This Virtual Assistant Contract (-Contract-) is Made and Entered Into as of -07!21!23-, Between -Penny Santos-, Hereinafter Referred to as the -Virtual Assistant,- And -David Ramirez-, Hereinafter Referred to as the -Client

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This Virtual Assistant Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into as of [07/21/23],

between [Penny Santos], hereinafter referred to as the "Virtual Assistant," and [David
Ramirez], hereinafter referred to as the "Client."

**1. Detailed Descriptions of the Work**

1.1 Post on Every Subreddit: The Virtual Assistant shall create and post content on
various subreddits as directed by the Client, ensuring alignment with the model's
personality and adhering to the rules and guidelines of each subreddit.

1.2 Discover New Subreddits: The Virtual Assistant shall research and find new
subreddits that suit the model's personality and target audience, presenting the findings
to the Client for approval.

1.3 Respond to Comments: The Virtual Assistant will provide short thank-you responses
to comments received on the posted content.

1.4 Engage with Users: The Virtual Assistant will respond to ten messages per day with
short, three-line responses, engaging users and fostering a sense of community.

1.5 TikTok Video Management: The Virtual Assistant shall screen capture TikTok videos
as specified by the Client and bulk upload them onto a designated Google Drive.

**2. Expected Working Hours/Days**

The Virtual Assistant's working hours shall be from Monday to Friday, for a total of 4
hours per day.

**3. Payment Details**

Payment shall be made via Wise (formerly TransferWise) on a monthly basis. However,
the first week's payment will be disbursed at the end of that week.

**4. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) & Non-Solicitation Clause**

The Virtual Assistant agrees to maintain strict confidentiality regarding any sensitive
information or proprietary data received from the Client during the course of their work.
The Virtual Assistant shall not solicit or engage with any clients, customers, or contacts
of the Client for their personal gain.
**5. Cancellation Clause**

Either party may terminate this Contract by providing a 2-week notice in writing.

**6. Termination of Contract**

The Contract may be terminated by either party by providing a written notice at least 3
business days before the intended termination date.

**7. Restrictive Covenants**

The Virtual Assistant agrees not to make any changes to the Client's profile or any
associated accounts without prior authorization.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Virtual Assistant Contract
as of the date first written above.

[Penny Santos] [Daivd Ramirez]

Signature: ______Penny Santos________ Signature: _______David Ramirez___________
Date: ________07/21/23______________ Date: ______07/21/23_______________

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