BCGS CA I10 ME Jan23
BCGS CA I10 ME Jan23
BCGS CA I10 ME Jan23
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Date: 19/01/2023 TIME: 2 hours
Choose the correct answer and write the correct option. [20]
(i) What is the final value stored in variable x ?
double a = -8.59;
double x = Math.abs(Math.ceil(a));
a) 9.0 (b) 7.0 (c) 8.5 (d) 8.0
(ii) Name the type of error in the given statement: double r=Math.sqrt(-100.0);
(a) Syntax (b) Runtime (c) Logical (d) None of the above
(iii) The _ _ _ _ _ _ allows a class to use the properties and methods of another class.
(a) Inheritance (b) Polymorphism (c) Encapsulation (d) None of the above
(vii) Name the method with the same name as of the class and which does not have a return
data type is called as: '\ ·.,.
(a) Constructor (b) Function (c) Method (d) Modifier
(viii) The access modes of the members that can be used by derived class during inheritance is:
(a) private or public (b) public or protected (c) protected or public (d) private or protected
(xvii) State the total size in bytes of the array a[4] of char data type.
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 32
(xix) The subscript value of elements of an array m[50] are numbered as:
(a) Oto 50 (b) 1 to 50 (c) 0 to 49 (d) 1 to 49
(xx) 'Given: int m=5; m*=5; »nie resultant value stored in mis:
(a) 55 (b) 25 (c) 5 (d) 10
Question 2
a= 0.05-2/ [2]
1) Write a Java statement for the expression:
2) Ifx=3, What is the value ofx after executing x+ = x++ +-x + 4 [2]
3) Convert the following into equ· 1
iva ent/or loop:
{ [2)
inti p=O·
{ System.out.print(i+" ")·
p++;} '
Question 4 [15)
Member methods:
!! vo!d Salary(): To accept the details ofan Employee including monthly salary.
))! vo)d C~mp( ): To compute Income Tax as 12% of annual salary above Rs. 2,50,000.
voi~ Pnnt( ): To display the details of the Employee and the calculated Tax if any.
Wnte a mam method to create object of a class and caII the above member methods.
Question S (15)
Define a class to accept and store IO strings into an array and display the foIIowing:
Question 6 [15)
Design a class using function overloading Volume( ) that computes volume of cube, sphere
and cuboid.
Formula: Volume ofcube: side 3
Volume of sphere: 4/3 m3
Volume of cuboid: / x bx h
Question 7 [15)
Write a program to input twenty names in an array and display all the names whose first
alphabet matches with the alphabet entered by the user.
Example: Input: Sam
Chris ..... etc.
Enter the Alphabet : S
Output: Sam
Question 8 [15)
Write a menu based program (using switch-case) to generate the following as per the user
choice of I or 2:
Question 9 [15]
Write a program to input and store Total Marks(out of5_00? in a sing!~ dimensional array
TMarks[] of a class of 50 students. Display the marks hst m descendmg order.