Modulab Brochure
Modulab Brochure
Modulab Brochure
With MODULAB from Werfen, laboratories MODULAB can be configured to support the
can save time, improve efficiency and present operational requirements of any
provide better patient safety and care. clinical laboratory by design.
MODULAB allows users to procure blocks The complete MODULAB platform lets users
of functionality and piece these together perform every necessary task conducted in a
into a truly bespoke solution that supports laboratory setting easily and efficiently.
any clinical pathology laboratory’s present
needs. By taking a modular approach the Comprising modules for order entry, sample
MODULAB platform can be up-scaled and collection, storage & transportation, chain of
adapted at any point in time to keep in line custody & control, validation, quality control,
with an organisations constantly evolving workflow and warehouse management /
Workflow. stock control as well as much more, MODULAB
is a world class solution built by a team who
Modulab’s power and flexibility as a truly understand the nuances and demands
Laboratory Information System (LIS) allows any of today’s clinical pathology laboratory.
specialised section, for example, Microbiology
or Genetics, to be managed like a Data MODULAB provides a platform to meet the
Management System (DMS) allowing the user needs of any public hospital or private
to optimise Modulab’s functionality to meet laboratory (from single location through to
the demands of their specific institution. multi site organisations). Our solution allows
users to manage all disciplines within their
The versatility of Modulab means that the platform laboratory, by providing tools to handle tasks
can be installed as a DMS to do the heavy ranging from the routine to the extremely
lifting of any laboratory and at a later stage intricate and complex. MODULAB optimises the
additional modules could be added, thereby work duties of laboratory operatives in areas
modifying the initial solution build to that of a Such as Clinical Biochemistry, Microbiology,
complete Laboratory Information System (LIS). Haematology and Immunology (along with
At any time during the solutions lifecycle, many others).