Presentación Actividades para Niños Infantil Ilustrativo Amarillo y Rosa

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Ximena Acosta and Juan Pablo Garcia
1. Presentation 6. Structures to form the
2. Icebreaker game unreal past
3. Definition unreal past 7. The uses of the unreal
4. Use of the second conditional in past
unreal situation 8. General Rules
5. Use of the third conditional in unreal 9. Kahoot

Possibility game
Unreal past
It is sometimes used to talk about unreal situations, so
although the tense is in the past tense we are usually referring
to the present or the future.
If I was you, I would work harder
Use of the second conditional
in unreal situation
The second conditional is used to make statements about
unreal or imaginary conditions. This means that the condition
has no possibility of happening.
If you loved me back, I could die of happiness.
She may say yes if you asked her to go with you.
Use of the third conditional in
unreal situation
Use the third conditional to talk about a past situation that did
not happen and the imagined results of that situation.
For example:
if I had studied medicine, I would have been a surgeon.
(But you didn't study medicine so you are not a surgeon).
Complete the following sentences
·If I were very rich...
·If my pet could learn to talk...
·If I met a magician...
Structures to form the unreal
In clauses with if A variation on this form is the pattern if
Ex:If men had to undergo pregnancy, there + were + to-infinitive.
would be far fewer children in the world! Ex:If I were to tell you that you've just won $
7 million, what would you say?

after I wish, I'd rather/sooner,I

suppose/imagine and it's time. Again, these
express ideas that are imaginable/desirable, but
contrary to the actual facts.
The uses of the unreal past

We use the unreal in which we wish to distance ourselves

from what we are talking or writing about.
Imaginary situations
Making requests more tentative and distant
General Rules
The verb in a sub-clause is usually in the same tense as the
verb in the main clause.
ex: As soon as i heard my mother’s voice, I knew something
was wrong
If the main clause is in the past, so are the verbs which
follow it even if they are still true now
ex: From our very first meeting, I knew you were the right
person for me
A common wish

Kahoot code:

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