Preparation of Polystyrene Spheres in Different Particle Sizes and Assembly of The PS Colloidal Crystals
Preparation of Polystyrene Spheres in Different Particle Sizes and Assembly of The PS Colloidal Crystals
Preparation of Polystyrene Spheres in Different Particle Sizes and Assembly of The PS Colloidal Crystals
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3 authors, including:
Yimin Xuan
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
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Monodisperse polystyrene (PS) colloidal spheres were successfully prepared through emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization
by controlling the polymerization reaction time, ionic strength of the system, concentration of the ionic copolymer (sodium
p-styrenesulfonate) and other factors. The PS colloidal spheres were assembled into colloidal crystals whose structures were
mainly face-centered cubic (fcc) close-packed. Then FDTD method was used to calculate the color-rendering characteristics of
the colloidal crystals surface. The calculated results were consistent with the experimental results.
Citation: Fang J F, Xuan Y M, Li Q. Preparation of polystyrene spheres in different particle sizes and assembly of the PS colloidal crystals. Sci China Tech
Sci, 2010, 53: 3088−3093, doi: 10.1007/s11431-010-4110-5
© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
FANG JunFei, et al. Sci China Tech Sci November (2010) Vol.53 No.11 3089
initiator concentration and other experimental conditions 2.3 Assembly of polystyrene (PS) colloidal crystals
were altered to investigate their impacts on particle size of
the polystyrene colloidal spheres. By using the centrifugal The assembly of the colloidal crystals from polystyrene
sedimentation method, the monodisperse polystyrene (PS) spheres liquor was conducted in a centrifuge. After about
colloidal spheres of different particle sizes were assembled 24 h of centrifugation under 1000 r/min, the upper clear
into three-dimensional ordered colloidal crystals. liquid was removed and the remanent liquor was naturally
dried at room temperature. Then it was dried at 80°C in a
vacuum oven for 1 h. Finally, the three-dimensional ordered
2 Experiment colloidal crystals were prepared.
Figure 1 TEM images of polystyrene spheres at different reaction times. (a) 2 h; (b) 7 h; (c) 11 h; (d) 20 h; (e) 28 h.
Figure 4 Size distribution of the polystyrene spheres. absorption peaks at the wave numbers of 2921.9 and 2848.6,
corresponding to the existence of methylenes.
assembled into three-dimensional ordered colloidal arrays These IR results have confirmed that the styrene reacts
[10, 15]. to produce polystyrene through polymerization reaction. In
addition, the absorption peaks at the wave number of
3446.5 is for the stretching vibration absorption of O-H,
3.3 Infrared analysis of the polystyrene (PS)
which indicates the existence of hydroxyl. The hydroxyl
Figure 5 illustrates the infrared absorption spectra of the may come from water or hydrolysis of strong acid weak
polystyrene spheres whose average particle size is about alkali salt such as sodium p-styrenesulfonate, potassium
560 nm. Obviously, there are several absorption peaks hydrogen carbonate.
within the involved wavenumber range. There are absorp-
tion peaks at the wave numbers of 3060.8 and 3026.0 due to 3.4 Assembly and morphology analysis of the polysty-
aromatic C-H stretching vibration absorption and there are rene colloidal crystals
three absorption peaks at the wave numbers of 1600.8,
1492.7, and 1452.2 due to aromatic C=C stretching vibra- Colloidal crystals were assembled by polystyrene colloidal
tion absorption. These absorption peaks indicate the exis- spheres in several typical sizes in the experiment. The SEM
tence of benzene rings. The absorption peaks at the wave images of the polystyrene (PS) colloidal crystals (particle
numbers of 756.0 and 698.2 correspond to C-H out-of-plane sizes are about 200, 280, 450, 560 and 800 nm) are shown
bending vibration absorption and indicate that there is only in Figure 6. Colloidal crystals, also known as colloidal ar-
one substituent in the benzene ring. Figure 5 also shows the rays, are mainly arranged in the tetragonal or hexagonal
Figure 6 SEM images of the polystyrene colloidal crystals in different particle sizes. (a) 200 nm; (b) 280 nm; (c) 450 nm; (d) 560 nm; (e) 800 nm.
3092 FANG JunFei, et al. Sci China Tech Sci November (2010) Vol.53 No.11
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