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Research article LUMAT General Issue 2018

Parental engagement in children’s STEM education. Part I:

Meta-analysis of the literature
Marina Milner-Bolotin and Carlos C. F. Marotto
The University of British Columbia, Canada
Article details

This paper presents a meta-analysis of the literature on parental engagement with LUMAT General Issue
children’s formal and informal science, technology, engineering and mathematics Vol 6 No 1 (2018), 41–59
(STEM) education. Five recurrent themes have emerged from the literature review:
Received 10 August 2017
The challenges of supporting parents with children’s STEM education; STEM Accepted 16 March 2018
education as a bridge between school and family; STEM education as a gateway for Published 13 April 2018
children’s future economic success; STEM education as a vehicle for promoting Updated 21 June 2018
student communication skills; and, the role of hands-on inquiry-based activities in Pages: 19
enhancing student engagement. We also outline some international informal STEM References: 74
education initiatives, their scope, challenges, and impact. DOI: 10.31129/LUMAT.6.1.292

Keywords: formal STEM education, informal STEM education, parental [email protected]
engagement, STEM education, STEM outreach www.lumat.fi

1 Introduction

Trying to educate the young without help and support from home is akin to
trying to rake leaves in a high wind. (Wolfendale & Morgan, 1992)

The value of parental engagement in children’s education is so self-evident that

despite the existing literature it is too often overlooked or taken for granted by
researchers, educators, and educational administrators (Green, Walker, Hoover-
Dempsey, & Sandler, 2007; Hango, 2007; Harris & Goodall, 2008; Let's Talk Science,
2015). And yet, as the literature review below indicates, not all parents possess the
necessary knowledge and skills to support their children’s education (Ogbu, 1987).
Those parents whose support might be the most crucial for the children, i.e.,
immigrant and minority parents or parents with limited education, too often lack the
required knowledge and skills for supporting their children (Suárez-Orozco, 2003).
They also experience considerable difficulties in communicating with the teachers and
school administrators, thus facing challenges with bridging the home-school gap and
learning about their children’s educational experiences (Wolfendale & Morgan, 1992).
As a result, these families rarely take full advantage of the opportunities offered by
their children’s schools (formal education) or informal educational opportunities
offered outside of school (Bell, Lewenstein, Shouse, & Feder, 2009; Ruiz-Primo,

LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education

Published by the University of Helsinki, Finland / LUMA Centre Finland | CC BY-NC 4.0

2011). This especially applies to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM) education in the developed countries where a significant percentage of
parents have limited STEM knowledge and (or) might hold negative attitudes about
STEM (Fine, 1993; Ing, 2014; Kaya & Lundeen, 2010; Let's Talk Science, 2015; Perera,
2014). To exacerbate the problem, a growing number of parents in the developed
countries have a limited mastery of the language used in their children’s K-12
schooling, thus restricting parents’ ability to support their children in meaningful
STEM learning (Gibson, 1987).
This paper is the first one in a two-paper series focussing on exploring how parents
can be encouraged and supported in engaging with their children’s STEM education.
The focus on parents and on informal STEM education addresses the need for a
comprehensive solution to the problem of student growing STEM disengagement that
plagues many modern Western societies (Hathaway & Kallerman, 2012; Let's Talk
Science, 2013; OECD, 2016; The National STEM Learning Network, 2017). Therefore,
a current literature review coupled with the examination of the worldwide efforts
aimed at increasing and supporting parents with their children’s STEM education is
timely. It sheds light on several relevant international initiatives and highlights
research evidence about their effectiveness for increasing student STEM engagement.
This study will provide much needed evidence for suggesting viable solutions to
educators, educational administrators and community leaders for supporting parents
with their children’s STEM education that will be relevant to many countries.
Thus, the goal of this paper is to describe the international literature on parental
engagement in children’s STEM education and to distill major themes that stand out
in this ever-growing body of research. The follow-up paper puts these findings into a
Canadian context through describing a study that investigated the barriers and
catalysts of parental engagement in children’s STEM education. As Frank
Westheimer, a late Harvard chemistry professor, once noted, “A couple of months in
the laboratory can frequently save a couple of hours in the library” (AZquotes, 2018).
To the best of our knowledge, there is no recent international study examining the
existing literature on parental involvement in children’s STEM education. Therefore,
an up-to-date examination of the literature is needed as the first step in addressing
this problem.


1.1 Motivation for studying parental engagement in children’s STEM


Lately, STEM education has received worldwide attention for economic, social, and
political reasons (DeCoito, 2016; The Royal Society Science Policy Centre, 2014; USA
National Research Council, 2013). As Rush Holt, the CEO of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, recently noted during the keynote address at the
annual meeting of the American Physics Society “Science is not just for scientists”
(Gaal, 2017). Although Canadian students have been scoring above average in the
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) since 2006, their
performance in science has not shown any significant improvement and their
performance in mathematics has declined over the same period (OECD, 2016).
Furthermore, according to PISA, in Canada only half of the top-performing students
in science see themselves working in science-related careers (Schmidt & Parkin,
2016). This will clearly not satisfy Canada’s need for STEM-oriented workforce if the
country is to remain on the forefront of technological innovations (Let's Talk Science,
2013, 2017a).
Similar developments have been taking place for decades in other countries. For
example, extensive research evidence shows that in Europe, a large number of STEM
professionals are required, but not enough students are interested in pursuing STEM-
related careers (European Commission, 2004, 2006; Krapp & Prenzel, 2011; OECD,
2008). Moreover, there is a growing body of research evidence that STEM education
at elementary level has a strong impact on the formation of students’ attitudes
towards STEM-related subjects and consequently on their engagement with STEM
(Perera, 2014). For example, according to Zan (2016), the early exposure to STEM is
critical for fostering and sustaining student participation, interest and agency in
engineering and science. It is also well established that parents play a crucial role in
their children's STEM education (Ing, 2014; Perera, 2014). However, to the best of
our knowledge, little is known about how to support parents in engaging their
elementary-school children with STEM-related activities.
The overarching goal of this study is to learn what motivates parents to engage
their children with STEM-related activities and how the parents can be supported
during this process. This research explores parental attitudes and responses to STEM-
related activities during a public outreach event at the University of British Columbia
(UBC), "Family Mathematics and Science Day" (Milner-Bolotin, 2018a; Milner-


Bolotin & Milner, 2017). Family Mathematics and Science Day is an open house
annual math and science celebration at the UBC Faculty of Education. This family-
oriented event was founded in 2010 and has attracted hundreds of guests from all over
the Greater Vancouver Area. More than 50 teacher-candidates participate in it
annually. The event’s goals are: a) to engage elementary teacher-candidates, many of
whom have limited STEM knowledge, in STEM communication to visitors to improve
teacher-candidates’ attitudes about STEM; b) to model effective STEM outreach for
secondary STEM teacher-candidates; c) to build bridges between the Faculty of
Education and the community; and d) to engage teacher-candidates, graduate
students, and faculty in creating freely available STEM education resources.

1.2 International projects supporting parents with their children’s

STEM education

In this section, we draw upon some relevant international initiatives aimed at

addressing STEM challenges and at encouraging and supporting parents, families and
other stakeholders to engage with their children’s formal and informal STEM
education. Our decision to include these initiatives was based primarily on three
factors: the focus of the activities on parental STEM engagement, their location
(Canada, USA, UK, and Finland), and the research evidence for their effectiveness.
We decided to focus on these four countries for a reason. Being located in Canada, we
have extensive experience with the “local” STEM outreach and are aware of the nature
of parental involvement in STEM education in Canada and USA (Milner-Bolotin &
Johnson, 2017). We also had prior collaboration with our UK colleagues and were
aware of similar problems in that country. Thus, it was important for us to explore
what had been done to engage parents in children’s STEM outreach there. Finally, our
decision to include Finland was based on our experience and knowledge of the STEM
education initiatives, such as LUMA Centre Finland (LUMA Centre Finland, 2018).
The choice of these countries was also interesting from the perspective of PISA, as
Finland and Canada consistently perform significantly above the average, while the
other two countries do not (OECD, 2016). In addition, all these countries have a
significant number of immigrant families, thus the parents there, might face similar
problems with engaging their children in STEM. Finally, we only included the
initiatives that have a multi-year history and where some reliable research evidence
of their effectiveness has been collected. A brief overview of those initiatives is
provided in Table 1. While this list is not an exhaustive one, it shows a range of various


international initiatives aimed at engaging parents in STEM education of their


Table 1. Selected International Projects Aimed at Supporting Parents with Children’s STEM Education.
Project (source) Country Brief description
Let’s Talk Science (2017a) Canada STEM outreach organization; provides materials for
students, teachers and parents.
Canada 2067 – The Science of a Canada A nationwide project; provides STEM materials for
Successful Tomorrow (Let's Talk students, teachers and parents.
Science, 2017a)
Family Mathematics and Science Canada Annual open house family-oriented event where
Day (Milner-Bolotin & Milner, teacher-candidates from the UBC Faculty of Education
2017) engage with STEM activities with the community.
Science & Math Education Canada Educational STEM videos of hands-on experiments for
Videos for All (Milner-Bolotin, teachers, parents and students.
StarT (LUMA, 2017) Finland Based at the University of Helsinki, an international
network of learning communities promoting STEM
Science is for Parents Too (Leach, UK STEM-related courses for parents at the University of
2017) York.
The National STEM Learning UK Comprehensive list of materials and resources for
Network parents, students and educators.
Parent Partners in School Science USA NSF-funded project, provides teachers, parents and
(PPSS) children from three Philadelphia elementary schools
opportunities to engage in STEM-related activities.
English-Spanish Family Guide to USA AAAS-NSF-funded English-Spanish bilingual Family
Science (AAAS, 2013) Guide to Science.
Equals and Family Math USA Math courses, workshops and curricular materials for
(Lawrence Hall of Science, 2017) K–12 teachers, parents, families, and community
members (English/Spanish).
Family Science (Foundation for USA Family-oriented science-related activities
Family Science, 2017) (English/Spanish).
Techbridge Girls (Techbridge, USA Science guides for families (English/Spanish/Chinese).

2 Literature review

The importance of meaningful engagement of the next generation of students in


STEM has been discussed widely in Canada and internationally (Bybee, 2013; Let's
Talk Science, 2012, 2013, 2017a; USA National Research Council, 2013). Today the
value of STEM education has become even higher with the developing countries facing
a growing economic divide between the rich and the poor, increasing immigration and
economic uncertainty for the new immigrants and for the local population, the lack of
qualified STEM professionals, and the growing importance of problem solving and
critical thinking skills in the modern society (British Columbia Ministry of Education,
2015; Chachashvili-Bolotin, Milner-Bolotin, & Lissitsa, 2016; DeCoito, 2016; Milner-
Bolotin & Johnson, 2017; Ontario Ministry of Education, 2014; The National STEM
Learning Network, 2017). At the same time, there is research evidence that families
play a crucial role in children’s education (Dabney, Tai, & Scott, 2015; Dierking & Falk,
1994; Perera, 2014) and parental engagement in children’s STEM education can
mediate the negative effective of socio-economic disadvantage (Hango, 2007).
Moreover, in the last few decades, there were many new initiatives, some of them are
country-wide, that aimed at engaging entire families in STEM (LUMA Centre Finland,
2018; Miller, 2017; Milner-Bolotin & Milner, 2017). However, for this study we
decided to limit our search to the peer-reviewed papers published in high-impact
journals (or by the notable STEM or STEM-related educational organizations) that
specifically focus on different kinds of parental engagement with children’s learning
in or out of school STEM learning. The papers that were included in this analysis were
found through the search in the educational databases such as ERIC and Google
Scholar, through the references in the national STEM education documents, as well
as the references in the peer-reviewed papers found earlier. While we reviewed
hundreds of documents, we have limited this analysis only to the papers that matched
our criteria.
In this study, parental engagement entails activities conducted by parents or
family members, such as homework support, attending school meetings, volunteering
at school, and participating in STEM-related activities in and out of school. Through
the analysis of the literature focussed on parental engagement with their children’s
education, the following five themes have emerged: Parental engagement in children’s
STEM education; STEM education as a bridge between school and family; STEM
education as a gateway for children’s future economic success; STEM education as a
vehicle for promoting student communication skills; and hands-on inquiry as a
vehicle for enhancing student STEM engagement. Below we briefly outline each one
of these themes.


2.1 Challenges of supporting parents with children’s STEM education

There is a strong consensus amongst researchers about the benefits of parental

engagement with their children’s education (Barton, Drake, Perez, St Louis, & George,
2004; Green et al., 2007; Harris & Goodall, 2008; Kaya & Lundeen, 2010; Let's Talk
Science, 2015; Perera, 2014). Parents have a positive influence on children’s
motivation to learn and consequently on their academic achievement (Cheung &
Pomerantz, 2012; Kuperminc, Darnell, & Alvarez-Jimenez, 2008). In line with that,
extensive research evidence indicates that parental involvement has a positive impact
on their children’s STEM engagement and consequently on their achievement (Ing,
2014; Let's Talk Science, 2015; Perera, 2014).
However, not all parents who want to support their children in STEM education
know how to do that (Leach, 2017; Let's Talk Science, 2015). There are at least two
reasons for that. First, parents might have limited STEM knowledge relevant to
children’s school curriculum. Second, some parents, especially immigrant parents,
might experience a language barrier, preventing them from supporting their children.
This is especially relevant to parents who themselves might have limited (STEM)
education or are new to the educational system experienced by their children, such as
the parents who are immigrants, foreign workers or international students.

2.1.1 Supporting parents with limited STEM education

Given the importance of parental engagement with their children’s STEM education,
there have been many attempts by educators in public, private, governmental and
non-governmental agencies to create resources for parents. Below we describe three
of these initiatives aimed at facilitating parental involvement in their children’s STEM
Let’s Talk Science is a charitable Canadian organization focussing on promoting
STEM education and outreach. It provides a comprehensible list of activities to
encourage parents to exert a greater influence on their children’s STEM education
(Let's Talk Science, 2017b). Moreover, a Canadian nationwide project, Canada 2067
– The Science of a Successful Tomorrow (Let's Talk Science, 2017a), has been created
to develop an action plan and a national vision for STEM learning. On their official
website, there is an entire section devoted to informing parents about how and why
they should support their children’s STEM education.


Science is for Parents Too is an initiative from the University of York in the UK.
In 2013, STEM educators created a set of science courses for parents, who might have
limited knowledge, called “Science is for Parents Too” (Leach, 2017). The courses aim
at teaching parents the science their children are learning at school. The 2014–2015
course final assessment report indicates an increase in parental knowledge of and
confidence about science. It also shows that “[a] greater proportion of children whose
parents attended the courses would like to be a scientist after the course compared
to the control group” (West, 2015, p. 1).
Science & Math Education Videos for All is a collection of short educational videos
relevant to K-12 STEM curriculum showing hands-on experiments that teachers,
parents and students can perform at school or at home (Milner-Bolotin, 2018b). These
videos are hosted on a YouTube channel. They include STEM experiments, conceptual
explanations of the phenomena behind these experiments, and additional resources
and activities. The resource was originally created to support future STEM teachers
and inspire them to engage their students in STEM in a meaningful way. However,
many parents have found it useful as well.

2.1.2 Supporting parents with limited language proficiency

An additional challenge to parental engagement with children’s STEM education in
societies with high proportion of immigrants is the language barrier. In the United
States, the most spoken unofficial language is Spanish. To facilitate and encourage
Spanish-speaking families to engage with science, Partnership for Science Literacy, a
project co-funded by the American Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS) and the National Science Foundation, has published a bilingual English-
Spanish Family Guide to Science (AAAS, 2013).
Some other options to Spanish speakers in the USA include: Equals and Family
Math, Family Science, and Techbridge Girls. Equals and Family Math offers several
programs, workshops and curricular materials in mathematics for K–12 teachers,
parents, families, and community members at the Lawrence Hall of Science,
University of California, Berkeley (Lawrence Hall of Science, 2017). Family Science
offers online and book activities (Foundation for Family Science, 2017). Techbridge
Girls, in addition to English, produces science guides in Spanish and Chinese
(Techbridge, 2017). Similar efforts are undergoing in other countries.


As mentioned above, supporting parental involvement in their children’s STEM

education is important to opening future opportunities for the students. It also helps
family members to establish a common ground for productive and meaningful
interactions through having interesting topics for discussion (Let's Talk Science,
2015). This opens doors for bridging the home-school gap.

2.2 STEM Education: A bridge between school and family

School-related projects, homework assignments, and visits to science centres open

additional opportunities for positive STEM-related interactions between children and
family members (Rodari, 2009; Vartiainen & Aksela, 2013). Science clubs for children
offered outside of school is another example of activities helping engage families in
science. According to the study by Vartiainen and Aksela (2013), parents and
guardians of the 3–6 year old children who attended the science club at the University
of Helsinki wanted to discuss science at home with their families and often brought
up the characters from the science activities in the discussions. Moreover, family
members of these children have reported that their children’s interest towards science
was raised as a result.
Given the importance of parental involvement and participation with their
children’s education, The Franklin Institute (TFI), a major US Science Museum,
developed and implemented Parent Partners in School Science (PPSS) (Luke & Foutz,
2007). This project, funded by the National Science Foundation, provided teachers,
parents and children from three Philadelphia elementary schools with opportunities
for engaging in STEM-related activities at school, at home and in the community.
According to McCreedy, and Luke (2006), PPSS was beneficial to children, parents
and teachers alike. As a consequence of the initiative, teachers felt more confident and
comfortable teaching science and even began teaching it more frequently. Parents, in
turn, reported that PPSS’s legacy sparked children’s interest in science. Parents and
teachers felt that their relationship improved because of PPSS.
STEM-related homework assignments are shown to be an inviting way to foster
parent-child collaboration and interaction. This facilitates parental engagement with
their children’s STEM education (Kaya & Lundeen, 2010; Solomon, 2003), thus
bridging the home-school gap. Science centres, science museums, botanical gardens,
aquariums etc., are venues that provide family members with opportunities that
facilitate not only cognitive learning, but also address social and emotional domains


(Briseno-Garzon & Anderson, 2012; Dierking & Falk, 1994; Sanford, 2010). Borun,
Chambers and Cleghorn (1996) identified the following behaviours as indicative of
family learning in science museums: asking and answering questions, commenting on
the museum exhibit, reading exhibit labels silently and aloud, pointing to an exhibit,
or even physically interacting with it.
Another venue for bridging the home-school gap is to encourage parents to discuss
future career prospects in STEM-related areas with their children (Let's Talk Science,
2015). This is emphasized by STEM educators and outreach organizations as we will
show below.

2.3 STEM education: A gateway for children’s future economic success

Ample research evidence suggests that many parents want to support their children
in STEM studies because STEM-related careers may bring economic opportunities for
their children’s future prosperity (Ayalon & Yuchtmann-Yaar, 2003). For example,
Canadian parents see STEM-related careers as attractive prospects for their children,
yet only a small percentage of the parents (28 %) actually discusses the value of STEM
education with their children (Let's Talk Science, 2015). UNESCO highlights STEM
education as a contributing factor for equipping young people for the job market. It

All schools and schooling systems accept that part of their role is to prepare
children for the world of work, sometimes implicitly and, more and more,
explicitly. To achieve this aim, school systems and their stakeholders will see
that affective and motivational aspects of science learning are important not
only in the classroom, but also in the wider societies. (UNESCO, 2012, p. 12)

STEM education needs to be emphasized to address the shortage of STEM workers in

many developed and developing countries. According to BQ portal supported by the
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (2013), many countries,
including Germany, USA, Japan and Brazil, are reforming their immigration policies
to attract STEM workers. This has become one of the big news items in many countries
around the world. According to European Centre for the Development of Vocational
Training (Cedefop), STEM professionals are among the top five skill shortage
occupations across the European Union (EU) (Cedefop, 2017). According to EU Skills
Panorama 2014 Report (ICF and Cedefop, 2014), there was consistent numerical and
percentage growth from 2003 to 2013. This growth is expected to continue from 2013
to 2025. “Over one million additional science and engineering jobs are expected to be


created from 2013 to 2025; meaning that, by 2025, science and engineering
professionals will comprise 3% of the total EU-28 workforce (7.7 million workers)”
(ICF and Cedefop, 2014, p. 2). The 2014 Report states that STEM professionals need
a wide range of knowledge and skills including: complex problem solving, judgement
and decision making, research skill, mathematics, active learning, listening and
comprehension, and communication skills. The latter is, in fact, essential for local and
immigrant students and professional, as will be shown below.

2.4 STEM education as a vehicle for promoting student communication


Effective STEM education is facilitated in a dialogic environment where learners are

encouraged to cooperate with others, state claims, negotiate strategies for problem-
solving and come to a consensus. This requires effective communication by educators
and learners (DeVries & Zan, 2012; Johnston, 2012; National Research Council,
2012). Communication skills are crucial for students to become proficient STEM
learners as they need to ask questions, plan and carry out investigations, analyze and
interpret multi-faceted data (e.g., graphs, figures, charts), construct explanations,
propose solutions, and engage in evidence-based argumentation (National Research
Council, 2012). This is equally true for native and non-native English speakers (Cohen
& Urry, 2007; Fawcett & Garton, 2005; Mashburn, Justice, Downer, & Pianta, 2009;
Van Meeteren, 2016).
As mentioned earlier, family visits to science centres are great opportunities for
emotional, social, and cognitive learning (Suter, 2014). Therefore, children and family
members need appropriate language skills to communicate ideas to address
emotional, social and cognitive domains. Ash (2004) identified linguistic English-
Spanish code-switching among family members during the science-oriented
discussions inspired by the family visit to an aquarium in California. For students and
parents whose first language is not English, communicating STEM ideas can help
them to acquire the English language in a meaningful way (McCreedy & Luke, 2006;
Oliveira & Lan, 2014). This is particularly relevant to countries such as Canada that
receive many immigrant and refugee families.


2.5 Hands-on inquiry: A vehicle for enhancing student STEM


In the 20th century, inquiry-based science education was promoted by several

influential educators, including Dewey (1938), Schwab (1966), and DeBoer (1991). In
contrast to the traditional fact-driven teaching approach, inquiry-based STEM
education uses a science method as a key pedagogical strategy. In inquiry-based
STEM classrooms, students are asked to pose questions, design experiments, collect,
analyze and interpret data, and draw their own conclusions (British Columbia
Ministry of Education, 2015). There is ample research evidence that inquiry-based
education also promotes parental involvement in both formal (Mousoulides, 2013;
Zwiep & Straits, 2013) and informal STEM learning environments (Dabney et al.,
2015; Rodari, 2009). This might be one of the reasons why the emphasis on inquiry-
based teaching has become a prominent feature of contemporary educational reforms
(British Columbia Ministry of Education, 2015; USA National Research Council,
In addition to inquiry-based activities, demonstrations, and hands-on
experiments have shown to be effective ways to reach out to parents and students
alike, especially in informal settings, such as STEM centers, museums and public
outreach events (Milner-Bolotin, 2011). For example, “Family Mathematics and
Science Day” at the University of British Columbia has gathered hundreds of visitors
over the years and its success is largely due to well-designed interactive
demonstrations through which children and their parents can engage with STEM-
related activities (Milner-Bolotin, 2018a; Milner-Bolotin & Milner, 2017). A Canada-
wide outreach event – Science Rendezvous– reaches hundreds of thousands of people
all across the country in order to engage them in STEM (D. Miller, Miller, Miller, &
Bawagan, 2017; K. Miller, 2017). The rapid growth of this event and its spread from
the University of Toronto to across Canada over the last decade have highlighted the
need for family-oriented STEM outreach and the willingness of parents to engage in
it. Hands-on activities have become a prominent feature of contemporary STEM
centers, such as science museums, aquariums, and botanical gardens, in order to
engage parents and children and facilitate STEM learning.


3 Conclusions

The literature review on parental engagement with their children’s STEM education
has revealed five recurrent themes. These are: The benefits of parental engagement
with their children’s STEM education; STEM education as a bridge between school
and family; STEM education as a gateway for children’s future economic success;
STEM education as a vehicle for promoting student communication skills; and,
hands-on inquiry as a vehicle for enhancing STEM engagement of both children and
their parents.

3.1 The benefits of parental engagement with children’s STEM


There is a strong consensus amongst researchers about the benefits of parental

engagement with their children’s education in general, and STEM education
specifically. Parents have a positive impact on their children’s engagement with STEM
and consequently on their achievement. However, not all parents who want to support
their children know how to do that, mainly due to two reasons. Firstly, parents might
have limited STEM knowledge. Secondly, some parents might experience a language
barrier, particularly in countries with a large immigrant population. Many
international organizations attempted to address those issues by creating family-
oriented STEM resources.

3.2 STEM education: A bridge between school and family

School-related projects, homework assignments, out-of-school science clubs and

visits to science centres open additional opportunities for positive STEM-related
interactions between children and family members. For example, STEM-related
homework assignments are shown to be an inviting way to foster parent-child
cooperation and collaboration. Apart from providing additional topics for subsequent
parent-child conversations at home, science clubs offered outside of school have been
reported to motivate young children, raising their interest towards science contents.
Moreover, visits to science centres such as science museums, aquariums and botanical
gardens allow for opportunities that not only facilitate visitors’ science learning, but
also address social and emotional domains.
Community projects, in turn, have shown to be beneficial to children, parents, and
educators. Teachers reported to be more confident about science teaching and more


open to teaching science in a more interactive way because of their participation in

these outreach science projects. Parents also report an improvement in the parent-
teacher relationships.

3.3 STEM education: A gateway for children’s future economic success

Many parents want to support their children in STEM studies because STEM-related
careers may bring economic opportunities for their children’s future prosperity.
Furthermore, although students from some developed countries, i.e., Canada and
Finland, have been performing consistently well in PISA science exams, not enough
of those quality students have the intention of pursuing STEM-related carriers. There
is an increasing international demand for skilled STEM workers. The shortage of
STEM professionals is such that some countries, i.e., Germany, the USA, Brazil and
Japan are reforming immigration regulations to attract skilled STEM professionals.

3.4 STEM education: A vehicle for enhancing student communication


Meaningful STEM formal and informal activities invite learners to communicate

complex and abstract ideas in a written and oral format to a variety of audiences, i.e.,
teachers, peers and parents. STEM education is facilitated when there are ample
opportunities for a dialogue. These opportunities allow for the various steps of the
problem-solving process, i.e., asking questions, raising hypotheses, designing
experiments, communicating results, and reaching conclusions. To effectively
perform in these dialogic constructivist classrooms, learners and teachers alike need
a sound mastery of the language. These learning environments can be effective in
enhancing communication and linguistic skills for native English speakers and those
for whom English is an additional language. Moreover, effective communication is a
valuable skill for successful STEM-related careers.

3.5 Hands-on inquiry: A vehicle for enhancing STEM engagement

Inquiry-based STEM education promotes parental involvement in both formal and

informal learning environments. Hands-on activities that parents and children can
engage with during their visits to STEM centres are now a common feature of most
contemporary venues. These are shown to raise visitors’ motivation towards STEM-
related activities and facilitate learning. These five themes have emerged from the


analysis of many international STEM-related outreach projects described in this

paper. In the follow-up paper, we describe a study conducted in the context of the
University of British Columbia Family Mathematics and Science Day (Milner-Bolotin
& Milner, 2017). We examine how these themes play out in a specific STEM-outreach
context. The main aim of the follow-up study is to learn what motivates parents to
engage in STEM outreach with their children, how educators can support these
parents, and how research can inform STEM outreach efforts.


Financial support for this study was provided by the University of British Columbia
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund.

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