will cause wear if the belt runs continuously against them. Therefore, tracking
idlers should be used sparingly to prevent unnecessary wear.

5.6.2 Tracking Sequence — Brief Summary

The following provides a brief summary of the sequence to track a belt:
1. Conduct a risk assessment and complete all safety documentation.
2. Start with an empty belt.
3. Conduct analysis of tracking while the belt is running. Analysis should be spread over some
length of the conveyor preceding the region that is tracking incorrectly to ensure you build up
an accurate picture of the problem while observing several revolutions of the belt. Adjustments
to idlers and other items may only take place with the belt shutdown and correctly isolated.

Do not attempt to make adjustments to a running belt. Ensure it is shut down and isolated
before adjusting idlers and pulleys.
4. Start with the return strand working toward the tail pulley.
5. The effect of any adjustment may not be immediately apparent on the tracking of the belt.
Once an adjustment has been made, run the belt for several minutes and at least three full
revolutions to determine the results of the adjustment. If readjustment is required, shut down
and isolate the belt again and make further adjustments as required
6. Repeat the process until the return side is tracking correctly.
7. Move onto the carry side and work in the direction of belt travel.

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8. Observe the belt's tracking for several revolutions and analyze the result
9. Shutdown and isolate the conveyor and make the required adjustments to idler-sets.
10. Re-start the conveyor and observe the results.
11. Repeat the process until the belt is tracking correctly on both the carry and return sides in the
unloaded state.
12. Once unloaded tracking is complete, run the belt and apply the full load.
13. Ensure that load is being received centrally and the belt is not being skewed by poor material
14. Once again, observe the tracking and analyze the results.
15. If necessary, run out the conveyor, shut it down and isolate it; carry out any further adjustments
16. De-isolate and re-start the conveyor and then reintroduce the load and observe the results.
17. Repeat the process until the loaded belt is tracking correctly along its entire length.

If the tracking has worsened following adjustment, go back to the same idler and return it to
its original position. Do not try to correct this situation by adjusting more idlers.

Only make adjustments to the head pulley for tracking purposes as a last resort. Wherever
possible, avoid adjustments to either the head or tail pulleys once they are aligned and
running parallel to each other.

5.6.3 Idler Adjustments

Idler adjustments are usually made at locations 5 to 6 m (16 to 20") behind the point where the belt
appears to run off. The belt will shift toward the side where it first touches the idler roll. The effects
of idler adjustment are not immediate, and the running belt must be observed for two or three
complete revolutions after each idler adjustment before additional changes are made.

Return Idlers

Return idlers cannot be tilted, however, by

shifting their horizontal axis, they can be used
to provide a corrective effect. This can be done
by slightly advancing and raising the alternate
ends of the return idlers nearest the tail pulley.
This can be done for expediency on a
temporary basis, but is rarely used in practice.
If this area is causing a belt tracking problem, a
self-aligning return idler should be installed
about the second or third idler-set from the tail

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Carry Idlers

Empty belts should trough well and contact the horizontal roll/s of all troughing idler-sets. A belt
can be trained with the troughing idlers in two ways:
 "knocking" idlers method
 Tilting idler method.

Knocking Idlers
Shifting the idler axis with respect to the path of
the belt, commonly known as "knocking idlers",
is effective where the entire belt runs to one
side along some portion of the conveyor. The
belt can be centered by knocking ahead (in the
direction of belt travel) the end of the idler to
which the belt runs. Shifting idlers in this way
should be spread over some length of the
conveyor preceding the region where the belt
tracks off.

As mentioned earlier, the belt will tend to creep to the side that makes first contact with the idler.
The return side should be adjusted first, starting at the head end. A slight adjustment on a number
of idlers is recommended. Repeat this procedure at other points along the belt, if necessary, until
the return side is running true. The carry side can then be adjusted by using this same procedure
starting at the tail end and proceeding toward the head end.
Such idler shifting is effective for only one direction of belt travel. If the belt is reversed, a shifted
idler, corrective in one direction, is miss-directed in the other. Hence, reversible belt conveyors
should have all idlers squared up and left that way. Any correction required can be provided with
self-aligning idlers designed for reversible operation.

Idler Frame Tilting

Tilting the troughing idler forward (not in excess
of two degrees) in the direction of belt travel
produces a self-aligning effect. The idlers can
be tilted in this manner by shimming the rear
leg of the idler stand. This method is not
satisfactory where belts may be reversing. The
adjacent graphic shows this method.
Tilting the idler frame has an advantage over
knocking idlers because it will correct for
movement of the belt to either side of the idler.
Therefore, it is useful for training erratic belts.
This method has the disadvantage of
encouraging accelerated non-carry side cover
wear due to increased friction on the troughing
It should be used as sparingly as possible,
especially on higher angle idlers.

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5.6.4 Possible Increased Power Demand

While it is possible to make a belt track correctly along its length on both the carry and return sides,
you should be aware that adjusting idlers to do so can lead to increased power consumption and
additional wear on the belt and other components in the conveyor system. For example, if the belt
has been made to track correctly by knocking half the idlers one way and the other half the other,
the rolling friction between the belt and idlers would have been increased considerably. This would
lead to an increase in the power required to drive the belt and an increase in the wear to the belt,
idlers and pulleys.
Because of this, to set correct tracking, all idlers should be initially squared with the path of the
belt. Then only the minimum number of idlers should be shifted in order to finalize the tracking of
the belt. If during the tracking process the belt an overcorrection occurs, the idlers that were
adjusted should be moved back to the original position rather than making further adjustments to
other idler sets.

5.6.5 Pulleys and Snubs

When training a new belt, the first adjustment should be to make certain that the belt will travel
centered on the head and tail pulleys. Adjustment on the head-end snub pulley will help train the
belt at the point where it enters the return run. Adjustment on the snub pulley at the tail will affect
travel position of the belt over the tail pulley.
All pulleys should be level and should and their axis must be at 90° to the intended path of the belt.
As mentioned above, once the head and tail pulleys have been correctly set up, they should not be
adjusted as a means to train the belt. However, it is acceptable to adjust the axis of snub pulleys
as a means to train the belt when all other training methods have provided insufficient correction.
A pulley with its axis set in a position other than 90° to the belt path will tend to cause the belt to
move in the direction of the edge of the belt which contacts the misaligned pulley first.
When pulleys are not level, the belt tends to run to the low side. This is contrary to one old "rule-
of-thumb" which stated that a belt runs to the high side of the pulley.
One important fact to remember is that tracking adjustment should not be attempted using unequal
adjustment of a screw-type take-up arrangement. Using the tail pulley as a means of adjusting
tracking will result in excessive wear and rolling friction.

5.6.6 Training Belts in Detail

While the above sections have provided some general information on the training of belts, the
following section provides a detailed sequence for training a belt.
1. The best procedure for a new belt is to run it for some time before making any adjustments.
This run-in period will relieve most manufacturing stresses that can occur during weaving,
treating, calendaring, assembly, curing, and slitting. After installation, some belts may track
correctly from the beginning. In these cases, run the belt for an hour or two unloaded and then
gradually introduce the load.
2. When starting a conveyor for the first time, observers (with a means of communicating with the
controlling person) should be placed along the length of the belt and it should be run slowly and
intermittently. This will allow the observers to identify any tendency of the belt to track off and it
can be shut down quickly before any damage occurs.
3. Initial movement of the belt will indicate where corrections are required. The first corrections
must be at points where the belt is in danger of being damaged. Once the belt is clear of all
danger points, a sequence of training operations can be followed. Because the training will
eventually complete a full circuit of the conveyor, there is no point at which training can be

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started without the possibility of having to make subsequent corrections when returning to the
starting point. The best procedure is to start with the return run at or near the head pulley and
work toward the tail pulley. This ensures centering of the belt on the tail pulley so that it can
receive its load centrally.
4. When the equipment is known to be correctly aligned, any training action should be taken
slowly — that is, adjustments should be made in small increments. This is because the belt
requires some time to respond to corrective measures. Adjustment should begin at some point
preceding the location where run-off occurs and gradually proceed forward in the direction of
belt travel until the run-off condition has been corrected.
5. In most cases, the belt can be trained to run centrally onto the tail pulley by manipulation of the
return idlers. Seldom is any adjustment of snub or tail pulley necessary, but the snub can be
used in supplementary training if necessary.
6. If the empty belt sits correctly in the troughing idlers so that its running tendencies are not
erratic, the training on the carry side can and should be completed with an empty belt. If the
belting is very stiff and will not "sit down" in the troughing idlers it may tend to run erratically. In
this case, it will help to place some load on the conveyor once the return side has been
straightened up and the belt is centered on the tail pulley.
7. It should not be necessary to use the head pulley for tracking purposes if it has been aligned
correctly. Similarly, the head pulley snub should not need to be adjusted because it is in a
relatively ineffective position because it follows the strong influence of the head pulley.
8. A vertical gravity take-up arrangement has a strong influence on belt tracking at, and around
the take-up area. Due to the movement of the carriage as belt length alters, this area can be
subject to misalignment and poor tracking. For this reason, the take-up carriage travel must be
guided to ensure the pulley shaft remains horizontal. It is not sufficient to depend on the belt to
be able to center itself on the pulley. Once it becomes off-center, the pulley will tip out of
horizontal, unless it is correctly guided on its posts.
9. A horizontal gravity take-up carriage is also subject to misalignment. This can be due to
insecure track, fouled rails, or carriage bogies lifting or jumping off the track. V-shaped rails will
hold the gauge tight and with the apex uppermost they are self-cleaning. Hold-down rails or
brackets which extend under the flange of the track structure will prevent carriage bogies lifting
and jumping off the track.
10. Once the belt is trained with no load, it will normally track correctly when the load is applied.
With the belt correctly trained with no load, any tracking problems with the load introduced are
usually caused by off-center loading or a build-up of material on pulleys and return idlers.
11. If the same part of the belt always tends to run off regardless where it is on the conveyor, the
belt is either crooked or a crooked splice has been made. This problem can only be corrected
by re-splicing the belt. If a length of the belt carcass proves to be damaged, it will need to be
12. In cases where a belt has tracked correctly for some time and then develops a tendency to
track off, one edge of the belt may be worn thin and stretching, or water may be getting into the
belt fabric and causing the exposed edge to shrink. This problem can only be corrected by
replacing the belt or splicing in a new section.
13. Where a belt is tending to climb sideways at the same point along the conveyor, it indicates
that the idlers are out of alignment or the perhaps entire conveyor framework is misaligned.
This type of misalignment does not cause a belt to track off at the point where the source of
problem is actually located. Rather it requires the adjustment of idlers or framework 5 to 6 m
(16 to 20') downstream (in direction of belt travel).

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14. A belt can be forced out of alignment when return idlers develop build-up from sticky materials.
Accessory equipment should be used to eliminate carrying material to the return side of the belt
and prevent build up on return idlers.
15. A belt that has recently been trained should be frequently inspected during its break-in period.
If there are any indications that the belt is beginning to track off again, any corrective measures
should be based on careful observations and analysis.

It is not good practice to attempt re-use old belting from another conveyor system. A belt
which has tracked correctly on one conveyor system will probably not track well on
different conveyor system; no matter how well the new one is aligned.

For some conditions of operation where the conveyor is not level, is extremely short or is
too wide to be affected by the training options detailed above, belts with a special guide
strip have been developed. In this case, the belt is fitted with a V-guide strip which runs
loosely in grooved pulleys and idlers. Guide strips are not necessary for the long
conveyors normally encountered in industrial use.

5.6.7 Laterally Stiff Belting

Belting that has extreme lateral stiffness
relative to its width will be more difficult to train
due to its lack of contact with the center carry
idler. Identifying this condition enables extra
precautions to be taken when training the belt
and, if necessary, loading the belt during
training. If it is necessary to load the belt during
its training phase, it is important to ensure that
the belt is observed along its length so that any
spillage can be identified early and the
conveyor shut down. This will help to prevent
the need to clean up massive amounts of

In some cases, a new belt may tend to run off to one side in a certain portion or portions along their
length. As well as the causes mentioned above, this could be caused by temporary lateral mal-
distribution of tension. These internal tensions are introduced during manufacturing. In most
cases, operation of the belt under tension corrects this condition.
When adjustments have been made to track a stiff belt correctly, it should be fully loaded and the
conveyor operated for several hours. At the end of the day or work-shift the belt should be stopped
and allowed to stand idle overnight with a full load on it. This will hasten the break-in time for
allowing the belt to sit correctly in the troughing idlers.

5.6.8 Loaded Belt

Once the belt has been properly trained while running empty, it must be checked when carrying
load. A belt that has been correctly trained in the unloaded state should track correctly under
loaded conditions.

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Start loading with a light load and gradually

work up to the designed capacity of the
conveyor. Check chutes to ensure that the
material is being transferred directly onto the
center of the belt. If a belt is loaded off-center,
the center of gravity of the load tends to move
the center of the troughing idlers. This in turn
causes the belt to "drift" off towards its lightly
loaded edge. Off-center loading is harmful to
the belt, idlers, and shafting. Chutes should
distribute the load evenly to the center of the

5.6.9 Training Feeder Belts

The frame of short feeder belts should be double-checked to ensure it is square using a steel tape
measure. The head and tail pulleys must be parallel, level and square. All training should be done
on the return side. In common with longer conveyor systems, do not to use major pulleys for belt

5.6.10 Bi-Directional Belts

When tracking bi-directional belts, it is important to remember that corrective adjustments that you
make for one direction of travel will have the opposite effect when the belt travels in the opposite
direction. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all carry side troughing idler frames are set
vertically. It is also critical to ensure that any adjustments are tested in both directions with an
unloaded and a loaded belt.

5.7 Motors
The maintenance of electric motors is minimal.
It includes:
 periodic checking of operating temperatures
 general wear
 bearing lubrication
 occasional checking of fan air flow.
Inspection cycles depend upon the type of
motor and the conditions under which it
operates. Motors operating in excessively
dusty or damp conditions will require more
frequent inspections than those that are
operated in cool, dry conditions.

5.7.1 Motor Cleanliness

Motors should be kept clean, free of dust, debris and oil. Soft brushes or clean cotton rags can be
used to remove exterior dust and dirt. Compressed air may be used to remove non-abrasive dust
from the fan cover and any accumulated grime from the fan and cooling fins.

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Oily or damp contaminants can be removed with rags dampened with a suitable solvent. Ensure
that the solvent is compatible with the painted finish on the motor and ensure that the relevant
MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) is read and understood before the solvent is used Do not
allow solvents to enter any vents or otherwise penetrate the interior of the motor. Ingress of
solvents could damage the internal insulation and other components.
Terminal boxes fitted to motors should be cleaned. Authorized electrical personnel should inspect
terminals to ensure they are free of oxidation and dust.

5.7.2 Motor Lubrication

Motors are normally equipped with grease lubricated ball or roller bearings at each end of the
shaft. Lubricant properties deteriorate over time. Lubricants also deteriorate as a result of
mechanical operation and contaminants which occur under normal working conditions.
For these reasons lubricants must be replaced from time-to-time. Lubrication intervals depend on
the size of the motor, speed, working conditions and the type of grease used. Motor bearings
should be lubricated in accordance with the maintenance information provided by the OEM
(Original Equipment Manufacturer) in the operation and maintenance manual.

Quality and Quantity of Grease

The grease must be applied correctly and in sufficient quantity. Both under-greasing and over-
greasing have the potential to cause damage to the bearings and the entire motor.
The potential for under-greasing to cause problems should be self-explanatory. A bearing without
sufficient lubricant will cause metal-to-metal contact within the bearing race. This will generate
excessive heat which, in turn, will cause the rollers or balls within to "pick up" metal from either the
inner or outer races. As soon as this happens the bearing is effectively destroyed and, if not
replaced, will continue to deteriorate until it collapses completely. This situation has the potential
to cause damage to both the field and armature windings of the motor. In other words, a simple
lack of lubrication could destroy an entire motor.
Over-greasing a bearing can cause overheating. Over-greasing a sealed or enclosed bearing
causes increased rotational resistance within the bearing which, in turn, causes heat build-up. In
addition, there is the tendency to compact the lubricant which causes the eventual loss of
lubricating qualities.
In the case of both of under-greasing and over-greasing which cause overheating, a further
problem is that seepage will be caused and the grease will enter the motor housing contaminating
coils and commutator rings or brushes.
Lithium-based grease is commonly used for the lubrication of electric motor bearings. It provides
good mechanical stability, is insoluble in water and has a "drip-point" of approximately 200ºC

Lithium-based greases should never be mixed with sodium or calcium-based greases.

5.7.3 Lubrication of Small Motors

In most cases, small motors are not fitted with grease nipples. Lubrication is carried out during
periodic overhauls when the motor dismantled. If bearings are not replaced, they should be
cleaned and lubricated as follows:
 During these operations you must take maximum care and ensure complete cleanliness is
recommended to avoid the penetration of any impurities or dust that could harm the bearings.

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 With the motor dismantled and without removing the bearings from the shaft, clean all existing
grease from the bearings using a suitable solvent (diesel, kerosene, etc.), until all traces of the
old grease have been removed.
 Never rotate bearings in their dry state after washing — the bearing surfaces can be damaged.
If you wish to rotate the bearing for testing/inspection purposes, apply a few drops of machine
oil to the bearing surfaces before rotation.
 Never allow bearings to remain dry for a long period — it is possible that bear metal will
oxidize. As soon as possible after washing, refill the cavities between the balls or rollers and
the bearing races with grease.
 Clean all external motor parts prior to reassembly.

FLSmidth recommends that small motor bearings are replaced during overhauls.

5.7.4 Lubrication of Mid-Sized Motors

In most cases, medium sized motors are fitted with grease nipples for bearing lubrication. The
lubrication system for medium sized and larger motors is designed to allow the removal of all
grease from the bearing races through a bleeder outlet which at the same time prevents the entry
of dust or other contaminants. This bleeder outlet also prevents damage from over-greasing.

Grease nipples must be clean prior to introduction of grease to avoid entry of any
contamination into the bearing.
For this type of lubrication system, it is advisable to lubricate while the motor is running. This will
ensure that the old grease is warm and so will be displaced to the bleeder outlet more easily and
will help the new grease to fully penetrate the bearing balls or rollers and the races.
If it is not possible to lubricate the motor because of rotating parts in the proximity of the nipple
(pulleys, coupling sleeves, etc.) proceed as follows:
 Shut down and isolate the motor.
 Inject about half the estimated amount of grease — the injection of all the grease with the
motor at rest could cause penetration of a portion of the lubricant through the internal seal of
the bearing into the motor.
 De-isolate and run the motor at full speed for approximately a minute.
 Shut down and re-isolate the motor and inject the remaining grease.
An alternative method to lubricate motor bearings is to use a canister lubrication system. In this
case, a pressurized canister of grease replaces the nipple. The canister is set to inject a measured
dose of grease on a continual basis. It is important that the canisters are regularly inspected to
ensure that the grease reservoir contains sufficient grease and the canister is still working.
Pressurized grease canisters have a limited life and need to be replaced on a regular basis.
A third method is to attach long-line grease delivery systems to the bearings so that the greasing
operation can take place some distance from the actual motor. In these cases, a number of long-
lines are attached to a single greasing manifold and the lubrication is via a manual grease gun.
Canister lubrication systems can also be installed remotely from the actual greasing point using
long-line greasers. This can make it possible to replace the canister while the conveyor is running
because the canister/s can be placed on the outside of any guarding.
A fourth alternative is the installation of a centralized lubrication system. This is only practicable on
short conveyors. It consists of a grease reservoir with a pump and grease lines to the required
locations. Grease is automatically injected by the lubrication system at preset intervals and in
preset and metered amounts. The reservoir must be regularly checked to ensure it contains
sufficient grease.

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5.8 Fluid Couplings

5.8.1 Safety Issues around Couplings
There are some safety issues that are specific to fluid couplings. These include the following:

 Guarding — rotating parts such as the coupling and exposed shaft parts must be guarded to
prevent inadvertent contact by personnel. Never operate the coupling with the guards
 Isolation — prior to commencing any work on a coupling, ensure that the drive motor and
driven machine have come to a complete stop and have been correctly isolated to prevent start
up during the maintenance work. Ensure that the driven machine cannot move under gravity.
 Coupling temperature — it is normal for the coupling temperature to rise during operation. If
the equipment has been operating, you may need to wait for the coupling to cool sufficiently for
you to work on — approximately 40°C (104°F). Always allow the coupling to cool in the
ambient temperature. Never use fluids to attempt to speed the cooling process.
 Thermal overload — in the event of a thermal overload of the coupling, the fusible thermal
plugs will respond and release the coupling's fluid. This could "spray" hot fluid in a wide area
around the coupling. As the fluid level drops in the coupling, its ability to transmit drive will
cease and the driven equipment will come to a halt. The fluid that is ejected will be extremely
hot and creates a burn hazard. In the event that the fusible plugs do release fluid, ensure that
the area is barricaded off to prevent personnel coming into contact with the hot fluid. If the
drive has not shut down when fusible plugs have melted, it is critical that the drive is shut down
as soon as possible to prevent damage to the coupling's bearings.

Fusible safety plugs must not be exchanged for solid screws or metal plugs under any
circumstances. If the coupling has heated up considerably, or if the fusible plugs have
melted, the bolts around the circumference of the coupling should be re-tightened to
manufacturer's torque specifications. Do not re-commission a fluid coupling until after the
root cause of the failure has been determined and eliminated.

5.8.2 Fluid Coupling Maintenance

When the requirements for size, installation,
alignment and filling have all been correctly met,
couplings require very little maintenance and
operational supervision.
The operating temperature is highly dependent
on the local operating conditions (number of
starts, mass being accelerated and ambient
temperature). When in continuous operation,
coupling temperature should not exceed 85°C
(185°F). The external coupling casing
temperature can be easily checked using a
laser temperature gun.

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Regular oil changes are not necessary for fluid

couplings provided the oil has not been
subjected to excessively high operating
temperatures. Providing the oil has not been
subjected to high temperatures, the same oil fill
may be used for several years. However,
FLSmidth recommends that the oil condition
checks are made after approximately each
15,000 hours of operation and the oil replaced if
the condition checks indicate that it is
If the fusible safety plugs have melted due to
overloading or jamming of the driven equipment,
the coupling must be filled with new oil. It is
critical that only the correct fusible safety plugs
be used.

Operating Fluid
Use only the operating fluid nominated in the operations and maintenance manual supplied by the
OEM. It is also important to ensure that the quantity of oil used to fill the coupling is correct.
Under-filling will cause a thermal overload. Overfilling can cause excessively high internal
pressures and cause mechanical damage to the coupling's components.
Temperature Rise during Start-Up
During startup, the temperature in a coupling increases more rapidly than during steady operation.
This is because there is greater "slippage" between the driving and driven components. Therefore,
it is important to try to prevent the need for several start-ups in a sequence. If the equipment must
be started and stopped several times, ensure that sufficient cooling time is allowed between each
stop and start in order to prevent thermal overload.

5.9 Rigid Flange Couplings

The adjacent photograph shows a typical rigid
flange coupling. The rigid flange coupling
consists of two connecting flanges. One flange
is "male" and the other is "female".
Each coupling is locked onto its respective shaft
by means of a locking element. All parts of the
locking element are split and have self-locking
tapers. No fretting corrosion will occur on the
locked contact surfaces.

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5.9.1 Rigid Flange Installation Sequence

The following provides the installation for a typical rigid flange coupling. The text refers to the
diagram below.

1. The locking elements are normally supplied ready to be installed.

2. Ensure that the male/female flanges are clearly manufactured as a “matched pair" — they
should be clearly marked to indicate that they are matched.
3. Protective coatings (oils or greases) may collect dust and other contaminants during
transportation and storage. It is important to make sure that each element is clean and well
lubricated before installation. Clean the coupling and locking element with a suitable solvent
(for example, kerosene or diesel) to remove protective coatings.
4. Loosen all cap screws of the locking element and transfer at least three into the tapped holes
of the front and inner-rings (Part 1 and 3). This will push the back and front-rings of the locking
element away from one another and release releasing the tension making it easier to fit onto
the shaft.
5. Once you have pushed the flange onto the shaft, transfer the back into the tapped holes of the
back-ring (Part 2).
6. Make sure the split of the locking element is in the vertical position below the shaft and that the
shaft does not protrude past the inner-ring as shown in Detail C.
7. The flange is now ready to be tightened.
8. Using the sequence and torque settings provided by the OEM, tighten the cap screws
progressively. Typically, start opposite the split at number 1. Use a torque wrench for all
tightening sequences to ensure that all cap screws are applying equal force.

Ensure all cap screws are at the same torque before increasing to the next torque

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9. Use a dial gauge to correct any misalignment between the male and female flanged. Ideally,
the two flanges should be perfectly aligned. However, as a rule of thumb, a dial gauge reading
showing a maximum of 0.02 mm (0.0008") misalignment per100 mm (4") flange diameter (one-
hundredth of one-percent) is permissible.
The adjacent diagram shows an
exaggerated view of radial or parallel
misalignment. As you can see this is
where the two elements are out of line
along an axis parallel to the shaft.

The adjacent diagram shows an

exaggerated view of angular or "variance"
misalignment. As you can see, this is
where the two elements with respect to
their faces.

The adjacent diagram shows a suggested

placement of the dial gauge to check for
radial misalignment.

The adjacent diagram shows a suggested

placement of the dial gauge to check for
angular misalignment

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10. Continue tightening the cap screws using a torque wrench in increments of no more than 50Nm
(37 Foot-Pound). To ensure all cap screws are at a uniform-torque, alternate from tightening in
a diagonal fashion to tightening clockwise, starting at No.1 in Figure.2.

Do not attempt to correct shaft run-out by pulling or distorting the coupling. This could
damage the locking element permanently and the coupling will no longer be guaranteed to
operate at the specified torque.
11. Use a micron dial indicator to check the run-out on the face. The final run-out should read
plus/minus 0.02 mm (.0008") per 100 mm (4") of coupling diameter. Mark the maximum
high/low points so the male/female flanges can be oppositely matched.

5.9.2 Rigid Flange Removal Sequence

1. Loosen all cap screws of the locking element and transfer them into the tapped holes of the
inner-ring (Part 3).
2. Starting at the split, tighten the cap screws progressively until the back-ring (Part2) comes
3. Insert some of the cap crews into the tapped holes of the front-ring (Part 1), once again,
starting at the split, tighten them progressively until the coupling comes loose.

5.10 Buffer Roller Couplings

Buffer roller couplings are used in situations where a rigid coupling is required but there is a need
for some shock absorption capability at start-up and shutdown.

The alignment of buffer roller couplings should

be in accordance with values detailed in the
OEM operation and maintenance manual.
Correct alignment of the coupling will maximize
the service life of the buffers.
Serious misalignment — in particular radial
misalignment — can adversely affect the
bearing life of driving and driven equipment as
well as buffer life. Regular alignment checking
is important.
Couplings do not require any servicing during
operation. However, FLSmidth recommends
that a new buffer set is fitted during any major
overhauls of the drive system.

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In the adjacent graphic, you can see buffers (at

top and bottom) along with the locking bolts
fastening the plate.
The fastened plate can be removed providing
access to the buffers for inspection or
replacement with the coupling in-situ (if there is
sufficient space available).

The two adjacent diagrams show two methods

of removing and replacing the buffers.
The upper graphic shows "radial" replacement
method. The lower graphic shows the "axial"
replacement method. In both cases, the new
buffers should be coated with a suitable
lubricant before assembly (engineer's chalk or
silicon oil for natural rubber buffers and oil or
grease for nitrile, urethane and impregnated
nylon buffers). All fasteners should be
tightened in accordance with the values and
sequences specified in the OEM

The color of the buffer indicates its Shore

hardness rating and is indicative of its flex
characteristics, torque capacity, etc.

Always ensure that buffer rollers are

replaced with items of the same type and

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5.10.1 Buffer Roller Material

Buffer rollers must be selected by a competent design engineer during the design phase of the
project so that they suit the required ambient and loading conditions. The table below is an extract
from a typical buffer roller coupling catalogue.

5.11 Gearbox Maintenance

In most cases, gearboxes require little maintenance once they have been installed and correctly
commissioned. The main maintenance requirements are to ensure that oil levels are regularly
checked and that gearbox operating temperatures are within manufacturer's specifications.

One of the major problems with gearboxes is

overheating. It is generally accepted that a
gearbox can operate at a temperature of
approximately 60°C (140°F) above ambient.
The maximum accepted temperature is 80 to
85°C (176 to 185°F).
Gearbox temperatures can be checked using a
laser temperature gun.

5.11.1 Possible Causes of Gearbox Overheating

Any of the following conditions or a combination of them can cause gearbox overheating:

 Insufficient oil — a lack of oil within the gearbox will cause overheating. A lack of oil may be
caused by initial under-filling or by leakage through seals or casing. Gearbox oil levels must be
maintained at the correct level and if there is leakage, the problem must be rectified as soon as

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 Too much oil — if the gearbox is over-filled, it can cause frothing and turbulence in the
gearbox and create internal pressures. The internal pressures will raise temperatures and lead
to overheating
 Incorrect type/grade of oil — Oil that is either at a higher or lower viscosity than specified can
cause overheating. If there is any doubt, check the specifications provided in the OEM manual
to determine the correct type and grade of oil for the gearbox type, loading, ambient conditions,
 Blocked breather — a blocked breather will prevent venting to the atmosphere. This may limit
the removal of heat.
 Gears not meshing properly — incorrectly meshing gears have the potential to create rolling
friction which in turn generates heat.
 Installed gearbox under-rated — if the imposed loading on the gearbox is higher than its
design specifications, it will run hot and may lead to overheating.
 Input shaft end float and backlash in gears — any end float or backlash in the gears that
exceeds design specifications will tend to cause overheating.
 Extra rolling resistance in the driven equipment — misalignment in conveyor equipment,
over-dependence on knocked idlers to correct belt tracking and damaged or seized bearings in
the equipment train can all increase rolling resistance. This in turn places an additional load on
the gearbox and may lead to overheating.
 Incorrectly aligned couplings — similarly to misaligned conveyor equipment, misaligned
couplings will increase rolling resistance and lead to overheating.
 Insufficient cooling — this would generally be due to ambient conditions affecting a gearbox
that is operating close to its maximum capacity. If the gearbox has been installed in a location
where other equipment is generating heat and there is little ventilation, a gearbox that is
working at or near its maximum load will tend to overheat.

5.11.2 Gearbox Vibration

One other problem that may indicate faults in a gearbox is the presence of excessive vibration
during operation. If excessive vibration is identified, a complete vibration analysis should be
conducted to find the problem and have it rectified. Excessive vibration that is left unattended will,
in most cases, worsen and cause greater damage and downtime than may have been the case
had immediate action been taken.

5.12 External Backstops

A backstop is designed to prevent reverse
rotation in applications such as inclined
conveyors. When the conveyor is brought to a
stop on an incline, there is a tendency for the
belt to travel under gravity in the reverse
direction (roll-back). The backstop is installed to
prevent roll-back.

Never attempt to use a backstop as a

substitute for a brake.

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5.12.1 Backstop Safety Issues

A pinch point may occur at the contact point between the backstop torque arm and support, and
between the torque arm and stirrup. Proper guarding must always be in place before conveyor
operation commences. Also remember that there will be stored energy when the backstop is
actively holding back a conveyor — especially a loaded conveyor.

5.12.2 Operating Temperatures

Enclosure of the backstop may cause overheating. Provide adequate ventilation. Backstop
operating temperatures at maximum overrunning speed may reach 90ºC (194°F).

5.12.3 Lubrication
Refer to OEM Manual for the type, quantity and frequency of lubrication for backstop mechanisms.
These will vary according to ambient condition, operating load and type of device used.

5.12.4 Stored or Inactive Backstops

Backstops are shipped without lubricant, but a factory applied rust inhibitor in the backstop should
protect the internal parts against rust for a period of approximately six months.
If the backstop is to be stored or inactive for more than six months, add lubricant as recommended
in the OEM manual for every additional six-month period. Indoor storage or a suitable covering is
If the backstop is to remain inoperative for extended periods of time, remove the load before
shutting down. Refer to the OEM manual for detailed instructions.

5.13 Conveyor Pulleys

The following sections provide information on the storage and maintenance of pulleys, including:

 Storage
 Installation
 Maintenance.

5.13.1 Storage of Pulleys

The storage information provided below applies to pulleys that are to be either stored as spares or
stored on site waiting to be installed for a new project. The following points must be considered
when storing pulleys:
 UV rays from the sun can cause significant deterioration of rubber lagging in as little as three to
six months. When installed and commissioned, rubber lagging with significant UV damage
may only last a few days before it begins to disintegrate.
 Pulleys fitted with bearings must be stored in a moisture free environment.
 Bearing housings are filled with grease to prevent the ingress of moisture. If the pulleys are
stored for periods of greater than four months, FLSmidth recommends that the bearing
housings are split to enable internal inspection to ensure that there has been no moisture
ingress. This operation should be conducted by a qualified fitter.
 Bearing housings can be wrapped in a material that will allow the free flow of air and at the
same time will prevent excessive dust getting into the sealing arrangements. The bearing
suppliers do not recommend plastic because this would cause the cast housings to sweat and
then trap moisture.

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 It is important that the pulleys be stored in a vibration-free location in order to limit the
possibility bearings being subject to "false brinelling". False brinelling can occur when a static
bearing is subjected to vibration. When subjected to vibration, the surfaces of races and balls
or rollers, even when packed in lubricant, can come into direct metal-to-metal contact.
Prolonged vibration with metal-to-metal contact will mar the bearing surfaces over time. This
condition is known as false brinelling which will cause early bearing failure when the bearing is
put into service.
 If the pulleys are fitted with Plummer blocks and bearings, it is advisable to turn the bearings a
few rotations every two to three weeks.
5.13.2 Pulley Handling
Correct pulley handling methods are important to prevent pulley damage, lagging damage and
bearing damage. Where possible, use the information provided in the OEM manual for lifting and
transporting pulleys. The following short sequence of diagrams provides information for the correct
lifting of pulleys.

Only authorized personnel are permitted to conduct slinging, rigging and crane-lift
procedures. Ensure that all lifting gear is in good condition and has the correct SWL (Safe
Working Load) for the lift being made.
Conveyor pulleys can be lifted using a double
chain sling hooked onto the inside lip of the
shell. Take care to ensure that the legs of the
double chain sling are of equal length and that
the hooks are attached to a similar position at
each end of the drum.

If webbing type slings are available these can

be fixed around the shaft between the pulley
drum and bearing. Once again, ensure that
each leg of the sling is of equal distance to
prevent slewing of the pulley as it is lifted.

Never use the eyebolts fixed to the pulleys for

lifting purposes. This is an unsafe practice and
also has the potential to damage the bearings.

Never use a forklift to handle pulleys —

especially those pulleys that are lagged.

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5.13.3 Pulley Installation

The following section provides some general information on the installation of pulleys.
1. Check that the pulley bearings are correctly packed with grease:
 Bearings may have been over-packed with grease to limit the potential for false brinelling
during transport.
 Bearings may lose grease during storage — it is common for bearings to weep or leak from
the seals during storage and during the first few days of operation.
 Do not over-grease bearings because this will cause heat buildup in the housing and will
reduce bearing life.
2. Install lagged pulleys in their packing; packing should be removed once the pulley has been
3. Check all lagging visually and repair any damage that may have occurred during handling
and/or installation. For example, in the case of ceramic lagging check for tiles that may have
become loose or damaged.
4. The bearing/bearing housing alignment with the pulley and conveyor center line is the most
important factor in ensuring the minimum of alignment problems at start-up.
5. The housing must be aligned on both axes. This should be checked by running a feeler gauge
between the bearing housing and the steel collar seal.
6. If the Plummer block housings are not level, use shim stock to make any necessary
adjustments. The two Plummer block sole plates must be aligned with each other with a
maximum variation of 0.5 mm (0.020").
7. Use a feeler gauge check the gap in the labyrinth seal of the bearing at the top of the shaft.
Take the same measurement 180° from the first (at the bottom of the seal). These gaps should
be equal.
8. If the Plummer blocks housings are not level, there is a possibility that a “screw” action will be
caused which will force the labyrinth seal O-rings out of the housing.
Housings must be perpendicular to the shaft
center line in both directions
Bearing housing

Sole plates must be in

line with each other
Sole plate within 0.5 mm (0.020")

9. When the pulley has been squared and leveled, but before the hold-down bolts have been
tightened, turn the pulley to ensure it rotates reasonably freely.
10. Tighten the hold-down bolts to the required torque.
11. Rotate the pulley again and judge the force required to turn the pulley: it should be similar to
the force required before the hold-down bolts were tightened. If more force is required than
when the bolts were loose, there is a possibility that the pulley is misaligned. If this is the case,
see items 5, 6, 7 and 8 above.

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12. During start-up/commissioning it is important to avoid belt slip of any kind over the drive pulley,
because the lagging could be damaged. Any damage caused in this manner is usually visible
as scuffed, flaked or otherwise damaged lagging. In most cases, such damage will mean that
the pulley has to be re-lagged. Lagging will also become damaged if the under-side of the belt
is dirty. Any dirt that is allowed between the under-side of the belt and the pulley will also
cause damage to the lagging.

Damage caused to the belt or pulleys by belt slippage and/or dirt on the belt under-side will
not be covered by warranties by OEMs.

5.13.4 Pulley Maintenance

The pulley drum and shaft require no maintenance. The lagging, bearings and locking elements
should be checked as detailed in the table below:

Component Action Interval

Check tiles are not worn, and no tiles have been damaged or
Ceramic Lagging 2 Months
Check remaining lagging thickness with a belt awl (pierce the
belt with the awl and measure the penetration). Replace if
Rubber Lagging 2 Months
plain lagging is below 3 mm (0.012") or grooving is worn to
below 2 mm (0.08") depth.
Re-lubricate with approximately 100 grams of No. 2 lithium-
3 Months
based grease.

Bearings Check grease condition level by analysis through a reputable

2 Years
If recommended open and repack bearings in accordance with
the OEM bearing manual.
Locking Check if bolts are enacted and tight; if not refer back to
2 Years
Assemblies FLSmidth

5.13.5 Bearing Housings

When the bearing has been mounted, the housing is easily fitted over the bearing and the cap
bolts tightened. Locating rings are supplied by the OEM and these are usually fitted on the bearing
nearest the coupling or drive. The free or dislocated bearing must be allowed "end-float" within its
housing to allow for thermal expansion of the shaft.

5.13.6 Bearing Lubrication

Standard bearing housings are primarily intended for grease lubrication. On mounting the
bearings, they should be filled with grease and the housing charged to between half and one-third
full. On slow running applications the housings can be filled with grease provided it is of Number 2
consistency. The seal area should also be filled with grease.
The lubrication should be checked at regular intervals in service and the lubricant replaced when
necessary. If grease nipples are fitted it may be necessary to modify the seal arrangement to allow
excess grease to escape without building up dangerous over-pressure within the housing. This is
particularly true of the Type TC and TG seals (taconite).

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5.13.7 Bearing Temperatures

Pulley bearing temperatures should be checked
on a monthly basis or if there is reason to
believe that there may be a problem. To
determine a normal temperature for any given
pulley bearing, the best practice is to check
other bearing temperatures in the area under
the same ambient conditions. Any bearing
temperatures above the average range of the
other bearings should be monitored. As a
general rule, if a bearing temperature rises
above 55°C (130°F), check the lubrication of the
bearing. At temperatures above this, the
properties of the lubricant begin to change and
the bearing may be damaged. If the bearing is
correctly lubricated but is still recording a high
temperature, report it for possible replacement.

5.13.8 Lubricants
For most conveyor applications, FLSmidth recommends a lithium-based grease of number 2
consistency with or without an extreme pressure additive.

5.14 Idlers
The following section provides general information on the handling, installation and maintenance
for idlers.

5.14.1 Instructions for Off-Loading Idlers and Frames

Idlers are normally delivered to site securely
strapped to pallets. Frames are normally
delivered to site in securely strapped bundles.
Idlers and frames must be off-loaded using
either a forklift or a crane as appropriate. The
off-loading process should be supervised by
experienced personnel.
Bundles or pallets must be off-loaded
individually — not in multiple tiers or multiple
bundles. Take care to ensure that all
pallets/bundles are kept intact.

5.14.2 Storing Idlers and Frames on Site

When storing idlers and frames on site, proceed as follows:
 Store idler frames in single layer bundles which are not to be in direct contact with the ground;
ensure the integrity of the bundle is maintained.
 Idler rolls should be stored under cover in a well aerated area.

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It is not good practice to store idlers in the open and cover them with tarpaulin-type covers.
This will lead to an excessive build-up of heat and humidity and lead to idler damage.
 Take care to prevent damage from water (rain, raising water levels, etc.).
 Ensure that idler pallets are stacked no more than two pallets high. Take care to ensure that
the idlers are not damaged when being stacked.
 Idlers must remain on pallets until installation.

5.14.3 Handling Idlers during Construction or Replacement

When handling and transporting idlers during the construction phase, proceed as follows:
 Keep all pallets and bundles intact until they are at the actual construction site.
 When ready to install the idlers, break the steel strapping but take care to prevent the individual
idlers falling onto the ground in order to prevent damage by dust, water or other contaminants
in the area.
 Try to ensure that all opened bundles are installed on the day in which they are opened. This
is to prevent the idlers being damaged due to other work continuing in the area.
 Protect any un-used bundles from overnight damage if they are to be left in the construction
 During installation, take care to avoid bumps and knocks which may affect the integrity and
corrosion protection of the frames and idler casings.

5.14.4 Installing Idlers

When installing idlers, proceed as follows:
 Confirm the conveyor support structure is correctly aligned.
 Mount the idler frame onto the structure and fix to the steelwork through the appropriate slots in
the foot plate.
 Ensure that the idler frame is correctly positioned with respect to belt travel — confirm by
means of the belt direction arrow where indicated.
 The idler frame should always be pushed forward toward the head end of the conveyor so that
the fixing bolts are at the extreme back end of the slotted hole.
 Install idlers into appropriate fixing slots. Ensure that the shaft is fully seated in the slot.
 Test rotate each idler as it is installed to ensure that it turns freely
 Ensure that final alignment is correct and tighten all mounting bolts securely.
 Conduct a final alignment check. This requires:
 the center of all idlers to be in a straight line
 all idlers to be perpendicular to the line of belt travel
 idlers to be correctly spaced along the belt
 all idlers to be level.

5.14.5 Commissioning Idlers

As long as idlers have been installed correctly, test rotated and checked for alignment, they should
require no special commissioning procedures.

Idlers represent a large number of pinch-points on the conveyor system. Always follow the
correct procedures and do not place yourself inside the conveyor "footprint" unless you
have shut down and isolated the conveyor.

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5.14.6 Idler Maintenance and Inspection

Regularly inspections of conveyor systems, as detailed in earlier topics, provide the best means to
identify problems. Problem areas can be identified and corrected before damage occurs to the belt
or other conveyor system equipment. When problems or potential problems are identified, proceed
as follows:
 Conduct regular running inspections of the conveyor checking for worn, damaged, frozen or
excessively noisy idlers
 As soon as possible after they are identified, replace idlers that:
 are excessively noisy — excessive noise often indicates imminent bearing failure
 are vibrating excessively — this also indicates imminent bearing failure or loose
fasteners on the idler frame
 have excessively worn or damaged casings — these will damage the belt
 are frozen (seized) — these will also damage the belt as well as causing the potential
for a belt fire
 Watch for unusual wear patterns on the idler casings — these can be caused by off-center
loading or idler misalignment
 Check for material build-up on idler casings, particularly the return rolls — these are in direct
contact with the carry side of the belt. Excessive build-up on idler rolls will cause damage to
the belt and may cause tracking problems. If build-up occurs, check the belt cleaners to
ensure that they are operating properly.
 Tighten any loose fasteners on support frames as soon as possible after they are identified
 Replace damaged support frames as soon as possible after they are identified.

5.14.7 Idler Bearing Temperatures

As a general rule, the following temperature ranges apply to conveyor idler bearings:
 A temperature of 60C (140°F) or less is considered normal and no further action is required.
 A temperature of between 60C (140°F) and 70C (158°F) may indicate the start of a problem.
Continue to monitor the bearing temperature and tag it for change-out if the temperature
approaches 70C (158°F).
 If it is above 70C (158°F), tag the idler for change-out. Continue to monitor its temperature
until change-out takes place, in case it becomes a fire hazard.

5.14.8 Idler Lubrication

Conveyor idlers supplied by FLSmidth are
“greased-for-life” units requiring a minimum of
maintenance. This provides protection against
abrasives and moisture. No external lubrication
is required. The adjacent graphic shows the
composition of a typical idler shaft, bearing and
seal assembly.

To prevent grease degradation and ensure

free rotation of idlers, FLSmidth
recommends that conveyors are run for a
minimum of one hour per month.

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5.14.9 Suggested Procedure for Changing Conveyor Idlers

When changing idlers, proceed as follows:

 Shutdown, isolate and tag out the conveyor

 If working at height, observe all work at
height procedures (fall prevention or
protection, demarcate the "drop zone",
secure tools and idlers as necessary to Installing the idlers with the drain/breather
prevent items falling) holes at the lowest point will limit the
 If necessary, remove any guarding in the ingress of dust and moisture into the casing.
area you are going to work
 If necessary, "lift" the belt off the idler to be
 If necessary, use a mallet or hammer to
knock the under-side of the idler to raise it
out of its mounting slot
 Remove the old idler
 If the idler is fitted with drain/breather holes,
ensure that these are installed at the lower
end of the frame where possible
 Place the new idler shaft in the mounting slot — it is best to place the furthest end from you into
the mounting slot first and then the end closest to you.
 Before lowering the belt, rotate the idler to ensure that it turns smoothly
 Lower the belt back onto the idler
 Replace any guarding you previously removed
 De-isolate the conveyor and arrange for it to be re-started
 Check the belt for correct tracking — especially areas 5m to 6m (16' to 20') down-stream from
the location where idlers were replaced (check for both loaded and unloaded conditions).

5.15 Belt Scrapers and V-Plows

5.15.1 Belt Scrapers
As discussed in Topic 3, the purpose of
scrapers is to minimize material carry-back on
the belt. This helps to prevent build-up on idlers
and snub pulleys and maximizes belt and
component service life.
Belt scrapers are normally installed to clean the
carry-side of the belt just after the discharge
point. There may be primary, secondary and
even tertiary scrapers in place. They are either
spring or pneumatically-tensioned against the
belt to ensure the blade is in contact across the
full width of the belt. The tension should be set
at the minimum that is required to ensure the
belt is kept clean. Over-tensioning will cause
unnecessary belt and scraper blade wear.

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5.15.2 V-Plows
V-plows are typically placed near the tail pulley
on the non-carry side of the belt. They are in
place to remove any lumps that would other be
carried on the belt to the tail pulley. The V-plow
is supported on a steel frame which in turn is
attached to the conveyor frame above. The
apex of the V faces the direction of the belt.
Maintenance of the V-plow is limited to
inspection to make sure it is intact, in good
condition and it is in full contact across the belt.
The V-plow blade shown in the adjacent
photograph is badly worn and is in need of

5.15.3 Belt Scraper and V-Plow Maintenance

In most cases, maintenance is centered on inspection to ensure the blades are intact and in
contact across the full width of the belt. In the case of belt scrapers which are tensioned using
springs, the spring-loaded mechanism must be checked to ensure that it is in good condition and
maintaining equal tension on both sides of the belt. In the case of pneumatically tensioned
scrapers, the bellows and air-lines must be inspected to ensure they are in good condition.
Where pneumatically tensioned scrapers are installed, local knowledge of the material will be
required for setting the air pressure applied to the bellows. Generally, if the conveyor is dealing
with sticky or wet material, the pressure will be greater than when the system is dealing with dry,
non-sticky material.
When blades are worn, they should be replaced before any of the metal fittings come into contact
with the belt. The old blades should be inspected to ensure that they are wearing evenly across
their width. If they show signs of uneven wear, spring-tensioning devices may need to be adjusted.
In the case of pneumatically tensioning devices, the air pressures may need to be adjusted and/or
the bellows tested for damage or air leaks.

5.16 Chute (Rubber) Skirt Maintenance

Skirts should be checked on a regular basis to ensure:
 The steel skirt carrier and fasteners are all in place and in good condition
 Skirt rubber is intact and in good condition — skirt rubber should be adjusted as it wears and
replaced when necessary
 The skirt gap is set as designed for the material being transported
 The skirt and its fittings are not causing longitudinal damage to the belt.

5.17 Summary
This topic has provided information on handling, installation, maintenance and adjustment of the
major components of a conveyor system. To ensure that the conveyor and its components
achieve their maximum service life, it is important that the conveyor is regularly inspected and
problems are rectified as soon as possible after they have been identified. Timely repair or
replacement of damaged or worn components will prevent further damage that could have been

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Topic 6 — Conveyor Troubleshooting

6.1 Introduction
The purpose of this topic is to describe appropriate techniques for fault-finding and troubleshooting.
Action must be taken to rectify faults as soon as possible once they have been identified. Faults
may be identified as a result as a result of:

 Pre-start inspections
 Running inspections
 Regular maintenance procedures
 Alarms raised on the control system
 Excessive spillage of material
 Failure of components.

The action that you take will depend on the following:

 the nature of the fault

 the urgency of the problem
 Whether correcting the problem is critical to the continued operation or start-up of the

6.2 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this topic, the trainee will be able to explain:

 The importance of minimizing the need for troubleshooting

 Basic fault finding techniques
 Common conveyor faults and possible means of rectification.

6.3 Minimizing the Need for Troubleshooting

While troubleshooting is an important aspect of conveyor operations and maintenance, it is more
cost-effective to conduct regular inspections and preventative maintenance in order to prevent the
need for troubleshooting.

6.3.1 Hidden Costs of Breakdowns

It is important to remember that the full cost of an equipment breakdown is much more than the
costs of the repair itself. There are a number of hidden costs that will increase the overall losses
caused by a breakdown. These are detailed in Topic Four.

The cost of any breakdown is much more than the cost of parts and labor to conduct the
repairs. Early detection and action on problems and potential breakdowns are critical in
maintaining efficiency and minimizing production costs.

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6.4 Locating and Rectifying Faults

The best method to follow when trying to locate the cause of, or rectify, an equipment fault is to
gather as much information as possible and combine it with your own knowledge and expertise to
analyze a problem. Fault finding techniques include:

 becoming familiar with the equipment under normal operating conditions so that when faults
occur they are apparent to the operator (knowing what to expect)
 reading and understanding the equipment's design and operating parameters
 physical observation or inspection of equipment
 listening to the equipment
 checking the temperature of key components (and comparing it to known normal conditins)
 checking the control system
 building a record of the system
 checking with supervision or personnel from the previous shift to learn what problems have
been occurring recently.

6.5 Physical Observation

Equipment that is operated on a continuous basis will be subject to wear and failure. Personnel
involved in the operation and maintenance of conveyors should be develop the ability to recognize
the signs of wear and the potential for component failure small problems become major equipment

6.6 Seeking Assistance

One of the best troubleshooting tools available is communication.
The important thing to remember is that, when you have a problem that you are not sure about, it
may help to ask someone who has more knowledge — another person may know the answer or be
able to point you in the right direction to get the right information. There are always manuals
available for reference as well. These may take the form of maintenance or service manuals,
manufacturer's information, flow guides, engineering drawings.
All are valuable sources of reference. You must ensure that you know how and where to access
this information to assist in the fault-finding process.

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6.7 General Troubleshooting Procedure

The following diagram shows a basic troubleshooting procedure.

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6.8 Troubleshooting Tables

This section is designed to highlight some of the more common faults that may occur on conveyor
While every effort has been made to provide as much information as possible, it is impossible to
consider all faults; some may result from differences, such as:

 equipment configurations
 additional peripheral equipment
 ambient conditions
 material being handled
 interactions with upstream and downstream equipment
 conditions imposed by operational personnel.

Accordingly, in addition to the tables provided below, personnel involved in the operation and
maintenance of conveyors should compile their own list of problems, causes and corrective actions
as they gain experience

Possible Corrective
Problem Possible Cause

Belting-Related Problems:

Belt runs to one side at Build-up of material on idlers  Remove build-up

a given point on the  Check/adjust/replace scrapers
structure and/or cleaner sprays
 Improve maintenance
Frozen (seized) idlers Replace idlers
Off-center loading or poor loading  Adjust chute to place the load
on the center of belt,
 Discharge material in direction
of belt travel at or near belt
Idlers or pulleys are out of square Check the pulleys are square to
with the center line of the belt the belt and then re-adjust the
idlers in the affected area
Conveyor frame or structure is Straighten the frame in the
crooked affected area
Idler stands are not centered on Re-adjust the idlers in the affected
belt area
Belt runs to one side for Belt running off-center around the  Check the tail pulley to ensure
a long distance or the tail pulley and through the loading it is square and the center-line
entire length of conveyor area is correct.
 Install training idlers on the
return run prior to tail pulley
 Check the tail pulley lagging
for wear and replace as

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Possible Corrective
Problem Possible Cause

Off-center loading or poor loading  Adjust the transfer chute to

place the load on the center of
 Ensure the transfer of material
onto the belt is in direction of
belt travel and at or near belt
Build-up of material on idlers  Remove build-up
 Check/adjust/replace scrapers
and/or cleaner sprays
 Improve maintenance
Idlers or pulleys are out of square Check the pulleys are square to
with the center line of the belt the belt and then re-adjust the
idlers in the affected area
Conveyor frame or structure is Straighten the frame in the
crooked affected area
Idler stands are not centered on Re-adjust the idlers in the affected
belt area
A particular section of Belt not spliced squarely Remove non-square splice and re-
belt runs to one side at splice
all points on conveyor
Bowed belt  For new belts, this should
condition correct itself during
the running-in period
 Check storage and handling of
belt rolls,
 In rare instances the belt must
be straightened or replaced
Belt runs off at the tail Material spillage and build-up on  Remove build-up
pulley idlers  Check/adjust/replace scrapers
and/or cleaner sprays
 Improve maintenance
Idlers or pulleys out of square with Check the pulleys are square to
center line of belt the belt and then re-adjust the
idlers in the affected area
Belt running off-center prior to Install training idlers on the return
rounding the tail pulley side prior to tail pulley
Belt runs off at head  Pulley lagging worn  Replace pulley lagging
 Material spillage and build-up  Remove build-up
 Check/adjust/replace scrapers
and/or cleaner sprays
 Improve maintenance
 Idlers or pulleys out of square Check the pulleys are square to
with center line of belt the belt and then re-adjust the
idlers in the affected area

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Possible Corrective
Problem Possible Cause

 Idler stands not centered on  Re-adjust idlers in affected

belt area
Belt slip (start-up and Material spillage and build-up  Remove build-up
normal running) —  Check/adjust/replace scrapers
Insufficient traction and/or cleaner sprays
between the belt and  Improve maintenance
drive pulley
Uneven loads or material surges  Improve loading and transfer
being placed on the belt conditions
Belt being loaded above design Reduce throughput and load belt
parameters in accordance with design
Pulley lagging worn or has built-  Check drive pulley lagging is
up material clean and not worn — clean or
replace as necessary
 Install belt cleaning devices
Insufficient belt wrap around the  Increase belt wrap with the
drive pulley addition of a snub pulley
Insufficient tension applied to the As appropriate and as determined
belt. by calculation:
 Increase the counter weight
 Increase hydraulic take-up
 Increase winch take-up tension

Any adjustments to tension

must be properly calculated
before being implemented
Grooving, gouging or Skirt boards improperly adjusted  Adjust skirt board gap in
stripping of top cover or of wrong material accordance with design — gap
should increase in the direction
of belt travel,
 Use skirt board rubber (not old
Material hanging up in or under  Improve loading to reduce
chute spillage,
 Adjust spoon position
Excessive uniform top Dirty, frozen or misaligned return  Remove build-up on idlers
cover wear across full idlers  Replace frozen idlers
width of the belt  Adjust misaligned idlers
 Check/adjust/replace scrapers
and/or cleaner sprays
 Improve belt loading
 Improve maintenance

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Possible Corrective
Problem Possible Cause

Off-center loading or poor loading  Adjust chute to place load on

center of belt
 Discharge material in direction
of belt travel at, or near, belt
Excessive belt sag between idlers As appropriate and as determined
causing the load to shuffle on the by calculation:
belt as it passes over idlers —  Increase the counter weight
insufficient belt tension  Increase hydraulic take-up
 Increase winch take-up tension

Any adjustments to tension

must be properly calculated
before being implemented
Longitudinal grooves to Belt contacting hopper structure Adjust structures to clear belt,
top cover or skirts. repair belt damage.
Material jammed between Remove material, repair belt
structure and belt. damage.
Frozen idlers Immediately remove idler from
contact with belt, repair belt
damage and replace idler.
Spillage trapped between pulley Clean up spillage and adjust belt
and belt. cleaners, repair belt damage.
Tramp metal damage.  Ensure that tramp magnets are
working and properly cleaned
 Ensure that metal detectors
are working correctly
 Ensure that systems are in
place to prevent tramp metal
being fed to the conveyor
Severe bottom cover Frozen carry idlers Replace frozen idlers
Misaligned carry idlers Align carry idlers correctly
Tracking idler sets constantly  Align carry idlers correctly to
driven to one side of the belt minimize work-load for the
tracking idler set
 Improve belt loading
Material spillage and build-up  Remove build-up
 Check/adjust/replace scrapers
and/or cleaner sprays
 Improving belt loading
 Improve maintenance

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Possible Corrective
Problem Possible Cause

Slippage on drive pulley See section above on belt

 Pulley lagging worn  Replace pulley lagging
 Material trapped between belt  Check belt plow/s are working
and pulley correctly and making contact
across the full width of the belt
Longitudinal grooving or  Belt tension too high  Increase belt speed while
cracking of bottom cover maintaining the same feed
 Reduce feed tonnage while
maintaining the same belt
 Reduce rolling friction with
replacement of damaged idlers
 Reduce rolling friction with
correct alignment of idlers
 Decrease tension and increase
belt wrap at the drive pulley
 Heat or chemical damage  Ensure belt is not exposed to
heat, chemicals, oils etc.
Vulcanized splice Belt edge hitting structure placing Install training idlers on carrying
separation strain on the splice with each and return run
Bowed belt  For new belts this condition
should self-correct during run-
in period
 In rare instances belt must be
straightened or replaced
Poor splicing technique or poor Re-splice using correct methods
quality vulcanizing materials and correctly stored materials
Excessive edge wear, Belt edges folding up on structure  Adjust idlers in affected area
broken edges  Install tracking idlers if required
 Install additional drift switches

Improper transition between Adjust transition length between

troughing idlers and head pulley the troughing idlers and the head
Severe convex (hump) in a vertical Decrease idler spacing in curve
Transverse breaks at Impact of material on belt Reduce impact by improving chute
belt edge design, Install impact idlers
Material trapped between belt and Install plows or scrapers on return
pulley run ahead of tail pulley

Short breaks in carcass Pulleys too small (or belt selection  Use larger diameter pulleys

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Possible Corrective
Problem Possible Cause
parallel to belt edge, star incorrect)  Use belt designed for specific
breaks in carcass condition
Heat or chemical damage Ensure belt is not exposed to
heat, chemicals, oils etc.
Ply separation  Improper transition between  Adjust transition length
trough belt and terminal pulley
 Severe convex (hump) vertical  Decrease idler spacing in
curve curve, Increase curve radius
Puncture damage to top Impact damage, due to direct Improve belt loading
cover impact of high hardness material.
Tramp iron damage.  Ensure that tramp magnets are
working and properly cleaned
 Ensure that metal detectors
are working correctly
 Ensure that systems are in
place to prevent tramp metal
being fed to the conveyor
Excessive spillage in contact with Clean up and remove cause of
belt. spillage.

Chute Liners

Head chute — High material impact angle  Replace liners

excessive liner wear  Adjust impact plate position to
rate reduce impact angle of
High hardness material  Replace liners
 Consider changing liner
material type

Drive Motors

Rated speed not Drive motor defective or  Check motor (temperature,

reached incorrectly connected speed, current consumption
 Check motor bearings
Driven equipment components Check driven equipment and
(gearboxes, couplings, idlers, rectify/replace frozen components
pulleys) frozen
Driven equipment overloaded Reduce feed — load equipment in
accordance with design
High rolling resistance due to Check and correct any pulley or
misalignment idler misalignment

Power consumption too Drive motor defective or  Check motor (temperature,

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Possible Corrective
Problem Possible Cause
high incorrectly connected speed, current consumption
 Check motor bearings
Driven equipment components Check driven equipment and
(gearboxes, couplings, idlers, rectify/replace frozen components
pulleys) frozen
Driven equipment overloaded Reduce feed — load equipment in
accordance with design
High rolling resistance due to Check and correct any pulley or
misalignment idler misalignment

Gearbox is Insufficient oil in the gearbox  Replenish with oil of correct

excessively hot type, grade and quantity
 Check for, and rectify, oil leaks
Gearbox is over-full Drain gearbox and replenish with
correct type, grade and quantity
Oil is incorrect type or grade Drain gearbox and replenish with
correct type, grade and quantity
Breather is blocked Clean or replace breather
Gears are not meshing correctly Gearbox overhaul is required
Installed gearbox is working at too  Decrease load so that it is
great a load within the gearbox parameters
 Replace gearbox with
appropriate load rating
Extra rolling resistance on driven Check and correct any pulley or
equipment idler misalignment
Incorrectly aligned couplings Check and realign couplings
Insufficient cooling  Consider options to reduce
ambient temperatures in the
 Reduce the driven load on the

Rated speed not Too much oil in the coupling, Ensure coupling is filled in
reached motor does not reach rated speed accordance with OEM
Insufficient oil Ensure coupling is filled in
accordance with OEM
Coupling leaking  Check for, and rectify leaks
 Refill coupling in accordance

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Possible Corrective
Problem Possible Cause
with OEM specifications
Fusible safety plug Oil fill too low  Replace fusible plug
melts  Ensure coupling is filled in
accordance with OEM
Coupling leaking  Replace fusible plug
 Check for, and rectify leaks
 Refill coupling in accordance
with OEM specifications
Power transmission load is too  Reduce load on coupling to
high for the coupling within OEM specifications
(carried load, rolling
resistance, etc.)
 Replace coupling with a
correctly rated item
Installation runs Coupling out of alignment Realign as detailed in Topic 5
Loose mounting bolts and fittings Check and tighten fasteners and
Bearings damaged Replace bearings

Insufficient cleaning and Tension is incorrect Set correct blade tension

Scraper blade material may not Replace blade with correct

match application material
Noise or vibration Scraper tension is too high Reduce scraper tension
(juddering on the belt)

Blade has reached the end of its Inspect and replace blade
service life as required
Rate of blade wear high Scraper tension is too high Reduce scraper tension

Excessive casing Contamination between  Ensure belt is clean on contact

wear belt and idler casing surface
 Check scrapers and plow
Idler set not sitting at right- Set idler frame at right
angles to the belt angles to belt — use
shimming if necessary
Idler frozen Idler bearing/s collapsed or Replace idler
(seized) frozen
Idler bearings not Idlers misaligned to belt Align idlers
reaching Belt tension too low Check and adjust belt tension

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Possible Corrective
Problem Possible Cause
expected service Belt vibrating (flap)  Investigate reason for belt
life vibration and eliminate
 Check for build- up on idlers
Idler pitch is in excess of design —  Install additional idlers
idlers are being loaded in excess  Install idlers with a heavier
of their load rating load rating
End cap disc Weld between roll and end  Check idler alignment Check
failure cap being worn away by load and idler pitch
End cap plate thickness Replace idlers
Buckled idler Incorrect roll shell thickness Replace idlers
Excessive load on idlers  Replace idlers
 Increase belt speed while
maintaining the same feed
 Reduce feed tonnage while
maintaining the same belt
 Increase number of idler sets
Incorrect alignment Replace idlers
between shaft, bearings
and end cap
Excessive idler Seam weld in casing tube Replace idlers
vibration not removed (centrifugal

Build-up on idler casing  Remove and clean idlers.

 Improve belt cleaning scraper
Impact idler Rubber hardness incorrect Replace "soft" impact idlers
rubber failure (must be in excess of
Shore A 60)

6.9 Summary
This topic has provided some general information on common problems, possible causes and
possible means to rectify these problems. As mentioned, it is advisable for personnel who work in
the field to develop their own troubleshooting charts as they progress through their career.
This is also the final topic in this training module. As stated at the beginning, the module is
intended to provide an introduction to conveyors for personnel who do not possess a great deal of
experience in operating or maintaining conveyor systems. It is not intended to be an exhaustive
manual for all conveyor installations. There is a great deal more information that could be added in
the discussion of conveyors. Such additional information could include conveyor design, further

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detail on frame and conveyor alignment, information on belt splicing and more in-depth detail on
power transmission components. There are also many other forms of conveyor that are not
discussed at all in this module including belt conveyors, chain conveyors, belt feeders, vertical
conveyors and many more. These and other items will be discussed in subsequent modules
developed and released by FLSmidth Material Handling that are to be developed in the future.

6.10 Assessment
You may now be asked to complete a short theory assessment. This will be based on simple
questions (Yes/No; True/False, Multi-Choice; Single-Word Answer Questions; Diagrammatic
Questions). When you have successfully completed the theory assessment, you may be asked to
participate in a field visit to a working conveyor escorted by your trainer.

6.11 Field Visit

.If possible, you should conduct a field visit with your instructor to a typical conveyor system. The
field visit is dependent on the successful completion of the theory assessment and the availability
of a conveyor system to which the trainees are permitted access for training purposes.
While on the field visit, ensure that you clarify with your instructor any issues about which you
remain uncertain. While on the field visit, you should ensure that you are able to identify all the
main components of the conveyor system and understand how they work.

6.12 On –The-Job Training

If you are employed on a facility that uses conveyors, you may be asked to undertake a period of
on-the-job training (OJT). This will be a period during which you will be permitted to access and
work on the conveyor system under the loose control of a "mentor". From time-to-time, the mentor
will monitor your work. The mentor should also be available if you need to ask questions or clarify
any issues.

6.13 Practical Assessment

The final part of this training module is that you may be asked to complete a practical assessment.
During the practical assessment, the assessor will escort you to a conveyor system where you will
be asked to demonstrate some of the practical skills you have learned. Some of the practical tasks
will be supported by underpinning knowledge questions. These are to ensure that you know why
you are doing a given task and what you are trying to achieve.

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