Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Oxide Nan

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Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 045007



Synthesis and characterization of copper oxide nanoparticles using

Brassica oleracea var. italic extract for its antifungal application

29 October 2019
D Renuga1 , J Jeyasundari2, A S Shakthi Athithan2 and Y Brightson Arul Jacob3
18 January 2020
Department of Chemistry, Sri Meenakshi Govt Arts College For Women, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
PG and Research Department of Chemistry, N.M.S.S.V.N College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
PG and Research Department of Chemistry, American College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
2 March 2020
E-mail: [email protected]
13 April 2020
Keywords: antifungal, Brassica oleracea var. italic, copper oxide nanoparticles, green synthesis

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licence. Green synthesis has emerged as a reliable, sustainable and ecofriendly protocol for synthesizing a
Any further distribution of wide range of nanomaterials and hybrid materials. In this paper, we report the synthesis of Copper
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attribution to the oxide nanoparticles by a simple biological route using the extract of Brassica oleracea var. italic and
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copper (II) acetate as the metal precursor. The synthesized copper oxide nanoparticles were
and DOI. characterized using UV–visible spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, FESEM, EDAX, and XRD
techniques. UV –Visible analysis shows a characteristic peak around 220 nm for copper oxide
nanoparticles. FTIR spectroscopy was used to characterize various capping and reducing agents
present in the plant extract responsible for nanoparticle formation. The surface morphology was
characterized using FESEM. The EDAX and XRD pattern suggested that prepared copper oxide
nanoparticles were highly pure. The average particle size was calculated as 26 nm using the XRD
technique. Further, the nanoparticles were found to exhibit the highest antifungal activity against
Aspergillus niger and Candida Albicans.

1. Introduction

Recently Metal Oxide nanoparticles have a challenging base for research as wide varieties of applications attract
researchers to explore its properties especially due to their ability to alter the physical, optical and the electronic
properties of compounds. Copper oxide nanoparticles gains special interest among the oxides of transition
metals because of their efficiency as nanofluids [1], sensors [2], antimicrobial applications [3], catalysis [4], super
conductors [5] energy storage systems [6] and as anticancer agent [7]. So far,Copper oxide nanoparticles have
been synthesized using chemical, physical, biological and hybrid methods. As these methods employ expensive,
toxic chemicals which make them unsuitable for biomedical applications synthetic methods based on naturally
occurring biomaterials provide an alternative means for obtaining these nanoparticles suitable for biological
Green synthesis of copper oxide nanoparticles by various plant extracts like Catha edulis [8], Psidium
guajava leaf extract [9], Syzygium alternifolium [10] Azadirachta indica leaves [11], Populus ciliata [12] etc has
been reported so far. The major advantage of using plant extracts for copper oxide nanoparticles (NPs)
synthesis is that they are easily available, safe, and nontoxic in most cases. Copper oxide NPs has been proven
to have the highest microbial toxicity compared to other metal oxides [13, 14]. In this study copper oxide
nanoparticles has been synthesized using flowers of Brassica oleracea var. italic for the first time with the help
of greener protocols. Further its efficiency against fungi like Aspergillus niger and Candida Albicans were
analyzed using disc diffusion method. The role of biological components like glucosinolates , polyphenols,
flavonoids, vitamins and mineral nutrients [15] present in Brassica oleracea var. italic to act as reducing agents
was also explored.

© 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd

Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 045007 D Renuga et al

2. Methods

2.1. Preparation of Brassica oleracea var. italic extract

Fresh and healthy florets of Brassica oleracea var. italic (broccoli) were collected from Madurai district,
Tamilnadu. It was rinsed thoroughly with tap water followed by distilled water to remove all the dust and
unwanted visible particles and cut in to small pieces. About 10 g is weighed and transferred into 250 ml beakers
containing 100 ml distilled water and boiled for about 20 min. The extract was filtered with normal filter paper
and then through whatmann No1 filter paper to remove particulate matter and to get clear solution. It is
refrigerated (4 °C) in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks for further experiments [16].

2.2. Preparation of copper oxide nanoparticles

About 50 ml of 0.1 M Copper acetate Cu (CH2COO) 2.H2O was mixed with 10 ml of Brassica oleracea var. italic
extract (1:5 ratio), heated (80 °C) and stirred at 400 rpm for about 1 h. The solution was aged for 24 h.
Nanoparticles prepared was centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 15 min and dried at 80 °C [17].

2.3. Disc diffusion method for antifungal activity

The antifungal activity of synthesized copper oxide NPs was done using standard disc diffusion method. The
fungal stains used in the study are Candida albicans & Aspergillus Niger. The inoculums for the disc diffusion
method were prepared using a suitable broth and the medium was dried at 30 °C–35 °C prior to the application.
The standardized inoculums are transferred in to the sterilized petri dish prepared earlier. The excess of
inoculums was removed by pressing and rotating the swab firmly against the side of the culture tube above the
level of the liquid. The petri dish was dried at room temperature for 24 h with lids closed [18].
The petri dish was divided into parts in which the samples were placed with the help of sterile forceps. DMSO
solvent is used as control. About 10 μg ml−1 of standard Flucanazole was required to obtain a uniform lawn.
Different amounts of copper oxide nanoparticles were prepared through series of dilution and approximately
100 μg ml−1 was being used for evaluating its antifungal activity. Then petri dishes were placed in the
refrigerator at 4 °C or at room temperature for one hour for diffusion and incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. Finally,
the zone of inhibition produced by different samples was measured using a standard scale.

2.4. Characterization
Bio synthesized copper oxide nanoparticles were characterized using UV–vis spectra, between the wave
lengths 190–800 nm in a spectrometer (Beckman-Model No.DU-50, Fullerton) having a resolution of 1 nm.
FTIR spectra were recorded with a Perkin Elmer Spectrum Express version 10,300. The Scanning data were
obtained from the average of 47 scans in the range 4000–400 cm−1 with the resolution of 4 cm−1. The Crystal
structure of the produced copper oxide nanoparticles was determined and confirmed by using x-ray
diffraction meter (Model PW 1710 control unit Philips Anode Materials Cu, 40 kv, 30 MA, optics Automatic
divergence slit) with Cu kv radiation λ=1.5405A° over a wide range of Bragg angles (30°„2ϴ„80°). The
FESEM observation was carried out using the Quanta FEG‐250 SEM instrument equipped with EDAX for
elemental analysis.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. The UV–vis absorption spectra

The UV–vis absorption spectra of copper oxide NPS was given in figure 1. It shows a peak at 220 nm which is
attributed to the formation of cuprous oxide nanoparticles which is in close agreement with the earlier
reports [17].

3.2. FTIR spectrum of copper oxide NPS

The FTIR measurements for the synthesized copper oxide NPs is given in figure 2 which helps in identifying
possible biomolecules that acts as reducing and capping agents. The strong peaks observed at 3441, 1633, 1046
and 1403 cm−1 corresponds to OH, C=C, C–O and aliphatic C–H stretching vibrations respectively. The peaks
at 620 and 686 cm−1 corresponds to Cu (I)–O vibration of Copper oxide nanoparticles [19].

3.3. XRD analysis

The peak positions (figure 3) with 2θ values of 32.5°, 35.6°, 38.7°, 48.9°, 58.3°, 66.4°, 68.1°, 72.5° and 75.1° can
be assigned to the planes (−111), (002), (111), (−202), (202), (−311), (113), (311) and (400) which corresponds
to monoclinic phase of Copper oxide (JCPDS card no 45-0937) [20]. The average particle size D is estimated

Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 045007 D Renuga et al

Figure 1. UV–vis absorption spectrum of copper oxide NPs and plant extract.

Figure 2. FTIR spectrum of copper oxide NPS.

Figure 3. XRD pattern for copper oxide NPs.

using Debye–Scherrer equation by determining the width of (−111) peak.

b cos q

Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 045007 D Renuga et al

Figure 4. SEM image of copper oxide NPs.

Figure 5. EDAX for copper oxide NPs.

where λ is the x-ray wavelength, β is full width half maximum and θ is Braggs angle
0.9 ´ 1.5408 ´ 10 -10
D= = 26.95 ´ 10-9
5.1496 ´ 10-3 ´ 0.999

3.4. SEM—EDAX analysis

The surface morphology the copper oxide NPs synthesized using Brassica oleracea var. italic was shown in
figure 4. It shows the presence of nanoparticles with more or less uniform shape but varying in sizes and also no
aggregation is seen. The purity was analyzed using EDAX spectrum (figure 5) which shows highest peak for
copper and oxygen indicating that the copper oxide nanoparticles synthesized is highly pure.

3.5. Anti-fungal activity

In general copper oxide NPs are effective against a wide range of pathogens [21]. The antifungal activity was
measured by disc diffusion method using fungi stains such as Candida albicans & Aspergillus Niger. Flucanazole
was kept as the standard and the zone of inhibition was noted. A series of dilutions for the synthesized copper
oxide nanoparticles were carried out as per the procedure [22] and it was found that the minimum inhibitory

Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 045007 D Renuga et al

Figure 6. Antifungal activity of synthesized copper oxide nanoparticle and plant extract.

Table 1. Antifungal activity of copper oxide NPs.


Flucanazole Copper oxide nanoparticles

Organisms [10 μg ml−1] [100 μg ml−1]

Aspergillus 10 9
Candida 9 9

concentration of copper oxide nanoparticles is 100 μg ml−1. The zone of inhibition for the copper oxide
nanoparticles is shown in the figure 6.
From the table 1 it is inferred that the synthesized copper oxide NPs show a better antifungal activity. The
size and concentration of the copper oxide nanoparticles play a vital role in exhibiting antimicrobial activity [21].

4. Conclusion

A simple green synthesis of copper oxide Nps using Brassica oleracea var. italic extract was given in the present
study. The UV visible spectra shows a peak at 220 nm indicating the formation of copper oxide Nps. It is further
confirmed using FTIR which shows a band at 620 and 686 cm−1 corresponding to Cu –O bond. The size of the
nanoparticles was calculated using XRD which was found to be 26 nm. The surface morphology and shape of
copper oxide nanoparticles were analyzed using FESEM. The purity of NPs was confirmed by EDAX technique.
The copper oxide Nps synthesized using the green method showed excellent antifungal activity. The exact
mechanism and the cytotoxic nature of the nanoparticles should be investigated further for its effective

Declaration of interest

The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of this


D Renuga

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