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Draft Western Cape Road Traffic Bill 2006

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Provincial Gazette Buitengewone Isongezelelo

Extraordinary Provinsiale Koerant kwiGazethi yePhondo

6397 6397 6397

Friday, 24 November 2006 Vrydag, 24 November 2006 Lwesihlanu, 24 Novemba 2006

Registered at the Post Offıce as a Newspaper As ’n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer Ibhaliswe ePosini njengePhephandaba



The following Draft Bill is hereby pub- Die volgende Konsepwetsontwerp word Lo Mthetho uSayilwayo ulandelayo upa-
lished for general information: hierby vir algemene inligting gepubliseer: pashwa apha ukunika ulwazi ngokubanzi:

Draft Western Cape Road Traffic Bill, Wes-Kaapse Konsepwetsontwerp op UMthetho oYilwayo Osesisiqulunqo
2006. Padverkeer, 2006. Ohlaziyayo Weendlela Entshona Koloni
—————— —————— ——————

P.N. 395/2006 24 November 2006 P.K. 395/2006 24 November 2006 P.N. 395/2006 24 Novemba 2006

You are invited to comment on the Draft Die publiek word genooi om kommentaar Niyacelwa ukuba nivakalise izimvo zenu
Western Cape Road Traffic Bill, 2006. This te lewer op die Wes-Kaapse Konsep- ngalo Mthetho uYilwayo uyiDraft Western
Provincial Bill is intended to revise and wetsontwerp op Padverkeer, 2006. Hierdie Cape Road Traffic Revision Bill ka-2002.
consolidate the provisions of the Western Provinsiale Wetsontwerp het ten doel om Lo Mthetho uYilwayo wePhondo ujoliswe
Cape Road Traffic Act, 1998 (Act 12 of die bepalings van die Wes-Kaapse Wet op ekuhlaziyeni nasekuqiniseni iziqulatho
1998), and will operate in conjunction with Padverkeer, 1998 (Wet 12 van 1998), te nemiqathango yoMthetho oyiWestern
the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act hersien en te konsolideer en sal saam met Cape Road Traffic Act ka-1998 (uMthetho
93 of 1996). die Nasionale Padverkeerswet, 1996 (Wet 12 ka-1998), kwaye uya kusebenza kunye
93 van 1996), gebruik word. noMthetho weSizwe woThutho
eziNdleleni, 1996 (uMthetho 93 ka-1996).

Comment or representations should be Kommentaar of vertoë moet voor of op Ezo zimvo kufuneka zibhalwe phantsi zize
submitted in writing on or before Friday, Vrydag, 16 Maart 2007 skriftelik per faks, ke zingeniswe ngoLwesihlanu umhla we-
16 March 2007 by fax, e-mail or by posting e-pos of pos gestuur word aan: 16 Matshi 2007 okanye phambi kwawo,
to: zithunyelwe ngefekisi, nge-email (iposi
yekhompuyutha) okanye ziposelwe ku:

Mr. S. M. Fanner Mnr. S. M. Fanner Mnu. S. M. Fanner

Director: Planning Direkteur: Beplanning Director: Planning
Department of Transport and Public Works Departement van Vervoer en Openbare Werke Department of Transport and Public Works
Provincial Administration: Western Cape Provinsiale Administrasie: Wes-Kaap Provincial Administration: Western Cape
P.O. Box 2603 Posbus 2603 P.O. Box 2603
8000 8000 8000

Other contact details are: Verdere kontakbesonderhede: Nazi ezinye iindlela zoqhagamshelwano:

Telephone: (021) 483-2000 Telefoon: (021) 483-2000 Inombolo yefowuni engu-(021) 483-2000
Fax: (021) 483-2427 Faks: (021) 483-2427 Eyefekisi engu-(021) 483-2427
E-mail: [email protected] E-pos: [email protected] Ne-e-mail engu: [email protected]
2 Province of Western Cape: Provincial Gazette Extraordinary 0000 24 November 2006


To consolidate and revise the provisions relating to road traffic in the Province; to
replace the Western Cape Road Traffic Act, 1998; and to provide for matters
related thereto.

B E IT ENACTED by the Provincial Legislature of the Province of Western Cape,

as follows:—


1. Definitions
2. Power of municipality to collect parking fees for parking bays and ranks or 5
3. Presumption regarding public road, freeway and public road in urban area
4. Presumption that owner drove or parked vehicle
5. Presumption regarding officers
6. Power of Minister to make regulations 10
7. Power of municipality to make by-laws
8. Municipality may determine fees
9. Registers and records
10. Copy of entry in register or record to be evidence
11. Cognisance to be taken of information in register or records 15
12. Special provisions relating to parking
13. Minister may authorise refunds
14. Registering authority subject to inspection by Auditor-General
15. Inspections to ensure compliance with Act
16. Variation of prescribed form 20
17. Signature on documents
18. Service of notices
19. Usage of official languages
20. Offences and penalties
21. Apportionment of fees 25
22. Apportionment of fines
23. Delegation
24. Transitional provisions
25. Repeal of laws
26. State bound 30
27. Short title and commencement


1. (1) In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise—

‘‘by-law’’ means a by-law contemplated in section 7;
‘‘Constitution’’ means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act 35
108 of 1996);
‘‘direction sign’’ means a sign indicating directions on a public road;

‘‘goods vehicle’’ means a motor vehicle which is used for the conveyance of goods
as defined in the National Road Traffic Regulations;
‘‘Head of Department’’ means the Head of the Department of the Provincial
Government of the Western Cape responsible for road traffic administration or
enforcement; 5
‘‘local street’’ means a street under the control of a municipality in an area that is
primarily urban in character;
‘‘Minister’’ means the Provincial Minister of the Provincial Cabinetof the Province
to whom the administration of the particular provision of this Act has been
assigned; 10
‘‘municipality’’ means a municipality referred to in section 155(6) of the
Constitution, and includes all categories of municipalities contemplated in section
155(1) thereof;
‘‘National Road Traffic Act’’ means the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of
1996), and includes the regulations made under that Act; 15
‘‘Premier’’ means the Premier of the Province elected in terms of section 125 of the
‘‘prescribed’’ means prescribed by regulation by the Minister by notice in the
Provincial Gazette;
‘‘Province’’ means the Province of Western Cape; 20
‘‘road traffic sign’’ means a road traffic sign prescribed under section 56 of the
National Road Traffic Act;
‘‘this Act’’ includes any regulations made under this Act.
(2) Any word or expression defined in the National Road Traffic Act, but not defined
in subsection (1), shall, unless the context indicates otherwise, bear the meaning 25
assigned to it by the National Road Traffic Act.

Power of municipality to collect parking fees for parking bays and ranks or stands

2. (1) A municipality may, by resolution and for the purposes mentioned in subsection
(3)(a), charge fees in respect of the parking of vehicles on any public road or section
thereof within its area and under its jurisdiction. 30
(2) The fees referred to in subsection (1) may differ in respect of different public roads
or different sections of the same public road.
(3) (a) If a parking meter is installed for the purpose of collecting fees or with a view
to controlling traffic it must be installed in conjunction with a demarcated parking bay
or bays and bear thereon a legend indicating the days and hours when payment must be 35
made for parking and the amount payable for a specific period of parking.
(b) If any method other than a parking meter is used to collect the fees referred to in
subsection (1), provision must be made for a sign to be displayed at the parking area
concerned indicating the days and hours when payment must be made for parking, the
amount payable for a specific period of parking and the manner of payment for a specific 40
period of parking.
(4) (a) The time for which a vehicle may be lawfully parked in a parking bay referred
to in subsection (3)(a), shall, unless the contrary is proved, be as measured by the
parking meter for such bay.
(b) If any method other than a parking meter is used to collect the fees referred to in 45
subsection (1), the time for which a vehicle may be lawfully parked in a parking area
referred to in subsection (3)(b), shall, unless the contrary is proved, be as measured by
means of the method concerned in respect of the vehicle concerned.
(5) Any municipality may establish upon a public road within its area and under its
jurisdiction ranks or stands (to be known as special parking places) for the parking of 50
passenger-carrying motor vehicles or any class of such vehicles as prescribed, and may
make by-laws for the regulation and control of the use of those special parking places—
(a) to provide for the issue of permits allocating particular special parking places
or subdivisions thereof to particular persons or vehicles for their exclusive
use; 55
(b) to prohibit the use by any other person or vehicle of any special parking place
or subdivision so allocated;
(c) to charge fees in respect of the use of special parking places; and
(d) to provide for matters incidental thereto:
Provided that provision may be made in any permit or in any renewal thereof for the 60
limitation of the hours during which the holder shall have the exclusive use of a

particular special parking place and during which the use thereof by any other person or
vehicle is prohibited.
(6) In the first allocation of any special parking place or subdivision referred to in
subsection (5), the municipality must as far as possible have regard to the length of time
during which the applicant therefor has been engaged in the business of transporting 5
passengers for reward by the class of vehicle concerned.
(7) By-laws under subsection (5) may provide for the annual renewal, subject to the
good conduct of the applicant, of the right to use any such special parking place or
subdivision thereof.
(8) The exercise by a municipality of its powers under this section shall not render it 10
subject to any liability in respect of the loss of or damage to any vehicle or the contents
or fittings of any such vehicle while the vehicle is in a parking bay, parking area or
special parking place.

Presumption regarding public road, freeway and public road in urban area

3. (1) Where in any prosecution under this Act it is alleged that an offence was 15
committed on a public road, the road concerned shall, until the contrary is proved, be
presumed to be a public road.
(2) Where in any prosecution under this Act it is alleged that an offence was
committed on a freeway, the road concerned shall, until the contrary is proved, be
deemed to be a freeway. 20
(3) Where in any prosecution under this Act it is alleged that an offence was
committed on a public road in an urban area, the road concerned shall, until the contrary
is proved, be presumed to be a public road in an urban area.

Presumption that owner drove or parked vehicle

4. (1) Where in any prosecution under this Act, it is material to prove who was the 25
driver of a vehicle, it shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, that such vehicle
was driven by the owner thereof.
(2) Whenever a vehicle is parked in contravention of this Act or a by-law made
thereunder, it shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, that such vehicle was
parked by the owner thereof. 30
(3) For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2) it shall be presumed, until the contrary
is proved, that, where the owner of the vehicle concerned is a corporate body, such
vehicle was driven or parked, as contemplated in those subsections, by a director or
servant of the corporate body in the exercise of his or her powers or in the performance
of his or her duties as such director or servant or in furthering or endeavouring to further 35
the interests of the corporate body.

Presumption regarding officers

5. In any prosecution under this Act, the fact that any person purports to act or has
purported to act as a traffic officer or an inspector of licences, examiner of vehicles or
examiner for driving licences, shall be prima facie evidence of his or her appointment 40
and authority so to act: Provided that this section shall not apply to a prosecution on a
charge relating to impersonation.

Power of Minister to make regulations

6. (1) The Minister may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act and the
National Road Traffic Act, in respect of any matter contemplated, required or permitted 45
to be prescribed under this Act and generally for the better carrying out of the provisions
or objects of this Act or the National Road Traffic Act, and in particular, but without
prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, with respect to—
(a) subject to regulations made under the National Road Traffic Act, the stopping
and parking of vehicles on public roads; 50
(b) the method of determining any fact which is required for the purposes of this
(c) any form, process or token which the Minister may deem expedient for the
purposes of this Act and the nature and extent of any information to be
furnished for the purpose of any such form; 55

(d) the issue of a duplicate certificate, licence or other documentation or token

issued in terms of this Act if the original has been lost, destroyed or defaced
or any particulars thereon have become illegible;
(e) the dress, including insignia, of traffic officers and of traffic wardens appointed
in terms of the National Road Traffic Act; 5
(f) the fees that may or are to be charged for any purpose under this Act, or in
respect of any registration, application, authorisation or examination, or the
issue of any document or copy of such document, referred to in the National
Road Traffic Act or the regulations issued under that Act;
(g) the fees that may or are to be charged in respect of the registration and 10
licensing of motor vehicles as contemplated in the National Road Traffic Act;
(h) the manner in which official languages must be used on signs as contemplated
in section 19;
(i) roads that constitute part of certain public roads for the purposes of section
19(3); 15
(j) the Minister of the Province to which provisions of this Act have been
(2) The power to make regulations for any purpose referred to in subsection (1) shall
include the power to restrict or prohibit any matter or thing in relation to that purpose
either absolutely or conditionally. 20
(3) Any regulation under this section may be made to apply generally throughout the
Province or within any specified part thereof or to any specified category of vehicle or
(4) A regulation made under subsection (1) may provide for penalties for a
contravention thereof and also for different penalties in the case of successive or 25
continuous contraventions, but no penalty shall exceed a fine or imprisonment for a
period of one year.
(5) Before the Minister makes any regulation under this section, the Minister may if
he or she deems it expedient, cause a draft of the proposed regulation to be published in
the Provincial Gazette together with a notice calling upon interested persons to lodge in 30
writing, and within a period stated in the notice, but not less than four weeks as from the
date of publication of the notice, any objections or representations with the Head of
Department: Provided that, if the Minister thereafter decides to alter the draft regulations
as a result of any objections or representations submitted, it shall not be necessary so to
publish such alterations before making the regulations. 35

Power of municipality to make by-laws

7. (1) Subject to any law in relation to the procedure to be followed in the making,
approval and promulgation of any by-law by a municipality, any municipality may with
the concurrence of the Minister make by-laws not inconsistent with this Act or the
National Road Traffic Act, in respect of— 40
(a) the safety of traffic on any public road, the duty of any user of such road and
the use of any such road by any vehicle;
(b) the stopping with and parking of any vehicle on any public road or portion
thereof, including by-laws relating to the installation, regulation, supervision,
maintenance and control of parking meters and parking places subject to the 45
provisions of the Businesses Act, 1991 (Act 71 of 1991) and any regulation or
by-law made thereunder in relation to the restriction, regulation or control of
the carrying on of the business of street vendor, peddler or hawker;
(c) the appointment and licensing of parking attendants and the withdrawal of any
such licence; 50
(d) the driver or conductor of, or other person employed in connection with, a
vehicle plying for hire or accepting passengers for hire;
(e) any public road which is not to be used by any vehicle, either generally or at
specific times subject to the provisions of the Businesses Act 1991 (Act 71 of
1991) and any regulation or by-law made thereunder in relation to the 55
restriction, regulation or control of the carrying on of the business of street
vendor, peddler or hawker;
(f) the relative position on the public road of traffic of differing speeds and

(g) the place where and time when a vehicle may not turn so as to face in the
opposite direction to that in which it was proceeding or where it may only so
turn under specified conditions;
(h) the loading and off-loading of any vehicle on a public road;
(i) the rules as to priority of entry of certain motor vehicles into a main 5
(j) the use of a hooter, bell or other warning device and the conditions under
which any such warning device may be used within any specified area,
whether at all times or during specified periods;
(k) the appointment of an advisory traffic control board consisting of not fewer 10
than three members to advise the municipality on all questions of traffic
(l) the use of any public road by traffic in general;
(m) the limitation of the age of drivers of vehicles drawn by animals;
(n) any form or token which a municipality may deem expedient for the purposes 15
of any by-law, and the nature and extent of any information to be furnished for
the purpose of any such form;
(o) the enabling of any municipality in the event of any person failing to do
anything required of him or her under any by-law to do such act and to recover
the expenses thereof from the person so in default; 20
(p) the mass of any goods which or the number of passengers who or animals
which may be conveyed on a pedal cycle;
(q) the regulation, restriction, prohibition or control of the parking on public roads
of vehicles owned, kept or used by dealers or which have been placed in their
custody or under their control in the course of any dealer’s business carried on 25
by them; and
(r) any other matter in regard to which a municipality may make by-laws under
this Act.
(2) The power to make by-laws for any purpose referred to in subsection (1), shall
include the power to restrict or prohibit any matter or thing in relation to that purpose, 30
either absolutely or conditionally.
(3) Any by-law under subsection (1) may be made to apply generally throughout the
area of the municipality or within any specified part thereof or to any specified category
of vehicle or person.
(4) In so far as any by-law of a municipality, whether made under this Act or any other 35
law, may be inconsistent with any regulation under this Act or the National Road Traffic
Act, the regulation shall prevail.
(5) Any by-law made under this section may provide for penalties for a contravention
thereof, and may also provide for different penalties in case of successive or continuous
breaches, but no penalty shall exceed a fine or imprisonment for a period of six months. 40

Municipality may determine fees

8. A municipality may, by resolution, determine the fees to be charged for any purpose
contemplated in section 7.

Registers and records

9. (1) The registers or records as may be prescribed must be kept by— 45

(a) a registering authority;
(b) any municipality; and
(c) any person determined by the Minister by notice in the Provincial Gazette.
(2) The prescribed particulars must be recorded in the prescribed manner in registers
and records referred to in subsection (1). 50
(3) Any authority referred to in subsection (1) shall in the manner and at such intervals
as are prescribed furnish the Minister or any person or body designated by the Minister
with information recorded in a register or record of such authority, and the Minister must
from the information so furnished compile or cause to be compiled such register as he
or she may deem fit. 55
(4) The Minister may prescribe that any authority must keep such additional registers
or records as the Minister may deem expedient.

Copy of entry in register or record to be evidence

10. (1) A document purporting to be an extract from, or a copy of, any register or
record kept in terms of this Act and purporting to be certified as such, shall in any court
and upon all occasions whatsoever be admissible as evidence and shall be prima facie
evidence of the truth of the matters stated in such document without the production of 5
the original register or record or any certificate, licence, other document, microfiche,
microfilm or computerised record from or of which such extract or copy was made.
(2) The information contained in a register or record kept for the purposes of this Act
must be furnished to—
(a) a traffic officer or inspector of licences who requires it for the performance of 10
his or her duties;
(b) any person authorised thereto by the Minister to demand such furnishing;
(c) any department of State; or
(d) a municipality:
Provided that the consent of the Minister or any person authorised thereto by him or her 15
must be obtained before such information is furnished to an authority referred to in
paragraph (d).
(3) Any authority keeping a register or record in terms of section 9 must at the request
of any person and upon payment of the prescribed fees—
(a) confirm whether or not certain information corresponds to the information 20
contained in such register or record, if in the opinion of such authority that
person, on reasonable grounds requires confirmation of such information; or
(b) furnish the information mentioned in paragraph (a) to that person if in the
opinion of such authority he or she, on reasonable grounds, requires that such
information be furnished to him or her. 25
(4) This section is subject to the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act
2 of 2000).

Cognisance may be taken of information in register or record

11. The Minister may, in exercising a discretion or taking a decision in terms of this
Act, take cognisance of the information contained in a register or record contemplated 30
in section 9.

Special provisions relating to parking

12. (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any law, a municipality may
exempt in the prescribed circumstances and subject to the prescribed conditions—
(a) any person who, in the opinion of such municipality, has a prescribed physical 35
disability; or
(b) any person who is conveying or assisting a person contemplated in paragraph
(a); or
(c) a registered nurse or midwife as defined in section 1 of the Nursing Act, 1978
(Act 50 of 1978); or 40
(d) a medical practitioner,
from any law relating to the parking of a motor vehicle within its area of jurisdiction.
(2) A municipality may, and shall in the prescribed circumstances, provide special
parking places for the exclusive parking of vehicles driven by persons referred to in
subsection (1), and such parking places shall be identified by a road traffic sign. 45
(3) A municipality shall control the use of the parking places referred to in subsection
(2) in the prescribed manner.
(4) The municipality concerned shall issue to a person mentioned in subsection (1)
proof of such exemption.

Minister may authorise refunds 50

13. (1) The Minister may, if he or she is satisfied that any amount paid by a person was
in excess of the amount properly chargeable under this Act, authorise a refund of such
amount or of any part thereof to such person.
(2) The Minister shall not authorise any refund under this section unless the claim
therefor is received by the registering authority or the Provincial Administration within 55
three years after the date of the payment concerned.

Registering authority subject to inspection by Auditor-General

14. The Auditor-General may at any time cause an inspection to be made of the
records of a registering authority, and the revenues collected by such authority under this

Inspections to ensure compliance with Act 5

15. (1) The Minister may authorise any person to carry out any inspection which the
Minister deems necessary to ensure that the provisions of this Act are being complied
(2) No person shall obstruct or hinder any person in the carrying out of any inspection
referred to in subsection (1). 10

Variation of prescribed form

16. The Minister may, in such circumstances as he or she deems expedient, authorise
a registering or other authority to use, in substitution for a form prescribed by the
Minister under this Act or an Act repealed by section 25, for a particular purpose, a form
which varies from such prescribed form, and in respect of such authority such varied 15
form shall be deemed to be the prescribed form for that purpose.

Signature on documents

17. Any person who is unable to sign his or her name must, whenever his or her
signature is required upon any document in terms of this Act, impress in place thereof
his or her left thumb print upon the space within which he or she would otherwise have 20
been required to sign his or her name, and if his or her left thumb print is not available,
he or she must substitute therefor another of his or her fingerprints, and in such latter
event the document so marked must then be endorsed by the officer in whose presence
the print was made, identifying the finger used.

Service of notices 25

18. (1) Whenever in terms of this Act any notice is authorised or required to be served
upon or issued to any person, such notice shall either be served personally upon the
person to whom it is addressed or be sent to him or her by registered post to his or her
last known address: Provided that the address furnished by the holder of a driving
licence at the time of his or her application for such licence or recorded against his or her 30
name in a register of driving licences, or the address recorded against the registration of
a vehicle in a register of motor vehicles as the address of the owner of such vehicle, shall
serve as his or her domicile of summons and execution for all purposes arising from or
for the purposes of this Act, for the service of notices, post or processes on such person.
(2) Service by registered post in terms of subsection (1) shall be deemed to have been 35
effected on the tenth day after the date stamped upon the receipt for registration issued
by the post office which accepted the notice.
(3) A certificate by the officer who issued the notice referred to in subsection (1), or
by a person subordinate to such officer, stating the time, place and manner of issuing
such notice, shall be evidence that such notice was duly issued, unless and until the 40
contrary is proved.

Usage of official languages

19. (1) One or more of the three official languages of the Province must be used on
road traffic signs, direction signs and street name signs on local streets, in the manner
prescribed, subject to this section. 45
(2) Consideration may be given to the language use and preferences of local
communities in determining which official language or languages to use on direction
signs and street name signs on local streets.
(3) The official language or languages to be used on signs on certain public roads shall
be as prescribed. 50

Offences and penalties

20. (1) Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of this Act
or with any direction, condition, demand, determination, requirement, term or request
thereunder, shall be guilty of an offence.
(2) Any person convicted of an offence in terms of this Act shall be liable to a fine or 5
to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, or both.
(3) Despite anything to the contrary in any law, a magistrate’s court shall be
competent to impose any penalty provided for in this Act.

Apportionment of fees

21. All fees paid in terms of this Act, excluding fees paid to a testing station which is 10
not a registering authority, and excluding fees that have been set in terms of a municipal
by-law, shall be paid into the Provincial Revenue Fund.

Apportionment of fines

22. (1) All fines imposed or monies estreated as bail in respect of any offence in terms
of this Act or the National Road Traffic Act, shall be administered in terms of sections 15
6 and 8 of the Finance and Finance Adjustments Acts Consolidation Act, 1977.
(2) All fines imposed and moneys estreated as bail in respect of any offence under any
by-law made in terms of this Act must be paid to the authority to which any such by-law
is applicable.

Delegation 20

23. (1) The Minister may—

(a) delegate to any other person any power conferred upon him or her by or under
this Act; and
(b) authorise any other person to perform any duty assigned to the Minister by or
under this Act, 25
and may effect such delegation or grant such authorisation subject to such conditions as
he or she may deem fit.
(2) The Minister may at any time withdraw a delegation effected or authorisation
granted under subsection (1).

Transitional provisions 30

24. Any proclamation, regulation, by-law, notice, order, prohibition, authority,

appointment, permission, information or document made, issued, imposed, granted or
given and any other action taken under any law repealed by the National Road Traffic
Act, shall be deemed to have been made, issued, imposed, granted, given or taken under
the corresponding provision (if any) of this Act. 35

Repeal of laws

25. The Western Cape Road Traffic Act, 1998 (Act 12 of 1998) is hereby repealed.

State bound

26. This Act binds the State and any person in the service of the State: Provided that
the Minister may, by notice in the Provincial Gazette, exempt the State or any 40
department thereof or any such person from any provision of this Act, subject to such
conditions as the Minister may determine.

Short title and commencement

27. (1) This Act is called the Western Cape Road Traffic Act, 2006 and comes into
operation on a date fixed by the Premier by proclamation in the Provincial Gazette. 45
(2) Different dates may be so fixed in respect of different provisions of this Act, and
dates so fixed may differ in respect of different—

(a) persons or goods or categories of persons or goods transported by means of a

motor vehicle;
(b) kinds or classes of motor vehicles used in the transportation of persons or
(c) persons or categories of persons; or 5
(d) areas in the Province.
(3) More than one of the elements referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d), inclusive, of
subsection (2) may be combined for the purposes of that subsection.



The process of advertising the draft Western Cape Road Traffic Bill, 2006 is intended
to elicit public comment and to incorporate such comments as are received into the final
Bill prior to it being introduced to the Provincial Legislature. It should be noted that the
comments received from the earlier process of advertising the draft Western Cape Road
Traffic Bill, 2002 (Provincial Gazette 5918 dated 2 August 2002) have been incorporated
where appropriate into this new version.
The draft Western Cape Road Traffic Bill, 2006 (the Bill) is designed to revise and
consolidate the provisions of the Western Cape Road Traffic Act, 1998 (Act 12 of 1998)
in response to developments relating to national road traffic legislation.
The Western Cape Road Traffic Act, 1998 (‘‘the Provincial Act’’), was designed to be
read in conjunction with the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996) (‘‘the
National Act’’) as part of a package of road traffic legislation agreed to by MINCOM
(the Ministerial Committee of Ministers of Transport). According to this agreement,
each province would pass a provincial road traffic act to supplement the National Act
and to deal with road traffic issues of provincial concern.
Before either of these Acts was brought into operation, the National Parliament
passed the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act, 1998 (Act 46 of
1998) (‘‘the AARTO Act’’) and the Road Traffic Management Corporation Act, 1999
(Act 20 of 1999) (‘‘the RTMC Act’’). These Acts necessitated amendment of the
National Act.
Pursuant to the AARTO Act and the RTMC Act, the decision was taken to excise
many of the issues dealt with in the provincial acts and to introduce them into the
National Act. Accordingly, the National Road Traffic Amendment Act, 1999 (Act 21 of
1999) was passed to amend the 1996 Act by also incorporating the following issues,
among others, which were previously seen as issues of provincial concern:
— Appointment of registering authorities
— Appointment of officers
— Registration and grading of officers
— Powers and duties of officers
— Registration and licensing of motor vehicles
— Registration of driving licence testing centres and instructors
— Registration of testing stations
— Powers of local authorities to make by-laws on road traffic issues.
In response to this, only limited sections of the Provincial Act were brought into
operation on 14 December 2000 (Proclamation No. 118 of 2000). The remaining
provisions, which are now in the National Act, need never be brought into operation, and
will be repealed by the Bill. The Bill also consolidates the provisions of the Provincial
Act into a condensed form and brings about limited revisions. In summary, the Bill
mainly repeats and consolidates road traffic laws that are already in force.
Clause 1 of the Bill provides necessary definitions.
Clause 2 empowers municipalities to collect parking fees for parking bays and ranks
and stands.
Clause 3 deals with presumptions relating to types of roads in prosecutions under the
Act. For example, roads are presumed to be public roads unless the contrary is proved.
Clause 4 similarly provides that in prosecutions under the Act, it is presumed that the
owner of a vehicle was driving it until the contrary is proved. Under clause 5, persons
acting as traffic officers are presumed to be properly appointed.
Clause 6 allows the Provincial Minister to make regulations on certain issues relating
to road traffic that are not covered by the National Act.
Clause 7 empowers municipalities to make by-laws on similar issues. This duplicates
Section 80(a) of the National Act (Act 93 of 1996) because that section is not yet in
Clause 8 empowers municipalities to determine fees for the purposes of such by-laws.
In terms of clause 9 the Provincial Minister may make regulations requiring persons
to keep registers and records relating to road traffic matters.
Clause 10 allows entries in records and registers to be used as evidence in matters
such as court proceedings. Clause 11 allows the Provincial Minister to take cognisance
of information in such registers and records.
Clause 12 allows municipalities to exempt medical personnel and persons with
disabilities from parking laws and to provide special parking places for those persons.

In terms of clause 13 the Provincial Minister may authorise refunds of fees that have
been overpaid.
Clause 14 allows the Auditor-General to inspect records of registering authorities.
Similarly, under clause 15 the Provincial Minister may authorise inspections to ensure
that the provisions of the Act are being carried out. Clause 16 allows the Provincial
Minister to authorise a registering authority or other authority to use forms which vary
from the prescribed forms.
Clause 17 provides that persons who are unable to sign their names for purposes of the
Act may use thumb prints or fingerprints. Clause 18 deals with the service or delivery
of notices under the Act.
Clause 19 deals with the use of the three official languages of the Province on road
traffic signs, direction signs and street name signs. In the case of direction signs and
street name signs on local streets, the language use and preferences of local communities
will be considered. The Bill empowers the Provincial Minister to make regulations on
language use on various categories of roads. Clause 20 provides for offences and
Clause 21 requires that fees paid in terms of the Act must be paid into the Provincial
Revenue Fund, except in the case where fees are paid to a testing station which is not a
registering authority, and where fees are set in terms of a municipal bylaw. Clause 22
deals with the apportionment of fines, subject to applicable national legislation.
Clause 23 deals with the delegation of the Provincial Minister’s powers and duties.
Clause 24 provides for transitional provisions.
Clause 25 repeals the Provincial Act. Clause 26 provides that the Act binds the State,
but that the Provincial Minister may exempt the State or any of its departments from the
provisions of the Act.
Clause 27 deals with the short title and commencement of the Bill.

Om die bepalings met betrekking tot padverkeer in die Provinsie te konsolideer en
te hersien; om die Wes-Kaapse Wet op Padverkeer, 1998, te vervang; en om vir
aangeleenthede in verband daarmee voorsiening te maak. 5

D AAR WORD soos volg deur die Provinsiale Wetgewer van die Provinsie Wes-Kaap


1. Woordomskrywings
2. Bevoegdheid van munisipaliteit om parkeergelde vir parkeervakke en 5
staanplekke of standplase in te vorder
3. Vermoede ten opsigte van openbare pad, deurpad en openbare pad in stedelike
4. Vermoede dat eienaar voertuig bestuur of geparkeer het
5. Vermoede ten opsigte van amptenare 10
6. Bevoegdheid van Minister om regulasies uit te vaardig
7. Bevoegdheid van munisipaliteit om verordeninge uit te vaardig
8. Munisipaliteit mag gelde vasstel
9. Registers en rekords
10. Afskrif van inskrywing in register of rekord is getuienis 15
11. Kennis kan geneem word van inligting vervat in register of rekord
12. Spesiale bepaling met betrekking tot parkering
13. Minister kan terugbetalings magtig
14. Registrasie-owerheid aan inspeksie deur Ouditeur-generaal onderworpe
15. Inspeksies ten einde nakoming van die Wet te verseker 20
16. Afwyking van voorgeskrewe vorm
17. Handtekening op dokumente
18. Betekening van kennisgewings
19. Gebruik van amptelike tale
20. Misdrywe en strawwe 25
21. Verdeling van gelde
22. Verdeling van boetes
23. Delegering
24. Oorgangsbepalings
25. Herroep van wette 30
26. Staat word gebind
27. Kort titel en inwerkingtreding


1. (1) In hierdie Wet, tensy dit uit die samehang anders blyk, beteken—
‘‘Departementshoof’’ die Hoof van die Departement van die Provinsiale Regering 35
van die Wes-Kaap verantwoordelik vir padverkeersadministrasie of -toepassing;
‘‘goederevoertuig’’ ’n motorvoertuig wat vir die vervoer van goedere soos in die
Nasionale Padverkeersregulasies omskryf, gebruik word;

‘‘Grondwet’’ die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1996 (Wet 108 van
‘‘hierdie Wet’’ dat dit enige regulasies uitgevaardig kragtens hierdie Wet insluit;
‘‘Minister’’ die Provinsiale Minister van die Provinsiale Kabinet van die Provinsie
aan wie die administrasie van die besondere bepaling van hierdie Wet opgedra is; 5
‘‘munisipaliteit’’ ’n munisipaliteit soos in artikel l55(6) van die Grondwet genoem,
en sluit alle kategorieë munisipaliteite in wat in artikel 155(1) daarvan bedoel
‘‘Nasionale Padverkeerswet’’ die Nasionale Padverkeerswet, 1996 (Wet 93 van
1996), en sluit die regulasies uitgevaardig kragtens daardie Wet in; 10
‘‘padverkeersteken’’ ’n padverkeersteken soos ingevolge artikel 56 van die
Nasionale Padverkeerswet;
‘‘plaaslike straat’’ ’n straat onder die beheer van ’n munisipaliteit in ’n gebied wat
hoofsaaklik stedelik van aard is;
‘‘Premier’’ die Premier van die Provinsie wat ingevolge artikel 125 van die 15
Grondwet verkies is;
‘‘Provinsie’’ die Provinsie Wes-Kaap;
‘‘rigtingwyser’’ ’n teken wat rigting op ’n openbare pad aandui;
‘‘verordening’’ ’n verordening soos in artikel 7 bedoel;
‘‘voorgeskryf’’ voorgeskryf by regulasie deur die Minister by kennisgewing in die 20
Provinsiale Koerant.
(2) Enige woord of uitdrukking wat in die Nasionale Padverkeerswet omskryf word
maar wat nie in subartikel (1) omskryf word nie, moet, tensy dit uit die samehang anders
blyk, die betekenis dra wat die Nasionale Padverkeerswet daaraan verleen.

Bevoegdheid van munisipaliteit om parkeergelde vir parkeervakke en staanplekke 25

of standplase in te vorder

2. (1) ’n Munisipalieit kan, by besluit en vir die doeleindes vermeld in subartikel

(3)(a), gelde vorder ten opsigte van die parkering van voertuie op enige openbare pad of
gedeelte daarvan binne sy gebied en onder sy jurisdiksie.
(2) Die gelde genoem in subartikel (1) kan verskil ten opsigte van verskillende 30
openbare paaie of verskillende gedeeltes van dieselfde openbare pad.
(3) (a) Indien ’n parkeermeter geïnstalleer word vir die doel om gelde in te vorder met
die oog op die beheer van verkeer, moet dit geïnstalleer word gepaard met ’n afgemerkte
parkeervak of parkeervakke en moet dit ’n inskripsie daarop hê wat die dae en ure
aandui wanneer vir parkering betaal moet word en vir die bedrag betaalbaar vir øn 35
spesifieke parkeertydperk.
(b) Indien ’n ander metode as ’n parkeermeter gebruik word om die gelde bedoel in
subartikel (1) in te vorder, moet voorsiening gemaak word vir ’n teken wat vertoon word
by die betrokke parkeerarea en wat die dae en ure aandui wanneer vir parkering betaal
moet word, die bedrag betaalbaar vir ’n spesifieke parkeertydperk en die wyse waarop 40
betaling vir ’n spesifieke parkeertydperk gemaak moet word.
(4) (a) Die tydperk wat ’n voertuig wettig in ’n parkeervak genoem in subartikel
(3)(a) geparkeer mag word, is, tensy die teendeel bewys word, soos deur die
parkeermeter vir sodanige parkeervak gemeet.
(b) Indien ’n ander metode as ’n parkeermeter gebruik word om die gelde bedoel in 45
subartikel (1) in te vorder, is die tydperk wat ’n voertuig wettig in ’n parkeerarea genoem
in subartikel (3)(b) geparkeer mag word, tensy die teendeel bewys word, soos gemeet
deur middel van die betrokke metode ten opsigte van die betrokke voertuig.
(5) Enige munisipaliteit kan op ’n openbare pad binne sy gebied en onder sy
jurisdiksie staanplekke of standplase (wat as spesiale parkeerplekke bekend staan) 50
inruim vir die parkering van passasierdraende motorvoertuie of enige klas daarvan, soos
voorgeskryf, en kan verordeninge vir die reël en beheer van die gebruik van daardie
spesiale parkeerplekke uitvaardig—
(a) om voorsiening te maak vir die uitreiking van permitte waarvolgens bepaalde
spesiale parkeerplekke of onderverdelings daarvan aan sekere persone of 55
voertuie toegeken word vir hul uitsluitlike gebruik;
(b) om die gebruik deur enige ander persoon of voertuig van enige spesiale
parkeerplek of onderverdeling aldus toegeken te verbied;
(c) om gelde ten opsigte van die gebruik van spesiale parkeerplekke te vorder; en
(d) om voorsiening te maak vir sake wat daarmee in verband staan: 60

Met dien verstande dat in enige permit of enige hernuwing daarvan voorsiening gemaak
kan word vir die beperking van die ure waartydens die houer die uitsluitlike gebruik van
’n bepaalde spesiale parkeerplek het en waartydens die gebruik daarvan deur enige
ander persoon of voertuig verbied word.
(6) By die eerste toekenning van enige spesiale parkeerplek of onderverdeling wat in 5
subartikel (5) bedoel word, moet die plaaslike owerheid so ver moontlik die tydperk in
ag neem wat die aansoeker daarom reeds besig is om passasiers met die betrokke klas
voertuig teen betaling te vervoer.
(7) Verordeninge ingevolge subartikel (5) kan voorsiening maak vir die jaarlikse
hernuwing van die reg om so ’n spesiale parkeerplek of onderverdeling daarvan te 10
gebruik, onderworpe aan die aansoeker se goeie gedrag.
(8) Die uitoefening deur ’n munisipaliteit van sy bevoegdhede ingevolge hierdie
artikel stel die owerheid nie aanspreeklik ten opsigte van die verlies of beskadiging van
enige voertuig of die inhoud of toebehore van so ’n voertuig terwyl die voertuig in ’n
parkeervak, parkeerarea of spesiale parkeerplek is nie. 15

Vermoede ten opsigte van openbare pad, deurpad en openbare pad in stedelike

3. (1) Indien daar in enige vervolging ingevolge hierdie Wet beweer word dat ’n
misdryf op ’n openbare pad gepleeg is, word daar vermoed, totdat die teendeel bewys
word, dat die betrokke pad ’n openbare pad is. 20
(2) Indien daar by enige vervolging ingevolge hierdie Wet beweer word dat ’n misdryf
op ’n deurpad gepleeg is, word daar vermoed, totdat die teendeel bewys word, dat die
betrokke pad ’n deurpad is.
(3) Indien daar by enige vervolging ingevolge hierdie Wet beweer word dat ’n misdryf
op ’n openbare pad in ’n stedelike gebied gepleeg is, word daar vermoed, totdat die 25
teendeel bewys word, dat die betrokke pad ’n openbare pad in ’n stedelike gebied is.

Vermoede dat eienaar voertuig bestuur of geparkeer het

4. (1) Indien dit by enige vervolging ingevolge hierdie Wet belangrik is om te bewys
wie die bestuurder van ’n voertuig was, word daar vermoed, totdat die teendeel bewys
word, dat daardie voertuig deur die eienaar daarvan bestuur is. 30
(2) Wanneer ook al ’n voertuig geparkeer word in stryd met enige bepaling van
hierdie Wet of ’n verordening wat daarkragtens uitgevaardig is, word daar vermoed,
totdat die teendeel bewys word, dat daardie voertuig deur die eienaar daarvan geparkeer
(3) Vir die doeleindes van subartikels (1) en (2) word daar vermoed, totdat die 35
teendeel bewys word, dat, indien die eienaar van die betrokke voertuig ’n regspersoon
is, daardie voertuig deur ’n direkteur of dienaar van die regspersoon bestuur of
geparkeer is, soos in daardie subartikels bedoel, by die uitoefening van sy of haar
bevoegdhede of die uitvoering van sy of haar pligte as sodanige direkteur of dienaar, of
ter bevordering of gepoogde bevordering van die belange van die regspersoon. 40

Vermoede ten opsigte van amptenare

5. By enige vervolging ingevolge hierdie Wet is die feit dat ’n persoon voorgee om op
te tree of voorgegee het om op te getree het as ’n verkeersbeampte of inspekteur van
lisensies, ’n ondersoeker van voertuie of ’n toetsbeampte vir bestuurslisensies, prima
facie-getuienis van sy of haar aanstelling en magtiging om aldus op te tree: Met dien 45
verstande dat hierdie artikel nie van toepassing is met betrekking tot ’n vervolging op ’n
aanklag wat op identiteitbedrog betrekking het nie.

Bevoegdheid van Minister om regulasies uit te vaardig

6. (1) Die Minister kan regulasies uitvaardig wat nie onbestaanbaar met die bepalings
van die Wet en die Nasionale Padverkeerswet is nie, en in die besonder, maar sonder 50
inkorting van die algemeenheid van die voorafgaande bepalings, betreffende—
(a) behoudens regulasies uitgevaardig ingevolge die Nasionale Padverkeerswet,
die stilhou met en parkering van voertuie op openbare paaie;
(b) die metode om enige feit vas te stel wat vir die doeleindes van hierdie Wet
vereis word; 55

(c) enige vorm, prosesstuk of teken wat die Minister dienstig ag vir die doeleindes
van hierdie Wet en die aard en omvang van enige inligting wat vir die
doeleindes van enige sodanig vorm verstrek moet word;
(d) die uitvaardiging van ’n duplikaat van ’n sertifikaat, lisensie of ander
dokumentasie of teken wat ingevolge hierdie Wet uitgevaardig is indien die 5
oorspronklike daarvan verlore, vernietig of ontsier is of enige besonderhede
daarop onleesbaar geword het;
(e) die drag, met inbegrip van onderskeidingstekens, van verkeersbeamptes en
van verkeersopsigters wat ingevolge die Nasionale Padverkeerswet aangestel
is; 10
(f) die gelde wat gevorder kan of moet word vir enige doel ingevolge hierdie Wet,
of ten opsigte van enige registrasie, aansoek, magtiging of ondersoek, of die
uitreiking van enige dokument of afskrif van sodanige dokument, bedoel in
die Nasionale Padverkeerswet, 1996, of die regulasies uitgevaardig kragtens
daardie Wet; 15
(g) die gelde wat gevorder kan of moet word ten opsigte van die registrasie en
lisensiëring van motorvoertuie soos bedoel in die Nasionale Padverkeerswet;
(h) die wyse waarop amptelike tale gebruik moet word op tekens soos in artikel
19 bedoel;
(i) paaie wat deel uitmaak van sekere openbare paaie, vir die doeleindes van 20
artikel 19(3);
(j) die Minister van die Provinsie aan wie bepalings van hierdie Wet opgedra is.
(2) Die bevoegdheid om regulasies uit te vaardig vir enige doel waarna in subartikel
(1) verwys word, omvat die bevoegdheid om enige aangeleentheid of saak met
betrekking tot daardie doel volstrek of voorwaardelik te beperk of te verbied. 25
(3) Enige regulasie kragtens hierdie artikel kan uitgevaardig word om oor die
algemeen regdeur die Provinsie of binne enige bepaalde deel daarvan of op enige
gespesifiseerde kategorie voertuig of persoon van toepassing te wees.
(4) ’n Regulasie uitgevaardig kragtens subartikel (1) kan voorsiening maak vir
strawwe vir ’n oortreding daarvan en ook verskillende strawwe in die geval van 30
agtereenvolgende of voortdurende oortredings, maar geen straf mag ’n boete of
gevangenisstraf vir ’n tydperk van een jaar oorskry nie.
(5) Voordat die Minister enige regulasie kragtens hierdie artikel uitvaardig, kan die
Minister, indien hy of sy dit dienstig ag, ’n konsep van die voorgestelde regulasie in die
Provinsiale Koerant laat publiseer, tesame met ’n kennisgewing waarby die 35
belanghebbende persone uitgenooi word om enige besware of vertoë wat hulle wil opper
of wil rig binne ’n tydperk vermeld in die kennisgewing, maar nie minder nie as vier
weke vanaf die datum van publikasie van die kennisgewing, skriftelik by die
Departementshoof in te dien: Met dien verstande dat indien die Minister daarna besluit
om die konsepregulasies te verander na aanleiding van enige besware of vertoë wat 40
ingedien is, dit nie nodig is om daardie veranderings aldus te publiseer voordat die
regulasies uitgevaardig word nie.

Bevoegdheid van munisipaliteit om verordeninge uit te vaardig

7. (1) Behoudens enige wet met betrekking tot die prosedure wat gevolg moet word
by die opstel, goedkeuring en afkondiging van enige verordening deur ’n munisipaliteit, 45
kan ’n plaaslike owerheid met die instemming van die Minister verordeninge uitvaardig
wat nie onbestaanbaar met hierdie Wet of die Nasionale Padverkeerswet is nie,
(a) die veiligheid van verkeer op enige openbare pad, die plig van enige gebruiker
van sodanige pad en die gebruik van enige sodanige pad deur enige voertuig; 50
(b) die stilhou met en parkering van enige voertuig op ’n openbare pad of gedeelte
daarvan, met inbegrip van verordeninge betreffende die installering, reëling,
toesig oor, instandhouding en beheer van parkeermeters en parkeerplekke,
behoudens die bepalings van die Wet op Besighede, 1991 (Wet 71 van 1991),
en enige regulasie of verordening daarkragtens uitgevaardig met betrekking 55
tot die beperking, reëling of beheer van die dryf van die besigheid van ’n
straathandelaar, venter of smous;
(c) die aanstelling en lisensiëring van parkeeropsigters en die intrekking van
sodanige lisensie;
(d) die bestuurder of kondukteur van, of ander persoon aangestel in verband met, 60
’n voertuig wat te huur is of passasiers vir huur aanvaar;

(e) enige openbare pad wat nie deur enige voertuig gebruik mag word nie, hetsy
oor die algemeen of op gespesifiseerde tye, behoudens die bepalings van die
Wet op Besighede, 1991 (Wet 71 van 1991), en enige regulasie of verordening
daarkragtens uitgevaardig met betrekking tot die beperking, reëling of beheer
van die dryf van die besigheid van ’n straathandelaar, venter of smous; 5
(f) die relatiewe posisie op ’n openbare pad van verkeer van verskillende
snelhede en klasse;
(g) die plek waar en tyd wanneer ’n voertuig nie mag draai sodat dit met die
voorkant gekeer is in die rigting waaruit die gekom het nie of waar dit net
onder bepaalde omstandighede aldus mag draai; 10
(h) die op- en aflaai van enige voertuig op enige openbare pad;
(i) die reëls met betrekking tot voorrang van sekere motorvoertuie wanneer hulle
’n hoofdeurgang binnegaan;
(j) die gebruik van ’n toeter, klok of ander waarskuwingstoestel en die
omstandighede waaronder enige sodanige waarskuwingstoestel binne ’n 15
bepaalde gebied gebruik mag word, hetsy te alle tye of gedurende
gespesifiseerde tydperke;
(k) die aanstelling van ’n adviserende verkeersbeheerraad bestaande uit minstens
drie lede om die munisipaliteit te adviseer oor alle vraagstukke betreffende
verkeersbeheer; 20
(l) die gebruik van enige openbare pad deur verkeer oor die algemeen;
(m) die beperking van die ouderdom van bestuurders van voertuie wat deur diere
getrek word;
(n) enige vorm of teken wat ’n munisipaliteit dienstig ag by die toepassing by
enige verordening, en die aard en omvang van enige inligting wat vir die doel 25
van sodanige vorm verstrek moet word;
(o) die verlening van bevoegdheid aan enige munisipaliteit om, indien enige
persoon versuim om enigiets te doen wat deur enige verordening van hom of
haar vereis word, daardie handeling te verrig en die uitgawes daaraan
verbonde van die persoon wat aldus versuim het, te verhaal; 30
(p) die massa van enige goedere of die getal passasiers of diere wat op ’n trapfiets
vervoer mag word;
(q) die reëling, beperking, verbied of beheer van parkering op openbare paaie van
voertuie wat deur handelaars besit, gehou of gebruik word of wat in hul
bewaring of onder hul beheer geplaas is in die loop van sake wat deur enige 35
handelaar bedryf word; en
(r) enige ander aangeleentheid met betrekking waartoe ’n munisipalitieit
verordeninge kragtens hierdie Wet kan uitvaardig.
(2) Die bevoegdheid om verordeninge uit te vaardig vir enige doel genoem in
subartikel (1) sluit die bevoegdheid in om enige aangeleentheid of saak met betrekking 40
tot daardie doel volstrek of voorwaardelik te beperk of te verbied.
(3) Enige verordening ingevolge subartikel (1) kan uitgevaardig word om in die
algemeen op die hele gebied van die munisipaliteit of binne enige gespesifiseerde deel
daarvan of op enige gespesifiseerde kategorie voertuig of persoon van toepassing te
wees. 45
(4) Vir sover enige verordening van ’n munisipaliteit, ongeag of dit kragtens hierdie
wet of ’n ander wet uitgevaardig is, onbestaanbaar is met enige regulasie kragtens
hierdie Wet of die Nasionale Padverkeerswet, moet die regulasie van krag wees.
(5) Enige verordening uitgevaardig kragtens hierdie artikel kan voorsiening maak vir
strawwe vir ’n oortreding daarvan, en kan ook voorsiening maak vir verskillende 50
strawwe in die geval van opeenvolgende of voortdurende oortredings, maar geen straf
mag ’n boete of gevangenisstraf vir ’n tydperk van ses maande oorskry nie.

Munisipaliteit mag gelde vasstel

8. ’n Munisipaliteit mag, by besluit, die gelde vasstel wat vir enige doel beoog in
artikel 7 gevorder mag word. 55

Registers en rekords

9. (1) Die registers of rekords wat voorgeskryf word, moet gehou word deur—
(a) ’n registrasie-owerheid;
(b) enige munisipaliteit; en

(c) enige persoon wat die Minister by kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant
(2) Die voorgeskrewe besonderhede moet op die voorgeskrewe wyse in registers en
rekords genoem in subartikel (1) aangebring word.
(3) Enige owerheid in subartikel (1) genoem, moet op die voorgeskrewe wyse en met 5
die voorgeskrewe tussenpose aan die Minister of enige persoon of liggaam deur die
Minister aangewys die inligting verstrek wat in ’n register of rekord van sodanige
owerheid aangeteken is, en die Minister moet uit die inligting aldus verstrek die register
wat hy of sy goedvind, saamstel of laat saamstel.
(4) Die Minister kan voorskryf dat enige owerheid die bykomende registers of 10
rekords wat die Minister dienstig ag, moet hou.

Afskrif van inskrywing in register of rekord is getuienis

10. (1) ’n Dokument wat voorgee ’n uittreksel te wees uit of ’n afskrif te wees van
enige register of aantekening ingevolge hierdie Wet gehou word en wat voorgee as
sodanig gesertifiseer te wees, is by enige hof en by alle geleenthede wat ook al 15
toelaatbaar as getuienis en is prima facie-getuienis van die waarheid van die
aangeleenthede wat in sodanige dokument verklaar word, sonder die voorlegging van
die oorspronklike register of rekord of enige sertifikaat, lisensie, ander dokument,
mikrofiche, mikrofilm of gerekenariseerde rekord waaruit of waarvan sodanige
uittreksel of afskrif gemaak is. 20
(2) Die inligting vervat in ’n register of rekord wat vir die doeleindes van hierdie Wet
gehou word, moet verstrek word aan—
(a) ’n verkeersbeampte of inspekteur van lisensies wat dit in die uitvoering van sy
of haar pligte nodig het;
(b) enige persoon wat deur die Minister daartoe gemagtig is om sodanige 25
verstrekking te eis;
(c) enige Staatsdepartement; of
(d) ’n munisipaliteit:
Met dien verstande dat die toestemming van die Minister of enige persoon deur hom of
haar daartoe gemagtig verkry moet word voordat sodanige inligting aan ’n owerheid 30
bedoel in paragraaf (d) verstrek word.
(3) Enige owerheid wat ’n register of rekord ingevolge artikel 9 hou, moet op versoek
van enige persoon en by betaling van die voorgeskrewe gelde—
(a) bevestig of sekere inligting ooreenstem met die inligting wat in sodanige
register of rekord vervat is al dan nie, indien, na die mening van sodanige 35
owerheid, daardie persoon op redelike gronde bevestiging van sodanige
inligting nodig het; of
(b) die inligting waarna in paragraaf (a) verwys word aan daardie persoon
verstrek indien na die mening van sodanige owerheid hy of sy op redelike
gronde versoek het dat sodanige inligting aan hom of haar verstrek moet word. 40
(4) Hierdie artikel is onderhewig aan die Wet op die Bevordering van Toegang tot
Inligting, 2000 (Wet 2 van 2000).

Kennis kan geneem word van inligting vervat in register of rekord

11. Die Minister kan, by die uitoefening van goeddunke of die neem van ’n besluit
ingevolge hierdie Wet, kennis neem van die inligting vervat in ’n register of rekord soos 45
in artikel 9 bedoel.

Spesiale bepalings met betrekking tot parkering

12. (1) Ondanks andersluidende wetsbepalings kan ’n munisipaliteit in die

voorgeskrewe omstandighede en onderworpe aan die voorgeskrewe voorwaardes—
(a) enige persoon wat, na die mening van sodanige munisipaliteit, ’n 50
voorgeskrewe liggaamlike gebrek het; of
(b) enige persoon wat ’n persoon in paragraaf (a) bedoel, vervoer of bystaan; of
(c) ’n geregistreerde verpleegkundige of vroedvrou soos omskryf in artikel 1 van
die Wet op Verpleging, 1978 (Wet 50 van 1978); of
(d) ’n mediese praktisyn, 55
van enige wet betreffende die parkering van ’n motorvoertuig binne sy regsgebied

(2) ’n Munisipaliteit mag, en moet in die voorgeskrewe omstandighede, spesiale

parkeerplekke voorsien vir die uitsluitlike parkering van voertuie wat bestuur word deur
persone in subartikel (1) genoem, en sodanige parkeerplekke moet met ’n
padverkeersteken geïdentifiseer word.
(3) ’n Munisipaliteit moet die gebruik van die parkeerplekke in subartikel (2) genoem 5
op die voorgeskrewe wyse beheer.
(4) Die betrokke munisipaliteit moet aan ’n persoon in subartikel (1) genoem bewys
van sodanige vrystelling uitreik.

Minister kan terugbetalings magtig

13. (1) Die Minister kan, indien hy of sy hom of haar daarvan vergewis het dat enige 10
bedrag betaalbaar deur ’n persoon meer was as die bedrag wat behoorlik ingevolge
hierdie wet vorderbaar is, ’n terugbetaling van daardie bedrag of van ’n gedeelte daarvan
aan sodanige persoon magtig.
(2) Die Minister mag nie enige terugbetaling kragtens hierdie afdeling magtig nie,
tensy die eis daarvoor binne drie jaar van die datum van die betrokke betaling deur die 15
registrasie-owerheid of Provinsiale Administrasie ontvang is.

Registrasie-owerheid aan inspeksie deur Ouditeur-generaal onderworpe

14. Die Ouditeur-generaal kan te eniger tyd ’n inspeksie laat uitvoer van die rekords
van ’n registrasie-owerheid en die inkomste wat deur sodanige owerheid kragtens
hierdie Wet gevorder is. 20

Inspeksies ten einde nakoming van die Wet te verseker

15. (1) Die Minister kan enige persoon magtig om enige inspeksie uit te voer wat die
Minister nodig ag ten einde te verseker dat die bepalings van hierdie Wet nagekom word.
(2) Niemand mag ’n persoon in die uitvoering van ’n inspeksie soos in subartikel (1)
genoem, dwarsboom of hinder nie. 25

Afwyking van voorgeskrewe vorm

16. Die Minister mag, in die omstandighede wat hy of sy dienstig ag, ’n

registrasie-owerheid of ander owerheid magtig om, in die plek van ’n vorm wat deur die
Minister kragtens hierdie Wet of ’n Wet wat deur artikel 25 herroep is vir ’n besondere
doel voorgeskryf word, ’n vorm te gebruik wat afwyk van die voorgeskrewe vorm, en 30
ten opsigte van sodanige owerheid word sodanige afwykende vorm geag die
voorgskrewe vorm vir daardie doel te wees.

Handtekening op dokumente

17. Enige persoon wat nie sy of haar naam kan teken nie, moet, indien sy of haar
handtekening op enige dokument ingevolge hierdie Wet vereis word, in die plek daarvan 35
die afdruk van sy of haar linkerduim druk in die ruimte waarin hy of sy andersins sy of
haar naam sou moes geteken het, en indien sy of haar linkerduim nie beskikbaar is nie,
moet hy of sy in die plek daarvan enigeen van sy of haar vingerafdrukke druk, en in
laasgenoemde geval moet die dokument aldus gemerk deur die beampte in wie se
teenwoordigheid die afdruk gemaak is, geëndosseer word om aan te dui watter vinger 40
gebruik is.

Betekening van kennisgewings

18. (1) Wanneer ook al ingevolge hierdie wet magtiging verleen word of daar vereis
word dat enige kennisgewing aan ’n persoon beteken of uitgereik moet word, moet
sodanige kennisgewing hetsy persoonlik aan die persoon aan wie dit gerig is, beteken 45
word of per aangetekende pos aan sy of haar jongste bekende adres gestuur word: Met
dien verstande dat die adres wat deur die houer van ’n bestuurslisensie tydens sy of haar
aansoek om so ’n lisensie verskaf is, of wat teenoor sy of haar naam in ’n register van
bestuurslisensies aangeteken is, of die adres wat teenoor die registrasie van ’n voertuig
in ’n register van motorvoertuie as die adres van die eienaar van daardie voertuig 50
aangeteken is, as sy of haar domisilie van dagvaarding en eksekusie dien vir alle

doeleindes wat voortspruit uit of vir die doeleindes van hierdie Wet, vir die betekening
van kennisgewings, pos of prosesstukke aan daardie persoon.
(2) Betekening per aangetekende pos ingevolge subartikel (l) word geag uitgevoer te
wees op die tiende dag na die datum gestempel op die bewys van registrasie uitgereik
deur die poskantoor wat die kennisgewing aangeneem het. 5
(3) ’n Sertifikaat deur die beampte wat die kennisgewing genoem in subartikel (1)
uitgereik het, of deur ’n persoon wat aan daardie beampte ondergeskik is, waarin die tyd,
plek en wyse waarop die kennisgewing uitgereik is, vermeld word, is bewys dat die
kennisgewing behoorlik uitgereik is, tensy en totdat die teendeel bewys word.

Gebruik van amptelike tale 10

19. (1) Een of meer van die drie amptelike tale van die Provinsie moet, op die
voorgeskrewe wyse, behoudens hierdie artikel, op padverkeerstekens, rigtingwysers en
straatnaamtekens by plaaslike strate gebruik word.
(2) Oorweging kan geskenk word aan die taalgebruik en -voorkeure van plaaslike
gemeenskappe by die bepaling van watter amptelike taal of tale op rigtingwysers en 15
straatnaamtekens by plaaslike strate gebruik moet word.
(3) Die amptelike taal of tale wat op tekens op sekere openbare paaie gebruik moet
word, moet wees soos voorgeskryf.

Misdrywe en strawwe

20. (1) Iemand wat ’n bepaling van hierdie Wet of ’n aanwysing, bevel, voorwaarde, 20
vereiste, bepaling of versoek daarkragtens oortree of versuim om daaraan te voldoen, is
aan ’n misdryf skuldig.
(2) Iemand wat skuldig bevind word aan ’n misdryf ingevolge hierdie Wet is strafbaar
met ’n boete of met gevangenisstraf vir ’n tydperk van hoogstens een jaar, of albei.
(3) Ondanks andersluidende bepalings in enige wet is ’n landdroshof bevoeg om 25
enige straf op te lê waarvoor hierdie Wet voorsiening maak.

Verdeling van gelde

21. Alle gelde wat kragtens hierdie Wet betaal word, uitgesonderd gelde wat betaal
word aan ’n toetsstasie wat nie ’n registrasie-owerheid is nie, en uitgesonderd gelde wat
ingevolge ’n munisipale verordening bepaal is, moet in die Provinsiale Inkomstefonds 30
inbetaal word.

Verdeling van boetes

22. (1) Alle boetes opgelê of gelde ten opsigte van verbeurende borgtog ten opsigte
van enige oortreding ingevolge hierdie Wet of die Nasionale Padverkeerswet, moet
geadministreer word ingevolge artikels 6 en 8 van die Konsolidasiewet op Finansie- en 35
Finansiële Reëlingswette, 1977.
(2) Alle boetes opgelê en gelde ten opsigte van verbeurde borgtog met betrekking tot
’n oortreding ingevolge enige verordening wat ingevolge hierdie Wet uitgevaardig is,
moet aan die owerheid betaal word waarop sodanige verordening van toepassing is.

Delegering 40

23. (1) Die Minister kan—

(a) enige bevoegdheid wat by of kragtens hierdie Wet aan hom of haar verleen is
aan enige ander persoon delegeer; en
(b) enige ander persoon magtig om enige plig by of kragtens hierdie Wet aan die
Minister opgedra, te verrig en kan sodanige delegering doen of magtiging 45
verleen behoudens die voorwaardes wat hy of sy goedvind.
(2) Die Minister kan te eniger tyd ’n delegering gedoen of magtiging verleen kragtens
subartikel (1) intrek.


24. Enige proklamasie, regulasie, verordening, kennisgewing, bevel, verbod, 50

magtiging, aanstelling, toestemming, inligting of dokument uitgevaardig, uitgereik,

opgelê, gedoen, verleen, verstrek of gegee of enige ander stappe gedoen ingevolge enige
bepaling van ’n wet wat deur die Nasionale Padverkeerswet, herroep word, word geag
ingevolge die ooreenstemmende bepaling (indien daar is) van hierdie Wet uitgevaardig,
uitgereik, opgelê, gedoen, verleen, verstrek of gegee te wees.

Herroeping van wette 5

25. Die Wes-Kaapse Wet op Padverkeer, 1998 (Wet 12 van 1998) word hiermee

Staat word gebind

26. Hierdie Wet bind die Staat en enige persoon in diens van die Staat: Met dien
verstande dat die Minister, by kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant, die staat of 10
enige departement daarvan of enige sodanige persoon van enige bepaling of hierdie Wet
kan vrystel behoudens sodanige voorwaardes as wat die Minister kan bepaal.

Kort titel en inwerkingtreding

27. (1) Hierdie Wet heet die Wes-Kaapse Wet op Padverkeer, 2006, en tree in werking
op ’n datum wat die Premier by proklamasie in die Provinsiale Koerant bepaal. 15
(2) Verskillende datums kan aldus ten opsigte van verskillende bepalings van hierdie
Wet bepaal word, en datums aldus bepaal, kan verskil ten opsigte van verskillende—
(a) persone of goedere of kategorieë persone of goedere wat deur middel van ’n
motorvoertuig vervoer word;
(b) soorte of klasse motorvoertuie wat by die vervoer van persone of goedere 20
gebruik word;
(c) persone of kategorieë persone; of
(d) gebiede in die Provinsie.
(3) Meer as een van die elemente vermeld in paragrawe (a) tot en met (d) van
subartikel (2) kan by die toepassing van daardie subartikel saamgevoeg word. 25



Die proses om die Wes-Kaapse Konsepwetsontwerp op Padverkeer, 2006, te

adverteer, is daarop gemik om kommentaar van die publiek in te win en om die
kommentaar wat ontvang word, in die finale Wetsontwerp op te neem voordat dit by die
Provinsiale Wetgewer ingedien word. Daar dien daarop gelet te word dat die
kommentaar wat ontvang is na aanleiding van die vroeëre proses van advertensie van die
Wes-Kaapse Konsepwetsontwerp op Padverkeer, 2002 (Provinsiale Koerant 5918 van 2
Augustus 2002), in hierdie nuwe weergawe opgeneem is, waar gepas.
Die Wes-Kaapse Konsepwetsontwerp op Padverkeer, 2006 (‘‘die Wetsontwerp’’) is
opgestel om die bepalings van die Wes-Kaapse Wet op Padverkeer, 1998 (Wet 12 van
1998), te hersien en te konsolideer in reaksie op verwikkelinge ten opsigte van nasionale
Die Wes-Kaapse Wet op Padverkeer, 1998 (‘‘die Provinsiale Wet’’) is opgestel om
saam met die nasionale Padverkeerswet, 1996 (Wet 93 van 1996) (‘‘die Nasionale Wet’’)
gelees te word as deel van ’n pakket van padverkeerswetgewing waarop MINKOM (die
Ministeriële Komitee van Ministers van Vervoer) ooreengekom het. Ingevolge hierdie
ooreenkoms moet elke provinsie ’n provinsiale padverkeerswet aanneem om die
nasionale Wet aan te vul en om provinsiale padverkeersaangeleenthede te hanteer.
Voordat enigeen van hierdie Wette in werking gestel is, het die Nasionale Parlement
die Wet op die Administratiewe Beregting van Padverkeersmisdrywe, 1998 (Wet 46 van
1998) (‘‘die ABP-wet’’) en die Wet op die Padverkeersbestuurskorporasie, 1999 (Wet 20
van 1999) (‘‘die PBK-wet’’), aangeneem. Hierdie Wette het wysigings aan die
Nasionale Wet genoodsaak.
Ooreenkomstig die APB-wet en die PBK-wet is daar besluit om verskeie
aangeleenthede wat in die provinsiale wette hanteer is, te skrap en dit in die Nasionale
Wet op te neem. Gevolglik is die Nasionale Padverkeerswysigingswet, 1999 (Wet 21
van 1999), aangeneem om die 1996-wet te wysig deur onder meer ook die volgende
aangeleenthede wat voorheen as provinsiale aangeleenthede beskou is, te inkorporeer:
— Aanstelling van registrasie-owerhede — Aanstelling van beamptes
— Registrasie en gradering van beamptes
— Bevoegdhede en pligte van beamptes
— Registrasie en lisensiëring van motorvoertuie
— Registrasie van bestuurlisensietoetsentrums en -instrukteurs
— Registrasie van toetsstasies
— Bevoegdhede van plaaslike owerhede om verordeninge oor padverkeers-
aangeleenthede uit te vaardig.
In reaksie hierop is slegs beperkte artikels van die Provinsiale Wet op 14 Desember
2000 in werking gestel (Proklamasie No. 118 van 2000). Die oorblywende bepalings
wat nou deel van die Nasionale Wet uitmaak, hoef nooit in werking gestel te word nie en
sal deur die Wetsontwerp herroep word. Die Wetsontwerp konsolideer ook die bepalings
van die Provinsiale Wet in ’n verkorte vorm en bring geringe wysigings mee.
Opsommenderwys herhaal en konsolideer die Wetsontwerp hoofsaaklik padverkeers-
wette wat reeds toegepas word.
Klousule 1 van die Wetsontwerp verskaf die nodige woordomskrywings.
Klousule 2 bemagtig munisipaliteite om parkeergelde vir parkeervakke en
staanplekke en standplase in te vorder.
Klousule 3 handel oor vermoedens aangaande die soorte paaie in vervolgings
kragtens die Wet. Daar word byvoorbeeld vermoed dat ’n pad ’n openbare pad is tensy
die teendeel bewys word.
Klousule 4 maak op soortgelyke wyse voorsiening daarvoor dat by vervolgings
ingevolge die Wet, daar vermoed word dat die eienaar van ’n voertuig dit bestuur het
totdat die teendeel bewys word.
Ingevolge klousule 5 word daar aangeneem dat persone wat as verkeersbeamptes
optree, behoorlik aangestel is.
Ingevolge klousule 6 kan die Provinsiale Minister regulasies oor sekere
aangeleenthede rondom padverkeer wat nie deur die Nasionale Wet gedek word nie,
Klousule 7 bemagtig munisipaliteite om verordeninge oor gelyksoortige
aangeleenthede uit te vaardig. Dit dupliseer artikel 80(a) van die Nasionale Wet (Wet 93
van 1996) aangesien daardie artikel nog nie in werking gestel is nie.

Klousule 8 bemagtig munisipaliteite om gelde vas te stel vir die doeleindes van sodanige
Ingevolge klousule 9 kan die Provinsiale Minister regulasies uitvaardig wat van persone
vereis om registers en rekords rakende padverkeersaangeleenthede te hou.
Klousule 10 maak voorsiening vir inskrywings in rekords en registers om te dien as
bewyse in sake soos hofverrigtinge.
Klousule 11 laat die Provinsiale Minister toe om kennis te neem van inligting in
sodanige registers en rekords.
Klousule 12 laat munisipaliteite toe om mediese personeel en gestremde persone vry te
stel van parkeerwette en om spesiale parkeerplekke vir daardie persone te voorsien.
Ingevolge klousule 13 kan die Provinsiale Minister die terugbetaling van gelde wat
oorbetaal is, magtig.
Ingevolge klousule 14 kan die Ouditeur-generaal rekords van registrasie-owerhede
inspekteer. Eweneens kan die Provinsiale Minister kragtens klousule 15 inspeksies
magtig om te verseker dat die bepalings van die Wet nagekom word.
Ingevolge klousule 16 kan die Provinsiale Minister ’n registrasie-owerheid of ander
owerheid magtig om vorms te gebruik wat verskil van die voorgeskrewe vorms.
Klousule 17 maak voorsiening daarvoor dat persone wat nie in staat is om hul name te
teken nie, vir die doeleindes van die Wet duim- of vingerafdrukke mag gebruik.
Klousule 18 handel oor die betekening van kennisgewings kragtens die Wet.
Klousule 19 handel oor die gebruik van die drie amptelike tale van die Provinsie op
padverkeerstekens, rigtingwysers en straatnaamborde. In die geval van rigtingwysers en
straatnaamborde op plaaslike strate sal die taalgebruik en -voorkeure van plaaslike
gemeenskappe in oorweging geneem word. Die Wetsontwerp bemagtig die Provinsiale
Minister om regulasies uit te vaardig oor taalgebruik op verskeie kategorieë paaie.
Klousule 20 maak voorsiening vir misdrywe en strawwe.
Klousule 21 vereis dat gelde wat ingevolge die Wet betaal word, in die Provinsiale
Inkomstefonds inbetaal moet word, behalwe in gevalle waar gelde aan ’n toetsstasie
betaal word wat nie ’n registrasie owerheid is nie en waar gelde in terme van ’n
munisipale verordening bepaal word.
Klousule 22 handel oor die verdeling van boetes, onderhewig aan toepaslike nasionale
Klousule 23 handel oor die delegering van die Provinsiale Minister se bevoegdhede en
Klousule 24 maak voorsiening vir oorgangsbepalings.
Klousule 25 herroep die Provinsiale Wet.
Klousule 26 maak voorsiening daarvoor dat die Wet die Staat bind, maar dat die
Provinsiale Minister die Staat of enige van sy departemente van die bepalings van die
Wet mag vrystel.
Klousule 27 handel oor die kort titel en die inwerkingtreding van die Wet.


Uqulunqelwa ukulungelelanisa nokuhlaziya imimiselo enxulumene nezithuthi
ezihamba ngendlela kweli Phondo; ukungena esikhundleni soMthetho weNtshona
Koloni weZithuthi eziHamba ngeNdlela, 1998; nokulungiselela imicimbi
eyayemene naloo nto.

K E NGOKO INDLU yoWiso-mthetho yePhondo leNtshona Koloni iwisa umthetho

ngolu hlobo:—


1. IiNkcazelo
2. Amagunya kamasipala okuqokelela imirhumo yokupakisha kwiindawo 5
zokupakisha ezirenkini nasezitandini
3. Izigqibo ngokunxulumene neendlela zikawonke-wonke, ezikayivulele/friweyi
neendlela zikawonke-wonke ezikwimimandla esezidolophini
4. Izigqibo ezithi umnini-sithuthi nguye obeqhuba okanye opakishe isithuthi
5. Izigqibo ngokubhekiselele kumagosa 10
6. Igunya loMphathiswa lokuqulunqa imigaqo
7. Igunya likamasipala lokuwisa imithetho yoomasipala
8. Umasipala angamisela imirhumo
9. Iirejistara neerekhodi
10. Ikopi yokubhalwe kwirejistara okanye ikopi yerekhodi ingasetyenziswa 15
11. Ingcaciso ekwirejistara nekwiirekhodi kufuneka ithathelwe ingqalelo
12. Imimiselo eyodwa enxulumene nokupakisha
13. UMphathiswa angagunyazisa inkxaso-mali
14. Amaziko obhaliso anokuhlowa nguMphicothi-Jikelele 20
15. Uhlolo kufuneka luqinisekise ukuthotyelwa kwalo Mthetho
16. Ukuguqulwa kwefom emiselweyo
17. Umsayino kumaxwebu
18. Ukuthunyelwa kwezaziso
19. Ukusetyenziswa kweelwimi zaseburhulumenteni 25
20. Ulwaphulo-mthetho nezohlwayo
21. Ulwabiwo lwemirhumo
22. Ulwabiwo lweefayini
23. Ugunyaziso
24. Imimiselo yethutyana 30
25. Ukutshitshiswa kwemithetho
26. Ukubopheleleka koMbuso
27. ISihloko esifutshane nomhla wokusungulwa


1. (1) Kulo Mthetho, ngaphandle kokuba oko kubhaliweyo kuchaza nto yimbi—
‘‘umthetho kamasipala’’ libinzana lamagama elichaza okuthethwa kwicandelo 7;
‘‘Umgaqo-siseko’’ ligama elithetha uMgaqo-siseko weRiphabliki yoMzantsi
Afrika (UMthetho 108 ka 1996); 5
‘‘uphawu olwalatha indlela’’ libinzana lamagama elichaza uphawo olwalatha
indlela kwindlela kawonkewonke;
‘‘isithuthi seempahla’’ libinzana lamagama elichaza isithuthi esisetyenziselwa
ukuthutha iimpahla njengoko kuchazwe kwiMiqathango kaZwelonke yeThutho
eziNdleleni; 10
‘‘INtloko yeSebe″ libinzana lamagama elibhekisa kwiNtloko yeSebe
likaRhulumente wePhondo iNtshona Koloni elijongene nolawulo lweendlela
‘‘isitalato sommandla’’ libinzana lamagama elichaza isitalato esiphantsi
komasipala kummandla ongowasezidolophini, ikakhulu ngokobume bawo; 15
‘‘UMphathiswa’’ ligama elibhekisa kuMphathiswa wePhondo kwiNdlu yePhondo
nothwaliswe uxanduva lokusebenzisa ummiselo othile walo Mthetho;
‘‘umasipala’’ ligama elithetha umasipala ekubhekiswe kuye kwicandelo 155(6)
loMgaqo-siseko, kwaye elo gama libandakanya zonke iindidi zoomasipala
ekuthethwa ngazo kwicandelo 155(1) loMgaqo-siseko; 20
‘‘UMthetho weSizwe weziThuthi eziHamba ngeNdlela’’ libinzana lamagama
achaza uMthetho weSizwe weziThuthi eziHamba ngeNdlela, 1996 (UMthetho 93
ka 1996), kwaye likwabhekisa nakwimigaqo eyenziwe phantsi kwaloo Mthetho;
‘‘INkulumbuso’’ ligama elibhekisa kwiNkulumbuso yePhondo eyonyulwe
ngokwemiqathango yecandelo 125 loMgaqo-siseko; 25
‘‘-miselweyo’’ ligama elithetha ukumiselwa ngokomgaqo nguMphathiswa
ngesaziso esifakwe kwiGazethi yePhondo;
‘‘iPhondo’’ ligama elithetha iPhondo leNtshona Koloni;
‘‘uphawu lwendlela’’ ligama elichaza uphawu lwendlela olumiselwe
ngokwecandelo 56 loMthetho weSizwe weziThuthi eziHamba ngeNdlela; 30
‘‘UMthetho’’ ligama elibandakanya nawuphi na umgaqo oqulunqwe phantsi kwalo
(2) Naliphi na igama okanye ibinzana lamagama elicacisiweyo kuMthetho weSizwe
weziThuthi eziHamba ngeNdlela, kodwa libe lingacaciswanga kwicandelwana (1), liya
kuba nentsingiselo efanayo naleyo liyinikwe kuMthetho weSizwe weziThuthi 35
eziHamba ngeNdlela, ngaphandle kokuba intsingiselo yalo ichaza nto yimbi.

Amagunya kamasipala okuqokelela imirhumo yokupakisha kwiindawo

zokupakisha ezirenkeni nasezitandini

2. (1) Umasipala unako, ngokwesigqibo esithatyathiweyo nangeenjongo

ezikhankanywe kwicandelwana (3)(a), ukubiza imirhumo ethile yokupakishwa 40
kwezithuthi kuyo nayiphi na indlela kawonke-wonke okanye kwicandelo elithile layo,
ndlela leyo iphantsi kolawulo lwakhe.
(2) Imirhumo ekubhekiswe kuyo phantsi kwecandelwana (1) isenokwahluka
ngokubhekiselele kwiintlobo ezithile zeendlela zikawonke-wonke okanye kumacandelo
athile aloo ndlela kawonke-wonke. 45
(3) (a) Ukuba kufakelwe umatshini wokubala ubude bexesha lokupakisha ngenjongo
yokuqokelela imirhumo okanye ngenjongo yokulawula ubuninzi bezithuthi loo
matshini kufuneka afakelwe kunye nesithuba sokupakisha esiphawuliweyo okanye
kunye nezithuba zokupakisha eziphawuliweyo kananjalo kubekho nengcaciso echaza
iintsuku neeyure oluhlawulelwa ngazo upakisho nemali efanele ukuhlawulwa ngexesha 50
elithile lopakisho.
(b) Ukuba kusetyenziswa enye indlela yokuqokelela imirhumo, ndlela leyo ingeyiyo
eyomatshini wokubala ubude bexesha lopakisho ekubhekiswe kuyo kwicandelwana (1),
kuya kufuneka kwenziwe amalungiselelo okuba kuxhonywe uphawu kuloo ndawo
yokupakisha, phawu olo luchaza iintsuku neeyure ekuhlawulelwa ngazo upakisho, imali 55
ehlawulelwa ixesha elithile lopakisho nendlela olo pakisho olufanele ukuhlawulelwa
(4) (a) Ithuba isithuthi esinokupakishwa ngaso ngokusemthethweni kwindawo
yokupakisha ekubhekiswe kuyo kwicandelwana (3)(a), kuya kufuneka ukuba libe
lelibhalwe ngokomlinganiselo obhalwe kumatshini wokubala ubude bexesha 60

ekupakishwe ngalo kuloo ndawo yokupakisha, ngaphandle kokuba kubekho bungqina

bumbi obuphikasana naloo nto.
(b) Ukuba kusetyenziswe ndlela yimbi yokuqokelela imirhumo, ndlela leyo engeyiyo
eyomatshini wokubala ubude bexesha ekubhekiswe kuyo kwicandelwana (1), ithuba
isithuthi esinokupakishwa ngalo ngokusemthethweni kwindawo ekupakishwa kuyo 5
ekubhekiswe kuyo kwicandelwana (3)(b) kuya kuya kufuneka ukuba libe leli
ngokwaloo ndlela elibalwe ngayo ngokunxulumene neso sithuthi, ngaphandle kokuba
kubekho bungqina bumbi obuphikisana naloo nto.
(5) Nawuphi na umasipala unako ukwakha iirenki okanye izitandi kwindlela
kawonke-wonke ephantsi kolawulo lwakhe (eziyakwaziwa njengeendawo ezizodwa 10
zokupakisha, ngenjongo yokupakisha izithuthi ezithutha abantu okanye naluphi na
uhlobo lwesithuthi nolufana nolo lumiselweyo, kwaye unako ukuwisa imithetho
kamasipala yokulawula ukusetyenziswa kwezo ndawo zizodwa—
(a) ukulungiselela ukukhutshwa kwamaphepha-mvume okunikela ngeendawo
zokupakisha ezizodwa okanye amacandelwana ezo ndawo kubantu abathile, 15
okanye kwizithuthi ezithile, ngenjongo yokuba bazisebenzisele bona kuphela;
(b) ukuthintela ukusetyenziswa kwayo nayiphi na indawo eyodwa yokupakisha
okanye icandelwana layo nguye nawuphi na omnye umntu okanye siso
nasiphi na esinye isithuthi;
(c) ukumisela imirhumo yokuhlawulela iindawo ezizodwa zokupakisha; kunye 20
(d) nokulungiselela imiba enxulumene nezo zinto:
Kambe kunokwenziwa sibonelelo sithile kulo naliphi na iphepha-mvume okanye kuko
nakuphi na ukuvuselelwa kwalo ngenjongo yokumisela iiyure umnini-phepha mvume
anelungelo elilodwa ngazo lokusebenzisa indawo ethile eyodwa yokupakisha kananjalo
kusenokwenziwa sibonelelo sithile sokuthintela ukusetyenziswa kwaloo ndawo nguye 25
nabani na ongomnye okanye siso nasiphi na isithuthi esisesinye.
(6) Xa kusabiwa indawo yokuqala eyodwa yokupakisha okanye icandelwana
ekubhekiswe kulo kwicandelwana (5), umasipala kufuneka anike ingqwalaselo
kangangoko anako ubude bethuba umenzi-sicelo athe wabandakanyeka ngalo
kushishino lokuthutha abantu ngenjongo yokufumana ingeniso ngolo hlobo lwesithuthi. 30
(7) Imithetho yoomasipala equlunqwe phantsi kwecandelwana (5) kufuneka imisele
ukuvuselelwa kwephepha-mvume qho ngonyaka, phofu ngokuxhomekeke kwindlela
entle umenzi-sicelo alisebenzise ngayo ilungelo lokusebenzisa loo ndawo iyodwa
yokupakisha okanye icandelwana layo.
(8) Ukusebenzisa kukamasipala amagunya akhe phantsi kwelo candelo akuyi kwenza 35
ukuba abenobutyala ngokubhekiselele kwilahleko okanye umonakalo onokwenzeka
kuso nasiphi na isithuthi okanye koko kuthwelwe seso sithuthi okanye kwizinto
ezifakelwe kuso ngeli xesha eso sithuthi sikwindawo yokupakisha okanye kwindawo
eyodwa yokupakisha.

Izigqibo ngokunxulumene neendlela zikawonke-wonke, ezikayivulele neendlela 40

zikawonke-wonke ezikwimimandla esezidolophini

3. (1) Xa kunokuthi, nakuluphi na utshutshiso phantsi kwalo Mthetho, kubekho

isityholo sokwaphulwa komthetho endleleni kawonke-wonke, ngaphandle kokuba
kubekho bungqina bumbi obuphikisana naloo nto, kuya kugqitywa ekubeni loo ndlela
ithatyathwe njengendlela kawonke-wonke. 45
(2) Xa kunokuthi nakuluphi na utshutshiso phantsi kwalo Mthetho kubekho isityholo
sokwaphulwa komthetho kwindlela kayivulele, ngaphandle kokuba kubekho bungqina
bumbi obuphikisana naloo nto, kuya kugqitywa ekubeni loo ndlela ithatyathwe
njengendlela kayivulelele.
(3) Xa kunokuthi nakuluphi na utshutshiso phantsi kwalo Mthetho kubekho isityholo 50
sokwaphulwa komthetho kwindlela kawonke-wonke kummandla wasezidolophini,
ngaphandle kokuba kubekho bungqina bumbi obuphikisana naloo nto, kuya kugqitywa
ekubeni loo ndlela ithatyathwe njengendlela ekummandla wasezidolophini.

Isigqibo esithi umnini-sithuthi nguye obeqhuba okanye omise isithuthi

4. (1) Nanini na, kutshutshiso oluqhutywa phantsi kwalo Mthetho, xa kubalulekile 55

ukuba kubonakaliswe ukuba ibi ngubani umqhubi wesithuthi, ngaphandle kokuba
kubekho bungqina bumbi obuphikisana naloo nto, kuya kugqitywa ngelokuba umnini-
sithuthi nguye othatyathwa njengomntu obe qhuba eso sothuthi.

(2) Nanini na xa isithuthi esithile sithe sapakishwa ngendlela eyaphula lo Mthetho

okanye umthetho kamasipala oqulunqwe phantsi kwawo, ngaphandle kokuba kubekho
bungqina bumbi obuphikisana naloo nto, kuya kugqitywa ngelokuba umnini-sithuthi
nguye othatyathwa njengomntu opakishe eso sothuthi.
(3) Ukulungiselela icandelwana (1) necandelwana (2), ngaphandle kokuba kubekho 5
bungqina bumbi obuphikisana naloo nto, kuya kugqitywa ngelokuba, xa umnini-sithuthi
eliqumrhu, eso sithuthi besiqhutywa okanye besipakishwe, njengoko kuchazwe kuloo
macandelwana, ngumlawuli okanye ngumsebenzi welo qumrhu ngokusebenzisa
amagunya akhe okanye ngokuqhuba umsebenzi wakhe njengomlawuli okanye
njengomsebenzi okanye ngenjongo yokufuna ukwanelisa iminqweno yelo qumrhu. 10

Izigqibo ngokubhekiselele kumagosa

5. Kulo naluphi na utshutshiso phantsi kwalo Mthetho, into yokuba nawuphi na

umntu azenze oqhuba umsebenzi okanye azenze oqhuba umsebenzi wokubaligosa
lendlela okanye azenze umhloli wezendlela, umvavanyi-zithuthi okanye umvavanyi
wabafunda ukuqhuba, iya kuba bubungina obu-prima facie bokutyunjwa kwakhe 15
nokunikwa kwakhe igunya lokuqhuba loo msebenzi: Phofu eli candelo aliyi kusebenza
xa umntu etshutshiselwa ukuzenza ezo zinto.

Igunya loMphathiswa lokuqulunqa imigaqo

6. (1) UMphathiswa unako ukwenza imigaqo, phofu engakhabaniyo nalo Mthetho

kunye noMthetho weSizwe weziThuthi eziHamba ngeNdlela, ngokubhekiselele 20
nakuwuphi na umba ekuthethwe ngawo, eyimfuneko okanye ekuvumelekileyo ukuba
imiselwe phantsi kwalo Mthetho kananjalo khona ukuze kube nokuzalisekiswa ngcono
iinjongo zalo Mthetho ngokubanzi okanye uMthetho weSizwe weziThuthi eziHamba
Ndlela, ngakumbi, kungajongelwanga phantsi oko kuchazwe ngentla apha,
ngokubhekiselele— 25
(a) kwimigaqo equlunqwe phantsi koMthetho weSizwe weziThuthi eziHamba
ngeNdlela, ukumiswa nokupakishwa kwezithuthi kwiindlela zikawonke-
(b) kwindlela yokumisela nayiphi na into eyimfuneko ngenjongo yalo Mthetho;
(c) kuyo nayiphi na ifom, itokeni uMphathiswa anokuyithatha njengeyimfuneko 30
ngenjongo yalo Mthetho kunye nohlobo nobungakanani bengcaciso
ekufuneka iveliselwe nayiphi na kwezo fom;
(d) ekukhutshweni kwesatifiketi esiyikopi, ilayisenisi okanye naluphi na olunye
uxwebhu okanye itokeni ekhutshwe ngokwalo Mthetho xa ikopi yokuqala
ilahlekile, itshatyalalisiwe okanye yonakalisiwe okanye xa naziphi na 35
iinkcukacha ezikuyo zingabonakali kakuhle;
(e) kwisinxibo, kubandakanywa nokubhalwe kuso, samagosa ezendlela okanye
sabagadi beendlela abatyunjwe ngokoMthetho weSizwe weziThuthi
eziHamba ngeNdlela;
(f) kwimirhumo enokuhlawuliswa okanye eza kuhlawuliswa ngokwalo Mthetho, 40
okanye ngokubhekiselele kulo naluphi na ubhaliso okanye isicelo, ugunyazio
okanye uvavanyo, okanye ukukhutshwa koxwebhu okanye ikopi yolo
xwebhu, ekubhekiswe kuyo kuMthetho weSizwe weziThuthi eziHamba
ngeNdlela okanye imigaqo ekhutshwe phantsi kwaloo Mthetho;
(g) kwimirhumo enokuhlawulwa okanye eza kuhlawulwa ngokubhekiselele 45
kubhaliso nolayiseniso lwezithuthi ekuthethwa ngazo kuMthetho weSizwe
weziThuthi eziHamba ngeNdlela;
(h) kwindlela iilwimi zaseburhulumenteni ekufuneka zisetyenziswe ngayo
kwiimpawu njengoko kuchazwe kwicandelo 19;
(i) kwiindlela eziyinxalenye yeendlela ezithile zikawonkewonke 19(3); 50
(j) kuMphathiswa wePhondo elisingethe imicimbi emiselwe kulo Mthetho.
(2) Igunya lokuqulunqa imigaqo ngaso nasiphi na isizathu ekubhekiswe kuso
kwicandelwana (1) liya kubandakanya igunya lokuthintela ngokupheleleyo okanye
ngokwemiqathango ethile nawuphi na umba okanye nayiphi na into enxulumene naloo
mcimbi. 55
(3) Nawuphi na umgaqo, phantsi kweli candelo, ungenziwa ukuba usebenze
ngokubanzi kulo lonke eli Phondo okanye kummandla othile okulo okanye kulo naluphi
na udidi lwesithuthi okanye lomntu.

(4) Umgaqo oqulunqwe phantsi kwecandelwana (1) unokumisela izohlwayo

zokwaphulwa kwaloo mgaqo kunye nezohlwayo ezahlukileyo xa kuthe kwabakho
ulwaphulo-mthetho olulandelelanayo okanye oluqhubekayo kodwa akukho sohlwayo
siya kudlula kwifayini okanye ukuvalelwa entolongweni isithuba esilingana nonyaka
omnye. 5
(5) Ngaphambi kokuba uMphathiswa abe nokuqulunqa nawuphi na umgaqo phantsi
kweli candelo, uMphathiswa unako xa ekubona kufanelekile oko ukwenza ukuba idrafti
yaloo mgaqo ucetywayo upapashwe kwiGazethi yePhondo kunye nesaziso esicela
abachaphazelekayo ukuba bafake ngencwadi nayiphi na inkcaso okanye ukuzithethelela
kwiNtloko yeSetyana, oko bakwenze kwisithuba sexesha elichaziweyo kweso saziso, 10
kodwa kwixesha elingekho nganeno kweeveki ezine ukususela kumhla wokupapashwa
kweso saziso: nayyiphi na inkcaso okanye izibonakaliso zeNtloko yeSebe. Noxa
kunjalo, xa uMphathiswa emva koko athe wagqiba ngelokuba ayitshintshe loo drafti
yemigaqo ngenxa yenkcaso okanye ngenxa yokuzithethelela okuzisiweyo, akuyi
kubakho mfuneko yokuba olo tshintsho lupapashwe ngaphambi kokuqulunqwa kwaloo 15

Igunya likamasipala lokwenza imithetho yoomasipala

7. (1) Ngokokwawo nawuphi na umthetho onxulumene nendlela efanele ukulandelwa

kuqulunqo, kuvunyo nokubhengezwa kwawo nawuphi na umthetho kamasipala;
nawuphi na umasipala angenza imithetho kamasipala, evumelene noMphathiswa, 20
ongakhabaniyo nalo Mthetho okanye uMthetho weSizwe weziThuthi eziHamba
ngeNdlela, ngokubhekiselele—
(a) kukhuseleko lwezithuthi kuyo nayiphi na indlela kawonke-wonke, uxanduva
lakhe nabani na osebenzisa loo ndlela nokusetyenziswa kwaloo ndlela siso
nasiphi na isithuthi; 25
(b) ukumisa ngesithuthi salo naluphi na uhlobo nokuyisiya simi kwindlela
kawonke-wonke okanye kwicandelo layo elithile, kubandakanywa
nemithetho kamasipala emalunga nokufakelwa, ukulawulwa, ukuphathwa
nokulungiswa koomatshini bokubala ubude bexesha lokupakisha kunye
neendawo zokumisa izithuthi kuxhomekeke kwimiqathango yoMthetho 30
woShishino (uMthetho 71 ka-1991) nawo nawuphi na ummiselo okanye
ummiselo wedolophu owenziwe phantsi kwawo ngokomqathango, ummiselo
okanye ulawulo lokuqhutywa koshishino ngumthengisi wasesitalatweni
okanye umathenga ethengisa;
(c) ukutyunjwa nokulayiseniswa kwabasebenzi abagada izithuthi kwiindawo 35
zokupakisha nokurhoxiswa kwezo layisenisi;
(d) umqhubi okanye umbexeshi; okanye omnye umntu oqeshwe ngokunxu-
lumene naloo nto, wesithuthi esifuna ukuqeshwa okanye ukwamkela
abahambi ngengqesho;
(e) nayiphi na indlela kawonke-wonke ekungafanelanga isetyenziswe siso 40
nasiphi na isithuthi, nanini na okanye ngamaxesha achaziweyo, kuxhomekeke
kwimimiselo yoMthetho woShishino, (uMthetho 71 ka-1991) nawuphi
umqathango okanye ummiselo wedolophu owenziwe phantsi kwawo
ngokomqathango, ummiselo okanye ummiselo wedolophu okanye ulawulo
loshishino lomthengisi wasesitalatweni okanye umathenga ethengisa; 45
(f) indawo efanelekileyo ekwindlela kawonke-wonke ehamba izithuthi ezihamba
ngezantya ezahlukeneyo nezithuthi zohlobo oluthile;
(g) indawo nexesha apho isithuthi singavumelekanga ukuba sijike kangangokuba
sibe nokujongana nezithuthi eziza ngaphambili okanye apho sinokujika khona
kuphela phantsi kwemiqathango ethile; 50
(h) ukukhweliswa nokuhliswa kwezinto kwizithuthi kwindlela kawonke-wonke;
(i) imigaqo emalunga nokuba sisiphi isithuthi esivumeleke ukuba singene kuqala
kwindlela enkulu yokudlula;
(j) ukusetyenziswa kwehutara, intsimbi okanye nasiphi na esinye isixhobo
sokulumkisa kunye nemiqathango eso sixhobo sokulumkisa esinokusetye- 55
nziswa phantsi kwayo kwindawo echaziweyo nokuba kungalo lonke ixesha
okanye ngamaxesha athile amiselweyo;
(k) ukutyunjwa kwebhodi ecebisayo yolawulo lwezithuthi nenamalungu angekho
ngaphantsi kwesithathu ngenjongo yokuba icebise umasipala ngayo yonke
imiba emalunga nokulawulwa kwezithuthi; 60

(l) ukusetyenziswa zizithuthi ngokubanzi kwayo nayiphi na indlela kawonke-

(m) ukumiselwa kweminyaka yobudala yabaqhubi abanokuqhuba izithuthi
ezirhuqwa zizilwanyana;
(n) nayiphi na ifom, itokeni umasipala anokuyithatha njengeyimfuneko 5
ngenjongo yawo nawuphi na umthetho kamasipala kunye nohlobo
nobungakanani bengcaciso ekufuneka iveliselwe nayiphi na kwezo fom;
(o) ukwenza ukuba nawuphi na umasipala, xa nawuphi na umntu athe akakwenza
oko ekufuneka ukuba akwenze phantsi kwawo nawuphi na umthetho
kamasipala, akwazi ukuthatha nawaphi na amanyathelo kananjalo abenako 10
nokufumana ukubuyiselwa iindleko zakhe nguloo mntu ungakwenzanga oko
afanele ukukwenza;
(p) ubungakanani bayo nayiphi na impahla okanye inani labo nabaphi na abantu
okanye inani lazo naziphi na izilwanyana ezinokukhweliswa kwibhayisikili;
(q) ukubekwa kwemigaqo nezithintelo okanye ukulawulwa kopakisho 15
lwezithuthi ezizezabathengisi bezithuthi okanye ezisetyenziswa okanye
eziphantsi kwegunya labo ngexesha lokuqhuba kwakhe, nawuphi na
umthengisi, ishishini lakhe; kananjalo
(r) nawuphi na omnye umba umasipala anako ukuwuwisela umthetho
kamasipala phantsi kwalo Mthetho. 20
(2) Igunya lokuqulunqa imithetho kamasipala ngaso nasiphi na isizathu ekubhekiswe
kuso kwicandelwana (1) liya kubandakanya igunya lokuthintela ngokupheleleyo
okanye ngokwemiqathango ethile nawuphi na umba okanye nayiphi na into enxulumene
naloo mcimbi.
(3) Nawuphi na umgaqo phantsi kweli candelo ungenziwa ukuba usebenze 25
ngokubanzi kulo lonke eli Phondo okanye kummandla othile okulo okanye kulo naluphi
na udidi lwesithuthi okanye lomntu.
(4) Xa, nawuphi na umthetho kamasipala, nokuba wenziwe phantsi kwalo Mthetho
okanye nawuphi na omnye umthetho; unokukhabana nawuphi na umgaqo oqulunqwe
phantsi kwalo Mthetho okanye uMthetho weSizwe weziThuthi eziHamba ngeNdlela, 30
loo mgaqo nguwo oya kukhonya.
(5) Umgaqo oqulunqwe phantsi kweli candelo unokumisela izohlwayo zokwaphulwa
kwaloo mgaqo kunye nezohlwayo ezahlukileyo xa kuthe kwabakho ulwaphulo-mthetho
olulandelelanayo okanye oluqhubekayo kodwa akukho sohlwayo siya kudlula kwifayini
okanye ukuvalelwa entolongweni isithuba esilingana neenyanga ezintandathu. 35

Umasipala angamisela imirhumo

8. Umasipala unako, ngesigqibo, ukuqingqa imirhumo efanele ukuhlawulelwa

nasiphi na isizathu ekuthethwa ngaso kwicandelo 7.

Iirejistara neerekhodi

9. (1) Iirejistara neerekhodi eziya kumiselwa kuya kufuneka ukuba zigcinwe— 40

(a) igunyabantu elibhalisayo;
(b) nguye nawuphi na umasipala; kunye
(c) nabani na othe wamiselwa nguMphathiswa ngesaziso kwiGazethi yePhondo.
(2) Iinkcukacha ezimiselweyo zifanele ukurekhodisha ngendlela emiselweyo
kwiirejistara neerekhodi ekubhekiswe kuzo kwicandelwana (1). 45
(3) Naliphi na iziko eligunyazisiweyo ekubhekiswe kulo kwicandelwana (1) kuya
kufuneka ukuba linike uMphathiswa okanye nawuphi na omnye umntu okanye naliphi
na iqumrhu eligunyaziswe nguMphathiswa ingcaciso ebhalwe kwirejistara okanye
kwirekhodi yelo ziko, oko likwenza ngendlela emiselweyo okanye ngamaxesha athile
amiselweyo, ze yena uMphathiswa kuloo ngcaciso aqulunqe okanye enze ukuba 50
kuqulunqwe irejistara ayibona njengefanelekileyo.
(4) UMphathiswa angamisela ukuba naliphi na iziko eligunyazisiweyo libe nezinye
iirejistara okanye iirekhodi uMphathiswa anakuzibona njengeziyimfuneko.

Ikopi yokubhalwe kwirejistara okanye ikopi yerekhodi ingasetyenziswa

njengobungqina 55

10. (1) Uxwebhu ekuthiwa lucatshulwe, okanye liyikopi yayo nayiphi na irejistara
okanye irekhodi ekhoyo ngokwalo Mthetho nekuthiwa iqinisekiswe njengekopi, luya

kwamkeleka kuyo nayiphi na inkundla nangawo wonke amaxesha njengobungqina

kwaye luya kuba bubungqina obu-prima facie bobunyaniso bemiba echazwe kolo
xwebhu ingakhange ivezwe irejistrara okanye irekhodi ngokwayo okanye nasiphi na
isatifiketi, ilayisenisi okanye olunye uxwebhu, imicrofiche, imicrofilm okanye irekhodi
ebhalwe ngekhompyuta okanye uxwebhu olo kufumaneke kulo loo kopi. 5
(2) Ingcaciso ekwirejistara okanye kwirekhodi ebekho ngenxa yalo Mthetho
kufuneka inikwe—
(a) igosa lezendlela okanye umhloli weelayisenisi oyifunela ukuqhuba
umsebenzi wakhe;
(b) nabani na onikwe nguMphathiswa igunya lokuyifumana; 10
(c) naliphi na iSebe loMbuso; okanye
(d) umasipala;
Kambe oko kunokwenzeka kuphela xa uMphathiswa okanye umntu ogunyaziswe nguye
ethe wakuvuma oko phambi kokuba loo ngcaciso inikwe naliphi na iziko
eligunyazisiweyo ekubhekiswe kulo kumhlathi (d). 15
(3) Naliphi na iziko eligunyazisiweyo elinerejistara okanye irekodi ngokwecandelo 9
kufuneka lakucelwa nguye nabani na naxa loo mceli athe wayihlawula imirhumo
(a) lingqine ukuba ingcaciso leyo iyangqinelana kusini na nengcaciso ekuloo
rejistara okanye kuloo rekhodi xa ngokokubona kwelo ziko ligunyazisiweyo 20
loo mntu, ngezizathu ezivakalayo, uyakufuna ukungqinwa kwaloo ngcaciso;
(b) loo ngcaciso ayinike (a) loo mntu ukuba elo ziko ligunyazisiweyo
ngokokubona kwalo loo mntu unezizathu ezivakalayo zokuba ainikwe loo
ngcaciso. 25
(4) Eli candelo lixhomekeke kuMthetho wokuKhuthazwa koFikeleleko lweNgcaciso,
2000 (UMthetho 2 ka 2000).

Ingcaciso ekwirejistara nekwiirekhodi kufuneka ithathelwe ingqalelo

11. UMphathiswa unako, ngokusebenzisa uluvo lwakhe okanye ngokuthatha isigqibo

ngokwalo Mthetho, ukuyithathela ingqalelo ingcaciso ekwirejistara okanye kwirekhodi 30
ekuthethwa ngayo kwicandelo 9.

Imimiselo eyodwa enxulumene nokupakisha

12. (1) Nangaphandle kwayo nantoni na eyenye esemthethweni, umasipala unako

ukuxolela, phantsi kweemeko ezimiselweyo nangokuxhomekeke kwimiqathango
emiselweyo— 35
(a) nabani na, ngokokubona kwaloo masipala, onokhubazeko lomzimba
olumiselweyo; okanye
(b) nabani na othutha okanye oncedisa umntu ekuthethwa ngaye kumhlathi (a);
(c) umongikazi osemthethweni okanye umbelekisi njengoko echazwe 40
kwisiqendu 1 soMthetho woKonga, 1978 (uMthetho 50 ka-78); okanye
(d) ingcali yamachiza.
(2) Umasipala uya kuthi, kwaye oko kuyimfuneko kwiimeko ezimiselweyo,
ukubonelela ngeendawo zokupakisha ngokukodwa izithuthi eziqhutywa ngabantu
ekubhekiswe kubo kwicandelwana (1), kwaye ezo ndawo zokupakisha kufuneka 45
zichazwe ngophawu lwendlela.
(3) Umasipala uya kuthi, alawule ngendlela emiselweyo ukusetyenziswa kwezo
ndawo zokumisa izithuthi zichazwe kwicandelwana (2).
(4) Loo masipala uya kuthi akhuphele loo mntu ukhankanywe kwicandelwana (1)
ubungqina bolo xolelo. 50

UMphathiswa angagunyazisa inkxaso-mali

13. (1) UMphathiswa unako, ukuba ufumanise ukuba nayiphi na imali ehlawulwe
ngumntu othile kuthe kanti ingaphezulu kwemali emiselwe ngokufanelekileyo phantsi
kwalo Mthetho, ukugunyazisa ukubuyiselwa kwaloo mali okanye inxalenye yayo kuloo
mntu. 55
(2) UMphathiswa akayi kukugunyazisa ukubuyiselwa kwalo mali phantsi kweli
candelo ngaphandle kokuba ukubangwa kwayo kufunyenwe liziko lobhaliso

eligunyazisiweyo okanye luLawulo lwePhondo kwiminyaka emithathu emva komhla

wokwenziwa kwaloo ntlawulo.

Amaziko obhaliso agunyazisiweyo anokuhlowa nguMphicothi-Jikelele

14. UMphicothi-Jikelele unako nanini na ukwenza ukuba kuhlolwe iirekhodi

zamaziko obhaliso agunyazisiweyo kunye nokuhlolwa kwemali eqokelelwe ngaloo 5
maziko agunyazisiweyo phantsi kwalo Mthetho.

Uhlolo kufuneka luqinisekise ukuthotyelwa kwalo Mthetho

15. (1) UMphathiswa unako ukugunyazisa nabani na ukuba aqhube uhlolo

uMphathiswa alubona luyimfuneko ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthotyelwa kwemimiselo
yalo Mthetho. 10
(2) Akukho mntu uvumeleke ukuba athintele okanye aphazamise nabani na
ekuqhubeni uhlolo ekubhekiswe kulo kwicandelwana (1).

Ukuguqulwa kwefomu emiselweyo

16. UMPhathiswa unako, kwiimeko azibona njengeziyimfuneko, ukugunyazisa iziko

lobhaliso eligunyazisiweyo okanye elinye iziko eligunyazisiweyo ukuba lisebenzise, 15
endaweni yefom emiselwe nguMphathiswa phantsi kwalo Mthetho okanye phantsi
koMthetho otshitshiswe licandelo 25, ngenjongo ethile, ifom eyahlukileyo kuleyo
imiselweyo, kwaye ngokubhekiselele kwelo ziko ligunyazisiweyo loo fom iya
kuthatyathwa njengefom emiselwe loo mcimbi.

Umsayino namaxwebu 20

17. Nabani na ongakwaziyo ukulisayina igama lakhe kufuneka, nanini na xa kufuneka

umsayino wakhe kulo naluphi na uxwebhu anyathelise ubhontsi wakhe wasekhohlo
endaweni yokusayina emnyathelisa kwindawo ebekunokufuneka ukuba asayine kuyo
kwaye ukuba ushicilelo laloo mnwe wakhe luthe alwabonakala kakuhle kuya kufuneka
anyathelise omnye umnwe kwaye kwimeko efana nale ichazwe mva nje olo xwebhu 25
kuya kufuneka ukuba luphawulwe ngaloo ndlela kananjalo lungqinwe ngokuthi
libhalwe ligosa ebelikhona ngeli xesha kunyatheliswa loo mnwe kananjalo elo gosa
kuya kufuneka ukuba liwuchaze umnwe lowo usetyenzisiweyo.

Ukuthunyelwa kwezaziso

18. (1) Nanini na xa kuthe ngokwalo Mthetho kwagunyaziswa ukukhutshwa 30

kwesaziso okanye xa kuthe kwafuneka ukuba kukhutshelwe nabani na isaziso, eso
saziso kuya kufuneka ukuba sinikwe umntu lowo sibhalelwe yena okanye sithunyelwe
kuye ngerejistara ethunyelwa kwidilesi yakhe yokugqibela eyaziwayo: Xa idilesi
enikelwe ngumnini layisenisi yokuqhuba ngexeha lokwenza kwakhe isicelo saloo
layisenisi okanye ebhalwe ecaleni kwegama lakhe kwirejistara yokubhaliswa 35
kweelayisensi zokuqhuba, okanye kwidilesi ebhalwe nobhaliso lwesithuthi kwirejistara
yokubhaliswa kwezithuthi njengedilesi yomnini-sithuthi eso, loo dilesi iya kuthathwa
njengedilesi ahlala kuyo nekunokuthunyelwa kuyo isamani nekunokuzalisekiswa kuyo
nantoni na ebekho ngenxa yalo Mthetho, ngenjongo yokuthumela izaziso, iposi okanye
amaxwebhu athunyelwa kuloo mntu. 40
(2) Ukuthunyelwa kwamaxwebhu ngerejistara ngokwecandelwana (1) kuya
kuthatyathwa njengento eyenziwe ngosuku lweshumi emva komhla obhalwe
ngesitampu kwisilipu serejistara esikhutshwe yiposi eyamkele eso saziso.
(3) Ubungqina obukhutshwe ligosa elikhuphe eso saziso esichazwe kwicandelo (1),
okanye obukhutshwe ngumntu osebenza phantsi kwelo gosa, nobuchaza ixesha, indawo 45
nendlela isaziso esikhutshwe ngayo buya kuba bubungqina bokuba eso saziso
sikhutshwe ngokufanelekileyo, ngaphandle kokuba kubekho bungqina bumbi
obuphikisana naloo nto.

Ukusetyenziswa kweelwimi zaseburhulumenteni

19. (1) Kuya kufuneka ukuba kusetyenziswe ulwimi olunye okanye iilwimi 50
ezingaphezulu koko kwiilwimi ezintathu zaseburhulumenteni beli Phondo kwiimpawu

zendlela, iimpawu zokwalatha nakwiimpawu zamagama ezitalato kwizitalato zalapha

ngendlela emiselweyo, phantsi kweli candelo.
(2) Kusenokunikwa ingqwalaselo efanelekileyo usetyenziso nokuthandwa
kweelwimi ezithile kwiindawo ezithile xa kukhethwa ulwimi lwaseburhulumenteni
okanye iilwimi zaseburhulumenteni eziya kusetyenziswa kwiimpawu zokwalatha 5
nakwiimpawu zamagama ezitalato kwizitalato zalapha.
(3) Ulwimi lwaseburhulumenteni okanye iilwimi zaseburhulumenteni eziya
kusetyenziswa kwiimpawu ezikwiindlela ezithile zikawonkewonke ziya kuba zezo

Ulwaphulo-mthetho nezohlwayo 10

20. (1) Nabani na owaphula okanye ongayithobeliyo imimiselo yalo Mthetho okanye
ongawamkeliyo umyalelo, umqathango, imfuno, ummiselo okanye okucelwa phantsi
kwalo Mthetho uya kubekwa ityala lokwaphula umthetho.
(2) Nabani na ofunyenwe enetyala phantsi kwalo Mthetho uya kuhlawuliswa ifayini
okanye avalelwe entolongweni ithuba elingadlulanga kunyaka omnye okanye zombini. 15
(3) Nangaphandle kwayo nantoni na enokuphikisana nawo nawuphi na umthetho,
inkundla kamantyi iya kuba nako ukuwisa nasiphi na isohlwayo esimiselwe ngulo

Ulwabiwo lwemirhumo

21. Yonke imirhumo erhunywe ngokwalo Mthetho, ingabandakanywanga imirhumo 20

ehlawulwe kwisitishi sohlolo esingesiso esobhaliso, kuya kufuneka ukuba ifakwe
kwiNgxowa-mali yeNgeniso yePhondo.

Ulwabiwo lweefayini

22. (1) Yonke imidliwo enikiweyo okanye iimali ezikhutshelwe ibheyile ngaso
nasiphi isikreqo ngokwalo Mthethookanye uMthetho kaZwelonke woThutho 25
eziNdleleni, uya kusetyenziswa ngokweziqendu 6 no-8 zeMithetho yezeMali
noHlengahlengiso lweMali oWomeleziweyo, 1977.
(2) Naziphi na iifayini okanye iimali zebheyili edliweyo ngokwayamene nalo naluphi
na ulwaphulo-mthetho phantsi kwawo nawuphi na umthetho kamasipala, ngokwalo
Mthetho kuya kufuneka ukuba zifakwe kwiziko eligunyazisiweyo nelichatshazelwa 30
nguloo mthetho kamasipala.


23. (1) UMphathiswa unako—

(a) ukunika nabani na ongomnye igunya alinikiweyo ngokwalo Mthetho okanye
phantsi kwalo Mthetho; kwaye 35
(b) unako ukugunyazisa nabani na ongomnye ngelithi angenza nawuphi na
umsebenzi onikwe uMphathiswa ngokwalo Mthetho okanye phantsi kwalo
kananjalo ukukusebenzisa oko kugunyaziswa okanye ukunikela ngelo gunya
ngokuxhomekeke kwimiqathango ayibona njengefanelekileyo. 40
(2) UMphathiswa unako nanini na ukulirhoxisa elo gunya alikhuphileyo okanye elo
gunya anikele ngalo phantsi kwecandelwana (1).

Imimiselo yethutyana

24. Nasiphi na isibhengezo, umqathango, umthetho kamasipala, isaziso, umyalelo,

isithintelo, igunya, utyumbo, imvume, ingcaciso okanye uxwebhu olwenziwe, 45
olukhutshwe, oluwiswe, olubonelelweyo okanye olunikelweyo ndawonye naso nasiphi
na isenzo esenziwe phantsi kwawo nawuphi na umthetho otshitshiswe ngenxa
yoMthetho weSizwe weziThuthi eziHamba ngeNdlela, zonke ezo zinto, ziya
kuthatyathwa njengezenziwe, ezikhutshwe, eziwiswe, ezibonelelwe, ezinikelwe okanye
ezithatyathwe phantsi kommiselo walo Mthetho ohambelana naloo nto (ukuba ukho). 50

Ukutshitshiswa kwemithetho

25. UMthetho weNtshona Koloni weziThuthi eziHamba ngeNdlela (UMthetho 12 ka

1998) uyatshitshiswa ngalo mthetho.

Ukubopheleleka koMbuso

26. Lo Mthetho ubophelela uMbuso kunye naye nabani na ophantsi kwenkonzo 5

yoMbuso. Kambe uMphathiswa unako, ngesaziso esifakwe kwiGazethi yePhondo,
ukuwuxolela uMbuso okanye naliphi na isebe lawo okanye nabani na kwimimiselo yalo
Mthetho, ngokuxhomekeke kwimiqathango enokumiselwa nguMphathiswa.

Isihloko esifutshane nomhla wokusungulwa

27. (1) Lo Mthetho kuthiwa nguMthetho weNtshona Koloni weziThuthi eziHamba 10

ngeNdlela, 2006 kwaye uya kuqalisa ukusebenza ngomhla oya kumiselwa
yiNkulumbuso ngesibhengezo esifakwe kwiGazethi yePhondo.
(2) Kusenokumiselwa imihla eyahlukileyo ngokubhekiselele kwimimiselo
eyahlukeneyo yalo Mthetho, kwaye loo mihla imiselweyo inokwahluka
ngokubhekiselele— 15
(a) kubantu abahlukeneyo, kwimpahla okanye kwiindidi zabantu okanye
zempahla ethuthwa ngesithuthi;
(b) kwiintlobo neendidi zezithuthi ezisetyenziswa ekuthutheni abantu okanye
(c) kubantu okanye kwiindidi zabantu; okanye 20
(d) kwimimandla ekweli Phondo.
(3) Imiba engaphezulu kwesinye ekubhekiswe kuyo kumhlathi (a) ukuya kumhlathi
(d), ngokudibeneyo, yecandelwana (2) inokudityaniswa ukulungiselela elo candelwana.



Indlela yokwazisa uyilo loMthetho oYilwayo weNtshona Koloni wezeNdlela, 2006

ijoliswe ekuveni izimvo zoluntu nokufakela ezo zimvo zifunyenweyo kuMtheho
ogqityiweyo phambi kokuba waziswe kwiPalamente yePhondo. Qaphela ukuba izimvo
ezafunyanwa kwinkqubo yangaphambili yokwazisa uyilo loMtheho oYilwayo
wezeNdlela wePhondo iNtshona Koloni, 2002 (iGazethi yePhondo 5918 yomhla wesi-2
Agasti 2002) zifakelwe kulo mqulu mtsha apho kufanelekileyo. Uyilo loMthetho
oYilwayo wezeNdlela wePhondo iNtshona Koloni, 2006 (uMthetho oYilwayo)
lulungiselelwe ukuhlaziya nokulungelelanisa imiqathango yoMthetho weNtshona
Koloni wezeNdlela, 1998 (Umthetho 12 ka 1998), kananjalo ukwahlangabezana noko
kwenzekayo ngokubhekiselele kwimithetho yesizwe yezendlela.
Umthetho weNtshona Koloni wezeNdlela, 1998 (‘‘uMthetho wePhondo’’)
walungiselelwa ukuba ufundwe noMthetho weSizwe wezeNdlela, 1996 (uMthetho 93
ka 1996) (‘‘uMthetho weSizwe’’) njengenxalenye yeminye imithetho ekuvunyelwene
ngayo yi-MINCOM (Ministerial Committee of Ministers of Transport—ikomiti
yabaphathiswa bezendlela). Ngokweso sivumelwano iphondo ngalinye liya kuwisa
umthetho wephondo wezendlela oza kuxhasa uMthetho weSizwe noza kujongana
nemiba yezendlela echaphazela iphondo.
Kwathi ngaphambi kokuba ukusebenza kwawo nawuphi na kuloo mithetho kube
nokusungulwa, iPalamente yeSizwe yawisa uMthetho wokuChotshelwa kwaMatyala
oLwaphulo-mthetho eziNdleleni, 1998 (uMthetho 46 ka 1998), iAdministration of Road
Traffic Offences Act, 1998 (‘‘uMthetho weAARTO’’) kunye noMthetho
wooKopolotyeni boLawulo lwezeNdlela, 1999 (uMthetho 20 ka 1999), Road Traffic
Management Corporation Act. 1999 (‘‘uMthetho weRTMC’’)). Loo mithetho idala
imfuneko yokuba kuhlonyelwe uMthetho weSizwe.
Emva kokuwiswa koMthetho weAARTO noMthetho weRTMC, kwathatyathwa
isigqibo sokuba kucatshulwe imiba emininzi ephaya kwimithetho yephondo ifakwe
kuMthetho weSizwe. Ngako oko kwawiswa uMthetho-sihlomelo weSizwe wezeNdlela,
1999 (uMthetho 21 ka 1999), INational Road Traffic Amendment Act, mthetho lowo
wawuhlomela laa Mthetho ka 1996 ngokuthi ubandakanye nale miba ilandelayo,
phakathi kweminye, miba leyo ebisakuthatyathwa njengemiba enxulumene nephondo:
— Ukutyunjwa kweziphathamandla zobhaliso
— Ukutyunjwa kwamagosa
— Ukubhaliswa nokugreyidishwa kwamagosa
— Amagunya nemisebenzi yamagosa — Ukubhaliswa nokulayiseniswa
— Ukubhaliswa kwamaziko akhupha iilayisenisi zokuqhuba nokubhaliswa
kwamagosa afundisa ukuqhuba
— Ukubhaliswa kwezitishi zobhaliso
— Amagunya oomasipala okwenza imithetho yoomasipala enxulumene nemicimbi
Ukuhlangabezana naloo mba, yaba ngamacandelo ambalwa oMthetho wephondo
awathi aqaliswa ukusungulwa ngomhla we-14 kuDisemba 2000 (ISibhengezo 118 sika
2000). Imiqathango eseleyo ekungoku nje nekuMthetho weSizwe akusayi kubakho
mfuneko yokuba iqalise ukusetyenziswa kwaye iya kutshitshiswa ngulo Mthetho
uYilwayo. Lo Mthetho uYilwayo ukwalungelelanisa imiqathango yoMthetho
wePhondo ngendlela apha eyakwenza ukuba ibe yinto enye kwaye ukwazisa uhlaziyo
olungephi. Ngamafutshane, lo Mthetho uYilwayo uphinda imithetho yezendlela esele
isebenza, uyilungelelanise ngokunjalo.
IGatya 1 lo Mthetho oYilwayo liqulethe inkcazelo eyimfuneko.
IGatya 2 ligunyazisa oomasipala ngelokuba babe nokuqokelela imirhumo
yokupakisha kwiindawo zokupakisha nakwiirenki nezitandi.
IGatya 3 liqulethe umcimbi onxulumene neentlobo zeendlela xa kutshutshiswa
phantsi koMthetho. Umzekelo, iindlela zithatyathwa njengeendlela zikawonke-wonke
ngaphandle kokuba kungeziwa nobungqina obuphikisana noko.
IGatya 4 nalo ngokufanayo lichaza ukuba xa kutshutshiswa phantsi kwalo Mthetho
umini-sithuthi nguye obe qhuba eso sithuthi de kube kuziwe nobungqina obuphikisana
Phantsi kwegatya 5, abantu abaqhuba umsebenzi wobugosa bezendlela bathatyathwa
njengabantu abatyunjwe ngokufanelekileyo.

IGatya 6 livumela ukuba uMphathiswa wePhondo aqulunqe imigaqo ngokubhekiselele

kwimiba ethile enxulumene neendlela, miba leyo ingabandakanywanga kuMthetho
IGatya 7 ligunyazisa oomasipala ukuba benze imithetho yoomasipala ngokubhekiselele
kwimiba efanayo. Oku kuphinda-phinda oko kuqulethwe kwicandelo 80(a) loMthetho
weSizwe (uMthetho 93 ka 1996) kuba elo candelo lingekaqalisi ukusebenza.
IGatya 8 ligunyazisa oomasipala ekubeni bamisele imirhumo enxulumene naloo
mithetho kamasipala.
NgokweGatya 9 uMphathiswa wePhondo unako ukuqulunqa imigaqo efuna ukuba
abantu babe neerejistara neerekodi ezinxulumene nemiba yezendlela.
IGatya 10 lilungiselela ukubhalwa kweenkcukacha ezithile kwiirekodi nakwiirejistara
ngenjongo yokuba zisetyenziswe njengobungqina kwimicimbi efana neengxoxo
IGatya 11 lona livumela uMphathiswa wePhondo ukuba ayithathele ingqalelo ingcaciso
ekwezo rejistara nakwezo rekodi.
IGatya 12 livumela oomasipala ukuba bawaxolele amagosa ezonyango nabantu
abakhubazekileyo ngokubhekiselele kwimithetho yokumisa izithuthi nokuba abo bantu
babonelelwe ngeendawo ezizodwa zokumisa izithuthi.
NgokweGatya 13 uMphathiswa wePhondo unako ukugunyazisa ukubuyiselwa
kwemirhumo egqithisileyo. IGatya 14 livumela uMphicothi-Jikelele ukuba ahlole
iirekodi zeziphathamandla zobhaliso. Ngokunjalo, phantsi kwecandelo 15
uMphathiswa unako ukugunyazisa ukuhlola ngenjongo yokuqinisekisa ukuzalisekiswa
kwemiqathango yalo Mthetho.
IGatya 16 livumela uMphathiswa wePhondo ukuba agunyazise iziphathamandla
zobhaliso okanye ezinye iziphathamandla ukuba zisebenzise iifom ezahlukileyo kwezo
IGatya 17 livumela ukuba abantu abangakwaziyo ukusayina amagama abo ngeenjongo
zalo Mthetho basebenzise unyatheliso lobhontsi okanye lweminwe.
IGatya 18 limalunga nomcimbi wokukhutshwa kwezaziso phantsi kwalo Mthetho.
IGatya 19 liphathelele kusetyenziso lweelwimi ezintathu zaseburhulumenteni beli
Phondo kwiimpawu zendlela, kwiimpawu zokwalatha nakumagama ezitalato.
Ngokubhekiselele kwiimpawu zokwalatha namagama ezitalato kwizitalato zeziphaluka
kuya kunikwa ingqwalaselo iilwimi ezithandwe luluntu lwalapho. Lo Mthetho
uYilwayo unika uMphathiswa wePhondo igunya lokuqulunqa imigaqo emalunga
nokusetyenziswa kweelwimi kwiintlobo ezithile zeendlela nakwiindlela.
IGatya 20 limisela imiba emalunga nolwaphulo-mthetho kunye nezohlwayo.
IGatya 21 lithi imirhumo ehlawulwe ngokwalo Mthetho kufuneka ifakwe kwiNgxowa-
mali yeNgeniso yePhondo.
IGatya 22 limisela indlela yokwabiwa kweefayini ngokoMthetho weSizwe onxulumene
IGatya 23 liqulethe imiba enxulumene nokunikwa koMphathiswa wePhondo amagunya
IGatya 24 liqulethe imiba yethutyana.
IGatya 25 litshitshisa uMthetho wePhondo.
IGatya 26 lithi lo Mthetho ubophelela uMbuso, kodwa likwathi uMphathiswa
wePhondo unako ukuwuxolela uMbuso okanye naliphi na isebe lawo kwimiqathango
yalo Mthetho.
IGatya 27 liqulethe isihloko esifutshane nokusungulwa kwalo Mthetho.
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