QUARTER 4 - Module 1
QUARTER 4 - Module 1
QUARTER 4 - Module 1
Module 2
NAME: ______________________________________________________________
GRADE & SECTION: ___________________________________________________
DATE: ______________________________________________________________
The Social Responsibility of Business
In the last few years, the corporate world has come under increasing
pressure to behave in an ethically responsible manner. In particular, recent
accountability failures have led to bankruptcies and restatements of financial
statements that have harmed countless shareholders, employees, pensioners, and
other stakeholders. These failures have created gigantic financial and economic
crises of a magnitude that has never been seen before. Without a doubt, one of the
causes of such accountability failures is the failure to practice genuine corporate
social responsibility, which is understood to mean at least two things: (1) that
profit maximization is not the sole purpose of the firm, and (2) that a firm’s
shareholders are not the only stakeholder group for whom managers bear some
responsibility (Davidson, 2009). The economic system seems to be in urgent need
of a moral compass, that is to say, values other than the ubiquitous profit margin
need ti inform business practice. This concept, in the language of Socially
Responsible Investment (SRI) and Corporate Social Performance (CSP), has come
to be subsumed within the term sustainable development, which is “development
that meets the needs of the present without sacrificing the right of the future
generations to fulfill their needs” (World Commission on Environment and
Development, 1987:43). Achieving sustainability has become a central issue of our
time. In building sustainable communities, just as in the challenge of poverty
alleviation or eradication, the field of business and economics is called to account:
a call for a re – thinking of the role of business, especially in the design and
implementation of sustainability practices, seems to be in order. This responsibility
becomes all the keener in Asia, most especially in the so – called “bottom – of –
the – pyramid” (BOP) countries, where people living under $2 per capita income
per day can hardly get hold of even the barest necessities (Racelis, 2012). But what
is this social responsibility of businesses all about?
Lesson 9: The Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility
Lesson Objectives:
I. Pre – Test
II. Discussion
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Its Difference from Business Ethics
and because, as he imposes cost on his stockholders, customers or employees, he is
likely to lose their support and thereby lose his power (Mulligan 1986)
Although Friedman does not think managers should use company resources
to benefit others at the expense of shareholders, he does think that companies
ultimately provide great benefits for society. He argues that when a company tries
to maximize stockholder’s profits in a “free – enterprise” economy, competition
will force it to use resources more efficiently than competitors. So when managers
aim at maximizing profits for stockholders in competitive markets, the companies
they run will end up benefiting society.
Friedman had many critics. Some object to his claim that the manager or
executive is the employee of shareholders. Legally, these critics point out that the
executive is the employee of the corporation and so the executive is legally
required to serve the interests of the corporation – his true employer – not of its
shareholders. Others have criticized Friedman’s claim that stockholders are the
“owners” of the corporation and that the corporation is their “property.” Critics
point out that shareholders only own stock and this gives them a few limited rights,
such as the right to elect the board directors, the right to vote on major company
decisions, and the right to whatever remains after the corporation goes bankrupt
and pays off its creditors. But shareholders do not have all the other rights that true
owners would have and so they are not really owners of the corporation.
A third objection criticizes his claim that the executives’s core responsibility
is to run the corporation as stockholders want it to be run. In reality the executive
probably has no idea how stockholders want the company to be run, and legally,
anyway, he is required to run the company in ways that serve many other interests
(including employee interest and consumer interests) besides those of stockholders.
Finally, some have argued against Friedman’s view that by seeking to maximize
shareholder returns, the corporation will best serve society. Sometimes competitive
forces fail to steer companies in a socially beneficial way and, instead lead them to
act in a socially harmful manner. For example, a company might knowingly
pollute a neighborhood with substance that is not yet illegal, in order to save the
costs of reducing its pollution and thereby be more competitive.
APEC Schools
Ayala Corporation (AC) is one of the top companies of the Philippines. It
has principal business interests in real estate and hotel; financial services and
insurance; telecommunications; water distribution and wastewater services;
electronics; automotive; business process outsourcing; investments in international
or overseas projects and ventures; power generation; transport infrastructure; and
recently in education. AC invests heavily in Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR). Through its Ayala Education, Inc., AC is committed to helping improve the
quality of education in the country, particularly in the public sector.
Guide Questions: