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Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 114 (2022) 105038

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Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

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Application of artificial intelligence for university information system

Pradeep Udupa
Department of Computer Science, Reva University, Bangalore, India


Keywords: We know that Artificial Intelligence is play a major role in a multiplicity of fields ranging from manufacturing
Artificial intelligence industries to sale industries, to customer care in public relations. Chat bots and online Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Word order similarity systems which are already available that help people get answer to their day to day queries. So AI based college
information system were invented that can solve any college related query. This will function as a university
Intelligence machine
data Intelligence machine. Exam, fees, placement information related to university courses are answered by
AI Bot using algorithm. The university enquiry chat bot will be constructed that examines exact enquiries
response by student and answer consequently.

1. Introduction 3. Literature review

Chat bots are system that mimic human interaction using artificial Chabot system which has been built by using Artificial Intelli-
intelligence (AI) (Suprita Das and Ela Kumar, 2018). It is developed to gence algorithms was proposed by Prof. Ram Manoj Sharma (Sharma,
be the as a virtual assistant, helping one to complete work. Chat bot 2019). Understanding user messages and analyses user’s query is ac-
is which is capable to communicate with operators by using natural complished with the help of bot. Modules used in this chatbot are
languages (Anil et al., 2017). The main principle of every Chabot Online Noticeboards, Online chatbot (Sharma, 2019).
is to communicate with a human user (in most cases) (Bala et al., Artificial Intelligence Mark-up Language implemented by Mr. C
2017) via text messages and behave as though it were capable of
Kishor Kumar Reddy, P. Nikhila, G. Jyothi, K. Mounika, and Dr. B V
understanding the conversation and reply to the user properly (Tiwari
Ramana Murthy (Nikhila et al., 2019) to make responded to queries.
et al., 2017). Natural language processing is used by A chat for Machine
AIML is employed to make or customize alicebot that could be a chat-
Learning and human to machine interaction. AI Chat bot requires a
bot application supported ALICE free code (Nikhila et al., 2019). A
huge knowledge base (Bani and Singh, 2017), whereas, a closed domain
chatbot is designed by Ajay Yadav, Vincent Mendonca, Harsh Pawar,
has a more required knowledge base that was implement to get a
specific goal instead of multiple steps to be followed by the customer for Joyce Lemos, Pranav Prabhu (Pawar et al., 2018a), them using knowl-
information processing (Jain, 2019). From a single text user needs can edge in database. The proposed system has Online Enquiry and Online
be understood by Chat bots. What the answers within no time, effortless Chatbot System. The development is done using various programming
experiences are what demands of current generation pupils, university languages by creating a user friendly graphical interface to send and
based questions are primarily answer by Chat Bot (Susanna et al., receive response. It uses pattern matching which is been stored in
2020). First bot analyses user‘s requirements and understand user‘s program it uses SQL for implementing (Pawar et al., 2018a).
message, based on bot knowledge bot provide answers to the queries An artificial chatbot proposed using NLP (Natural Language Pro-
of the students. Interacting with user Students for admission process by cessing) by Sourabh Selote, Nitesh Thakur, Akshay Hiwrale, Abhijeet
allowing students to opt the displayed option for the department and Shinde and Prof. Namrata Mahakalkar (Thakur et al., 2017), first via
then put the queries to the bot about information related to hostel and written text and the second is via verbal or voice communication are
faculty. For an intellectual admission enquiry, fees structure, time-table the two ways used in this in which Written communication is much
of every department scholarship details, for getting details about the easier than the verbal communication. Increasing speed, processing and
attachable documents are handled by chat-bot system. With this chat- understanding virtual human dialogue system is the main agenda of this
bot system student can clear their queries directly in slighter time and paper.
in very simple way (see Figs. 1 and 2).
4. Existing system
2. Problem definition

Building system which helps student to interact with system in order In existing methods most of the chatbot are that are introduced are
to retrieve responses to their all enquiries. static chatbot with fixed set of enquiries and responses (Pawar et al.,

E-mail address: [email protected].

Received 25 May 2022; Accepted 5 June 2022
Available online 4 July 2022
0952-1976/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Udupa Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 114 (2022) 105038

Fig. 1. System overview.

2018b). From the list of given queries according to input options, query
selection needs to be done by the user response given by user chat bot
based on selection (Thomas and Thomas, 2018). There is a no choice to
enter query as per his interest in case user wants to know about other

5. Proposed work

The following modules incorporated by the proposed system:

[A] Online Enquiry: Students can also ask questions related to

placement activities and Students can enquire about query re-
lated to fee structure, academics, exams etc. and facilities and
infrastructures available in university.
[B] Online Chatbot: presenting and showing result can be done in
the form of text format, card format or images. On the basis of
questions asked the query will be answered and the response
media created and the language model built. Users that want
to enquire about the college at the time of admission or any
competition held in the college can query to the chat-bot.
A College Enquiry Chatbot is developed using chatterbot al-
gorithm that is a that makes it easy to generate automated
responses to a user’s input. This makes it easy for developers
to create chat bots and automated conversations with the users. Fig. 2. Working of proposed system.

Some of the chatterbot tasks performed are Present some infor-

mation and taking inputs. The proposed system is an internet
application that provides answers to the queries provided by the
college administrators. Users will put the questions through the remove these stop words or grammatical words like ‘‘is’’, ‘‘the’’ using
chatbot that is used for chatting, questions can be related to
stemming algorithms.
the Enquiry process, course details, eligibility criteria description
and Admission. The answers depend on the user queries. The Step 4: Collect the remaining keywords after step 3.
users do not need to go to the college for enquiry always. The Step 5: Match this final keyword with the keywords in Knowledge
chatbot examines the enquiry and after that responses to the base.
user. The framework answers to the queries of the user as though Step 6: Implement word order similarity algorithm to identify exact
it is replied by the individual
what use ask from given keyword.
The basic algorithm that will be implemented for working of this Step 7: The keywords will be matched with the help of keyword
proposed system is as follows: matching algorithm.
Step 1: Start.
Step 8: AI based chatbot generate a query response for the user.
Step 2: Accept text query from the students or user.
Step 3: The query is pre-processed. E.g. suppose there is this query Step 9: Display response on client window.
‘‘What is the schedule of summer 2022 exam.’’ So, we are going to Step 10: Exit.

P. Udupa Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 114 (2022) 105038

6. Advantages of proposed system Declaration of competing interest

1. Proper time & man-hour utilization. The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
2. No need to visit physically any section or office for query. cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.
7. Limitations
1. The Input query must contains proper key words.
2. If query mis-spelt by user, then not able to provide proper We thank Prof. S.N. Jadhav for their expertise and assistance
response. throughout all aspects of our paper. We would like to show our
gratitude to all the authors mentioned in the references for sharing their
8. Application pearls of knowledge. We are also thankful to all the team members, staff
who directly or indirectly helped us in making this all possible.
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